CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 May 1895, p. 1

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PRIVE, 5 VENTS ifoi' U~ OUR AIM: TO'F~~R GOD, TRLL THE TRUTU AND KAKE MONh >~. ~4,* So. 32. mi bum ami, Sooa faor r vera au iv l lie Vouai-y News mmob e m0 a» 0"uhan au *uuMlNmal ter Iront pageor hai for tes mou per lino for Ira l- l OMM -pier lime for emch aM- Thaee omSri7ng tandin ate agi £comaspur lie. eirigbt. = pzrSncb for §ratt ic» &e antr Uiy S pekbfor meh eubmequent ieertion. Wh, tbffe rat-einlue aVertising lna la No exttra ellarge for chaffges nie te1S a niaigby iti..year. br $vertBgsad Job Prlning amre00 No ~ pp.i"s, lit of fceeSMnatb. tiir ~~~~lelC. 0. D. and Advê!rtislewtaco Atm4viunce ioal frohI byg an open ac Obla ,Cbple, 5 cnta cadi. 25 for OL tlmoim ,on Pi-, 51.-50, per Vu-r. iia ,: -i.C..PADDOCK, Publisher. 1 W^1«6& PO« S4LLE. crie LOUT -A long Pocket Book cou- l àM a $6 biUl and some Champiou a per.Finder wiii inbeth, yraded on returning mre IoF9 11i !loelloeT Offce. - SW~ QRN is("Cr 1,Millet 'rwd Uiangaà i fir sale Iby CQ ALE a 9romo odeaaa "0ew d lot on Divlalu rge tiew barn Sti Weili é a c Fruit trees buidi«. p< 2-32j let A.P. bTAPL .LibertVVlle. 111. F AR)! FOR SALE-I 571 acres. 8ell th, 1l iuipioved,(iood llaildingb, liever- Mon oag priGre0âpk auad )airy W on 18 towa et ~~0I±B~I~O m~~1hof Watloaa- Iv lise. West ujlgefelIer, or E R. h b Owner ou premias NîCIIOLP> SMIiH.iiti P. 0. Addresé, Waktcoiida. 111. o JB"CKBM[TH A >WA ON siopLi a- Dhamad La , for- bale. a ie e DO lhmger "tit t iLlicmbe iàor@e1l t I uffo an eatabi lied businewo 0 ovor *«» My uildi new :-j M eYm (0.04z3 ft wxit addition Ir 4~ ~~~~I SIf) ivn ln : W ry utab~ for elther E where th Y-Ove rilk i utte amery overy n Ï416911w. For partlcular appi! to l 41 Wx. EriraMÂli, owner. 1.&»d ak, Lat" Co..Ini. P Patura. Istock. t W td ïSk t ure. Apply to s J. P. soi 0 Rockefeller. Fer saeilnautIt, = mlt AppWI~P. Dymoid. Poand-C ailllrP P« âwae 2 Servicaglogs, apltoIl S.o.uaii, BrWedtImer, . liai DaVCik4Jliasitarted b lma n0fBw duat iowt Pasturage fstock. bM ide~plnty, paLai-e. with isYiew, La Co., 1[Il. accountof other ess that requires tmy time and at- ain, my entire k of Boots, Shoes, bbers goods, Cloth-1 0&oceries, Flour, tt. Good trade. ap Shot for somte rsIng Hustier. asto suit. SumE 181q, ». Fm. Coimge* T'he edîtor of thre 1ThEPFIiXFWT bas ie very radical Ideas OnPOliltical egrlty. We believe LhaL a politi- [n or office-holder should do biasi- es for thre pablie wlth the «Me délltyam for himseif. lt l a lamen- Lbie fact that Most politicliairsame oraliy deprar-ed and use their Of- es for personai, fnot publie, benefit. ae temptatonra of politica are tSo Wong for Most menr (or womsn> toei-e- at. They forget teIor pledgem and cept proffered.brlbes. AIa"! How ,w are trictiy honest (and the"e ould keop out of pouLtie, lest tiaey di.) N.ow as te free eoinage. If we were àe goverrament. we woaid fnot coin ver in larger denominations tIran alt dollars. It As too cuaynhersomne 3r eonvenience and as te intrinsiti alue, ne0 ediet or iaw of any govern- let, coan maintain lto unltormiity. ts market value finctuaLes as mach 8wliut or aiay otiier stapie article ïieb la, and aivarys eau l)e, nrd-111) ated b% stoek gamblers. Thae, issuilas of iiterest-beariflg najds. ilereasitig the public debt, in ies of îîeaee, b, traitorism te this euntry aad ne horaeet man should la'tcit. A bonad of smail denomi- lationa Ijaast as good.. for its value. as laîrger oee i-lOti oue dollar bis re worta just as mnuvhl as a $100 bh liai tuie peoffle-tae world-bave -oati(jtince iii the stÀiabulibv of tiais gov- iiumeiat i., roved l1I.the eagerai-'5 wLla which the greait molacYed 'met' 1fer iîremiîîms for t. S. bonda. eveai Llow rates 0frliterest. Nov thould his goveralert(of the îîcollea dis- *imiuiate in favor of milioiairs-f tir- lii tiaem with iuterest-bearing, noni- Axa1lde bonds, wlaile the large major- tv of thae ueople have te work andi ii.vest their fmont-Y in igitifIlite Irade? We av.-No! The- rida shoulti bear 1eir sliare of thae iurdt-ns of taxation go upiiort otar st-laoois and publie in- ittlioias. If tiais govearimenat muwt issuae bonds. .et thm lie of amaii dellomiaaatiofls, ýonjveiaieît for tht- peopile tu use lfl trade suîd not draw iaterest. Tiaen te ru-h will lie onl th.- sarne footing s otlier peolte, anad io irae.rcase thi-r wealtla.wili have w > îîîs't tiacir monleY i trade, huilai tactorie- aad houses, r bui anal imi.rov.- lbtld.tîat will bentit the u-oaaatrN aiad aloi rake hard times. %lao woaald ijut ria-r reu cis e or arryl e iiiîaaîaer thari silver! If we Lad our ehoice betwr-an $100 in pape! or gold, we would titke the $100 in paaîer. Wea do net aieed golai for local business. oreenibaaeks aiad bank checks are more conveient anauisafea te bandie. w~e have lieraeed foi National bank notes. The govern mnt alone, shotîld issue and lie re sponsible for ail money il, circulation Every Idollar, whether oCGold. Silver or Paper, sboaid be of equai purchas ing power andi receivable for ai reve nues, or debta, public anti privaate If Lbe U. S. goverument stood on thia platform, the New York and foreiga gold bugs coald net set the screw: te a weak-kneed administration, Do seare. nor bluff the goverument t issue bonds for the sehenrers' benefit The", in brief are a tew ot oaîr ideas More viii follow. as vO gel lime t~ write thean dovia. We cari praduce a great deal bette paper, if oui- delliquents will promPi iy pay their sabscriptions.- Until June 1, you can get tihe Iaa>î PENDIENT and the WVeekly Inter Ocea for $2 for one year. After that dal the price wiiili e $2.25. Doîa't dela, don,t forget it. The colirmns of the IND)EPBsDENT et able oui- correspenderit8 and ative tisera te Interview 6m00peuple veeklý Correspondonts should write vitb tii idea in mmnd that they are represen' iaag their respective tovns te alMO: the entire countY. Only One Week More. Tiean the prieso!fllîeCnicago Wee: ly papers goes uii. Better take adva tage of our Spec.irl Cluab Rates befo Jone lst, as their price more dua doubles on antd after that date. li member, îaow we have givela i ou fi wariiing. Doto'L le 100 late. 1 We Want the News- Buat we i'equeuat ail who eonveiliaî can, ta baud their items triotar regui correspondeuts. Give them yorr MILLBURN. Mima la. Thom la hume nain. Mi-.. Lawrence rotai-nid Tueaay; rigbt woicome. bi-i. A. B. Stewart le reported qute indispoeed, of lae. Df. Taylor ia off on a visit to reia- tives irni Lb. far-west. iiI White declinesto be put on the sick lust, as hli.about %gain. Janm Bonor wll put in âme tii. Liis spring. A gonddemiof IL la belng laid about bei-e. Arthr rpaford artites an .erly rotrti u --sneu&.Miebigan will lbe, lis field, isp mtoye.] Tire grippe bas toffled &Uah e folais at the parsweage, sud for ton detys puat, made IL Hâte a Petty ho@pîtai.- 1 bo ltile chulti o!faJstor Clar-ke, lu, Nebrasaka, in i-sported toluie critically i. Yoam for tIre cbld's lite aie en- tertaiuaed. R. L. Strang ad mita thre efect thala weatber bas had, by mlsslng sone of Iis usual trips, 10 care for sundi-y rlasnmatic pains, etc. Many roadors of this issue may yet have time to attend the Co. Conven- tion of the Y. P. S. C. E. at Antloch in the Disciple claurcla, Friday, May 24. Fred Trotter vas in upon us iver Suntiay, with genial greetinga for al lis, mariy frientis. Hia sister, Misa Nellie, apends the veek at Lake Villa. Johna Strang and nife, and Roy' Wood lre delegated Lu attend the Foreign Miesioîaary Rally at tlae First Coîigregatioaaal claurrha Chicago, May .30-31. Clildrens I)ay, June 9th. Supt. Dodge, vîtia Miss Cora White, asaiet- et hy Auînis McCretie, bave arrangeti a weli adapted program, and it prolar- lots to lie of gond nterest. Mra. L. B. Starlaveather gav-e special character to the service last Suiaday evening, by singlng a sacred solo, will rare akili and power. We record the deep appreciation of maîay. ,Mr. Geo. Stewart and daagbiter. Florence, werp guesta of W. B. Stewart over Sunday. Upon invita a iola of the choir, le 100k agaiu thîe place lie so long anti ably filueti, ta everyones satisfactiona. Tlae aaaaoncement cornes bhroîagh Bey. Setha M. Wilcox Iliat tiae Felluv- saip Meetinag(Di the Lake Couanty Con- gregalioîial Cliorches viii b., heldti il the Wmukegaia clinci, thie second Tueatay An Jue. 1995. W. bati the pleatmre ta iear rmat. by tAie antiior, aîîotlaer of the historical puis, in rlayre ant moIre, Cf Mr. H. Il ugbaes. If tlaere is a tunny side to any epimoule, Mr. Hughes cari sec it, ati tellilA, just as funny, as he %ets it La b. Write smre more. Goot uewi ofo!Ellen Bue,vllio &isbes avay to achool in Wiscoinm. Progresaian Iber studios bas enabied bier 10 secure a teacber'a certificate. Not lesu wortIry of note le the service she lama been rondering in the Sanday scbool. locally, In teaching, wltb ac- ceptance, a clama of tventy littIe people. Hlenry Pollock, atter wedding lis bride aI ber homne at Manning, lova. bringa ber lu bis parents rr, an i yl spenti a wesk roceiving congraula- tIons. [t'a a gooti idea for a boney- amo. The lady vina the eeteem of ail, as a cheerful, brigiat. reflîret vomaru. Wo bespeak tiaem s joyous, happy life logotiier. Tiae fate of the corna, ima the late frosth,.ila a mater uf doubt, yet. jutging f rom the sayings liard. That viaicladatcorneup vas frozen dovia revesas..diuuee5ay.v <,uaiea GURNEE. WAUGON LIA.. The lateat fad la buving spring liats at cîrcus auctiona. .J. B. Bracherlbas a large sulilly of aeed coru on baud. miesa]Mcra&eu made a tripi to Mal- waukee, lat week. 1Mia. Gerardin and daughter were in Chilcago lait weok. SPerparations for the school enter- Oament are progrueing aîcely.- Ney Lamb boarded the anlk train Satarday morning. bound for Chicago. SFrank Lamber. Mr. Riésbaclî'a as- sistant, went home tut Friday to ee bis--pairents. W. îndertand there la taàlk of a achool picnic out aL one of the lakes on the last day of achool. The miriciana, who are Lo aid lu the comlng entortaiaoeent, wero praeticing at MtClure's, Monday Iight. The Chiidren's Day exorcises are to ho treld Lordaday moi-ing. Quite ara extens5ive programn bas been prepared. George Dalziel la a bustier; ho lias had f rom une to thtoe cars of feed ,oaa the siding every daV isince ho purciîaaed his new stand. Judging f rom the nuànaber of car loads of luniber wlifch keep arrivabg in Gunree. we decide tLiaa tiorr uiber vaid s a grent success. The W. C. T. U. have clîarged tlaeir daite of meeting to once ;t m:aîtia. Miettings b lie iaeidoaa TiaurtsdKy. eatr thle aaîddle of the moitia. W. understandathrougla Mrs. Lake, thila tiiere as talk of re-oponiag tht Warren Metiaodist claurch, vbicalia beeaî clusied several years. Agent Rosabach vas the oitly irian an G urnee vho coald amy tbat lis busi- ness, for the naonth of April, vas thre .argest it hati boc furi ftteeriyeai-s. The INDgPxuENDET Office is lu shape tu-Lrint Sale Bills on shtort notue. Batistactory work guaranteed. Fi-e notice in the paper with every order. Thiere were semeai Y. Y. z§- C. E.-s t rom Waukegan anti Milibai-r attendt- ring tihe Uniona EtidKvor beit here hist Wedîaeatay evening. A very irterest- iîag ueetiiag as belt. Boys. thae aext tare îou Mia for thie tioctor, tit eim e 14)119agin aisweriug bis questions. Wiaeialaci asks yonr .iame -avsspeak tlie trutla.-ia- stead ioftsaying --v- Jolats.' rSubacribe for the t iDegENtiST. Mt. Wossi. presidetit of thie Y. P. S. C.E. afla bis severe exertions ut Wednesdiuy evelliiîag. speiat Tluursday forenooa ini recteataon ai lawu tennis, entieavirtiiîg 10 defeat Dr. Bntchamrt. Owilig i-o Iltar veracity, neither tare --- n-aci -ssluiMai. tri n fai ne e deeper, not yet up, lonever, it la lbe- hevtd, is unlikely ta rot, as tht SU sal tu-y. if colt. There is a goti oppor-m touity 10 observe clostly andtigainmamreT valumble expérience. l Ti e twenty-aixtm anuuiversary o itr Davit i Mnto's veddiag tay vas duly M ubserveti, but in a vay tbat aurpriaed blm. The children arranged lt, on the siy, ardat atLhe hour cf 6. p. M. a t goodly company esttiovia 1 a sapper l 10 mark tias occasion. flLy. Till nearw midnigbt, laughter and joy hled avay, anti the réminiscenaces carrioti theti iepecteti couple bacla to eariy days. SI Tiare. Etiwards vwu burieti Montiayb ii tIre Uniona cemetei-y. A large coai-b course o! friemds attemated thae fumerai services, conducteti at tiae bouse la!c I'ast<ar larris. Tie dea-eased vas bonti ima Bristol. Euglauat, andaî lived Boulae- thuîag oxer eiglaty eiglat years. A9 farniiy of tigla tchlit! reai, of laîion Viarée souis atirait1iree datagiters, sitli tile w <lors al aaataliter, Starv ivse. NM-.1 Ed wsards suas iiia etariv lite coniîeced v il l the E lisýoltailitaui-clia.laut ftit- e a last t)îlrly vetrs Wasii-5 iatilied scti itIhe Congregatioalaists. -TREAN, OR THE MORMONS DAUGHTER. The INDEPErýiDENT Is socrowdeti vith alocal nevs this veek, that we are1 -obligedt t omt nur popuAar serial.1 bat vlll mako Up for il by Issulng ani extra suppléent, contalning sevérali echiaptra, neit week. We are boanti1 j to maire titis paper large eaougb 10 contain al the nova antd a ve car J. Liieblie. OfIvaiiue vas lacre Tuaedy. Ueo. Curtis, oif McHeîîry vas bore Tueiiday. Misa Rousen, of Cary v isited friena litre recently. The band wes-e out on street parade Moda v eoiig. Ueo. Hapke ýanti S. Milis vere at WaakegaîitMonday. Parties from Elgin vere here after a loud of eggsôtât the weok. Misses L. Tid.miaand G. Hill were Elgin viait-ji-1at week. Wiii Wragg. of Chicago, aipont a few days ini this vlcinity rocently. We anderatand tlaat A. C. 11111 viii woon movo bis family to Chicago. Mr. aîîd Mra. H. Malman returiet lia8t dattnrday from a visit in lowa. Renienber lihe Silver Modal contest to-night. A good prograur là promiset. Tins. McClure. tof Gurnee, vas doiîag business ia Waucoîada laat week. Menaorial services yull ho held in tlhe M.- E. churci Suîiday a. ni. at 10:30. Mi-. and Mrs. A. Briggs, (-f Rocke- feller s isated Mt Jas. Gaaier's las.t Sia- day. Jaîlai Ki a iii. of Ciiagoa. matie waacorida fliaeil-t a short visul re- ceiat ly. lion. (li1as. WlLjbaie5. of Waukegan. wiii delasver lie NMaîmorial addresa Decoraiaaaa <as Mr. aîad Mrs. T'ler Gluaof «.raot vere thae graesta ait Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gilbert. Tuesdaý. Mr. andi Mis. G. F. Hunistead aud sona oif Nitiffaa ere guests of Mr, and Mis. E. J. Cook laist Stisiday. A. Graliî lias Ibougiat the Morrisoiî place. Mra. Morrisait lias îaaovoal to Waukegan wihere âlie wiii maike lier future horne. The Niagara Fare Ct,.. as out on drill Tuesday eveiiinir. A iaumber of new members were lakei imto thre CO. tlaat er'eung. Thae catlza-iijand îcouiradea mnet in the G. A. Rb. hall Tuesday eveiîîng anrd miade iaeces8ary arran gmeîats !or l)ecuaration DaY. f.. C. Roberts velit ha Evaiistoa tirai of tlae aeek for a fesv darys. fle id goiiag 10 Wisosinia n a few days for aia extei(idedvac.ationa for healtia. H. B. Lee' of Tet~~, N. Y., wlià troubleti with r [à Pm.bogitat bottie of Chai-Ii' ain iDahu f roui E. J. Ne ~ld-uggit there, aund savas it titil mr good tlîan anytlaing h li e' r befors useti. For sale Ibv F. 1B. LoIL i.Lbei-yville. and G.C laberts, aucorîda, du uggist. Mu:. «u Nas. Las't orauilug a very SMt .cad,..t la ppeetidouatolar laits. Itemi t eeLved Tu'o Late for Laten veina About 4 ocluck a. ai. a Party of elght Mima Irene MeClune mate a flying gentlemena front Norwoot Park arrivei rip tii Chicago lasI week. ut titis place vith thie intention o! Dr.-Butchart 18 baving spleaauddsuc- speîadiaag taetiay filuîg on oui- beauta- ses ithhiscass i ths vcinty. f nIlake. Tlaey aI securet boats anti i-savili bs csesin uAsvacmaiy. tarteti out. About 8 o'clock a genitle- Mise Emma Strang, Mrs. Braclaor man bv tIre înaine (tflrewer vbo kept ýnat Bert vers in Lbe city, Tuestiay. a tirug store at Norvooti Park, lit anme Thetelat frost not onîy aippedth îe vay or other, fell ont o! the boat In ruit anti tht veretabies, but the ten- viaicli be andi a boy vere lWhibuîg. Hes livoîesa Wil. cahotd to the boay for assistanace, bout is payer. asbefore thie boy cuuld get to luira 01oi We bear gooti reports fronatuh milk aount otfvlîîd, hltfalleui lad fuore 'ctory, under the manaagemenithte muet intoLias vaber vhicli vas about tw an, Mr. Francisco. tiaree feet deep aînd vas trovuet. As B. E. Jones. the lumber mana,lias tlie boy svho probably vas very exciteti -etaîried to bis homie for a few (laye. atthbe turne coulti îotdo anytbing villa [le is doung a big business litre, a big mana, be cailedti 1 soutie of the Party vluich arrivei oua Lhe scellie Tbae schiool eîitertainutent. ta lie abaout tltteen minutes aller the ri-tu lnuate 13th, i8 progrssimag îicely. accidenat. Tlaey gi-t LIre luody o-ut of It wiii constat of s play anmu sic. the vater int a boat anad towed lu Franak Luamber, alan ias betun ork- tihe pier; but lusteati o! suurnmoiig aag oan tite western divisiona(if tlae C. maedical assistance tluey vent atter tiae i. & St. 1'. carne ini on thue îailk train, reat cf the party whio vere ftaiuig iii uesday. araather part of tle lake. Tvo of our You vouiti have rîeiet a isateni 1a citizeuis lappened tu go dovua tu tht ave found a man in Gurnet ast Wed- pier andt ley tiid ail lit their pover- ti iestiay, occasiane i by the cirrus at bnaig Ithe main back ta lIfe; a playaîcuama lVaikegan. wvasuwiuiauaiet, but tamao avait. The Dont tinkbecnsethe2:4 vas carriedt 10tîmecalabtase anti orain toetikeaelie 2:40 p. mai.laid inastate. A jury vus summoriot rali stopet laee afew ee agii u amailhilaquest leltheiasjury decliet let off aia officiai of tlae rondi, that it thât tht deceaset met bis teatli by wil (Io en for every onas for iL vomt. strangulati-na. A genutlemanaî by the Johan MeGarva s quite a mechaîaic; Bonea of Mîier came 10 Ibis Place e lias built seven nov buggies Ibis Motday andti ook Lb. trenatlaneto spring. You carihuay a baamd-nade Norvooti Park tor internient. uggy of hlias cilau as thae factory - buggies are solti. GILMER. George Daiziel didîaot alttdthae M. A. Anadrews uîoyed iii Libaerty- cirraus, hecauute lie liait to taîahaad a car v-ie Moidav. of sait. We lomal kuow whaal Mr. Brulesexcuse vias, oaby liae recised Geai. Jomnes, oft Elgian visiteil liS Sola a car of >îvtisswer thae saaiae hay. Eailie Sataarday. Tline o tifltN'ho tiltS uot ai-Itt e i icaltot--lîa acela b a lnèirt-I aM sociablle at M s.Knou'-slast Fra >lIt Imrsa Iiglit iîa ilautreatt. %i'iîltts saa> lts lN t- N iteil at dl itligs of aiaîaaeaitaeittssel-e aesorleî ta': soiaae foai si bib a utlatilaljrl. a,!th lIch lîtia l î îaia>ed wlthla u- tlc NalMsat.a gacîa , laal Aalvrtt-ns anal eorrespon dents alîoiffldrememîter tat t ltakes lime Lo set ty-lacbtfore a pIalier cilla lac printed. Yoiti ivlI greatly, oblige by Irantiiog ini your copy early., Copy foi- ats must bereafler linl our hantis not later thau Wetinestiay moon, so vo omît devote Tharsda>- ta setng up tic. lateçt nova. We atm tapilt the lu- raurrnvr Thui-sday afternoon. s8010 vii redeh our resders on th. Friday ~I.bU, In I LAKIS ZIU Mlgs Aaanie Meyer le on - MiSs Ffoda Godluck baie te 10 Rockefeller. Oui- pbotographer 100k a 0ii Lthe baud boys Suaday. Graaid picnic anadbailat i.t pieuiî grounds, Péeôtaco. Dr. Alveruon hua letd Occupies rooma n la hak's b«4-î Wake ap Waunonda ami of thoue would-be bais bel! jobai Blaine expects tertp of a croauaery Southr o!f 9* LouieIs lîrrson anad vils *u of Wm. EichLman anti faney Win. H uhnerberg and lnle, of Palatinae. vlited reattWfl Sunday. Il. Selîiefei-, wife and chldies the train'atuariday for a tva> vAit wltla frlendu lu Chicago. Wm. Buiescbilig, Henry Ba andi C. L. Ilokèymoyr vers.a those vîo took in the mai-ket et Celitre Friday. We lacard o! a man Wjeng hO tietb, gagget and robbed r«mi- deiut last rhiursay. lie hadb wurkiîag for 'ailliains. to re cc Il tova. Would il flot be better f« ti genatleaman ta reniove thena? IL'lo@l awfu-l îaeglectiaag Liis way. Don% forget the gi-anad coimsei0 ige towîa hall Saturday nlght. tW 01 the paviliion atter Lb.e m«W ickets 10, 20 andti2.5 cent. Miss Eimma llei-sbog andti Au"u Ber-gmnrwere urilted ira mar-tl l'àI Thrsad-tay. lbhae appy CoupiW V teide aI Lake Zurich. We éilbs congradulationa.C . Twa young men viLla twQ:Yow ladies wereoumt riduîng Sanday *ho an occasion tâ, lolhow tIru*, virile they voie paradi>g LIS»s There viilbe two mo-e veddinagS L.n'uk for tbemt boys. BARRI NGT0O4. Curtis Crnver, Of CbioSae, -VI" ais alilat, Mra. Wool, over Î;un#o' A seiIs of meetings veMolsi the Baptiat claurch uluringtIe g J.- RobertLsoni and family vialte4f tiroir datigater art GraYaLLake h Suanday. 11ev 1. N. Adrimar, of Cai-liOt*orv wili deiver Liue uration lIeMM Merriai Day. itiè W. IL C. are areimribig tel9 a iresainimer 10 ail cmaardeý%' Decoratio a >' Tîsere ib a talk of 8 W. C. 'r beiig orgataizet hiere. IL la hWi maîay viii take lioltianti heip tIre- cause. l'le W. Rt. C. vl i ve au mnIem mentl May 301:11- Mima je"li' J mai), oaf Chilcago, vilis"mat on11 pi-ogram. The pupils sud toacber o01W acirool extend a liearty iovtm= aIl comnrades and frionda t, MmOrl exercIses nt tire Cemotery Wedneaday p. of. 1M5- at 1:310. A llarrington High wsboul 4w Association vas organmd b.s, week vith Lttth oibowrim isatreliiDomire, Pros; Maud #- lares;, Effelyn Buanmu, e' lawley, Treas. qîlite a aanmb« fi-om bei-o mUp thae taie Sunday scirofl IvW 1aI Tuesday, Wedneeday and iM day. Misa Effelyl Rauiya, Na Laîitmer anîd Meimiors atteodmid delegaies froîi ouraciîools. Theac ife ait 1). Ro'binsaon. a Pm ientiiuabmierman)ft lmrtvlck, 1N -1 vas sick vitt?> i-le for niu,tiu. li - lkinLL*~,,, . x inson ay _/Chai iol B a m i i ah n y Ot h i e r paina. For tN »ell pain it sau uaL b.e t. y bad c#Us of rheigm 55 coreeby It. l'or sale at h~O COPU bottle ha> F. B. Loveil, Libervil and Gy. C. Roberté, Wauconda, '4 -4%ewings M ue. asv *S 13-v.ueei-iaioih Be. yi ..g . Cib cbilbâ. t -mausvemmdior Pali-U P5ht i a-bte o PoaeYmm Nlass Mall;a i aaa-liisîaaa 'tisiteal Miss a-bomai lataei Il ibitardait lu uauîlîtw last week. IOSlMat*ada, Fraaîak Bianags, of Waaacaîuda. visited se-wbeemiUi aiWna. lîtals aal E. ilubbard'a s ktYc Moiaday. ub"il A uunabatr fromri lere attenteti the 3-ma IR. R. meetîug aI Lake Zurich ratur- 4 7s &w tai'. Thero vili b. auotLer mooigg pmiemo aI Lake Zuricha Salai-day, May 251h, at 2 p. ni. sharp. Tbere i. basinsa _____ o!, importanceo b come before tht meeting. AhUtai-n out. dom, Libertyville, Lake County. Illinois, Friday, May 24, 1895. PRICE, 5 Cam- OUR AIX: TO'FEAR GOD, T;çýLL rH-- TRUTH AND MA KE ArON,6 Y. =ceý- WAUCONDA. 1 1 s9y 1 a weeK witil li, 1 . *84 Z.Mi . Zhen ,ý4MFu

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