r c', __ - s'- qapc, .. W__ w _. -- Â- 10,1895. «.. - eaful tOrun 8,ît uaI AidtA wd-g M fr*ý~ ,, ý e. MAYle, igé. .-11%' lm " Ne dlscortesy Io704 lt adosga~-~ uII, biftlbiongb' ýý llas m4j* &dM s wue *xg y erouratlys a s1 psmo M. tOd uiai as i ýI ...,- . 1 i, omanequal tic stroclaus attempt Yeu e asthat 'wuang ,owIy as Ii. ir*é *s li gu.,bqt4momu vvbU&e. W ue.-e Iprsin lsefba aqlsitsm1is 401dO bave mde lupon is aaudiee r' ssd RI- moved in thc slow bronse, I scisOtemazisosinsi te waver in bis Intetim a sluubbary, tien the. veapon droppeidun. ofO od lupnSti i Çu t, UPTON T 1 qýÎi rte u ow frste ad okmmnt, ticsrode on. A littie furtiai upl onsolously front isabund, sud-witi sacai govern sMd coUhltsdi - ta md _ý__ _ý ...ý....fl.U prprty of Ibis people, and they bave net hâte> deeper badown Mim esa away'. P«-. thcvalloy ho tured ln tic saddinsu d loked et terror ho fied tbrough the stand. Hilek, te iiUp I1 ý4"-âf mflo leb" ......... 4yet toi-bld my deouuucng Iis ilublimation balle t wau nlY 0» o1 tiose faiilastie es, -bock. 1'wo Igras mongtic6pl as sove llecmed on lire. Where vas bis borsol of thc Pritbood 0 ..s ..eaob la dvignem.......... 0 of bcsphcmy vilci you "ba epronounew blanceuSfthe humait facesfabioued iy tice bouse ma i bi lood loap, tho ien m 1kiw»a up tiore toward tic mouti of the tend te evcry avenueMdii*l... - 1poud wtbiss mouts. .is wtbiia itr' moouight among troc branches and nod- dowa through 811 its Channels* knive i.Reieyconmaong tic iad-busbeul Ne, hohad iepartmentof tic 35130? OSh1c1 î5 oda tewtWa mDoothm..SUU Ali tint moment John D. Lee sud Blshep dingleaves; but, vistever litchciracter, did nat tutu biiead -gain, but lu a moment tiougit of hrlnglng It there, but had cagsged etlu e oee terg are tppddw foisepltba Toe great* woo ipooce h lédcm ai puhi atinalf itsceed aacum fwlkbo ue 0OuMdmtq , ý , __ Yft. ý w~iii owerlug brows aud came toward hlm, lied shuddered aùd ison up, and ho via burnlng flood, bacada of swoat iroke out lows bacl &long thc edge cf tiche &opk wwîU net beCOni Perfut"1- 1 ý ~~but Trean flartman rose Up ln the sigle stood baside ber lied fo]ded ber close and upon his forebeaid, bie ingers clutcicd loto mountalus. But viiet need lied hc of a Be the people toled forWOiiU4 , _ _ , ~~ ~~~before tbem, bier face white, ber bosom kisd sud leid ber in, loaving thce Wace nod- timmelves about the reiu, aud, turnlng his bornai fB. ied kidled a man. Re looked yuke. the Frlestbood vas tisý0b ,. .ýý1wANTU POR *ALK. 51. eavlng ding at the moon sud tic light winds goe- herse upon a wiidinq path, ie, cressed thc behiud hlm luterrer. Wheresbould ho gui every seul a slave. Tint msu»Y - - Z , ~m~bepcooa rarIVIwnthn~ "Stand bac; den't touch hlm; you r words sipng in whlspers among the branches. valley, etorail the undergrewth that Home te bis mothert My Glidne! Neti pie among theni, and avecu mmes 'ý w' . etldpet sirsie forrsîeno lone bave gven hlm pain cnough 1"1she At the sunset hour the Prophot, tee, vas sklrted the opposite range, fouud tic road where any human loye would ever blok Open ' ,igàbalanced lite wtb libosify, SleuUWV, ;,W»Mmntbtu ur5sigfiePlace of "all. in a voies net loud, but sharp sud paciflg te sud fro, but vti a smarting leadlng bacli dewu the valley tead Rugiehile face!1 Tbey weuld ail know ha wu& a 1tu such iooufterabbc assunptiOli1101011$*,, ý1RFMWeilllocalefi fo .rmone One. heurt. The blows deut by Elchard bail canyon, and rode terwand vîth s dark sud murderer Ila murderer! Where vas the 'e- teuisbîng. But lte studleiti Who musêMo sal.f . A*u o, roused auil a bard and cruel nature. 0f gîoonty face. voverf Lot tutu put out the damies ut eye over titis craie sud lts tic faet4tul. '*iwr isonal. J . -lo,1 larger and strouger growtb even thon sp- A mopent alter ho hsud disappeared Paul allme sud herror that wero buriniii nl bis large degice titis people bgIlOYd 1 - ___ . - .., __ - petite in this man voTe greed for gold snd sud Tresu came doyen freni the plues. A beart 1fie stopped, and pantlug heavlly, selves bettered by it escape bulis ýbi 1 ASTi - È . power lied pession for revenge. Wherc ho touci oSflHeaven was lu their faces, but oenod bis bands wldq hefore hlmi. What 1 thebey te its solution. T1167W4vmb*p. BAS FORESY-1 have -.1f 1 14- hated ho was gavage, sud ho hated what.- witi it ou tie girls@ tiere lay a ailadeofoS ad lho dunevithI ItIWhy, whst wes this1 main sillere, aise ticy couti notbfflbWlà r eo pasurageo elr~ 2982I ever lfttd band, or voice, or law, or even acre toreboding. ruuulng out uf bis aleeve aud geces bis trodden under fooit; thOy WOI* «W s goic 1 Chasi. Stempel, L rove, 111 -_e _,_,love, in question ef the systeinie hohad lu "Ou the fourtb day fro-tbis yeu xuay ox- iand sud dropping tront his ltngor-endsf looking for the sooncomlug of CblsO4e __\1 - - .- great part orected, and vitSe houoeansd pont nue, darllug," ho said. 111 vili rond s Bloodi bloed! sud lhosprang sldewimo sud thc usherlng nlu e ticumllsflhiIUi t8eg 1 ý I 1. ., opportuncities for gain were bbc a perpetual tritsty lahorer ovr froint the mines withi urncd round sud round holding the drlp- bout their bacls for the Iesh of ----~- - . _ 1VO "r b-d70-_ anBar sd intoxicating incense te bis soul. instructions te do vitatever von is neos- pngjisnd sway froinhbimisud looking et it outrage, belîevilng they vere eailed m in rW S ae. Go~~iMceible - eaied meagerly in cvery way,unuschooled ary about the place hem .Use him iu suy wildly sud sitout±ng at It witb ail but lu- Ood'a kîngdom bmight aris u 0 ou ' * , - b 1 jl s pp y tc e G S Il B ee erI. .s ee b y' crude hsndship int c, a g aw ing w ay tiat Yeu msfneed; bave hlm va tcb mant>. iu s m m ent lho stood stilI. sa v f r elentent . thoy ted abpon ,-,-- l .i' -* a_ d n r . ' 2 -8 0 1..a v a ri c e f o r a s e a d a d la t i o l i , ' i t c o u l d n o t v i t i y o u r a i l l e r i f fs e em o e t t , seu b uh mbi s p a u t l u g a d q u v r i n g o f l i m b e . a n d d e m e n t l u g . s u d b a id a u o t b s i ..tWt S.O S s . -idéi- Ili 2.- 1porhsps ho hell unreaaonable titat the yen ueed mc seud hlm at once." almeist laughed. Wiy, kt was hi, own ceatW7 psssed viticut ciVlUO9Mb, bs*r ý. I - place ho iad achived should s50c exceed. "Yes," *sehu bit vhispcrod, 111 abali babloodl That vas ail nîgbt», let reacbed sud torced a tolnob et .1 rmsota, , ý C7,&« FOR SALE-i àjWocréweiI i-1 1 ing sweet. But aie, the mauner o e -is -uions tin yen conte. Dont go ont aller fit mn. But vhcrc diii it coma front1Oh, ugtiliuon tient, dobtIffldgt WIM" 1 I X, .,ý Siprovéd, oon B31 dh Vpver- ,.uonlg te it, and tic infamy et the thing dark, Win yen?" sund ber laeos ookcd large borevwas a bullet-hole througb the top ot sud tsustlcism wouhdbave 40d0là te IUUOVd - 4 a ry ' - ach eved! A noble nature would ave sd cadowy Sassi pleaded. bis @h uilder! 'lit va odd; w o had u- m"Dois.0I bo~1d.o sclà1 tnof 'e purned thon away as il they vere sttack- "lNcs darling; 1 shaBha ccarefui ou manylilcted Itf It bcdd seemed ma i 1ihalldboard As lit mws, viou tic irn bigia!1a .l ttre u .0ortb t Vucn-lg lires, but te thiiman tremdiutg te sud a5000liits, net tie leaat ofvbich la tic look Ivo reporte vien ho &het ai Richard, lper- 1lotive reached theni 'atbr8,18ugin ffl s d *0- il .1 elS .Urf-ic, iu Parley's tthilg ofie tic>' ver., per- lu theiese ceyes bofore mal" sud ho ispe it ocurred thon; Il se. lu tic *train oetrtnne ot blood alonement, noe w vsu wft, ,ýMàui iV6 miles W o bapae, ie, net as deur maslio, but deurer ut leat uioundbi hierse, klsaedbils band te ber tic momentle ie bd fuit uething. fie loeked mundr vais prevcloîit, insasuty rl, Mda t'wiso.Dent. R. . t e rom tin fean.aussmille. sud gmllopcd dowu lte Igue. teadilya&bad ot hlm for slti tn u bomn ursc c bu oiilo k< no oumle .f a rom Parle>' vas near et bond. Sitting with Tic girl stooid ooklng aller him a moments aiillbreatbed bard. Roene ue id t- Shan lho namoelas bore. Mon wevs snlsi Iobeii Terime xoaaonable.lanbc51'DCE"scai. bis chi upon bis chat b>' atable on whlci tien pesacd round thc bous. sud up ang temptcd te tolie hi lite aithticsaite moment te their balt-slatera, their rn-ais, buIeof O r on premilae. badteol ouud amtten froni a pioce of restedl a boule sud mone ompty gisasc, ho tic pine, sud, viii ber baudarciing asive he icd sttonpted Elchards Wbatu iu- veddcd oftea te a notber sa"ber tvo or , 1 N0Hulre booktel.Inititda dan sd beavy, sud nov sud tien ber cyes, watced ltreconte eut icyond tic atout in vicite coud a uman spirit te Ils tire. dcugbters, the oW vere mmliii 1te " NîliLÂ#Mîri. The two besvy figures tepped viti as- lillted svenemibatt, biood-shot oye te note tic village, sud appear sud disappear again sud maert juat wben it bced toully sent auotber ver>'. youug, sud auci dcmesta a ds- . . P. 0. Âddreds, Waucquda, 11. Inlaiment changing evor>' lineofetface sud verkinga eofhie mater', face. Preceàtly again, t t l at.stthe voods about tic mouth seul haer torelUNay, would tte>'nut boti baucery- provasll e s sondea CMfbihol iSvo -O - -t_ ora, thon they advanced again, sud Lp ,thore came a 1ev rap at the door; tic cf Eagle canyon reoeivcd him front ber bave appeared halrator in utIho samne îhrougb a gentils heurt.1, . ý1growled, rnghly: "1tand aside, madami, Prephct said:"Comaein," vitheut fpausas, sighLt.#. moment, the une happy sud pure, te aller lieu may nult. aveu lu su large s body as 1l1. DV T TBut theo statue-like brnier diii net mure, sud Dr. Dubette'entertld. He advauce t 1 1 - 1s.udre gi H hddered aud ubl.be iuug out off fronthe b argelssaso-1 TJno-x ~ ~ ur the repllant bïud fall, vile the girls once te thbe table. lvretes numberrof namea CHAPTEIt LX sd ooni, ked up at tic sky. It i;(s bIne sud deep ableneias oS1goueral bumsuity viii sastl, 1 - s-tien t îthe bumnig steadinoss of the Paricy iôekd et it amoment, t pa pl, alElcitara, sunny-eyed ad bniacrous it; then lho veut eu, vith, bis tromiz>' ad îsatlciam vithout eudangcring moe . 1 seagie's W'iat a supri bar lu the vsy of crosced eut ail tic noues but ene, sud baund- rode lut-o the leafy growth about tite moutit alon te a deuil heavinoas ut heurt uhat taUîty sud Llte; thic in the greas homs or ý I E MON'S DAUGHTER.. volenc'e! cdai t te the Propift.Tiat voty'b'oddfl, o ugecanyon htfinde norniug vitheut seomed it te drag bu te hbiskes. Mormeniam. 1-... -',-r,'B"e Shsan>'ayvitat lhoplegs," sie aai, st dovu and quitlo flUcd a page viti writ- s tbought.oS danger. Perbape Trea'a lu a tow moments hie came te the foot ofOS OsonBeat dii net conte te bis matI . uý iý nSliA f if "sud if you Injure hlm yen ahall tiret pama lug, tien bdd it t Parle>', sud sai: oeyes, tollowug hlm feondl> treim tbe Mount- the mountain. ]lo fit lek sud diuzY; hodour unt-illie lamp worighed tiatnlgbt. .ý ,ý:,over.ne!" - "Iead Ibis to bit lu peraen, t-ion destin>' minbench beoend t-ho vilage, ired is veu lobk at bis vuund-wolletIIit Ail day lhe bàd beau lyiag I ins» aler- l tki .,* S** .Daysalata. "Miss Hartun, auâmil Bland's veuce bo- it." Th b thotin ai-oc., clisped bauds in spirit- unconUoiucl>', or periape it vas tic blecd; peniape oeed vould have justice growtb acrosa tbheval.>', atatvls&"a, 1 . , ! , ý -hind ber, "cons, 1 eau net subject yen te c irclles steed smoment viti coutpresaed cweetness et love alone, vitici, pusbing ail donc nov. lHc caught belli of lie sagedoubtlug asuuppilctiug..scbanied teSaon V MAdW -- -- this," sund aie turndand foUmoitdhlm eut lipa, sud tien passcd eut lu sioece. Itainretailfee hlm sud lbeeeoug ai letur bruish sud puUeod inisei up the mounlaîn h.1foe u vr oesdmr ehn .. ý ýý iko an onraged Quocu. 1An heur atterward Enoci Arsen, stand- tramn about bis heurt., Sent a s@mile te hoer sidea s ev rodeansd tank doWn lit bolovthe slavon>' of hisfailli eppresaend @m 1 1 . WOSSeu tt#*OuLiving in t Uth.1 Il vu&a strauge sud drsmatie scene, butbiug iy thte lbanaltros near tic Bishop'c about islips. The sby vas ver>' bîgi sud ihuge upshcotlng aplinten ut atoensd him. Whou bis mother &&ca luslaaDg - ,1 1 woveudbavehbenu ridiculous hbcd legs gravlty gata, ocked up vit-b au ovil grin, sud lu t-be blue, viti bore sud titore a dlock ofSwite triait te pra>'. But, thougitlie essayed vithiin tihe dour aie lle out bis Dns., viii . 4ggM, Un bithMA. ,.N WIsfl Nr- et feeling sud uuderlylug tragedy atteniieii@anie heur Orsoln Beat, lupon bis kmmc cleuda fieatlug lu t-ho pure ether or restlug 0ail hi, strengt-b, lho ould not fils ongue bands lifted sud a look et unakmile Mdi l,- . il«W a. i u hSa.ws.d IL. As it vas, the meeting came te a ratier under tic peaei trocu ilshiemtier's gardon, upon t-ho meuntain tope; tic Valey, lineOS séemeS thlcb sud retusoiite srticuiate. May', su much iebaibuaer, vomi...misu embarrassai close, sud Tron'e baudsevoTe vitit a sveat of agon>' upen bie brow, vas vitimni>'bues of bravu sud greeni, iuug white objecta about bhlibd a etran gosud cnet-ion cbeuged bhlm. IJHAPTER YUL tromhing andliter oyes up-u tic grouniisas praynq aud wrotling bolorc bie malter. lbbc s groat inep etflght sud colon bet-veen I as>'aspect. Waaholieiyîng. or vas it tieIWbst blidb.odouel Aie inipored. Fer,, 1 * a om à nNutciATIOl. site wslked up tic lune b>' Elciard'aasde. 'At mdigit. and i dstraugil sud struggLing ticenigit>' ranges, lii tic vaut graund reection &ait- o elong a perled utfcttc eausver ho tell dovu botoer i v Wi, bi l-amoent. Elciand st-ced leklng t Clun bied returnod te tic yeung imans cIil, but mles awa> smong ticea"ben Sage ,seemed te nurmur vit-h tic solt-noise cf gsudotion Ho turnedntsdWlekd t tic @in lion lsp sud cried Ince a child. Be 1 s , MPrepbet, bis ocises npplug,bils lace cheeks, but bis iesii vas bheu orect sud tic brusi t-e tho veut, t-be noonigit- lound happy iusecte. Perbape it vas tua beaulty ralleyhle ved; there wss tic distant vil- bld doue the Propiets bidang. ho esctied, gMlp *ith lsugor, sud tic bue velue about palIer of angor stilI ioverod about Inislpa hilu. But viton it bid died awa>' ovor thbe ut arth incouijluctlun vlti love tiat lighlcd lage, hi, mothrs 11111e bouse 5liolig thcsdei oatvs rke!fe es bIntlasdlsteniied vît-b buruiug i aid. aid nestrils. flad ho net loved t-is girl ho- mountainsa sd tic grizzW u td e le.asd hie face sud stampod s shining spirit ther.. trilesen the bit-honside. Buni lant-mana innocencé! O,lho hmd lost his innitooseigS , t.s peak a moment te thitipeple, side hlm perbapse howuuud bave turnei t-er. bogau tle take 111-c eg"l. behaod re- We are et t-lie oit-b; lt-smonda are largel>' cabin hoyond it Dean lie pines, lic fields (i hlltanaisay fils tace Siom hic. ituat *moloved t-be pioliit'a in- of repugnancesstrengcr tien iilsgtut, but tien atilestperebsuce, but vhlle lsn ,veodo ho vmbtenlk, c rt ok ndh u ndaées nbitr o eodý&foithsteiibprrwt o xiiiný ue et xae nsveegeoe admaosdiie yte Ab int esnt uue.W"n nov ho siemed ileinluIL. ad &a" 't.me"ogtisse lemente clutbed ilu bsated suad glianten fftogeonasin s drean.voan istglelinoci- *bbMlook tic gréât- man stond adsu autrsd wville Iis mna sedi Bad *bs duel wvss"Il wB lin Large par t tiîr jo'- Buddeuly sente moviug abject upon t-e ho s e wmnuave lm. t ila ndtcmieca-. 1 - 'a" Mi sat eeawieMm&tgu owr hddra n ufrn us or dejectei slaves. 1loc tua dhieeyes; lbe ruused hmef1gn emuaGirhm hscubd m ý _ i saI vb"lW vitto ilin se- guluftinvfluenuceidou sudaisfernd tiLeed wr t 's kad r,-1dit" of uber ion vas ldeed inexplicable - e e ocoma tonvatii out oet tho deash of Ilbelteune tbemesnddmtela S nciboevnetinlene o tuansd -unei evndi;hau L-lar.dr'.l-su apllnOPlud mil WJ p u -,»Is1rge face sud settle iu a littIe paille pligue ilch 'ibis man bie egodenciil. ophistries sud mystam-i weavo a'bout 1u1,4su0îu.g oiehi., hor,.eî ,.ek, wu r.ding is tecred outi n croug feelinîg againat tino sy-a- Il . .about hlm mont-. "Certainlyi fyen it seemed terhim ite wore bolng uitt-en inLu- like Invisible dogs are thoîn exactions set ,,.'Ah rofagE ie rio'.' sud vith a Mnyhua em uler wi- lier sufftred1-î1 an ingisrutv t fer"i th ac i-hlli sbah:ishndtetc upon uu, drlving un lute t-hein net-s iiti leur, vouud ho sloyer feU forvand lu tiec clapar- *-Wear tgitd'inhemse oà 1 owPrqpiet's vonds, sud i, ovoer's blood 1tit-btat ven nature& held %ulon Uic bit cf jroiad u» s sent.filwuva adeuil aint; t-hoe 1nvo " ,.nti noe e ,~Tbmsk yen; t-bt la precclsly the nature loiup u ugec ethatl th nule.iaction iluothen lest. Brou titer., vile oeelong strugglc vit- is heurcat, lie tragedy 001 WC liinenu freligion. li eî 1 h ,4t*bh mtIivc10uy," replled Eloiard,&aud No vend e ve.spokon unt-i lie>' too-ni-. . rode lorvard vit-i seul rouponiiing tote . th-bt closod t-be trite. its svift rerersL. anu t r i id -îîd apuiz b! ic aý #eiMg lowaed Ib. péoplo lhc drev himucit smong tic sheltering ilacs; Ilhon ho turènod - ,appy humer of tic neruing, suot-her. ne- the audion change uf hi, viole relation te Gosel.buteîslaved anîd poil l. Y b - »* olcic issai . The tilins t sud ioulmed et- ber. The eyes vene ful aud ...,-...posîre te a credal cyatom, vas& cncoplug lite, avept away itfading ceuslousuesa- Mnupen tie iode., Iis streugor svutmnug that sic lifted te bis face. t " i co rco>'vtbbydnp vnlc x!k ronBatcud eIngIeîlkalvedasudlx,.luîî-d' I t-i, iHeanotor- bais sager se like awvilte bumnu "Yeu nmuet go saa>'nov," she faltcred, 1piug, vit pulse-hostostrideut-anunuorcu. or stand tthleteir;wheu the tnviil is aii pipoisva i ue oM ý . gu so an dello notbisin tcton ou fth erin P IIwlios y i dghting lgainat yet- peut-mg torvard bofor. budon vas lltted lbe tellFr clong t-ictoiil gttiole. Tcwîs e u cf ileSd satdnot ii..efr e ere u11. 1 tic unseen doge tiat bit- sud bayait hlmous hela>' quiet-ly in ils dirbnas, restiîng t a-r.iathm ieu.s-oc un ' sid delicato tuiraof tic upper, *ud, terseSMo d I>' ovu aaoier ter., and o . ý"Suudeul>' tic uudergrovt-h became tlit, aru p u okdaot l.Wààsl Il tnlcd to bilia s elitw-mati!" 'h ir i""-61tins liabing bluegra>' oye, swap: re be.. 1could net go, aveu if you bld rme, tenendeu-,pntira. oatped rauo Bad entlIo n aop lut- îgiont again. 'Il -as bhdden tI oeil b>'. scvi t-le ver...su t-o1--thoon h opestadî>',"tutttbe'si-1the OvilRe soppit; te dlthonest-srtleu plen t ba cyc, *. ', tbM-%rough tic audience, as . - res." Tic expresion« sorov sud appre- . 1 on-cier top et t-ho tangle be couid sec tic un- bore amng liec caparna sud juat avmi- cilns to lho su pu re tbat God spealta d;notl y gcn , ry c« lie pulpit plat-brm O osn deepened lu ber eyez, a s se g.îred ,s uspeoting osmnfiagfrad i lic Nv u otadem orbr »trog i os!O.mte, hiko Ilèvr boe ta . t hi. face Immlfteii sud evidontl>' vît a sang upon hie vouud ottl>' oozlug; But was t-eebe-a t hlm>' u ofthis! the- deeeptIon precticai. llýý i-tends," ltebegâni, l dont isite -"1 ësah cue fr urnysel,drllng,"be pleai ýlaus sovAlc*air Âv eue, o vas r"nis, ie lipe; but tic heaurtoft-be mea wbo man vie baed ridden inm lie canyon reai or %ulon us, sud tic jury donc us! Il bia de. j***J.»yen as s religionist, or as a mInis. 1W, lu animer te lienlob., "Theso menu ih-v'. w hed boat o ond ho could netllieur. buta igment ut bis tsnr-y Ho threw off stroyed 1me*! It-hmbaken away nty Inno- 1.1 «« ilaGospel, but -84a a -an sd as à édvsnîs; iiey eau net ho eise.. Tic>'will lurned sud w» stlandng fer up th.nteunin Dropseel avoa ver. taluug froi ils chun, kils ceat, lore awa>' bis shitsoleeve and iit. ee I s1 hall nover be cloau &gain!'- - **i*evý. 1 utnet - apublia speaker, ibut :neyer moesie vheu t-ho sun li.virer usuie abovo Hart-maie hane. Be vas look- bic grillt- chest sesemed te labor for air, sudj ing it lut-e a bot thrach il ie bis wuund, l as a barreviug tiing te witltusis 1 . Morr10kn> elool i ie u adbvsca.wooi mweî ug dovuvard vie' ontestripa of cloud at bis baud tiat-heli a îoug-isrreued revolerion -ewnt crsshiig duvuard tiroug tht-e mental suiffening. Tic motion lu ber cr- " fjsssd ould- never cosse t-,e xorao. tLt goeoadovu. Tresu, deoyen tiuli1Icouid tic zenith hogan W lo w fron thticgreltcon* sok as vit-b pais>' ýbramble. 510 mat-ion diiinet notice tic ternupi*m1 of flc SMYv evn-.iieantiihe Ieu MilleyIII ae."sd De l ]banid tightly, dagratiei rising in the est, sud tice ain lbould bhdo t-ho dccii ven tic man rode uli e wss nreur lhe litt-lieplot-utgf e bihs riothng et theshouiderandic, Sortheti. .ý _ i put i-î 02u vî'lg >, 'i- oh1 ed>'dsn iehn aeastb rose lovl>' eut- ol ti he devs. scoes t-be openiugt Commit- murdeni vlnci 0Wnid ipou the rond, but as lh. lime bong, bal foritou bis iurt. la the. qg foIbi man. BigisinuYtn bersfaceL as tY ey Te came reliection lut- uOpen isfbsec; il Orson Beau a sbuliig animal athirat ton pushed inlo it- n't-i rager foot- the gltavlng fres agony of i. inner-vaund vicu look- Il ',tso" t an.; i aisluterb>' t-rade en4wylovr r Sape1.11vi-iaruah0i eàasliko t-hovisage ef a svlmmer a-ho, loOenBavobipectd5qetoalbserncîdu-arsla.igpiinm AM Mplurad tle bard - vonk. .Wlien hojô1oei.. .-lumaener ncek sued checka, but truitavoe-ii- le ogithelicses, rong-tcrgiviug, enemYl$enuug Christ te Whoun he lifted ie bi tes wvuold et-their "Motion," bha veut on.besmsbgly. "ycm ,~pipl e asa-ii en. ahu o sevbh lerban- cne, )er v. anev sd ba i babnds s tieouii t-ies uponhumnnt>', te labo t-ho lite frenmashappy', l-,- -cin.l eîo-e utIhmaii> o e uvbyma e ueiuei _- - 1 al aieu ii e bsair- )i4ga-tibttnvYiisl; Iaaitic soldismite.oui>'te ho dravustuglignouent- tellovmsul Yec, but vi> vas titis te ever agaîn proert- hlm wit- lieidngbis lu thi,. Wfof ethle lower Pnlestbod, bave> ý u1 eenet yet.lmproveld i;ho l 6so , ý1m!0. Shanl l0c.blut bocause iha loves bacb. For s long tinte haotuhed tioro, hu mon happy I Ah1 ab>' asbhohappy And ef happy vision ho dctroiredf Woud uat been compelled te sutsmrie te auci uoIla sz:>mdrsmÔt-opower. Tventy yeaa0 me su!" gnhle-yS u erbebn c a eincniWo vas tiisstranger t-baltfoi-rn whici Treu lved, sud vbich lu tic secrt cihbof oStic Kudowmnt 11à .~.lc vvlcu i- yu plsa n Tic>'lound ber fat-ber ing veak sud Pi-osent]>'a tiucurl et umoke bogan wmv. t-bt hoesiouldbe homindtul ot hin i Whuo alveiei l uigntegetuholes svnt acyu.eui lu u , 1iar, aqiromaie hlm. net ,011Y 01>6 aslant vien tho>'vent in. but lhe turned hla cnung upîverd fron theicroob hic cyes vere titat ho chouhiride ocejorund sud joyens lyng tbene becide lhe rondl rend>' te bnât eh. 1 bave nved,ndor penaltyoetdeti. ý7. t , ,_ chatn inluour tedoerat-le, bu t hlisoezoethomt îtbecpectant belle. wst ho reatig Open, t-ousahum6bn figure emerged through a lnd won f rom tic vdernesb>' Initfnet- te reveal t-bon. But to-day. Iylug ,,_,, the o uh's gre t princesof sawvilu thefr faces, tieugi smles lver.e tratic hepunch sud pasunt de'nn' D t-be a pople hie bi deuou necdt f 11,, Ane ra -mlt e udrsoî - hz ', m 'e aepuer; penur>' sud isla- t-ei-e, mde bu t-rn bisalie"aii va'it-iLielit-lieg heteadow b>' ticd cros tordBeptAhhogn hm; vasl g is & a oé,y giser osthsGoselphe liimialttJIl - lyeo g la yur portion, a-ite agraen. tHo the magie oftblie Prepitetihal grazing tiere,antd thcmn uupon t-he MOUDnt- bibaiTghngtebredectlous ledross lit-f wept- kth a -ofhl od unbisarmaut; l taniluroset hibe oepe lic e oucucas, - i loni ain e tb0 Uel 1u As. -liIvlh ii sced huitalutaggerbd sud turent about bac eue epenmuz uItst]>'yailt-be pulseis ofbils lie revolver vas Iinig beture bhum; hoeut barrons. Tiose mou whoaeitithront1 --, c-beIstmi bliko a lieGreadt lallu Aie, btyopoîn tiacr obosten b>' amn visible tempest w 1, ý pa , 1ly. To-dy bis vorkmeu 5areud unupIiâhed perceuptions, lbedproveil a -Hi s going le tic mines t"-ay ' heoIed>' seendsit s m; oltil-e nareoci- crâshed ,I ite lte uth e nt-b v t oohtareausîavug u lvs: fndm hho n wilu-' e .11 .. plaeSril aoit iethttbngmt--Iitltetcfuo au et cici. "Oh, Esther iut Baer, wt-e o- ad lvsmlela sa ok rse okttog -elmge eIsrvehv oeu lvssdc intînsis o. . huapaacdfred isuav olrs; wit.' thingmn fi vi etefie aur fwat te do" I .Tie ridier hok off bis bat, turnentbilstace herse, .,-ulled intoe ic atdîe, forgettul of for them 0e-n unhol>'end?!1Ihare donc - 1 ee !bs i b îogut sih on av.gedr t'-t a -h auee -h ta- ntea-ard baiivith eyos llfled lovandtht-e bis vouni. sud rode èas>'a ltroc mn. .-vu hn.mto.T-a e cs ..0 neblued huad olr, the>' dii otNewucit t !W-bat@th ntue f he8tticniev itai oter T-dy hcur-r I $W&dioc fotlmialallegng t-at hie lu- roa-l t-h vnda-the>' b.d ne nood, jIbo wicb i bben wasdering ail thc ugi ttooani se-h o ticb al tat -ho Af emani h . rwu eur t-be bu-fre e ehtbevrvsmatpupu li «l" trlea sens. torehatay isfdei iihi forteddehlm a-as not unl îke een ad bai-e; opng athofeirorgreeithiclusudranmuralret ldasfcrr hygl=iesatà s.u -gobe vasoty titoussuii dollase4A OSct trouble et t-vus lu thoîr faces-but luquireii A temiiestet eanlioting terces, a battie of in- . II * t-be gladueca of une comung tram an impris-enla ni .ge a end moral de fct Seoàl1 ~ elhoh, ii enheetoda Is lingssud ia omtot tnder>'.ooîn cav ethon-rs ute -hielule ai su be te làIbea-als oS t-bel- codics a md Of 1 ýgÏtic Salvation et year seuls depena Jut ,aitern thegsus vmeut dovu o ie lilSfhieba i tg Realrit eer c ruder- * ý quiet anushile. But- it-did net- romain; trainspareielt ie.Thea-hale systent, tac, . «#M tic peyment of eue-lent-i of enlyoui asuep, sud, ioaving a kisa upun i fore- IInp aS hic spiral bic liail becufcouianileti . o' earbtos -- na ans sd esrpings esci year iinte a le"i, te iughter' weouot- vior.Paul te comut monder. eThc maia-hum be W --0'. oubt ut bis sceptauce, alt-onsucb an 51t% anguisi eItOanbot-mo eollugInedicmy ofryut huch ho in cuatodisu sud tic, vas paciiîg te sud tro along tic porci. ieved (+adas repres cutative on ou-t-h. a-hoe oi Oertitcm evlin a ltof el inch ite'hua uat shovu yau' Tic daine ofShilsenger wasa alillickiug t voîce vas tic voie ett-he o edwhom ho 1 s tempt, b>' lie GreatFaLt-ber t-e.a-itemlie dune wi i t!- *vety yesf., moi! boy long a-tU yenbils beart, but- t sigit-oftif er 'face it -didi f10red and vor8lupedlbild ad tIns a-ful 1- X. hai se Olten opeued a dlean sud tender "hLook ut1me, met-ber1 Miat- has it doue - ýaadb lndredl h li n.t-ho day vent- out..It vas a aveetlbi-, spilI 0 bitte-nOuu'lî,oniy! it rau ivuet. .. ev 'netDat aler ail a mundererf No; tic injun>' heuan ud u iigitus utspirit-, litbusloft I huta ho open te tho admission ut tho despite tic ubadowa of ovil omon vicit, and toan ia-t h love fer t-he omIai ho humi -mai.tote e im miial, in laepar h. meTel ugi e adtics e lea! Cngsuof a as- ýý gtuSeneof tis muet glarinll tact? faibung rotit>l poInts, seemeil te converge sel loveti! What propulsion andl repulsuan .-aehic sou imaasebsiedntbeoit tiavy d. Y teign betiîstian ani i a>'u sa lv. 1, latva-lU dol," braoelunt-e Prophet, upun them.. Tie suu iaviug put- ot its la>' un t-le thoughît It seemeil toertnd ihm i elwsbaknd i eti ev n e oCriuadtewyo-giadn - ~. ragea osteai hoiud t-be puit fines upon t-he Western ,mauntalus and But- bus vvw-! Hail hau not- saril un t-ho ýlelahsomo viluin iu. Lîe thensanda Nevon! (O, nuot-jr, lying eut tien. Imvr - ý nt iefiyîug about is face. iBut alippeti devu bhini.t-em, thoeostupen- EnilaInunent Bouse ale - h blle t ouent nt-e, irumoutis, inaewan adputla>' b>' h âtistbut-Anastent bagbain b' î i -t gavOe it ~neoicud, and a-et on donals a îl>' yturuci an opaque bIne, tté coUiunset an odà olrui aienhoo tor/1,4,-oresitt-hase uplou int-iO, i aasanPuta>'a- bat-ribt v asceut agbarbuimn "- - sbige laron-ie eien . l1lg u u-G-brsoto eler lu tich e rftit aowu lite! Hud hbOunt- swurzu t1 . - , deil, snd un tic beginning dravu te t-ils dcsigniîg men upon t-be pi-osent. hla ha li ., ,*7 es ii e tnl --a -btvoegga .cnes oeiar-i ep deend the institution oaS vieh iv vas u e- .. 1 systenu b> ts sceming noaruis te t-ho Au- saine, mat-ion; t-ho excluboveucco, ispi-- ý ý1«««las virtua, sud bas' billon vo te of fliilng asbes@a-bore tho sun bal seemet Ordied in ember soiranst- ail erieroehuent-. 1 andmhbelyte bc-oresilyickutihouillteilren fooS hi. al th cole& e u ud spocla tibecaci tbe's iyoI C i "inluBeaven, t-o remî ua moment- amuogt-le eaglc preigs. oo - tb iedige bod ai e im udtoalumi b>'an esti' iritl inet-ho ciîdr uset ei al oherpopales sot Sae- tg " & mn t ,o l ri -Oh, lu peï4abl, terri- But- for a long lime te e steru pealis vere stranger ltt-ed ies baud agauac t lt .. 1 - b l>' m udtt onial s t-e i î'inne e. o r l m d l i o oU i gt u pre ,epos aî>' bl ', ,~dvtaî An ho a, aduret yodteeb>' lppcd it-bgotdvit- Sain visa oS inlioiurier.'Tie lismisai t sa-ol cnuiaoi gol-c, blondil sd cenusei uit-eeue Gui sm aniofu rigi-fulpro>' ticpu-acicf' *sesuasyen long for a lite lireafter, k l outlug aboethem, a-bue ther bages est- es retaro--ns er ,levn-uîeu. Spie-- mri ai toam -otil eul ntt-fEtralplrl uurigo-oml aaorblo unutih te groon N a1)il i.NI T0.1T IIELD À L0O 5G-AtRELED pervading ail Ihingi, but- a mailet bei>', sud pricîts, t-holaying ou et bus adt 1 iWseS,ý a boier a-or »tnhit, 1t1 cia>'that filloi t-be- vailcy, tee,,heame. visible, Tcptugute ye EIucn.prs u asou;eeu-b alnsul n aa- iuuiabude tbrsa u , _ i - ,ti icv'1-cet-est.anti ureat bube e ulite- turuousrou-bin blSva' ar- ntloc sîr>', otid .a mc hat- ho iu,eut., te ai>