The INDEPENDENT REDUCEDI . C. PADDOCK. EITORa AND PROF. A wonderfui reduction in prices ofFRDYMA 718. Clothing-f Dry Goods,ý "Sure Catch" Sticky FIy Paper. Save you money. Give me a trial. A fresh line of Just received. Vour order taken for At greatly reduced prices. A PERFECT FIT guaranteed, or no sale. The best and theapest. Paints and Oils always on hand. Owing to the great adu.ancc in the price of leathcr, )-tu Lailot gel as-chcap elsewhere as-ihcî e.All kinti.. ilI i7îe- -Hats and1Caps way down. R. C. HUBBARD, Y---uriture. ýNi11 j(pigge, Furniture. «new L ofo Furffiture 1895 Style. !FullLUne of Undertaking almways ou hand irpets, Oil Çloth, Linolet-m, Rugs, Comfor- 1-ters, PiMlws, in fact Everything in the line of l-iouse Furnishings. Hang- intî'amps, Stand lamps. 1~COMPLETE STOCK mýîDraini.Tile. Farm Wagons, Buggies, Agricultural Implements, Etc. \Xe have a neWî Stock, of the Fapuos Weber Wagonis -Avidthe Bloomington Bros. Buggies i'b Caxriages. **40I end See Them...** -#.p a v' ne Dr. H-. P. EWING, ReBehufeler, Elftnodg. DISSABES OF THE EVE. S peu i-l attention giv ellt.. thei- orrev't ittiîîg of gt---- M 0 ~N U R .S '% ý Until 10 a. m.-1 to 2 p. m. and after 6 P. m. M'HEN YOU WAN TA ANia. -Smooth Shave. A Fasbiona- ble Hair Cut or tihamnpoo. .. CAL.ON.. WM. GUSKE, BA1RBER, Nljo,3e 'ou.sortal J'drior r liiviIl îqtilî,pe wtb iirs(-c'IaS ")I. andla ts~i,-il iL Nt to bitndlt, t heru. ROCKEFELLFI<. - - ILLINOIS. ROCKEFELLER. Misses Levsa anid Amiiîe l'ui.uîe returned furoni the c11 roltdx -'vt ing. J. J. L'ouse's hoîtse 1is eai b-11 pleted. Tloe îulsterers egat a U.î k Monday. Frank Croîkiîte is ver'y sck witlî measies. He hs utîderthlie cuîîtat care of Dr. Ewiîîg. Ilow did you like the frîîst, 'N1îîd(av nlight? Fraik, I. Seil, of Cl'iiagoý, sp)ent last Suiîday lere. '.0. E. W'oodmn, tiiettagipenlt Suiîday aflerîîovîî Iere. The farillrs mwll( itîIad corl piiite' Mre lîegiiiiîîg to thlîîk of lýîitlîtilig il agaiti. 'li i 8really a ditle cîiate, îîîîe îlty % ou cati pic-k loACi s aodtilheieItxt dtîy Arthîur Wiîiteley anîd frieîtd have gone ltu Fox Lake on a Iislîiog exiieli- tioli. Gî,od tuck l tu teni. D)îîît st-Il your wnter miîderwear, 1i, iiiei'cuît; yon wa) îîeed il lu a tar to a Foîîrt h of J n Iy pcline. The niauil vh110 01(1soda watt-r andi leuionade ah the Isali gane 8ujiday, didlt îeed ice ho keep lus tliîîiks cool. 'l'lt-e ouuiuismioiie-s <of iigliways4 liave lett(lie cojtracts foir ro.d wi.îk. .Now, for good roatîs and ui bîî'ges, witil lots ot'gr.ivtl. We mtade a inistake iii oui, lasI week's wrihîiîg, malt statF.d titat thie Eveî'etts lay-ed the- Il. lýaiicashters, whiclî, it set-ms. is false. Vour hum- ble serv'ant waasou înformed, tht-rtfore blanieless. Il. Lanîcaster claims the- teain was 11(1 lus club, Lait thie Lake Fore-st 'Stars (more of tlîem alîn.) IT WILL PAY YOTY To call at the NEW STORE for your DRY. GOWd FURNISHINQ GOODS, SHOES AND HAM First-vlIass goods at lalf l.sading prîces. Satiata Guarainteed. Money will be refunded, if gouda are totînd sitsfaetqy. As we value your trade, we WR'I to keep it. Cail and examine our stock, even if you don't want tOl TV1E CIUIIC#AGO LEA4I NEXT DOOR TO COMMERCIAL HOTEL. A well bas bt-en dîîg iti (Itr ptîrsozi- Wt- aie al %ays gladt l rectify ntishakes age. tht- cellar is tiiislied and thie aud doit set-k ta iljure aîiyîîîîý,e. buildintg ill stittîtbe comnreniied. Everct 1 iii tie gtting b)e l ite e Union îîioetiîig i(i ail the E 11l ea v ni- sîjîurliai îtvvnI.littIa Sîitiirii of I>ter A ~IS ciîenevery week day ers wvithiîîteit miles aut hie ( îttgi ega-fiel, lut ofîChicago. îîIvlow îîg t TITI d e l Il.M. aturulays tit 101p tioiitîl utrcli ltt-t, Tîisdatu. eveiîtg. will ie hettre Iti..lî-l'iîw:îî, A hall and bat andia n ît- îî.uîîiîît , ~~- i, to %%. e -allitîts;k3: Lii lb u -tit ona , Ib l '. -'gît iÉiifret. wlth e' ,rNI luo"suit, M s. reit1e Ic l lu a1 I l; , ue Lel v 1ill ilît iev\aî 1ît I>rotli t tti ieddav .,ioiasetrhit Mr. ILîuiiiiiuof î tu attenîd thle vediiig t't liter ister tiid .anhoe hr itod ntle h-Mio si Zon Aîlensoliî.itjt -. i ttit tlit l vttin ttanIt gt' iL t,,.rse t. t MiSs Sîilie \l.uî l'eimidtiîilte frtui pele tli .viialte landtili-tr teuC-iie-rtIilt- is ol aorrilv tof %ttr ptronîage. eats i. a gîîer-t .d Ml. vit l M . J. P. t1îlor t iýv i- t -lu j li a t ch n,-i î Mi- atl iIvîttt rt l ' iI.I - i- Lie~ I J \ll,-uýîl:i. e ;t!,- \ i,ieli l-i tîitt giu W aI lissl Stîbtli. t pltiveo-d I t-. lo li itî',t ltsth e t'tiî'. -t illie litaitlieîeellig tand iaîs eîîjt.Yeii iv tîli. tNt is t-ltlteil otttilite tiii.îtil wa5 tii..î'itte1e(t itleut-t vît-teliti- ~ MlI-S. Ed jtuitvs uand dtîîgiter E, tila Saine îîiîyers alite at-tkut-oliu i of ('lîîpîev.tîl-alls,. iVjs.. liave bteu i stuî îî1,Vesttet tîiit v'sitlig Mr. îand 5lS. Chlas. (li-ii t ianî:~ te iii Il. Llatees. îîtweveî. il isoa t Literlt ville. 21ev itirued il îl nutl îîtîhe ai iiîtiereliî'e ltoiI- Mi. andî M.Lt-a is l'lce an 1tiîeY clatiîiîel'tlie Ltîke (I«titiii.l fauîily, of "'ancoîuî(i a lled (iii iî tenus 4 lt-w iiilgs. played tairi at-l. ibtlFiil StiutîititHitii ttf lîcre Sund ay -.J.. Price ettiortied on wliet-hie E veîet ts go i ci iv warlii- Wit Fîutboiirde.-r,, hie t-velu ng tra i to st l'na iNere îee î i lilt ietti i et - lt 23'i..ît-îii-r.ii ieiîgaged ini titsiines.. ciîuît-e andî gave '-'île Stars** titit a 2"(. WaïStls, lit drubiiig tat Iltelc ltvvlitlshiiiî- or 7'w F i iuII4 ttt-Wîi-.-sl, - G t-at tedilîcl Ion intCarliet s a t lte soîîeie luicti nie. The svore, 27lt to it i r ,at Fîîrîitiire stire-. Foi lutr îîice.slin 6(i infavîoli te Ev ci-et-s. li;tlteiie-4l î.Fast lacîk sit'wk itg-z, ti carpeis 111w itieltules4 cut anîd se%%ed tu-EvtrelIs Tîlîtiier auinti uaiî: Lake 25ot- al 811k Witii-itri Tii- .aii match, free- tf chatrge,.Duluilt miss Foriest Slais l'iiiîy ai lî'irl.dKiît tîi. i this opportunitthlis litit ih lunoi titntt '~ th oij, 2,wK o- lîtlt W'e ai-e Soiiîy ti Stîle Mis. Nîtuî l ;-hip'. Pant. ii is stillin ;à a tel-v rille-dl coiuîttitîoii. PTAXISIC. -ii tl.iI .i. i tir. Catrc. tif . lvaukegalîî tutu Di.1Ab lp.oHt, Eaiîg blt-id cuîîiît'l last vaeek. - 1.1-,(if ('iiagu gîteri-s iteli î- tt-51 it i-cp-lt-( chainge.-'lite Nlts-ies Gîteai ndlttut lilBoiîschi, .2-iii Kiii-Pt- oi t- iii ~1ti p.ihv x'itu-dti tîtfiuForîesi' iit i l. t. ai e l,-vvilltii lKli-l'îPoint, ' i 'li.,The ittîki..ii'cîtrîtet lidîtîl ,îîtl'meiîtg iiatiuS, Suit-. a Mr. ood a".lses.Y. '. S C.E.,liîtti'ks hall, lPraiie \'iea - .tiliLontg lîtiîttt itil iii - Mr Wîi (i Pl.oiP t- ., ti -Fîi y eveîlingiît lat 17.- lil ,S7-i Lonîg Faut Silts.;il was litrt- TuesiiaN.came ai(,eîîjîi yoir.sel%-e8. ~Loin îîg Iliiitl>Siit-. tii Vichims of tht - Sure t-v e,« epidenicl J sie Glodt-iiarriveil Montiav t-v tlt-I are tillto e fond i ou toîîîig frot iWscii.iii aithisvbr'ide andîii These are a few ascmeniber thet-Etîdeavar tiion a-as mrailed li hie Buffalo Grave Meeting ah Rockefeller, 'ruesday miglt. church Tuesdlay. Tlîe boys gave thieu be had at Wrn. Kuebker lias su far reecavered a chariv'ari. frau lits recetit illnesti as tu be about Tht- raffle at Bîisch'm came off Suit- lita store duties again. day evening. Celia Weidner. B. Mason Mr. anid Mrs. Thîayer, af "Poplar and Mrs. Mow.ers were the lucky Th Wl,]d Farrn," entertained friendîs froîii Chi- wnuers. Mis. Busch wishes ta thank cagooverlastsabbth.the ticket holders for their iîîteresh i Mr. anti Mrs. Arthîur ltittv and Mrs. __________ld iâer erip ra c Frank Prochor, of Grays Lake, attend- B FA OG O E ed church here last Sunday. B FA OG O E Mis- G. 1,. Brainerd spelît last sat- Chase & Weidner are breaking a urday anîd înday ah Evaiîstoîî withî youlig colt. lier daugiler, Miss ataîie, alto is at- Adamn Ilorclier is the- appy fatiier teiding school tht-rt. of a baby girl. As a îeslt 0, fIlIte col wave, A. Ilorchier is travt-liîtg forthtîe C HF wlîich struck Ibis ilce last Satuîrdav, Chiamispon Cu. C e F tee waa frozeîî ho thet iickiîtss of tile- Ladies Chale is thte tatebt lad iîtn third i, Manday niglil. ou social dances. WiII Payne a-as calletiborne from Ed Brt-hum is learîiilie catirjitie lits schiool duties oit Btlit asat Wt-d- Vrale witlî Mr. Mteyer. 04 iîesday by tht- death of Ilîis grand- Ms .Slaral aealii ug A t O fatier. lie rernaiîîed tîrtil Saturday Missho.lVîieeluig ad ea. .ftpniwOt-trip tidelt ad t- neiistnt u Mr. Hlerbisoîs died ah lis home ili lvanboe, buîiday eventig, May 5. afher a proloriged illise8s of s me weeks. Deceased wits bai-n in Irelarid ini 1815;J and cause ho Arnerica tlve years ago.1 Tbirty-tlve years he liad lived a Chris- tian life, and the asat year ie spent nîucbi of bis turne reading thé Bible, with whicti lie was very fariliar. lus wag a life a-ell v.orth patterîîîng after. Ile lt-oves a %vite, ive sonîs anid Cive daugliters and a cîrcle of frieîîds ta saurilist5loss, Ouiripeople are growiiig more anîd more in thé habit of lookinig to F. Bi. Love]1, Liberty ville-, and C.. C. Roberts, Wauconda. druggists, for thie latest arnd best, of e-erythiiig in the- drîsg lit-. Tht-y st-Il Chamberains Cough renîedy, ftîmauî for itti cures of btîd coltis, croupl and whîoojiig cotîgli. Wlieîinii îeed of such a mnediciîie, give tItis reinedy a trial aîîd youî vili hie mîore thlaîs pleased with the rtsoit. Weclclng Carde. porWeddingastatlonery of the fiee luaUtyandworkanshlp alwaysorne ib the uNi lIT Pritingornoes. 'W. chalenge competition ln tacoy as volt msplain prtntlng. We cm. fur- alh nytbint (egraved work a cm m la~ow termea be lose bis betst oise ast Saturdav. Alois Eaupp lias bougbt tht- Rt-t- fairn, coiihaiuiîîg lu60acres ut aeli un- proved lanîd. J. M. (iloden is ho, have a îîarty saonk. Tlsa's tht- stuif. Nov., your tîme îs coring, Jîîa. Hlenry G. Weiduer treched a finé fentce-. 'Ilats tht- stuff, impi-uve your littie hoanl. Franik Weidner lias bougiît a ut-v. top buggy. Whah belle wl gel the- tirat rooligltride? Adoîplu Betcker lias baugtilit-w e3o.00 abheel. TuatS righit'. Sav %e your legs %vhltt you re youîg. Some of ouîr boys took a trili bo Wileeliiig lasitSýiîiîdtîy o seet-thIe basei baH gaine. Tht-ya'îit-ssed a fint-, (luit-t gaine, alîhougit tht- visîtors a-t-i- tua liuchi tor tthiome it-iiie. Sctore- Deertild 23, W heeliîîg 15. Batteries: Det-rtleld, Dtsffy and ýSit-Il; Wlieeliiîg, Wtidner and Becker. Tîhe fallowiuîg uitw oficers were iu- staltéd last 8aturday lu Court No. 188 C. 0. Y. by Deputy H. C. F.-N. Sobrntttachrnlt P. Beyer, C. ýR.; P. Woldner, N. 0. R.; C. Weidner, B. B.; 0. J. Welduer, F. B.; . MI. Wetdner, T5aa.rorJ. BS'Ntckol, Msd.8taUI and ,&à -.wolAni 'Pritm-. . . 4#We nu mimli wool [lie g.îîîif a ili lit-t. - ('-a' 12e i ie lii - 2 't' i 't - - i 2 2 ut FOR MEN.. FIuli Sizci lHîiikt rîstief- in whitîe re-ilîand hliîik-, at $2.5a AUlVoh Sweiîr,, at.. -v Coi swî-tr a z $2.51 Stjff ivitt Fetiloi' Hats at liii Fi, sernîcuit Soeks, ah 5su' Silkt u- iipnte ta 51 Blb hriggaîv Uîths'rw.etr. at 'li'îî, I"uîîi.- Silt Ul5* $.v I - îli' tu-il ~hileShita ittV i lkti aii-. ai - 2.'51 --,mI-i Iillî, èt ~itt 'i-.îe~i Srut~at il iti ("letti fslid'a;Wot-e of many bargains on! Temple. Wau kegan. "go' t2oO60a lidetasilti Or Lace on I er, Ya~ ad 7~w Welhi SIn~a1~ .éta.VI Fargom Patent L'eathe. sud Tai'Shes l some stylmS O= name la atamped on every Shoet We wan.&t r>a.r to boe thoroughly and bonestly made. OttrLI6 îtS.5 re nmarvels of beuty sud tbey fit. *C. H.FARCO &OO Esta6isbod 1856é' -W. C. Triggs, Agent, Liber-tyvj»ý1 M. Lux, Pigent.,,W4d4worýh Hevrr SeÎD. A.n. Lk Cilmer, III. ber ton o of boe àa 1017 me * -bom au'e t. hast m e te babe* lanwN eaoef Pou, 1 hm w be p'4d k«pbis creed "011 cetoe$y* * qaSet a vlflb. "b iu by eî cect An it eea W 'hings hiye belafeths t bon inbave Endowu.ut Ueblod rn, aty ot de@ut leouauo.ete a riomtala At-the front. plra-y of oit and crimdithi 1 have doue y tJiey oeoe purpo aui -' wooII mmad of. mred La my alUng!1 ama t has, 114cm. fIer PUrito .hng of loadi- an sncb a O.Ve- tI there 1 abi n anda tbly bate.4 i thé prat5010 slavery, blond, ent byprqial hands, a t-u~ ther sie and e. Godacomag ther, n doit lt1b long the noua* re they a"re omi I.thegon-, trut ase -ajlof eaitb aoble and maor 3volleys, large-l.. nig - g çoopt.- 'g out teo".eh ili ailthtIe rt. otiser foewthu oti-aelves bove amu prOPIIIiý thé true bWld- aiusWsug m«dfogys02 1 - j