CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 May 1895, p. 8

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IPAY YOU To cati at the NEW STORE for your DRY G0008. PUANISHINQ QOODGPSGOUES AND HeTs. Filet-clase goods at hal! leading prices. Satisfaction 0Guaranteed. Money wii be refunded, if gooda are flot fouad satistactory. As we value your trade, we wyul try to keeb it. Cali and examine our stock, even if you dont want to buy. C IIC !AGO L E#ADEF, NEXT DOOR TO COMMERCIAL ROTEL. The INDPERNb "r Hf. C. PADDOCK. Bortôoa AND Pitop. FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1895.' Dr. H. P. EWING. Rockaefeler, - DnMis. DISIMSES 0F THE LYS. special attentlOs givehi te the correct Untl10 0. M.-I te P. m. enid after S P. m. .WEEN YQU WANT A.. A 1'4ce4Smooth »have. A Fasbiona- bie IlairCutor Shampoo. WM. QUOKE, BARBIER, Whoee Toutiorlal Parlors are well equipped witb irb-clam Selsuisd a.killied art- lt to handie (heux. ROCKRFELLFI. - - ILINrOIS. P9S-lyr.> ROOKEFELER. mies Annie Knigg8 les vliting frieuîda ln the City. F. C.. Knigge, of Lake Villa', svst Suuday witb bis folks., Mise Lydia Knigge, of Palatine bas been visitiug lier auttMrs. lleracb- berger. The celiars of thie new parsootage and Mr Bierghorn*sebuildinigs are neariv completed. uJohn Kniggfis l speudiiig m few days he lie says lie lies, pleîîty of workË 04arn out, Sale! be.River View. 1.-IMts. W. L. Rieli liaà for thîePat îKavig purcnase the Businessof M. A. An- week eî:teraitied a t rieni froua drews, 1Nwill close out the old stock, at MrLa. Jas. MecMullen, ofPuJIWiiflwbo Your Own Price, to make room for o e ahrLHriîo iie frieiads liere 'ruebdlaî. Fr s ,Ne wv Qoods. XA îîrie zrieta ait îîaîîieii's ariues ut thle Flialitire store ai*, larhi e i1k'[lo 0e tal-ts to select ~ARGINSI SfOri ~ail Ciaet-s tat anad senteol tii ll!ittcti, :iahx eaatLs lier ya,alextra. Hgwycommissiofler'5 Repor STATE iiLSiS oiu>iiLk' iiia er tiu iv te lie r.,Uid.o r le imiUiit. u i u,ai'-at Y'EED, of 41l kinds, AI ways on lland. bH CJountry Piýoduûe Bought and Sold. WrAui enilinc>n'li 0<1 ivo 1ý Im. h..Wnirthe mulnt u seuti 1 Solicit a $Share of Your Retronge. mn amnouui aof publie fui.d@ expendod anidfo ~~uxs eaadi n i. afZresjît Tiie maid H. C. Mevir. b,'iog duly swirn. lut deoe cii cii.that tiige fouhiiig el.e- Cilmrer, Mi. R. C. I4UBBARD, iX.~ ioueg t lottethn ea b tated.iit-iituoint of pîîbilî.tuuds recelved. zndilei, .ourees n frirawhlîivhre.ixye. .and i 1- amo pntcil.peue. iii a u crti ftri ai'iieii aiuljýi Ai IiaiJi )q-il to>iief ir e , i..ti, t h I dy îf Maa.l4. aiaElýR) V i-11 îY$F.. i Jus! iî.-.of Furniture.-Will j(pigge, Furniture. am,-Rc-l lei :I1inois....u.w *Nw LUne o! Furlilture 1895 Style$ tiLv2 jfruacoil l ir. ...U ... ii M; irt.t, y f i..... iiisauidhit, ~i.x__4 ýprît 17. 1141<. G. MV. ste traîla itrad,. and rcpaîlriniit raiditn.le pril 1.. E.-PaîYiîe. piîîw ui dreitair. <o raiderý .... . . i pril 173. H. Croukiltl. luntiatr - .uy 10,Jaiiit Mo.rieii.&htOVe.iitg dirI îey 10, Edward Boyes. cerupiluir rOauds Iey 10. Juhn MWageinr. scrapîtiicand tiue acriasnoud .. a.... Maty 10, J. -;. Delinlt. serapinhg and haultng ilirt on turnplkkî' . - -- 1 May 10. H. C. Paddock. putltislitat tresrir's report ... - 1 May Io. J. H. CronkiI., piani, andl spikes...... .... ....... .. ---1 IMy 10. F. p. Devis. work aud plank.... May 10, Wilbur & Neville. Plen k ... May MI J. S. Deitilein. gradingi. uisuling atone and tle ...... .......- .. JUDO Iii. John Moericin. iayiug tii,.. June 12. 3. H. COnVitte. lumber ..... a lune 1. o.W.Dvis, building lbridge Jan 12. J. S. Dentan.haullng piank for P. àh8S...... ...... ......... muy 8, Edwurd Luski. coruon rcd I . lFrank Dietz. ov,.rwork Distriet Au«s. . E.G. Payne. steel bridgeas.. . - 1' Aug. 8. 0. w. Davis posle and work on rnd................ ......... .. LUg. 8. Wllbur & Neville. lumber. Aug. 8, J. S. Murrie. Elle ......... .. Aug. S. J. S. Deieln. haullng plank L& .H. 0. Nyr aio uA i triut7an19.. ..... ....... LU'i. 8. E. G. Payne, tîle......... ep.4. Judson Amie. overwcrk ... Sept. 4, John Wayner. overwiirk .... Spt.4, John Rertel. over wurk andl ilv*Seoposte ..... ................1 Set. 4, oreuzTiltus, 9-2 tue. work aI <d l r1ta X.......... Sept. 4. Ueo. itadhe. overwork .... Rept. 4, R. W. Coon. Publigiting tran- urere report ........... -- Sept.4 Ueo. MitbeiI. tie and conk.. Sept 4,irred Converse, overwork.. . Sept. 4. Wl Tecampe. ovîrwork.. sept. 4, cari Dorger. repuirlngsirsliena and plose.......... .. .... Sept. 4. Ueo. W. Dsgra su ad re- sept 4.ermn Ler.ovtwork .... sept, .J.H. Cokb" p. pi an d t Sept, 4. IL0. 11111. dynamite....... Sent. le, Charles Woolrdge, overwork aitrict Ne. 1S................ oct. .50. Plage, gradlng 119 rod. of oct. 4, Wright &Bon.liuier ...... Oct. 4, John Moerlin. dltcbing on rond Ct. 4, eo, W. Duis, ork on rond aud poste ........... ...... ocut.& Jae pàhDobuier. six postal... Nov. 2L. Wrlht &Son. iumber .... Nov.. U eo. W. DaVIs,4 work on foad mand ,poile .............. ......... Nov. iT. Ueo. Hooft, work on ruade ..>, Thompeon Brus. spikes ... Dec. i2. J. &. Deinlein. work on rad ... Dec. 28, Asa Jobs., work on ronds, Dis, trict No. 12ý ............ Mar. 16i, 18. Chiarles Drofler, jilitg Mar. I&. Plaest Myers. ovebýwork... Mur. 16. J. H. Crouklte. tiie... mur. 25, H. c. Meyer, tîauiug ie and work on rose!................. Mar. X6,Town of Wauconda îhiîvaltitg irave................. .. with teunt.................... Mar. 26.E. G. Payne,. iii..... .... .. llair. 2ni, J. S. Munrie, ............. Mari. ,AdamniBebna. b rouai tlu r,.. tunded......... ....... .. ...... . Mar. 26. C. P. Thomas. reps lrin% scrap- ors. place end forais ing 1.. largo pois.- ....................... Mar. 10& H. il. Meyen. 2 per cent of ai>1 =un8 thet came lnto bis bande by 01nueofbls oflice ........ Mar. X . M. .Cook. repairlng piow brokin on rcad........... . tottal"MW fl 111tew gumuue ...... e Av Avll Ap Ma si t M. sl bi jt fe1 Line ôfTJndertaking aways on hand &rpets, Oil Çloth, Linoleum, Rugs, Comfor- ters, PiIIo*vs, in fact ,Everything in the Une of jouse Furnishings. Hang- ing t.amps, Stand Iamps. A f LFTSSTOOK 41n, Dai TieFarrn Wagons, Buggies, Agricýuitural--iffr pWments. Etc. We' have a new Stock of the ~a1uis Wçe ~rWagonls j -And the1 Bloomington- B~os. is %à Carrnages. tIsai APTAKISIC. Miss Kate Slusser starts toward Missouri every morniîîg but la brought back every evenlng. Charlie and Martlîa Giss are again at 11ome after a prolonged visit 10 tlîeir sister, Mm. S. Butz at Kaànkake.. The wedding belle wili wson lie'heard whîen Jake Gloden will again lie married this time the lady cornes from Wisconsmn. We wish hlm Iuck in bis second unioni. The dancinîg hall bus been trans- fornied again into a blacksmith sbOP. Tlios wîo hae iad work don@, there ssytletC.A.Piper does good worki 141d ta4kes fair psy. Thle surpisers were thîeniîsilves sur- prised liy the weatber. :wieîî it would sîirprisue us by insurlîîg good crope this .iear: tlîeî wed enjîîy the surprise parties bu much moe. Dont mis& tlie dance to lie giveil by the band boys ini tle near future. Their teacher will aIso be present as leader. Extra music for square dancens will also lie furnishîed. LONG GROVE. Albert Roder Is on deck again. Fie weather and plenty of ralu. Moët of tbe corn le jlanted lu this looality. Cooeler judgment prevailed anid thie lawsuit didii't mnateriallze. Max Moldenliauer grît tired atfter two da4work aut hie saw Mill. Bois get ready for tie chasrivari Dick's weddlig conies (ffi SnidIy. Mort Ilodkisis founidbis matelh wheiî lie tried tii talk t ne saw mill dea!cand gave il,, tlîe joli after two hl asys efffi t. D. P . Krtegzet weuît to Wi.ulkeg.n Wediaesday foîr lsbi sais Icio)ks aiad exhects tii sturt oni his 10,11,9118 next w tek. 1L'olg (,10%~e ('reamnerN Asmoeiatiuui lielu l tîjir aialailneetilig at the lactory MNiuîdaiy. The hollowiîig oliers acre elected for thee eîîsuming year. 'ltree î . lltie, ."csl Injjk andîîl1). F. Krueger; thîree $ales- uîu-.satier,chiais. stempel ciii, Geiî. Quienin;sec, and Trea. J. P.1 Hîtzeîitiîler. T1hîe directors hâvel 'etigaued Geo. Quîenmtin as mAIaitger.i Tlîe animaul reportseofthtle oOtere nmade1 a moet tvurnsitle alowiîig, aeec 44 î1 <tler f actories, ais usuel. QUENTriNS CORNERS. Weaither la ail tîjat couîîd lie desarei. Farmers very buîey iuîshîîng Piliiîg. Tue prospect for laits ot fruit seema4 brighit. Il. L. Bickeluîin aîiîan ife cere .siziîîg up the blig city receîitly. Misa Sýophia Fraienfelder madce e I)eslt .Cali on .Miss .. R tii. Aug. Meyer iiîd Rd 4Quenîtin, ot 10 24 Waitoiida, made a caîl ait the Coriiera. iî 1 lleîuaau Scnîeiier uneilea viait tb 1 Vi WIîankeg.111 oaa-law rautterS tliS aeek. Thie bandu gelt tlir uuîiforms tlîla 1"0week. i suppose tlieni on Caîît reach Oua short of a ten foot pole. :1 Ni Hermari Juiu*er lias tiie baisement li inislied for a îîew bamii. 4ome Say liermen lias another big improveinent, 8 50 oibis mind. 4 82 1 29 46 42 250 150 60w il,, 0 2l "1 50 50 51 40 600 il 26 5 00 6 90 280 8 ou 305 14 21 1900 14 10 115 950 250 17 00 200 4 5 400 10 25 When you want to sell or ent à farun, buy e lot, trade homees, or any- thlng else, It wili pay you to piste a notice in the INDEPEasDENr whlch la almost mire to bring you a custouner. WHEELING. The Scliwingel sale is reported a good oue, everythlng sold well. 'unday vas a big day for bicyclers about forty were in our village. Mrs. Kiel and eilidren enjoyed a drive over the grevel roais to Liberty- ville asat Friday. The A. F. & A. M. weme out in ful force Saturday evening. The rain sud mui dont count on loige nlght. Charlie and Albert Meson front Prairie View and Bert Wiicox, of Diamond Lake vlsited bers Sunday. The Chicago House provea a veîy desirable stopplng place for ladies and gettiemen going to and from the laites I noticed very many durtng the pat two veeka. 3 Every Mouday Arthur cornes homo t rom the city emillng and happy; thua week flot excepted, so voe take IL for granted bis lady love bas flot started aon her Euopean trip, as reported. Our village and sumoundiug country oeet to be exoeedlngly bealtby as tb. 6 doctor bas plenty of spare time. J. Scheingei ia the only one on the sicit 5 liet; he bas had a thoat ailiment for 3soute ime. 5 The village board are lu a ditima; 1 they cent get the igbit man for 0marshlat. The one they want woî't b ave the office and the one tbat wants 4it tbey won't have; better offer a good 1 salary and get one that will atteund Lu )0 businîess. Si'ECIAt. LIBERTYVIL.LE MARKET. Corected by the Merchante every Tiiirsday. Butter--Creaniery.... ....... 8.Am S .20 Rattet-Choice Datry.......... i .18 Egg, ardoen..........u. 10 Wodry pr or ........2.50 18.90 ColR rd.prt ............5.00 .5 Oom...... ...ton . 8.50 4.00 Oonprbeli. aeed ... .1JO .à Oiur .. .i........... ... .29 af ..unhi .............. 1.0 110 to............. 14 14.0 pa o............ 500 1Mou 1e. per io& ...1000 a) la fi 1291 41 s11650 ilSIl 4~ su. tlmrbm «a fl........MMl The rain bas alIon alike on the just and the uinjust. Min Maggle Hallmatn, of Chicago, la the gulest of Mrs. Seyl., bire. Zerwer spent two days witb relatives lii the City this wVek. The Everetts would like to hear froni ail Lake County teams and arrange games. Joe Seyl bas a new iorse and maybe bie don't use hlm. 01) no only about eiglit. nights a week. that's ali. The INDKPESDENT beate any otther papier lu Lake (Jounty for local oews, and publiebes It while It la fre.b. ton. TlIee la to be a refreshment stand, grand stand aud ail modern improve- ments onm the ball ground this year. The Everett» play the Lake Foresta iltqt Sumday. dle Wdsdaify a yehas4tubilte ried eesday Mile soth o! bis ett. Tedece 21ses laone 0of Etîe te. Teaauuin od sneof tè tinlty lîealg ob een hersinfce abount 40 Forin some n er. Duff abeen i80. For o eltiencMrb.sDefya b wanoin ploge ber îî hneexbspeth The om- mat etarguexeted.The s mb mto he lorwîg ftamll.The funerpai wil the rrwil a fro Thet Parak Call takelcîa e froclStkParim. catîdii th rmah luettered ut th.iM place. maguisoglWU MONUMEUtS c.ut,1 hu~ et Bvory Dou$$I0 C.lTnp.màme bluili 121 Z. Goulus St., - VAUNNE. Ask Vour * à Puai CIKAIf TAlliIR gaine of bail lest StundAy*? If -Ài, vou iedttresi this. 1csnitiescrlbe the Nont gaine wtth peu auin mk -The )woys" eay 1 must, so e<> e. «e. .wes thiis wayC tlîe Everet ta plaved the Il. Lanaat)ettrs. Whueu some of the visitors stepped into ____ tthe fleld arrayed eu blright red costumes vith p<îiuddinug eulngh lin tlhe legs o <0 ~ tlîeir toimers te remiîîd yîîo! »tOte1Th Pa uiie Warin lid confrters thiat noîtter Useil to mnake we tiiolghut the Everetta§ý jwoulîl pile tip a loitiof gwise eggs and goî hoîîue a ltlîteaittired feeliug. But te (lie l 1*t. l) asisuietlîhi ig.TLue L.îuîcasteis a euitt irTatti Nit aud 1 euit 011 t w il h uotlirig tetlaeir reiit. Thie Everetts weîtit otii fla ndei i ay tlîey hliaruîered the hall1) iîahinug i t lIl 11 tii to e t-li ii aii ir ont d'VI, th, hîagis af thie tilers wmild make 'aipi ain AuîMîn aitei ide lus orbs ot viuîîîîi. And doIliit Na s thîe cc tie, gainiement.îiutil thet tifth itininir. 'l'imen thie aiOii-Ater1. ecoreul s couple ùf ruila. liieu tie gauie endedtihte ait-lre stfx<td EyerettaiXe;. Litticasters ) 12. Btterv ftir Eaeretts.-MIar.andn Tuipper. i.*aîîîeaîter-swaitouî eîli BichBrIs. Lanes on the Death of Floreact Yire i l c-îli.' ra- halil. Iî.nn Tiîy spirit iiaa fnîm un floui. G-il. the .factef. lia,.uaiî.u i.. iailefI iCîr iicart. -,t l. ,. . jli ie. s.~.arix unit'r G Iadiiu'ii.d a uy li liit iai 1 kiloiani ticai at ith l liuiiîfla Siiîa.CinX liaiSar'i, Jrai i. ATýJl. <iiiit a nl brrii lavd Maiy ali-uîtfroin H-ln .. i t t.i h- tie.. icm lient l fi 1i111dt h- i iii tri i..i n niarrw a1i-Jliear,: ait wat it8 ui. ii.> ilitni aîaa.. ilaIaiaalihei uttan. ye r'. Th'. wîa nu.ii, yUr tiyoii ittrl. A%) oîu lintheil aur fa eiii nkit-- A iii tiie.,.su suinic(ify iur liai ppY ta.'m. SiN.imore oneautii tlîey'iisu1 , Glid comifort (lienà thIilr sorr'w. Grant tbau ncourage and strongîl it ai-tir The triais and sud aflflicitiiins. Which on eartb laeheir lot ru nh&rm May vain and yiilr brother Eddim. inhiarcede fotr a1 ipray: S;o (bey may be wurtîy t4o me..! îou her.. after. A Fitli!fijo J. P. WILLIAMS, The Weil Known and Kxpreiencod Well Digger lu DOW tiakinag Weil@ wtth bis ocu autel The '«WHEEL 0F FORTUNE." asle catiseIl., Noc. if you are tiuinkiug of havinu a Weil dug or anu ld one nepaîired. 1 am qulte sure 1Iecu pieuse you. if you let me dlg deep uaoough. for Iiat le i.faillute lui most wellî. My Prices Area For digging and brlcklng ceai. uabout faiti feet un duameter. fIrait 0 feet T&L. next l0 toit 81.00, oeil 10 61.50. next 20 et U 1.00. oeIl 15 test 160.pen tant. For Wel@ six foot In diameter. firnit W0 tomt 01.26.for celia euit ftst crose E8200 per foot tor prospeoattng clth 2 or 8 inch S uger tIrat 20 ftit aper font nexi, 20 foot i15 cts. neIt 10 teet Mets, par fout ftrnt the top of th. groundor the battoan t olnd colla, but no charge for boring In a nec ceil unles e ocner stops me front digglng deoper. Cen- bagout and uepalring oid colis 80 01. par bour and furoluih oip. Parties having curk tjune muet turnish boaerd for belp. brick fuir Weiiand cornent for the tap and lumbtir for eurbtng. If needida oniy on jobs cithin tWO miles of home. then 1 viii hoard niyselt and help; conk to h. donc luea gond workmanilke marier and h. safe taogo doniutiiaitcy tilaie. 1 perfer hait If the ovruereaiuiait lipeet Laiy wairk. thuat h ,ieîd a ani of comuaor-senaic tu go doan îd se tiiet 1am doliig ail (bat eu be don,.. anal tîatt will iaclp my reptAbtluif and aatiafy juan. 1 htauve dug taid repaîrcal 39 2weltaiofer In Lauke Cianaîd ont aot 1K7joba. wllian mi les oflait 38. iiarcit in cccliii. anîd 1 reauiy (linli îiîey net.. ail tlticukftnl for tie Iiaull sala wiîicu k coul tiaca fuir ay lina,.. 1 cm iigve 0 the nainmes ot every oîîc 1 have doue a jaob fui ssiaice Aug. 20, ISM, and 1 au glad 1 have gui 0 te credit otfcialoet every aile. espectaill 0riglit ut home, for trytng my best tai leu ve 5them épienty of water. 0 tereatterl ciii shlow a discount of Ove pan 8cent front abovi pnices fur clash on ail jots 0that amount ta over M6.00. Work domnlegod 0J aballipe must h. settied for by cash or due bill 0Tbanking ail for pat tvors. I trait ta shar, jour psronage iu future. Address J. IR. WILLIAMS. :h Canal St, CHICACO. LIWStaliOno No. 325 R.Â. P. R. Bred by W. M. Cra- croft, Anderson., md., foaled July 12, 1889, will make the season of '95 at his old stand. He is the best sire of road horses, that ever stood in Lake Co. His. colts being large, smooth & fine movers. One year ago last fal oneof hisyearlingcolts took first premium over a large field of colts in the roadster class at Lake County Fair, Terms: $lOto insure; live colts, or-no pay. The original owner wiIl be held responible for service fée of ail mares disposed of after being bred. For pedigree, cali on or address, C. A. Appley, Cou nty Farm, Liberty- ville,. I. Horse Dentiotry, If your Rorses are Poor.or don't eat weIl, it will pay you to have their teeth examined. There is a man at the County Farm who understands the busi- ness. Examination Free. a ~-TERMS.-- ,yFor LeVeling and Floating, S1.0(, >Çutu ing off andExt ;rom 1.00 t acordiag tob..iW 1 1

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