JRRY BY TUJRKS RS OF THE OEA'H-PIT AT JELLYGOOZAN. Ota -h*Townu Aiarmed Over the Pro- gp.d Wterwa-Futel Accident on s Laite St. Clair Steamer. -.Awful Sigbt lu - Armenia. rTé commission whîlcl tas beon ijutes- *I.albng te atrocities ia Ai-meula îmav- 40MM te devastateti vilagestanti arruved bt Jolygeozan, witere 120 itonnes ivere fwid lta ave bten birnet. Ttc. people -oeI sheleieti la miseratalo tut,-..Ample geof nastond oet lie tut etthe t- dues - 11. reardlag te massacre et Armeuitas wkd tite'tact tiat tier bodies n'aie trownn %%a large numbors imb a pIta-bore te Yrtsendeavoredta lecoecea Itou' cimue î~7pourlag tari-loIut olot-tntuluan te lodies anti aating lire tle iteo. Ttc IbWmea, howevOi. failedta10constuete asâs, andi a stn'eant n' a tiîîted antI di- - eitd fri-e tis course in ordtiu lwnast .***yte taîf-burneti bodieas. But t-yen ibis faliedtateobliterato te terrible vi- "S dst agaitiet tte Turks, andîthelIteloal -u»thoi-lties wero contpelIed te rueve te emaina piecemeal. Thte vilttgt-s i'a ta ie- iàoved te bulk efthtîe bois and i iîterrî'î êein laueitsoca'ated grouttd before te ai-- alva otfte ceomission aI Jellygoozan. SEVERAL LIV ES LOST. Rlany Bouta, Succum tal lte Fui-y et lie Gaie. *-LAite Michigan unleasîteti islof 'Monda y Metginluoaaetfte vorgl storme knwnt tor-jaai-, ail enly mont foriunaleci-cau- st.aces pieventeti a repelitiox ofte se-- aise of n'reckeanti disasters titat uceurreti )Isy 18, 1894. Ttc liat et bots lst je a lahrge one. ant In ail titien lives ai-e 1mown fohave taon sacrlficed. The s hip- Ïg« i hitfolows: Qulckstep. n'res-ketioff mcn;Willai-d, front Alpeno: J. B. KbMea, wreckoti et Mitdle Islandl; Vi- Mlng, tirivon agi-ounti nith tret- consorts at Sand Beachi, Mue.; unknownn e-on bans, ashore ix miles zort etSandt IBacbt: steamer Uniqule, nrcckcdtin St. elir; tht'ae schooners, n-rccketi off East Tawom Micit,; schooner Ileindeer, report- ed âtrantiailetIBlac-k River; unkîîottn aciooner, wracked off Ratine; ttree-ntaët- ad schooner, wrecketi near Miln'aukeeŽ. DIlATH CAUSE» BY STEAM. tAie nglner mnd Ceai-Paumer otfte Unique Lowe Tiieir Livea. Au accident occurreti on te non' river steamer Unique, ln Laite St. Clair, n-ticit Canne te deateftlw e mn anti possibl>' à tii-. Ttc Unique loftIDol-oit for lPort Huron. Witen about aine miles front 03111le Jise an explosion hltae bolIer rtiom avrs folon-etib>' clouta et steant antisot "tveatrotîgi te btctes n'tb1terifie force Engineer George Robinsocan'as t1ron'n overboard andt drownno. As soon as pousible the officers etflita boat n'ont helen' anti tounti a ,crck about an inch *" ,.hait long in one <of tit i)leoi flues. Tit s edutheltaexplosien. On lite ther et the bolier reent nas Antoy Case, a cea pauseer, who lai taon kihioti ottrigitl. tiare n'ere about ferly pascangers on te boat.____ XWAY OBUT OFF THE CANAL. CÀaada Look»s Unfmvot-blir tpon W.- terway front Lake »leliign. Preure in ieing brougit tatebean on Me Dominion Goverumaulte take stops te Vmenet, if'posaible, thte consruction 1V Arnauenaetfa n-aloi-na>'front Laite Mý*eiel matetaOhio river. inte House et Coutone George Cocitiuru, membor *r Ioronto>, maled lie Goverumenl te ae *Wbh le Chanier. of Comamerca ln Cleve- -4md and tiar Antericon cilies la pi-o- *Éiwnthe ie lercuta etfte laite citiez. J4buHffl&i-l, nlater et railn-aya anti eq"pmlss tated in repir titat te Gevenu- IMM w'enil protect Canadian inleresa ta ert7 ary apohîble, and wnouiti comma- -ulEn'ithbthe Uniltd States Sccretary ot -a um n te subjeet. SBCUOOLROU&E BLOWN UP. U7aterloue BolIer Explosion at . Iâeepy £Fe, wma. At leepy Eye, Min, siertly aftir mid- ulgit Tuesilay, an explosion oct-uni-edla lte gew $M4000 acheol building, ant inm sa lntantte structure n'as la flamen tuoîntounniation te len-er. Iante base- 'lW n'ews ltsevillage lecric pant. Titi jeaun'as $3,80; Insuranca, $23,500. Titi insu ofsetiaexplosion in a m>sîciy. Thei buenaeer Iaft sixI>' pounis ofe teana on ea lUAi. and a quauthl>' of cool hai* juil been atet u inte hasement. Four tuutiret a"d fifiy pupilsattllndt h. scitool. MOVINO UPON CHINA. Salvation Armiy Propomea to Invade ltae clat Empire. Anotiter army la about le Invade China, butIte campait-nn-HIlte contintted un diRai-met Unes t-o t liaIt ite Japanese. Thé .Salvaton a ai-t>'la goiag to hi->' l caeeo te orient andi bring te millions *t Chinese imb lie fieldi of Citianlt>'. IMe leader ofthlie movement la Fent- Foo Oing, a Young Chilce -e oin a memntai et te Salvalion ai-na>' lanouFrancisco. Say the Mine Wu* Satet. .Thea syndicale ot captaliasaliving lu Raveaihul, Mas.n-te bougt thlie Goti lifpl mine, nem iRvai-ide, Cal., uaarly a jear age, for $250.000, have coma e te cenausion taI te>'have pamt fou mut-h ter te propent>'. Tiey non' tesire te cean t enid titem, lu thi'ng of $100.. GOfron te purcitasa pries. Thte Easqt- n.malt daim Ilat n-hon te>'bougt thlie r - ty e>'n'ie dupet oulrageously so thle olti device oet altiug."~ Uchulîma *500,000 Short. A A 'acona, Wasit., dillpate gays: Fatt bav*eca to lit-ht n'hit-bIndice te taI the lIs Paul Scbultas etalcationa ameuna - ,ueoWWi $MO.,maklngbils total eut- IWsl"t tel lt argesl evertaonnou lte * >Amtbr D*mt for the Kaimea' a (ermaaa <oveamenî mi n-itan djestat onda>', wien tae reichstag lite wiole etflita proffosetitoitacco lit@~ayua, ~ras aae alle~~y Tts.nsportlio Ooua*ULona of the ta- içnt aidlageet *s.egbt istm ugsontii gveam, laite sa*k ..rly PFrldMytoralu opposite the. Skif lagafee lght, fear Mark- lnawCty, Mlieh., atter eolldlng wth the steamer Josepht L. Hurd, bond for Chi- cage wth lumber. According te the firet ativices receiveti front Mackinaw CitY, a heitvy teg iung over tite laite ataelime oft-the collision. The Cayugo, loden wth merchandume, wabounid front Chicago te Buffalo. Bot veasels suaik, but botit crews vere picked up by te Ninnola, et lte binneset*Line, excepi the stew'ard et te Hurd, George Johnseon, n'bo n'ak dron'ned. Thte Caytîgu disappeai-Od te- neati thte waves, but te Hurd diti fot sink compleiely, owing le ber cargo ef lumber. Tite Cayjîga went dewn in fit- teen fatitoma cf waler about ntidway ha- tn'aen SklIagallee mnd Waugoshance ligitîs. Site itat on boardi 1»0 tons ef fleur fromNtMlîwaukee, valutidat M7,000, andi 30,000 bushels et oats, valued aI $8,- 5M0.lu addition titere n'ere a nuimier ot mter items, whih n'ill triug te total value et ber cargo te about $90.000. The lest steamer was In commandtiof Captain firaser, andt Iis was bis titirti esotiOI. Tite urd, witicit la on oldtimer la lake business, n'as cemmantieti iy Captain Charle E. Wilson. Titis lte tirât sea- son she bas been in commission for cot- eral yetrs on account of dtil freigitta. VICT[M (0F A CONSPIRACY. Gev.IBrownl Claîrts Ie Son-* Deth Wuns.lteResuit of a Plot. Tite* sensation aiiecading te Gorden double killing la net ever yet by tait. saya a Louisville dispalcit. Tite prosecîttien tili attempt te prove Ilia3t Arcit Dixoli Brewn's Ieaîtn'as due teo adot-p-laid plot le aaas &re~n; a trap, os te prosecu- tien believ os, festeriNl andi pltanetiby one, wite, fer reniions best kkuewn tue ii,- self, n'as afraidt u îe(Iote nork and oaed Gordon as te tool te carry eut listie-- signa. These slatentents corne tirectlv trem te prosecution. Jantes A. Sctt. lte Frankfort attortney employeti by Gev. Brow'n te prosectîte the came, saii: .".Gaîr Brown ja non' irmly cenvinced tat a well-planned trop n'as laid for bis son andt iat information n'as turnisheti et bis coming by soete ne.in Fraîktert te an- otiter mtan in Louisville, n'lo, for smore motive. atisetianti actively assuste inli witat Gev. Brow'n conitiers a fouI Ouuuts- sination." BLOODY FIIUD MAY RESULT. 1 OR<t Ts OURREt.CY. Front il.s Not Yet Doue Seriouelujnry -Wreck onlte BrioeUtiltsbienanmdi Horzs-Where la Croune'. Hidden Weath.. Wil ]Ïct Raid the Treani'y Currency nggregt.c ing $12.000.000 n'as paitiFritiay le tevarions Non'Yoi-k tanks. bunke-rs and ti iers tt-badatvanceti goldt l te Morgan-Belmout bond syndi- etupaymont ot 40 lpet'tcnt etfte gtîltiativacedi by tenttoi-bonds. Au- guet feimntnt.speaking oethlie retura et 40 lier tcnt. ofthlie antotpt cont-ibted to sîîppiy tite trensnury w' 1h golti, saiti: "Thte aymaîts matie are lu currency. Tlie'IGovernment bougitt gelti ant igve bonds la paymntnîand te understandlag n-as tait to ivitesubescribe ta tet bonds really soîti goldt l t4esyndicale, andt tek their profits in curreucy. No oee niIi te paid in golti. Titere wiii bo ne goldt aken frontte trensury." Ttceus>'- monts tiere ln non' $10,000 caitificates,, issîîed specialiy teu.J. P. 'Morgant & Co., on accouai et golti depoalet inb te asay office anti treaamîry. CAN'%OT FIND TUF. WEALTH. Securitte. of lie Late J. 8. Crousir Were Weil Concealeil. James S. Creuse tiledti ISvi-aceit, N. Y., about i Ive yenrqaveo, leaviug it fourtnta ln bontla, inorîgages anti raiîroati stocks. letvofut tent ttere toui namnîg tis papers. Mr. Creuse kcpt lus speurities in a trust and di-iosit cempany'a vitt, luot nitte et-utorai ait t e titi-exaîttin- t-i is taux ttariy al cf te sot-urtiica iîil disappeîîi. Ho fearetl befort- Iis tiuathî Ibat a comntttet- neuiltilieput nI hartige ot lis affair'a on acconut of bis itabits, tantd hic relatives bellevt-t ltI le set-ui--tibis palaeIS. Te tiis -day t>' have nul bee'î fottîti. The alîloîtbas i-iceivétl <it itioias on certainî raili-utîtistoc-ksreguuiurly. btt site lias ntai atitposssssaion tie ieti-- vilts. Titti-stia>' Mrs. (rotuse vacatcii lte bomesleati.andteialuemployeti a foi-cc of t-rut-ttei-s le explore ever>' îîook ln the bouteain te uresotuceocf dtcteit'. itoping le finltchre te secarilies t-ie set-ete-tbut nmitasrofîg bitx «'US foutît. 'Ira tc'rotîse andua lier t ti-isdoîin't Ltttat t*lt- ler tlitiy ai-e i-cil 1>- ve'mathi3-ocr-not BIGt SALES 0F BONDS. 'uival National courts Couvene aitte Chickasaw Nation Capital. Foreign Exchange Demoralîzeti by A Denisoît, Texas, dispatct enys: Tte Euro1scan Purchasep. nuutonal courts tai-t-cenvenet i a Tiaite- R. G. Dito & (o'Os Neekir tt--iw ofrui ningo, t%ýau capital et tte CtickasaanNa- Tiato gays: '"rThe ev4t-tote Ia-ti-i-kisg lion. A serions claIe of affaira existae tit tlioaihzàtioli cf toroiiai extlittgi'. îîiicitmay pretipitato civil n-ai. Tiere totîseti by ei-niîoîs cales tif bosulaba-uiL. ai-e tno sets of officers îbroîîgtouîl.front B-!suat-aa1sleofet11()i ilO -(NM0 Nînithiaitt:ttu jutigo down, anti a clahaccuma certain, as atudti ulir ruili-it uitlais ttretgi thlie eyn- botaddes ai-c obstinate. Tite factions dit-att- large îuîrcaseai on fort-ututaucîiuit ai-e leaviîy ai-mti. A singleabatlfired tai-o bei-n maile faor samuen-cokesu that w-ilmentut f blonld>'fentdt. Tte Gevernor's the atgi-ogati- 1aioitatay excecils $50,000.- cfera oet modiation have beout rejetted. (M00 nclaie t-sale cf governmn-ts. Saftt> fer tecaîuîîîîî-nitellamu-lufotuai-l busi- Smart Money la Rabseti. - mess'a.ntte sytututato decita it so fui>'1 Mahnagua, Nicaragua, diepalcit: Titere assît-cil thal il diatri-iltes 44) lptr <ent. tf% ls no lontger any deuitt litIGi-cal Biitain te moee'adtanucet Ly t>is asaaîciuîîa, n1h1 receive btr smtart moite>' on lime. Ttce a lîcit reietca a large îauîîîîîtuît litatu- £15.000 te bo paiti b>'Nicaragutu10Great lat- cpciaien n sea-ritits ot au oiîîats. fi-itala tas bt-en raseetib>' populuir denan- Cr r spcatsaaIs have gi-cati>' imurov-i tions. Titree (lemmon mercantile fi-ma cd anal this is t3t still biglair impiortance'. have givon about £2,000, andîthe tb oiei s it tiili di acih ltu dturtuiuî' tht- i-ar- antount n'il be ready lu te pait in Laon-h. tctr nd volumiteetfalil tainemseafîci- tinon a ton- tinys. Thte raieing etfte ano nier uni-exta lutàItsare cvu-r. Ila ati taeney, howevei-, tam oni> in-reaseti pop- ien busainessui ueiving. aithougi thtt 01cr feeling in Nicaragua against Gieat gain in gi-cal industries la retardet b>' Brjtîflu andt pe feeling lu non' taiy bitter, mon>' trikeai." ýgûleeti, more se, if possible, titan whon lte Brillith antioti a Cori-mb. Ttc gea- Czar Prepareil for Wnr. oral opinien set-ms lte itaI ite Cea- A diapaîci fi-ont St. Petersburg tatua tral Amerearepublicesn-lu torima corn- tat upto leStinda> il 'as believodt tt bination, possibiy secret, againsi Gi-cal Japon n'oulil refuse lt-gie up Port Ar- Brilain andt ta everytting possible n-i tur. Ortiors n'eno given lt lilize 110,- ta donc le exciade Brillith goouds front 000 li-oupo la ttc lrkutsk anti Tomsk dis- Central Amont-a.Titis feeling wtli proit- tricts anti a credît ot 20.1510.111)0 roube ably resul in commercial gain teattcen-as openeti. Il n-ns la tien- oft Iis atti- Uniltd States. Thora is neotieubt, bon'- tude etfIlussia taI Japon intunedintel>' ever, taI litaaction o e tte -e Gar- yl'ldedta t te temnd ant llnte ta>' luaia, moan frut. lu ubscrlbîng se liberally te France anti Germuan>'. the lademnily tuat i n-h prove a gooti streke ot business to tient. Teateil a Chinue et Bell". ________A nember et musiins anti clergynten Race for the Pennant. n--ee resont Fritia>'aIttett ntaIBai- Poleloning lletestanding etflita clubs tiore of a elime et bells waiialabac jutt et tae National Basebaîl League: taieut completeti for lit. Jantes' Catitohie Per ('titict. Chticago. Titii-e are îwntîy tolai Clubs Pinycti. Won. Lest, cet-a. natlIte cilmeste lai-test ut ahict n'ait-it Pittsburg ..-.. 18 12 6 .16- -5,1i50 îaîundc. anti the suttalleml 150. Thtiir Chticago . 19 12 7 .M12 lotiailn-eightt is 40(,)01 poututîl. Il ilte Boston -...15 9 6 CO) 1lai-et-calusical citne ot tachai er ciait Cincinnati .. ..19 il 8 .579 in tiacounatry.____ - Cleveland . ...16 1) 7 .w Tryito eShielti a Woinant. Baltimore ..- . .13 7 6 -138 ThetonfsiontofeutSinutger Fo-sa regiad- Philàdtelpitia ..- 15' 8 7 33itg tut- cporetieus oethlie Cihrico gag in Non' York .... :15 7 f8 41 sutgglitag aitd forginut- ('inoe e etifecates Brooklyn .... 16 7 9 438 tastat beot- umnacht value 1tute Sonu St. Leuis-. 21 7 14 Fr1 ianciac.o revenea gen~- tsl in sî-uîrinîg cvi- Wahntn. 15 5 10 333 îeîaae at-aint Itecter meaubers oet lit Lqu i v 111e... 16 5 il :313 ....te-Fgsi aid to t rvinL taii, r WESTERN' t.EAO7E« .ollen-Ing is te standing a la thte Western League: Clubs. Playt-i. .%inneapolla - - 10 Indiiantapolis . .1il Granti Rapidts. Il Tolede ....... il Detroitl....10 K<ansas Cilty. .10 Miw'aukee . ..-10 St. Paul ...10 Wun. 4 4 4 ot tetlaits Pet' Lest, cent. 2 .0 ;î .700 5 .545 6 .455 6 .400 6 A4M 6 .400 6 .400 End of th amlHaut. Tite and tieieCuban n-ar leaaItbant. Tte runtor is confirimet lu ai neil-intorm- et cii-ca. Ttc chie ote ieinsurgenîs htave abandonedtiremcause la despair. CapI. Gen. Maritnt-aCampos tas reta-el ltat tae -ont onIte port et Santiago jb - bot-un aI once. Railtesys andt legrapli linos are te te built. rebuilîandt imtirtvod, ltrougit Manzanillo, Bayante, Puerto Principe, Sana Cruz,. Son Lots anti Lo- riaoe. - ____ Deller Pay for Worknten. Tite Antoigamateti Association et Tin, Iron anti SteelWorkei-i AndthetaMer- citant Bar-mron Manutnctuuers' National As*Weiallon have enleroîl liet a combita- lien te sot-une for tae Iron n'enter. et the ceunir>' boîter rataetf at-es anti for tae manufacturera fair conpettive condtlions agaînal the milI operalors of te Pltlsburg ditrtcite hohava bean n-orkmng theu- employez at Ion'nat-es. Th Ttc niera enployet a inte Kiause nines t Massillon, Ijii e ai a meeting tnd deciladtotereaume n-ont aItae 0- cent rate until tha Blute prIcespin- ton tas beau eslabliad. Ma> etolte minore teel ltat districts IlahltiaIs n-hI ai- tatblishtliitownnplices,, anti haveasaked lte hoai oprators te pa>' 60 cents f(nr the easuint- y#". a trift of polsitio!tn-be iiicuitnece nuith tht- case. Badl Smash Up on the Erie. On ltescti-rn division efthte Eu-le, tti-aeetailles n-est et Hornehlaville, N. Y.. ntaI aiear>' htut- Snda'ntei'uuing. a tact freigit ns tti-on ltote teilit bv ut bîn-ken n-lhandt hen ct-tirantie Piieti aP la a t-useuaîd hi-tp. Tbrec taon wrei kilbed lnoutil Inurtnt. Rit-ten torses aise n'ere killoti, Bavarians Setile in Sonti Dakota. ForI> fuailles of BavaiIan atone n'ont- ers tîrrivîti tut Etigenienl, S. D., uad, set ltl eutona largo tract et landtipi-eriuusly iîti-aitasei tor' ltent. Titi' olont>'is le te aldedti 1as5 x-mpitiuy as aeounaîaaîtiomua cati be trrangetl. Tteattn trihi tcenea- ployet a inte local atone quari-nis. Ciarge et Larcenty le Dbsnîiacsed. Titi-citai-geofetlareu'ny againel H. 3M. fenetielcti-boltheri-tIniv et Taylor, lte detauhtiîîg State Tri-asurer, a-as disiss- cil nt Plien-e. S., D., on nmtoaî tio lifthe State atadiBenedicl a-as intauciatel>' or- resti-t tn lte i-lai-geofetcnsîîiroî-y. SuInaner Moitey Takena. Ttre nasket i-oatiagts lacaugitt a stage boau et San Fi-atucisciaus ontheir aay, lu tthe- t)uer rt-soi-la et Lake Cont>'anti stritiitltthe fthIem r aluathes. The rebters aocured about $1,3W0 tront lte paustent-crusetndlooledth ie Wells-Fa-go tresai-abox. Piltaburg Bucket*Shop Falla. Tite Pennylyaila Commission Cent- pan>', oeeotfltelargeslt ucitet stops lu Plltebitrg, suspentet. Ttc preprietors, Spualer & Fratier, gava as a i-eaaen toi- quittînt- business lte rapiti anti conlinueti ris. lnal thIe anecuintuve mai-ts.- Victiume of tha Trolley Mo1ocis. Two tuiIdi-en wn-cilnataaly killed bt> Ite trolley cars lu New-arkt, N. J., Fnlday andi anolter serionsly Injuret. eh, "rprsa àhuillby lmprovetnttlubuld- items1bai) qttarters, a condition titat i e- iiected la bis adivces fro thlie banklag t n tereats in every State In te Union. Evi- douces of rovîvei activtiew are tit COD- inoti te nny Ue of lui4)negs or any dosez' or twt'nty Unes. Tltey are generai anti far-reacitins, as reflecteti lu the demanda for banking accommouations. Teng of t)tnusands oemnn who have ben lylug Ion' duriag tite perioti et depression are contlng eut of retirentent ready and ax- loua toe mbark la nen' enterprîses or ex- tend themselves li fieldis al-eady eccu- pied ittiertunctory. half-alit'e tasition. The lnqulry for tuntsin j espedlly active front îautîtctîîring intereste. titus con- irming what hîts been salt aboutt a gen- erai revIval Ili teindu8tsries-s declara- tien thitnle ften recoivedtinlh open skep- ticiam, but whicit. nevertitelesa, ha@ Puit- alantial touindation in tacts. Moichant. are preparing to speitti zoney ln etlarging thei- traite ant Inla ncreasiag tou- facili- tien In every way. Construction Projecti tat have beau hield lu abeyauce fer a couple et yeors are becbg dragged loto ligtt. ____ (lOT TUE $00.000 LEGALLY. W. W. Taylor lied That Amottot te Hlm Credit in a Chicutro Bank. W. W. Taylor, thei- :iscoîtinîg tri-asui-ci et Southi Dakota. dren' $60,000) in catr- i-ena-y fron thtte Ameef,-ica Exchantge Na- tional Bunk ot Chticago .loi. ë8. juIthree days hifore lsbig îz .ciî-itnas nmade pîublie. V len lie ubtal iidthe mont-y he said lie %'onld ta ke it htonte. Ilt îivelopaed in tîhe trial :11 Pierre tîtat Mr. Taylor n'as îtccontpaîiici by Il. MI. Beciiet, bis hroiî.rix-l n. 'leilie- gaîthtit- cah. .Nr. Bciiedict is non' beiîig tirisecoteti fer larceiny iv Attorîiey licierai Crtînfurîl. (It Saiilt Daikotat iî. nd, seun tOi 18tue Iitr- resteil oitnîairge uofîîonspiracy te île- frîtîtî. IL.%M.tri-. asistantt cashti-r ofthte A moivan nExchatnge Na tioal iIBit nk. iti -NIlr. Taylor un-n iitt.l55t front our lîunk Ja. t.S. le hulthelii- îiey t.i lus crediit anid olîta itiet iItlt'gtîlly. Tha t in aIl titore int itu (tIti tol Leis Uta. Bi-tn'cu-n2 e'tluack 1-'iiitY ott-neo îorauu ure ilu vi-u tautul 4:; tIigrepis. Thte Itigit tî-îîîerautiti-t- ait1'riiaY watiti d3e- giti-, lituai tttutttas îrasîrtiteui t> lthe hi-at. Titi- ftîll iii tu-mpîuîraumrî' ait32 de- gi-i-i-siii t-t-alia atm ra.lttF"o rt Rhtaiusan. Neit - tii-aaaigl am ncuoit -taitu Fiittu maaiiijta t-Nia- Iiajjt-ýal iait atohuranti Ohio tPreacher NWin". Tue înarîl et *5l)u)fiai-the prizo cseay loge, Il.auiorer. N. Il., untor tue atilI aot thet lati' iVauttitiFlehelt iai bts bieni't s- aigai-ul 10it-. aVuillgtaii n al of.e Cojuttiai -. li uithi. I lia aMbji-elIVIais: "In 'i'<t:t Wtt>' tiaigth.,le (aan-t-ptiotu ait ler. enai Lite anal Dut>' Be Mý%odifit-ti?" valuthtly etflindu Esînhilahel. Tîe Southlaot atSupîruuneuttinus t uliiîity tif tti' $llSmgKiloîalsligsutiaul tua t-iîi'- tti- choaittgi'ii inti- ai-luta il aid va- sel y lt1 a-yî>lori-tiifait-ti ha -Tte iattswu-i-esaîhld olau niasat.Leis ii& Co., hirivati- lia uakeru. inmuChlic-agoe. china in Nerd of Fntnîa. A iispalcittrututShanghtai soyate c'hinese-uuthî-tor luta wrtI o lthuei-zair andu lrinet au -ire anakitît- for fitanciai tlis. ailaaîe lia titet it-e iri-t-ai-tses. andt îu-îînsuîg te gi-ait clecitîl cmeaaarcial ail- lter-t or. jeeus>' Ila-romptsa n Iaul.le Crime. About it-o mileas Outit cf Wolboi-rn, Texas, . lttt Bais>' sitaIant i aotahby noîttiii bis uite, teiet ac rosste i-utuittiy tu-n miles anti citat Guis toYa, Se- verely wn'îtîduîg tint. He tram jealona. 'lte intîi-er eeinal. Counterfeit Dollare Paseeti. ('uatlei-tiit silvor dolars havoe iteen puased on Duutht iner-hiants, andt he po- lia-a' wrio bote bei-aiirikint on te case, anefti e ai it-pition ltaI tti- plant inlu- catieti sitiwtere int litIstettion. Deatit Came te Two, AI Duluth,. Mimi., lilghitngtrcI- ka stîtaliiboattiii te arbor danituta- ut en- alurnt mtIcaido fthte oa-cuuats Citai-la-s EIa"iti->'. o aitI-ut'CiltyMil andoitGeorge Bqn---ahttiv, etDtuluta-i-rt'kilied Blg Explosionlun teziën. At anîîCaries. Mexico, b>' Cie caîuie- ionatî oftwlenctty dynanuite cartritiges un a sIturo scieraiIteople tronc k-illeti anti ntauy lut-reemîsbath>' injureti. MIARKIET QL'OTATIONS. ('Itlcgo-CattIe, common te prime, $375 e)$.150; bot-s. sitipping gi-att-s &3.010 le $5.M; sitet, tair tuecheice, $2.Wul te) $500; n'beît, No. 2 i-ca, 62e le 63<'; Cornt. No. 2, ')Oc te 51<-; oatîs, Ne. 2, 28c te 29e; nye, Ne. 2, 64Ctu leliSe butte'r, ahuit-t-treîuntery, i15e tu 17c; etgai. f roit, 12e lu es; pItoce, i-or iota, litr busel, .X)e te 160c; broont cern, per lb, commun gron-ti to fuiti-tbuait. 4c tua7e. I uttil îuuauis-Cttli-. shiiîing, $300 te $600; bot-,c, -oitc lit-bt, $3.001)te $475; shîocp, Comun tobprime. $2.00 le $4.501; wti-at, No. 2. 64e te 65c; corn. No. 1 n-ile, 50e le 50%c; enta, Ne. 4awtite, 3Me St. Loutîl-Cattbt-. $3.00 to $0-50; luoga., $4.00 te $4.75; wnuat, No. 2 rouI, 136etl 6;7e; tcrn, Nu. 2, 48c- lu 4ae; eats, No. 2, :,-«e lta30c; ryî-. No. 2, WC -teu1e ('it1i-tnlti 2aitlt'. $3.51 lu $550; toge, $3.(X)> lau $475; chuoop, $2.50 le $475; wheuîî, Nu. 2. Güe te 69ye; coi-n. No. 2 intixed, 55c t e; o ats, Nu. 2 mixoti, 30yeut 31,t-; rye, Ne. 2, 62c lv 64t. Dutroil 'atlie, $2.541 te $600; toge, $4.(10 te $4.75; aitepe, $2.00 te $4.75; n-tt, No. 2 ru-, i,0e te l68e; corn, No. 2 yelhon'. 50c te-Île; oata, No. 2 n-ite, 33e le, Me: ryt-, 65c te 67c. Tolelo-Wteat. No. 2 i-, i't,0e te 68c-; Cuti-t, No. 2 mixedi, Mc e Si,6;ofite, No. 2 witie, 33e te 331/2c-,i--e, No. 2, 63e te liSe., Buffalo--Catllh, $2.50 tu $1350; toge, $3.00 te $525; abat-p. $3.00 le $4.75; n-ieal, No. 1 tard, 7ic le 72c-; corn, No. 2 yellow, 54e te 55e, onîs, No. 2 whteO 35c te 86C. Miln'aukee-Witeat, No. 2 spu'lng. 64e te 65c-, corn, No. e, 50e to,e c;, ala Ne. 2 n-ile. 32e le 33c; harle>'. No. 2 48e le 5ic; i-ye, No. 1, 04e tu 165c; port, metts, $11.75 tle $12.25. Naew Yrk-Caltie, $3.00 le $6.25; bogs, $4.00 le $525; sitaop, $3.001 te $5.00; WbeaI, No. 2 i-ad, «tl9 70c; corn, No. 2, 5&e le.57c; eata,-o4 ... 41c; butter, creamer>', 12é, 46 lit; j Wetrn, 12%c te 18vorc. - --M 21 THE LflrL£ FISMMS AUtt'idê YE 01iVlL.IZ!D, jack Front 01vn a Partlng Shot Whiek Voc* Great Execitton-Theo- logical Cîreles Greatly trred Up- Romance or Pike's Peak. Âdvtes froant Tokio sny the Ingt battle of the n'ai betn'een Jiipan nîttd China at Tien Cbwaug Tai regulted ilt a butcitery eqttallng te atrocitiesfnt iPort Arthur. Il dentoîstralttaut the ommoîîun soldiers ot bot oriental races are as hioodtbirety andi brutal as the Ani-i-lin Indians. The Custer massacre wîîs nut more horrible thon the a sigitter of (jhinerae by the Jmp- anese at Tien Ch waîîg Tai. Tien Chwang Tai lé lai Matîchuria. uîily a tew miles froin New Chitnîg. The Chînes3e, under General Saîng. tati fortlfied l. L'orty titousanti .lnîanesp infantry andi 5,000 cavai-y aui artiliery attacketi General Bung's position fron t tree @ides. Thte Cinesqe were gluickîs routed andthtti Jap- anlese arty nv tereti the town anti began the slaîtghtî'r. Titough 1.40)0 *iittes w-eekillei. aitfflyatia- onatdeti ('inaman wax takpu pîrisaîîîr. TIti' vountied were ditsla t-bcd on te li tii,iiitîhe A mei-ran I ndi an style. Tieth'îtle ton ni was sae-koi and burai-al. LatIi-is front oye %N ituei-sC describi- thlic utchî'ry as horrible. lARD lIT DY PROST. Widespread Dl>n age tlctiorted ta Hon- ticitîturul Inlereuls. Titi' old sîuaîa ut Miatda>' niglut waesone t efth tii toat gei-îul'ali-vir i.apei'i-iiii! t tit l ingue out ti-. i-il înîg Os ilt iti fi-ont Notirzt@ekitI letiti'lantic raît. The mggr'tgati- ilntui- tu a-i-aps antifruitlvllt be ene-oitsà. Titi graulii' gruwi-ig elitainf ut Ni-wv onk stita-e t% asmtînt-oaItii- ieavi- L oct sulIerers. tha- iitjury lia tI lti-rtt monitei -tg ratinattaib.cuti'e tflthe lan'g- g est gi-att -i-aut $.5i.51 Stîit feuluti iaiiui t st-va-rali ttawn'ict i-ahiurI killiîîg friact- andîti ititaît ilangatge-. -t gal prlaia-eîy tw a îuidelr sui'. ni-tu ny i-Fi-iy aluslaaitt-ltrt-a.ti u t-i '[artittgo a uori' on- li--. -aiven' tull.(i- a nda ftuf-itttei-e Tit'eaiti-l tilt oi>' muat lhave bot-n suitarti bit. Indii anma gat a taîîîî'ofuthte senon moIllan. ivu-ru I hlai--s rî'îsrl iug ligh lulnr- r~io-S. Frontat Taitva taîteisa cIcr>' at b - av.,- lai frut ialulaiIt aati'ai-li aut ou ia lu tott1ahi-ît n-u-titi. l'ait a lîaa's ud gi-a ies tN' ti--t uaii-a iin lr-iîuî. t iliuui (ar- plaa-- sesi-tit sua lr repoiarts, lit I li«, thrigltait tIet iiti-ailaurtimî. vt gî-bhes n--ieekilli-t. u iti fri-ts ile ut a liko fat'it llte iotiintat othaelii-Stati-. Danta go t-a n%-h-at.;tan - -au-' lanual bl.Ia'ie laiubave lie-t i-uirvt- .ai-ta - fruit antiti ai-ai-tu ygi'- lai tait su-utaiiil -intautiruihli- danuugein i !,iiiiuie.t ataî utl i lîu in a-i-alas n-i-r- îat liffie-î-i i\u-aîili et fa- tt stazta-es. Gar- lie tuf aiiia iti L'itainati- e itr tiht-ri lierî tIhi laiug tt iintii-l-uupat ftiti- late i. a BuIBLE. FOR WO>IEN. Vecrsion by 'a.%Itra. ittanton ISsYa. Pult« Hcr tSc, Ina FaI*c i-jîrht. Thia thlioluîgiaiI ua i iii i is liOriaigit 1 dl-ir--il ta>thitinaîiaaîitî'iltttEliza- tii-tIi Ct t 4ai ittil itii i i-tari>aaai-vo uto s - i-tî Sar-s atiti-eai-i-its utilisiciitgtishi-ti n aitio. ai l t taîirta lac a rt-tinien cf t home huortiuîts ait thelia-r-ilît mari--i ii-a ing dirueti>' or i tiri--th tl i i tiîthi-i-littti-etuasitlanx ut tîtaîti i a îmîîaiî. nuat iil îuitilihtht - cidisoait îiti r luuorat itnutti-at Bibale. n'hit is ta lia-kii aiutas TWsn'rt.~ anm eBible."~ Mrs. St%îtitiati lias tieclaredti Ibt tte gi-col- et-atutstauli tNltict tes relax-ti-ilthtî ad- t ali- utf ttiîtztt's cotisa is lite iuterior pousitio citaiaonu-illi-r ut titi' sciipturea as tin' traitsbatti, tand tiatsite i-an attain lt-eful ni-asîtr-f hi-r i-ht-respect anti tte eqitality %vlith nanin a-tînt led ci-- aîtedtieoIi ti>tten lthe Bible is coi-rectly ti-tiiel.îttil. Tiis nrk, site toitis. etoîtit hi' tîtati'la> aange. as niami thas, iineer Irati m.a it-a-leluiuu'ti tua ititlirjusilce. BIORN ABoV'E THE CLOUDS. Tcu-Pound Younguîor Rc'aches tte lin theuî uitmait aitfl'îi-a 1Pi-a k a cotllias lai-a-ai i tlair ai unailNiri-. JohntiTagguîrt. 31 r. Tnt-guiiafi ai-ini t tf thteîMaittou tal hu iki.'s Piiik i Cg Roud, aati fer a mnoti alitaI lias îîti diii Li scîtionlabugeit haaîateîl a tuile-andtilalttii If 11tit he lteinta tuer liteai-. i ualtitudetîouit12.1(» fi-et aboya' tlie men. Tiis i the lirait n--tai-ed itiili at sugi-cal ait i-lt-ation lia tte locky Muntattîins, it iaandr.uttl>'it tiisi-Cati- nu-ut. The yîautugst-r wtig-lt-b utitpounde and al tc citeutlyva-unt-tu a 0. Thc trnaîmboys bave naniil tint Pe'aPeak Tn-gai-I. MANGLED DY AN EXPLOSI*2(,X Four Ment ICiletilit a Vire Near Triai,- tati. Coln. Ait expluosiinuf otiuai tuu4tlin mine No. 10,. coutuuit aI Suali-iq. tefinTrinitiat, Cule.. n-ited-i ii- uIt-uit h uitfour miii, ti-o ea tritaini e t aetnttk aletut-i- anadttwio îîaler amun. T[eiin isicte p'oporly etfte Colorau-utauI'iel Coampany>, trile-t euslaiîued no gi-caltdamage, tht- flames boviot- ueo pn-întîtly ecxlinguiabct. Put Uer Bate on an Altar. Nen'ton Bhagg. us raneter nesitutut-near Challi-u-y. Wah.. i-etehonte juqai n tinete 1 ceohie 2-yeini--uitcitiil traînaà hori-u-lei aetît. His lto,dti-l-in inseane Ilîrouigitreligionc treaz>'. tatibut on altati-in lte troctanear ltetouine,tuon tvi-tshît' itîtai siietiichie itnbe, ptearsIra- tory' te roaslt- t live. WVanta Aid for lte Lapera. llisluop Gulsaai ibperts tas trrliei in SantuFrancice frnt Honoluluîten roule- to RIne, thrItn lie liq goitut to indutce the pope ltoid mtet-missienariette lie - n-tait Ilandsatis u <are fer ltehtpers. He trili ulso visill Franco on a similar mission lit' saïsi 1,200 epors are on te îelani. Ktilad ty a Woman. Stale Sentalr PetIer R. >ioraissay n'as sht anti instantl>' killedetI St. Louis b>' Maît Lt-n. Thte n'maa han beca men- lail>' înbulautced. atcoi-ding tle itlaIe- meute ut i-n nelghbei-. 1 Bomb-Thrower Waa Sean. Rutielpit Seitauubell, met-ued oet liron- lot- the bomi aI lite Hayotaikat iot May' 4. 1886, tas, accordting t10a San 1lranc'lsco appr eaD-""uns- Cah. Ha disappearet a fan' daysiiU It in saitila non' on hieis ay le BrI,. [le lb. d ekkitta tnt past Hoaolulu lutS te fauît lias wlth lteuot anclsco.Thte gropud of the, aThuraioji la c9ttimetd te ani lion. The offense allegedl la >a, at the legation. mhowd té rvate lattera te huioself fro@àa ,resnanspokoe te ltae Haw tau: bout temalter. Titorsien sm4e egrottod t tvery mi;n htlat ithaîduing a big abh ai tter wîth therswlhu t7 eut. Secretary G-staalt ltaI the apologY ta subcttMdL~ ig. Titurslon declined te do thlt Oresiant'. bIter la dateil 11*. - mil etslamltatTiurstot ling i-sonally acceptable te lthe a lon nt Washlngton as Hawsliui er. Il Is delbnitely settleil liat viII net'return te Washington. êsignei, ie resîgnelion i.o..talle vhen hies uccessor has been Ço retmliainîg mneul-%swill ha e Iban'aiian (joveramant, an a Mireur staIes, andti inister llineî tainin laHawail se ftai- anythbags obiiaIs on titis aide ntay de or my, tu A REMARKABLE COL0V4. exty-zi4 agt Batik Oscers .nu the One Peniteaatisi'y. Titere art- now lu lthe Kiags '; Y.. lIetnite-ntiti-y sîxty-eight pli who, aI une tIoe or anetiter, n'aIe if batièks-sente tellers, thers p tin ctherastili cosiirs. The ouînîy penltetttiary is Oneoetf ove Aistittlions n'iiîitore uniler ontra'at*j the F-ede-raî ;îîoerniéînt te keep tla p- ' riî'nîtenl &Hmli iuutrs renvieted Ofet t ais by Unted-a State-s cotrti. antid n~ the ltarge nîtîtiber aitfiai-mér bank ffli as ilea-have- lienîtgatitereti froina W ..tctofutel'urltary. Sîieakiiig o ais iboaiderx. Ws$tde*. laHae fthlt î-rtaîî'tttary sayi "I boti' ci-e in my laoîanlation as able fins 'am andl expert aî-i-titlants as ever, 11,42. 'lie> catine fron ail ov'ir lthe East uttieuast. IVe bave ltant front 4)kàl ta Moine. If thora sitoulti te a #ïb f bIh-i-rn, '-ahiî-t u ni tloi-klununir om, f lthe batiks utgi-caler Non' York 1 egWsu nri-nai aa oli.to **&il on ena e ou e.o lte. Ycs. Iciaulîl fit lthe batikouI vit bresitient anatfuitllfui-ce dantbut .î,t including. lte jaîtitaîr. I leisa _y mai-kable tact n'iich 1 have verbffed-ý ooking over tite rocuiril.tîtiut al aIm bei-e have bt-en conline in 0titis pie inca it began te rêceive United à 8t aijani-i-a.twelvi' or litteit 3ar, I attail tf1E%) hatîk ialii-î-i-andi tli-km,~- have noter yî-t lînti n jotî o r w4tc1,.-ý inu or rît inait iVmi-sa-iga r." AGAINST "COIN."1 Referec Vincent Se Decile tainthe Foe" re.t.lbopinn Content. At C'tic-ago. teterùe %'diintA. Via-W ' -atiliastmadie putblic bis dea-ision la the, Vian-itllalkita nga-r. in whlch t" lei-ntity of t"t.ilt" a as titi'queti'on et 'The bel a-ani' about in titim wàr Ilt Signîtîîil Zi-imier n'eroe egaget inla a -uitin in lthe ltîfly questio.n. 1l' 1792- te lt%7:t." saitiMi-. Ilikno, "MI1 Wasl the unit otvalue l inte U Sltts." "What la yuîîr autterityr 2ianied rMi-. 'or-esit. " '('uin'm l!iamadl- réffoI~ -îîliet lthe ex-niajo,'. -l'Il bel yuauj' amoîtttu of ne t u 1 lthat '(eci' lied," muid Mr rd.r resI. 'lil takeP$3 ofet lit." maudl Hlopkins. andtihie $30 n'as put up in <' Viîcent's banda. %I. Foramit belng eau- a-d anny. lieeftMi-. Zeisiert'e10dramv le te ttagî-r. %I-. Vinucent itoltis ltaItwe unit of value nerc oxpriesseti front 179 e 1$UI. W.Il H.lai-tey, aultor ef "Coin." air 'uige Vincent's&tiecision In a farce. WV. IL Smitit, sîîîeritîteîîdenl et the*- Ilotanlie gtîrtein aWashingtoin, tas hel4 tthe pace ifor tui-ty-tbi-ee years. Tito Sou-relax-y tif the Navy ha appoigt. ail Her'beart lluti'ard utflPor-t Hlitrn% Micit.. a cadet ut lte taval acadeuti' Scitator Gi-ar.ut Itowa, n'iti bis baaaWi in part i-cituredti ter a deaperate 69gM to- lite, n'ili rettu-n home lu a feu, ilmys Pro-af. J. T. lothrock is autiterlly foÊthe sate-nt.îut litI13.000,000 at-ies of land lit l'eîîîisyivania n'ere soiti toi-non-pal" mentI ot taxes bal 3-cor. (,ei. Stanton, paymaster gensi-al oft ilý arîtîy, lias reî'eived front Fort Wasitûh,, W Wy»i.. a niagnificeul wa- bonnet uîbl by lthe t4tsitone ludions. staî-teaet titat lthe Presideat lis wrlt*q book on ec-onontic 8science, or on auotr~ siitjei-t, lam iiolutely tîntrue. Tite reclossilicauon ot employes ef ctistons se-it-e huis bti enpleel lthe ntle for cartyiag loto effeel ail changes tmade will be lit- pouulgaled .ontce. Tute sui- nwgi4iboasfor wtîclî hate rerntly bei-n approetid by tbut î'el:iy utflthe Navy tt-ll te kne tîtmbers itîttil titiy are îîamed by th. rettîiy. TIti- action ofthlie PoîenB 111