( u -. J WM fflIabd*icessgatly ovr fber t. aiber wounded, dyng -' oid, acomealtiby e tbu nuit111.Myrtle, theu one Srvebt ou os pidh tber ýirs ad huaiattacketi, bnum- b st 1ertiais. t ud ebilid avre sepairatlth îe 0 O#-reftsu% anid phen the terrible 4 Pam"e awuaY, littho Myrtle wais St be tound. taie nc other ietd hanattetithe fer t eeks, wlIL <c-er seklîsg 0 f mfralng frienda. What Lad ifber babi darllug? Sha peyer But~ aselody affer bodr waiB cent "O&u-»*rtedlY ase *eeided that Mad femild"a Waters emve. B4rttua Lad i o ipara- is vnflas Ilgbt ofliseý eo4md-Myrtle, tbe Innocent, ai ra, privat ln the Army of tise it"I caIreptain n the. heavenly where valor and duty brosaght d1 uvui hy.9-mY lbat anc. sy cherishesi 1[in wild battit andi dying go feer- *9evA e ifrge eccho.. ofthe »~& Mary Burton placed ber alan- Oduirnt npon tise onnd of ber 0.. wrsatii of violets, but lb.y a-cru r vit te tear diainonds of a san4 eye1, they a-ere heavy wlth M Of lips pure And patient with ht-aven fulof holy, tranqull shores of 09 b #erLteti one Bank ta the shel- -hope anti eternal heaiuty1 si a 6eing bush, watt-bing tise, _ ________ Ildi other graves, a-lti a aym- BAB ON DECORATION DAY. 1 s- 1a essened lier oitn grief. ____ ,. sxtn saidtis w aas te grave," A Bossîheru Womaaa'a Trilbute toe1He- la e booe r ron;. - B<ti BIine anal Gray. a IL tetuon, onded t w" aasjusl a buseh of awbite roses, but th isenbionai Ibal lied lb togebten bld iae bislory-one a-as bine andthie otisen aas -.gray. lta-ms te be pîmeeti on the grave of a boy a-ho bati fougitt for a-hab hoie- lieveti aas rlgbt, anti the guntlewouman siho a-as te pnb ilt tseru Lelleveti thal ail apimasit bildpaal by, andth ie Blue atidtise Gray miglillLe Brîc friand&s.gS the bunch sise carrioti for lier owsa bey'. grave a-as lied up lu tisa ay, anti lu bier banti aas anothor onu lied th. saine; it a-as te hae laid upon lhe gravée oftise e trangen. ThoaI stranger, a-hoe naine aas even unkuowu te ber,lai d iled i gbting like a brave mane, and, lisenefore, doe esI te0lha rumeinhereti ad te have tri ute - . ioa-n te is courage. 1i Ia l auutl- fui idea-Ibis on. of docorating lte graves of aillte soltiiens, but 1 like it htter a-hen tise customn la carrieti evea further, - .- anti a-len net a grave lu tise ceaider>- is - - ,,.-.....-J -'- overlooketi. - Il %Cereuto me a goodiy anti proper1 BAVE OF tIEtORItÂt DAY, thing for thse living ta rememnber <bu deati, ~ saoala asinie' ale'."ltotiey, look! aI leaul once a year, and il aeems a kiati 014 wa bava ýnet coin. ln vain. John; anti loving lting te mark t1s.remein- 191906s.9 Mbrance ailhs saet flowaen. As a people,% Old. te a-Len John Burtotslibid been ail sie are not very emotlonal, ant Iif tisere la A# a a iait er felet, aflirilu, anti peereti I any ay lua-bichwa-e can bring our slsbb hearubbery, 1kintineaste tlis urface, Itsisould lbu 4one. aV aehie. sreugers? Wisat tht-ir and so lte encouragement of the dal tea"[lth. littlie mound se lonel>- ansi -sacred 10 th. memory of ttea. aho have my ea. iss aygono before la a-orfsy of mucis causidera- agitateti, M er ii a ion. Décoration Day muet essentlelly1 ad .aalth. intt-rposed the frit lho one entlrely frie troin any feeling but - ~aher."W. -lu eek out tise lady tise tat of generosity anti lovîng kininesa. suas.tM s fMrs. Burton. Thon t doeasn't maiere ay tiiffeenece a-LaiIri t S~ ama, bMynfle." Iauafougitt on-ho tii.tifor aballie bho-s IffMgdai At that moment lise man,@ leveti aas ightl, antifor tisat reasoe h eOmmalomturaud, and i ier face a-as plain. deserves te hae remeanharot by thsose a-ho e lY a bY the startled, breatitlesa watcis- are lvlnait Decoration Day ougbt to i «. mean tisé union Of theo Gray andte ls uie;il 1M ua.Bron's senses reeles.Irî seemes, there ougitb te lie a fiai; for tisai purusose, s, teu a inens as if ht-aven isall flasited for tise colora blond se beautifully lsal lteM eais Ofet aSveetest m>steries on lber vis- reanlb i. exactly the tint of iteavea ltaelf, sl b& 1 I aontier, my frienti f yon fieel as 1 do. f Tise de.d benbeatis tiese udi ivoti again, 1 aWonder if yçu despiau ail the fianeral t la *vsry IsaiElar lineament of tise trauge tmpping-if yon a-lit more respect h, a-eu'mtac, ati isea-a "Mrtit-' shoa-n te yonself deaititan you migist M.., spolie aise, birem ycu matI gposaibly tiemanti aslv-anti ahon tise long ti e*hblgy on lier copalassface; *ynyears have gone b>-, Yeu aoulti fot- like le a- sthîs 3Mra. Burton at once, wilEl somebody once a year te Plat-e a floa-er .ye M e? Oit, an>-i.eartcaîsia tu sson your grave, fa showa- fiat yau si-ri, stili a WMV41 Think! thiuk a-bat <tu m Initin touscis itis iumanif>.-. No malter siho ti * e-ftirY Years, t0 know thtisa1Ibave if lu; if IL" ,tise ssomaîs ahoue litea-as si 100" et Ilan-asy ntier!" soilEet, If il lu the- man uviose tientb si "Mi chut!1 Myrtie! You bave 5bisaisamef ni, or if il sias tht- saisit-r bo Waasd fu<.. bis voée. 1 amn she yoe otk I flghting for bu@ coantr>-. just remenaber v 1am-vu. laWd te poor. fortured ieerîttat not one oft Iem can St-tend f hem- f t1Msaat bY an Inspira tion-lise a-epint st-Ires tsoi, andti tisai acfier you nom I la *fUqgl« UMyrlë e rigletiIl ta-iSstraugocan Jutge tht-m. hi at,.Start out tu makie God's acre beaufiful- p = daldmong ln tise siaie of refuigeca f ake tise crimson roses of lovef te whiitectt drive. ta UlgisIb>-thse gîterrif la baud, thie osc-a ot innocensce, tht- levender heliotrope a - _____of desotion, tise bine forget-nie-nutu Of gr sutver tiying uit-mr>-, tise huies ut puni>-,y aandsttrewsiîsg iseui ais aut Isere, flc-e - sandiererysi-isre, maike tise Sa>- 0neut - - abalute unian-unian of isc-rtis. union ofu feeling anti unie', of remeesbrance. cu - That in a-bat Decoraf ion Day siioultib. T ,Anti ail these soîdiors a-ho liceusleeping, i. ~ ~ ' those aho fougisi net oni>-on tise abIle w, -grounatiof dispute, but lu the greater once e O f llfe, aiil, ihen lise trumpet ctlrings 5, Ont ilàs ummons an te great jueigment ce day, est-h stand betore tise Great Coin. M amander, ready te ansuver tise queutions put 4n it 'Il10 hum. Ant ieh sure ho aill not aiuk is ne Issr dit70 U ar tise bIne or teln gra- T' But, inatead, ie, bu a-Wsy: sBrtet'hl t; 44 o ýr, a-e bave fOugitthlie g9od fglat, andti t Cl, may G(od, in is lafinito nsorcy, jutige et T 55 HE3TH OF MAY. b Place on iret De. a M anuanolti oîier cn Mémorial Day A E itO sGa yr iok ck le acenes andi events ot tise fori m it fml-l war auggesteed la conversation or revîved un ihmo -sbh fam 4ytla e... iga. of aftaniser coarate. Tise be ~IsIaa. iÔcurenes in lino as "aanlvenart'Laop. Il 0mb X naine on a iccket, 'MYrtle,>' linli- venIns. groujietibele-, wa-ltbu of. inter. èWitb.*mu ofatbomaiile pst.8h. laid Mt te thos aho partlclpated andt hose ta emalihooi, bad! married Rodi. aho remesmber. Tliey tell a-hai toe0k a-hks«r evlonu eloc tPlaceOu It.e301h etMay, tiity.foum, pis aftr <eina-eidîg lte ockttitnt.lree, binY-la-o, thlnty-ao éanti for resrs teilItram Ils cisain lilty yesrs muotiis Decoration Day: W aIsLd ander foot. May- 8%,186t, a sotary waar uventoetlai te reclasp t, Myrtle duacov. 11111e laportance manketili.*tvIoue a-as: dsumghter et John anti Mary May 30 1802, thnee active sklnmisheff in Ofklkanti," plaice t Iere b> te Occssrreti-a-t Pair Calta, Va.; Traister'aso se um reams hefore, It seeneti a Creeli, N. C.. anti ai Zuni, Va.. On tise - Ua revélatien 1tiste mothenlessdaine day Bouneville, Mis&., waaCap. ge tureti, the Cgpress"Cneek ati Tuscia a a - adtlaei ither, le thls-tte isap- bridges a-&. destrcyeti, Corntbi e-a vac- of Mémorial Day! Iuati b>- thte Centoemtea, martial lmw T to eoteti spirts ne- a-as procimiet i n Texas,ani port RoyalI 1 1 Onund, aunctifli a-ih Va., came unden Feteral co1ntrais ell lis asMar 30, 1lm, lt.esnotable Oceurt"ee b iouad gaMY a-alk, arma aW-r ama d lW it GreessaIi, va, au a:. saorq is cplshdeiPaths taci on tise Confederste enp I(t e 0% uèblesiglit hhagp, lTenu., a"d ti emp dit'sgr- au tb. lanuserl, Vs., Ly otr F0pnS ~ IHanovt-r Court Hanse, Asblanti anti Old Citurch, Va.,f the Army of lise Potomac- st-curnig tise advantage in encis otfltes. battlt-a. May- 30, 1865, tise peaice chronîcle am coniplefe, uhowv-ng tise surrender of 174,- 223 Coteterate troopa; the Ta-entleîb ans>- corps anadîscoutlnuet, and vet- crans In tise servit-o marcl home au beroos ta families anti fnlends. A Requiem. SlEttp. 0 soîtiier! lu-, lie losv 'Neet thtie blessoms' sceutes non- Ne-'er sa-ak- ta earthly sulam- Song of pence, nuir usara' alarn. lit, 0ssliter! clear anti s-cet waveg aussi ssatisea-ardu repent: ýWhIe -tise stars abuve th-t-si-ingiti;;- Chant tise chorus ta their uissging. Jo-, ois. great anc-s, slenb-seemingl Tison tht- mighty art andtie setreaiming. Restletss alec-pt-ru! voE-eles11, @tient, a-e- Tiue tise heaveul>- mEnstrels>-! Thic- tise patriot'a dame andimac-e; Thbne t he hero'a crauvu anti place; Tisine tise fatiecass, stam-a-rought vision; Thine tht- perfect isap-s fruItlisn! Sleep, tht-re, saEtiier! loa-, lie Ina- 'Xcath tise bloâaoins'uc-enteS suais: Nc'er awake teoairtbîy starms-- Chant of peao., nor a-ara' alarma. --Gooti Houaekeeping. PATRIOTIO OBSERVATION. Ilt Aisculti Net- Be Loft Aioe.to Or- Sganizations cf Oid soidieva, At tisis seaun thore ehonîti ha no aIle>- la the goldon tribute of aur country t0elise saldlers, says tise Chticago Graphie. Tii asemor>- ubouit be citenisitet, tiseir braver>- extolleti and thein exaimples enstlatesi. Il la impossible te value too igitl-hbeir deeda on Sotîbun battle fields, nomtot speak ftoemailcally ofthem petriotic motives. The Inculcation 0f tho basons if patrioblin istas» much a dtin-as tise de- tense of lhe c-ountry. The annîversar- of tise day a-hen the graves of oun beloved lseroe« are strca-n wltb tise floa-roraf a tiation'. lave uboulti ho obuervoti aitL ail tbe tervor a-hIcb a patroti- anti home. Ioviag people c-an commandi. The observation of Decaration Day iiiauld ual bc left aone faetise organiza- tions af olti asdtera. A grateful nation iiotuld îiutkt- af thc- tay ais aunual uc-ca-1 tien for tise rebearsal ufthtie valornus leeda ut "the boys of tjt;*" citizeas sitaultie vie witis cth sinc- bexcmplifyiug tiscir1 affection for tem, andth ie yautis ut thed andi <t-us, if at o tu her time, sbuhoit st-ar tise Iistor>- oft Ilir ac-hievemc-nts. A saîriotic e ople must nof suiffer the stigma1 isat tise>- have allanet-s hte entisusiastie and hear>- recognsition of thus occasion gradual>- fu fait. The Usikaawn Deati. Home are aume iutert-sting etatiatice uonemniaf tht- senS saliers of tisea-ar: iT,-re ar- 82 national cemeteries, con tain-- o;g 327,179 soltliers, nearly ont--hait f o isons are clnesifieti as "unkusui-n." Ta-eu-t eY-une of fic-ee url spots coafain over1 5,00 bsodies cet-l, ansong 15cm tise fanionsq emetc-riea nt Vicksburg ati Corintb, ila' Mlsisisippii. At Salisbtury-, N. C., ont ofe a toalEof 12,132, anl>- 97 aru "knoa-n." At- Aiuierutonaille anti Hampton, Va., more tîsan nine-tenths are itientified. A th Soltiiers' Hante, Waishington, aine- ten-ba-entietîs., anti ai the censetonîes mi -t. Auiguitine, Ela., anti Battlu Groupti,8 D. C-, ai are identifleti.p Tho largest' inlerments are et Vlcks. t bur, Piiet leme are 16,620 of tise deati,0 At Nalivll> 16,532 are burieul. Thoa nailee national cemetery laait Beverly, T . ,anicentanea nly 16t4t 00 they lie together. lise kaoa-n anti the afknoa-n, untior long wbite ma-s oet eatiatone«, ranketi ati senriet asa-lien I te> feil igittin; fer liseir.conntny. a Woanenofthlie C. A. R. Tise Imporatpart ltaIa-omon are8 Iaylng in the namdrial and charitable C eork of tise Grand Amy 0f1lise Republi- p aalasys matie mmulfest open theoetca- tg on of Decomalion Day services. - Nuanly es rrery pont bas attacitetite lt aa-oman's U tuxillary, anti neoinali putt la ent>issteti 4 .Ils charge. la lookia; afler lthe amta e id auppîylng the needs o etbuslcli, aura- ng lisuife«nla;investlgatlng cases ne- snrtut aistieservlns et oliarily, andtinlai itiaria; floeenite dfcOate thu graves ai dte deadtihleue noble a-omen perfor Irlu service that atiti te lb. eredît oet lbiee 'dur. Tise>-are a-ortis of mil honor. rheIn Influience ia for gooti, ablit t in i. easIng mil IL. lime. le N*Wpol wua- tofnd of any ati ail Pork on lmgI sisib$es md mltltrg - «»»&uEh . mu 'à M"a'.lould *adlu en 5.!' 180As atb let L M i - JU~'~g1 ~, *~ r~"~j bt, mppnhtou Taine Racîsioi Coes Macla Vast-ther tisa 1Provfooune-FaullnîBbu&Ch Pres When OiplInIon10a Red-Jeckso, Mai 'an.- Brown aittil White liavor the Aci Whlaoe Law Knocked out. In lthe insgmeait of tise Supreme Coni that portion outlthe'revenue Iaw ot 189 relaling <oteth' tax on iiiconses la d-inoper, live, voîid and usnciititustional.,,lua % riving et titi conclusion the c-ourft lok fh viec - ta, a-hile nomée secftuis af lthe l, nsigbt ho conaitittntioîîai if faketsni, sel atcly, tise law a-çais 00 frauses thait1 could Dfot be considered eiquiîally exepl lng as a a-iole. In fle Opinion of Eh court Congreits %woîlti 001hav.-ce, the la- t il had auppos4ed flinat Ibat pol lion of firelating ftîlcoineaon aenIl estai and bondsea-ould ite du-clgred tsncoustltu tional, a-bile those sections ilksiiig a ta: on business, franchises andi privilege wonld lie beli ta isevalid andi enforceable It a-as cleanly Daot te porpose of Cou greals ta levy a fax ais Occuipations. pro tensions and ti ter forma of efaterîsrisc and labor, andi ta exempt rc.îl ostéite antI bondi Il a-as lthealoi Of Coigrae tlai cap liai, anti as tht- court sias prat-ticall: Onanimoua ini the conelsision flint 1ta! Incarne tram rtni et-fatt- n'id muniicipasl anc State bonds i-as îin,-oîss;titlltional hherd wouid ho a manlifest inijutice iii tîploldiul tieae isa n part and dteelaring it immli( ia part. Tise vote resultesi: rive against tht- con etitu-tionality uf tis, 3adv b four for thé Ia-. Titosè agaiiilàtIsbe'law s-pre Chiei Justice plielsr anîd Jiti Fa -ieldl. Gray Brea-er ansd Slilras; fur tils-Iaw. justice, Hlarlan. White, L'rown nsi jaeksot elhief Jîîetis-e Fuller rendîi flic Opsinion aný thse conclusions uft<he- court are as fol. Ioa. 1. We aditere fo tise opsinion already an. floiincesi thbat taxes on rt-ai estafe being in. disputably direct taxes, taxes on thse menti or income of real estaf e are eqsually direct taxes. 2. Wc- are of thieoinion flinat taxes et peersnl fruperty or on the income Of per. aunai111properti- are likea-ise direct taxes. 3. The fax imiposesi by sections 27 1u 37, Inclusive, of fise- aet of 1894, no far as il faits on tise ineume of rt-ai csaae andi on Persosiai profitrty, iseiîsg a dires-f <ai aith. In the nieaniiig of lthe c-onstitution ant therefore uncoastimsitionnl andi voiti, be- cause flot aPPortîoited seorshing te repre. sentation, ail fllou.- sectioîsiactsnstituflng ont- c-nfire esht-t- ueoftalxation are ut-c-c-s sssriiy ijiais. Tht- dNr-ep,i-rinhetor- entere i n <isl court. wihI ibe va<-sfc-s. Thseîles-r-es blos will lie rs-i-trse d the flc <lac-src-maad-d witis insfruioniis t o grat it e relie-flira- ed. Sections 27 t1037 ufthtis ariff nrt tor 1804, referresi <o l isc-e-oucitisions of the court in the opiniosîi, are- ail tite sections of the net r--listing t ihflicsome tai, so thnt tise esîlire. income fax Eaw in decltsred raid specilically. OUR POSTAL SERVICE A Coin Paari son of Postoffice. Here andi la Other Countrîcui. Il conte lise peuple of tise Uniited Sfates about $6,000,000 a year ta maintain lise postal service. Noi lther country in tise a-orld has go large a tietieiency in p<satal revenues. England makes $13,500,000 ftri l ver>- year. Frauce msalles a pro- fit of $9.,000M. Uermany's profit is more titan $5,000,000. Twe-t-ut of thé, count ries of tfeisc- u-al VUnionibave suar- pluses and fossrtt-eîîot tht-m have sji.t clencies. Tise Argentine lt-publie tlles- $2,000,000 a yt-ar; Itusain. ,7,00 Canada, $8N).000, andi japan, Quens- land. Buigaria, XSlvadlor, Unîugua>. Nea- Sonfs Wales, Sinisa. Ltixsiiiissîrg. tJrcts anti Bolivin pay smiller soins for tiset-on- çeui-iie-Of tlsss- wfo wrife- leltersandt <lîsse wito res-cive flicm. Tise Pont )lied' 15,-parfuscont of tise Unitedi Stat-ueq insloy s 178,1ct5 îorksrs. Germnv cuesse- scond oiit.4 Gre-at Briatilti thitrd, with 131,459; Frauce furrh, siith 57,828. Tise UnifedSia<1sa <iith is t-ut-sifrtee collesctiiusand]slcliv-ry. lias an ave-ragc uf lt-as t liais usie lt-! s-r lssx te ca-hi tsost oflive. Oul Ioiof uttii.- post offices iIni the Unit-si Statssliaic--ive fs-I i i-tv -.-ss t hîs il oll pt-r es-lit. te-îssuyl'l sis us ve-riage-of threcE ltt r ls sat.> î:tw lost sd s.n uis I-rance, iiî ls-r 7.t<i- o ýt office-s, bs il.ii- t3f>9 letler bsoxess. Iss si-s a vsry reuiars- ale diffi-re-os ciis sie iliiir:cicr of tise aecoinflodutistu gi-sniniii<lisse ctînt rit-a. Theî number of lttcr boxe-s ils tise Unilted States in 53.556; iii GcrsiassyW2202; In Great Britajîs, 44,697, or moret- iais «so la cacis office: is If rit imis 1iDia, 3,8-42. Bsst Jaîsan makea a rt-inatrkable ssosiig in this particslr. Thsire are oui> 3,77(; pont offices ini Japan, huit lscre are 31,243 cItter boxes bo receive fthe mail for tht-se offices, an art-rage tsf more <hais eight lu each office. TEh(-ishole numlstr ut Icîter boxes fil luge la tise %a-rld lu 424.217. But tise real valne of a Postal service le shoa-n lnrgc-ly lsy tise nimber of pont 0f- fces In proportion te tise Population, or tie aren coi-crtet, Ansd ht-r. the Unit aJ Statte talle short. Sa-itzenland blas A pout office te every 4.7 square miles of :enritory, anti Queensland bas a pout office for ei-ery 428 inhaitltns. Tht-se sre tbe leaders In theso tieu classes. Tise UJnited States holds tise flfteessti place ta tho liaI of pool offices in proportion ta aires, and lbe. eventb place in lis elt of poul offices la proportion te population. Tisera sa a pont office lu titis country ta, every 5%S3 square miles, anti a pout office te every 928 lnbabrtanf s. In lise sending anti receiving of toreigu mail German- cames first andth ie Uniltd States second. (iermany rocoives 619,. AM0£V00 f-r.;ulete- .13,é00,000 fo-e-gu Wne Aulaorluc Km taki" kow nt Acomuabo Our K.s-.ow t"s T~ t. pinied Dual in e er »oinge of Buste »04 <rt Considération of tbe Chie,5. drah 94 liil, whleh was a special ordor for nèd* iI<~ nornilsg la teHou». wss rX- pael.]fur une Week. Thýe 8nate~ ho setabliîsbnortbera and- eaate SStato anormnal sclools vere pas eLf Hanse. lIifty tbousand doalla la it prlated for eaieh institution. i-bill approjriating $80,000 for-,-si hethe nex w yer for the Ilme. q-X ed tlorial (Inard was ainendeil so .s tO r- 14116 for lte niustering lmb service ofci tebattauion of coloredti roops antid v- u-ta third readîng. Mr. Butler 1o a résolution caling attention 0t i venlence resultiai f ront the raitiabee la le laws amtouf the several States and aisklaÏ 7, e. the (Jovernor t0 confer with tihe Govent, - ý n-ors of other States concerning the adtV4-Ai# billty of a convention t0 consider 1i.ub idJcet. By a vote of 27 te là 8enator Llttie. l.secureti a roonsideraîlon eothIe gote P« whereby bis bill anieuding te anti-trest ly law was belten. lx id The Séanate Titnriay pssed Dwy«li te bîiltoeIluxure the licter trainng>;of h lxsituera.. Senlîtor Ililiees effort to gèt id consideration of bisa bill fixing leephig-j car rates, introdured in confortait l-Y a-the Governor's mne sgt, sas defeaitedile le a vote of 20 to 15. Senittor Aapinw*ll'. Spool sclling bill,, ich sbasa bten sVth tb. s pécinaldp-rs for nearly two nttbs, wi Sagain postpojieds for two weeks. Tho House pisseed the- 14*iiite I- lL.rovdng fotý ýdthe erection of iumotuîîîsfa b ark. the lpositionis of Illinisl troopq on the bittWe- fels of Chickiaiuga, Missionary Rld;ai -and Lookout Monutain; aide the Seuatal bill apprnîsriafîng $13.000) for lte exptilseu te0f thse stafufor> revision cýommissàon. _t There a-as a briaik flght a'*er the Qbiea5. scitool teaiclie-r-s'Pension bill fil the [loige. n Friday inorisîng. but ti oas filasaly advanc- r-ed 10 third rs-ading. The citnnest for îLe' bill tg- ,e-oii,. a Ii w sire ssow .-ouiidertc-d r, very goo. Col. Nierriain raslcd tihe bill it ni> out of PfR orsier. EII.-rts to e n i aind to trike ont tht-e vuzitng elause W"te k. voted down. The v-.ato came brin- i cipallj- fron Cook ('ouuîty meuibers. The. Séanate sUd 1no builltis. e d out l'y ite Senalî fe A î.roIriatimout.îs- Snittee Tuesljis a ff-ru- -n. isijfrMt- ('fond ianîd utiwcri - s -et crs .îyl-s cd f0 eut out allfthe prosious .ç-xcePj>.thie % ifai on* proliitiin tise cniîds -yiîîi.o.f e hilire tîrder 14 yeiarsof sg<* and ai.oslier forti. *ding thse -mi.1lyme--u ft cbir-, îl nïbr 1 y-ars of ag- nt ans wsrk siîîîiaprbum 1.) life. laihb or .n.sralm. Tis îs.oîr- lions comuitice nî,îsrs,vt4 l titi. ê-xeepf rte age linjit, %% higsls ande 1 l.intisca Of 14 Yenr". Tbh- iiîwnow .i~~itihe employaient of si.ildrrn <ndesr 14 ini foc-- tories Aîî.l w<rklsiops. isut flthe srp'uof thse presenft1bill is to ex<-nthfle app.~lication, of the îsrovixion,s .at-r.-s Andi of br -sf11 lixeituats enilioyiisg ehilîleen. 1<i sRaidi the Oovernor avoulil vt-îu-ttt% Ilbih ttent-. iug tsi malle litê asti. li, 1<-lse thon 14. M ie n th iise s '1 a re p rte d # nst h - >' i frssa t 1 howca-er, Sena teor M v(loud wsl at4 ,-ý. pt lu qta-are natentiia4-lianissg f-he;U 'ît,7 linif bac-k (o 14 yeiarst. .leiator lýitl-ro amnrdaient to the - atti-f rui.t lssw allow- ing comiinations isy soipîsishouas- àt-a ot prodluction conits ainsal> of issges w-as kîlla-d in fthie Senaîs'. Tise -ote wa-u 261 to fi. Enlisheiioiise Mr. Lossenthil lis- fr<stl se-d a bilhl wi-is iteti.- si fl tise Millesr aKas trontfige il sl '<'<dsi1'tihe <isvernor. Pcxs-ejit tIssuil înaktsethe- unit for whichi n ninnjorify ..f siunatnres nsaîst bc securr-d bs-fore frssit-Iiais-e are grants-.l a iiiil, iîists-iisfof anI-us-k.litant-iirclunthe Jtdicinrv Coisifit-- eel Vaulii-kiq bill te reinovi- flic 53tMMi denit Iiiiit. .Mr. Ber- ry'slbill erc-atiaig tefll inis F-arns.-rî' In- stitiafe via :s as.The- C,ok (ounfy s-il sers-ase ill wua-s sss>grft-s-sut fiivorti- bis îsy tEs?-llussC-i ssi uitfteson is v iil Ki-ru-îe. The pl-sia.giies-I tsi ls alspr- pria tiîsg fo r the -rs-fsrisatfors- ait t'ont iiss for tise nus-tw<5osycasa$liS ;for dt.a s.tifleris huspiaisfor f lie lN s.~7 4(X). Nir. ti,-Uisrtlsi- ri--s,-its I a res)li- <jin graiitiisg the -us.. -fr-.-c5iti itti l for tise ni<,îîif ar3.ns-î fisi. vlac ed. Cosit of' Stoppng n'Tt-a . Sald a Wcll-kisown engins-c-r un 1bc Ct-ttrai rond flic oilsce- t:iy, t.lklre, jitlban Albany Unlisc-l>oric-r. - "t lm not geuernllY knowtî 'iliist losîsiof power s liiivolved ln <lac -tavtfiijz an-I sfolîpifig of au ordlitbi-> t--O tii ut fcars. Tht-rnE s requlred about tfi, lt-e as tuie-l puower los e.aIrsiai ast tositart ufne, tihe lois of 'suor deîendEn;; uI)tSitihe mamtentuni. A train goaig ntt<he rate of slxty Miles anslout-,crasl. by menas of fie Westlngh suse air braike. bie stoppeti withIn 1203yardls tra ite firet application of the brake. NQvv enougb power la Lst tu carry tue y saine train fitteen utiles over a plana- surface. PuraI, there la thee suomeu- tuin acquireti by the tr.îiu fli>lg aet s tiEs remtarkcable rati' of spêeed theta the loua of steain lu aplyEVna the brakes, andi laatly, but flot loai, the extraamonttt of éato a-mien ate f9r îLes. loaaies. By cqmputa. lion 1 bave ascêrtawltl flit overy complete stop Involves a foan of Neyer Exhauateti. "You nover get to ibheond of cbrietlw