CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Apr 1895, p. 3

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AWi4itI "ad thé wl..1ofthi. ï.àMlM-toey erthe (b.d Ange! and After the. Battle. -'Tics'. la no dini!uiitlou lu the vait nuin- bars tbai assemble frei n nuday ta t$un- &Y a uthe Acadei aut New York ta lile»m te the eloque'nt sermons of Rer. Dr. 7?afleLasu Bandai h.e chose tor bis ýObjocc "Afuer tic Battle," th, tezu select- ad teins I. Samuel xxxi., 8, "And lu cama -le peauaou tie mrrov, viien tie PIillae- "tiaft came 10 suri thme elalu. tint tici -tqud Saul aud bis tbmee sous failen le Mount (libes." Seoneof you ver, nt South Mounta iiior si, or BsJh's Bluff, or Gettysbuirg. ou morthemu or southemu aide, sud 1 sakt yen Ifl ter. la ny addcr iglitisua a bat- t1efield alter the s'us bave stopped diring? 1 wahied acroos the. field of Atietanmat alter the couflict. Te.' cree vasnsesick- itiagh 1s@alli t tdes<'ihc it. Everi mau- hile thins'lbail bocu msiî'ii trotIi.ebodies Ot the deuil, for ilere uien a;vuvttuirea boverius' ver .'uîd srtiiiil abt u aiy, ad tiey pick ii.ti the tci.s anndithei mÉmorandum boks, sultie letters. aui the. daguerreetypea, sud the' bats and tic enta. applylus tin toe ur civil tises. The mate no resiatance. Sa tier. me alvays camp follovers golug on sudt 1' alter au army, asuvieuu Scott veut dovu isto Mexilco, as vies Napobcon marciud up toward Moscowv, usn vien V'on Motke vect tu Sedan. Thure is a similar scene liMrtexu. Where Saul Lay »ead. Bonuland bis army bod beau borbly cut te plees. Meunt Gihioa vas ghantil vith the dead. Ou the marav he tsres'- «lers cane ou tote field, sud uioy lifte&L the lacet of the belmet tram n uder the "hinof the dad, sud *heiiCked ni)thtei S os'ds and ticnt tien ou uder kmue te test tetemper et tic metal. sud tici opened th walietsansd couuted the coin. Seul kydead sIens' the ground, elgit or nin, teet In leagtb, sud 1 suppose tic covard- Ir Pbhiisines. te show ticîr bravery, lelpel upon tie truni of his carcass and Jeered eSthue fallen sishu -and vhistled tbreugli the meti et bis heimet. Befome aigu thoe.cormorants bitd takea every- tuas' valuabie trois the. lleld "Andil ae to poe on the. morrov, viien tlie PbIllItns came toetarip ithe laîn, ubat tly ound Saut snd bis tiresosnsfallea nusoitGilbea." Before I ge thraugb ta-dy!1 viii shov ye" ubsu ithesaine procesa lanscoins' ou aIl the vold aven sud cvery day, sud tint vii.. men have fallen Baiaa sud tic vorid, se tar frem inptîlus' ibeinor helpins' lien, go ta vomi r.nomaelesali ta taie whet ittie theme lelftt ti impping the. There are tenu et tioneauda of Joubs' amsevery Jour comins' traiiithecounry te eur great cule., Tley coin. viii brave heartsasnd grand expectathous. Tiie «eunry lads ait davu lu the village gre- eomy, vîth tiîr fret ou tic tron rad areud lhe rediiot stovre la the evenins', tMhilg over ithe prospects ef thc Jouas' mm vbo bas gene off tu the ciy. Tvo er lae et uhoin thli ubtat perbapelha $y get &long' very wel! sud succeed, but the mont et thein prapiesi falur. for lu in veri bard te thini tliat ibos. viien we g . ev lu b.yboad vilii ver maie any "at scceus lunubthe rd, * The flatile et Terniptatios. But aur youus' ins has a fiue position ha a dry gondasatome. Tii. mot inl over. Res s'ls bis vagesRe la not uccutained te bave se mach mouey beionglug ta him- self. Be la s little exclus.! sud do.s net mev rexsctiy viat t do vitbitluasd lbu spenaeit lu uome places s-ber. lie ougit sou. Soon tiere couic up nev companions and acquaitauces tram tic barrooma sud the saloons et tie city. Soon that ycîung man, begina te vaver in the battle et temptation, andl seonhils seul go"sdovu. la a tew mentis or few Jeara li. bas talles. Hinlamorally desd. H. ila smer. eop.etf iat be onc'e vas. Tii. hnrpies of sin anuff up tie inint sud coin. on tic field. Hie garients graduaiiy give ont. He bas pavned bis vntcb. His beat inl taililus'hlm. His creit periaies. His tee poor to stay lu tic clty, and bl te o uilite? Oi, ne: I viii tell j-cii vy tiej' sa;tiiey aePiitnsttipn h elain. Do net l(k viere 1 pint, but yonder stsnds a mue vhîo once had n benutifuil home in ibis city.Hias ions.liaitelegnt tumuitume. bis hidren ver. bcautifully etad, i naine vas synoîylueus viii icit- -or sud useftnlii'ss, but cvii habit inccked nt suhisfront door. inocied eaihils lunc door, ino?.ed tbils parier door. knocked subis bedroooin1c. Wicre laibe piano? Sold to psy ithe ent. Wiere la tIhe bat rack? Sold le meet tie butcier's bill. Wbere aire tic cupts? Sold te ger bresui. Wiere lu thcemardrabe? SoId ta get runn. Wiere are tic danglitema' Woring tudr ingera off le trylus' te keep the. fauîlly tagetier. Woe ntI wr.. until everjthiig la s'eue. Who ta r- that seing' up tic front steps of tint honse? That la a creditor, iepiug te ied soenchair or bcd tiat ibanet been levled upan. nho aetiosu Ivo gentle- men nov goingui1p the front @teps? Tii. one la s constable. the otier la the. sieniff. Wiy de they go ibere? The nuoritunate la morsil>' dënd, seciali dead, inanciali dad. Wby do ti.y go theme? I miili tel yotî viy the crediiers, sud tie constables. aud tie sieniffa go tbere. Thcy arc sonie on tili o- u--nft su» sei.-o__e mwsalrï peik Ua'W nbems a fasaW mi*sh an sud ast bae Nw M te ti me for yen te go tu that mmsansd ton bÏM ofthtei omnipotent gase. of (lad- that la stuficient for »y.por »oul.. 1New la the. tims to go to tell hlm boy »eecuin Jolin Buoyan, tiirough ithe grae etf lad, sfterwsrd came ta tii. oelestial cty. Now la the tino te go ta tint minuasd tell hlm boy prolligate Newton came, thraugb con- version, taolb. a venld reîîowned preaclier of rigiiteouanesa. Nov sa the ie ta tell tbat minutiot multitudes vie bave been pouuded wltbnI tl iait« oofasi nnd drsg- gcd tbrongb nil the. acycra ofîpolution at lent bave riscu ta ipositive dominion ef mioral power. Yen do not tel bim tîat, do you? No. Yen Bay t n:"ei yonimoee NO. You are down. Yeîî vili have te go te the. doge. Lend yoîi a dollar? l'-'ould net tend yen 1v cents te keep rou tram the galows. Yen pre debauceid. (jct ont ef My sigit now. Dowu. Ton viii have te stoy dovu." And tbutiuose bmuiseil snd bttertd mmen are soinetîmps necomted by tiiese wlîo oigit te lif t tiiemt upî. Titis tie tat vestige cf bejie la tmien train inî. Thons tues.' -wliîotigit te go sud lft nud éave tiieni are gîiilty of strippinîg tie sinin. Thi eit i wuit te maie lnaibis: Bill In baril, cruel nuit nierciic.ia. lustend of lillii; 5 alunent>it luliellis lini dcvi. andl mien. lii. t$-l undl bis ceiîadea. You lie onî the.tivid. it miii .oin îd sMentîl otr avor.l 1i1.! lielliiet lin] slîield, tua viîîg 'en tu the juckaI andl croit. ieten's Wamk. Buît tie w cr1,1anîd satnu do net do ail tuer work viii the anitidsi sud abandon- M. A respectable luipenitent Mauicrimes, te die'. H.elinfIat on bis bock. H. conld net get up If tii. liuse wos ou fire. Adroit- est medical ikili and gentlest nursing bave been a tellure. He bas coin, ta bis tat boum. Wiiat duas satan do for sucii a in? Why, h.e fetchea np ail the inapt, dixagrepable sud iisrreîving tlilugs lu bis lfe. lie soya: "Do you reuine4r tb<îse chances ion huitfer buaven sXd lmisaed ibein? De yeu remecuber *Il iliose lupaca lu coliduet? De yen memember ail thoac opproffroi'is verdisud uiiougbtsansd ne- tions? De't renîciner tbein, eh? 1'il make yen remember thei." And tien lie tokes ail tbej peut and empties it ou tbat deatbbed, ns lhe mailibe are emp- lied on the. pont office fIoer. Theima inl sick. lHe conuat gui avay train ubcin. -Tienube min saystesatan: "Yen bave derevcd nie. You toid me ihat ail wouid b. wcll. Yen said ther. vould i. ne trouble sutithe -last. Yeni told me if 1 did go snd seno uvouid do go sud no. Nov yen corner me. sud lieds'.me np. sud submerge me lu everytbius' evil." "11a, ha!" sys satan. "L vas ouly fool- lus' yon. hitl in irtti for me to ace you sufer. 1 ibave been for thrty yeara piat- tins' te get yen jusi -here yau are. It in liard for yen nov. hitvili b. verse for yeu atter awvile. It pis me. Lie stli, air. Don't fiincii or abudder. Came, nov, 1 vhll tear off frein yen tic lent ras' of expectsuion. 1 vili rend aasy train your seul the. lant hope. I vii leave yen bare forthe ýeatting etftth. gtoria. hi la my business te strip the. siain." White non are lu rebut bealth, sud ibeir digestion is geod, aud their nerven are strong, uiiey thini uder pbysical strenguli vill get ticin sately uraugi ithe test exigescy. Tbiey say Ih la only covard- ly vomen via are afraid ai the lent and cri oui for God. *'Wat tiI I1 corne to d1é. 1 l! aUliowion. Yen von't hear me pray, normcli fer a miniater, uer vaut n ebapier read me frein the Bible." But stier the.minu bas been tbree weeke la a ic rueon bis nerves are not se stesili, aud hbis worldly compsnlana are net any- viiere rieur te cimier hlmni p, sudlieienl persusded ubat bie muai quît lutc. Ris physical courage in ail gene. Ton Laite. H. jumpasnt the. fait et a teaspoon lu s saucer. Ha shivera et the. idca of gains' uway. Hc aya: "Wife. I dou't thini uiy inid.lity is geins' ta taie mc thraugi. Far Godas sak.. don't brins' up the childreu te do as I bave donc. If ion t..lli1k, h,, 1 wish yen mould rend a verse or two ont of Fanui's Sabti achoal hymnubook or New Testament." But stan breaks lu aud gaya: "Yen have always uongit re- ligion trassiiasd a lic. Do't give up et th leni. Besides tiat yen coabat, in the hour yen bave ta live. get off on ubat track. ][)l as.yen llved. Witii mi great black wings I abat ont uhat ligbt. Dle lu darkucas. I rend svay frain yen tiat hast vestige of hope. It in mi business te aîrip tic sain." A man wbo lid rjected Cbrisianîîy and tbougbt lu ail tash came to die. He ivas linitheaveai of a great agouY, sud bis vife sald, "W'.ladt betier bave soin. prayer." "MarY, net s breatb efthuat,"1 ie. said. "Tbe ligbtest word ef prayer would roil back on me lii. rocks ou a drowning mn. 1 have come tu tie boum of test. 1I md n chance, but I farfeited it. 1 bel leved ini a lier, sud left nie in tic îurch. Mary. briug me Tom Paine, uhat book that I sworc by sud lived by. snd pitcb it into the ire, aud ici t hum u d baro ns I mYscif shallsooni bîtrn." And thien. witii tic fonni on bis ip snd lbts baude tossing wmildiy in the. air, b.e cred oui: "Bîscinens of darkncaa! Ohi, my God, toc late!" And the. spirits cf darkness wbintled up tram tic dcptb sud vieh.d aronnd sud srouud hum, stripping the sail. Sin inas luxury nov. Itin. exhlirtlon uuw. Itilavîctery nov. But aterawhiile h lu collision, hti ldetent. h ia extcm- mnation. la inciatisni.Ihi larobbins' tic dend. htisl stripping' tic sisin. Give It up to-da-give it up. Oh, boy you bave heen cbeated ou, my brother, tram oue thins' te anotber! Ail ubese ycara yen have been under au cdil maatcmy uhat îou nnderatoed net, What bave Jour companiens donc for yen? What banvc they doue for yonr lbealth? Neariy min- KiaYave q!Ig eut,-*Irdiit I, ulai-q4 amit» "on- viat bu -- "ld Bey brotlk4s? Br viat veapon? 7TMoI- iut.d l maalatlon," saîsone ma. "la- texteatlag lîquor," amye 1another uma. -My owirhlard heart," amys sother ma Do yen realize tis? Then 1 coin. te tell you tliat the omaniptent Christ W~ rea*ly to waik across ibis battielield and reI'm and reausctate and reaurreci your dead soui. Let him take your baudd u b away tbe uumbneus; your head and bath* off the. achiug; your heari aud stop its îvild tbrob. Hie brouglit Lazarus ta ife; bc brought Jafrus' daugliter teoIlle; b. bronght the. Young man of Nain to lite, and tiieme arc tbre. proota anyhow fthnt bu eau brlug Yeni to lite. Wben th i iîstines camne dowu ou th feld, they stepped beiveen the. .orpfcs, anud they rolied over the. dead, and tliey tuok uway e'rerytblng that vas vainable, and se h -va witlite people that -loilowv- cd ater the armies et Chancellorevllle, arnd ut Pittâburg Laudlng. and ai Stoe River, sud ai Atlanta, srlpping the. alalu, but the Nortiieru sud Soutiieru van- God bleus tiiem !-csme ounithe field witb basins aud padeansd io*eis and lini sud cordiîs anud Christiansecuoragement, sud the poor feiiows uliat lsy tiiere lii ted op their arma and said, "Ob. bow piod tlint doua We1 mince you dressed it!" and otiier» looked op sud muid, "Ob, bowyoju wake mu tbuîîk of my motber!" and others said, "Tt.Il ithe folis nt home I died tbuîîk- leg about thein," sud suotiier iooked up and said, *"Misa, n o't you siug uic a verse of 'Home, Sweet Home,' betore 1 dl.-?" Aud tiien the. tattoo waa sounded, aud the bats ver. off, sud the service vas read, "I amn tbe resurreetion aud thc 11e," sud lu bonor oftheticdpartcd the muak,'ta were londed and thu commaud given: "Preseunt! lPire!" And tiiere vas a sîingle set up nt the. lieux] of the grave,viiith ch epitapii of "Lieutenant - lu thc Fourteentb Mas- sachuacits regular8," or "*Cuptaiu - in thc Fifteentlî regimnt ot Soti Carolîna valunteers." And lsa nov acrose tuia great field of moral and spiritual battle thc angela of God coame walkiug ameug te sai, sud tuere are voicea of coinfurt, sud voltes ef bope, aud voltes of rcaurrec- tien, sud volces of besycu. A Dilemme. One ulgit 1 saw a tragedy ounithe corner of Broadwvay sud Houston atreet A young in, evideutly doubting as te vblcb direction lie bad better take, bis hat 1f ted bigb enongi no ftint yeu could sec lie bad an intelligent forebeud, toUt chesi; b. had a robuat developient. Splendid Young in. Cultnred Youug minu. Houored younugmau. Why dld b.stop iherewii, go msny w~ere going up aud dovu? Tiie fact l in t.every minuhas a good auge] sud a bad augel contendiug for tbe mn- tery of i spirt, sud tuer. vas a gond angel and a badl angel strnggling viii tint Young man'@ seul ai the. corner of Broadway sud Houstou strtt "Coin. viii me," ssid the. good ange]. I will take yen bain.. I will spread my wiugs over your pillov. 1 vii l o'ingly escort you ail tiirough lite under superuat- umil protection. 1 vili biens every cup yon drink oui of, .very coucb yotf et on, ev- ery doorivsy yen enter. 1 viii consecrate Yonir tears viien you veep, yonr sweat wien you toll, sud st lest 1 viii band over Yonr grave luto the. baud of the bright autel of a Christian rmasrretlon. Iu anaver to yonr fatiier'a pethtion sud your motiier'a prayer 1 have been sent ot tie Lord out of beaven ta b. your guar- dieu spirit. Coin. vitb me," sald the. good sugel ln a veice of uueartlily syin- pbuny. h vas music lik. thatî,wbicb drapa frein a lute of beaven viien a serapb breathes ou ht. "No, no," saidtdhei. ad angel. "Camne iitb me. 1 bave morne- thing btter te offer. Tii. iines I pour are frein ebaticea ef bewitcbiug carousal. Tii. dan.'. I lead la over floor tesgellated withunureatrained indulgences. Tiiere in ine God ta frown on the temples of @in wiiere I worship. Tii. skies are Italian. Tii. patbs 1 trend are ubrougb incadova, daisied and priuiroaed. Coin. witb me." The young minuhesitated aia t ue viien hesîtation vas muin, sud tic bsd sugel sinot. thec good augel until it departed, speading vings througb ithe tarlight upvard sud away nutil a door dlasbcd open lu the. aky, sud forevar the. wlngs vauisbed. Tbat wss the turniug point in tbat youas' man's bistary, for, the. good sugel had dlovu, be besltated na langer, but started on a pstbway wiicb la beauti- fui ut the. openhus', but blasted et the. asu. Effect o e boice. Tic bad ange],l, erdins' lie way, epeced s'ai. afiers'aie, sud nt cacb s'atc itherond became rougier sud tie aky more lurid, sud wbat vas peculiar se tic gate alan- med shut lu came le miii a jar that mndi- cated tibsi h wouhd neyer open. Pasî.d esci portai, tiere munss agrindîns' et hcia sud s siovins' ot boîta,ancd the acencry en etier aide of tie rond cbanged frein gardens ta deserta. sud tic Juge air be- came a cuttins' Duceunler hinat, sud lte brigit vinga efthle bad angel turcd to sackcloti. sud theecyea ef ligit became hohlev mu-lui opeicsgrief, aud tie tenu- uinasi ai uthc at an d osaed mu-îh vine poured forth hbhliug teara anC foane blood, sud on the igit aide of lie rond ibere vas a serpent, sud the min ssid te 1h. bsd angel, "Wiat la liai er- peut?" snd'tii, anaver vus, "Tiatlaistlb serpent o! stingites'remerse." Ou tb. left aide o! the rend there vas a lion, sud the inuasked thc isd angel, "Whaî la tbat lieu?" sud lie ansver uas, "TiatleIsthe. lion o! aIl deveurîug despui." A vuiture fev timougi tic sky, sud the in sukcd tic bad augel, "W'hat la uisi vuiture?" sud the asaer musa, "Tiai ls the vutur. mating for the carcasses ot tic sînin." And tien tie mac began te iry to pull off hlm ithe folda o!facinethilus' hat bsd waund unm round anti round, sud be aid te tie bad angel, "IVint lu lutiat tmu'sîs me ilu tus awfuîî convuilsion?" aud the ansiven mas, "Tint is the mvrtÎint neyer dies." Auud thieiitheumnu@Md 10 the bad ange]: "NViat dosa al ibis menu? 1 trmited iii mîaie oîu said nt tiec .'anerat Broadway sud Henstanjireet. I imnted lu ahi, sud vii have ion tuuadecelved me?" Then tie hast deception t,!! off tue charmer, sud il said:- "I vas gent forth tram lihe pi te odestroy Your seni, 1 valcied my chance fer iasuy a long year. Wien you liesiaied tuai nigit on Broad- way, I gsined mi trIumph. Nov Joui are bere.. la, ha! TYon are ber,. Coin,, nov, Ici ns IIibtese tva cialies etflire and drink togouber te darnesa sud 'vo, sud deati, Hall! ball!" Ohb, youn in, vIl! ithegood angel veut fertb i,, Chist or the badl sugel seat fortu b>' sin get tue victani aven yonr seont-% Thih vins" are interlocke t Iis mnOêlit sJva yot4 contendilus'fon your dudtay, as bora thc Apeannsueand ctdor tagbt ia4 miaby blsîa dcl o iii' i rAtii OCCURRENCES DURING THE! PAS'r WEEK. Joliet Peientimry t0 Be Examlued b>' the $Ste Bactermlagiat-Rocii- ford Maiyor.11y Election te Be Car- iiules'he cCourts,6 Prison Pull o! Microbes. lresponse ta un appeal traint Wardea Allen sud Prison Physician Cusings, Gov. Alts'eîd bau erdent'd thc Stat, bacienholo- Clet tram tie niveraiîy ai Champalgu ta luvestigate tieco,ndition of tie peuh. teutamy lun.Joliet. Dr. Cusahing' auserta tuai thie MeI bouseu are fliied viii thie gemsetofdesti, wvici are dohus' their vomi slevly but aurely. bleu via enter the. prison la rainai bealti are semetlme. wihie a fcw mentis reduced te enmaciat- ed formuemith pallid faces sud lîstiess eiepe. Coîîsumptien fastens upon thein, sud if they Yenvc tic prison alive tie>' are physical ivrecia. Tii. vomn's de- partnt l ini thethird @tory etfilh. main building, and ibis depantuitutinasenreek- lus' viti dlaesse. Son.eofthte vomen neyer vali on tie ground excelut ou tic l'enui th fJuli. It ha ubouigit uhat if $100,000 eau b. appnepristed hi tbe pres- eut IegiBlature te buihd a uev cell bouse for the women convicis and $25,000 to enî- large angfitprove tic bempital ail eft tus diflcî'ity mviii b.e bvîsted. Mr. Huichls. WIII Content. Tic supporters et Amusa Huicuins, candidate for Mayor of Rocitord, wio v as defated b? 55 votes by E. W. Brovu, viii demaud a recon, sud proceediega te bries' tua about vihI b. begue. Chuarges of illegai voulus' have been made uluce ehection, sud a recount vil! not ouli b. dciuanded on the majoralty question, but lu the aldermaule couteat lu the Fifth sud Seveuui WardeaaIse. AId. Craveli lu the F'ifth vas eîected by a msjority a! 6, Brown sud 'Mutebius bavins' a tic (402 caci) lu uhai yard, wvile AId. Beau- sec lu tic Seventi vas elected hi a ina- jority et 5. Boti aldertusule apponents demand s recouint. Tii. matter o! tbe msyerally ean only b. settled lu the courts, as Mayer Brown vas installeI Monday nigit by the Council. Mayor lintciins personnli couceded'iu defeat, but bis supperters are dceemined on a recon. Record of the Week. Tic peut office ai W'nlden wai robbcd et $126 le etampi. Tihestle vas vreck- cd hi dynamite. Clark D. Trasi, vîce-presideut oethti Richelieun blo! Cicago, bas leaaed the Windsor liotel a! Bioomiegtou. BirnsLavoir vus arrestedes u ncy fer robbles'bis brotier, Dm. W. H. La.- voir, afier bis destb, et jevelry vorti Charles Linci limed severai abots st Sain Griffu liithepublic square su Okav- ville. Noue toik effect. The. abootins' vas the meaui t faquarrol. Evergneen Park, s Chicagosuunrh, lisd an election Ssiurdsy, sud eue faction atopped a funcrai procession sud induceu ninetecu mourneni te vote. Ticy ivon, ue. Edward aPeteseu, ,20 ymrus et sge, andi son et on. of tiecmnt pramnnt citizens ln Rocitord, committed suicide eit ac- count et unrequlted love by taius poison aud tien abootins' lilmaît. Herbent Woods set lire te tirrep bana ai Yeonille, wvici vere totaily destnoy- ed. Oue born. perisicd lu the. lames. Woods was ainîcat killed bhi iufurintcd citizens before bu n-as rescued hi tie police. Charles A. C'oie. alias Alber t as'gan, iras anrested at M'nllker Station. He la vsuted ou a charge o! rabbins' a wealhy stock dealer uîamed Elkina at Tunnicll llitnIameh S. andlof rabbins' thc peut Bloomfieldl, Johnson C. .uuty. Cciigremaian Finis E. Dowling lina Just rctunend freint a tetur a! the Sixteenti district, euipietins' the takins' ef evldeîîcu lu tic weil-inove Ilinuaier-Domvning ee- gressionai content. He claima a net gain o! 160O votes. Hua officiai msjoriuy Isu Novumber vas 40) voues. Tic bonded debu cf ithe city ot New York le more than liveuimes su grenu as tintftet ciy cf Cicago. In 189.1 the demi of the former city vas $100.712, 407.51 aud thnt of the city of Ciiengo mm-s $18,431,450). The. ussesaed valnatioti cf Nei' York property for ftint ycur ivas $1,933,518,520 iii.] tint oethti city of Chicago $245,790.359. Gov- Altgeld issucd1 a proclamntion cingixg the !îoîndnnies et tie State lien- ltenti,,ry ln ordt-r te regelai. thc nain- ber o!ft-ouvicts sent te ithe pensl institu- tions ini proportion te uder capacitj- aud thec preseni nuuiher et innintea. TIhe cbanîge nmade by the Govemeor plaices uix- ty-tmo counies i.u thc Sontheru District nnd fty counes iluthe Nortuberu Dis- trict. TIhe stoeibolders efthue Peoria Trot- tinîgand. Agricuituruti Society eiecied di- mettors, ant illibegin nexu îîîcuth oit tic construction of a mile iraci un ithe Allaume farci untr the.citj-. it ilI b. tbe lirai mil u ck cm-cm couatructed lut Peonin, and nlri-adyuarrangeentsarc beixîs' uade for a tbig meeting theîre titis tail. h"oriy iliaîiaîd dolilars mviii i. expended on the- lmproi-euîeuts. Theuesaîtlonl Prom-ina divorce vase ai Ottawmun cdut in the ('ircuit Court lit a dî'crec for Mrs. P'rovinîs, Dr. P'rovins inviuîg miiidcrtmii liii crosbillsud ne- fuains' te iukahe uefeuse. Dr. Prom-ins, mub noee ftheliiiniist uddely kuîom- pbysici,îîîs inliat s,'ctiou of tie SuaI.', hefi bomne on <'lmi-.tina dnj', afler luis wutc Iind uiiniost frai-Itured !ls sitîli, goits to Chicngîilfoir moinei.' mîci. iirs. 1'rov- lus then tiilîa biill tir ivo -rce, nccutaing hum o! il I i ii-r oif ni ladecds, clicfly et acta ef vioieuiîe. Vîiin is reiun uhe liled tn Wh li s0vsose 3rear la pris» fer grand lareuy. hit lassserted that Dr. Bor Wllcax. vii, mysterlonsjy dlsappeged f reuxElgln, bonght a ticket for Oih... ne wus oon tu mariy a St. Louis tirl. Tihe elecilon contest case at Qnlncy hias been dropped by the Republlcans. The tlghi was beiveen Guo Roth, Deame- crat, the. present sheriff, sud James Rob- bins, Republican candidate for the. office. Posae Hammoud, a well-known yomig man of Leroy, bas been mysteriousiy miss- ing for nearly two veeki, and bis famliy belle,. h. han been murdered. He had a large subi of mouey viien lie ient away. Seventeen miles of.tii. Hetinepîn canal ie nov ready for une. The. portion of the. canal completed lap»t fait vas pnblicly opeaed Wednesdayaftk.noon by Csptaiii MariasN ehiet of engineers, in ithe pres- ence of 2W0 business men f rom Daven- port, Rock Island and Moline. Tii. par- ty vas taken to the. lover lok by the. steamer W. J. Young sud frein there vas taken to a point neveu miles froin the mouth of thie canal by tbe Loue Star, and barge. Tiie lock4 work p.rfectly and vill noua bc used regularly for barges brlng lus coal tram theii.rch fields pierced by the. campleted section of the. canal. At Vaudalsa, Louis Sturgeon, 18, @hiot himecf snd la nov In a critical condition. Sturgeon bad been paying attentions ta Miss Plulipe, tth. pretty daugliter of the. lie,. Mr. Pbuliips, snd the. yonng couple iiad declded ta marry. Tii. parents of the. yonng in opposed. Sturgeon called ou Miss Philipsansd tsiked the. matter *ver viii ber. Tliey declded ta dlope. Then Sturgeon said his fauiier would neyer forgive hlna, aud siarted to leave the bouse, saying he dld flot care to lve. Miss Phullipe trled ta encourage hlm, viien he drew the weapon troin bis pocket sud, turnins' to ber, @aid: *"I shal end this trouble rigit lier.," aud fired the. ahot. Accordins' te the tomm fe! iiiviio! the iste Auton C. Heaits', of Chicago, vilci vas pobated receuuly, ail tue propety of the. deccased is be<ueai.d teu bs sou Washington. Thie petition for haets sets np tiat the propert>' lefti k i"e-deeaed ha vorthi$M7.000, $225,000 ot vblch la lu persenal properly and $150,000 la ln read estate. Tbe vîll pravidea that Waali- lngton Besings ail receive only thInlu com, o! lhe estate, the atter beins' left In trust vith Charles F. Phetscb and Wiliam H. Le., et Evanalon. Tii. lu- camse la net anbject tu liahility for debta, sud upon Mr. Heslns"s deati &as! go te bis vito, Henetta C. lu relation te ithe stock o! thicnholis als Zeltuns' t la providcd tiat tue truste«s asl vote il under the advlce sud direction efthte son. A seions sud eompllcated probien lu hrougiit ta itheattention a! tue Seusis hi Senator Saloîaou'u coninit.. for investi- gaulus' dopàrtient store.. Tiie-cope o! the. power et a legislaulve cbsmbem te compel viness te lestity regardîns'pri- vate affaira hn the question atIissue. Frank H. Cooper, of SiegelI, Cooper & Ca., sc- companieti hi bis attorney, appeared lu the Scusato on s warrant ciarglns' un viih efusîns' te aisvem questions put ta Mom hy the. committe. Senalor Salomon, fer the. columittre, asked liat Mr. Cooper b. matie to asavr the questions or b. puisbed for contempu. B.natoi Crav- tord thlighue copmlttee vas prylus' lint. private affaIra, lsd tint attelaptins' ta force Mr. Cooper te lestit>' on tue poe ls v yod vould ltend ta brinu; th Sesiate Ilao coutempt' 14. fanted the malter etes'red te s hody oh aw>'sss for decisioli, sud moved te voter theviiole question te the Judîcinry Commte.. This vas carnled iy s vote o! 27 la 20. Represeutauive Schiubert, or Cook, bas lu bis possession a petition au the suiject of convict labor viicb b. in alnîg for s favorable oppotunlty to presenu. It deciarea it te b. the general mvsb et or- Raeîzed labor sud mnufacturera et the Stnue o! Illinois unit no more meney be approprisled for ithe punciase oa! lv edorucwmschiuer fotoneuspensiteuularies of tie State. The experlence of the hastI ivo ycara bas abovu tuissâvile tue pro- duclus' paver o! tue conviethina heen iucm.ased, hi bnpraved facili4 ,the ap- propriations nike for are langer tisu ever. The seasen for thi a lutie 1ev price. ton gooda made in tue prison. hithla si tiat ai portions e! appropriation bis givins' power te prison comnisalouers te pnrcliase ccv or huîpraved machiner>' b. siriccu ou. The petition le signed by W'. R. Omsdy, preident et tic Chicage Tram!. sud Labon Assembly-~ Waler M. Gremcs. secretari, sud John J. McGrati, <-airman et tic legisaive committee o! the sanme body; Thomas J. Eldenilu, vice- tîreaident oethte Amenican î'cderatlon et Laher; William C. Pomeray, organiser for Ilois, sud Charles J. Rieder, presi- (let ftic Illinoi State Federation et Lahor. The tiirtcetih iennial report ef tie Siste Board ot Public Charhties bais becu laid beforu the Govemnor. lu covers the twove yars cudins' Oct. 31, 1894. Regard- iîîs tbe wvenins', of the new lusnncy lsmv the repert aya: "Tii. nesultu bave heen ressouahly satisfactory. Tii. number e! pensons deelarcd icnne frein Juhy 1, 1893, te Dec. 21, 18N-, vas 2,161. 0f tics. 1,823 ver. comnîitted by juriezansd =2 b>' boards o! medical commisalonors, Neuli baIt thenunmbr-060-vere r.- porued fnîti Cook Couuty, ail eommitied iiy tice ld jury systeil"Tii. necî'îsiiyé ot anotier bospital for ithe insane itei strongl>' urgcd. Tic touir institutionus nov iu existence uccoimodaste 5,000 pa-c tients, wble fîily 2,0004 more, tie reportt saays. are scattered ubraugiiont thilSat.1 Au institution bavins' s capacht>' o! 1,0001 heda ian ecommcnded. Au nsylnm for s tic cuire cf epilepticu la recemmeîîded.t Tiie'report tates th.rc arc S.000of ibis i ciasot uifortuuîatea lun theSuai.Theia meanits oethticInvestIgation et cotnyil ninîshousesarue given lunîlîtail. A nin- i hem et cases arc retiorted lunmhicb inanne patiente are poorly caret! fer lii the ticor- bouses. ,lunCrawford, DuiPal'as'nsd chierr coutes insaneptiletsvûeufoiud hock.1 ed up lu uder ceils ie Déccenber and Jau-i uarn ithuion uy ire. Tii. e cassareV cied mel us cxaiîifflcs o e i. nuttt are tound tiroughoiîitich Stase. Tii.ressaisetfPruf. William 'McAd- ams, the venenable geologist undl uurcilie- olegist, vere tound hy a scarcbins' part>' on the yacht Olnd Tidînga luin he rivert ai Engle's Nest Islaud, ten miles ahovo k Aiton. Tii. rerovery m'as due ta the nc- ( tiens ofthme protessor's des'. mhiei vas Ji tounud autithe dge entithe vater mbrc the dravulus' occurred. Il badl nemsleed ter. apparently for tire. dasansd nls'bis. il The. drovunlu saupposed te b. dise te an auiempi by the professer te nocover hls mil! boat atter lbasti dlted trucs thé abore. Tii. semni were lahea tu Ot..s'- '.1 Au IMPaIt Raeomuet a* te, Our Lawa-iuu.v bmIl** 0uied Darios the PaiVuWw . In ti. Senate Weda.aday &duwA vam ndohate ever SntrLi aV amndins' the, anti-trust 1wv W combintustluby persons aga production of artles lb.the cet cousus umaily of vagea. XI WIW thaitith. bill vas an effort (W' ant.trugt la la in.ha tereot et fLb.- parautions. Senstor Pailiey amendînent providins' uhat vew *h of coal vas maised by scii a hait oethile additIons! anounat' dlvded viti the miner% asud fine et tram $5,000 ta $0.00 laulon of the. Provision. À Aý surIke eut the. enactins' clause VUS ed by s vote of 15 ta 2&. etftth. maties' vastieu postjîemsd lOp w'ek, , vh iPalidey's smendufflï 9 Boti lbons«a adopt.d b>'nsl uw.y reseluions e«Pressing sermov 4* deauli et James W. ScOtt, vieji luumodnced lu tih. Houa. by BgeaW tive Mmmhtt0f ganon. Ina the arhitratîeu bill vas calli.d ab lit Brysn as a speclal eider on tbkd lus', lu vas Passed vîti thi.euan clause, tuer. halas' 110 vote f«. non, against t l. Tiem vas nm"~ llameatamy uparmins' over the vu ois us - baIl rPrtcd hi itheAppmoj.iatle.Om ilt..maias'th, salaries of ab lui spectera payable hi tees ievlsd -sbm Mine opematiee lisiead Of the 04i&i d at present. Tic lli as defte. 1W vote ef 52 yens te 72 usys. ' The Seau. veut nto execntivs samale afier rending the. journal Tiurwds4' uemi lus' and eonfimed a number of appowe- menti. Tii. McKIniay-Wiisoa cea vas ended hei.soatîng ofet XmeElhs Senator Litiler'a revenue bin w» a spa.. clal %der. Aàniaber eof sç~5e4 menus ver. adopted. $enstor DUaimpigl ameudmeut pratidîns' liaitithe proaÏ Sisie Board et Equalisatiens sieul af b. Prevented tram compleulus' lhe i' for vie!. it vas elfeted vas adaipte&. la the lieuse 31m. Needles maved tu raeos,- aider the vote b hi bclithe maiu dîon bil! fsiled tea ps. The motlad p«. vailed sud the bill vas made a ugelalet'. de. Mm, (lade'. bih! amenduin M@aie. ltion law, pret-idias' amoag oJ0 ' that contesta between caadlqýloï zdti saie Party' *hall b. settied bythtk Central Committee of thbt Pary*aa vanced te timd eadîns'. The ~!li*l Cemmittreebill vas advaaeed'to readins', Mr. Penmuttet, trem tii uw nhttes te viaitpenaI sud to'naa ~ .h. stituious, mode a report megss'Rlg tâ Suai, Hoefor iZnle Nbawsiêà. ers ai Chicago. Tiiheo ra Iê* tormaiory as ai presenti 41mâZ uselees, sud recommendis lise report vas slgned b>' fou' mmâý tic commllmee. Mm.NM e a cU . of biniselfsand Mh.Brso,- minoiui report, attla ht= ally large expesse et nsixt.macp-ý. to the. tact tual le iom H. Offendema s wa s ev wu bren ln operatios sI The mnlnorliy rpot aya i el lis' I bers ofthe board are laapmed ip a ot and unsefiali puie. Representatlve ï1illerotfekju', duc.d lu the House Fida>' a tW " for the appolinesi t aapclal OM'dt tee ciargel vîih thednuy oeti~gd lus' the abuses salu ta uist la -. scubcet fprepet>' for taxahlm , à Çne County. Mr. Miler Bais haoe 0 a resolutiona et e ilcitai et"~ ber ot taxpayers residias uilsb»dlaUa Among otiera the Bouse passeti lie tuo, et Mr. Miller, ot Cook, requlgpg th* granuins' o!f frncblsesu ad sPeclaprie'. ileges by culies, villages sud laeor#uoetg, tovus. Tic arbiratio, billuuw g lb, Houa. Commutte. on Judljq the tires meanuresintroduce4 t 1,- body au tieliieto! ii, essuion a vl vas paaed hithe Boue vai uoe hi tie Senat, a fev das almg, ad« 'aftn s bot discussion vas advanced to lhe U4' der of second readius'. Senator Ctav.' ford's bll pravldiug fer the formation mse dishursement o! the public achuol lssci' ers' sud employes' pension asti retIr». meut fund vas advanced to third ruaS. lus', as vas aiso e Seusur Fle Wi% approapne $50 te eacb farmeta' lW. auhtute; Senator Evans' bill te prevssit tà. sale of articles made of geld »ud dive. net up teaithe standard chaimed Sr :thuea,, sud Senator Leeper'a bill amoudhas't"i lav melatins' ta building sud la..s@q. diations, uer. pais.d. Aîeong tie bills psed by the. Semait.- Tnesay ver.the tollovins': Sesne. ýe gardus' bill previdins' ual lndlggb Ceot. crainsand lueir familles s!! moeete.m- sisnce tramntbte poomiause masagsumt- in nîy t'onty upon the rmecomndgtj cf thc Committee on Relief or tuus lit» commaluder o! thei. A. R. pont Ip .184 tbcy belons'; Senator llumpbrêj'e kigW prom- ýdiug for ith.e rgarixatlon efthe Pa*l districts sud the iranster ofa uibmeugu lanîda; the Hliusebill praittsg là«. ut ef certain oala incoal mines;.Sestoit 8. emon's ' bill fer the iucorporam ee pamvwncrs* socoIetes, muhidi prévideu tiat stici seieties inuy maie ban, tealiZ lîmotuni ot $5W0na r ate net toen edcit - per cent. lutemeat; a valned pole ilcy bu! iins insurnue comipanies te pay t*. tie Iesîîred lu case cf loua.. hy M*e ci. full utemonni staird lu tic polcJ, lu i*~ Hotus. Itprteetatlvc Ellsworthi Isirge- i dîiced a bill ta provide for the Cosqle»<& lien t'!as ship canail tram Lake MlI*« to the 'Misiiisl)pi river via tiheaPal

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