CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Apr 1895, p. 8

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41kt vagua..- lifh. Aek You r Grocer for i Nol" y inai et MIL- I f4*rth Ceo S r & No 32 R.A. P. Wred by W. M. Crî ft , Anderson. Imc ilei Jul1y 12, 1881 [make the seasc »eat his old stani 1'is the best sire c Wftiorses, that evE odin Lake Co. Hi ta being » largg poth fine moy 1e m L.jago last fa ifirst premiur a large fieldc ; 4i, theýroadste 4 at Lake Count ~ot.orno paty. Wi or'iginal own.e > ,.f.. of a - dispoed c ~~ng bred., Fc î cali .on c I*s.C. A. Applej iwnty Farm. Libertl âOrn' 1t #at *wiil min n thi examine(« a Mauat thi Farm .wh nde the bs ation -Free. .eveling anq ýp$1.00; cul e-toê how ba OUntil 10 0. m.-1 tu, auO. M. end aftar 0P. M. ..W HENYOU WANT A... A Nias Smooth 6havq.A Fasblona- bis ilaîr Ctor 3hmpoo. .... CALL011... WM. QUBKE, BARBER, Wha.s TounaorW Parlorsa&m weil equipped wlîh irt-elmas Imla and a itkilsd art- lt ta hindi. l'boni. ROCKERYELLPIi. - I LLINOIS. (0-lyr.à Pd5SIJRAGX Fom iWùîà 1i4 to1 JP. Norton, "okeoe Mr, and mma Myricientertalned a son trou Chicago, a few dajo ltau week.. (Jiarence Pratt and wife, off Wau- conda, called on reatives bore one day lut veek. -]mia. Norton te affering very naucb- Swth pneum *onla. W. hope ah.e May Jas. Gainer and vife, of Wauoonda, lieut lait Wedneeday wlth Mr. snd top ra. W.. Berghoru. Mim. Henry Morne and little grand- ohlld ama apendlng a few dayu vlth ber daughter, lira. J. F. Clark. Our achool muster, Alfred Spafford, fl cised bis achool Monday afternoon to attend the faunerai off hi. uncle at Lib- ertyvilie. The rame of J. J. Bouse's new reai- dence vas erected TneadSy. Carpen- tors vili be kept very buay bore tuis aummer, as a number of others expect Do flot taiI ho aes WilI Knigge's new stock of Chldren'a CarniaRes, BJey- w ood's Sleepera, ne vitib bcks; a very complets stock; pricee to suit y our pocket book. * Juat reeived, a complets nev line of 0f(hamber Smtilla at WiliIKagge'a Fuuilture $tore. lHe nov bai ainoin- pete a stock off furniture ai you cao fild anyviiere in Laite,(Co. Tii. pulpit vu ooonpied luit Sab- R at byRv Cak of Chicago, wbo mna's place duriimg hi. riait vest. His serimons vere very.luterestiîag and en- Joyed by ail. LyNov la the liane 4e.uhp aind dec- g orae your hone. Vih e juil re- eved the. lar gt and sit atock off )n WalIPaper everbx ~t Iis local- ityand1 illne Ponlysto dl. 35 cents a double 71.Call and se. il. A. M. BRiot;8. Have yon tried Wm. Guake the erRockefeller barber?< H. can gave you lite aoothet ahave, lilckest bair cut, IS and cleaneot abapoo your @ver had. Ha razora are keen, ahemar bsp and e, bis baud ligbt and gentle ai a lady'&. It vili b. a piensure tu [et bin operate on jon. It bai len remarked by a few, &6Wby dojQ my efthe vornen mare t5 their ovu gardens thia year?" W. eu not gIr. the exact auver, but1 Ml thlnk, perbapitiere muet bave been ji gl9tut deal of dissatisfaction in ne- te grdens of lut peur, or br t heentemen ame toi lMnE" ioneed i.taie iyndicute. -Great ycredit la due the fev vho labor tn tbel r.ovil fld&. -, For l Sev"HI.logs, apply te C. G. Smail,_Uire Gliiaer, [il. ai dminlaiatora fotte te 'PUBLIC NOTICE l a h eJohni da ajattend the es Coi~ or f 6aUt.aterni thae- LU otontnHoo thela wsi- gan, la aà d. $7.00 te..Il ondaUo Of Un* V n tail.11u-::_ bavlaiagltoutre nlId and qt tusmne tausaIci >r F Iut r dlA iifran Wau a . Aprl tluh.I 1ai uxecutor. Notice. y$ PUBLIC NOTICE la herebyfupven that tlie ~dabâcribers. Ezecutaria o tie Luât whii y-âATetament cd briiaUan Schwingel do. osausd. val attend IsCnitCou f Lakes connty aI a terat rof hot n at the Coualt ausetc uksslag4Coeur o the £rs M aof Nns'1 i and whsaull a usagaiuiai satd Salais a o a0 sent the saId Couit adicca.harn C ~b0W¶~~Execntort. 1, Exoeutore' Sale. Tuesdal .Nay 2, 'Oô, thae undersigned, re ecutàor the .ltestwill and testament réof Clacltian Scbwtngeh, deeesed, will oei] j t.Fbile aucin to the higbest responiil. bi bldder on the preinsa. 1*mile@ west of Deurdlel village. CoMmenclng et 10 ~eo'olack a. M. the folowlng.proépsrty owt 2 Waraciag haones, 4 Milk cows, Set [0 d9uble barowucs, iSingle lbameau, 2 Lumber1 waon, 2 S ated buggy, Pair bobs. Wood'$ - abie elf rake and* Mover. Roller, LSeeder, Harxe rake. 2 ilarrowa, Hay rack, 2 Seated aaeigby 0 Walklaig piows. Hors. hut, Cutivatar, Ir<i kettile, 30 <Gran hage , Caorn abeller, Fasnig miii, About 200 bu otcarin, Ahanut,2110 anaihialai iof ts, About a 8 tans ar goad bey, 50 Cliiekens, 2 barries.f oifgour, i3et a'eaes, .1 Furilibtîbeda,ï dWine preé**. Washling maichaie, Cook store., lieating stove, Sof-a, Bureau, 2 Tables, 8d doz. chair.s Snk, Churu, About 30)de carpet, 15 gal. ai vine, A. lat of diabes, SAnd allier utenuils ton nufferous la muntian. *Tenni0s ale-Al smmo ar $5.00 and Sunder, Cash; OUnr $6.00 a credit aof One Year vii lasglv*ný os approved notes d liarihag 6erncent interest. J. sohvlng,1 MarianSOevinel. Excutor, Catharine %boie. W. R. Wllmo, Auctioaeem. Dr. sud lira Kiasck were lit lica- go, t3uidit sud Muday. Misa Rate 1[ole and Mrn. iloffert. ver. la the Cty, Monday. It lae rnorpd tdat the tiume 4a.e- al local trains will b. clIasageal stati(lat. i The Woo)dmeti hl i ai ld ile one nighlt u teek. Ewîuha()lit- fetcb: ed a friand. Johnie Vetter iu a uàew lir%-Cie1 Sui; thalle vby Ibei, chaaaaaag ai uver the gouniry. The. Siixon Siaters gave 80 teaia.r. tainmnt Kt thle owu lîoume, Wa*,iî ci- Ge.Rockeubacb adilaqsilag havre purobaaed wind milil* aîd d ii ua bave theuin haoperatioîa. 1 Tii. Mojeaka Dramaic (lui, asil give entertalaauemaî at shemeriiile Friday and êalurday eveningts. Wall, ju bicycle boys, did you sec the nev bicycle golng Ibrough loWîî, that eau ru on raihruad trucks?' C. Il. Jubreaad anad wife wiii colo- brate the 26th* aîlneruary of their wedding aIut8t. Pau la curch a itu.r- day evening, May 4tb. The. Old Time Sociable at Tadda vu voli attended, as isscb uâuailly are tu Deerfield. A very pheuant tiane lis reportes] by thobe preseail. At the scbool cîcchion Saturdat evenusag, oui esteemed lîarriess-makcr, Plaillhp Rommel, wus elected direcloi ln place of John Friîcb, wbose tern ham expired. Thie choice was a good one, aa Mr. Ronnel la justtli.eraghat insu for tl.e positlin. IVANHOE. Mir. Kuebker là qut. iii. Seud yous- items esilier. 1leae.Mj 'Thie farinera are watcbing the clouds and visiug for rain- Mms. Deaui and graudéonai3viteil at iPalatine lait Satturday. Mi». Wellsand 11111e RuIla are vieilt- ing frienda ini Belvidere. > The C. E. haud s special lempernace service issîSundiay eveiiing. Bey. aand Mis. Dibble are entea tain- iîîg friends froin South Dakota. Tie Ladies Mssionary iocietv wili meet witlî Nis. Brainerai salurdit,. Scbooh meeting paised off very quietly Frank Doipli was relected director. Mir&. Jamos Davis âpeut the greater Past Of ilât week viaitiiig ber sisters in Chicago. Mise Ida Iki-aint bas et urnad froua a viasit to ber aiter Ms-a.. ifebert Chamberlain ah Libertyville. Mr-. and lira. Richard Proct.or aind tsmiy of Lake Forest, vlslled ber parents lMr. sud Mrm. b. H. Swan, lit Sabbathi. ,Mr. libin»on wlio hlluisa long boeen Mi la aioviy falling. Tlh. Herbinison familY are entertaining s frieaad froua Mn. Alfred Payne la stili confined teobis bed ' y bis injuries, but bis friondus are glad lu belle"e haitlie ii improviste For a nioe vialiug curai or business carda give lthexIIMDEMUgsNTa cail. Fine nov script and a nice satsot- ment of carda here. Mir. and Mias. WIIi l'ttlais were lrealed ho a surprise Party luat Thura- day eveung. Il vas a gensuinse sr- Prise aud a very enjoyable occaion-to ail preseit. Mise Edîtha Beckvilh hais bei quite i il for @uoie tinie andi bus atehy teen stafferiaig severly witi s galheriîîg lui hem head, bail ber frieadis aie slow en- coqiraged to elalertain taupes of ber speedy recovery. Lewis Richard ageai 8 . ears 27 days youlagest son of Mri. and lira. Henry Grabia. died ut Ibeir borne Friday April 12, '95 of lufiamaîlon off the bowela. lHewvsssa unusually bnlgbt, pr.tty chlld snd tie family have the slincoreSYnapatby of maîiY frleuds sud neighiiors a uheur sud bereavement. The. lutermoîit of lira. John Wool- rldge, of Naihua,. la., ut this plsce luit Filday vas wull altended by a large numuber of.-ber nid frieudsanad nulghsbora. Mui. Woorldge wu veili knovnabreumtbla vu ber borne foi1 ye n tue. ad th.e eteer of alt., lier farnuly hiave lie siucere aynipalby1 Of thi, euh-e colunity lu their1 pecuiarly nad aflclioîî. Our people are growiîag more andi more In the habit ff lookiiig te F. kl. Love! ,Libertyviii ,and G n borts, Waucouda. dru ioa, fo,4heJaitest aînd tient nfever bing i heAL& lhue. TIly eilssIItinmrlaitm so ufl edy, faanouîtfor s/Àes of bà coidaJcroup and wioopiii ugb. W1110ff ieed 0f sucb a ian ici ne, give liis rcmedy a trial aind yuu will b. more tmain pleased i tthue resuit.È Paeinium No. t .-FahYuer$ Monthiy. "To every subacriber who payas $lis strlctly Cash ln Advancc. for thie IxuaP&irgxT one yeas-, vo viii Bnd aà yess-'s subsenptlon for the Pas-ners Konthly, ai16 page faim journal pub.1 Uihod at Rocktord, lit., Prio. 0onta; but our Caab-ln-Advauoe aubeoribera,1 oa have 1h abeolutely rFn..1 ed dftu fSthe asnlag three yeara. l'uft S turdy evenlng ut six n'a kack (furdthe mairriaigof tMisa Ida Lsnaaadu0tr <of J,,Iii loamann oi Ibia *-m.lace. 10 Cailes 1iasîer, of Wâukeguit. We extcîad tapa' iasarty 1Coniigatulationis 0thie ycftilig etupie. Aller a iii-ouacted l icis, IHiraman 1. Klà%ux, atm old settie ()f tlis places, >.îired t hie home of bas tlatiîgters '(71bicaigu Thursdsiy Apail lb. [lis 11eltoîtans were coaveyed lu lis late hume anud fruan liiemice tlai Uakwuod .'eaterY. Wituhcegai for luteisient. RVIERETT. tuais. l>9le, (if (.hiicigo, sfent but- daý bee. F. S. Tupper, of Barr. spetat Tuee- Ubsrley Wiitely bas lbeen sufferiîag fiom a evere cold. Littleý Florence Yore ha&t been very loy witta diltheria. Leomard Kurt: rnoved hala farnily Aind housebold gooda tram Forest Gien to liais plsce Tueadal. Jack snipe sbooting hais been ex. cllent duriug liai pait wea.k and huntera qui te numeroua. Sclîool will opeu next Monday morn- ing. We uîdersad Misa Auna Yore ia tu wleld (lie bircla and ieach the yaung Ide"s iow 10 shoot. 4everai of our voîaug folks altended thc danlce ait the Chicago Ilione, Wlîeeling, lait Salai iday. The hosteau Mrs. Maisn nec Kittie Tulley oftliii place proved thail sue had flot for. gottela her oid lime fri-ends and acq aaintamaes' HALF DAY. W. J. Wells 'alsited Chicago last Saturdaiy. LDavid Spearsansd acfe îisited Waukegan Monday. blia. Lester Movers bas lace,, tery mick. but is now reportcd better. John tichroer bas commenced a larenionlia terni of sehool ini lhe Triplas district. Mesdanmea IL. Jand J. A. Ilutcings of Oak Gien viïited 8. L. Tripp and J. Richards people the pa week. Mr. Libbe Sr., died las Sunuday at liii home lear liere..He hais been s great sufferer for nme lime. Tie rernatias ver. nterred Wadîesdayi aflernoon at Vernon cemetcry. Oui- pastor. 1ev. Strain, bais orne to remain amoaag ua until Sept. viien la. will resuane bis xci<oil dut iém. lie is uit prezenl boaraling wlllî Mm. eSpragues people ut 1'raiuie Viev. We underatand thait ai ver7 intereat- ing school electiota wais beld li said district last Saiardity evenaug. The ladiea alsn belng interested, a gi-cal rnany ver. ont to vote tbu. Why dont lb. ladies vaxe up in our luttleý burg and corne ouIta vote? i WHEELING. J. B. liaison took ln ,waukegan irâI of thieveek. Garnie Sieki enterlaineai friends fs-oihie City lait veek. Jo. Colliaou trou lthe cily spent Snday vllh frienda lu towu. Tii ladies tnrned ont ho belp elect a achool dinector lait Nturday. Jpbu Wealing bam moved lIîWbils nov borne on East Prairie Ave. Cas-nie Mors and Liuzie Close vent ho Highland Park lait Sunday 10 attend a crimeenitug. Jçhn Magion and vite froin Wauke- gain vialted fnienais at Wheoing a fev daya recenthy. Wonder if the youag ladies dont think il advisable to go a little slow on lime 'graos vidower." Ciarlie Armbrustem and a frienai froan thae City spent FSunday aI Mr* Welln'isont East Prairie Ave. A certain yonng iss froan Everett botter ho a lutIle caullous about captivatiiig lie heart@ of oui- vmuaug gentlemnan, or ah. .ray h. dealt wilIa by the youîîg ladies of oui lowîi, Our animal village election wai held Tuesday Aprii 16, vien the followiug board was ciosen. J. Housain, lrue; W. Maiuntainke, clerk; Augaist Keil, J. Sciavingel. Emuh Sigvalt, R. Sciaeider, Will Faiboader sud W. Metz, truste«s. Our school la in a piosperous condi- tion. Prof. Ado. ljjopinacipailal a very taleaiteai gentlemn iand s sciolar. ais pupils nuurnWrorty fOve sud al laIod hlm in blgb esteeu as ho sparea no pains W iniake sciiooi vork pleasant and profitable. Mies Meyer froin Bariigton wlelds lhe rod ni love over filty lia the luleranediale departrneîaî suie Io doing good work and proves a vemy efficient teeclier. Tihe dance ailthie Chicago flouse wR8 ai gr-and saîccesa il brougit ouItue "clile" off Wbeeling witi maîay frienda fronthe city aind surrouxbti tdwaau..,The smiiag f aces and briglut eyes Irisai l uotvie lie sparking diaimonde of the IBeaux and Belles as lhey kelît lime 10 lhe Inca-ty music of ai. Chicago orchestra. Off the repust oerved vo oniy need to repeait the commient of ai city gentleman 1h vuw dmn enongh for a ioasonie banquet of a hlgh dogme.»$ BruclÂL Whou you vent ho »Il or rouI a faim, buy 'a lot, lie. home,, or sny. thiug ee, il vii psyy ouho place a notjce lathie Iup»upmmaWrahloh la almsi ainre ho brins you acosomor. Pant Boy's Suit this Season is the Com bination iSuit. The Oomliatin ,wesoeil ~iwn~ ~ 1' bureE -2 vWBSsaow StyliahaChevioalS uits At .... . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . Ilau"g Uic violeOUtil. StrlclY ai wool Suit. ah ..........».....................48 Inci.dlng ti boilsoutil. lielter Grade ânue wooi Canainere at ............. ......._$4.60 InciudinqhIbe uhols outil. The Bkeal Qual ity to b. b.d anyviee.......... 61 Inctudlng the violeoutIL. Wc baie theas suits in Llghl Gray, Das-k Gray, Light Tana, Duit Tans, Blues, Miaced and otber ahades. itetde,. th Haie aei.nfte 500 1oy'8stbillai, wiou thie extra pantu, at 31.00, 1.80, 2.00 and 2.540. The, Bal anadButalnid Bicycle Ticket, ffree vlth every #bit. The "Ilodel Clotbiig Hoe 11 eGt Temperance Temple. -&,-ocefllr.Ilins- W&kean New bine of Furitre 1895 SU e. A FuilliUne of tTndertaking always on harnà Carpets, Oil Cloth, Linoleum,* Rugs, Cotnfor- ters. Pillows, in fact Everything in-the Une of House Furnishings. Hang- ing Lamps, Stand lamps. CL l £ Fawg.'u Patent Leather * hm. in al- Dmo style .Oui nem a e tarnp" OUonve"my h e IW Tmrateer pair to bq thOrongbly and hoacsty made.OUVXj.aiOum'oe at 02.50 are masvla orbeauty aad tley let. C.i.FARCO a 0Q £Establlshed 1866. .W. C. Triggs. Agent, Libertyvllle, MI., M. Lux, Agent, Wadsworth, Ili., Henry Seip, Agent, Lake Zurich, 111<, Golding Brothers, Agent, W4uconda. IM., R. F. Rouse, Agent, Rockefeller, MI, W&LUkegan.

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