CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 May 1895, p. 4

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oneveair.i lr, rPADDOCK. I)IO NI)PiEOP 1FRIDÂY, MAY 10, 1895. 01107-1 euah lu advance .......... fft Mtili. euh lu adysum.......... mlti. cs5hilanadvsnS ........ ..0 4b»yesr If net pald witin 3 Month . 8. 15 4Weymê.4f fnetpsid lthin a Menthe ....SL1 .attsmants et stoppage made at the rume - maPer year. WANTS. FOR SALE. UTO. ft W res at Prairie View within IL F& rdof the depot sutabie for resldenoei ,oaufacturing purpoeea.A fine pieceof DmOpOit welt ocated a bargain for smre eue. IÉUM reasonabie, apply t.> J. A. Maion, P ASTURE FOR STOCK--I have goud pa8turfge for cattle. 29-32 Chas. Stempel, Long Grove, 111. TJW O Pure bred Poland-China Bours, aFor Sale. Good sîze serviceable BKog. Apply to C. G. Smatt, b1reedéer, Glimer III.28-80 FRM FOR SALE-157J acres, wel F improved, Clood Buildings, neyer- *Iliiig spring, Good Stock and Dairy VaavL locatodl on section 18 town of Paumont, three miles north of Waucon- db &M iv. miles west of Rockefeller, oS Wlc. Vent. R. R. Ton roda fromn oebool Bouem and forty roda f romn Nisekafitl Shop. Termis reasonable. Enaquire of Owner on premises. P. 0. Addrees, Wauconda, 111. TREAN; IME MORMON'9S DAUGHTER. À& uommatto Btry of LgetaÂmong the Latter-D)ay Bs&nts My ALVA HILTON EEEa. tWr-ttn w hie Living n ttait 4WP-*Uo.1w.m, 1AmeA. N. rKatl en. ,qgoe (C4. AUl RAt Rder"u CHAPTER VIIL A MXUNCtlIATt>i. 1Nr a moment liAcard stood tooklug at 41W Ilrophet. bis eyes anappîng, bis face MU ~wt itb angor, and tho bine veina about &btempées disteuded with brning blood. . à, cm I apeat a moment te iis people, 410" ha 101:01- ý IN*rmiUlo balt oiiouad the Prophets fin- - lb .Ifa lause fM11eaIonce Ato silence. Wt gos»Oalsted look tha greal man aiteed sud 01 Il 'i uninstant, vbilea awhite film .Sssd tb cerne forvard eut et the leaL of Mb largo face and settle in a littie palle OMS atout bis Mouth. -'i-rbainbY, it yen lm*suy tblng instructive te offer." ha *'hank yen; that in preeîseiy the nature Mwhst1 bave te say," repied Elchard, sud ~sIg tevard the peope he drev immeif gpaid looleed ai thom. The abilinesa et éssg*. f011 uponite bouse. thia straugor $aobed la he angor se lite a white human *ooW The fine strong modeling et bis forrn, .tsagbtnos.snddllaed estrils. tbe *sset e! the lover face aud tbe nte- i$i sud delicate tut-n o! the upper, ui gb. sil the i.blng blue-gray oyos, sv'îpt ts s thritIl hrougb the audience me tus. bovsy gentry et the pulpit pialferut nover hope t. bloends." teo longan.1"1 do nt viableo 00e Ioyeunéa a religienlst, or as a rniules- -éý he Go5sela, but a. a man aud a. a bWga. I at nt a public apeter, butl- ,,gW"uevar toit my feliovs lu the face àMW suad vouid nover cesse te exocrata itMtowamdice of mv owu hcart, id 1 le; OUNs boum pusa 'hy vithout varning yen fiast Ibis tan. Brigbaiu Young va. M. a spor man; hbewa. a puer by traie 4"luured te ard vert. Wben ho joine.] mffl»S~,eple ho vas bil peor; vhen ha cants *UIso. mouttAin valcys vitb yen bis cir- fultuces vere nt yet improvel; ho bue oot risen te pover. 'iventy yoacs of jflsiuwpled privilege viIh ycur pursea an.. #mliberlloa4tave made hlm. net oniy ousé hI* rilciet men lu our tederation. but buas »MAou among bbe weu'd's grost Princes cf Ibo»! ou are peor; peuury sud uoA.- MM aud tthe-pavipg ls yuur portion, vhile fwg&r inthe booming bain efth<e IGreat IMlakke be la ted lite a King auud *»MM paiatlalty. To-dsy is yortmen are Àoibbug s palace for bis tavorite wufe that o0s ue bnndred thousand dotlars; but à. «mtit o! bAs vîvea brenghî cuit Au a divorce trom i hm, alleging Iht hic lu- Iméivas torty tbousaud dollars est-h 41b. Yet ho bas told you bore b-day »M taesalvatton ot yonr souia depe -A te payrnent et one-tentL et ail youf tionsansd carninga each year loto a SiWo" of vhicb ho is cumbdiau and te â»fiUon of vbicb hob abevit yen ***Weny yoara! lMen! boy long viiiyen g04supluuoy l inte armae!fis perfidicus #Ompt4ons sud ho plunderod i Wben shail bourts bc open te te admisaion et the inglu iference of tis mot giaring tati" *?Iàtt il d!" broito In late Prophet, .slk rage, a. ho steod bebinil the pulpîl h@Mauy colora diyîng about bme fae. But ind gave buta no beed, and veut on *ka uabing, clarlon-lite deivery: "AMd ho Las bold yen bore to-day that 4.drlssv-tuo, and bas bidften Von tu ,ý**eb thr'a lives! Gbd i1 erHaien, ýÎ s montor! Oh, unspeatable, terri- 4j0sdvice! And ho bas adjureil you,tec, by samnb as yen long for a lite boreatter, in à&mUohC as you hope te lotk upoea the 41'. tcfsatbtter vorld tha t tiis, te sday #m0 love, the harts sweetesb snd punist alieuionsudaism t in tappi-ite and]te ia- *ntIaIdivision oethîe lbrubes. <0. fleiih .Îdml11on 1 te bid woman upn penalty ut iosot soulte becomeoeefuthbie inatuy uvves 4e1tb man *he lovas! tu bld lir as skie hiopes 4W liyeavo t go ont sud soLicit atothor o ohm sit r hm tubaud vitb hirul-nite roc'iThis =cati nelh itn in- Ibsla te lngetunlby cf bell! Oi, tu Ravel I 1ver.eof oiTAy Atoe, 1 vonid repudis.. Thy gwvermeut. 1Ivoud go upt o Thy ",s.groit day sud I vould &&y: ta»edcî tcause Thon msdest te R ~ at aeet o! Heaven at 1 1 I as trune tet - dldat ver plant Au ou lm UttAsr. 99Wtis note lencbad and face pullld witb Mule. Thea other oucupants oi the plattorm were looking wel-nigb as cul up as their rnad- deuad leader, white a training embarrasa- mont held the audience slent. ..Ne. 1viii not. No diaconrteay te yen, ir, eau equa thte atrocieus attempt yon bave male upon tiis audience!"' sald El- ehard. "Thia bouse la fot yours, t à@ the property of thia people, sud they bave flot yt forbld rny denouncing this oftblimation of blaaphemy wbîch yen have pronounced vîthin ilu"l At titat moment John D. Lee and Bishop Parley stepped down front the platforrn with lowering brows and came toward him, but Trean Hartinan rose up in the asuie before tbem, ber f ace whte, bier bosom beaviîîg "l..tand back; don't touch him. your words sione have given him pain enotigh!" she said. in a vocs not ioud, bot sharp and "STAND sACs!" auxonu£ bard ite seund smilten trom a steel. The tvo beavy -igu r tepped vitÈ @s%- toishmcnt cbauging every lineofetface aud form, thon they advanced again, sud Lee grovlod, ronghly: tlltandsaside, rnadam!'" But the statue-lîke barrier id nt movo, uer the repellant baud fai, white the grl'a oyes lookcd stralght lot the oves beore tem vtth tebbc bing steadineas o! the osgies. Whst a cuperb bar lu the vay et violence! "He @hail scy vhat lho ploases," shle said, "and if yeu injure hlm yen chall fretIposa over me 1"I "Miss Hsrtmsu,* said Elchard'a voice ho- buud ber, l'corne, 1 cao not subject yen bo Iis," sund ah. turued sud foloved hm out lite an enraged Queen. It vas a strange sud drsmatic sceite, but vould bave beau ridîcubous ltad 1055 gravtty o! feeling sud underlying tragedy atteuded Il. As It vas, the meeting came tens ather embarrassed close, sud Trean'a bande vare trembling aud ber eyes upon the ground as &ho walked up bbc laite by Elehard's aide. Coier had returneil te the yeung tan's. cheoits, tut hlmeIeai vas beld erect sud the palier et anger stili hcvered about bis lips and totils. Had lie nt loeoi this girl hoe- aide it perhaps ho would have tursued trout tila rodal horror wtt ne exhibition of rapugunue sîrengertia th "guet, but nov bu eomed lin olved lu it. liai Ahituet sufferedite AilIbs man taikedi Riad sie nt goîte torvard ahudderiug sud sufferlng aitlie beiIe tînder tbe moral sud materual plgu' uvithtiti.naitd ongenderedi Il seemeil te hlm sho vere beinig amitten Iu bbc face wth flith as ho bai isteued te tho Prepbet .sa erds, sud bis loers blood leaped and buugcred te tbroîle the insulter. No vorda ver. spoiten until lboy steed among bbe abelterilgliset; thon lho turned sud ooited aUber, lThe cyes wve. ui anil swimmtng that shae litted teD bis face. "-Yenumust go away nov," she fate red, "ot e! tb. Terrtory; AIt vlI cmat yeur lite for yen te romain!"1 "No," he sald, stesdily; "lmy faîhera uin- terasteansd rny ovu are ovor there, tand y-4u are ber.. 1 could nt go. evon if you bim, Trea." The expression of srrev sud apro benaien deepened I ber cyesasa. hu g-ie1 nt hlm. ",1 shall came for rysaf,darling,he pleud-i ed, lu anaver to lber loo. "Thesemnitarm cowards; thoy eaunont ho else. Th-y viii neyer molest me vhen the cun la cyci- ns, andd1 sasîlhave Saiare vhoeo1 amn wien that gees dovu. Treu,do yenthiuk I oul loave yen ew Il* sud tne hld ber hand tigbtly, looeitli fondly down lot ber tace"a they vent atowly tcrward. For anavor lber face fell witb a rush et roe-bboom ever nock sud chets, but vhite ber hesrt leaped thora vas a 1ev heating SI the bottem vwhicb said: " 1 shal le .hlm!1, 1 shail loae hlm becmuse lho loves me se!" Tbey tcund ber tathor lying veait and sulent wbei t lby vent lu. but le turnoil bis eyes te thot with oxpetaut hope. Whab ho saw lu thoir faces, though amles ver. thora, made hlm bru bis bead avay ytb s eoau. 13e the magie efthlie Propht bail faled 1 Aim, tht -.thichbhadl seemed hiait beautitul and wbolly compellng te bis crue sud unpollshad perceptions, bai prcvod a thiug met f rgbtfi to the fluer nature ot Ibis young Nev Engtsudcr 1 Thoy did net teuch that viicit Lad occur- red vith vords-tbey had neoueea, te trouble et ut vas n their faces-~ but inqutreil ia feelings and bis mmniort tenderny. Juat atber te sun veut ilown ho fi-l mleep, and, ieavung a iisc upon is fore- bead, the daughter Ivont eut wvere Paul vas pacing te and fro aioug the porch. The fiameglbis anieor va.s tiit icking t bis heuart, MIlat sight cf lber face il <ied away, and tbey bat devit andil tki-ilwhite the day vent eut, lb vas a aveet bour, deapte the sadovs cf evil omen whicit, taiitng f rom ail1 poiteo, seemeil te converge upen Ibeni.'rTe sun baviug put eut its firea upotu tbe western iountains sud alipped dovit behind thon, those êtupen- dons valsa slevly turned u opaque bne, leavtng but oeother spot et cler it the vbole gigauticecurves, a ro'ie-bearted heap o! filliing aches vitere te sun b.ditseemeil to es au momnet among the eagle prongc. But for a lonîg tinte the eustern peaits vere tipped with golil, vuit faunt wispa cf pint foaing abolie titi-r, white titeir bases recI- i-i in a paie and îbaiovy bhue. The air 1h51 filhed the vatiey, toc, heaumne visible, a lake etlilgitest turqueis reaching hait vay up titi, niuxtains. sud it whict buildings sud dietaîut objecte stecil cubimrged and vapory. Titi-t slowiy tliei twiiigitt <loip- ieil, so sltwiy tc changes voud scurceiv bc toliowed, for wvithe it- ye uas liftette golul ips soi-mud a beail-n mcsetad thte mouitaiîts seil umber at t hase, and uow titi peaks'veri- a demi uniber anud bbc Mountainus ititk at Aottoni, but thi- oye bail not hi-en chlioged; iosoncîbly thei colors ritad cocue anîd gone. pusboit troni their rplaces by iniidi-r, sabler layera untlal vY a buowy and darit. itil the loyers al sud whisp-red, folded t close in titat soft and mnsbey munit wbicit, 5 lying upo thlie ground lilee a vaaI sud vol- 1vety mat, §coens tbe foundation upon wblcb i- t darkness resta, white eue by one te 1 stmarteayed lto.the vide upper air and 1 tha tnrnlg et the O volbrougbt teuiteo 1 A.sat.Ibs MioartWO», .VM bdhatbbW M Es AttSANCEO AT ONCE TO TEi TABLE. tnrned sudwvas standing far up the nlounitaiu aide above Hamtmam, c bouselie vas ock- ln, dovuard vben utre %trtp@ ot cioud att bhc zenith begarà to gov fron tAie great cou1- iagratlon riemg in te oet, sud tecablu rose alevly eut o! the cbadovs. The cme rofecetion lit aupou is face; iA vas elikte cvsage of a sclmetr vite, througb a vbeie nigbt, bai teugbtthb eS, sud hAmi lu bandea s te9isanu imes upon the oid cLore enly Ue Ldravn strngglins bai-t. For a long lime ho tood thora, bag- gard, Lbolweed sud veau-y. okiung dcvi. Presentiy a thin curi cf amoke began vav-t ertng upivard front the roi bis oye. ver. restng upon. tbon là hUMar figure omerged fron the porcban sd pa8saeddownu utolte littie neadev by te fond. A borK ata graung theri-, sud the mnuapon tAi- tounit- mai taigereil sud tut-ni-iabout 1.1-veue beston by u invisible tempet "Hi#agcîutg te tAe mines t-dav! ', ho ct-led. "lOh), Father mu Heavem. teul me vitat te do"I Whât vas the nature o!flte store nt whuch hi- ha.] bei-n vaîîîiorîng ail tAie ritgttl1 Atemî.esbfofitifing forces, salisîleof in- fluencesi, vuiclu, lulto ie"iu sud unclesu brda, bai fought &il iîglt over titi- t-ner- sbup of bums prit. He Lad. bei-n clmaud-d We commitlmuni-r. Thie minu vutîniie bu- ieveil (ijia ripri-s entatîvi- en earth, wvte voici- uas lte voici- cf tAie (ici uton ie feuued snd vorcitipi- il a laid thio awful duty upan hAu. Anti tAiebloot ieito a. te spili! O itte-niasi-t-efiuly ilb rau cueet sud ieinmruvîtlitlove toc tuei- oman Ae him ci-if loi-i-i! WLat pro(iion andîrlîulsiou lay i inte houglt'1 lb ci-i-odu, rend hum But ilu' VOWS Hlaiinl 3evIirLi n te EIt'Icuvtent Bouse aunitomnaIoueitince t te ceunisso!fUc.] chî!y Prî-ctmcod un fort it bus evu lifel Bai hoLonet oru te <ifond te instituticonetfvuhicitlhe wae an et-daine.] member against alil ecuctcmeuit. even toe mi sedhiug ut bioci, Hua]obttis att-nuzer lute.] ue Lanîd agnînst tt But murýier.' The dismissai iii eeet conscoons mess frnm sothere hi-urt, leavng silence andil bactuesë sud ochu-mon in .ba stemi Titi-puttîng ouftif oyt-c n vhucthei-gren esrtit and bine slîy, oui a lace titat ho e sod. bai bei-n reitlctoti, antd]lai, eemnci ut-st and oauttiful' l Titi-eftîceîeml artu batter- ing dîîwnuif s livintg satd]cineu.y inrage (if1 lotI. amdil& uts iaifort-i-i-i t-ci e tv,-. that loil Tut Te igili- fit rougît ai! biti.b esifîîu. he ll igi itseif ate lbtA i-asi ificbei-. tandi - . f.,-t anid ftic mn- guit if1a uîc'j" ic 1. ti aw ellig fat tt- uuiîibiig ii ti- Easîtii oi e w u v,uli ci l mui-ir i-orne: 'lie ii tii-îA-1i uswwI..iîti1h- inys- tory. bu- îisi.patbcîl plaîn- t1ue f«ijti h,. rite l.iîgii, anitvroig. anditi;'jury gif il al Theisi- aunda tcîiî,aiii.o' it-r ilitiles antd aspects utti-tii-o.] butiiitii-cut uir lbin lite an eigulfuîmg vave aud i-el nîgb cmnitod hum tetee atb. But ho rose agiaiti. Waa flot his duby hi-- tore imil Wera not bis vevas on record bot lu e.llcand Hoaven# Wotld mot1 tie golit, if amy7, m4t vitSGoderoriMe Tlesboodi Migh$ lu the séme hour suotber torebsal vas puabed out f rom amouf the Wile aves Md anotber face follovd-1t, booklng UPOn ltaO overs, but vith a acovl. Wa» t it Oface of Orson Boamor Eaocb Arment1 A mask noradv a vao s u e~ it, but tbrotigh ltes Va"l that svung Softly as the branches moved in the slow breese, il seomod to writbo sud mccvi afrusi, thon fade back imt deeper shadom Msd Pa avaY. Par- hapa At vas enly 0of t h0. fantatic ou- blances of the buman face tsahioued by moonlight among tree branches and nod- ding leaves; but, whatever its characte-r, Tresu, though unensceittus of its presece, had shuddered and risen up, and he who steed beaide ber badl folded ber close and kissed sud led ber in, leuving the lilaca ne0d- drnlz ut tho moou aud the light winds gos-, biping in wbispers amonig the branches. At the sunset hour the Prophet, to0, Was pacing wi and fro, but with a sm&rting beari. The blows <lotit by Elehard had srotlbed ai] his hard and cruel nature. 0f larger and strouger growth oven than ap- petlte in this man were greed for gold sud power aud passion for revenge. Wbere ho tated he wus savage, and Aho hated what- ever lifted hand, or voice. or law, or even love, in question of the aystom he Lad it great part erectoil, and whose honoreansd opportunities for gain were hike a Perpetual sud intüxîcttng iràcenise te bis soul. ltoared moagerly in e ery way, unschooled save by crude bardship inte a giawing avarice for euge sud adulation, it could not perhaps bo beld unreawaonble that the place ho Lad achieved should aceont exoeed- log sveet. But aie&, the manner of bis oorng te it, sud the infamy o! the thiug achîeved! A noble nature would have spurned tbem away as if theY were attack- Ing lires, but to titis man treadhng te sud f ro in Parley's tithing oflbce titey were. par- bape, not as dear as ie, but dearer ait lest than Soaven. pariey vas near at baud. Sitting witb bie chin upon bis chest by a table on vbîch rested a bole ansucorn eomPty gl1"8«, ho looked dark sud Leavy, sud now sud then lufted a venomous. blood-tltet eye ta note the vorkings of bis master's fac>e. Presefity thore camne a 1ev rap et the door; the Prophet sid: "Corne in," vithout pausing, sud Dr. Dubotte entered. He advanced at once te the table, Wwote a noumber of name upon a paper. snd handed it te hlg supertor. parley looked et it a moment., tok p a peu, crogsed out ail the naies but one, andhband' ed At to the PropLft That vortby nodded, $ai dovu sud quite lilbed s age vlwtb vrlt- ing, thon hsuded At Io Pariey. sud said: *'Rssd this Io him in porion, thon deatroy it", l'h. three thon aroc-, clasped bande in a circle, steod a Moment vitit comprosed lips. sud thon peasod out in silence. An hour attervard Enoch Arien, atai4- Ing by the Iccuet Ires near te Biabhop'o gle. lokad up vit al u evil grin. sud in the saMe heur Ormon Beain, upon bles kneft under te peacb trees in bis mother'D garden, wlth a aveat of agonày upon bis brew,va praylnir and wrestling before bis maker. At ntdnigbt, and distraught sud strugglina etili, but miles sway arnong thtea"ben sage brusb te the west, the moonlight found hlm. But wben It had <lied away eor the niutains, and the grizzled oet he- sud ter. hegau te a£ke tire mg"i. h t b r.M CHAPTER lx. a T5a><05 cemevuaSuON. Paul Richard, snnny-eyed sud debonalr, rode int the laafy grovth about t.e mouth of Buagle canyontatlfine7uuornîng vithout a tbeught o! danger. Perbapa Trean'a oyss, foliewiug hlm tondiy !rom taemont- suit benchbehyoud the village, lfred bis spirit uuconiousgly, or perbaps At vas tha Bveetuess of love alone, wbicb, pustlug ail Il f rom oeo m suad loeeniug ail fear troun about bishaurt, sont a smnie le bover about-ie lAps. Tbe'sky vas veiy bigit and bine, vAtb boreand thorea a Dock o! wite clonda flcatlug luntae pure ettker or restug upon temonlain topa; teValley, lined witb many bues of brovu and green, bung aire a great map o! ligbt sud coler hoîveen lte mlgbty ranges, 6<d the vast ground seeued te murmur witb lhe moft noise of happy insecte. Perbapa it vas tis beauty of eartit in con jundtion with love titat Libe bis face sud easiped àasbining spiril thor. We are o! the eartb; it. moods are largeiy ours; deatli maires us sovemeigais everI tissaalu, parchancs, but vitile iva vmik suog ta..e eoment. Clobad lu testai 1 dual v ail w1 alit la large part theur joy- ues or deiected alaves. Boe mucb, boyever, e! influence do buman aciphiatries sud mystems veave about us, $o like invisible doge are theirextinmt upon us, driving us iet their nets t far ltat even nature's bold upon te belin et action is often lest. Even there, vhile one' rode forward vîtit seul responding te the happy humer o! the morning, anether, i-e- sponsive bo a credal syslem, vas crecpiug trougb the cool greenery vîth brov drip- ping, vt pulsa-beats strident sud uneven, fighttng againat yet panting tervard betore lte unse doge tat bit sud bayed hlm en be evîl Buddenly tae undorgrovth became bLin, thon opened ont upon the road. He stoppcd; over top et the taugla ho could seS the un- suspecttng horsemnîsu ndmg forvard vutb face ifted sud ovîdentày vith s gong upou bis lips; but tceaert et the tan vbo vat4jhed betau se ond be ceuld flot heur. Drops of, ver. falling troinbis chin, bis g'reat client seemed te labor for air, sud bis band Ihat held s long.bsi-reled revotver shoot a. vlth palsy. Should Le de the-deed vhen the man roda acroa the openungY Commit murderi Orson Beant a stultiug animal atblrst for bboodl Orson Beain, vbo bai praached a wrong-forguving, enemy.leving Christ te humanuty, te tate the lie from a happy, in- neoent felievutani Yea, ont vity vas this man happyf Ah vhyvas e Lappyt And vas ho innocentA Who vas this ctraugi-r thât lho ahould Le tmndful ot humA Who thât hei- iould rude o o e-und aud joyens titrougb a land won f rom te vuldenesa by a peollo hbai deounced'f Lite ligbtuing bAi-se refleeliena lied acrosa hic Arain. The borieman vas enterîug the opeuiug! ilnotsutly ail the pulses of bis body seemeil te stop;z le ifted the revelver lu bot ansud it vas motionle ss a. a rock. The rider beob off bis bat, turned bis face tovard hum vith eycs lifted tevard lbe zocuLtain aide. Le el kqtuict almut k AtN L)tii1 uLIN;i TnAT BLLi) A LCNG-BARtELEO witte fîreheai: a trangi- cl-ari-si Of oye and eiat-vine oui-r hum; te coul.] see thei l-cvt grain of titi-ffor sin. andth ie mur- mut-eu sîng tbat cami- accosstahtii-ri-ch hp i.(iicwv oimuddlsîroug and iscuorous; te totichethe it-truggen; s ctashtote is strain- ;iig cent'ec liAei iundor si-imoi tii chako te wîrîd. ti-ehot-se icupedi-i t.> titeair, te singer roiled round anmd smnk foîî-ard. Iht-n wtb 'the nextlbap. of flie bot-se fi-l ljacsivards lump ani] iî anîong titi n.adide lranibios. But uviat of Orson Boatu A Fer a moment lio stoci stupofid -lby lmrnîî, uitb te ittie puf o! revolver stocke meltiug npwari anucng lte iaveg. Titi-rovulsion et mood va. csw vift lb eutinel Au lite a heavy blev. *ie tarad hetere hlm, vibh a duli, suintal-loo au instant, glanced at the le- Volver ta'bis band, trued Il 070f curle.s- Suddeuly hêatarted dovu tbe .ouutelu, end ln baif an hour caIne strlditg loto thea village.Suerce a motion of Ilile waithora, sad ho saaWed hWm borse, veInlted upo it,, sud roda np lte lano tuliartman's. Hlch- ard'a boîsa vAt addle ou vas standing by the. gao, but-no-oue vas visible. The borae- mmsosemed te vaver in bis intetio a moment, thon roda ou. A 1111e furtitar up the valley ho turned luntae addla sand Wcked bwck Two figures among the pines aboya lte bouse msde bis blood Ieap, thon sink doWn throtgb aIli te channels 1k lbe. lie dld not tnrn is head &gain, but lu a moment lte blood came back upon bis beart lu a buning flood, heada o! avoat broka out upon bis forehead,' is lingera clutohed ltb lbemeelvea about Ihe rein, and, turniug bis bersme upon a windlng patb, be crossed the sImley, entered the undergrowth tha1 skirted the doppoelte range, found the road leadinif back dowu the valley toward Eagle canyon, sud rode forward witb a dark and gloomy face.%- A moment after ho had dtsalpeared Paul and Trean came down front the pinea. A touch of Heavon vas n thetr faces, but witb t on the girls thora lay s shade of ore foreboding. "On the fourtb day fron this you may ox- pet me, darllng,"lbeo atd. "1 vilsend a trusty laberer over from the mines witb instructions te do vbabever work la nices- sary about the place bore. Use hlm in auy way that you m%' need z bave hlm vatoh vitt your fa*b.r if it mooma best, aud ahouid you noed me sand hlm et once.' "Yes," *bo hall vhispored, 111 *albai auxieua tili you ome. Don't go out ater dark, yull youl" and ber eyea looked largo and sbadowy s sho ploaded. "Ne, darling; 1 shall ho careful ont many secounts, not the lat of vbicb la the look lu these fino eyoa befoeame!" sud b. mounteçl bis borée, lissed hi& bond te ber witit a amie, sud galloped down Ut. lana. The girl stoed looklug alter hlm a moment, thon pasaed round thte boume sud up amoug tho pipes, and, wth ber band arcblng aboVa ber oyes, vstehed hlm corne ont itoyond the village, and appoar sud disappear again and agaIn, til1 ailsat the vooda about tbe moutb of Kagle canyon reooovedlm trou ber sight bs. ho bad douneDt île oUedt upon a bu- 1 man body, but bis own mont, btood-blotdhed, a reeklug, horrible i It .emed te stand &part t frein blm, pet At vs bmmo t nterly e chaugod sud frlgbtfui wlth deformity. à P'ronlyallttle spaeho astoodand stared x At kt, pressing blnîaelf back apiut lte 9s hrubbery, thon the veapon dropped n- c consalonsly from bis hand, and witb a cry M of terror ho lied tbrougb the vood. Hia t blond aeemed on fire. Wbere vas bis hersa I c It wu5 Up titere tevard the mentit et the t canyon among the sad-bushea t Noe, ebad thoughl of bringing At thora, but bail left il aecreted Au a clump et vil-A Iow bsck &long tha edge et the mounitalus. Dut whst need had heietofa tersai 1De Lad killed a mau. lHe booked tebind hlm lun terrer. Wbero abould ho go 1 t Hlome te bis mother? My Qed, no! Net. mehere any huthan eye woulId ever look upon bis face 1 Tbey would ail know ho waa a murderer l a ,srderer! Wbere vas the re- rolverf Let hlm put eut the fiantes oft I shante and borror that vere buruing in bis 1 beartil He stopped, snd panting beavily,1 opened his banda wide before hlm. Wbat1 lied ho doue with it Why, what waa this1 running ont of his aleove and at-rossLis1 Mild and dropping f rom his finger-enda I 1 Blond 1 blood! aud lho sprang aidevisea tnd1 turnod round and round holding the drtp- 1 ping baud away t rom hlm u d loeong et il, wldly and ahouting at At with &Itlbut lit- sanlty. lna amoment ha atood stili. savo toc biu psntlug and quivortng et limbe, and ailmeat laughed. Why, it wus bis own blond! That vas &l i rght; jlet Il run. But where did It coma tromi1 Oh. hora was a bullot-tote through tha top of bmishoulder 1 Tbat waa edd ; ho hsd tu- dIcted iti It badose d as Afho badbaard two reports when ho shel at Etchard; per- balle At eccurrod ttaon ; if an. lntho &train et the moment be lhed felt nothing. lie looked stosdlly abouti of hlm for a littietiue but still broatbed bard. Somns one bail at- tempted te taire hi» lite at the marne moment hae bâ. attomptod Kchard'a What, an in- makerf Jmat when il had feul, msent anether seul betore II! Nsy. would they net both hava appeared before God lu the sases moment, the ona happy and pure. the other mad sud reekingi Ho shuddered sud leeked up et the sky. lt vas bine sud deep, sud white docks of clouda vore stilI moving acrost; thon te vent on. vltb hlm trenzy tallen te s dead heavinema et heurt that emod lit te drag btm te bis knees. lu a tow moments hiecime te the foot et the montain. Ho teit sîck aud dizzy ; he voulo oi t sthie vound-wolA, lot it bloed, perbape Qed wonld have justice doue nov. Ha cangbt hold et the sage bruah and pulla-d bimmeit up tbe moulibaîtn aida a tew roda, and sauk down juât beow a linge upsbeotlng aplinter et atone sud triad te pray. But, tbougb ie esgayel wîîh &U1 is trengtb. ha coutl net. ia longue seemed thick aud ratnaed te articulate. white objecta about hute had a strange and hazy spect Wu&slbe dying. or vas il the reaction atter me long s peried eofstrif. ud emotion f Ho turued sud loked eI the valiey he loved; there vas the distant vil- lage, bis mother's littie bouse smeng the trees on the hîther aide, Suri Hartmsn*s ombin bayoud it noar the pinles. the field; sud meadovs dlvlded by tisa creek as b a rend et phoapher, but ai mxa te rock sud glimumer tegather s na dreain Ruddeuiy soe movmng ebjecIl uponth left cballenged lus oves; ha roused bîutaelt sud tnitned tevard il; PauEw lchard, droup- 1ktg c"icr ttAüriMaser, . is dieg l.dt he I nwwh o f E.iql e layes.'asd vtth s cry bis wouid-ho slaver feil forward ini the chapar- rai and vas sileut It vas a deuil feint; the long atruggia vith bis heart, the trageily that cleaed lb. strite. its swlft reversai, snd the sudden change of bis vboie relation te lite, svept saav is failing ceuse loumnets. Evan the ex !ie Orson Beant could ne long- or stand te the tanlk; wben the invisible burden vas lited ho teli. For s long blite hoe Aay qnietly lu bis daritucas, resttug At aeomod, thon started. opened bts oves, aprang up. aend lookoil about bum. Was ts truc f Hud lho net talion asleep last ntght bora among the chaparrail and just swak- ened! Ne, it wasnfltS dream, for bore wa& bis weund sefty ouzing' But was the berme- man whe huid ridden toto the canyon rosi or but a ligment ot bus tant-Y f Ho tbrew off bis coat, ture sway bts shirtaleevo sud twist. iug Alito a knc.t tbrust it inte bis weuud, thon vont crésititia dcwnwaril througb tha bramble. Soenoe was noar tlittte plot of green whtcb opoiied l up, the roail. but as hoe vushod tnt> ut wîth cager fout thbbcgnawing question at bie hearli melteilesoagreat tear. When ho lîtted bts oves woulil nut their avoot capacity lie blotteil eut f their abtlity te ever *gain presont him wtth the .lelights of happy vision ho itestroyed f Would net that fî.ri îvhich Trosu buved, and whlcb bail ytelded hlm sucs gentie greetlug, Lie lying there beside the rosil ready te bluet bîm f ., il wt 'i-.1 t/tre.' A great thili of re- lie! swept througit hit: be fluug bis arma upwsrd witb a cry o! joy and turned about; the revolver wus lyiug before him; ble crucod At Into bbc soft earth with bis foot, crasbed bacit througb the tangle te bts hersa, vanlted into lthe addie. torgetfulet bis wound, and rode awsy s free main. A freocmiani Ah, ne. For u hour th1e sansa that delighted hlm wss net unlîke tbe gladness et one corning tront an oupris- onlng cave et horrors m t Me clear air sud quiet aunshine. But il <id flot romain; darkness folloved, distruat o! hiniseif, doubt et bis acceptance, after snicb an at- tempt, by the Great Father te wborn ho bad se oflen opened a dlean sud tender iteart. The intent, the motive!1 Ah, va.he nt afler ail a murderer f No; lt injury to the other, wh icb vould in large part bave made hhum criminel, had been escaped. Yet bieseul wys blacleened; Lie feit it iteavy and lotabsomle within hlm. Lie thousanda more ameng titese mounitains, bis was an itonest nature, scrupuloue~in Word sud <bcd, aud tn the beginning drawn btebtis cystent by its seeming nearuesa te the AI- migbty, te become, in the end bemutied sud hetooled Iby priestly ticksa, until the brutatly mateial aud the spiritually fine were biended aud cenfused into one. Ged' am 50W hold lu loaS orusa, coutrollod and 'rtestbced muet ce.teu ta mon, au order fer ttsm lt e W soati epeadi of *stabtiablaff t of Ged upon sarIl. -This goveru sud coulrolta bpeopéé taie te buitd up Ibis Lug«doi;ý a of te Priestbood ef tha Sou et tend te every avenue, sud vill an departaient ofthIe labor of ttose eugaged in tiia graitvork. ?hi bood muet goveru sud coulsel, or uecde wiii net beceme perfect" go t ho people tellad fervard UnIg«. yoke: tbe Prlestbeod vas tbhe'aO every seul a slave. That uany £Oefl ple ameîug lbem, sud oven me* vb nigît balaîtced Auto witb liberty, s bowIlg to sucbinîsufferabie assuniptleus tsis tonisbing. But the studeut vbo ru»as0j; îye over this craie and ltste faillt *Utal116 large d,-gree thîs people bebsaved tào selve% bettered by it escapeblhlma tie l-oy tc utas slutlÔn. They voe Au main minci-ce, elaie tbcy could net have baâ,i,- treilden under foot; thoy wve t be looking for thte swo ocmmng et CitrislsaMd tbe usberiutr lu et the tntllonDlum; titaro bont titeur bau-ks fer the tasb of Aucaussuts outrage. b.-lievtng i bey were suffemlug t hioda kînglomt might arisa on eauth111»' etementq they ted upoît ver. irratil a" gd îlomcnting, sud bad anothar fourla ete century passed vithout civillzatton hivug reched and forced a toncit f et melsfg ligLt upon tbbo, doubtteas their isoa"i sud fanatcim veuld bave ended inu panai maaduea. As It was, vben the iron hlgitvay and ltae locomotive raaichedthem.tbrough t"Ut. 40- Irâne et blond atenemeut, neohie s sets,. murder vatrs prevaleut, Ansanlty rite, snd a, thousaud oubrsigasbâti beon commu ulStbt shaho Le usteleis bore, Mn. vaismarrohé te their baîf-sistera, thelr grsnd4dsaghtas, vodded otton'te a motter sud bir vo or ttree daugitteri, theold ver. uisitaie vsî-y Young, sud sncb demoublsand dis- bauchory prealod mes soudi&achill of hot'ro tbrougit a gemie heurt. mam may n'ot. aven lu se large a body - aM tbis,be long eut off frontbita large moasea. ableucai ot general biumaulty vitS»Mr.ty or, se meparated, ho leng ted upon Vaop *sz snd tanatiaisut ithont ondangaig esai- tsllty and hie; thia ta the grast leuaqof Mormonisin. tJrsün BIeani <id not come te bit msIbWg <ber unîti lb.h lampa vers llghted tétait nigt. Ail day Lehoabtibeau lyîug luntae utdat" gr~wtbscrute the valley, strlvlung su doubtlug aud suppiticig, asbsmad Io face bis tollovu, sud ever noeasud more feeling tLe savery et bts taith opprenis sud s*i" hlm. Whoben lmmotter sais hlm sandîing lu the door ate caied eut hi. s àmovile baude litted sud a look et unepeakablo dis- may, se muet b.d hungor, and emetion cbsngtsd hlm- Wbat bU ho douetielle implored. Foi- anavor ha fel dovo b»tore ber vilS 5hW bcsd in ber lap sud cried lika a cttlld. Ho bà" dons the Frophots bilding. te sobitod, aud bis beant vas brokon! Ho bâtilSt hie innocence! Q, te hait lent bis IansaS. (Jed bail turucd avyHia face front bi. and ha vsi. daricem, IAbu la, bM«u darlmess! The votmau A lps tlghtoued, t tissaeabe. g9n te mosu over hAut Titis crussd qua. dibîoîî ot lier mon vas iudeed inexplicable and appallng ilîtdd,-nly ie WAeped up snd cri-ilouiiin sîrong feeling ag-alnsl the sys- bl-ut unicer wAitt-hlev buflercil -leare ,tviAved as »u inthe neshes oetp_ net.- w, haive no., t--don, !**ho eruod. -'Oit, i.ther. itis ints ut religion. ibis in villainyl W~e arefloitumade - t,,.ui putre ity tii Gj .,-l. ttt îînsItAd anid p:. 1. l-il! Tes, ,-tualaàvtxdantI îlteiîîd Cltm i. 1-eaveu, for- give us our lîlnoiit - ~anid lie sartt-da bis bands U nitil)lîîu miias hit. parst-i o snd tro ni bts agitaîlîtti The woînun mat sud stared tia hue lie itcrucli dùimb. "I tried telit ii a tehlow-matu! hle broe ont agalit 1lvas blddem tIode ml byne bo, clailua bu lie se pure 1 bat lis] speaits eractiy lhrougb Luit t'.us! Oh.inuolluer. thisk et bbe villaitiv oet ibis' the deveptien practicied upon ns. sud the tnjury donc us! It bas de- stroyed me' l bubs laion avay my Ane- oeuca! t shah nover bho dean agaUn!el l vas a hmarroving tbiug 10 wituns hie mental suffering. The mether lu ber coir- steritaticu <id not notice the torn place ln bis elobhiug St the abouider. aud ho, for tise limte hetng,bild torgotten bis burt Au t.e tresb agony ut nia muer-vound vbeu look- lug upon ber face ",Mother. 'hobtivent onbeseet-hiugly, ."yoa do uct ktîov bey mueh et tntauty thare te Au this. We, et the tever Priesthoed, bave beon compelleil te aubscribe to snobtostta lu the secret chamber et tha Endovuont House as wouildutalle yonr gentle blood rou& cold. i have vowedunder penalty et deatit, net tut reveal t.hem. But to-lay. Aylng- ycitder atoitn lthe bushes a cuiprîf, lust«a. ot a mnister ot the ospel, the bidonos»a oft ut aIl rose up before me liteas montaxt ot horrors. These men whc ara at the front acre usuîîg ns; front the lnciploucy et edC caus;e have Mutde us slaves sud criminals tor thoîr own unitlelind!' 1 have doue servitg thitit, niother. To-iay thoy cuir» An-tire nie vith eiery selfiah purpese iaid bace; ibeir greo d niemrai detr-xaitieà as, cii-ar 1tenie as their physi'-l parts vould Aie were the valis et theiroes madeofe transparent ire. The wbole syatent, tee, from einil t.o tnd, bec-smo illumineil lu my aîtguisito uthart; became revelting- 1 amn -t <lottc wth lb! uLol t me, mother 1 What LasSI <don. form mc itiive as 1 vould atter purnlîjof 'hi-art and uprigbtneas etfapirit, it lalt, me dellled and i lserable, a thing o! bauth- ing l ithecyc etHi-aveui! Canisnoba sys- tom Lie Christian sud thte way of salvatiotil Nover! 0. mother, lying oul there 1 mir pîainly vita lt vas: Au ancient barbarimul, put a,.aiy Ly Christ, but fastened agalu by. desigiting men upon the preseut. it la the saine. mothor ; the exclusiveness, lte pro-. teutionuof being the ebosen sud agacla children of Uod, ail other people. uet la ls- cord vitb ns being suppoeaitly hatod by, Hlm andi our rtgbtul prey, the practwe t

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