CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Apr 1895, p. 6

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ari.ratoor-'Of One ort, etno tathOX« attM bâ ec""am.esOui le #*Me trageoice làate Ristoryo nscut# øsgrn htti a %d1kr but Iiwtf6,boywas Well Crism-Fody Victime or a ea n F rs are-a tthe Most danisgg tios MUdia eiw.n a little le ay n u teld ae land Plead. es ag "Adorhthe iddn 4i10 trse doaite8 d i me0s adace sacked teoPieece. Eeo Ad Co in étr m ,hrhusal er nŠ MMe golboeo W. M. Theodore Durant, of San Fran- GlenTxtMhS* sout'e an ivitaton uta wit hiinsh# ie ece, nM clstudent and assistant Suno e"-ue2 r himsel, le cold not et er e i ab amy and day school superintendent, la to stand A h e ie ol -00, enfor i. Itsa tthegirl'esbsould she wouqd r'ait »164tret < trial for the mnrer of Misn Marian Wil- subject of tiie'* i 2iot goI .instsayfor il would have huma e y no a lainEmanue! Baptist Church library Spe, ak1 been inch ani egcellent opponnualty for ? ans a-but-&"andthe Fia ihArll h ooe' supper in'its true eenM"l them to have talked French,.a&W they ups ahat s h le had hitherto de- jury has found that the yougg woman the Christ rathier thaátà so elom av tht pprtuittba, ali pe rceivl n itaadhn-came te her death by his hande. the elements that are o sai eowever. 1 lm lad Çeci . Ge- ondule@sumiin oàt uponi the sah et. Tâmhie asbeen no amoresenational bêtt ie perso eggested » idice will"ot lel nt. com r ieif Chprlote'hiddthought ber atiWter muàrdermystery in the erhainal annale Of"Tidonreebac *heohau hita Iare her.,cn h uncomol$denen&tthe Aret.liqhad the Opidon Gate city than .the cameofanhetmutbclr la » Oor enongh! What at ls alatterly wondered whethertheré -had Wlius IHenry Theodore Durant, charg- we wili mine the & Ead badNivn . er absh ha" hmad in that out-of-the-wa otdssm auefr h ih ed withWlbe double murder of Blanche Là- hsi ybd"ao et he nw lac, ouknw"- y ne s or om ase fofiør t tÇehe ot n ini ilims gintwomnsado.mi we t|fi" té, libe ometh % - Humput' She seems to du uncome like with which the old lady had, par- in the suspicia of baring stabbed to death word he was still in the b« theg do ue e mony well without them," retorted ied hier attempt. She was not alto- a young drug clerkt named Eugene Ware.utashedcpestth 1t= Ydued on a traw- the éi er, with a knowing look. It galher sorry that Geraldine was to The mystery and sensationaisem sur- 'beyond and aboya the baraud, tiirecal, or lecture, stek that If his wife should liow come.-&lone -as aha could go to hier rounding the case are heighâtened by the Christ, so wll we lnhuba orgmomthibgof that naturebléi" bing the few opportunities hie own sunt'@ house-on Tauraday, disappearance of two other women hetcome." fo theAfrtudý Eventu. daughteilr had for airing a laniguage, Gerald was to have Cecil@' aria tothe known to bie acquainted with the alleged ",f;And as theyndimitesuV' elalWs 0on lr per. the advantage of ac luiring which hatid1dnner-table, of course. murdere, a Mrs Forsythe and Miesn A- and bllaiendtands i sne nz elo ce s, been sn often dinned Lnto his ears, ho Cecil ha t not saId a word when the nez Hi.l hauandurakevsinit and - tra brries or- þardly saw ths force of her arguments. paper with Its listeseofmnes 'Utd ap. Whieteplc ae cmlt arlrhisownfand ur poursiono tw rthrde hundred Invi- Here was h* niece. whom lhe under- ropriations had bennsubmxitted form i f etplc avacicumlated crrtrI uheae o ur poor pro 4 out. ~~~stood - for he kept Mhoseurs open - to bel is approval; butshe had aderstood mas of irectDuandtctremiltantiacl ei un titohael u eiednyesterday," an- runninir the gauntlet as one of the sc- nevertheless. thast all was right. nddnc-gant uanth rioer colyp asvri changed intth Ile oucite morning, As the know.edg ed beauties ana fortuneof when it had further co:ma tolight thatpdoeaesahib gil t alclaish that ewil er Th le ite s te va oca. -I say, mother, the seascn, L.oing lamented %over by Lady Raymond'@ ad justmcetof1herpreanab.Iftshlbehonhtohrwrsetkete been insher neglectod n oreoiver. for a deficiency which tin&al 1table. Gerldine woold ahave on her mDnran ihe murdreriomBsahe a- lealei o the swupele tRg it h- lo.i r. Whou 1 gave him the in. probability would never comie te light.ot.her side a quiet old gentleman W.o»eauof aDr.ine llaMr.tHye" trange oithaldspp e aminthi ur hgyladdta i o twsiumorons, and Lord Raymond attention would certainlyhße po caef"D.JklanMrHd"wlAdhwhppwerehan Sot dhigsweeliahs ad more humer than Y of his fam- his plateduring ,the greater prino aebe udn nra ieadwl and penary we let im li0 O au"d pand ai e was fu 1. lie"sa the fun of the thing, and the maal, Cecil had llcherfullyo have furnished the strongest kind of addi- "Behold I stand at the door, and inginitd o efse" bis eyes tviinkled. sanctIoned everything. l ionai proof that "truth la stranger than if any man tiear my voic, and Openi ofure inshoultd hae infu ed1 So Jerry goesand they stay away," B3ut als! for t'he "bost laid schemes .aetion." dooer, I will come in to ima, and wMi a* La u 1adt ever. t; ought hie would hesid: ",well 1 don't suppose it w,l o'miien and mon!" Bo far as outward appearances go Du- ' with haim, and hie with me."o W*dared to come," said she. -"But, be much odds In the long run. You do Thursday came, and with It the ap. rantha n a model young man, who "ri ÉA Take, eat, this in my body." Chirist s, cale. kJId on us 11 tithis sommer, not imagine the embassy fis a desert i nted gues4ts, save and except one - a neither drank nor smoked; the assistant TH 3tNEL nAPTIOr CnuSUCH say@ I. Fix the eye opon his. Esw tol ooke his doingso once to be land of F*rane? If Jerry likes to spo.t i dy. superintendent of a Sunday school, the man who held his throat'with his right could Luther have made the misste of bS"be.e had taken Ephel in to dia- their ling, the mo ti seers ro doubt A tan, and a somewhat inportant :lbrarian of a church, of gentie demeanor hadadusdadgr rkie ihh upposing that Christ then and there, o « àe ut Fitzwil brahams, will let hier. andpahebr every coin Il. one, ha been detainedi by illnsess. and and Christian spirit. Such hie appeared left. Blaiahe Lamont was strangledl by at any time after, sråee he evez-livdib al ev s"md Ci, aih -etadout Ie uneofhe an t Ihelp he .dy a yi en * ace teli et t boe to those whose Sod opinion he a leftthanded man. iDuraqt ls notd or rnke ntecsion, a tn read haoàpw ,6 e la opming tothe4tea, alng. much dIsconcerted en howncon that in private hie was blasphemous and well as bis right. On the day of the dis. ie h icpe nesodhs s hôd y'we might ask, him to. My dear, Raymond,. o o pa and suficiently &anxious on that of her foul-mouthed; that lhe practiced all the apBpeeverncedofnotathe bread butthe et ossy v éda Fren hloe osok n ly ignoran1.t friBatn ashad.or.vices lhe pretended to abhor and that hs e y was fterwrds An orwadlto."Uhe utee d uà e r come on soshot a eally, I hardyknow. Both are 1countrymemher a man ofens erale mn e ted andnr mott.He- o rtu daUht f thef foe crstl do no aou ta. udin "eli ont k t talad o s tnigtheir owrn eiahbor ad alypandta ehdbenu hr iigceig again. The Supper Inooks forwas nta 1 should say lhe would. my dear, speak il; abosninabi -even 11 here was he left In the lure .A maon som e gric w re andBhadbeee- atod eut i ot a fnaioccason ta"It 0does not go out liait Bo much as he can perceive that:-so now which, of us with a temper and oa diguity moreovercm ythna.TheofBlnh -aga est o*anti icips. Am saen. it, iltedo and it might happen hie was la the most 'shoeking Ignorant, * eh? and worst of all, a man of whom Lord mont'& rings were received through the go OetLrdheacnes. Ae.Ee à»Ë«d. At irepetelhe couald I dare My, littl-Grad" c ould cive Raymond had a favor to askt. mail by her aunit on the-day her body liacomeLord esus rtole te o e ke' us pointeually ," added my lord, who Itwas out of the question that hie was found. On the paper In which they rlatte ad Iutratione.f t In bis. og of the tbnote was a Dit of a béîlâìr and. who now went should be unprovided for, Wþoever, were wrapped was Durant'@ name. In an Wa stedmao o h pSesa and tbe sme evening ogf chucklie over the sub o happily wa. And sheLhadt not a minute toaoeroatpcet nDrn· r Sgosrackfte r' upr o ilacpted. admnisterie consider, and here was her nuabandi room at home was found Miss Williams' glum, either mirth; but & kind Of ga IloWydon't know wnat has comes His wife, however, turned to Cecil s'gnalling to hier with relaitdeyebrows pothckeo. heselarbeins oe faheolnkt ole mnPIorsoilem jywTatbese wth olow. 1Cecil privatelyin- for consolaties- and portentous si. e glances,nand al any Dun tcan hc i engfredao th hym ut t e f«lyl: e Sed is mother, ift was no "Ie * am very glad rouare going to the moment the dinner might be an- Thurat. Fater he of i erthless 'Uie, hie reallydid look delightZ forel2n recevtion on Thurs»day," shte no need. * reMUBEoUS» IS orate.0,00 AeTy soetareinwilf denie e erad your pote,&and Raid hie added; "but I do wish Cecil, you could Shte murmured one word in his ear MINT SHORTAGE 890,000. Accy eted threptton le o rae atraight away, wißbot re- have obtained an Invitation for your fie oddM • te wipr.A-remnarli but women ere paricularl Let ths petitonariee hW-ts meebhiM s aitealso. You knowlwht excelent thé . Aiscnob.The whispe.In- ofensire.omthemaTouler the A=ot e h eyam. and - it te really a lti eseit ia a case that has no parallel except teT oth ot.era "Give me a caln and thankful heart, 1pteimts àho là not have this Opper- you takemydaughter kAthel into din- Wtcaelhrrswchtrtd uetaonfteGor- Frmeryurr'e; té) rpou ti alowing It. Bir Frederick nerî ehdhoe ohvegien don and al the world a few years ago, ment annal office lan New york has beenTheblention of thy grece impart noe; AM d let eve B en la a goo:1 French scholar you adyDatih, but se haa unr and the case of Jack the Ripper lacks, so ln full charge of the mint scandal inves. And make me lire to the. eom t es D yu tina lso rmemerherin,"aded he tnadey faied "ut it he u -fer auknown, many of the psychological tigation at Carson, «ueWqq o lou ng idshe .crele mbely. cessaat-v o exlanationutene- features of the case of Theodore Durant, Nor, for twoeweek s, Lt the sw.t hope that thou artishs ft w9ias t ake iRéi otiklyt e on, ofrwl; uofcu ayfor there la nothing to show that Jack the adi sudr y#u n et ted etoobu a èrwe b tl et ohrDarlshsdesiniud a mr eRipper pretended toalead an exemplary thtIed aseonpet W m m gh y as oo asth gntlm -"le lhs not? But no doubt he dould prmiltted to boreaire bir rederick Crannlf wiecmntin i to d fé watigatbon and erown my journey's eu&d. bqoWnemmasth gn Pe go Il ha chose, and if we went, we Bleonden than Mr. Le Maserer, In cloue butcheries.. The combination ofan foardhi The Lord makre no iftuakis b pre. id._ :W Y' ol àehi eti urcrigatrice hee had been coupled with Ger- pan n edi n ua en epreport to Washing- dictions. The disciples fondt" asho W bt * bi ý ucha vry h9? .and alt go comafortably together. Yeu aldine Campbell, and the unfortunate enu the mystery of the Emanuel Church ton. The total short- had sid nton themu." DUd thau eve Md L lav, nd s thi s ånoh-will;of course,,scompany My tuother Cecil was seen to bee the victhn of the rah tie iot else thsoeadliall we ver dam and Se a theliid he and lGeraldine.1 whole, the stranded solitary, the one tereit in the case. ,00 hchqw Te e hmwh at Lad ar on do not think hle would Carem who hadi a real and just cause for ut- Woek of a Iriend. deothstlng Deaoig to conrince Di, that our iseg In lLd ota a espo«cnded Cecil, following her . oMa igmldcin n e ldbi' h eeopet fawe aebe the bullon deli- humiliation included much of bassin MM a renh>aehýdorty e Ufok- aconrmuea an 0 sy th. complaint, ber absence, and the tiarce saicient to cause the greatest excite-tewhgodbck-ornendibltyterr.Orac es try« d f 1 ca e sIwi l H e a d unot eve n slip) in On his bod y of M rion i a m , a young girl a l e o th at e reort le to h e o fr a y ,be d u e i she hei ly ather Th lad en -wat cousi's other @ide. who had been missing since the day be-wllenrteetr-aetohnkcmrtbadaseb. [y alnedewain lieir hen fLody da$mnd wen out and. All the table haed been dhiarranged fore, ln a loset off the library of thie ly the present administration froms any Ileve rightly, of odrlord, la such a eea- medIioner as hy Ray-bernait obat, andber ri t ad truon, when at last ha goi, down, and the church. It was terribir mutilated. The wrong doing. The only Ions discovrd eeption of his theamthsopic naturmrBis ead wa a good9 molith. n saa nd er htoait.nt fors , andtr es, places on either side of Bellendenaid finding of this body, startling gas it was since the present administration acamle hmnt okntaa rmhsdy , sa oëdwithr.tatany alpwu-atoodgreat nalad tonowas bnomens iepre thed beu taed, and » nluitself, gave the police an idea which into power was one bar of gold valued at hie deity did not thwart or dubmerge hi@ 6 4S toal of ether aagUtonuch attead lth kowghshe ciad tthe caof ed oar rdeewod hadthey were not slow in working on. The about $80, and there li good rasnto humanity. He was alw neverywhars, itl4ûob", o • herbeenlpt e f uhmt ehind to oterabohe bed.tote aarf.e of adisarray at aedlieallclose friend of Miss Williams, Blanche suppose that this was taken by a part Of wholly God, wholly man. slwth the aypatiulalyso" uromaitechin eys eanotth eduand avig eeo n qitly n &legatlyLaàmont, had been missing for more than the uame gang that manipulated the gold- mystery es you watt, but leurs as our 1 il. I«Y ave - lah-been th e lrpts h en, gmet hle poe r mad ovnageeacse uel n slentlyn two weeks and a search for her had been brick trick under the other administra- christ, perfect cGod, perfect ana, able about hainm once or 1 "spring lemning." in short, Cnersilly dering why thel had been so brought in vain. Bu pntegatydscoverytontoaeutoheters.SysJh Delve ow almost en- accMo h,- 8othathber ladya' , hav- togrether? Bel endencon'ectured that in the loset a thorough and oyatemtie Just as soon as these discoveries of Reid, "We sometimes compare one mam 11i- V own' mPlace, and bagone ing b14 high conference wý& the his hosteau muet be a ensible woman examnination of the building was decided fadwr eotdt h rauyD-wt ntebtCrs a ecmae the country gentleman, 1 ]essor luminary, wiliAngly proceeded to who would not throw her daughter at uo. wy pintebefy e bd arenthic o hesabu tedtde of wit non. H antevnb e 4 He seemis ite air.erent do hier part -y nomeans an unpleae- any one's head - Geraldine fa cied it was at length found, made like that of hierFeraytheofhehedetetcsrbd. ta ed.t in severl ant one -of1 d ïvltgrbout on a lovely must be Cecil'adoing. friend, and also horribly mutilated. The tives in the secret service were sent lm- There are nome who decline to come te ca Go e gh farapPer Joune morning ordering In all that was He was always speaking og lher of lothing which was torn in shreds fromt mediately to Carson City. They were the Lord's table because there art thos a ewry erom leHuedstil grateful to me eye, and tempting to ellneadth oes soe the body haed been tucked lnto cornera and not long In getting on the track of the of- present whom they cannot fellowship, 7& mertganitor ut iHestoot the palate, fromt tis monger, and pout- that the subi ect was distasteful, the holes in the dusty old belfry. In the two fenders. They disc-overed that several But Christ ate with hie betrayer. "One w0aîee simp butdisrbceu terer.à, and fruiterers. more wonid it seem as Il he were lm. weeks during which It had lain there a of thlema were still employed in the mint, of you which eateth with me" he"says, = omv imple s emaeonftl Her mind was very busy, and hier relled to pursue It. That hie should heavy coating of dust haed settled like a white the chief culprit haed left the &Pr- "shall betray nie." Whether we under- tsoe, 14 eshoy ,, hdo bear, light that gladiome mornine. hv dsre i mtertdlie hrsroud over the body. Upon this discov- vice. They then set about locating him, stand Judas to have gone out before the ve tf he er,"saaShe shook her head quite graciously over ior the next two houre to'the soie ery the excitement in the city. which It was found that bhelhad gone to San institution of the Lord's supper or ot, bevlr risklf hyw"A .l adedat the persevering filower girl's, who .oit n netineto a orwsitnebfrke obud. Francisco, where he will be arres;ted at the fact remaina the sane thatsofra etor to encoursge his w ul"dnot lbe dissuaidhfrom hovering whom lhe was aware she had once ex-ohrDvlonet.once-. His arrest has only been delayed fellowship was concerned, Christ- was ,tS And a t oofouPrg ia- wnround lehe driid blles of *a pur eine eln hc h ol Oothe vrious stesbywieiin order to secure further evidence, and not withheld from the feast by thep At d to, u har et·y frght very ase.soitrudi het hrober icoach- annwhv uidi biin teplc dacdt h on fa-if lhe shouldt make theslightest atteýmpt ence of an unworthy guest. The Dist wîer. lm 1Gidep*&muh re rig hi maln, hdi ndebert ogh sme strange, an 1 was hardly Like Coa-ti, âti- resting Durant tupon suspicion of avn to leaye San Francisco be would be op- here is plain. lit in putting the. empha. Capt.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ log BelneI w;h astow s agrea:ole elfrow streets, variably attentive, courteous, and been the murder would be au unnlecessary peeddimdaey i ttetbeo a ahrhni i rehvt th e inn f Yfshon f o m e bt net i-sicrtand ettrs o utee; he e ol ng; but if il had been done from asIt would be tiresome. He hadl hardly Lord. "Our nins will not sare you," Was see~~~~~~~~ he hasyuaytundhsa-rasdterenesote sitande dre on the part of the extreeyboeen arrested, however, when it seemnedarghanwrtteoewowasty Maoute n ore sensible ana rational howers, the size of the pigeons, and obe abouti nd?,cate lhereon ni n ha apprent tlyofthe authritis ta if he in way fmChrist bease of mthe- î,f I. hy. there ià no reason'plumpness of the poultry. Nothinir an equal share of good-breedingby hrwr gito hs rimsh ut locithe ncies of C histas& S o st Î eason -an uihe drew herself up cameamiss to hier. have committed two) others which were temnowmawhsay wyfo aphticll, "hy e houd nt f oly hecoud b tus rivng eportment on no tryingf an occasion, causinig the detectives a deal of trouble.• the table because of undeserving k me toour house as often as ever ho al-out, and steoping in and out of the owsrayt ar u i ihs A few months ago a youngi, druggist nom- rawmysy. "Ou an il e ""a-bsop, ordermng Der darling Ethel a [TO BE CONTINUED.] ed Ware was found murdered at the font -~ fresh you, or our dcôiciencies make op for É#erhaps it was in accordance with, tro. seau! of his stairs. Hie was a very close friend Thompson McDaniels, a veteran of the your luck." J% konclusion that It vwas arrangied to Or, even doar Geraldine's - dear to Ber Titie Acknowledated. of Durant. This was one of the mys- Black Hawk war, died Fridaty at Kan. The Lord's supper was both a fulfimentý e Bellenden the a esbie Ethet as her as a daughter already- as she was When Marshal Lefebvre was made tre.Teote a h sde ia- a iy ge 0yas nd ian advance uon thofepassover. The e prtnr tW.he ursdaLy dinner- ready to assure Cecil at any moment Dko atitenwuhs(h Jagolkowsky ls the depressing name sgieneadwrho ahdpne Ety• whn.he sould mke knon to hr was he oriinal o Sardo's Mmeof an anarchist recently sentenced in Eu- On ti ht t heesoudb, dsic 1< f otstlelygoddokng thowningofit hoes ana ber wn I t d if tep of progreasstier. Dr. Trambulký charmking n d% accte omp-loihed he would notbsmoe wilangy ert Sans-u&Ghene) want toftheaTu e . orope to penalservitude for lie'when a soldier, took his boy to one of the Wu , adad enocugh conversation, herself for the one tan for the other, thank teEpess Josephine. As AletGog admn h e o-getsvours Of Our country and aidl il #Once, and deportment to makre for the daughter than for the nelce. Mme. la Marechale had not demanded enor8MofltheBa n of Engan, as o I at lmyboryrIto m eetmyo, ïgeui sufomciently attractive. lier As for the Young People themselves, an audience, the ushter, accustomed toan13.H sawn ecat ota natryash a'fewe felt, forbany rensible man. se- ever one hiadt but tose that Cecil and call her by that namng, entered to fte lå Hung Chang 1s said to be gaining hie knows of your fame, that 4 ie staken frone who adnor settled beMdine were made for each other. the orders of the chamberlain-in-wait-'s torolafohim oetu.rntesyo b te and."e To he oyie'sprnd ant enhsown'< states, and was not From his boyhood her so had trrade lscalesein favor ofndChina, however. reshpehe y toolmk the boy's han il to e enen in PJall Mil in Inchmiarew his second home; and howin;hreuedad dresd e: The Rtev. Otis Wing, the oldest Baptist " oeyuwl makabetrmn btn ide by Ie own, village shoe-! delight cilit iwoaidlbø ielher dear Mme. la'Marechale mlay enter." The minisiter in America. is seriously ill at your father." Quicecme DrTrumbnN*s mother, now Ln the declineé fle o lady looked abkance at him, but en- his home in Newton Junction, N. H. re.ioinder, "Unilieheien erci, both als ipossble o sa to hat he hae hi com, an tak up is a oletred the salon, and , the Empress, ria-oulvearafaue" C618et's le In@athm h et she' bae 'hsnvonRbttebookcrn, wilarelph not f_-1 Du lve re i blrp.

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