CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 May 1895, p. 7

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It la remarkable how many people dmur are who> have That Tired Feeling ad scen tathlnk it la of fno impor- tance or th&' nothing necit be doue for it. They woîld fot be 50 careless if they realized how really serlous the malady l. But they think or say "«It VII go off after a while." W. do not mean the legitiniate wea- rinesa which ail experience after a bard day's work, but that ali-gone, worn-out feeling which la especially overpower- lng in the morning, when the body ehould be refresheit and ready for work. ht la otten only the forerunner of uer- Vous prostration, with aIl the horrible d Feeling suffering that terni implies. That Ti -eit Feeling andi nerv*usncss are sure indi- cations of an impure andi impoverisbed condition ef the bloosi. The craving of the systena for lielp can only be- met by purifying the bloosi. Hoi's Sarsapa- illa la the one great hiocîs purifier, It expeis ail imptîribies. giu-es vitality and stength, regulates the digestion, and mnkes te we-ak strong. "In the sping 1 telt very much rmn down-no strengtlt or appetite. I began to ake Iloods S-rsapaniiia and my ap- petite- improveit andt I did nethave- that tireit feeling." Il. IL. SquittE, East Le-veretb, Massachusetts. Hood's' Sarsaparilla S1AVED E1011 NICOTINE Little Carcy Fogîcîn aUst-di_ bacco siuce ebisoodansiH lu. Fa ther Smokcd and Cbtwed for the PasI Twenty Teara-Balla Pet Fee ait Ashevihle, N.C. "la flintai iîe?- rsked fl.lit moat Pelitimns Iiarttniî-y, as Lie laid duwsn a letter triate îîrc-s-ei uto a d,zi-rî inter- 1; estesiiutuiî-s "Vea, il is. Il ivus written iueun on..t of our leter hea-tii. arnd signi-it hi J. C. }'uglemait.' pruniwlijL arsweneit the- [ru- priet<r. ..Xtuu kinw im. dunt yoît?" ..Certaiiily: lie livres aiNo. S5litixtuîri Sbreet *'. WSOIlknin Fiîgîî-aa is a iiii of is wid *I1, "1 ontagludt l heur it. There are j-, many Miisiading slstemeulm îuuilii-abd ni owstays i;tat hu titis camle in Ilila uioralîmg's mail 1 t-ine rigitu ove-m tOBaïk you about ih. 1 rendt the hilIertre lime-a, but you rnaifi. and i-ot will ag-- viitt nme liaI Ilis laît to0 gCXi il Lwii trup." Tlîis iin-liaItte leltermasid: **Offi-e îot '-tai i' harmncY. 24 Pat- ton aveînu-. Asits-ille. N. C.. Sept. 12. 1894. Gcîllî-uen-M1y ltile hb%. noiw jeans beiran c(bt-îingttiibacco wben îhre jeasa old hy flic adsu-he etofuifam:ij- physician. l inte place ut strouger situ- lunte. Pour or îive weeka ago i begasu glviug hlm N-To-Bac, wivicb I bout at Pibauîs lbannai-y. and tb my grett surprise i),i -. eiisa le) as>'.m>'le- ï Il ktNo-Tii-lias-conîPletely citin-sihini. f.«esi»ts nt5ii-n tociare for tluai-io and 1a eîy ochltimprovcitl Inbealtit. -ta 1earZl>-sud hua a nîncitbstten ilom. Findiug sut-b nreuirkable resuits trom the use of No-To-Bac i began mYself. andi lit cui-ci me. atter usniaglai-ru. in ail ils varions forme, for a Iteriosi of tweitY jeans. "I tske ileasurn lauiking Ibis plaiIn gtatement îof tacte for te lenefit <ot h otitera. <iznocil J. C. F((lENMAN." "Tes, I kuiîwts a fatand Uls0une ut lbhetMrouvenl. Inutittul testîinoaimi1 elser resi-auil iCt-ctre, for I sald itffi the- oT-tî- 'Whatatht? al'sakesi Chie! of Poiiie Has-kinswbose usîîiy tortu altired lu thi ev î. olit nitorta. like Soiornun in ail hi* glury, i-sue te the tuai. Wity, No-To-Bac mares!- "Cur«e ~Wh>-. Ieitould «T B. I bave usse-sitI mynef. It cureit me. *W ldyeîn bjecttaomaking a slate- suent cf te tsct fur puîbicatioîn?- "Certaliy no." aud t.e Chief viole Aslteville. N. (.. Sept- 25. 19M0. Pel- ham 'bsrmars-l brngitîone box et No- -- To-Bac intîn vounsome lime tn-.A fIer uslng No-To-bac 1 founit 1 bat lest te desire for tibui-c. 1 vas t-tret. -I bave use-sitohace--hiefiy cbeWing -4s« ecgitl (Si or ben (0) jeans. "H. 8. H W IS Everyhasiy lookesi mtosteid andi won- dered wlîab w cuit next hlm up. "Suppose ilt on't sure?' sorne one askesl. -f en tbeyido tee ritI tling viteu No-To-(Bac wut cure" *Wht's titaskes thte New-smana. 'vety drnggi in Ami-rit-s la aubhorizesi te sel) Ne-To-Bac iiter an absoînte gîisrentee te eure or- moaey nefuindes. N-To-Bac le mamie by thée Sterling Reie-dy Ca.. gen- ena) offices in ('liiîago. NMontrentandatitNs-a York. andi tieir iaiboratory in et Intiana MineraI Springs. Inîdiana. a lbig bitti resont tey ôouin. W it*@ heplu"e tube-eliey 7gi-e MIil Butts for nhesîîîîttîsui sud sklîî diseuses. Vouon sugt tse kîow the presi- dent. Mi. A. 1. itonim. ut Lard & Thomnas. e Cbii-ato" *Y",sofcfsourse 1 do. W. gel luinbess trom tewm îirht aloiag, sud titey are ais goot as gîlit WelI. glve ame ther adi-crI isng books. sud 1 s'il) maki- a stale-îent il te paper abotit wvitlyen bave bold iue. for 1 know titi-ce aie thouîsamil ofaigoosi Norths Carolina - viare lobacce @Pittlmuan st iuk- lng their lives âwsi-, ansi Ne-To-Bac iseais easy airanteeit i-tre ansi they oeughb ho D)isscll, the sutiier ef tbe "Cunlomi- des eft Lterature" tounditgm-t de- ligitlIn luya Natnral History." lie sais l vas te mont cbarmlng cllIce- tden o sIds and endtîta tIbad ever been penne-c. Pacltes housses are rullug aI the Ci- utankabie of the pie-set scasan'a Bu- j: ce-sn. "Tt msiîîg show," anwps' lug an extenlesi engagement. GaiarY Le-derer. tise jrojectors oft tîis novel en- terlainiîiesst. hare &ertain»- gatheresi ta- gtIi-r te trouge-at companlY ot utiets ci-en seen inunemî performance. Tite îiu whlch in a burlesque et, tht ligitteat te\- lune and t a bavesly upon ssfees-toni- eu% serious pteys, alun adiits o! blitelu- traîduction of specialtie, adit ileistpii titis consat iîchange flitI uci th ie ne- markable an-cea-sla New Yurk eud thler large cities bas deptenites. Thte manlr- aay, bowever, of lit production la tht- * coutpany, us icit catnts a m>'excellenit entertaluers. lînommfeat auieng these atre tcuy Du ' erona Jarbenut. Sylia Thnneà,TMaitge LeasiingLita Leur. La Petite Aitelaite. John E. HeinsitaNi- Chares Rosa,lGe-urge A. Schillter, William Camererm. GusaPixiej, Ser-- mous- Hems, afis>l Edward S. Tamr. On Monday nighl, Alîril 2, te cele-- bralesi Europe-au sensation, "The Fraz Famlly," will ha an attesi ntrat- tion. TiteBe uirveloîîa gymnuaste. cou%- misting of tce- woen ai ni twIo tain. du tte nout easrtllng acrobatie tente, vitile attlres Inl full evenîig costume. Tte>- are now ut Koster & Blal'iu Manihattant Opera Hanse. Ni-w York City-. Tbev for a.vea nigitîs.te), celui-n t ewas-York Cityasi on Weduesdaj, May' 7 deparI for Europe. He tbat lu taugit to lie upen lutIle- ows more te bIs tather'a wladlom titan le-hat bas a gi-cal ieal leftIhlm doos te bis fathev's care. IItcbýtatu Central, "Thte Niagara Fallu. tin,'a dBrt-claaa Iune for frot-ciama kW , hhýMqw jrk.Bostenas-d Be lVhat Yoîn Seem. Tltere Is a claies of uten who acquire a good deal of promîinence lai the coin- 1î111î1itv tley are mauch talked about,1 ifd tlji(»r haines are often seen Ini lîrint yet. whleil you get at the real opîlinonentertî.ined oft tb>tîn ly thoqe who ukîîow tlîeîîî best, you find they arc but littie resiiecttd. 'The reason ;a beentîuse tiîcy are îlot really true men. They afft4!t to take a deep lnterest lu reforin îuov<*uîeut.,, and ta be large- ly oveupied in)llaiitiropcenterprlses, but ln trutb they are hollow-bearted popjuiurlt.v-mekers. cnring lîttie for Utiybody but thienseIves. Sucit men cannot bc truir ihappy, for tbey canuot experience Ray feeling of satisfaction with theinselves. And lndeed It la witbi hinmseit that everT magn shouid keep tnc- cournt. lie sbould inake It bis own study to 1* truc and reai and slncere. Even If be coffld obtain the respect of otiiers witbout deserving It, lie could flot obtain bis own. lBe wlîat yoi secn i à a mraly mie of Ilfe, wortIîy of every youuig manls adoption. MERIIEO REWARD SALES OF LINA E. PINILRÂWS VEGETÂBLE COXPOUXI>. Umequalled la th ii.llstrl Of ]NelBe. Homesy, Exellence, Paltfnaess Fitly IBewarded. grWaLt"70ou* .." ExKAI'Z1J Neyer in the hustory of medicine bas the demand for one particular remedy for feniale diseases equalled that attained by Compuund aud neyer Mrs. Plnkbams wonderful Compound haine t gratefu womeu ssy go that t asL it vIl cure ise wost ton so ins. compiinU, il osrlan Mroub es, nfs matin ani uleraton, alîng n dia pceentse ulftthe wmSt.ud ecoequn tad- pled t hecng o ! mlis u rn relver y Litand iil ued iio hu sand esof ng tes e use.thngan rmd grthef wo bas ver uovu; t Is aLna and deis ptarnisure th uera in an coau temdity te an rouls, um a Lydîon âe. leank aaLiverandll polans o th Lb. ncopouud, s are ssre cue folrentpto n ik hedah. s. khe.' antv Wtas Ise oreqao eentofuda r alu fÉ orl hacal aplicaton Corrsalondn ina frly llc lsc ay l. ILdissE.olvend- hàsa M eedC.,Lopnen, Mssand he strictene c oenceroas ue.idu- gista s htPnitat' e mnds.and areabue cr or onslltipa to ns Tiiab. raeM dîckal DlSanove hOam eiciEneDC, Ynu, nd MSS. Harcst dconfielne of ou Airucamo paisureilwteds a mdat cues evTre Vlnd ai Kunior, tamltIiwrst foraius owtaairmtoe ipe. He a, tnleIt lu Or OBUYn MASSre Hases sd eer fle one of lurwo case <bttd fhuder, hut.he wast no Ilhî possession over two hundred certiicates of lts value, ail wlthln- tweuty miles et Boston. Send postal card for book. 1A benefit ls always experlenced trom the flrst bottie, aud a perfect cure Is war- ranted when li nght quantlty ls taken. When the lungs are affected lt causes shootlpg pains, 1k needles passlng througli thei; tle same wlth the Lîver or bowels. This ls caused by the ducts bel ng stoppel, and always disappears ln a weekc after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach la foui or bllous t wli cause SqueamIsh feelings at first. Nothmpgofditever ec= ai.Est the bot youean get, sud emighof lt Do% 9. *kVoosfullu watu n.t buik fthne.Sold by aitDruggist& IÇe. 19-41 SWEPT BY A CYCLONE. TERRIBLE HAVOC WROUGHT IN KAN SAS. Ten Persoa Are Killed and Maux la- Iured la the Viinguy of liatatead- Propety Loe.WNittDl arge-Chul- dieu Nnrrowiy Escape. Fartuhousea Leveleti. Wednesday uflerîtoon a feuil ul cyclone devantatedtia strili o unîîxtry sevetrai ban- dired yards wide and nt leust ixteen ailes lu lengt lu inte vicinity of Ha]- steud, Kan., kiiling ten persona ouI- riglit and seriotsy injuring si-i-ru) othei-s, witile iarîy have receivesi sligbt injuries. The cyclotne alruck the bouse of Mms Fre, a widow, who lived about niai- ntiies oulbwî-st <f Halstcud, comîueely destroyitîg if and sllgbtly injuriug Mrm Frye. Itfî,i-k-d up the bouse of John Schultzback andî carried it away. The fine bno-story lbouse o!f.Josepbh Veir was entireiy swvipt away, killiug Mrs. Joseph M'eir, Grav-e Wei-r. aged il; Herutut Weir, aged 5, anîd a five-weeks-oid baby. Mr. WVeir hail ur-îitioîly lett the bouse, aud wlîcrî te ut loue slruck was about fitty yards an-ny. le clung ta a tree, but wtt, badly Injures) by flying debris antd wili die. Josepîh Weir, Jr., undt is- ter, Miud it ir, thie only unes la te fuaily who touk ta the cellar, escupeit with only aligiti injuries. The home of E. C. Caldwell, which was sixty yards ws-st ofthlie Weir's, vas unroofeit and thte idetora away. The taruiiy escaîs- it y tnking ta thei- eliai. Tite îîct bouse in te ptn tof the @aria was %Villiam Arîusmtruag'sq, wblcb was e-<urîîletê-iy wipe-îl roni the face of the earliî. sr. Arms-tronîg was kiled. Ims Armîstronîg scrioitsly aînd perbaîns fatally inui-.d. ni ( raiîîima ( 'lîtîPia, wbo was thi-re sivl-kin lied. twas kilis-i. Abiout 1(m> yards iast ufthlie Armstrong bouse tule large tnu-story r-,-ide-îce of B. E. Frizu-li "vas îîicks-d u)î. as was also a large 1 %o o-8t,,ùy bouse ut J. IF. Frizzeii. atruste roitî. andit oth. lugether wilh ail the otittbuîlditigs, siere couipietely swep-lt awn y, lc-aviîîg offly enougit debnie ta nhuNT thât taai oue liait stoouit tere. Tlie fnuîilies of hoth th(- Fn zzeilis esî-aped aut- injuretl. îSpencer ltsIbouse %vnl int- liue ofuthle tortîîîdo, artd %vas curricit anîîy, as Ni-re tlso tite bouses of A. S. l'uîi,.1. A. Coitîas. Andrew Thotap- &oti artîl Mitîî Ii-gi-. MISS Duisy Ns-ff. at l'owlcis bouse, %vas badly iujured, as %%as Mrs. J. Comat:s. Seheol Chî*drcu Safe. At the li-p. district gcitool te achool chjîdri-ri lad juisîbei-n tisuîiaed. Hege saw theitorm înuappîmnaîhig. and, fearlng its; resuit,, urried lime s-lolars ho bis cyclonîe iellar. Iofs t'r.-slgbeduesa pre- i-enttî-datt awtiîi lues ot lite, for just as te itst chut habe ieu saatei StOwed aui ii ite cilio, te cyclone truck flite Itotîse î,vr lui sud demuolisited il. As il %%ns, itot une ufthteim vas ci-en slilîîly itîjur4-ii. Thte tory ufthlie sturta ss-s-itîs tu avtte doue ils nurst abo>ut tirse nilss aistoft ltilslead. Nsar te Friz. as-ible tt.ds-ad catlle. bors-s.lbogsanuit cii-ktîs are nt-atts-rs-d ail ui-er the wn t fiehlds. Tituse nito brt saw thle dieaster coin- itic say ilfm -a ry slu iv 1rîgre-5tistv- plin tîs a ttr tan a peirson t-unît ru. It seemcticlu iai-ir ira t i une direction andt tht-n iii arîuîiîr. As fur us hert t roini coerng a distance-s of eigitliea miles atrusflite coutlry front sotihit-t t.ý noîrî hezist.t to-itI vrsiden-c-es, ne, ny ail ut thi-ula.rge- unes, n-irt- distru> cd. Thte-lies a-. il lt- uiot 1.-su lta $21J»Ki. lE',. u1nl îin irt tIt-Ia-k (it the- sturut bat eîeru llîing. JOHN BULL ACCEPTS. Nicnrnugnan Incident Conaldcred Prac- ticalis- Settied-ShApu ta Si Awy. rThe nndersîunding infitthie Britisb ileet will hiiîiisdistî-ly uitlitrîswfront Ce- rintu. If in itot kitoivu u-itt gîuînanly ;m-at lrit,îint ietiaums for the pariaeit ofthIe iids-mîiiy, but il ins l±ieved in offi- c-ai circlîs tfliteaffair lau mticall-ï ,ettls-d. Iflais@nid iu NI'a-hiign latI tite guitrit te ufthle Ci>uelt k ly N"-ara- gîta ,f the -iudiii-iitiy as rGîii- t-(r,-nt Britain wili lie mmcdein iitite-autîlî-est itîtîttuer liossible. no taIt teee sîîîs alu lie au furtitur obstacle bsts-en lte 10 cuintlrii-u as tia s final aîljîstms-ot. Fitut the Britisit staadîîuiît thlie se- eeptanu&e outfle te onpruatîse audthtie im- idiaie evrciatiun ot Gurinto establisltî-s thte g.sod faitit of Greaut liitain iu be-r dciIirttiot iit titere wus uo pttrpose ut oct-pn teriemnory. tFror tt i rut lte Britliitaîthiiis bave asauret Ambas- sador Bayardl. ui,]te latter bassoa ad- viseit 'Secrettmry G;rshsam, that titere n-as no Iturpose ut uggressqiûLoronfetmaeuritîg a fuutitoid in Nicaragua. The ouiy pur- puose. Eanl Kitmbe-rle-y bas saisi, was lu culect a debt by stîcî force as waa net- essttry andlteti delsart. Nicaragua, nol- nititstaîiding titese assurances, hans main- taities that te collection of te $77,5W0 ni aus uirely a cou-srtumenuns et ccuîpyiug lier terrilory. Titis view bas preî-siled rs-ry widely in Watshinîgton, eu laIsonie officiai quarters. albhotitglite puliey of t- Goî-erîtîusnl jbas bet-cr aceept te guout ailt ot Greut Britainasrelîresenla- t i-es. fTe witlidrusl utfte troops fi-ouiCo- rinttuuad te deputire utfte leet 1w1i4 îtit urtly e-nd il qustaions of Britisht fer toriti extenision in N icaraîgua, btlah, put t aIr,-4t te ttrrs entertnlned inhuit t cuntrol ofthlét Nicaragua Canal route wouîid lbeseriaiîsly affects-il iy the lmmx- lîîity of Britishi tort-es. Tite affair bas cost Nicaragua tmure titan tbe origintal $77.W)i~. Il tuais rîîcisstry te reise 3,OiIO) extr nitriale, tit a cî,st o tif$,C«l a day. Titi-ahiiiii îîî ie t f<triri ta anuaacîttoîns port Itus msa rî.sîilepd inî ranch baus. Tite ditirî:îuI o ltbutsinessandrîlcouimîerce in a iuss niti-ciirjrîot lie ietîstred it dol. Dr. Robîtert N. Kieiley, Jr.. of 1'iiladel- blaeking of s rseDus.Pru P.VaOaUsi..P m ! . WR<N 0»E W.L Amu ,. Perlîaps perfectly frank people, who tel] you candidly just wbat they thiuk. uf von arefnot lte pleasantest friends1 lu lte wurld. But, on thte other liant,1 if yuu are tlîrown loto theecornpany of1 an utusuaily polite--an over-polite-i person, you alinost Iînmedlately dis- trust 11t111.1 There coînes to yoti, acting upen the- nervous part of you, of wliich you know s0 little. a seuse of doubt. You are ntot averse te petite bearttîg au manners-uay, yeti lîke tbem; you even find It pk-:tsaut to recelve the compli- ments so readily and glibly offered to yeti; to see the amiable smile. te watciî the buiving iîead; and tîtere Is senti- tbing lu the sense of revereuce and respect as expressed towards yonrqeif whlch la very flattering.1 Yet. la spite of It aIl. you are flot surei of yuur cornpanion's houesty. You arej lnclined to supect tîtat there is sorte- titing cynical behind that stalle; sorne- tltIug uureailu the look of regard. And you do flot know lu Uhc least wby you bave IL At the saute Urne. yen findItl seotigre- able to be made ranch of, te finit your opinions suddenly of value (or assured value) ln the eyes of yeur fellow, ltat F-ou lulilte rest the spirit of doubt which riscs within you. andt jeu resolve te believe your newv frienit an cxceediai, iy pollshcd andt vcry deligbtful man. A Poimonous MisL Titis fly deacriltegagasia a vaperous po!- son viic breeds chilis and lever. bilicu.- réititent,. duinit agite-. ague cake, and lu lte tropic a dldy typhoiti torus or lever. tins- tetrera Stomacit Bittera privent. anti cures these r-umptalnts. Biticumnesa. constipation, dye-îiopaia. neri-cus andi ktdney trouble. riteu- netisa,. neirralgis sud Impaireti vitaiity aie i,,i, remecdied ty te great reslurative. At the Bon Marche (cltctp market), PaLrla. l:tst year, 662 persons ivere ar- restedl for kieptomania. Hall'. Catarrh Cur-e la takes lnternaily. FlIce 75 cent&- Beethoven wtt, fond of ltistury andt Freshaews and purity are conimuicatoed tn the complexion by <leiitaSniphir ilii's Ilair antd Wbisker Dye," Biaek or Brown. 7"o-. Dr. PIEIRCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRI PTION FOR WEAK WOMEN. Onc OufirsIt aoc ogliird-!htelMedi.l ne te te afflicted, aud for msuy yesat ere- after, it va, aold under a P.uMtvs <lusee of gving ecoure satisfactio' u la vtry cae fo vitich Il la recomia,.ded. Iaoulforsaly sac- cesatul titi lu prove lu curlug the dLsessea, de- rangtnts and veacueea of vomeu tat dlai sfr the reliant of mouey psid for Il vert exceedlngiy rare. SnuecIL&smanuufacturm seau n. point uo titouas of uoted cur«e fecteid by, Il ln every pari of te land.lhty believe ilu pist record asaufficrul gmarstee of il. gîtI value seas curative agent. therefore. ltev mos, real its ciaimis 10 te î'fldtncetof lte sêleted saivivîpon ltaI record. Dv .l medida, d«ees George Angustus Sala was once ln a train wbieb was "itelit up" b>- Carlista ln Spain, and lhe overbearit a Spanlali gentleman, vte w-as oxercoie villi trigit, murînuring to blmself.-: die se younig. tahiave myvite- unit bubes; oh, il la sait, ilIsaita! ansi I lavenl es-en bad my breakfast." Worl'aColunîbîsu Expoulion Wilh be of value te the Ilma- tratlng te Improvemnents ln te me- chanical arts, andt eminent physicians will telil jou tîat lte progress lu me-dl- cinluta gents bas be-eu of equal Import- ance, anit as a strengthenlug laxative thuat 5>rap of Fige la far un adi-anc. af ail others. Thte common houseffy' ilai ftenIlIterai- 1>- tes-aured b>' parasites, andsItilbas been prove t biat tese parastes are aiso Infesteit witit minute (,enrttnes Ihat threateu their dtestructon. Chilallan Endeavorer»- Sbeuld net tecite- oit Ibein route te tite gruet coni-entionm aI Boston la Jul>' unlil Ihe>' bave rn-d the iteautftilj Illualmateil !!inersmTr isanes b y thte Michtigan Central, Tite Nia g asFala Iiteute.". Adtreas for t-o)ij . W. BggIes. G. P.& T.. Agut, Chticago. One Gives Relier. It la ao easy to hi- nistaken about indi- gestion. undit tink ltere Io soute otiter trouble. Tbe cure le ItipittîsTabules. Orte tabule givea relief. As k auj ituggist. Kaig~hts Templar Siteuld nett et-Ide on titeir route tebite Trieniaul Conclave ut Bosînti in Auguat manil te>-bave readthbie beautitttlly Il- isatsiitinerar>- Issîuei t h hiteWiun Cuetral. "Thet Niagant a "ilse note." Atilrega for copy 0. '«. uggies. 0.. P. & T. Agt, Chticago. Mmii. Stowc always admittesi tiat site cotîli not do bells-m tian tuu "Une Toin's Cabîn." Ptso'g Cuiît for Consuxuptian bas » equal as a Cougit inediticne.-F. M. A-. iiuvt, 11M Se-ni-ca St., Bluffalo, N. Y., M"y NO MORE BITCIUING STRAPS.1 Ilw invcentlca, sdjs tIn-of; .îit dootltrtes u1hr., lar(Ime orMi cie U4 gdlahrï ï M.aed~a Bîuitue e it lmes ils re f wltitilsq- tIesso dye. sia ssllyC., oeL5, in0 the R îrut MIsleraju.,sehaea sud ive. foutt bah, sstujf siunces, sick eaitezm loss of appetite, etc., wu caused by constipation; àWý constipation is the mo<t frem*;, quent cause of ail of îhesjý', Oue of the mogtimportant tl rverySdy to learu lu that cat. eses more tsho m tise lku warld,especiall>'ci au &.r Bie].F.AleCoCUi% et.. Z aoa *T-Ir 1 BTie- TNRIG (¶ÇnIWJ "SA Fair Ëace OannbotAYio An Untidy House." Use juat 1s yor ibe1 you cniu sgp soap. maires w s4ya$ ayasty obt~~r, maires the igotwhiteýJ a~T~usxdsofwoe*" yS~ uots1hiiutaeOff, 1 .NV

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