CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 May 1895, p. 6

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hited, kneu' tbél S't0 4e811e Iurt and nearer the .4<. of a peîte- Bo fer, able lid prevented the wordas InOW, snid ber tadsi . oeniZ I inetini spoken whioh se le dfit Vere oarly one, norning. '*and 1amn s0 olad 1 trainm.ling mne. banonce iqo> the vv b J that Geraldino will have the ireBi. 1 lips hard by, and bid just M"0egd -L cenider Henley ftegatta culte theo turn aside more than one moent lu- -ia prettiost oft he summe! sigbts.'" stinci, with oportuatty, so thât stie iii Whereu, on granny cougbed and had gel as at- as atiother week on, J ~looked atjout lier, but madle no an- aince tbo night in 11,11 gardont, wib. swer. oeut any ad vance baving beett maie: o -You ircan te rb of ouie"dé- but sho had learued more and more te rnandod Lady Rlaymond, sorewhat irn- distrust heréeif, and to watch tha1 pulli periously. other une, conu "I-wo have net quito made up.o .r Was Bellendon but toyinir with ber CiliPi - mmndo, my d car." Young h eart a second lime? She dîd h Z=_4 The trutb was that Ceci was the nlt think 80-but how waaselle to e mli difleulty. (,oraldine had not, it waâ sure? «bat If those rneaning iglances, thre true put mbt wor d the burd n wh bbh those dulceý undortone , the pains ho no nt e u iy presing uiponlber in the took to be rier lier, the orleen on hie to se shap. t .isyinit te bersoît that brow when parted frons lier, were ail prnt -lber granemotlier saw nothinîr, and but the cunninig of a master band play- an th VOATKKXV-CoitflSd. that she would nlt be se selfish as te lue again its delusive, magie musici oftht The lht wsblnut the great disturb bier Porriduar seronity and Si e bad thought lie huat loved ber gave 6at 1the day balmpyd.pecoftmind; but graflny had In once -nlot Io.-edilire this, of course- with 4'How deligblf l i- tbis driving about reality been caroilly on the aiert, but stili had granted ber a place lu hie ina a pe crriages in tbe eveninzs." watehing at ovcry turn for whal miglit affections and mernory which ah.e hal stal -d A md eraldine. bounding ni> tho next befasl, and rcady to catch bier eue been proved nover te have poseaeued; thei Ua. W. nover drive altter dinner in in a moment of lime, at any emner- and as she nad retused te doubi hlm stîlq Uo*d. I vonder wy" geney. She aise tbought il beat te say thon, how was she now to trust bersoît bisa -The eveninies are @eldomn warmu as little as need lio, and eniy tW do t judgo bim arighl? et rlied Bllenden, sadignothine anl a cept nothing vithout i'reBig OeNTINUED. àI. oo fr"rnn ldie ebr granddau«zhter s sanction. - «N o» utI. You have net many aven- Cecil hal gene with tbe lwoto Ascot, The Future ort he East. Re hgaiii.Ibis at închraarel."and tW Hurllngbam, and huadspoli. Dutthy ae arr eougi or ua- oth nays;, was hoe now te speil Henley About 600 miles oft1h great trans- storl bqg-or, at louât, we go, wbther itl aise? Siberlan Baiiroad have been epened for Ote waus or net," said shu, iaiighing Geraidine bad announced ber ien- travel with beitting cerenles, says sud "«Not clad lîke this,' and he gLanced tien ef ging ne more We eiihor et the the Boston Globe, Pri ut tke tell whitoe auibnic donned for former resert8. Ascot, shie said, ha.dil 'Ths is le significant in itseof than ei bearnl'@ par. and considered suita- beon very frotty, .'vèrv brieiht, very hi .what it portends fer the futture ef els 4Ma te end the aay In, the whilie. in hig gay, the herses themselves -ad beon Erpa n Atr iiiainbr vaekyh eodthe rougliest. teauti1ul and the racinz delightful'Erpa nd Esen;~ii8if e wlàêîem, ho eeldsrefrcsoe but sho bad net liked it #Aa a bole- when the whole read, coveing 5,000 nill whieh even adâo îbie-telded plaid liad and thoeo bheen a quiek shako of miles, is pushed across Siberia. ri lent boen unwelceme. "Don't yen ne- the Uitile reselte oad ar>d a s:iting Wo generally think of Siberia as a Wil e»mber." bo aaded, and as hi o kîr of the stern Yeuug Up, whieh miglit desolate province where the victimietf Hor Ib looked ber fuly and boiv lu the ter al, bae had ne retorence te ber 'ýdarkest ilussia" are lockcd eut efthIe ber, 'face. **don't you rernembor bey cold ît cousin. But in regard te Hurliigharn ivorîd; but this immense region et the '«li grev, and bew yen shlvered and trern- lho ad cortainly 'been the chiot et- cartii bas vaut tracts oft fertile lanid, 0 f JMad ltaI nigt' fonce. Thore she had soen nothing and the new odwl rpr h a et Goanny c ne out on. h lie ad an an- but a harinless polo match. and had wna iipeaotewyii 1110r. drunk tea, on ibe lasyn, and dined lator for a flood of cbeap grain We inundate C~v wv as muccl pleased wibh lier on in tho club-bouse, and certaniy the markets of Europe and appui the S tsatetalilment, The scono altegether whatever evil hald been present, lb European farier, a mi w senovel te ber as te Graldine, for b.d net proented itsoîf te ber ilu- Sncb a vast speculative enterpriso as ag teehled beon notb-ng ot the kicd In necent eye,-6O il w8i, it muet bave tbis, witb rails spanning laver a fifth Of h, furtn days, and shoe looked andI been Cocil's presenco onribtat occas- the circuniference of the earth and or mm e, and admired, and tretted Ion wbich badi caused the attair te tind costing 0125;000,JOO for construction, il, &4Sir audthither, aud gave herseIt se litile laver in bier siglit. umefltirely te e en,'oyrnetof the "Ilt was altogether stile,' sele told coulcf hardly lie canied througb lu any abi .veslg, ha sh. mre~.Bellerrden. atterwards. other couutry than Russia, wherc e thtr ,âea the granny of Inclimarow, net -Stal! xiie oi upie. co-operatiîon of the Czar ceents o o lesaely dae1llene1bdton 11 did net know, 1 tancied yen liad everything. con( lxMount Sîet. fonio everno eIeon there hefere." Wben this compietad and 1hai Aler desceviingfri th o oe. h Nither 1 hal. And," said Cer- unîtes Asia and Europe ils influence ">' lhbree poceoded te wander aboat. aldino, îipetnousiv, 111 nover wieb te upon the destinies of the Fast will ho aPP aeeimos looking at thisobject, sortie go there arain." pnik «ms etaI hat, ocuionally îîstonîng te g'Your cousin m-st havo boon dipap- incalcuable. Every Europoan country "0t taling a seat, now pinted,"I observed hoe. "Ho meant having posessions in the Orient wiii wslking te and tro -ail was pleasaut, te ,pieuse yen, I know. " Ho hart net b31 affectedi. joli eaeh eue was p hlisehief boon of the party, and knew Il may inean, tee, that Ruesia, and Son ,lBut vo muet really go soteo tue," verywell why "cidth ph net the United States, te yet te supplY Thi .uriad the old lady at last. ,W have -It vas Btiipid, re th lt Europe withbhread, ton another United finu ile beguiled bite eitaying muchlu lter , d su~d ef11s olStates,105for purpeses et sttppiy,villibholias than 1 intenied. and 0cr prier ceacui- granny and 1, and Cecil, îittiing etpnth er c b Eaen o-b seauvilii have vondoned wh an ea tbere villi ne ane tW 1.1k tWana no se pi h er fteEsencn us ail have happened te us. I hadl been reason why vo might net as weli bave &s'olne a it e fidgoty hefore ouyen been at berne. If Coci liedl invited a The wold is vide. The vaut re- -Ni oeo aback ust now" -f rom whicl i t number et nico peopleo--" sources locked up lu the airneel bound- it(i imar a ituf'red that the chaperon bac. i 'Myseît, for instance." loua Russian empire are rlatively un-. aid iauor Iliaonce bouln loti for a fevi1,Gerald ne iaugbed. the syet a etlge le l laminâtes te l'est breoî, whie t l u n* I,,cniuo i.ol a possible capaclîles et theeoriental 1 .s*hens had jusi stepped round the cor- ,jeat, becuso, yen ire, 1 waas 8> asetweer-uedfrmaillnge mer lu50selssoethiuir abslutely irn-,I ribliy auxieus te go, and se groatly dis- mssesm e aliuity breinh ewlon- o W«artive te ho ieon-'we muet lese ne appointed thal I waa net aéked." lme fatqiyb h e n o te no," hsid at lasI. "Geral- . L\ow there vas ne chanceeo ebsch- coming forces et progreis. dine, yeur shaubl! [î tegrowlng quit. ngaked te Aunt Mari' Henley cSld.'I have Put on mine nmre urne iartysu"d thal ln ilself miu filbave Ail Depende on thee feart. i uO Nov,"II set off îriliy, . he dile off smbdyepeut oewlio rudoly flilge a trusttW a A.] mlelther did or woeld net notice that ure; but If te thal vero te e. idded beggar luias deed, supplled foed for a Loi dt was Belledden itho loviy drew the Cecil Raymend*s unntrnuplod cern- lungry body, but lias rebbedl botb it- ma uhavi'round lier chiarge, the whu ite jpanionansfo to e holo days, lbhe si n h egre htvster tý0Ïls ond e mrrat, smetineoutloek Ughtbc ieregardod sasblack afadtebga fwa a hi a bhies ohed tl ieumursethlkng indoed. lu censequeuce came granuy'î u-hmel t h niieg t hw Àe aothebldarhon hai hoad Ihnu g h wlion ber daugliten's pressing ing forth the spirit et Jesuz, and tIbme 'fat chili, when tle soif-sanie service1 toue eeemed te cempol an anîwer beggar et the gliipe et a cebler Il.ta. &Wi beau iurned into a close carese. . e or 'Nay"l-sbo read consterna- Self-isolation in set-destruction. Wegr ifs parted freinithor aI thoîn car- lien ou the brov of lhon ta r barerneter. ueed the iuitemoul te virtue whlel ti, ra'lee cler. sying lie would walk "-You vili go. ef course,"l procoodod cornes t rom association witb the lewly ý) Jiqme» Lady Raymond, boever. 111 knew ann eedy quite as mucli as they need w 7Rewisedte e ton, nd el thtvon are disengagedi, and Maria l u ep o a eodrdti arGeraldine did asue. I agthatîhe lan e tolded ong ulworld that noue have greaton need te "Site basu a-on me, and 1 think 1 have Invitation@ before, se se hbd reckuned heg than theo selt-satisfied; and noue -Mes, liet," e d hinise. "SI l on Yen orth le rogabla. W. shall ho a are se poor Ibat lhey rnay net becenie fls îimie rotur, nfiI eîeve. nchy tar il v"rty sec pleasant. The Lawn God's almenene, if they vRI. Ail de- .daserved. that 1Iabouti. ho despiied fonraaa,' 100" bet ai regatta lime, ponde on the heurt. If the Spirit b. M ml condu t tovardi hon. But nov ve and a tev dayî iu lb. country Iviliido vtî,11 rie ebeesadgo M» w'concled - nov 1 may say wvbat 1 1 itus Ileailt, engees addoo"v .chm, ooeek wvit i choese, malte any j"eadn and I-yoi-L thinik ve urus, the kindiy heart andthe generous w! m«Al»nlas 1clioose- flow quick, hew eau po;bbutral em ttl toe aud, ill cmnfs.Rv .W upprethensilie hlt! Hov readily she togetherufrt, oaiy v gnno - Me11kit vo ri h mufet.Rv.C.W y euflin eaning and interprota sI"p eldgany e amases11%i inevaiLShe lngr as vo l asceeld have been expectedi *'srystIgn She mus et bnwat. o er. l'Yen soie you are our firet The Oldeit Stamp. ti vosal undersaad me. i have been, intimation et tue nov., ton theugh vo Parisien stamp collectens have been ials nogl. Ihae ideveya tut'lid gtthe1 Iler, I1lied reaily hardly 1discussiug the qftestion whethen the of but 1ke eue thiug, aud ibal I shall net j oeked at l,c nervously turning th' Eugliub slamp et 1840, called the Boy-lie &In er vDov. And te think Iha, jenvelope uackvards sud fonvards " inaili tmhnal h letl 2"iSba11h1. ini I1,1 .bohlnd on tlelber hand. "W. viliiendeavor te go, lex istence, sud theaonclusio annivid infflaisadloch vas te b. my tat, allerbu- ,exsncadteoclin rvd ae o vs e e, eiin o ,î you mu really maire a p -sb at lu opposed te thie view. They dlaim f Wa ie, or fasih et i iconafo .Alaloq il lias been unden- ibat the tlnet Fnench starup dates trom i 'attle to futitood thal GensMaine vas te moe Hon- nealy two centuries eaniier, lu 1653.a eUAPTEE XVL ley; and I eau assure yen beili, Ibat, as Iu that yean people uued le bey at the CMCL AT TE UmATTA. a ight, illa.- inlis, w&y. uniQue. MY Palais de Justice, lu Paris, "billets de dwun 1u. river-terTIo Lavu n leo h -Whereby hl l e vendrons change gn ueyîo i tig. T eno eutpr, rcrig-adlee qsbn. .vrought? Imiles aboya Henley - the> crovisetfvith which the carneofetlçtters for lbad corneabout ef ilsoît; lb hud boule, the music 1h. briglitness, 1he auy place vithiu the capital could b. ïbese.tihe resul t fne effort, ot ne in- gaioty oven ail," cied Lady Raymond, prepaid.. One et these tickets les nid ~aaiy, no ablity. villi reuevad animation, 'and' Maria lu ho in the possession et M. FeuilletW Boilenden liad slrnply borne hie pan- neaili exerte hersieit te gel 1he iglil de Couches. Il vas uiod by Pollisson, b Ibiemtinl paience, andi alter thepeoiple together; 1 have nover met any the fanious minister aud academician, fWsl, ita neiher resseb, nor dis- bu pielnt people bliore. The girls en a latter addeesd b>' hlm te Mile. djdm Il, snd lInbi lied lun hie vili tellyo i the smine. 8h. invite, etrealti. What veman enu long re- eonsiderable nuruber le luncheen, in Scuder>', the ne loua famens romanceA Ma te meek endurance ef fier vrath? addition te tiieestopplug ai the bouse. vriter. i AMiIhereupen te old charin hle I us.d lotake Ethet and Alicla vhen Dsappinting a Proud Pathos. c Qsagua l venr. Perhapa nelîher quit. Ihey'ver. milil the schee-room-I A proud ftler lied, juel belte dia- bmw oison il hale begn-'-cerlainly 011 e sure et thes'. enly meeting 1h. .Graiied net, aud vas ftan le con- ighl sert of people. Il at, andthel.-noir, been teliig 1h. ville»-o doen "in l ignorance; but atter that evan- FIen, and Harrow imatch, voe the bis litîle girl vas. Reo nid il vas netp iu« la Chegaen#' mai, even aller lbhe enly galas vo pernlbtodi thein, aé young prococit>'; il vas Intelligence. Whou opher s tlIn the bel maicnovded <gi."' she Iciarnd thing she kmev its vaine,d hetr. shle coutil ne longer concoal "Oh, yeu muet cone te the regatta, 'and &abs vas nover kuovu, like othen bot-ieselft hat il was thon.. Ethel wus saying agide te Geraldine. etilîdren, te asir toolieli questions.d abe voulti fnd herseitleokiug, lis- "h lu reaily gondi linand we vo bni , rteuh. resaonlng as ef yoe..Anon ail b. se dlaappolnted iflyo i did net._ I'Yen lilsee nov. 1If that child asirs a CURRINOIS OUINOà IoRoý. PAST WEM Rato 1 ,* trc * mtsl klled by ighining. Mriu. Mary AX Bicsoneofthe ecarilest 4 ae suroduy Loer* Baiy InJured selltiers et Saugamon Couuty, dirai ritlier 4111ie Boy Dentelat»' a Drunken homo in Buffalo, aged go yepiro. ather-Porkpackers rit J- eu- The oit City Councl of Marshall met île Assigu. and befone teruiîîg lité City govenuêmnit uvor te the' ucv Counrl grunted liene& Feit %vth the Wall. f on four saloons. The' îew Ceîieciil laaliti- ,nty meicn wenm busy Suinfly fonenoon iicelîbé. [ing du n ,sectiuons or a building nt the ('apt. William Stejouedell. of Q,îlncY, si ler ot Marke-t anui Washington strepti. ,npesldent ut tht' Bourd of Trusîtees ut the di :ago. The. brick wauu iiled dccl> on lililiis HSoldienu and Salions' Horne, bas Ir ucscondtitfieu t' tht 'ciiou 11heur. "ive gent hie reeKigllîiltle t fov. ltg'id. lis it IL ounledtireo pile afler lunch onud ealtb made il uccessary. si lw thei nulle, oven a section et the A stranger. 35 ycinrs cii, triet l umP bI rth wall. Onie mari inmintedthe' val un iîl Wahash ltin at .Jackson viille.bat tri et the' book, anzd citei the' four coma ii ti nter the wbeels sut batl botb is ions ent'nu-uîy te pulillie wiiiked bâti legs rat off. le e-as tuken u t ie bus- t thocopiîîg. Wiîh the' addliomiai veiglt pitai wlîene holie(ied., He o weîiitell Loth- P ho sectioni ot brick Ibat fell thc fluer imgngîirdiîîg binseit. el e wy iîîi~,eît b tt' ,asmî't lrepanîiîioîîs are bcng nialle by thIst th a ciresh. Tbce-wail tulteret anîd the Lake F'orest uîîit'ersiiy authonities fer8 in dropped te bis kapeea, held for airtIlu- holdinîg a stiulericrshuol Lfer tire coi-y tt nut thenmi îîlcied hcndloug tbrough loge is ceoi-d. Courses une te bie offeret Smasgfs tsîiiîered joista anetbruken lunuîatbeîiaticu, Eîglish, Germoin, "rench,a idiîîg, e-itb lire cnîîîîîbliîî g ri abolit ciîcmislry, physica, botnîîy and zoeiogY.-p siioniders. Wbemi lake-ziout five men George Hanse. ot Henuepin, reeenly a 'oe tound te bc batiy iîîjuned. arreetet for wautoîîiy cuîttiug a hOrse I witli a kuife le mîc-h ait extent thait theIL arag. Ar Ca,'c, hyLluhnin. îî,thoitie-,,ore tobliger] nu kili it, as Reports show that tire nec-eut electnîc fluet $125 and conta. Hlm tefcne we-ns num e-as thecmnit terrifie tint lin been ihat rite herse prot-oked hlm.f tu in McILeaîî t'curty lu mnny yeans. vas espciail i len'ît about Cîtifax Paul Phillipi, n promînent fsrmer eight0 i Cropsey. Necan the' fermer place lRob- ,,!les e-est out Virginaula ii sindiet outt Abbey's cette barn e-as hurnet. e-itb ot %342 by six iighlning rod agents travel-t ven head et steers, bey, and 700) bush- ing ovu'laut ini bnggies. Hae penied a eutf uls. Ana Putuaîîi's barn vas letter atuinessed tuonee member et tho rnet. witii ail its conte'nts, incl,îding gang. Tht'y threnteîîet muit Linder the c brsa. ou u-ws ~cices.tain na postal laue-teu lie algued a note ter unery. Pte-. Ilitlus leq $3,000. Martini the amlurat nanîcci. Minais was ku,îcked clown and tu înnel]. Vice-Presîdent Stevensoîne-ho has been rues auddcrtile were kiiied on a aura- lin Bloominglen ulîn on tinitoîiy ince eto tais. The' banon the tarin et the closeetfCî)ngrea. a t the hboute01t is illiai J. IRhodes, four utile s5 ontheast brother. W'iilinî WX. Stevensmonî, nid: Bieupiiieglen, e-s buruet. e1h itz con- 'ilsalitremain ber,' nil stîrnuer, ex('ePlt ts, eutuiling a bs ot $1,51K). posihuy le'e-rr the' end et the heateil teni. Mrs. Stevensont and 1 may spend Nesrly KiilmIMis. son, a tee- dnys at sortie Atînîttie îvaterng nuudar. ewhite J. IL Laeler. utfN'en., pince." Ml%$ JulliaîStevenson îs here Mili station six miltes nenlb ot Van- e-ith lier paîrente. Miss Letitia ln lu in, e-ntterthe' infiluence ut liquor, Washingto'n. ind L'ewim Ct'Stevenson, the becanie eugry it bis ii-year-old son i-ie-Presiit nl' oirle e-ilhhlis if e nt tic tnifling disobedieîtce. punishing hlm l'as Ch'ristiant. Mima., fer thc e nietit ut au unlue"i fuI innter. Iteat img bh tu t, lte' el tout thé, licat andi tac with hie filtutil Jacob 1-ineck. tonfiîted in jniit Spning- kboy îvau iîiiost urcîoial.Thc fieldl te nu uit trial for larv-eny. made a )y was cannieul borin lu u uîîenseit'us cotiutetsion, tiraithe e-att oeeofta parly idilion. anul il e-astheuiht for a tne utfruen e-h., eiîereui the gno,'eny etJ. at lie eeuid ('. lae-r as aqeeteti. Adams MeGrae- the' eveaing ut Jniy 24, nived î'xnniatieu aînd gave' bail tor hlm 189-4. ns *%lc4;rave-asclttsing the stone )pearaîtte inî court. The' neigbbors wili ton the rîight. andi by terturng hlm by ,oeute te ht' aer. npplyiug iightred cendies to bis body coin- pelieil bim t', open the' mate. they seurng C. N. wliayer à Son Assigun. $2.54J0. we-hubit~-îashonnting. Healaig The firmnof ( -'harles H. iiînayer & iînpiicatem lFrank Gray sud (George an asslgneil at ivkseiî>ille tg) Owue 1'.(mrores. Giroves; lefttue-n when amrsled ompomii. Tht' uenior utenben of th, 01oit iîielOn nome time ago. Grsa- waa n wias ertc-,ntly elt,4-ttl'tMayor. Il, cmptured by Offieer Marks aller a bard as heeîî engaged lu tht' ponk paeklng e be n eba,-k. siness for mai» yeare. The Iiailities The Illinois State Bureau ot Charitit.s re ittamedti t$ t).tht' Jaekilunvilit teok out paliers ot iîworpoenftion aIt prng- iational lBank being the' î,inipai cr,'t- filld. it la the îphilanthropie brai et o or. The' essets aire platcei ut 0.4. th,' Civie Fetu-ration. This depantumeul di includo the business bloek in whichbila in rc-aiity an ouîtgrowth ot an rimner- ce market la situalet, a fine rcsiieutt'e. gt-ncy bureau atartet l'y the wonten'i àe packing bouse nîud muid atorage, e-lth cluîbs et thre c'ily aller the World'a Fsir. Il cachiîieny. huit intereat lun110 sirel At rtalnt ime il -as foud tînt muey de- ftarnng lend, anti about $10.000 lu aerving lpersans,. vemen especially. vers oek accounita. let inl tht' tity îeniilt'ss frein the ciosing dow-rtoftthc Worlîl's Fuir Intdustries. ilopen wlth a Weaithy Bride. Moet thon 1M0") ween uent give wonk. Ulysaci S. Alîhelmner. ut Pine Bluff, transportation tu thein homes. on etbt.r- krk.. sud 'Mliss Olîbeila S. Sehunif. of St. vise asi&teti.'terged lut. the presaif t ,lnis, elopedtoteSpriutfieit anti vere orgauiiatitu. the' charity lhas videneti its arnlred by Jutait Kali(,. Tht' hnite'm fieiti bell> etlabor and useýfiîluei >®reula objectedtot tht' match. The luth- Louis ltny we-nta work lu Howsnrd iJohn Scborff. la a îveailhy e-holesaielientel's paint aboli. Chicago. the ulhc-r leur dealer lu St. ILoui*, andtiil e-as lu- da y. lie feîîîîtaitlin eth Shanghai uedet that lite yîî,îig eoiuaaoti' îg> fire,(-naî-ker. vilitage et IN44 le-i. H' dthe' oEurope te finish bier eidîtation. Tht' string et bis treamuenl tht' dame et trott ut anagrnoe! is tathi-r'a planta- a gris jet rt, e rifitil%%ns gondi.Il vas. on uneoftfîhe- largeul in Arkanzsas. Th e As a n,'suit bis lîstits wc're bt uet aiul ,-iîîle weîtt te (hi-ago. andi Ireniibere lat-enjteti. lit' droitîed the cracker andi wiII go tu Plut' Bluff. beguin te buidbis hantkt'rchief aneotnd btis banda. 1Meauwile the' fircrat-ker lie- State News in Brief. gun lu spilîten iîîduatrioualy ameug the Arch Allen. colonet, e-as droe-ned e-hile lineeti il c-ata. 'Thia e-uIt neyer do, lshina rit Qoinî-y. Leuiatheugbt, au lie pet il hetecen bis Tht' Illinois nn,îai coufertnree uttht' kîte'sand juhrhet it te put liteut. TIen lethodist ('hîtrch e-ll begin nit .laî-kaîn- it explodet. Hia cries brought tli@ tel- ville Sept. 11, anti Biaitep lIsa W. Joyc-e lue- werkmttn. A tor tdresser! lhlm wIll prealule. wotîîds and iouisla stuken to hie home Fn-ci Remaria, Congreseman frointthe ila ambtulaunce. Eigliteent dilstrict, lu lyiug let bis homte sAcail for heip came into the Eait Chi- in Vanutialadaugeroualy ii. naditIent' lm .tcagenute police stationi thetinither nlght btl ittic hope oftis recovery. frein No. 147 Northi Clark street. The At Qitincy, William Whypre. foer'ly trouble eCas upataira. Tire police vent up. îf tht' iillling lirau ot Allen & Whyerq. TIent'e-asthte sot]idof amothereti groast fil threiugbi a netuttua aI tht' Nee-î-ouîb cemitîg frein a near rula. Mn. andti Mn. iletel eut fractîtned ]iie kuîl. Joseph Reane-be lire there, bat bren Et Millard. aget lii. tied lu Auncra -sught lu tite deadly gramp et n foîtittg 'reun the' effeet s et ptisuiting. lie eas bet. They co,îldo't get out. They wcre takeuî vioienfiy jîî attîn caming a meteainluabletu tmake enough mieo le sînîîmnrit- lemîtioli. A servant girl tried te unt,îl, tht' i C'hicago restauranît several weeuku tige. tt't but couil t udo il, andl ment a cauit At ltocktort, .lutuit'Shaw- everrelet an te lte police station. Tht' policemen motion te quamit indictutents aginmit piei the bcd openi. Tho etpet it bat [(t'orge Javob MScbe-eiifrth andi tIree of close-idue-n. The' rîctimi eoe iearly ais "angels," andti liy fiusl stand triai. sttffoctited. -Nir. licaîin badtitht big toc ut E. D. of-MstPeti'ncetonî, lut., bis right foot îteariy sevenet by the nei- memuber of a campinge part>'rat i-dgt'- tent. He battaget nî tht'linedtute water Parkritear (Gnayrille. e-as dru--nuit'Mn. nui t irs.Itean seopt on the fluer Pt e-hile luîthiîtg luitht' NWabashî. The the et ftht' nigît. body e-as recovereti. A mass meeting woas helti untiay Liteîr- Tht' reporte et crop t-on'e4ipouîliîts ne- uou t a the' l'eople's Institrîte, Chicago, ceived t thIe ufieecofetlite Detiartineni ut te protest ugainst Suutiay saloons and Agriculture luticate ut favorable conîli- Bitte>' basebll garnies. TIree huntireil tuma ot affaIra in Illimis uau regards ttrept'rseuîs zttended. The' meeting vas hlu crep prspecta et the Blute. tuiler tht' auspices oflthlIcnternational At Centralia, New-ton NWelteun, Ibliîl. Sunte>' Observance Lengue. The 11ev e-as droetthîe Big Four tîtîtiu-lîilî' M. M%. Pankhurst gave scriptural reasons bathurîg. Anotienbilit boy e-as lthe oîîly %e-b>' Suîîday trallie anti Sunduy amuae- penseit with hum snt coulti tult ,e-io. imemts aboutît lie lorblttcn. The Rer. W. Wetiemi es seizcd eith cramps antdlw-ont B. Leachi sait that It e-as a degnatation tow-in lufiftuea Ieet utfe-nIer. ofthle Anonicari fiag that it e-ave u>'en à Biahop Spaltiua, outhtet'l't-,ia ti'ucesto, basebal i de-li eetà a uuday garne wan teticatet St. Bonifaet Cathîîhic Clîurcli in progress. Bimhcp Falioe-i saidt Ils luPoni iili leonie cnuîoîic. ht1 ho ihall bcd> toi,! b>' npermon e-ho bl] cnurcbris un tth abt mosî eniieiliT h' <anvasset the stibjpcl that ail the' prbotes - te._tuf kgines Tht' bi. 'rhmas. Oua Lawe-Hqsr M Occupiad Duru. lb. i Delugu of Blet Bousier Bugardua' 1billta nt train rohbiag punlîhal leteuted ln the Houa. Wi lg. Theobjectlins tath it rnlght brlug the asto strikeranden ihe categoi tory, anti thus make ttc> death, aqd that lb voulti m und aismuilte wvirac on aIreet cars likevine sel penalty. Tie houas bill enirs of liorsea lu races un knuvn u aslie "anti-tur lhe Sonate ly s roth ofet Senait' Mn. White, fro t! vilit Slute charitable lac a report on thellinois ad Ear lnfimsy et Ch pornb ipart saji : "'nIa une ofth l nirmary wu invlilng, and as avliole1 ble tae staute. An a] prevalled, andti lera val everylhing that goos le- fentable bhome. The tu-e of repair snd we-lllyuninw the building. The citain tie bedlding, andtiheii 15 mach as omit' ouif expcm s pererty-sticken hbea ly a chair in lhe Institir h. vnlieti respectable ln ti 117. Thore are' nov la th patients. With multabli couid b. accummodated. ton the lant jean bas becs eas appropmriation,. asksd Who le te Noane fon t teunti. jour commiittos de say. Tht' urnfeaaîunal c e-hy tht' instituionasitew munit among aimulan lu nation." TIe commitsee appropriation askei. The Sonate Thundy Frank H. Couper condi mna Count>' jail. lIeraI ton Salomou'a depantuacli ing eorunsittee suspends iiair. lin. Cooper iW certain questions put te miltee. Chaîiman Saoe the obstinaIt' vitassa hi bar efthe Seoste. BI lotiy decitedtiliaiMr-.4 ave n eeofthe questio il retumed te punast lim ansa-er. Cenasqti*ntiY. ia un record sisstaiti in ils contention that Il ask certain questions, IL aà dtedarnt by a mo» liaI lt vili net give Mr, mille. lie povae' te oea unvliug witneomei. îaaised by the Banals tI gardas' providiugtofertà cure aI public exposas a antis, aud thc Houas 1 sUO,000 te establlilith bospîtal for tllasa. to 4 lie Hoase sU licliabi s rsoluiee (s Pl* e othe Squasilpftet 9 àtîtutton su tIsÉ *155 - n>' oa ne TheN the day dabatiu tic 4W bll. MegnUbdmVuWW anti-trust lav, dhsg binations ofet mplyb production la msais failet et adoption Ila of 18 te 18. Tht' House oalreisi. day attemntiu ittiq entThe Semaelali( ing for the coaolidalb vas rndat a second t luitrcnteaing. M' amentingthelie"ahh Lthint ratlg. Tb*~ ing ut liai troam~ e.aci jean; probibiit provites liait tce d tva locbes square; Fiai Commlsimmu lhe nets antdscIas f ting tle iav. Me. M anti qitasi-crlmias]ee tiens tonriltia-~ tinanees, andtinlaail * fine or lmpr'Isotisi tion, esasauctit bille, entier a aspi e 'e cahotd upamtsu ing as tulluvu: ICel50, es'. daIm fer*vms or corporation .o ferretd caim; ltae tînt tle Indoniar , 'fment rMay b. anoued i i th t'eniaker ttg etht' plaIntiff; Bei~J ralîroati May P'tWW ing liuas; Deugtst> notanies publicéha NlotesA thatthele ig us-ai gas 158> pountis; Itla r. t bf ydrogela ne, rn bon; requis-es 1«,, la lin 90 8- -peunda ofem île steani la lied e 11- mou- -, la mm tedMd tifs. dis- e viii stbis lnnoomeat Irfons'Wall, tIliuMemlbb- crusbed - i nexplicable ast tic sys- ,rrvt. -'01 lagpas. ilshayt ue'sts-ed4w li c sced te uMd 'k d.aib.' ler-. tilt et ion praetkwed enus! It b» de- r away MY, Pu. te e-boessa ils ber la ber cps'- r. aud hi., for it isihart la the und wbvlan oW -lugy, t intmay ibais Pnlostitood, bave te soi ct gentOe blond rus n penalty oedt elI ut te-da. y. tug a cullntintesi th. bideoeunoa. lâte a mouatai -the front c iacipleucy et cC slaves aud enlilural endt1 1 have toue -To-day tte> cea -' eli*sbpurpesa laid ormeai deltttutjes àsu hyic-i parts veuleS ir gudies mall e o whoie sylen, toe, e illumineditan my e nrelt.lagl ams I WIat bas It doue onît alter penllyet setf spirit, Il las lotI bie, a tiugof oalt- en 1I Can sncb.a @y*- the wva>' etsalran! - ying ouitIen. I mir An ancrent barase u ut fatendlaajv lie preseiti. jehla t cluisr'eas, the Pas- a chouenan sd spaila tIer peuples ,net Ua s. supposahly baIsaI by 1 pro>', the praubo e f emale ilsavere, lond gevermueni by ps-quIets lng on ot bande, tiint- udred iltier sMa* and roce, motIon, noet ltle s er arong il.eaouna- n I ai 1ke iîle>'arcail Hia klngdom la the sou- Oh! licetruth caeWt s horst of mushaine, anti hoe gi-alfaunily ofet t more blamable sud moe e cf these vailcys, lai-go- arc, rauuting cur acr-ept- n anti crying oct-toeoaci osse, eefaritig ail te-rs*.s ou enui ail other mectties twbilue-o ouruelves bavet lrend of human pregnesa ( ut, whicb la îlhue luitü- îgdorn on earlli, tu'gin Mdt tiis w&iuid torgive oui' ) ien ot, oandt lat nebl- y us in doiag e'ei. wtt amil Oh, ve hviMo $-, dsas n et::u wt-U tu ien t tseuegi r"p ne' boss 4ic ýe,4à

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