CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 May 1895, p. 3

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m m. KWled ad 0Orn dred Badly Burt. FÂARMS LAID WASTE. - Property Worth Haif a Million - Destroyed. Ssrvlvere of- the Horror »aprlrad of lbiaI Home. - Pair Vliagas andi PasIlie Fields flevaslatail - chool- bous. a inte Pator- the Stormi, ~ mmd 'W*cCb.V and Pupila Annihil- tted-A Carnet of NuMatSramu Oves Orewing CropeinIrlowa - Work of Wlmd, Bain ad Hall. Nonltwetern Ion-'a cyclone in Sioux, Lynu. Omceoua anti O'Brien Countias rost al leal fifly bornan ivea. A itunitret others ara injureti. anutIhe destrucionofe haIt a million dollars' wontb o! farmiog propr7l a ion- estimais. Thea miii- witud, but tai! an hitn- n urallon. n-hile atItis fierceat, sîvept over 1,200 square mlles af culivalet fart land,. anti left in lils makea a mb rarely equalat inluse0short a perlodotflime. Ttc number o! test, alltougit not so large as aI fin-mt reporter!, le gréâttauough ro have plunget lita uhote .f.Nqrthwesteru Ion-a 1010 mouninc. A realsat liât, as a,-,-rste as conît be oh- Waued aIt t-e titis la uritten, reports tbm fonoi-ng: At Sioux Center anal Vieinitm. John Maraden, MliesaAuna Marsden, Mrs. John Koster, Alice Koaler, sgt-t 8; isa Tillie Haggie. Baba o! M1rs. L. Wynia, Mrs. Aunue Poalma, Ja-oit Jan- mea, Ten-nes. Venhof. sgt-t 4; M4annie MeCoomits.sgt-t 4; Baba o! W. Vlesma, Uri. K. Waner anti babe, A. Bsn-hlm, Mrm.IL E. Ont, Mra. J. Post, A. M. Pt-r- ry, Mms.P. S. Fliecamp, ' re. Charles Waltiron, Henry Smitt., B. L. Stit. Mma L. Marelle sut bateL. D.-E-enr- till, John Frize, H. Duboor. At Sliy. Mn-s Johnu Wat erman, lits M. Blaek- barn, lre. Herman Beikuap. AI Laurena. Pater Stimmer. At Sutherland. Rutiolpit S-lrn-nrrtt tger. At Creuton. Everett Arnuit. MKa.y Fstailm Ininret-. Tiefte !lliy injurrr' are: H. KosIer, sgt-J 3; Mintala Mnoombm. Luela llc£ootat. Mrs. 1. Wynia. J. De- boa, Hatlit - K,attr. Willie, Jeunoit anti Grâ (crunrmaen. Maggiî-, (berlue. Jt-nnre anti Jimmie Wn.*ibard, Jenle anti Eddie Brown, Benu lry. John Heroran, Henry HaggiaMre. JlamesnIVarie. Thea greateal lois o! life in lu Sioux Canaity', an-ten lI'lton, on te Han-arden bnscbo!fte Chica-go and Non-hwest- «Mi, anti Sioux ('enter, on te Sioux City anti Nortern. It 'vas à verilable sianîgiter o! tire inno- cents. Tht- ciiltren o!ftie r ye ar ont- numbereti ail rthens in the- mrrality lit, n » -athat-fthbote fatliy injuret. Upon the auge o! a pio on-- adt rua ttle enus Icyla, tem-irsuts oclatspnitogether.themr boies toruiantimangit-ti Bt-ond bruit .inte roatiuvy rue leaivea o! an arilirme- * tic fluttercil in tie re nez. Sh11 furrtn-r on ant close trte Cohe horetat waz a battpet-t inner bunkel anti n,'rlny à reter trot'd bar-k 10 tire page n-lt-ee ltae oitlines rau, "Titis lea scal; is titis s cal?" Iluthrirenrtct-ts-honn i iorrne little feal prot-udt-n frontIrilater ami1 bnokeu boardis. Son bonnets iay in tir' paiturpesyelioa ti-iottbiler cuirs, lu one chit's band ni s niaspen te brokeu lae anti in auothrbr's a rt-nart o! mernt card given but bal! an boum bnfore by te tet-ht-m. tend, aise fac-e donwnrd. la it tan-mron-o!fa dsitntfit-Id. Prom Sioux Ceuten- t, Ptrkimaanti front l'en- kins to Hull anti George anti Ashton Iln-e va. tite n-ail in tire close o! tire aprinrg atten-noon o! chiitrn, nIt est. but y- ng. chiltrenn-it himiueaterui apart, ci- tiren n-ho at bten nsrried over forty- st-n-fe lcitaant i irerît-ti mb titbs. nuil- tran n-ho cahIer! ot for motersa an-rty deast or hayont the- nid o! human irtlp. Itcath Visita SýhooIhounes. About 3 o'cioc-k iu the- afternoorr blacrk elouta, wit gren-n frinîges. appesrt-d n n-a et Orange City ad irdCv. mile., nnnrinerran et Uta Chticago nd utNurtitnestr-ri lînil- n-a>. Promite blac-k mas&,ime utiles Weto! Orange ('ity, as fitar as culd ha, estimat-dt eutac-les dropperi, anti ai ast a iigit. roundi bail, ivim-it appinredti o mInie te grounni, rebounutet and.ti. nn tout-ht-tagain. jual as footballn-ags- n- lveen goal unit goal. ('nrîrn'or Halit. en train No. 11o!fte Ciirago anti Norrh- western east-tounud. n' tire bourrdirng mnaao!wnld anti iltctniniy, asadin aimo him brakernan. W. F. Dobnon. This trait, anti ita vaîrrabie contunts jutt scalird tiestruction. Annle Mansten, n yotîng gin-h froctBina- coba, Wi.. hat dismîsset ber tuvnnî pupilen-heu mite sau te approanh o! tht- torm. ilnas arudr 3:30) in the a!îr- noon Slite n-as onu.tiug htr secndn tan-m o!far-boul nidtno uiles beyomîtieIrn -on te sarne setionu une ht-r brother n-rs *- eaatiuctlng a counîr mnboni, Sire boardin' alit e tarmahouse o! L. M.%eCoombs, titi wealiterfnmer in tht- district. Hi, borne wa a quarter o! a utile distnt acmth ritiol. Four ofbis nitintru-mn *are taught by lier. Wh:n sire sent thre oucet anti refuît- tu0ltave. Anale Mars- tione tdin teteter ofthlit tle uvitel eaoî bouse anudtrcu te tourciiltren, vhoa. U"es rnaget fromntate14. about bt-n anti malled. An InsanatlInter te cyelone mai tan teascionoiunse antite five haplsea.beluga iithilu nlt-sa ime tani lil takes for a n-slch 10 it-k the seconde of a minuta lb. teachiransd ane child ives 'ead sandt Itaiera fabshIy injurat, tU Sihool bouse and t lsrock tountiation W** mwepl out af existerce. AItlth ag- ei-achool hanse, wbare George MaWmen, *boe of MAnie, waa lest-bing, uat s ý,mVUskleof- the acitool bouse remslned and Mr. Marotien n-as foundti me distances t '.as a a field, deati, lagelten with tva .h* m 'Inja ,aeoven-m i:«as itialb bt lb. bus.. à m"dea e - nig hm e ami or a lifIlma avait sa a > Olirer Points Contribute to the Donth Lier b> tire Cyclone. Asitie from the cmy-home proper n-bit-h vas confilrnd ti te tbnne Nortbwnarr-rn Ion-a countit-5. other setionsno!fte coun- rry sufet-t dfnom sev,-nenlu antidute-- tIvnaI Ibm!,i. On Saturday aflernoon a terrifie- viinl ai SI. Charle,- l. ibIt-t downrte brick nahlsriraIt-mee letflafter tir, dcatruvntin.n by irero!fte Lungnen & Wilson blo-k. Nnxt to teetm nal usa a sunali building on-net by Geuzge <tagooti, f.rmerly ust-d as a post oft-e. Il n-as ov-tpiet y »Mnrs Hatine E. ('hurt-b, millint-n: Job» F. EliIitt, jnsito o! mie pen-ce, andrth ie Arnerson Sisters, tirgsanakers. Tire lîenrny unli nusbed tire saral building, killirng four pesons anti iîrju-ing tu- o nters, as folloav: Charles Anntl-rnomn, Nliss Gustie Andiersn, Mm. Ilatrie E. Circnct.JirsepnitTitouipon. Tire injredr-ntime as !fouvs: i.ukn-Crairaron, ailI lie; Anirt-uv .ohimson, Elgin. l-'rt Cronkitite andl iis lt-rn-t-rt-kili- et tnt Heatensoni,îIli., uy igirmning. Tire slornit twnsi-aiere ar Alingtnîn, unroofing rue tien- wagmn i antnry, vnrsirrg a daurage o! Rep01.lîîors foui the n<urntry lu- nivt tSngrenit nintttttgt-' Evnr,tt Arnld tisa istntl>- killr[I by tire stormttIatCrt-sltou, Iowva. J. 1'. Suitira horsu niar Lnake Gent-va, WV.. n-as truck ity ligitnig anditotali>' tîn-anoretd. Ioss about W4,000; ucl lu- sunr. Set t-ml fn-ight cars uere ais> burnind. Getorge Rhiodies anti James Asittord, avin hî,adtîitakuni refuge in i arnm, n--e kiliet by igblning ai Lain-sat-r, Mlo. Bot rutn ut-rt-farnner»liv-ing nar Downuing, andt nat-b nrves s famrilY. Tbnee baîrils helomging to D. Aynt-s, about six miles wral o! Burlugton. tVis., uene sînrnek y ligittiitg andl burniet to Ibm- grond, îutb a lbaso!f about. $3000X. In RIailete resirenne o! James Mur- plry on Jankanîn truet n-n stalucnk hy ightuiîrg anJdIis tile son n-as kuonket snns-,s.Cousititrable tamagewanadoue mn te botuse. At Sirperor. Wl,;., n-att-r canme *on nl sheets, anti a tiestrurctive bmilstorim fol- onet. iÂghtninrg titstroyet several amali building@ Ilte counlry. A eyln ne tar Huron, S. D., tnok ont-- blf tero!f off Martin Bitum'a boume anti t-an-n-ed il haIt a mle. Lumber n-as sent- Ion-at over tae prairie. Tht-grant-ries n-reaaiao nrcket anti atalenetovan the country. AIttem-laslng session at Carlisle, ps., te Mtitotilt Epi 'acopai bisitois as- signet Blaitop Mer-ihla lte Pittâburg coufemence aut Iliabop Vint-tuto lte En-la contan-ence. Pers-y Bemmar. a former tantale of lhe Soltiew BHont» At Dayton, O.. sud mite ilidd il Dw»& Id., racerati>' ith is taiiy, ba i isappean-at anti bI la feara ho bas gosg insane again. 1 ~ -5 lory~w irtmUmm- dam amnd debria e61 of slght foreer: nie farnaing macblnery wom acatterati for malle. about his honme. He cattie wera deati or ding. Atth lit 111e at-bool bouse wbere bis citiltiren lid lpeti their A B C'a ltera wam a belle tbmark lte @pot, antin lue binnue a 1111e orte deati anti ftrea othero prayîing for relief front pain. Baroud 3MeCoomits the Strrrm rager], ('inrions titinga; were fotutdinl tht- fild lh b lte relief parties sent ont, ln u@t fieldi, ou lte cregt rof a ftnrr'w. 1sa- aunrrpon prayer book. A cirrîlo! e-arib prinl.-.I to lte lnes, "Have rnercy on me, O ,oti, ar-cortiing 10 Ttty greal uit-y." On.lirhé fir lt-af o!flte bowrk wunsmuni]lte naine o! Eva Blter. Mna. itiîtier'aIronie was ltree-quarters of a mietistant f rom witera ttheibook n'as forrrrr. Lenving lthe 'Butler'a, lte slmrm attaricet Herman Rip- ma. ne-bal! mile non-lthof ltetiestroyeti sr'iool bouse. ltipma hat ieis m batily crusitedti, biserniderrîroyeti anti bis crops rriint-rI. But mirortIy ht-fore Ibis liet losI iris wiifetand tîvo mhiitiri'n Irongi triciti- trae- Prasanteti a Pitiful SigirI. At lte farmn f L. Wylsnga was ont- o! the monft piliful aigtîs ni! tht- torm. Wy- langa snmre distanîce from bis boums4 riheli tire cycloner itrnvk bis fildits. Ile tvaa înirked ri) lu the ten-liro!flire gale anti canrieti bodily trier fonty acnes of landt. lie fr-Il in s plowed fit-id, ira-ti- cally unnrjird, but franrie as t.. tbe ssfety o! bis owu tiife anti chiltiren. Thte winid bai liflet i hm over twn wrre tenr-n', bt lon bis return i ha batto cut ltes. tiown in ordur tusplas. le fuuud biâ lOuse, ban»ashteds anti granaries gone. Hlm linge and chir-kens n-ena l inrg in th-mryartis. Sh11 st-arn-bing fori iwfe, bue waikedte lte soutitwest o! bis bouse. In a fielt tilieti for au early croit o! corn, bie founti ber. fare tiownward, uclon- mnions. Ste lidber-n carrin-ti hfone ltae nindtuntu ht-r strengrt letlber. la lber ht-ad n-as a terrîie gasit anti front ber bips drinnant mire was a ass of bruises. Close to bier bosoni wasq claamred ber baby, -deati. Thuni humiliand andt wife met, nitb lte rain bealing dtoun trpv.rrtht-r n d te ruina o! th-m home. The description o! tht- M-Coonibs anti Wyrlauga Irnoperty nt an s-bol ouiirnîibe nepi-ateti on nearîy every section io tbe Wake o!flte Smrn. Numnerous vit-tinta nere founti lotigeti lu lthe tnt-t-. ubera tht-y itatiber-n iurleti by tire storm, anti an aenionsiy injirtd titat teathis a et-ýted monnenîtniiy. Twa gnrwn borasn-ho itat coule from thfiel-d ut-ar Alton antlthe approarit o!frthe tonma ut-rt- injureti in the baruyarti, one seri- ouaîr andtihie olter fataily. %Vire* were conriletely strippeti freinlte ponts, anti in somle Places Posta n-cru ail talcs-n froru lte irrumnt. iformes, caille anti vt-hicIt- wrn hurledti iroug thlie air like ritaff, andtihit conrny for tbree-quanrt-ns o! nl mile wide alori many miles in extînt la entineiy îvrer-kt-d. WVire-lidatooti fine reainlenresemulid hi' founti notjiing but a cellar hotu annd lu SOne c-ast-s a fi-w twisteti timbera. wuble etrr-wn on lte grount ut-e portions o! lte buildings anti funniture, bearing not thte i-ast semblanten!o their original form anti uselesa t-ar-tpt for k"indling. Fields ttiat ut-ne beaunifui as green carpets iviith the sproutiug grain are now as hart- as lu the bleak montits o! winter. Trees ara &uprooteti sud ail la titsolation along ltae trail o!flte destroyer. ln Osr-eola ColintY Mms. John Watt-r- man. five uaies wr-at o! Siblr-y. ta, lu- saatl> killc-d. A j.nist frl on ht-r net-k. Sire hIr eir bt- aiby inlier arma andtihie bsîy .-sn-apéd inrjnry. Tht- Meicher anti Whitney si-bniol bouses were botit wreck-- et. Miss IMaria (ooti. lent-bero!flte WVhitney. cirîset lte Sr-iooî twenty min- titis bt-fore lte Storm »truck. John t'olnizlifn, nife sud tIn hiltiren ut-re ail rsait-J by taking refuge in a cyclone cave, 1Tlrey lest ttc- bouse. irouseitolti gooda, barn anti hall a horst- llit-. DE-STRUCTION lis wIDEspRUAD. AIS ÀB& r KYjt5.5JAdP Uràjé aaa ~Â ELOQUENT DISCOURSE LAST SUNDAV ON CONSCIENCE. Christ Bfora Pilale-Tira Power of th tir811, mica" - TiraTruc Conversion-A Wash lu thre Glorlonm Gospea Lavar-Pardonlug Mercy~. A Dîsturbinta Force. Itareiy doua any dis-rm-iroe ut]sarar- lit-oct-ivti tith u intecnse - itr'ret'aas n i bhat wbic itetv. Dr. Tainiage nliivrrtd Sunrdsy aften'roon mirnheNr-wvYrnk Acati- tory o!f rsi- lie chocse- for iris subjeI(ý 'Conscir-uceý," tire tn-xt st-lt--ted bt-inrg Mlattheîxxvii., 24:.*'lie lorrk at-r arrd srashc't bis banda bn-fore rire multitude, iaying. I arn Innocent o!fIrle hi>.]o! Ib is ual parant. Set- ye lu tl." At about 7 riclodk uirthe muorning. i tha marbn- 5Juin, o! a palmwe, anti at-os-r the floors of, rrirest urnsair, anti unrrn ceiliugs Jyrti wtiiaillir'e sir-udors of color, surd belwet-fl sîroîvianka o!f whlt, and glistettirg sc-ulprtutre nitsses a pour, paie, air-k yotrng mnîmoo!f34,aI-aniy n-on lentin-i ti-tu etir.on iis t ay r i In nmn di'nnedi ngain. Jr-art of Nazaretlh is bis Coinîiug orut tumuet-t himu on tis tr'rnsei prorniisimng. t irrrserng. nowardly> ut i, air h a fn'îv trites o! rirotîriti> and furi r dealimng lt-f luin iiscopitr-4orn.r ['ontinra iPilatrn. uit ever aircit ,Iiiositt.5 arur-l Lrnmury anti]pain.,at-itisitn-as andr gr'ntroit. arroganrce anti bnrihitY, ain suri iroliur-s. ridnîlgit atndimitinoon. Tire btrraei lilîpet goverior tulipelth-- r-nsiionnl at-at, but tire irisoner stanrds, bis lyrista matntrieti. Iri a semi-crnle arotind tire înrsnner narelire sanitedritts, wlith finihitrg cyrs anti hrntiiahed flans, proseŽutng rir us-ae'in rte nane o! rr- ligion, fi ire bitri-remt lin-nacutions have hteu .iirnrnîmrsnrliu.andrl ilen Satan tkn-s inrldl rf!a gornd eaulire mank- np hy iot'niiy for bnn-vity o! occuplain. If yu iraven-net un sein sai t-rnIslr nintnr court IryiDg ani uani tiren nu bave- nuid1e.a oi tire foniring irrferuairsun o! tht-au nId ruliglous saatierista. (ovennor i'iîati cross qunestionrs tire Irisouer andi uinas riglî awnay he la irnron-ent sut wanla s t-ie him go. I-is r-anrion a is. l»oicresseti by smre oneu au rcies r. rthe govîruor anti vrhiispens iv bis n-an Then grvrnnor pont» bis irand brhirri lrs t-ar. euas 10 catch hie words almost inrauible. Itlai a message front (laudlia l'rnula, bis nîfe. who iras ba s ntte ai aotut tire innoen-ce o!flt prianîner andt alentît tire dange'r o! exet- ing blir), anti ehe,.avak-ns frorn Ibis moru- lng tinur in Irmuto si-rîttiru-sagr- mn bt-r busbond. tirlu on tire judicial haut-m Anti ubat iitirelire oteat (if iris nlfe. auri tire oir-. ro! iis nain cnrscin,eanti lte enure failure o! the saîrbednists ru make out blîrir case. <jovenonr iilate ri- aoives 10 droan-rge tire prisorcr from eus- Tire Fanalicai Saniietrisas. Bat tire intimation o! sueit a thing itningq upon lte goveror an uquinoetial atorm of indignation. Tht-y -wl report hlm 10 tht-e rîruror 5aliRomen. Tirer tili have itim rn-nalled. Tht-y n-l sent i iini up bonne, anti be uill lue banrg for treit- mon, for rhe- eumn-rrrnatlomne bas aI- resdy a suspirion lu regard to Pilate, anti ltaIausîiino os ntt ctast- until lPilate ta haniahi-t anrd coormils suicide. So lion- t-mon Pntinia Pilrule compiromises tht- marIer anti proposeta tIChrist ha tihiji- pet loareat o! .%asssalatet. S.> tht' pris- ont-r la fasten'nl o a liv ipiller, anti on bis t-ut atîdilant-ni taek corne 'ire thong4 o! leatirer, nitir iit-nres o! ieanlanti bone latnrtwisteti. so that every stroke tuihtll ha tire more awfrnl. Christ lifte irirosehf from tire si'ourginrg.iviith finabeti r-li- anti tornanti qrivering anti manglenilnat1e lîrtrntinrg asr--tr-' of snfftninig in wihiRubens, rue painten, fonrntheb tht-ne for bis gr-iteat masn-nîin-cc. But thte siinhir-nristâ are trot yul saris- fit-t. Threy have liîrd anme o! bis iirr,-n t- laeeratt'J: tht-vianît tht-rn ai]lIa,--nratn-il. Tirey bave bat anme o!firis blond: they- wnt ail o! il, donn o tine Ist courcn-, So (1pvernor Ponîlîra Pilate, sftrfr ail thi. ment-fuibuairation, mur-entiers to tire dn- moniacal cny o! "Cnncify hlmn!" Buît tht goveroor senrti for snielthing. He- sennîr a slave ont 10 gel sometiring. Altirougi lire constables are in haste to take thri prianer to ext'cmtin an( tite moit oulsinin are impatient lu glane tnpon tirir vi- Ibm, a pause is uen'essitnitet. Vontienil cornes, a wasir basin. Some pmure, briglit n-alunis poureti mbo il, aund tht-n &uýqVerunr Pilate pts bis uvile, delirt-al iand nîsmto lte vater anti rubs tbem logetrndt lten lifts tirern. ilriig, for tire Iota- fastened ti Itire siaut-,8girdIe, nirilr- he prsn-ticsily maya: 'I n-sitmy banda o! tis w-mie bouricidal transaction. I nasir nil hanta o! Ibis entire nesponsibiiity. Vor wiiI bave 10 beuîr il." Tint la lte meanini o! my t-at lren il says: "He look ivater anti wambed bis btandls bt-fore lthe nmrlti- tnde, aaying:I ar nlnocn'nt o!frthe biot o! Ibis just penanu. Set- ye 10 it" - Pitatl'sWasir Basin. Bt-boIt in trisa tcerernony naïwnn 10 nntiig. if tht-ne are not in il connu- aponten-les o!fbt-art anti ife. Lt lear gond thing 10 n-si hth anta, Gotcnet- cd titre"-uarlurs o! tire nnrld water, an. lu ltaI conirantiet cieanliuess, anti n-le lte ancieut te idnI take ltaeitint hn plungadthlie n-boIt- nont noter nualer and kept il thera fan anme linte. Hant naKir lng ws a religions ct-remnony among thn Jeu-s. Thte Jen-isit Mishna gave parbicu- lar direction hon tbab lte hanta muet b. titrustthrea binies uto lte n-riaIs lunw- ber, andtihie palm o!flthe band muet be ruibetilwith lte ciaset fiaI o!flIre olir Ail litIieillenongit for asmnbol. but ht-me in tlite tIis a nuvio proposes to INTERESTINCI Aft» SL.E880N. Q w i yomolry, 1if, thero ve àus uaat ljmeom oeou. ulII- w p* w tll ' 1, ý IéaftfeIt prayers au badeeoucted. Noth- Iand barrelu aW demi»ua-*l$ i .tn £ - ý log againt incense floating up from cela- and took them down la fr-ont ofthtie old mer amid Gothie- arches, If the prayers bo ehurcla Where b. had been converted aand as genulue as the aroma in sweet. Notit- had' everythiug emptred Inte the etreet. ing against Eplphauy or Lent or Ast That la religion. Wity the thousautis of Wednes§dry or Easter or G.oeid Friday or dollars gent every yeuxrta the United Witianurly or l'alie Sumday, If theile States treasury at Washington as '*(- iymbola have irebli tem genuine repent- ar-ence money?' WtI, it simPlY tapant arrce ami hrly r,'uirrrrrr-vcrrand Christian titere are pontmastera, anti there are nt- -ousecratiorr. But utrcnirrrry la nniy the rorneys. anti there are officiais îvbo sorne- rrith tu> the surrrd, it la orriy the aheil limies relain titat whicb tdoux net brlong to tbe kerirri, il is urly the lumrp te the to rbem, and tese loto are couverteti lianteJ, iti jl .y the bodly tulite spirit. or tindler powerful pressure of conscience The outwrarr i uust li- ynbulical ofthtie and makerestitrrtion. If aiu the moneys inw:rrd. WVasir the hrrudN by ail mernus, out of which the State and the Uuited but, more thtan ail, %v.ah the heuart. States treasuries have been defraîrdeti 'eliuldrid ilso., as yrru se,- rrverrror rion- îlrould cone brick to titeir rigittful ex- titis Pilate thrrrst is bande loto11 thiâ clct-quers, there wotild becrnoney enougit wvrslb basin tire- power uf ronraieure-. lie! ro puy ail the State detics and ail the. lad au irira rhore wrrx biror itor bis biauds Urited States debt by day after to-mor- -tht- blo.,d If nu irrrrrrerr t persotr. tltrrt ro %v. lie inight bave ar-qtirîr.rtl if hle ouiy lbaad Conversion arnounts to nolbing troie8a tic courage. i'oor l'iune!Il '.9 conscienrce thre litart in converted. anti the por--ketbook %vas after ir, and i Ie klrew tire Irait! i ronverted, andth ie cash drawer la cou- wofrrld unter be wrrrired feuomtire rightt ierted. andth ie leriger 114 convertean id brînr or tite lefI Ibanid, and trntil thre day tlt, ireproof safe liscrrnverted. snd the pi- (If bis dentit. th.rrrgh ire might wvashin*IrAl geonhiole containing te correspondent-e js tire laverasrf tir. Ruirrrairrempire, there r'ouvertedl, and bis improverrîot ila noticeti tvorilbc alili iglirt irîgere arrd tito even by tite catnary hifi i tat ings iu the- thunbs rt-J at tire tips. parlr anti the eut that licks te platter Oh, hc powver ofnfrrscience wben it ilSlifter rte ment, and tire dog titat cornes frnly arrued! Wirhwbi r. scrpiOns irourrding front Lie kennel te greet hlm. over a bed of npikr-s irr 1itch of uiduiihtl A manu bai! onverted, or quarter convert- it -brases guilt. Are tlîr-re glrrrrts? Yen, cd, or a thousrtndti part converteti, is not nt oi the- gravey arr], but of unes mnd rconrverted] at ail. hat will becte great net nI rest. boorkite day of jurigment? Conscience. ."Aid thntr, Brrutus, auiiii slrurberirrg Cronscieuce recaiiirrgrisiimproved oirior- Irost. 1triies. Conar-lenve bringinrg up ail the Startled wiit Capsarrs Rtalwart glrost.' Ias.Ais, for Ibis gqvernor, Pourius 'Macbelt looked naI Iis brord afrer te lae That nigitt after tite court itald ni.nigbl assassiuatirrrr, atdrirre rays: adrjrrurne<l anti the sauhedriats itat gone "IVill ail greal Nepturnes oct-au wasi hrortre andi notbing was ireard outstide te tbis blooti rroai butrire step of tbe seirtinel, i set- Cieap frorn my band? No; titis my lrand i'rtis l'lilste arlse froin bis tarrrctried wili ratiter arnd slcepierrs correir anti go 1u tbe laver The mulitudinous seas inrarnadine, ani bt-gin te Nwasiliis banrde, crying: Making the green one rcd.' "()tit, orut, crirrrsr.rr lprt! Teilest thon te The oic ofConienru e ari dto od andturithe- night, rny crimre? Tir Voca r- ousicnc. . la rirere n akali te remove titese dIrcat- For every sin, greal or itnral. consc!- ful stains? la there n chenistry to ris- t-rie, wirb a inte voice of (bd, bas a re- suive titis carnage? Mirat ib lte day proof. more or legs ecurpiatie. Citarles o!futy deatit carry te bloud o! Ibis iuno-' IX., respornsiblr' for St. Bartholornew mas- cent rman on my heurt and bondi? Out, sncre, wavarhaae by the- bitter muenmort-s. thonu crimson sapoîr" The worst tbiug a aud irr iis iyirrg urorent aidt iâ bsdoctor, Irncohv sa vicnrtO- rr Anrbrose l'arry: "Ijo4-tor, I don kowtbe beat thing a man clin baye la wbat wht's tire uatter tvlth me; 1 arnin 'u al or osine f-ver of brory sud minri anti bave been for a long wlr le-Oit, if 1 bar! oniy miared te Bulit Dispensation. innorent. andthie inîbec-ile, ard lte crip- Butrleistiere no such titing as moral puri- pie!" Rorrsseau tieciaret inl olti age that fication? If a man la a aluner once, muet a sin hectonrrntted lu bis youth stili gave lie alwaya be a mnner and an unforgiven hlm âeeîrlea nigitîs. ( 'harles Il. o! sinner? We bave ail hall couscience after corrîtin t-dr ir)nies» lire hidiritht- us. Or do you tell me tat ail tihe worda ritrrel a confe-ssrer and twn friars. Cati- of your life have been irral right, anti ail Iii lirhadl sucit bitter memtories he was thet ioughtm of your iteart bave bt-en juat startied et lt e Iast aouud. Cardinal rigitt, and ail tbe actions of your life mast Bearufort.,lravirrg lain tite Duke of (;lou- rigt? Tht-n yenr do flot know yourgeif. cetatr. ofren irrte night woulti say: andi L take tbe reaponsibilîby o! sayiug **Away. awnry! Wby ido)ron look ut me?" you! are a Pitanise-, yeu are a hypocrite. ichrard III., having siain bis îwo ne--roi! are s Pontiris Puilae andi do neot know irirewseý wouiri sorntimes in the nigitt it. You commit the very nmre su inta ghîoul front bis coîtrit nt i ,trb bis Pilate commitreti. Yen have cruciied tbe s%: rrd, igiting auîpa rit ions. Dr. Webster, Lordi of Ebiory. But if nine-tentits of titis bavinig lain l'arkrtîarî ir Boston, anti audience are made ailp of thirughtîful sud wvîile vairing for iis dloui, complaitid arîrest people, titent nîne-teutha of titis rtr the irier titat te prisorrers ont the audience are saying wittin themmelves: rtier aide of rire vali ail rigitt long kept '*la tht-rt- n aucit thing as moral purifica- -harginrg bilmatitb bis crimre. nvben tera lion? la titere n laver in wtich te seul weretpisoi 4rrs ou tbe other aide of thte ray wasb and ha dlean?" Yes, yem, yes. wall. 1t wa ite voice of bis own con- Tell il lu long, tl-l il in sermon, tell it in scietndid prayer, tell it 1te temispiterca. Titat Frontrm t idAdi anti Eve try to is what David crieti out for wben ite aiti. bide wbenr tht-y ban ail te world te tht-ni- "Waah me tborougbly from my min, anti selIves? Front their own conscienc-e. cleanse me from mine iniquities." Anti What matie ( 'aiu's îrunilirmertl grenter thal is iviat lu suotitar place ha crieti ouI titanitecudit]rear»? Iia counrcience. for wben ite saildi, Waah me anti Isahal Witat matie Ahbi cry ont toete propitet. e ha rhîer titan snow." Beholdth ie laver -Hast thonll forrrd me.,(0 mine enerny?- of tbe gospel, fillei witit living founîsîns. Wlirat marie the grerîr Frlixtrremnble before Did yotn ever eelte pictire of lte laver tht- 1111e nisoitrrary? Cortaience. What in te ancleut tabernacle or in tlhe an- matie Belohittzzars tedtritatter wltb a cieul temple? The laver lante ancient (-hill when bc ssw a inger corna out of te tabernacle wnm matie outet lte tvouen'm, blat-k mit-ve of te ariduighttanti write on metaillie looking glammea. It 1was a great tire piasterng? Conscience, conscience! basin, snding on a bauuthlul peuintal. A Grave Accuper. but witen te temple was built titanlte i Why s lait aIttaluman in titis audience laver was mn immeuse affair, caliedth ie vith ithtie marks of wvrndly prosperity brazen sc, anti, oh, itow dieep wera te rrporr hlm. la ngtared while I spcak andi flood@tliera gatiteresl! Andt iera were a4 rrrw firhei antriis rtow paie, andtienrt-r en lavers bemdes-ilve aette rigit andi the- Irearir is urreven, and t ien beada of ive at thte left-anti each laver &ad 300 perspirat ion on te foreiteati, suri tien thte grallons of urlter. Andtihie oufilde of look rrf urrnrst cornes t.> look o!firorror andti iese lavera wam carveti aund citaat wit dtesliain»? I knrr nut. But lire knoorvansd palm trees n delicate cul you coulti ai- God nows Itmay i, hat e dspoie ost eeite leaves tremble anti lions go a r munay bedu b inncnespined rue tolufe ltaI yn couiti imagine yen~ to tvif anl ltearnleof opeloo te aw ltenstril titroit, and te citeruii trrazeri landgitho e sair. (fJr ei oayhe wilb nutapreati wingm. Titat magnificent brz as ug biofspesi.orlit rney laver of lte olti tispensqtion Il a feeble etirat lire h@i i ossintepoé typie of the more glorltrn# laver of our r of otbn-rs. anti by some strategern ie keeps tiispesation-or osaulit ig>wnitalono. il acr-eordirtg te iaw, antri el tecknwsil la in ot bis nun, andti tI if bis berat 4 rand Opportuatty. e ehould stop bpating tii moment ite would liere a te laver holding rivera o! al- Ix n hu fr,Žer.Or l nay e lc l r- valion, having for ils petiembal lte Rock of spointilforeva g rlint mry, te bi4apiAges, carvet i wth te figure othte lion of rearartle fseo r remyteithe wss neyerJnab'm ribe anti baving palm ibranches lernlrf ani te t iaerle e affeerfor victory andti wngs suggestive of ltse anrd thet Inn-k, ivene ail covereti up, surd sorrl'm fligitt towarti God un prayer sud thes Ithe anifl borse or tIre rail train look hirn sorl's fightb ieavenwarti wien we dia. i rrt of rerîci, and tbere are onir twn pt-r- Corne, yu sntiitory, sud wusi away ail -sorns irthrie uniterse v.-lit know of i- ynrur ins, bowever sggravaleti, anti ail (id uri hinrself. (hrd pruerrit at tire yotrr sorrow, iton-ever agonizing. Corne - tirrrr' of rhe tragt-dy arrd iredent antlite tetibis fouuitain, open for ail sin anti un- clearîneslte furtest, lte worst. You rtb aectio a coineu vtt ice neeti net carry our sine haIt a second. g %it stng, cnfi c - hpiehrs Corne anti wash in titis glorlous gospel r oinoîrrre iv atms, connctent-e wth ur-laver. Why, taI is se opporlnnity i rtni- rr- uses hinu bandiosut repemnt enougi te10 waiiow up ail nations. Thal d îaî u es il aecoesnereet. la au opportunity tat ulhl met stand on irismae tauftierebovrtenti ate Alps anti ieekon te Itaiy, anti yet GrrI go teoi nie egbrudsy stand onttlite Pyrenees and beckon tii -Neiglibor, 1 have fotrr 0f mnur siteep. Spain, anti il ulli yet stand on lte Vrai -Tbey came over loto nry foltia'i, yn'ars anti hecicon teRussia, and ti il ilimand ai tago. Tht-y hall yonrr mark tpon tht-m. thte gate orf ht-aveu anti heckon be ail ns- -andri1icitanged itilte my nmark. 1 wanb yeu liens. Pardon for ail sin, anti pardion tirave lt ine seotiep. nro wnteyan ta iglît away, titrongi theltohndtiof tte Son n lstetheintres oi th niney an 1of Gnti A littie childti btbbati been [evanit yoîr te have tire increase of the- folti. blinti but titrougit skillful srgery broagit i f yeunivant 10 senti tme te prison, 1 shahlt ihsi:"bmtewydd' o! thnocmainconversin anidelheurat]:yern t-l me te cartit anti sky are an of te mn'sconersin ud h sad:hesîrtiful? Wby tiirn't ymoutllU me?" - Now, nnsv, if yen have got tht-rn beep.' "Oit," repliedtheir motiter, "my citilti, 1 le rot! are wvroineielr. titleul.I doo't want did tell you oflen. 1 oflen told younitou 1- noltinrg of titose thîngri it ail, Yon Jua t bauttfu i tey are, but you were bilit. lego away from rue. Something bas got anti you couldni't see!" Oh, if we couuri r.hin o! you titt1I on'l uriteratanti. )tave oîtr eyes openedta 10seete glories ni tl hr-arri youniere tdowi) at Ihose reiigioum JeasaChrist, we would feel ltaIlite hall "Sionera lu tenision crownnath Mo ffiiig titns rire Saviour'maii Saints andr angeir% crtmud anroai 1 Own bis tilm', Iraime him nasser- "Tht-y le.] Jemusa a an-sm l ' piest.", Marvel o! meekuesa O tht- Lord o!fimafern it* led of men 10 iguoiyatidah la lte fulillmacut oftheit Script1m~ la brougitlas a alami to1 ltae laugble«î as a sbt-ep hafora iter ahean-erslà, n te openeti t Ihlm mout." Wt Jutait nol tboit l?"Alheb.Cb1ef anti eiders anti scribes." Alilq Jesus; noue for hlm. Hov uont~ til! Do men give Cbrist a rnèflrJ onabie tribuanal la-dam? Itlila UNI ltae cnt-mies o!f te HoIm Ort Wh* ltt lu as a flood. Hu&a ibenda aM#:: ars. Yel ltene stands lte ChaÉU<e speaks foritmeit. Hear y75 It4 t. -- Anti Peter "an-r off." Oit, WhOZ 00 la lte boitiness that en-lad ont. ait men forsake lteea, met viii Det W> Peler foiloweti Christ, aud ber"aI n-as smqnething oclte aid courage. courage tinguartiat anti Unsîitht*- nazI moment Pt-tte ati deniet ies x* To keep froma dental baud clobse1,111 Chtrist. Do 001 foliot e mtr e'.P n-sm varnmg imacf vere a 99W Chitaians are, aItlt a valia$W'Ç won5 nol a yen-y comtortable poabtIOSe Lord neyer inft-ntdltaI l uhouI4bà Pters hbanta gren- varnhW. bes4 colt. Presetly ha did net 09mu knoomJesua of Nazaret. W.*ii.i It ln titis Wise ince. "1Witnesa againsl Jeans " Vau s -founut. Wltncs &galanst Jaue,' vituesm, is s scoresaMdarticLe aU. cotait have beau tiucoveret-X beau broughtl ont et t But of sncb n-Inaes ltb. anti Piariscea "fournild s' uat yet founut. But "moisirJ n-ilns" 0ftIa ort tlbel~ Yat tan- araeticcelveil bm it. À" late l eau plal>' ha seau litI18W, ha bas bat-n telîvre-t. "Tha bih pr-lent stoeati up.'» nlfying ltaI maltera bailet-ore J, ThusnaimauviilGati nte dar w%1 MWrtm tou nalhlug?" bé5flié ,vitneu afaantltitr %it- îy,tlo-li gTlsheiadoa7 "'Answereslttaon otblng ta vîluasa agfainal tem?' AW- higit prient goem rigirl01%aus; palet, toa aumien for bits,« 1 ual until Christ hs antluallp- etigat bis tuvînut>'. "I aSM(«W aud yet abail ses lb. Bon etba an ltae rigitl baud of paoire M, ln tht- clouta 0f ht-aven.'t la Gt»! ltaI plain teclan-atlon ho vies anti becnse o o!bnmcoade vas n-baltman coniti do.W~ WhtlGoti eau ta lu tuifilitet larallon of hlm Sou. Tite word 4a ha vhll corne, anti ars> eye mbIta. Blute, a adl IIUmallurtimn1 Christ on triai. NazI week leip bafore ltae acculan- tribunal, tU» titis veek i: labetora lhe. spIn-a q th. citureit. Christ amoug bis o";~ briaga tire subietclver>' chaos ham.4 stands 10 b. Jutigeti a intae midat t-hurt-h to-ta>'. Betora va go IbaS laIe n-Itht binaJesué va muetI»Y li n-e lhiug o! hlma ounseives. Of 014 cama ta bis ownnandtie Is a nsWc flm not. laInit nutnIomlnunomr M etill? la Chit slecontatiln-the a o! bis divine mission b>' ltaos. vat bis narne? Tht- stranger stood a 1 n-bile in lte vestibulaen-aling te bh.10 as atat. Haen-as nol mcli dreaseuL., people stameti aIithirna litto aetlIa>' 1 t-t. No ana gave tint greetmng. Ati ht nnnet sn-ay. "WhaIt-bard bla dU te asakaio!flte sextou. '"Chrlst's lita was ltae repiy. "I rat-bon," *%W sîriangar. "lte mater'm ont."11 Whera dot-s Chit tstand ilu b c to-day, lte rt-ai Christ, cr-os, tin-a? Ara n-a sayiug, vîit Peflpa, art lte Chist, lte Sou or- Ibm ll'lsg Ç or n-Iwithte higit prient, ln crtiées "Art tou tire Chitl?" Wiebh kun- best, Christîrth on-Ib flrt? Ci ver>' silence peaks. I aacita nifiet at-knon-le1gmntuI etal lb claimat for, ant iunlte estmations Jan- against hmm. Ha te king. -lie 114 tera a king. LaItlita silence *«9 livea Ipeak fer. nel agalusl Cb"-II lita living epltlie af your ezample9 Ht- ala mChrist, mm IKiug. Nexal essou-"Jepus befor. Pil1a4 Mark 15: 1-15. WithleaChtmrch Daese'IWoy1i Titera are mauy peou le lu n-home rlgions expar-enca, WAmI lateai anti pUblibeti, wauld*ê4 a lIon-an-y iurlosil>'. The>ýw' Svg)ne ovketed o! sin, or eoaYvwl"Ii aira. Tht-y tave navet nadM y l la keep tae cornmandieOm»tca Incity Methodiet. Nti'nlehbagt e o.,- An-a>'ounltae 1tiu u tb. grama ai inta dr po catchas lire,.sud you W>f tvant>' feal 11gb ai r-saer tituan au> eat Witat cm Men dolý tape, Tlw ',Mt fean-, bemanm 1litaffla . bf JRaetiime au em 1vtwwe -Wh.leaoo bai w . îï Ibtudyvins th. UrlptlM's tllifartir andi Pjotabay. Leason f.7 Ù., 19. Golden Taxt-"He la tieépised jet-ted o! men.-is. 53- IL Titis lassoît la fouaitilui)La* 14: anti bas for lia subit-cl "Jus B»« Higit Priesî." Il lna sperlfi . ý Thcre Christ stands t"-dr, "Witat wili you do witb mer" our chureites glving answer? IMl be lte remponse o! our Snndayi md titis lime? Surt-iy hera are queiO far removati fromauns. la It PWM nmre o! ua are foilowing Jans, à11h afar off? la lterea b htpl authonity, to stand anti (tink etl lenge Christte Lord of lb. Yes, but farl lterenflo t nlia.,) vlew jual now. Who are ready, I1<1 to dit- for blur? Tht- aim of- thhr isnl triug Ibese truc witnesa front. kt , t in if 'u -U la ffl iy Id . 1

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