CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 May 1895, p. 2

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WOULD CORNER GOLD. SCI4EME OF MORGAN.RO1IIS- CIILD CROWD. tIsaIt Grîns ut a Royal Par-Big Istrîke Starla wth Rioting-Clce' land Preparng t10 Work wlth Con' ftot 1h15 Sumuier. ltuylng Up te tolti. A Washingtoni dispatebsanys the Ireas- un'y officiais are greutir exrtut-t cr the discovrenr thal thon' le umu actant buis for the repiort that (hoe urailobcii bond sylîtieu-tu- it s îpirimg lu o he i golul marketh. The t- Iry las 1licou cimiîa- lstlng lia<aîîei-uuliidemtiuli nanuir ton nmre tiare pnql amu n-as t tiret egadîd au a tulish -nueru. Il is a tact. hucc- *var, giveiî oat liv tluevery bles auuihîrit>-. that brokars r~rcatiu hlis e>niati- el rmimer "shurliie' havelieu-n pa:ying a pramion tfor the- ct-foet gild i uiut tut thei1 l;xrate raiuuiî-s thmuuigloui heoWet during (lie lasi ta- o uthîllssudthtatht-y are aceuulntiiug fine o glul t the rate et to K:t0lu $.KO0.»()o ler iimth, i-hleh relirasi', uîl lly tcvo iirds oftheb Muieo golul outlput outheIlieliite t Stus. ITke attentionî ut u.ici:ls ut the Trva-uiry I)apartmeut cas iret t utnac-hî-u o titis1 pecullar buisinces b>-the champ tnlliîg uofft ln tb. teposilt fgult ut the tuills. andut lnqnolry ver>- cocu ulveluuîîod the tact thluu pivte patiesliee -i-tn uing thlui-îiuduct *-et (ha refliîcriî-s. Fuirher muir>- rreel- ed (headdutional ad eutv-y cuupcii-ouie atîu * that the meastinIbîmeiuri-cag.l- cuttedriftl- log (o Nocv York. cc-bre t i le hîiîg lait lu *tora lu the ve t-oluutthe Morgn-1t.ths- ebld syudicuie. *FIIRNACE MEN QUIT. ?w.irve liundncd ltîinois teel Vrka Mea Go Ot -Dispute Ouen Wases.- About 1.2(K) muit-aionploytinluvarlouts espacitias ut thie' llst furucscof theb Ilîluols SteelCi niian utahSouth Chbi-ago ,waut on sîike Taiesuhua>. The abIorr. wleast-resuitd.hî-Iîîuc t lbe came t'oin- pkny's shope lu Jolilet areonou trika. AI- togethar 4,500 lu.1.000 men are affeetoit bny thea triko. Tlîo elrikure ut'Scouthu Chi- eago damaudad -uîutionîîiluthir houare ut labor sud au iiicri'nse ot ha>. 'FIe> bave be.n workiug icu-cve hiourq s day anti jhelr par bas lievu$1.60 pen day. Tbey dsmsnd a ten-heur day andt he resuora- tien outhIle former su-adule by a'hicb bhay Wm .able 10 cern $2.10 a day. The Joliet men ask fur ait utvaute ut par rauging trum 10 prcet utp, The leborere, a-bu b lsebieen paiti il cents an huur. or $1.10 à da., ask $135 o $1.50 s day. but l ln enpeced they wouit ha satIsfit aith $1.2L Thus tan tliere bas beaunu sigu tb*t the compaur a-I accete ho (hi' me's *wsandsan sd the sîike msy prove asesri-j qats sethick lu the revival ut business W" ebséemadu bo ave bagua. Men lu ethar industries are saidt lub. infectait w»tlheb.saea isire tor moeapar, sud1 «On etrike may spread both lu South Chi- mgo suit Joliet. A serions riul occurret i 1%tmddy afternoon ah South Chic-ago, lu *Wh eu a police and torty or fifty strik- -,wera ar. ___ »O WORK AT GRAY GABLE&S. 2%wipldent ittliag Up an ttFeeutive1 1 003=at lita Summer Home. 1 A eomplta executîve office a-lIt ha en- tabffihad et Gray Gables for the Presi- -det's unesthis summer. antias, arrange- ,iasts bave beau matie for tha transactiun et ail public business Ithât ill corne ha- tpaishlm, il is probable that bis departura 9W Bmaaard's Bay aiIl b. made as soon mt1h. wealher becomes oppressive lu Wuahxagon. Privata Seretany Thurbar týgulD be near anoîxgb so tUst ha eau a-unk *IM lthe a.Presideul avary day. No ap- pollatments that may ha matie t othar boehaaearansacte4 by (ha President a-lit ", be faiahad tu the publie at Buzzard'. l1ioaP,,but a-ll ha sat ho the Whie Honsa la ~Weçslangtoa for anuonucament. AIl n -gniiauic*tion aitiî tia deparîmeuts aill b~trough the ctarks lu charge ot the < Vhlta Bouse. This mathoit le lakan lu qidet te avolti sur necasillrfor (ha offi- dallu atteutiance at Gray Gables. iRoYAL LIVEs IN PERI. ~5a UmibaI atiQuean Margauret flaet lsepeDeat. king Humbert "d Queen Margaret ut ZWI ftly ad a narrua- escape truni death Twiaay. They a-are ou Iheir waa by rail ta'* l a paclaltrain trois Flornce to Rorne, l"mnded bytheir suite. Sdeln me et-th carriages wss derailld anti 6#erybçdy en board (ha (nain recaivet qt e 'rilmsserions concusaions.' An oh- op&eton of noe description, it appears -«#Wb qfeli serons the track or w-as piacee Mâe y evl-mlnded persona. Seversl ->~tMbasn of(ha royal cuita sustaîneti dlaht-Injurieu, but the King andi (ueen - -- ebW. wtb uothiugmore serions than a bad sbaiang up. $tu New- Guabosta. The sIx gunboats, for ablé plans harq/ roectly beea approveti by tue Secetaary et l0. Treasnry, a-il haknoa-n by nm -« "MrupIl hey are nameit by the Serelar. It la the Intention out(ha construction bueaut la prauarng tie peelfications tu liai' tb. nea- boals completati lu the leasî -Pussiblelb.., anti I laI.consitiereti that ther sheulti ha readtilugo lutu commis- don a-lthtln fiftean nioulhs. Maauy Adultarallonu Dlacovered. The annuel report ut State Fod com. m"a1ner MeNeal lu 00v. McKinley, filet et Columabus, 0., relleets saverely upon Os e emrelsl houesîr Oft(ha day. Ont mé 1,229amples of toodis aushyzeti 8M w'eadalterelbuas. Death tu M1e Waler. -Ie out of ev.occup"ats ut e laky im boat, whlcb (he, artierIr btatetlu A* ahsiug trip on Osearuti lAka, - ,a-ra drua-neit. Batiger, une ut r a<47 hsd 'bacome felghtéea4 anti eathle.boalta-hile allempting lu s~I-la boie. Observations t a Suc-ls Officer -3it- ltary Affaira He.-a Arc Diormant. Coiisul Germaniif.utrnnich. Snitzar- aut, fmrnislii-s the Shale Deiiarlnuiunt I W'ashington an accuiuuit outhîe iuîuî.aîc sione ot au oflicar ut the Suies amrirbuv, recentitîrmode a tour ufthIe iront uuad le nua- leturiug ou aibatlihIa. sou-n. The offlu-r techares thal Ituet'nited taltes is dormant su tan as ilsailituîmy affaire are concernai tt; alîlugh il bas Ou a t-m au anmy ut 7,852.7'18manan.7,69a.000 lhure ne-ver seen servit-o. 129.(M0 ut them are (ho National Gîtants aut 25.7(ri me-n fmuUIi the egulan army are duing îuuliîe diii> snt fightiuîg unruir Iuîliuîne. Cuîmparing the militsry systeuns o.%.Illan anti Chumua, he sasNg Ihat .lupan's cuuujîres favorîîly aitb Eucopenn gnizu,îiuns, sud Chin's le the ucrsit xisting. JUDGES IXART 18SOF1iTENIeD. RauuceaPrisoners Ssentence Becunse of e Chlti'. Letlen. lunltna United ttehs District Court t 'st Y..u 1..nd. "..*-------1aa-. . Cook to four years in the 'Missouri peni- teutiary fer coucterfeititng. .Iudge Priest et tiret gave Cook seveu yeurs. Cook said that he had two littie girls nud his ruother was aIgu living. He drew froni bis poeket a letter from one of the girls and hbnted lt to the judge. The girl is 10 years old and wrote thut she holied lier father would soon hc with lhem. and eaid ahe 'and her littho sister were going tu write lu the court to let their papa cornej home. Judge Priest read t.he letter and tlid Cook Ihat bis sentence wns reduced tu four yeûrs. GLASS N MASHED POTATOES. Wiillara erainger Almoaet Killed by aslâtrange Accident. For the tiret tinie lu eight dars Williami Hersinger, a youug man living nt (L21 Bush street San Francisco, slept Thurs- day. He hatia uarrow aespe froni deatît aud suffered intense agouy, nud ail be- cause hie vas indiscreet enough to eat matshed potatoes ln a cheap restaurant. The potatoes contained some bits of glass, which eut bis Ibruat no Ibat 1h beeame terrlbly sweilau aud lullumed. He wras unable ta et or sîeep for many days. Ph>'- niclaus say be uaay recover.9 Bread WIi Bise lu Price. Flour ls to tollow aol, beet sud wbeah lu a plunge for hlgber priées if certain mîllers hqve their way. The United il- lera' Association was lu bave held a couference ln Chicago Friday. Whlle the conference was niot hald lu Cbicago--un- les. the meeting was lu the office of une ot the trust cotupaules wbere complete, Ig- norance uf sncb a coufereuce wona daim- ati-the meeting in yet to corne off. There are 18.000 millers of ail classes lu the Ulnitedi States. and oft hese 7510 are nmer- chant milllars., To combine ail would be au lmpossiblllty, but the Pillsbury cou- Gingent of Mr"nneipolis. ail the Milwaukee zuillers but two, aud a few troui Buffalo aud Rochester, would like to liig the. jDuluth milles wUhiu tbeir orgauizatiou and go ln for a general rise lu prices. The situation lu rye floer lis deemed plbe- nomenal. The visible supply lu tbe couu- trY la 1510,000 hushels. The visible supply a yetar ago was 386,000 bushels. lu New York rye patent flour ba» beau advanced to $4 par barrel. Some advauce bas ai- ready taken place lu Chicago. Au advauce lu tha price uf bread would probably he the tiret effective notice the publie would receiva of the succaustul tornittionof the tcombiuatiou. The organisatioti, If par- tacteti, would. It ln entimated, dlrectly controi fitty mille, lndlrectly 100 more. aud have some 200,000,000 bushels of sprlug wbeat tu keap out of the bauds uf tbe speculators aud 17,811 other milse Dot lu the combine. Rsce for the Pennant. F-lowlug is the standing of the clubs of the National Basebaîl League: Per Clubs. Played. Won. Lost. cent. 'ittaburg. .. . 13 10 3 .7619 Boiston ...10 7 a .700 Cleveland ... .12 8 4 W67 13altmore ...., 0 5 4 N16 Chicago..13 7 6 .5m8 Brooklji . ... 10 5 5 .500 Cincinnati . ... .14 7 7 .500 New York....1Il 5 6 ."15 Philadelphia ..10 4 (1 .400) Loulsvllle .. ..12 4 8 M33 Washington ..10 3 , 7 .300 St. LUis..14 4 10 .286 Terrifie Waalher aItSas. $tories ut terrifie weatbar et ses a'eno tli Wetinasday lir aseli vael Iarniving at PhîladaîphiL.At the Dela-ara break- watar tb. signal observer ton tha Mari- lime Exchange reporleel thal (ha ci-ui a-as bluaing ah the rata ut forlr-ta-o mlest an butr, anti rany oft he vessais anchor- adinl the baibur lu cose proxlmlty lu tha ica breakar dragged (hein anchors. Amer- lenu liuer Indiana, Captalu Tuwasent, (hirbteeml aand une-l aIttes fa'oniLiver- pool anti Queanslua-n, a-itb 6W passan- gens, arrlveat ter a terrifie passage. Mi- chael Gilbitiga, àsteerage pasaeuger, a-as swapt uvei'board asti drua-neit. Six Bandits Are Kitieti. Adu-ices trom San Juan }Iesitie(a, MXi., say thal six Guaenalsnuoutlaw-sa-bu bava beeicomni.tting muteu uritersýand robhanuelu (btal section duri4g h. lest fea- ountha hava beau shot. SutiIda or a Beni[ Cabiý. Wlhlaia H. Meguier, asistant cahier Of (b. VlttNatioDal Bank, Oinaba, cou. mitlid suicide b hsbotnt binasîlf Iheo.g Ïtb. lab"iNo cause le a-n for tbas Fi" P« noeusu Kted by eau t$ýPolOs et South Acto., masa. Fridary morulug oue of the powder ua)lte of the Auxerican Powder Company nt Soutb Actou, Mss.biew up. A few minutes laher a second miii. situateti 100 yvards awa. alsa expluded. Fire, causeti hy the explosion. spread ho the third mili, kuuwu as the CorninV miii. aud lu a few minutes it hlew up and evas aiso desîroy- ed. ive persous are babaeveti tu bava beau killed. The woods close by the uîill.. were set on fire and hurned ierceir, lbreateniug the big slurelîousa ofthei compeuy, coutaining 20,000 pounda ut powvder, sud preveutiug the seniiofu pruperty. Fifty men were mouiyf(d ini the mille, sud when the noise of the tirst explosion %as leuird those lu the Corning milis. abont tbirty il umttber. ruslîcti roui the buildinîg sud escuî*d botore the Étames sprend tu the nîlL The uailsla tlun ig- ber. are separuîed frein une nuotiier and incloseti ly hig bhoard fonces. The ex- plusion ut the first miii set fire to tiie sur- rouudiug feuce and the fuamas soon spread to the second muiii. lu fifteen minîutes after the firet explosion tbree ut the mille had heen destro> cd. CRITICISES OURl ARMY. Mn. Burrougit,ou.t Nw jersey. Expires .fier Mskinig a Spececht. Edieunt-iBiimnugbo . fMerî-hniitvile, N. J.. -prësiet .futih"e ktite Boairl ut Agricuilure,.anai,îeunba'of the Siete 11usd ('uliuiimisi ad cx-clerk ut Cuîînî Couini-. made a Spee-ch on the Ian-n ai the esideof it(;en. . Burd Gnubb. ex- minimeor" lu Spain. Frits>-, sud lre mita- utes haler foîl deat ah the teet ut lis .-uniruuulceofuthîe fanioniis Turonîr-Ihinî roglun-t.Newc Jerseiy Voluicers. Mnr Buiirougli anba ef- thie Non- Ji-eeY agricîulturui ixhibit of the Wrlds Fuir. sttiahles ut Divorces. The Londoni fontigu oftica pubishes a table giviîg thue uunbernoutdivorces lu for- aign tounuiies yearly for Ithe laestteIn yeaa the figures hariùg beau Spacialîr galberait by membars ut the cunsithan eouruu. luthe a-bol. ut Great Britein turing 1894 but 5M0 divorces a-arc hp- pluiculfor, a-hile lunCiermnusm>-the totaul a-as uennly 7,000, uautdi France 5.7(K). Thea mt fMaesachusetts shiws-s mu wciîb oeedivorce ho every ha-cuIr-ta-o mur- Siain 1er a Cyclone. A death-laten cyclone Saturday afler- noun strnck ,the tua-n ut Si. Charles, ta-alva miles Sout\h et Elgin. IIi. lasriug a corpaea-chrewc rulrck. Fouir persotue ci-re kitîcul, une peniion ase fatalîr hurt, andt ao vicinîs raceivot serions injuries. The toati are: Mm. Huulie E. Chuîrcb,, ageti 80; Charles N Th<impmoui., ageti 2,1: Misi;Augusta Anduersonu. agoul18;:Chlute Andierson. Tha injureit ere:%MisEmma Joehnson, faînilî;Luîke H. Cuiotin.* data- gemcualy; Antreur .luiuson, eevemoiy. Witsconsin Stormi Swept. Am Auleetrit- antL i. -itistornn Wii~iecon- cuin neridsutandthe dur lecture killeti sua-ral tieuple anti damagi- u înîh lunc- erlr.F. est n arc: Josepîh Aîuîln,î aged 14, kiliet inluKis bat nt Kelîuaervilho; Jasper Chhuap. killai t a Lodi; Jlohn Kit- cheuuuuiten, killed t Syoyuru; MmIr. Jô- seph Suthlndt.killeul lu hem ceilan ai Yornk, a-hoeecie bat guuî lu gelney> frun tLe stormu. Holteiet ou Record. lu the tlicety raturs e' uxoroluugiu-al his- tory ut Chic-aguo ihire une luit sevi-uiyenns lu wbh ihuheanîîerture nusu-a., bigla in auxy time ut 'May as it didii ruay. lu the quarter outa ecntur>- no stiilar date avr-r uialatithe day lu hout. 'Flieuimaxi- miauxtt-peatiire manc 55 aui thlb.'vec- aeafon the tcreîty-fuuuin hous 73. ()aie case ut prostraitionib>-lbeut a-as elicclot. Ta-o Men Kilied inlua Duel. Setli Stlliup. a Unitot States te-put>- marehaL anui 1. N. Taylor, ulti-tinie elle- mies, mat ira a duel nt Sherer si-boul bouse. CharokeeaCotent>-. N. C. It was ngmîed lu figbî witb nakad flis, but Stahicuçi eoon a-huppe-t Taylor, wun ccbrau for his finearmm. Stalleup's lissai cias ahoi off. Taylor a-as morîsîlly shot lu (ha sluuîach sud 1leed' borne a-as kiled. Wl,Nul Lose lHen Home. The pension departuxant at Washing- ton bas saut underw in Siieclal Examine-r Davisun at Parkansburg, W. Va., lu go ho Mrs. Rynu, the agaul widoa- a-bse pension a-as susgpendait hecause tlue de- purtuxent muid.' a micake. autda-ithdrncc the demand Ilat urms mute ou ber in pay aIl muucy ack (bal che lat recived. Swinld iWorkinsgmen. An ludielmnent bas beau draa-n lu Cleve- land, Obio. agait Charles W. Rogers, nua- lu jail lu Toledo. Rogers:auhvurîiset for steiunanr augineers and ebnrged up- llieants $10 each for iuding thêta eue- plîîyment, a-bau, Il lis elsîmeul, he ail nu situiations lu offer, Ibose (bat ha nati beiug fictîhlous. Reed WiltiPar Expenses. 'Fle tiiagnau'ful condition ut Gi-n.Han- cock'e tomn tlu(le Norlsltoa-n eemebr, juel eutside Philadet'phie, has stirred up I.L W. Reait, surgeon general ufthIe Na- Iiunal (Thard utflieunudrîaula. Ha gave, ondors to bava tha bomb rebulît,anti hi' aili puy al lbh expensas hlmiself. Echo of an Oezan Murder. Herman Spart bas been acquIttadInl the Uiaid States Circuit Coturt ai San Francisco .ufthlb.charge ut asslsllug lu% the murder of Second Mate Marice Fitzgrald uftheb Amer- ican barl Hesper. Haea-as fouud gufllî on a former trial Killet Hi.e Renir la Couert. la Jutige Maya's court et Tasea-all, Tçun., Graet Pour. * xotonloug o"taa, a-hle os trial for 1etoenj, shotsud hillat BenJamin &r% a11taiM aant bs. UWEITR&Ifl TQINE. SLIGI4T MENACE TO RAOID RE. COVERY. Four Die la a Stormi at St. Chare- Lut Speech of a New jersey Manu Fear for Gresbam'a Ifealtb-Dendly Duel. commerce Ira Gatntnu. 11. 0. Dun & Co.'s Itarlew ut Tradt says: 'Business begiine Mey in btter condiition tbau ut Ray other lme siuce the hredown lu Mey, 1l«. Suiller lu vol- une thîîîî tdieu. it isaîlot uow shriuking. but eniîrglng. The clîlet obstacle lu a more comlote retcovery is the aîixiety ot maîîy to pluck fruit betore il is ripe. Htulders ot sonie staibies have lifteti theui so fer as to lireeit Iliir muarkeiîîig. Coui- saiuîîtiou ut mnateriale lu some brauches le checked hîr advanuces wbich ratilot lie roiîiized for tiniislid lîrodurte. Workers lu soute induistries are deuîundiir wages iliat ,ailli1 o iit]ont of ulyus uniness ini siglit. 4,1 sdut. of luibor trouibles andd euc- Il tvo oxuosses,thue outlook lîrigîîteîîs. %lu fliy ina rketse<onititie lionlth, , sit. %% iila lienvyls oi c f rnul îvay bonds uurond. thc dufi.-iiiy in p.ubiei revenue. $8.742.- S-t.i Aîril, iiiiioeno îlrhieoî' G.R 1,: HtAM 1% A S-ICK A. Too 'Mbany VInitons Are Admtted tu the lect-Cleauner of the Secretary. Secretury Gruduîîia a Fick naîn. Hie las îot takon îîuuy iiuirislimeut for tbrea days. He lias lieu bis voico uand is lu a bail îi-s. 8everal vieiturs ivore sdiiited, duuing TlIqi;tndv i.fteriiooii lut vilation f the Physicial i. s u,rsr. sand ihey 1er- sjstcdin luisljssiin, iucuiig difloniatiu' ivuiipl icatiuîs .11)1 lcfti iîu ii a feverielu. mecui-îloliriuuuls et îte ii iîîg the îight. Thou ailioiit. nil gizi of itle stoiniacb. il i ý learinoî. l isoeuof ieirly an yers stand- liîg isud jtwiue lefore i tbreo monthlieha s coulpelleil the sevreiary to taLe (o bisba. FELL DEAD ON THE LAWIN. iA81Y novassent le.1Atrea4y Larger than t. aer Nature Kuown. Seretsry Hestar's muuthly Cottonl stetaeut, lusued front Naw Orleans, shows tha largest April movemeut On record,_ 324A000 bales, agalet 24),000 last year. The moveuaa9t tfot Sept. 1 lu April 30 lucludes total receipta ai ail United States delivery ports, 7,730,13 bales, sgalusî 5.(182,s42 blet rear. Net overland movesuant by railroadâ sacres, the Mlississippi, Ohio aud Potumeut rivera. f46,.706 bales. against 788.714 lest yean. Southeru milIlekîugs. exclusive o u3lan- lily eonsumoed at Southaeru oulporti. 586.- 190 bales. sgalnst ,%M054 let year. lu- terior stocks lu cxct'ss uft tiosa belli ah the commencement outIhe seson,14- 30 bales. against 103.s01 lasI 17eur. These miallethe total amouatut the L*otton croie brought laho sigbl durlug the elgbt moulthus tu close uf Alu-il. 9,377,358 bhales. anialsh 7.1(16.401 lust yeum (the >yesr uf the 10.00,- 000 haie erop). DIES AT His POST. Alton Envineer Kîlleti by Masked bandit*, Near Carinviiic, Ill- Altun mail snd express train No. ' Was5 Iiuld up obtint hait îu mile uoth uf Car- liuiville. Ill., nt mjligilt MWouusday bY s gang ot bu-e bien. T1he tranîl'1ad just stulîpeti for the erussiug wlien Ill(, men begun iriug a îîd jui iîîd itu thle uh a ndl cummu ndedtieietughietr anid ireluan 10 lîuiot (ur lbands. I*Iie).were seared ihey baitl kilteel îhe eîgilii'cr. 'rice gang rail in ail dlreitioors. biýt Iir,_e (it theu wvere ciiîuired anud ure iolu njuil. The she.ifft andlpîosse. armedth -ajsiotlDOs lî:î v'starteîl0nu the t ralit fthelieI'si ufthe uniI sad bl, opihav-e tht-m seii. The îîud cugîîîe.r n us Frank lilVî ee Of u the oldest auj best cngiîicms ou the Alton CorpgecaCul lu Piecc-s. A correspiondentofuthîe North Chinat Npue , n lit ing tmNewXChvtln iii;. a st-i -s snd ujîîdîoe Puro)eatià s i5 iiitiiuriY îhuu theî J: uns'Imrolies. w liî-î lli-v cii erad Dî-usloda, m nurdIîred au îd n o:iîîîled pris- uners and manir ut Ie îu'ceftîîl POP- ulatiuu ussertpld tlinh unlihouîr utter the btahle euulîe 1101 a îouadedluin a-as lu lie sean. bat thora were nianuY bodies wilh bayonel woaînds lu adlditiona te) -Dshot %uuîid.. More Ilian 1,.1510 Cîiiuoe ee den-ad mauuuy outhîe lbodies u-ere nînhi- lalod. lu Mauclinria choiera lias ulipear- Mu. liut nutlilu su, tlreateiîing a turun and the latst re'ports are roîussuiug. Sîre-- ijous efforts are heiug nmade to jrevoul the diseuse froue sprendîig. The townnou Ujins. aea Hiroashimua. bas beeiw soîteti and a nioeit riglul qunranline reglation la everywlitere entorced. There bas ulsu beau an epidemie ut smallpox lu yamà- rash! pretecture. the nunlir uit cases Lae- iug 3.0w0. ___ Auxions tu Fisht Jupon. Thel'aris Gaulois aunilices Ihat lils. sin lies ilivted F.ronîce sud Uermuy lu sigu s joint note ststnug their objections lu the tr-aty utflucule arraiiged ut Shim- uneseki betl n ntIie ratîresouilutives ut (China aud istîsu. sud tixat the ltter ecun- tr hi notifeul that te ie totftbher iguîr- uts ibhis notae r111 warrantthie urîuad lu- terveunti uon the part ut the three hua-ara uuhicli igu it. swept by a Cyclone. At 4:30 ednesday Stteriioei the littie tua-n ut Haîsteuil. îiurlîicest utf ihta. Kan., wos visiteti by au aîîalliug (cyclonte, eaueiug theisof tetn lires sud leaviug lulils truck matir wrickeul lîsinees bhouses andi residences. A striip ot couutry se-v- ersI liundreti Yards wide and ti ut lst sixteei mgilei l i lgth uns dvasaled. Tu Repel the jarîaneec. lu ticcordaîîca -illa i pciuli iîîPerial edict igsucul luorder lu proeul îLte pIsusi- ilitr ut the .lapanese euteriug Pekin, the Chiiese have cul the river î-mbaîîk- memts ucar l'ekiu. Mucli territury han been fole4ld dhuudretis ut Chines. have licou drua-neel.. thnaisad Will AccePt IL il ls leuruad un guoti aulboity Ibat Greût Brutalu bas agreedti lutha pro- poxed settiement ut ber dispute wltb Nic- aragua if thxe parment outhIbeinnity is guanrateei. 1h le bélieveti that the altair la pruî-ticully settled. Mnst Use Sons. Other Fuel. The Stanudard 011 Comupany serveil mo- lice ou a nuber ut Clevelaut fîtlorios, nIîich bave liteu using ietroîeum for fuel, tient il could nu longer furuish Ilium îith fuel oih. Duke ot Orleans Very Illt. The condition ut the Dalle et Orîsumis, niîuu broke is log ou neridylest w.Mxle out buntiug. ls serionus. A sllght attaek ut Pneumonie lms oorplcatiug maltais. MARKET QVOTATIO-is. Chîcago--Callu4e, commun lu prime. $375 to $6.,50; bugs. slippiug grades, $3 lu $5; sheap, fir to choice, $2.50 lu 15; wheat. No. 2 rad, 63W lto 4Wc; torn. No. 2, 47W to 10 4',c; uas, No. 2, 28c tu 29àc; ra, No. 2, 64e bu 65c; butter, choice eneamaery, 1(5e (o 17c; eggs, frealu, 12e lu 18e; potatues, car lots, par huwhel. 70c to 90e; broem corn, par lb, cunimun growth tlu due hrnsh. 4c lu 7c. lnidleapols-Cattle, 51111p9ng, $3 lu $6.25. bogs, cholce llght, $3.00 tu $5.00; shaep, comuîonu (oprime, *2 tu $4.110; whieut, No. 2. 65e lu (65W.; corn. No. 1 white, 47e 10 48c; oals, No. 2 whbite, 32e lu 33C. St. louls--Cattle, $3 tu $6.25; hoira, $4 10 $5: whoat, No. 2 rati, 64e to (llc; corn, No. 2, 4k-.ho 47%e; ont&, Nu. 2, 29e te 30le; rye, No. 2, (Me (o M1e. Cinciuiati-Cattle, $3.50 (o $6; Ilogs, $3 lu $5.25; gbaep, $2.50 lu $475; wlieat. No. 2, 69Ue t10 09i; corna, No. 2 mlxed, ONwiGi~131A MIKADO CONCEDES ALL RUS- SIAS DEMANOS. Faillaz Lamber Fln Wil,, Puy Ail Creditors-Mlss puropriat ton of Pub-' le Moncy CharzettAgainsl lthe Oov- cruor ut Kansas. Ileun Growla o lonSint Purpose. Theo .luia iîisî' Guveriiuiuet lion s lu tin- edt hi<,ir e utouft(li'iiauiy thalianl aecuruluuice ailli theî'udr lu-t'outthe lon-îrs Jupo n bas relu-iiuîuetliter claii lu the Lino Tunîg îîeaiusuîla %nter the (rosIr ut Sbiioei-vki. lutPi us tllie .apaiesi' îloin- inter hisninteruoc iii'theMiauiie of utFore-ign Affaire, .LHaniotauax. ltal. daferrlng lu the fieîîdly auvice out l"anee. Itugselu and Geniîuuuiy. fll ait bas oiuacdils i-luiinn lu the. pernuiut iPossesinutfthe Lulo Tuuîg îîî'îîiitîsua. iîulauîiug Port Arthuir. Tbh' Journaul de St. Peutersbuurg gaiys Ibat Jupona. lit ci-uiituniullv o 1heic dvi-i' uit Russi:î. F-roncié îand ',u u-,m-iîiu-' bier' liste tht puiesoscion oif"ig.'oi An offiiil a -iile nu.-iived ilaiWashinugton gi vi.s ui- i o ii 11ltîiiiitlnIlaI lti'eux*- litcrrutf('lbinlias miitlii'ul thbetrou ly. 'The i- frluit liitl itî gole su itilive- 55 lu lb beiyi dîîîl î it-et iin, tt i-luare uî lu in iîy - truulicloi-y sttéiinuts tront tuoflii-ial soururu-elis tuii v îîthi-r the eiupcrir bit or hlud niarutilleul. A Preiss dispaît.i- fron ikuiuia u.ysehast Chiîua's ratifi- ction uin l hli du,îat. Al Ibis ilublt le put li isîr ii ai-, n hy the a uithLuritu - tire iiifiiniatiiionrî' -àtîluu g Washington. Th~le ru il ieu tlji. f thlu' (hineseuciiiuror lilage t linui adu pon . tiîu il ialai-icri, su ihia t ilru'inii s iiy fur Jlupon mutu sett le ii l ltia-iiiu nd îî uthi-r Irolî'stiîig lsiivis. ACCUSE» tDY THE WARDEN. Hhiseif Under Investgation. He Now Assaill lte tovernorý S. W. 'IiChag. wa uuilii ufthliiiKa-fins îîîuiteaîl lur>, il uiîuli cvir,' ont naur- ruînt fuir the arnet ut tuiv. E. N. Miornill, u-Iuurgiîîg hMn ith ultaltîiug utoy a uîer taise lirete-lise. .. 'base uharges dtlu fruontli-i. 15. l1ffl. tutJoua. 14. the dalt- ¶u it aieîug.auau. (bu-v. Moii nii u- tainiai- su11. ite iinuc at' nuuiiis n ku-pt lii iee viIerks liisy wart inîg uîir thei' uulli - vtion iu,î,f uhie i-t..oe nd uKl wiing livu '-p lii-uu-e.nt]î,that nuta r le bu-u-siiu'Gui n-rhtum bu- igicd voc iuuLm ftr thlle - i e -s.a11.1lia li thii ou dt it the ext.-uitic e u-uutiniri-at fuond. .'eA pril salaries ouit1h' tlaret- .lerks have Ilen witilîiltu. r-plaie the. iliiu'int cgi ulu iii but Ibuilt doe îu-t m,-uiiiîe itle u(-aageif i it-uipiiii nila îul Vin- ho(eba n sd bis ut- lunaie y a y cill îuusiheIinalter. The arnel t fGi,. IMumill let Ly maity cin.- siilered spite wrk unî the pient utf aen Choise-, wccli le nanlr li rî-signtion uicu. BIG LUMBEI I llM ASIIGNft N. P. Clarke & Co.. ot St. Cloud, Xian., Forced lu lthe Watt. - Thi. agsiguniiult ( ho laînber and batik- iug fiitx-utN. Il. (Clarke' &tuVo-îofSt- 'loiiiliit ulM itneaplii.isudmuchi sur- Prise-. but il le i-laiîied the dvIîisttî,n nu-liloe nut hing . n.tainîîîîl t' au a- signiuant. tiltia-nu. uîgeinunit buis fuirsunte lime beei iigid litiexl-liingtIiilé1s sait murîgsgî's tu, secume deicusitons anti pri. vote ireilituirs tu.tht' atent iuf abouit c. Ont). 'rli M innueaps î tlilulitien ciilI nul eau-it $tM.ttealithe.' sssets auni'i - 'ougily siliîati.d as Ilgb as $.ue.Ma but -vwI îg tuurecem nranustu-e $.ts>M le îumihlily îîî-a rrfleic ornu--t figure. A rininînthlai itlu,-fa il une wn s e ua.- ii > us iî in li-at and i -,în ucras ulu'iled -nphatiî-al- ly Ly Mm. UClarke. FIGHTING IN NICARAGUA. An Insurretion Breaks Ont Agraînet President Zelsys. Fiazhtiuit bas baigni t Gruinila. Nicara- guis. Diâsiruer su potted fronti Le.ti elpo. Worinl comes tfront (haro that tino tolluwe-rs et Ambla. Zerula anti Mtat-berri. haveé uuit- cd te muake a-ar oui Zlayn Theo iiiui- huit mi ruosu auu,-întateul nt Colie ;n-ls iiill runiain ibu-ni, as il le feari-d thai the t lurî-u nii-,l outallrîk outhie Nlowliaitl rtnîs- ëi-ruat lon ini>- i-aten u-au ilier. Thet tnuîuîî nI A nnilecil libe-iiumriluuteois lcmug lb. î-,uuîe. tenl Bouailu vili tske is i-i and lguilt' resieiîînlZtli-'s nid if rýi-uaeNt,tu. Tt-i(ýo-i-îitiuîîut(,riai lu îîuî the euililîg outhîe Britimhlips lis lean- nouuiiutd. SEVENTEEN SAILORS PPRISH. Portion ufthlie Crew of lte Steamner White trown lu a Gale. Neiv cras ne(-Piv-d ut lPort Tua-usenti, Wuis. tron Kodiak Islandî, Alaska, Fnl- day attemoon on ibe teamoer AIki, thiat tht'e îrge IL W hala,tif Seattle,wase are-euinlua gala on April 14. Seveuleen ofte tI'cron n-îrc dIluer tirîxanotior truzen lu denahu. LigIlteut-hauediome anîd silîl survive. Thlic chooiuer Kodik n-as îuitil u-reck-d lut the munie gale lieur tLee sie îlaî-e, but mnu liros n-cri'llest. (ld Unlanu lrmouaoesDown. Buiniess tiru-lesof tut'rbuu, Ohio, a-are tr,-ati'il l a gm-ct surprise 1riday mumu- iig wcvîuatht- -eli-kiuwiîdry gouda hous. ot RtuselBrothemis tallel tuopen, anti it n-ust uiuoiiicîl Ihut the firai hati muie amt aà;sîgumemut for tIhebnelit ut cretiltons. The bouse was otne ut the oldesl lu the rity, auid dit a flourighlug tuiinelis. Sonane iuuc-a,tmiiaouts luW'esterni landsanditiduli tratie are glu-en us cutanes. Cterk Killed by Robberu, Isaac Jop, ight elerk ut the F1h51 Ave. .tue Hotel, l'itlaliurg, was tecuredtol the hastement ut the butaI anti assaulleti hr robbers. ciho 100k a large sain outrmolley fnrn hlm aettienot hlm suo badlyvith an ,--- bar- th.-llac--ld josephN. réellibnt, o Receun t "ente lu the f1u4nrla1-W hiave brouglit Joseph B. Greetibt a prQwaineut, If not an euvlabk1, iuau lu mallyw sud ex-receilve the whleky belng a »-a mi a8 greatuîcl 8 m~ Wal Street. At o0" l ime he seeme4 destînoti o iecomn j.~~ ~~ n.h E~uIt.tle suecessur of Jay GoulcI In the bclduesu d dartmg ut stock operatlous. A word or a g9d froin bint matie or lent fort rnes for traders lu whisky speurîties. Awilu activethie stock vus oli'detteIt dîctates. Wlieu lie tlketi et'roi= Ity> the qîîolatlîs soared. Wheu ho lolul ot leanu arultîgs; they ttnbloG lutoxlcuttuuî ithlits1114p9wer nluthe market lnally niade lin lm l7xyand a# thie vrItit-n i nou."nî trade'rs wltlu who% icaffitil lie built juggiu-d for years coui- lîluieui andul <v.rhrew blia. He le no* about tg) lie rireui frotîn tili property Ilii iiniiniced 84u bly ut llî-et. anue.ixi ly s, -) lio MmI. Greeiioitlml a Bolheinlan Jew. ýN'lt'îî a liere 11lad lie caine lu Aneerima II.'rîns eeud li 'ît-g.FeW perRils -li ltieNv luii ias .n boy, when w idla .v. ult îî md lu îr.-ilet e suc-. eeesfîîl u',ruer for the Lui. Iba waà e- uza deid lis itle leI. klien d if the. ellool. Il' 4î,,114. psi'utlui ionI lt se.aud lilitIlt tii r.îigliotit ilsuis ntir.' oarse.,It Nvaiat tIi.' lot 4li n ol. îd(y touk vo.g .ti~ itiremtlIlia the-stid Younfg fîllwi'. lligli. iv i-uit l of-:zîî uthl alle r lie .lîî.ieiiiti iclveifl. That 1 1 ci-s expbni-se-ti ci- ru-po ris,-ame back tien thet' aar that Grat-muut ras ut lte front. flgliigIlike a tlir. 'Loua a-ho thxuglat thaey kn'w Iluiî i nevir treamed ot lis belug elirneul l a>-hntrlolle Ira. lîtlseti. tmnauut uhl-iapiInel tban. He ciaiteue out(hoelira rest coldilars uf Afteti'haeciar Mn. Grcenht Ireturned lu Chicago aud Sot lu tue tistilling buetncss. Thf8ortuînes a t -Auhers laid mate lunlbhea-blairy buîn-s hsle ho a-as flghtlug gset-iato teatruct hhs at- teindotn. Ha ohirateti a plant utlClii-. cageo(<un soIn.' ime. Afteu'riard lhe cieut ho Pekîn, contiiing lu thie saun business. Tîen lie muuv'd -un tu PeortL. lie cias oua ofthde urgailzu-ne uftIhe trust, Aftete eottall th fAdolpb Vool-. uer. Mr. Greeubut became the' coutrol- llng spirit ufth1e trust, lea-as lb. ah- aohute ditator oftlis pullc>- anti Ils matliioti. Thle sînengîiofethîe inouwaa uei'en baller lllustr.iîeilt hen on tlîuaa occasions a-heu dînachors met lu Peorla a-ltb Ihein mîntisniaite up lu chieck r--nuesantocratie ci-ys antiscirt It'iselveq. lH. deait ci-lîL tle boardt irmil>. Onie if thelial- raclure reentIr c:ld Mr. Gra.uheut Suuee e b>luuiuîllz,- Ihiii. lie gut evep*-Ihiagig lie- c-n ntet. anti ahcu-ys atudet I hhvlîîg llings bis ca-n way. Mr. (jraiilitl's houmte le une outhua neoct hotspltuabheandI luiliUIlu leonia Hie duinestic lite e ux-iI.uny. I lel sIdt ihtliaejînîs nu iiiut ubatever on the. chuaritable ciork tut Mcc. Greenhut. She iveeîvay lhouiiands ot ils mxon- ey eu-amy year, lhuuugh li cuchi an nuns-- tpnlahlousieW2-1Y thant foui-kuca-wlho tue objecte et lier clînnlîy ara. Toucli- iuea @tories ara toItlu inIloola ut ber ganenoslt>'. Tan Cents Weakhy forn Plasma,.. 'liit Iol not au extînet trait l In th original Lune of thea Iliity>, New-En- gland. A Youug oa-un -rte lu a Boston puper te teIl bowe a tanilly tt lhnee eau hive on $10 s wee14 "Mly nother," she says, "it au Ine-elîi, My falltr la foreman lu a facluny anid aarne $21 a week, anti 1 stay at home anti do lins irn. Eu-en> wtek a-a putu $12 awny. 1 tros eclantieau play' the piano. 1 allend the tlealar la-les a week. but the 25-celit sents are guud enough tor me. Suunîar I eook a quar-t ut beaus anti bu>' a lett fhrwn breaduand hed ualaIt pounti ut salmo,, andi thal dues untIl Tuesula>. Tuesitay a plut ut uysters le sufficlent tonrtilu. uer. Weduesdsr I bu>- a chît-ken or a omaîl pieeutfIeunb, vlili dues uutil Seturde>- ci-Ih a httIa feu, W.use a aniail qunully ut past-> anti bnead aud cake sud vegetables. Wo mrn leva times, bunu guus; ie use matches antd peppen. My tllir onl>' spatuds 10 conta@ e week for pleasure. Wliau my coin- paur stars lu tes Stunday waet have a taw extnuls. 1 do al an>- drassthakltxg andi average tour dressa@ a yen.-,"' Where 'lhey Dinnk Nu Cold Water. The Chunee are hardI>' aver seau 10 drink coldteraa. Noltinhat tbay drink - Il un lt h>-I, but (lent (ey pluer If bolllng bot ant ixel wltIe a littIe tea. Thora la a gouti anti sufficleuit retison foi ihis prafarence, ftoeln. ctiei4 tua-ns alnd villages lu thée Flow.îl Land are kept lu sucli a dity sa"- tliat the wll% ri ersan o ,oùdé esuppî'y ceatuot laca 1 ba leu fflled. 1Ilalu prly w tq "baaàbemCia.,toa

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