CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 May 1895, p. 2

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ý ¶Tv 1 - 1 ANTIO AT SALT t< UAKE CITY. *nç*MayNot Attréet Amner- tare- Incricaeel Revenue siows Btter Business,6 m va. Reptile. bit fs-maie léphant beionglt &Le».tfrew<é -icas, was Bmum- oua beté gutint] 15.thé menao- .1 alt léké, Utah, Wédnemdai. a tu0g, mlstaltbng thse nus- rocak for a buteé lu thé gronnd, It' TIhe bsepens wére «eug thée mmagénle béni vat en- A gret crash was beard tuialbek, Isst llimthe l «Oe rougis thé aide outIhé lent «. tewuvd thé business center Thee big bruté bailbrokea regtly, sud amuseai herséif ea~about hefoné leaying. men %vers sent lu pur- i&eilant. Je.. weut slralght - ud aitoniaeai thé few pédés- tiw-xtreéet hy promnaading up >daiansel, oeuaioaiiy striât- -urn wltlaber Irunk andlutternug dlmt*a'gsM. Bll, vus wlth the baovertbok sud noom dineovereai belir discésufrt. By com- Ciitrnukis e frog ws one] leiwasi uont hy théeuele- rIL. thélis-ame docile sud st-ms o- e*t. tis eur. VENUE TAX ON' MINES. -AbOuit te Ad<pt a Plan Whlch I-Zéscisé*Washington that NMexico teadupt a nets planu futr raisiîg '-.toxîng al ilýer n d gu) lertd Thé iîrotou-set]taux le lathe budge t tluyiul.] $2.275. t pér 4tînt on'sils-ut-auJ I5, wk, ted la lu adufliutlu bbhecharge Q9K ol~ r'coining. 'l'here art- nu(lx- msen li thei'2i-ie Of tste é#eonuésauum u ant--sgrnmtuilhy *i-uent, A îiath.n lni-iuustin r to runsuit frutu .h,- siivem-la-sd oune ff thé lent 1I-nit.-ib S ti tît-if tuet. Îlot Iimrbable Ihtt., ol Aunuri- Pté u % cent pesé ituttuuan thie lt-- dqld In sils-er-jeéiît] ure s'.ill i tit- uuî - 'i bMexico. .Tht-rai-t, v.t reni i-h e*t psr pont] by dtito ialt Situs 'provis.ion wuc -mîlulu-ul hat lu -se- meWa country ilsoulul imspose ti uaîa- gâty tapon sis-en une--s eonrainuiiat lt-ad "Uitot thé UnitédS] .tte8 fnaini m--u P, W- thon thé dii!y tiponus uiiu-très, i*Ïb1ffted front u eli î-oîuilry-. ahali h "5 fixèt] y thé ltîîvihi tone or of aae tthis uet. 5sf.glt gStabémeul et the Penin- g-huî,aitm Compasny'* Line. b,,t ue t fthe busginess ut al Idthse Péuîys-c îa Raliln ost '<n- ýewI et Pitlibuung ant i ea, for A pnil, te xoiupared uw-iathbie sae. ntenutîh Ba uis-san linu-nase lu grossaru- W 749, lmereseelui uet eammiîge ut 1 %B.The tiornunthua ut 1895, îhs-lwilh te sai-eîî-rioîl oft1894, niftae la grots, utrnings ut $1.- a inni-euixuenessutf $1,- --d32 aninc s i n et îîlenrni- I *00,22.4.Ail hie-s n-tst uit WIgal andtPrena, for Aluni, 1,1r), tue La-éd wilshue aie m mu nîbll -, -as ineasé han gm-ase earaîiîgs uit IJ, Kluceanse in exîensas uto2f . ý 1isé tour monîbe t f19. ns cuit- lirih theasama periot] ut 18N4. shoîw hteelu grogs ecrlige tif $811,- !5Jeaàe lu ex li-tiesoaf 473,- 5ý tàs-<e in lueéuuings of $M37.182. lii> WolueProm luses They W rock a Hall. Ï%tàdNew Yorkltîiy s-itool evrbéing swindti-a outt toiletorét t- mînt-nionieu- Qethe Is- Heîny Hall fipe-s ripped t]own thé stage iii uthe S eédsvényiidow liatlau îuhiue, B=,halrsaud dmii othen alanattg, iâih l u ai 10 aboutI $80. Flattes-- t74u1ra b.d bsen distrbatti 'un- a $ grand bijou antetinrnt" eoqdsiu eés-éy chit] a hadmomé ft' Ïkee. Inatésai of thé elabonaté - te use»tienet].eaeh chilmi, as hé or El4eraed the hall, recel-éd aslbrasa t4~ sort liaI cornes lu penny <-bey- 0* paekages, adet]tiéyouugsters ~ur.A'nuamber of enregsa enu 88ArsunIt of thé ditnnbance. JMod for-the Cuben Cause. Il~tebfrui avant, Cuba, Tues- rI.éélthly mthntie, saya lb-' lu- Sastered îiîuir sviunt defeat that làid£t Jase Marti, presli'l.aaofuthbe Ïtom*mparty, was lalu. Thé plans i*»waatm wene lietraye t buthé e-,, tan sd a surprise antiroué .. .arnea tu Death. (aoaig thé Chicago MOrhîbg by a 5M ~tiiat broke ltob léa, 150-1610 Green itréét.. taida lpotion outIhe harn rue.Thé total las s-ll the Crew Drowned. 0403 barlt ceyloas, Caltelu hbî'zeeked nean Dos-en, Eung- tbé <ýeqrw vas-etiraimet]. i9kdof $11,800, rmm géeet, 'Kan., sa-s vip-nte t ut o t hé *x jlaela, Kan.., set anmg ,.,Theéxlésnitu a -lsheurd eu.Iwtr, but nu atbi-utiîin stas t:he- éuauhier upeuî-îhet bet". DVIý1 , eoe.ter *Iéithe lde, oulrmlng the fi59MflUémt trami Washingtoa ths~tbh lînPrlal Governamut bas décided not to remoéw the agreement wlth the Uuited States Govtrsant u ta 1 the sealiug ves- s"In for the comlug season. t la prenant- ed tisat Ibis action bas bean telten bi way of rePirsal for the action of Congress lu decllnlng ta sanction the peyment of $425.- 000 Indemnity to the Canadian and Britlah tser@nsas agreed lapon at the Berng Sec conference. During the comiug seasun Great Britain sill have but tivo gunhotits lu Berng Bes, aud thés, for only a montht. The United States reveuue cutler Comn- modore, Perry hurried out of San Fran- ChicGOon su Important mission. ile will Milte ail haste possible lu ordér to reacis Berlug BSm lu time tu prévent thé leet entIère whlch are now heading for the selilng gratunas, troin séizing any armed .T. ,le., a- sthé presant Intentioni. UPOn] trfhwnesa of the Pe",y may depend the WOAIDin off 'ut serions complications witb fluglaasd. The latter Goverament has practically decreed thet sny lutérferétice wth armed sealtng vesseis fiying the Brit- 111 fin willlameet sitb retallallon lu the ÏhAPe Of daims for evy damages. 11][LII.ORDUIRS HIte TOMI. Bellef Geucral that Mis Holineas Willt Not Recoaver Hle Health. New York advices say: Pope Leo XIII. hail ordered hie tomb. He has given the comislsion 1tablaroni. the Mont famous setîlPtor ln ail Italy. This tact and the récent deliverancé 10 the cardinale of a Pontifical ltter concerulag the affari ut bis entire réigu are cousideremi proof that the head of thé cbnnch Cathollele slmn- prmsséd wlth the réalization that is ne- maining days on the papal tbrone are féw. lit in dècreed thé 10mb shail haof utpre white Carrera marble; ou thé lid a lion holding lu hs clown the tiarea. On the right tbère shall be thé figure ut Faith. holding e boreh lu une baud and thé sirered seriptures lu thé ther. Trulli in tu hé on the léft, with a nirrur and thé armoriai béarlngs tof thé papncy. Hé directs Ibis inscription on thé side ut the sepulebre: Flic LEO XIII. P. 111. Pîtîvis Est. Tliesé ltter, lire 10 bc large anti blai-k. uit lot the mariale, TERROR IN ITALY. Ilarthqnakes Cause Desth ad De- thtruction et Florence. Moréetan 3,000 residencus in lorunce, ]Isliy. alonie acru îins frutti éarthquîîke, and bîriéd under the débris; are the mnt glus] remaille ut victime. Thé survi-ors wi ' ndér about the streets, bemoaniug thé loss ot their frit-nde. s-et atraidti l searels the î-uiîms for ter otmure vilent visita- tions ut the ccrthqmîîke. F'lorencee dues nul niourn aluna, for froîn te adjacet <iles m-unle stonies ut wîuastu înt] lusut lire. At Sun Marthîto. thé principmal chuneh n'as ilud uiitiî norshipere wbeu thé shock camp, and] betone auy ut tht- congragatiou coild esciupu the statuly édi- ice feu, enns*hlng mntuîy uoîealb. Vem-y few esesped wthout injuries. Thé dis- aster ls the wont éxperieucut] by thet sc- lion lnnlhtmdreds ut ypans. COAST FORERTS ON FIRE. M4any Town*s lu Western Washington in Danger. 1"or a radius uf fitteen muiles lu thé ueighbonbot] ut Buckley, W~ash., the tir forests area aire, andi aI Tacoma, tbirty- SIX Miles awn3-, thé nîmosphene le tiliet] with smuke. Superiuteudent J. MecCabe, ut the Pacifie division ufthie Northernulun- eilie, inys nolhiug shunt of a heavty nain st-lu chekthielianmes. A special tranîs stas huid ait Buckley to calrry- asay the in.- habitants lu case the fine cioscîl about Ihat town. Abouît 000 pensons réside there. At X.éten ses-anal building@ have beén burnet aud the ire-is gpreadiug in ahi directions. Rtances lu thé numban uftanimle havé becîs burned nand the imîabitants eunpeîled tu fiée furnIlte. IIUNIRE)s AiRr, HISELES. St. Albans, V., Business Blocks andi RésIdences hurn. St. Albans, N't., stas visitét] Suudu.v aflernouas y hyebcmuet desqtructive ire iii thé histany ut Vermont. l'liese le ssti- niatet] et 8750.0,9 cmiandIhe pussibilities are liatt inenut may bu iureésud suheu the aceunate figurés are baail. Pnacticniiy six streéta in thé business portiof ut thé tuwiî ara laid wa-ste, andi. wiliî thé othér sections bunuet] user. sevanty-tis-a acres of ground ire cuvero-t by smuldering raile. About 500 peuple unre hotueless. Racé for the Penuuanl. Following Io thé standing et thé cliubs of thé National Basebili League: P'er Clubs. Playe]. Won. Luit, cent. Pittaburg-...24 17 7 .708 Cincinnati...25, 17 8 .68 Chicago .......... -PO 1 1( .115 Bouston ......... 20 12 8 .100 Cleveland]......... 13 10 .563. New York-...21 11 10 .524 Philadéiphin...21 Il 10 .524 Baltimore...18 9 9 .500 Bt. Louis ....26 10 161 .385 Brooklyn. ... 7 14 am3 WVashington.22 Oa 1la .273 Louisville...21 5 lu1 .238 WESTERI» .EÂUE. Fulloe-ing ls thé standing outIble clubs et the Western League: Per Clubs Playe]. Wou. Luit. cent. Indianapolis.17 13 4 .7_467 3Minneepols.15 il 4 .733 Knsas (iib U. 7 .4 1R .41b IUMBER SPIOVEUS IN "TRO81E AT CL.EVELAND. Inconse Tex a Thlugr of the Pont- Wheat AlmosI Touches 75 Cent- Insunrance Comnpany Trie to Hédge -Midnliht Dynamite Outragé. Union Men Win. At Clés-laut], O., une hundreti sud bwémty-ive lumbér chut-ens wént lu, thé Clev-eland] Sats-Miii eand Luimber Cuni- pany'm dt-k Muîîdsiy nrning nnméd with clubs andi stunes tu prévaut tbe lumbér steamer Gettysburg f rom being unloadat] by non-union n. Tht-m leaders ball failéd to malte ternis titimtue captain of thé vessel, wbo toid tba-îa that hé hadl ar- nant] bu tohave thé boat tîmmodéti by an.- othen gang ut men et lésa then @cale picas. Freult Weîîtz. an euiploye of the Miii, stas tuistakei for a non-union in aud was vuciousiy nîtaeeéandudnmerci- tuiiy clnbbed. Ho was nemoved ln a hog- pitlinl au uneouscioum condition. Whan thé police anrivédt he mob bat] tiuappean- éd. Later the union men unloadésl thé boat nt thé negilar saie lrices. WURAT STILL SOARB. Contimue. ltsAdvancc and Beache. 74 7-B Cents lu Chicago. Wbeat.lestill oouiins. Monday atoru- lus lu Chicago the stant stas made aI the losing prices oft Baturday, sud by fittul, nérvous tartm, intérrupted by sligbt re- lapses, thé price jumped bu 741/ cents lu litte mure Ibsau bnoun ut active tmmd- Ing. Cornu, owéven, was nul able lu lteép Ibis fast compsany, eitbough -thé amvance of Saturday stas r-éslablished, sud alterm a rime 10 54% fon Jniy deiivery and 554Çj ton Septomber ovén théeîtiees lit closlug- Ibère was an amisanc-a to 57) ton Juy ni 50 for Béimember. Bamt ini otisan unes the fes-en was fuit. Ponk, s-lieh jumopet i lu $12.55 Bturdey. keît up ils pusce sud reacbad $13. It Is nu axaggeration lu say thel Ibere bas umot- luens ui-l a market as- thé pramenî ooe tor yeau-s. The most as- Ita etradiers feemI ieli-jles luthe- fatea utit. BLOWN UP BY DYNAMITE. Six Persons aIn nIndiena Town In- Jnred sud Two MayDe.. Thé little ity ut Parker, lut]., sias batily shakén Friday mornng ut 12:30 o'cloek by an explosionm. Thée ight-room. lsso- stury reoitleuce ofut.%r% Jolsepuh Héwctt usas biuss'îmlu lutces ssitb dynamite anîd six pensons litait a s-ry miraculous escape front teath. ibut 1w- ofuthmem wiii iilely dia fron thOe injuries réceivut]. Bouse monlhs ince M-.Hewuît wsmdivorcet] fro)nh er busaîiti, who wii a fariner. île anti bis sou are tlun rarnust. INCOME TAX 18 INVALID. la Decleremi Uîconstttional by Fed- eauIsupreme court. In the jut]gmntofu the Suprême Court Ihat iporion ofuthebireveînuîe lw les t 1 releîiîîg lu thé lax ~ot inciuteotiîus l inl lit-a, soit] antd itcu lut itîutilt.,'lu a tr riving et ibis councluionslit-icuttltook the broat] view' that, ushilit-sonuieu setioiàîa uft he la- us-nighit bw eorisittuiutetui if ;tik-ui1 up séparae tly', thle lit '.5'st-ao ufrait utu-lt it cofîid amI bu i-muîsidu-e-Ied(qti la lly ei-- cept ing as a n unie. Ananour Otntof lte lMarket. "If 1 cuit pramtiu-a lirOunt uot %% lien t it sail P. D. Arinutur. syt l i n ot hs-. Whotubel ieî-î lit igb uuiu-us for the nîux t u-nîtî..list ito%- tîiere i-t iltis.e inthtti c-ashî deiaantitI uîid tlitn-tai;.lt-î-îîit gmtit uItaI ut seliitg by t htuo s IN hohuavsei.ttiiuigi-u aiîsuugiiuuler big htuîs.c,. I t tvils titlil i for- Inîtate dtulmiiug Ill)litît lt-t [une ott. ni-ten hatll eut-h îuîn-i% ni- 1-i. tlint kîtusi' tif auivhoîdy îîtîîlia., utie niuct ntîuuey. It ttîuk agttîulnciure tof the ad- îanuîe to a htu'otff î] î-n-,.' Pluceil on théeteeaklilt. Itîdia fua', Audiitor huakistîdthe tlie- h nuis Mtual l' ire lîtatramice Couittity tot Chicago,. biatie it bas fmot conipliaul îitbt tIhe lemssfuttie St:tte ius îukiug deptsits tu imotet Indilana eltizenitn icase ot loss by tire. George W. Stout, theliiauaî- lis wbulesale gracen suhtu,%stas tuuiited ont some monthsaugo. is stulul ta bavebtut $5,000 ptiey is théei'aapaîiy, ant] lias becu tinalie lugel a selîleitet th ie catît- pany offeriuug it $2,04)0ns sutîhinieul li Vatueale Cargo May Be Lul. Trhe foun-usastut] barkentîîîu Joouihie, (Caîtai 3.IeLIean. îs'iiîhîsailt-t]frontitlîo1 Janeiru Almil 14 mtil a $200,000 eui-go ut îoffeu fuir Baltimoire, steut ashore un Little Ilanîd shore,. uightepeui ulies soulli ut Capte llenry, atîd there une grave fi-ans that site silI nis-e a btai ioss,. lIer cneu s-s-sresciued byIt nited ta iutes lite- sat-ing m-est-s. She lies iu a daîugenoîs plo- sition. Lois Due lIoVéede. The direct lwis iin rus, te daumage lu mnehineny sat] stock and tuehe ecese in the valne ut lansdu ite l t- etdm i tItis country amomuils lu eu. utfumill ions ut dol- lars a year. aci-oruliug to the estimat- if Botenist 1. V. <'îuuille, ufthte Agricim- lurai Deluantmnmt. méa-iy Suow lu Colorado. Twélve luchés ot $Dow ie reponied bc- tweéus Tinidad, Colo., sud Raton, N. M. Titis in thé finit snow or nain lu that ter- rllory for uely six monîbi, anti Il ls hailiéd with the greteit t]éighl by Ibm stock grotsers anîd obhénm. Valuable Horns Etiuraed. Fine totaliy uestroyet] théeIlargelvery anti aie stables out Matoîm Brothers inu Lohanon, lut]. liné.e vautabie horses -n-c-,---13-000-. A . _ - , 0 . fDuni * 'ot W.eewy ievlev et T-ra4timys: "the coid sennp, wlth exten- ulve ftogtis and in nmreStatessnW, bas fortunately àéée litte damage ta thé grain crops, though mucb ta fruit, but has cousiderably rata rded retailitradée. The beet news je the advance of 10 per cent in wages hy the Carnegie works, foi- lowed by the joueM & Lýaughlln establish- meut, and evidently implyiug a simitar ad- vance by many allher concerne. The 11II- nole Steel Company in starting jts fur- uaces without granting the demanda of emlIoyas. No udrance hias beeu found practicable lu the woolen mille. ln othcr departments of laber troubles are flot se- nious, and the demand for anufactnred produets increases. With material and steady crlargement lu donnestie trade there la stli great wnnt of employment in the intenior for money, whieh, with'the miilions distributeid by the syndicate on bond account, stimulates speculation. Ac- cordiugly wlîeat ban risen 5 cents, aI- though reports of jujury by fruit do Dlot appear ta conceru sny considérable pro- portion of the growing grain." MALAYO ESUOi 0W N. British Warahlp Royalint Turne Il@ Onu. on the SaomonuIslands. John Carter, au ex-seaman of H. M. 8. Iloyalint, arrlvéd lu San Francisco Friday on the steamer Australie from Honolulu. Carter came to Hawaii f rom Sydney, whére the Royallît la uow %talionéd. Eug- land, accordlng to tbe seaman, took*very drastie measureis in tbe punishment of thé natives of the Bolomon group of Isands, aud thé villages nt the mouth ut the river Soi wene cannonaded. A iandins Party startéd out fromn Verne, an adjacent town, and the savages were drivan miles ittu the interior. A numbér wére slaughterad. For four hours goy wue nuder tire. Thé trouble and the subsequént bombardient were hroughit about by thé murder of a Mn. Donald GJuy lest April and the subsé- quent munden of eigbt Engliah sailors, who weat nîbure nt thé Islandi Malayta ta enjoZ a good time. Millénim Ccuaêg for Traumps. Ex-'ostîmaster Gejneral John ana. malter proposes to build a hotel in Phila. deiphia ut which anyone niny be ted and houséd free ofny cunt whatés-er. T'lie priiuary abject of Mr. Wanamakar wai, ta estahlish an institution for the ne- formation of inettriaté,.and in counetion with'tbis tu build an Inn where tihe un- fotunctes couid land a humne. Ila bas been giving the inatter coiisiderat.Ie at- tention ut late aud is uusv determnilem te carry bis jplans ont. Since the tuatten finst occnrred ;u fiim lie bas been brnnd- eniug the sveere anîd 1Dow iitemîds ta not oniy establisît n stupîîiig place for thé unfortunate drunkîtrîls n'bumay desine ta retorîxi. but tuelmovide a telupurary home for any tîmîtrtuîîate sujounmier wiiu rnay bu without futîds, luit possessemi ut a liealtby apîwtite and a desine ta @jeep else%%here thaîîin a warni aewer or bu a elleecrîes t réiglit car. IDiv idcnd for a llunk's Creditore. Acting under iliitruct;iîs troin the ('oîiptniuller ofthelimet nrreiicy. àliajor N. '%N. Ewiîîg. state baîîk examîiner, in charge (if the- dcfuiîit Wichita. Kain.N a- tio Iia: Bak, decia icîl 301lier icen t. dii- duldfor the ha uk's creuil hrs. E ver $67), 000 iili bc- laid otît under Ibis order. Mkiga Corne'r In %Nool. The wooul grn *-ers t Del Itio. Temxas, a',turîgeîîorrnuuns quuittica utfn î,ul iu Ille hope that tItis u'îîîîîuîudîlv vill foi- lov, ',hiers inthie aai 'aut. Il hiters <of wtt(,l are vi crv [inn a it ing vi-hp.:and buýve., lip--ar te bc ljiîl. couuueuctly t rj tact jonis a rueiest nuted. 3liliouDotiînFine. A inî.lffirof r-iti.sand fat-torivs nelte h-aller uîark-. ltîrîînntscy, E.îgîîîl t-tt i-iugîîe andîî a Ill urus ut grouiîl, bhave lJieu blti ed. 'llite lu88 is NilletI 0on 'lic Track. .1 ai' h t> 2a3pool, an cal t hy tarint i. %as St rotk hy I.L Big Fouirne \jrïs Ira inianud ilig tan tly kil led. îleva s %'a k ii îg nuthe trat-kat ASIîIî-Y, Oio, at lin- ine ut the l'ire ut Couey Icbund. lire at (oîiey Islandîmi ause l ames ut $2b4X.The flialtes liroke ont ini a buildinig attaebed tu a large toboggan lide in Sea Beach nalk uliuotile Fe1tnaa *s Only Two Lves Saved. 'lTe Siaiish Staeur Gravina, louî2d fruin Anîn'erp for Lisboiî. lia beau lont iuring a tyjiboon andl uuly Inn uf thiosu nit bonridtn-cru an veti. MîARK5ET QUOTATIONS. Chicagu-Catitla-, couinion 1ta lprime. 88.75 lu $6.25~; huga. sîiipitîng grades. $3.011 lu $5.001; sheeu), tain bu choice, $2.50 lu $6.00; whent, Nu. 2 rud, 72e lu 73e; corn. No. 2.,53e ta 54c; <ats, No. 2, 2)c ta 30e; rye, No. 2, 50e b 5.2e; butter, eboicée reamery, 15e tu 17c; eggs, fnesb, Ilie ta 13c; potatous, car lots, lier bîtîbel, 5W tmu 60c; brooni corn, pur lb, commun gruwîh luafie brish, 4c tu 7c. liàdiiapolis-Cnttle, stîipping, $3.00 ta $6.00; bogs, eboiee light, $3.00 ta $4.75; sheepj, connnon tu prime, $2.00 ta $4.50; wheat, No. 2, Mtia tolie; corn, No. 1 white. ic to 52c; outs. No. 2 white, 3Me ta 33y. St. 1Louis-Cattié, $3.00 tua8$6.25; lbaga, $4.00 ta $4.75; wheaî, No. 2 red. 75c lii tOc; (-art), No. 2, re2e tu 53e; uat$, No. 2. 29e ta $Oc; r>-é, No. 2, 07e bu (10e. Ciilucmnnti-~Catte, $3.50 ta $5.75, hugsl, $3.00 tu $4.75; sheep, $2.50 ta $4.50; whcam, No. 2, 73e tu 75c; curn, Nu. 2 mixed, 54c lu 56c; oats, No. 2 mixed, 31c tah3c; rt, No. 2d, 7le ta 78e;conNo REVOLU7,1ONIS1TS APPEAR TO BE MAKING PROORAS. Ilave Capturcd Macheaasud Al lbh Artiiicry Inteuded for It. Défense- A New Iueumgrcnl Armsy Balug Or- gaulzed in Sauta Rosa. lu tise Potwer uf Rebele. l'aucuns advieisay itîat Ratai-I Ca- maa, x- ofi. potîihe of ut(îatyaquil, ln e prisonetundstuieirmois-utusa'Machala. Thé rés-olutiota ry puî Inhls ci- eîîod théetean- s-n Sacre, toff [Pti-mto Bolivar, in thie prov- inca utf(Oro, uand book ail the artiiicry wviiah it was u-arr.Niîmg Itm fortity Machiala ton the Gouu-uni-ut. 'Maihala la lu thé nes-oinioiisnts' 1u01us-en. "'01.. -4- 6h .Z.- ut Maîtîbi, éiglmty-iv-e uilestif uaya- qui]. Tite rnmr lmetuirrnt ut G «hysquil, et lest ecouaiîs, tit Dm-. D. Lais C'or- du-nu, thé ex-îmresit]emîl otthéenaîtublil, hlm riîînisbam- ut Justut-e, IL. shiu ,anti une ut thé e nabers ut hi, t'oianiil, A. Car- denait, tuho su-rt- auiposuu to lias-a hteu vapturétifer fia-ing îusverd thée('oloin- bien frontder, lias--eseupeil. A révolui- tiunany cnnty lm raîiîy urgenimiug in Sentelilue, waiî-h jmian thé bouaîdary lune ut Peru. Théeîmnbniîîms out*La Huons Nuelouale" tiene ssahing naniousiy thé arrivai ut Gaiu. Eloy Alfaru. lt la ha- lies-éd Ihat hé silIla-ct] tué rés-ulutiotu Iicels. WILL SAV-E ÏWAR VP84JILg. An Aîtoultatie Agîmulmuncé for Qnlck Clo.lmag ef Rnlkheude. Et-ir ii-e the Victria disiaster, une ut thie montI terribile tabailia-s lui naval litis- tory, Anerieun naasul ,miiu-és hava bu-an giving nîuîech atte-ntin to thue sialji-l t lulkhcat] dours. It is nosv -tîacedéeb tlîst thée unfortuuusa t ritish tattii'ihlp filleul anud] tapeizet] by zs'ntomnfitalînni- t.. écaure a spt'ety lo- iîîîre tuf tht- ,lirs shh-are i utinuledt iilin. "iti tt Ilie'sta tir frin acvot- puret ru ilt i ruit e b. --naseu in asfrons siuk i ig thei cl ). Aulin.ialIta nsey, ahiî.t ut11 tIti- litt-il it -iNaviguatioun Bure-au, t-u islmexiunut tg)t..lit- mutt t e masciar- tailn sslîatlur il l i. t jaîssi4blti e ffa'u-m(tih tiopua e ltt a iiîuut-ti i,ltu. 'niae tiret re-cuilt las hinthelue nua rtiion blîs- a gin--iiiî-lhi, r ý)f ihu t!a iiu.bel uit a lç.I-c-iaiiglv iuurfe-ut dtii- ue I o a'-tuui ti end.tul. tîtul tt i n.biib l.iltaI l uit. uili lie- i- uu 1 utt re t v pîli-ihtii uîun u large suai t ttui-fur uu-i s u-ssis. rThe tlte'irt--t. au bui Nvku-ullu 1,3 i nisélair <mn iN -i--ni-i i. il tIt- ît - f ittht îiî-îk Ur lta-eîîî.uîl ii i 1wi-i umîuiug ltsa-n tuf a 'eS-.s I,-itt'etha lIelits hipi. eit dlange-r tut lt--io: rtuîitu-Iiai t uu4 l .ut-t stii i iiiiialu- -'tiret give- uî, iuîbv ti]- lttsu iig tuf i1uli i- tir Ille nigiltut uuf a liell firi - il tuIiutil,i-r u-,f - îuîl tif Iluti ti tilut Ii lita t tt iitu ll luilu4.isu iliak tsttuI.,tut- tii-t-k.,r :1ut hast gi-t tnîîîuu tlîul-r lii-li t ss andit-u stit hon.u i-i-ttse i-ni- liii r. PACIIL'CAiILi:AstI< Wili PruuImuIIh tte thulttVin 'auuiaug Ilil tii:b'.ii-lku-i tisas svittilldfuî't Ibtat the- Paiii .i %- sil! ils lir,ifit- e-rs. ei-e uit t11ll b riti-lt. I Uîla-ijs tre.î ty %ith IlmIti htilîl 4sItlt-e Iullu-liuîuu .iiai .luî. f.r.ictt i i, îltu ni utiIlouuniiàiu aiuvîa, ~ î i-lt i ii -i ,iti-i uireiis't-r ti u-ut ,41ILnIî%%uti - inul ut ii i Thesuit nedNi-t lt' lii t g g i-ltitI I tt' san it-, .t-. 1. SU;ES FOR 1 SANY'sTHtUiti-ANlS. bletcl.iNatbu.aias Railway Couupeany 1.aDluefeatinlu ISuit. ftii- -tsit otuf At-iîut., iaî,,ti sigitu-.-tutftti- \l -i -til Nationial t'îtlt'uîî tîtit ulpi l t i i ttiiii t iti' lt' Nu-- it- <ut $1197.2i1l. ut itii iuîî-m-îtteii-P 1 5. te up foradtjiudlicatinuand ai.îuîilini tii Vuitn-tti Itutn. IriciLli n, tîaîri-. Iqistii-e I 't11ilt. 1It,- hi gît tu a tssluit-k lttt iv t i-tir,.sul t-ti ltu- M -Xiti(-a114 u-frîîuuuu-î tilitui Ilie L ittul Stat.--'. h'curfui Acideuab lu a PiîIuer ii %%as t-i'îiiii' -tuti-t til i uuu :litun. si tiit Sait Frait-(u:i- .. andtutt i itus iii ii',iiiiii theu1 -bine ltua dislît i. t t îî ýr'v îtui--i. tits ait ir.' etlil-eul unobu- - tivdI-.l li i euîi ijuaki-. luii îuîîu-ut li u- aîîit xpîiuii iilu i i I ulle -iiii-ndt tiiuitc tuu- ofuth uicE lifirtili isuisdu-n t'uuks ahiluti- acruels tti'éliay. h' . i-.-i-suofutheb-g iir i botuge. foutr ini îîînîlut-, andthtle fteut ofte tlu-tuixiiig iioiisu-, st-i-e aI il lis stt-ee inu- Chiniiuiun ss inmg iuutti- lauîî-n t]t-lirltieiit. A rt-utarkable feti'atttm-I- lle expulosion ulm t ha t aithiiuglu thbeI nl 't couatining 1.l»i i lxt iis tutflouilu-nlm t'uit- ilet-ly %ss--t-kd,ils ci-tetnts eu-i itit- Ii il, 10,9M0 îeuuîîîts uit exlIouuiv,--i usitt ail) îsith ,a runandtia seemt fliante. Blossu to Eteruity. By au e'xplosion lut aiiuneNao. 4 uit tite MIoiongah Cl'andît Coke ('.uuuuitanty i. INhieeîing, W. N'a., somi ufter ainiTuea't-s day four miner, st-ue killet] by-sutu'-ii andîlquilu c nuiluîbi-r ut thers usri- ouuIy affeeteil by the susuke. Tht-exi!. talon st-s -asut-t] lis s PouiahIniti-iri ping a charga' ut glycerne. Lester DrownesieIWlfe. Near Grnit* Plias,, (rm-., (ehurlus A. Lester, s teainslér, thréw lus uita inîmi ua pool out ntr cnt] ht-d ber hdlit-t îder una- tIl site w-ce dîusuet]. Threa ut bis snaal <-lilthen w-cnt standinsg near ant]d lues thé transatione t a0 met Importa nt tlé u élection of ocwm for h and] thé réading ut théan l State médicie Iy Dr. H.P.- Vermout Dra, i~,aérs genensill vils wmofetthéeTII5P~~ BUate muet deal vils te protéé ta ,8 e,~ sens f nom dsség. Amont thé polits 4b phashse i wWe th* Importanc,' et Itmei huards of hesît1à, Hé lusistét tit t h. shout]lié gis-eu saplé power and latléI lu cans7blig out what they coauldérWefo - thé béat lutérenita of thé peuplé. Hée donsaibéatll$the action be#w gtaléS r the association t. séduire à uattoal'ds' pertinent Of pObl1 heaits He Ulis4t Dit. CoTifOLI. DRt. NEWMA V. ti vie priint Tnsmure-. Dit. I.X i. DR. AT§ClNSoIf, 2dN'ie E SmretarY. viseail a nlturnand] national mystein uf quarnutiné, and that thsé qsarantiue laîte shouhd lho more etrnugently entoneed and eans-téd ont. **Bancal. the. prés. aud tlsrouch thern thé people," saai d W. Ho]- ton, "lu lIméhenemmlety ton thé foreglfa naitary médical retorms.Great ameuta ut monéy are speut filthe. ovenuéat le armament», irenchuai sud titillermlitazy vo-bs, to keep ont foreigu luvadera; but It wonld ho a gond thing If more weré open$ on kés-piag ut lvadlng diméases. Cou- grésa ihold ieamadto lurécoguluté thé lam- portance ut sanltary iegiulation." Dr. E. H. Woolsey, of Califorala, made a muotion, ssliich svascarnie], laI us mue. diseuse was cannird hy papér money, th section ou Blté médiclué et theé msin nexI vs-an ahould ]inqauire fuîhy mb tit Important mabje-b. Thé list ut théetuew nfficers uf thé Anses-. eau Médical Aseot-lation in as foilows: Président, Dr. IL Ban-ny Culé, oftfBai Frnciesco, Cal.; fire1 vice-préaldent, Dr. J. J. Chisolm, oft Baltimore; merond vie. présialaul, Dr. John C. Legrand], .ofMai bouma; thint] sice-pnesidenl, Dr. Augustule B. Clark, 0f -Massachusetts; fourts vice.s président. Dr. T. P. Buttérwuhlte. of Kenotucky; brénsçurér, Dr. Ilu-nry P. Ns-w- mnam. ut Illinois-, seréîany Dr. W. B, At. Moulon. ot Pennigslaia; librarian, Dr. 0 E. Wise. ut Illinois. Membens ci th* board ut trastée«, Alouzu (bareelon, ut Maine; Dr. T. N. Love, oaf Missoani. sud Dr. James E. Ilees-és, ut Tennessee. The néil annuel session ut thé associationtviât a bellt] ut Alanta. (;il. Tlîîre yl nuiltuy Ilit tPremident b-aîine lsh honly vîsit Etîglanul ant]lhé a gui-st ut tht- aî au't u. Six. Criejd. Il le saiu, ssetîra a slirt of cheuuu mail, matît-Il ' s aSiil tu.e ' inone- M'th-u bu ,.'on ut ut douuru. .i r. lîiC4ys nul K bîlitg, i t le ciiti"u a-cii, Is tot thé plitt f tum--bau rîzt uîgto , i a- nul ta lise tht-re, huttes-r. 'Th'elit-s-. Phîilo 1Il ianîl, mb., 'lied laIe. ly au D-Inuit,titis us oth uuuly $7.mJI), gel hie lett ;700 tii a tailhfîuh servant. SSiluer DoullanriBant! anauîaaaces that b. le uîuw ina ga illi-a 1h auh uxlaei-ts 10u dr. culate et patr auaîaug bi$ Estern friends uext muanh. Dr. h-rpdenielt Antros, usho w-as ihn firet îraîti-ing luhysician u Iluacaté West ut lthe Mcs riîierIst-,ha-t iieltidie fa Minneutapolisa atthe age ut 9.. Wulliiim B. Muody, a suaoit ofthé evangm. Mot, w-ho is in changé ut a depirtinént la. MaUtitHeIlrmon su-hui, bas det-elopét] cou- sidu-nable apitude as n Public speaker. Gen. Wadé Hampton, who u-LI visal Chart-ston. S. C.. soon, st-l hé reuelysd. by ul miliary escort, lu spite ut the muiis Ibtt Iis tiamonstration ssoult ieaoppose&. Mark Twsainlias signe]a ecuînuct forI b lui-luire tomur arolant] thé worid. HéeW*Iï îtindt]obtî'tly came haek us-lh pensoual r" olleetions ut Noah's flod and IOI years lvib Muses." Tuic Sultan o utTrIt-y lentelighted W«>, thé surtcessut thé futé china mamewh tory ws-lmie éinstalle] munis lime *,W 1W hie palace at Coanstantinuple. Hé la à grat amateur ut thé cenamie art. Dr. dé Bosely, ut Havre, ssbo la t dean ut Frnch physitians, aud 102 goa-s aid, asea sunif régfuianly. sud drinks twoo langé cupe oft hiek coiteses-s-ny dey, lb. aides drinkiug wine la modération. Kaiser Wllhélm bas fonhtiddeu thé of& cenrssut] meut of thé Bénlin ganrimue f amoke lu the prnipîal sIres-t, utfthée tj,, luin-unsaquen-a ut ins-guiaritî«in; lut"

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