The Weekly Inter Omen, Farmers' Monthly and Independent, ail three papers one year, for onlyl Dr. Charmes Galloway,. Office over Loviosel Drug etore Maure Prom 1 ta 3 and O to 0. IÂbeKtVUl, - minoa. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Trigge & TayIor"s Store BOUIF stoIo a. m. 2to4 p. m. eto op. m. ilOUR:l At J. B. TIGOB'. LIUEtTYILI.. -ILLINOIS- DR. E. H. SMITH, Oice over Lovella Drug Store. Lîbertyville. - Iliinols. MfSl LULU M. 0. PEU NIMAN- .. .TLICHlER op ... Vocal and Instrumentai Music. J.H.BRB ER PHO0TOGRAPIE R, 16 Geneee St. WoukCuCfl. 7h ighst dts o f w.ri dm Satisfaction a.a.ured ta everyoflC. Wçg. i AUCTIONEER. Libertyville, - Illinois. galng b.d mucli expenience in Auction- «ring la the puit .event.een yeara, I1unm pre"ard tu attend sales tu armY Part Of Lait anfICadjoining Coutie. aSI, ery Low RâtB Stlefootiofl Cueanteedi. cive me a COUI. GEO. B. MASON, Commercial Rotel -1 Livery Board by the Day or Week Speciai Accommodations for Traveling Men. LIBERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS. RALU DARBIYSBARBER SnROP OC>QoerCiaa i* ote1- Wb.iw yîol can laiway'q cet yen Ohm vhfl. Meir Cuttlns. & Dresalis,1 -In thre ". tet sty le oftheb- Pelph Derby, - Libertyvillie, lit. la Spring and Summer Milllnery, F ancy Work Materlals and Ladies Outfits in ulp-to-date Stylesi. Our Kid loves are equal to those VER found in the city. r 'Y our StampedLinit Sthe iglit qualiyaJo L ! the it lit e Smith & i Swilt. Lake Couiity BankR Wright, Parkhurst & *Co., LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. _________________________ I TI4E INDEPENDENT. 0. C. PADDOCK, EDITOiR AND) Pnow. FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1895. Church and Society Directory. MITODIST-J. B. MeGOfn. Pastor. Ser . ie General clami. 10 a. m.; Presch il.0 am: .8. .12 m.; Epwortb League p.£4â.; Preaching,.7;00 p. m. Prayer Meet lut. Wedoesday evenjng ut 7:30. PUBSYTRIAbJg F. Malcolm, Pator. p..8. S.. 12m. Y. P. à. c.X.,6:15 P. m. Pra eeting. Wedneéday eveaing ;:15. 2Àand 4th 8atr dh.1yweCOnel..5 e nLu brtW. M. r. o 4.noCwn. sac.5-r1 Cucum ber Contracts. Now is the time to make con- tracts and get your seed at NI..B. Colby & Co's. I only want a limi- ited number of acres, so the books will only be op~en a short time. If you intend to plant pickles, con- tract at once before you are too late. R. W. STAFFORD. Libertyville, Ill, April 2, 1895. Farmers, who propose to raise Cucumber Pickles, should plant early this season, say from 25th of Miay to the Ioth of June. So they wiil get a good start before the dry season strikes themn. Dont be afraid to put pienty of seed in the ground--no seed no crop. R. W. STAF FORD. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. PERSONAL. HNtOILTLRDMOHuE<M Regular Meeting Village Board. Read the new ais in thlis we.oCs H U -L TL E 3HOLHUt3o8 LiBERTyvii.i.E, MAY flth, I1>J5. issue. io P ~ RI ZE A1WORLÏS A R Board met la regular session witii Mrs. J. Ji. Axres an] Miss Hel]en C.[DRO~C.HC~.î President Avenu lui the chair. Pred Bond went to Chicago Wednesday. âHNISUC.HCAOIL ent: Apiffey. Heath, McGregor and The weather is alrigbt; let the Osbone. bsen McCrmic aodklckers be pit out, or reiegated to Taylor. Minute@ of April ist read 0 blvi. r 1 1 ~ and ionimotion of Apple>' and '.%i rs.Wm .Addington ani little iIKiIIsWEU clOim fi îe. daughter, of Evaniston, visittd friends 1 Hlt (irego were pprove andepaced 0ntI i The old Board tlenwîî ent into aher1 osnt1y 1 [Ci . IX cýommfttee of the whole to examine' JSe BSim îpays more taxes than a)] the qualifiction blanka ! theth rest of the town toward -3 uîport- eiected officers the ýýame being foîîndiii îg the corportion.I correct the old Board adjourned ini We t'lass job- printing a - an art.1 ~ favor of new Board. Roll, present j(iive us a triai at your wo k. We are Avenul, AîîpIey, Colby Eger, Heath, 'sure to please vou.- MeGregor and Osborne. There is no satifa-tion in having a, ,.- The Presîdent then appoiIItMlthe I oorlv priated job. Com- wThefr.- o%'011HE foliowing s.tanding committees: have it done right. IO-EGTLF Finance and Audltlng, Sjîe, .everal Chicagobi erpaeIS Colby and Meoregor. tîîroîîgî town Sunday or) weekly o ee e eto h L T Streets, Street Lamps anîd Side- one hundred mile tri]). o Ne rG tL f o Th 6LI T walks, Heath, McGregor and Eger. Orinnc ad Taxes, (Col y3, TheLibt vllZe salv pas E D C I O O S " S O S Appley and Heath. ghs les e (fav oni1RE C O L H U E HO S Liceuse and Petition, MeGregor,liurthern lliot-iau . i d Osborne and Appley. year. Neither d you get Ieft when you bg Judiclal and Sub Division, Eger', Miss Ada MaciiGiiffin bas been cen- first-class article. Coiby and ()rsborne.j gageil to teach a school uear 'Wads- Healtb and Sanitary Osborne, HcatkA worth. and Colby. Miss Knight, of Ravenswood,' spenit &. =~~ ~ 0. Endeavor to give Treasurer's report for month of Apr a few days visitiug Mis.s Aunes the Best Goods possible for the pri read, said report shows amount on Selhanek.1 haud April lst $65.79. received from Sevey & Austin is the styie cf the Poor Goods are Dear, at any price. Police Magstrate W. E. Davis fines uew firm runniug the old polpular e27.15, total on baud $W,)3.14. D-is- farmers market. Ber t says lie wjIl '.. P \ - 7 ll( - bursemets April 3rd to, May 7th serve customners with neatness andi~t, lac J.NDEFENDENTHAPPY HOMF12 iavng.jt alncHo bu Wbat about the 4th of July? Shahl lu the treaSUry uf $697.12. Mto we celebrate, or not? Apidey and Heath the Treasurer's Chiidren's school bats for 25 cents report be aecepted and placed on Ile. at Mrs. B. S. Bulbutt'é. Carried. The 1MSTJPE'4DV8T heliîs you and ih Finanûe committee rccommendedl will pay you to help sustail. î,ament of the foliowing bis . H. The INDEI'ENDF.NT MIlS the bill for a C.Pdok?1.9 .C mt Counity and Generai Newslaper. Soi 17;Jo Sdm 22;JA 100 ak ene Pot fo sae u IoMoore, $3.15, J. G. Lee, 75 cents; M. cent apiece Peter Litcbfield, Rocke- . rsmn 5..Moinple feller. and McGregor the bis be allowed Calil at 3rs. B. S. Hurlbtt's and and warrants for the several amonnits see ierlare dsply o Milinry'be drawn on the Treasurer fromt their. scfoe br lage iîdy0fMîîn respective funds. Carried. Motion befrebuvng Bill of Wright & Sons read. F. C Smib & on ae ouo t1 Appley and Coiby the [ill lie allowed wautiso! the people. Read their ad and a warrant for the amounit le drawn l in to.days issue. on the Treasurer from the Rond and The old reliables are doing busine-s, bridge f und. Carried. up to date. Read Smith & Swlft's, Thre cierk wns ordered to draw new ad in to-day's issue. warants on tire Treasuror in favor of This is the onlv paper that stands the J udges and Clerks of eioction ut up f or the intere8ts Liberty-ville, $2.00 each. Application Of JosePh Central and Rural Lake County. Boehm for a dram shrop ficense ne- C'ail and see those loveiv îîats rut omand witîî bonds, aiso applica- i M~ H S.Hurbuts.Shewiî li rietion o! Paul Fcust.el. of Chicago, for t.o suit you both lu style and rcs Dram Shoîr license read. Motion Mrs H S.Hubut sll a atar MeGregor and Eger the applications Mrs.H. . Hibut slîsa Ht al 'be acceîrted, if bondsmen prove satis- trimmd for *1.25 Wa hat5ut.tNo ce fntorN. Appley moved as an amend- shoud g wlhou a at t to-ement that we net on one Petitbgwtt cf he pots ak thirlisi-a time as read; no second. Roll cal iny te sortday and ther on original motion as follows: Appley no, Coiby no, Heath no, Osborne no, beguile the linny dêrizenis ini the Eger ax'e, 'MeGregor aye, 4 noes, 2 streams and lakeb.- Peole antng ce hissumer ayes. Lost. Motion Appley anîd Peope wntin ic thi ~tmme Eger we accept the Petition of Jos. Rhould leave their orders at Triggs & Boehm. Roll cal.Ajîpley nye, Eger Taylor's; delivered ut 40 cents per ewt. aye, MeGregor aye, Colby no, Henthî Tuesdays and Fridnys. 1 no, Osboi ne no; tie vote 3 axes, 3 noes, There is only eue way W sel goods.1 President then voted nye making 4 Thats why Chas. Kaiser keews his ayes and 3 uoes. Carriod. Motion name and business before the public. Appley and Eger the License on Rend is ad lu to-days iâsue. 1 Dramt Shop be tlxed at Fiftoen 1 have pasture land to rent, good huudred dollars for tire ensuing water and shade. Also pinster sand1 municipal year. Rolceail Applcy aye, for sale. Aî.ply Wo E. Clement, on, CoibY aye, Eger aye, Heathr aye, Milwaukee Av.e. south of Libertyville. MeGregor aye. Osborne aye. total Max- LeBeau discovered one his vote 6 ayes. Cnrried. Motion Aîrîley vlate iass indows liroken Trîesday. and Colby the cierk issuesa Licenise bo Issus lnorea.Beaing er-Protrably due to the scttllug o! the tificates Payable on Demand.I building. The loss will lie quitie ___________________________heavy. The irofessional card o! Miss M. LIGHT HARNESS A lice Davis appears titis week. 8heisý AS WELL AS a teacher o! nckuowiedge talent and NETS, AND ability at ýome as well as flu musical LAI' ROBES ARE Circlesetrtbe City. N OW IN SEASON. ___________________________ (o to Raipli MacOufflus iee erea parlor over Bank for the grand opien- Chas. Kaiser Keeps TIlh. iug Fiday eveniag, May 1. Be wili ___________ -be with vou ail summer [o serve you iwitb Reld's creana, the best extant. Whea) first-class repajirig is needed Rheumatism is caused by trie Acid you know 'where to fInd hm in the Wlood. Dr. Humphreys' Siecifie in Libertyville, 111. No. 15 opens the logged 'ducts- purifies thc the blond, renews boalth and vigor, sud cures the Rheomatlsm. Ifthr~ate party who borrowed the bekiug plow fromn some of the D o you I pinmates at the Counby Farm last faîl, h as g<t tlîrough witb It, lie wil please returu same as we have tise for it uow. a ShirtC. A. Appley. a h r ?F. 1 oel Btyil' oua If not, thiere is no reasoni druggist bias opened bis soda foîrrtain why yorr should flot heui for the season, and will no doubt do a F. C. SMITH & SOIN are rusbing business riuring the coming selling threse articles, lit bot inonths. Ilead is ad lit to-dax 's tIre Riglit Kinr of l'rices. The Seasop is herle For a change p Headgeaî and F. C. SMTH &)NO areshow ing thg latest ai 1ppir rvs Try them w~len-ae-ed Of smre it i.. e.timuted tirat there rire about twertv-onie bievrile riuiers iii town, withi irosireets o! more lu tuhe near future. WI y wruldr't it ire a good idea to onganize a bioNcl cie îrt? Otiier towiîs no linger thirî Libeîbt 'rille have tîirm. Tire Libertyville Pleasrrre Citl will give the lnst o! their series o! dauces at the Commercial hotel, Wedlîesdrîy eveuing May 15.- Musie wili Uc our ordinance No. 15. Carried. Motion Apîley and Eger we refer the petitioni o! Paul Feustel to committee on License aud Petitionîs for investigii- tion. Carried. President nppoiîîted W. C. Triggs as Trensuren sobjcct Wo the apjrroval of the Board. Motion Apîrley anrd Beath the appointment Ire coritrmed. Carried. Presideut appointed M. H. Freshman for nsarshaî subjeet to the approval o! the Board. MrotonM- Grogor and Osborne the appointment be coufirmed. Carried. Motion Me- Gregoranud Osborne this Board pay the man wvho acta as Marshall, street commissioner snd lamp lighter, Fifty dollars pier calendar monrtî for tire ensuing municipal year. Carîed. Motion McGregor and Eger tihe President appoint a comYnittee of tlîree to investigate the best systemn o! Fine Protection. Carried. President aiipointed as sald coin- aittee Colby, Appley and Heathr. Motion iïeGregor.and Appley tire Council P.FocedingsIe pnbllshied in the Lake Coirnty ISaErr:rrt sanme rates as last yeat. Carrie'i. Motion Heathr and Appley we ad- jorîri. Crrried. E. L. 1)r Brrs, Village Clerk. Mrs. Alvia H. Tupper. .Sec'oni diliter o! Elirih and iRosi lia Gýifford, itrs boi lunOrwell, Bifflarndr eorîîty, Vermout, Dec. 17, 1531. Moved to lirierîgo withî lienrirarents ini Septerer, 18-14. WVas murried to S iniriolrin u rer i row vdecear .11, in Chiirgo 1s4s; afterwrrrds arryrd tr Deerticîni. After a ingerng illnîess of tino furuished hîy Prof. O'Connor and sears, she prîssed away rît tIre iiorne orchestra. Those wbo have been o! ber daughter, Mrs. C. R. Shrermani, prlvileged to attend tbree of their May th, 1895. former. d%nceml thîs y*inter, will be She was the mother o! ten cilîdren. adtthd o~ iao attn4ig. vo lvb boys and five girls. SLast Saturday the bard wind ,blew down the awning in front o! Mms Pro- tine's mnillinery store breaking thre winldows. Mes.srs. (ieo. Bond, Lewis aud (lordon Suliaiik visited Chicago SUn- day on their wbeeis. Tbey all report haviug a splendid time. E. J. Madole departed Monday for St Charles. Mo., where ho goes to take charge of Capt. Fred (irabbe's ai'iary. 'Success to you Ed. Boy Corlett, haviug flulshed his <oure et the M.%etropolitan Business Coliege, bas been engaged to work for Triggs & Taylor this summer. C. C. Copelaud returned to his farm, iust Saturday from Kansas where he; spent the winber. Be says he will do bis sharo towarrls graveling.lthe Rock- ian<i road. The young people o! the M. E. chnîrcli met Tues3day evening the re- suIt of wblch they will Iproduce a Lanteru DrilIl the near future. It will uudoubtedly lie a succees. Henry Williams now bas ail kiuds' o! garden plants, tomatots, cabliage, eaulifiowors aud pepbpers, ready for transplanting. Bily your plants of hlm as he is s reliable garden)er. Miss LuIn Penniman's profozssional card lu another columu, sets forth facts for your considerabion. *Her bigli personial aeeomplishments jes warrant of ber abiiity to teacli others. Rer. ' alc-olm preacbed bis farewell sermon at the Prcsbytenian church last Sunday cveaiug, aud moved his family and effeets Monday t> Hamil- ton, Ill., where be bopes to reculcrate bis health. Miss Nellie Ray who bas been keep- ing bouse for lier oncle Ira, ov er two years, left for ber home eit Npu Neb., Veduesday. During lber so- jorin bere she bas made many friends who regret ber departure. I wish to inform the mnothers cf Libertyville that 1 wili begin myý Juvenile class lu vocal musie Satur- dary, May lm, sanI shah ho le 1,ased to sec aIl my former prîpils sud many new ones lit my home, at 2:30 p. M. M. AiicFD.ivis. A. 1. MaIiiory formeriy au INDEIND- ENT p)rinter, sbopîred over Sunday bere with is bride rformnerly 'Miss Pearl Sehermerhorru.î A weddiug card reeeived last week aunounees their marriage w-bich iook place at the home of bis sister in Jauesviile, Ais., Marvh il, '953. Thev went to the city Mlouday to select furniture and wçili set ip1 bouse keeuuiug J une 14t rit Nundiri.MeHenry Co., where lie takes chaîge o! bis father's priuring office, they uravinîg formned a irartîrer- Ship lis I. M. M3ahlory & Son.AIi yorng, ambitions andi well aoqurainted wltlr ther business an(d now thrît lie Iras nrrrried auJ1." ctie o'rvu"will make il 11ice, tIlis odhm.W, shlah exîreet to see tire Nuinia H-raIld imirrove andt grow eveiy wayiv inîci huis able marragemernt. Here k it ,.w.lru oir Iappirr'-s dlii l'iris- 'y Is not dear. It wears well and a strictly wool suit can be had for $10.00. Colby & Co's. stock of goods is the Iarg in Central Lake county and the place for] to trade. Cail at once for Wall Paper, Carpets, Cloths, Dress Goods. Trunks, Cr6ekt Hosiery, U nderwear Washburn's Superiaý Flour, Tea, Coffee.- Seeds. Hats and Ç4 Window Shades, Pants and Overalis, Cai and soap. j~I.B. Colby &Co.. Weaedrpn .1hsaril t u c ,fîzz tain which bas been opened for the seame and indulge lu Five Cents wrorth o! oUd9 «%%e also carry a fu stock of thre Ccli Cream Soda found this bide o! Chicago. FiveCens Un'tBut when Expended ln one of thffl#ý Five lenItChamois Skiias found a my store 1t,$ Îuch stili amaller. They are worth iosm You Dont Have tAter Sponges when )'OU can Dive headq7uarters for pure druge. L.ovell's Fopular Drug-Stof FR ED CROKEAI Tailor -i DrO BPRAGUE ST.. LIBERTYVILLE. CLIANING1 What DoesThis Mean? C. R. Shermfanl Sous so Many Bicyi Hore are the Simple Reas n.~ F 1 1, r- Bucakise he warrants the wheels he seils. He o:'lc cm repair atiy kind of a Bicycle. 'TiiiiRi lic no the whee's he is selling are as good, surperinr to 111 others;. h)ti r (ity (r irrîil is ua rl4,11111-1, r hli e o t diy whlîose i \v nreîc w 1 LOOK AT 1,, . t t tlîis y-an, forî tire Ireiett o! tl:e SherManS Special tiiw i. Moîrjst io r 111 111., r btel y I eîr.u;wl:ile trýliew ieet, anditîque cif yorl (,ol,.ý tio E ertak h l'iof Ciiifii a b. t- i the v)ik witlî 'rinn. Srr fairas th- iter Whicel for lriiiig Libt viNileto trthe rlt )iiiir! l i e t c v i - s \ « . 0 c u i l i t i y l o o k f - . -* wari t) inore-rib rriirisp umard1 1 1 1, Spririt unii cii i o!fîrrospri t y. L'orne in ;i 1.IL. Lee, of Talmage, N. Y., ien er tire. tronbied vrth nleumitisa, rorrglrt a on a Clir bottle of Chamierlain's Pain Balai from E. J. Neaves, the dru jgist there, ' ad ajayit did bina more good than anydaohêhd v« lM used. r cob stock< and exarnine.3he great time anud: It beats the world. Best tinc 4 ncher Tire. Corne and see'thcF 1 i 31