CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 May 1895, p. 8

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"4Sure Catch > SkyFyaper. you money. Give ne a trial. A fresh ine of fust received. your order taken for At greatly reduced priées. A PERIPECT FIT guaranteed. or no 4,ïa'chtap elsewhere as< here. Ail k-inds, ail sizes. Hats and Caps way down. R. C. HUIBARD,, IS~~eWiI1 pigge,__Furniture. SLine of Furiltire 1895 Style$ 1 à A~FWLineoftJndertaking always on hand Carpets, 011 Cloth, Linoleum, Rugs, Comnfor- ters, Pillows, in fact Everything in the line of House Furnishings. Hang- ing Lamps, Stand lamps. 1 fU &f$lBdor relative bl Now 18Ucth e 10 ao ubscrlbe for ipuwo" 1k. Wb. held i# clark's IHorse Bevlew. The Indepeu- #~SiU>Tflei very we* foi dent lu locali agent for Lake couaty. N~ag~.é0 Mke, t2àt person W. wllI moud both papota one IMr iOUMot&-16&es-subacrlptlon tu tW any addreas for oniy S3, Cash lu ~.iUI~!.&dvauee. a s' or te" Iu,& Te 060- C. Tigge. A«entLike Zrtyich, IIl, uxoA«ntWadw-A11.'cna I. ~ Ag~itL*kefZuicIl. I, unii f0a. m.-I l'*. M. .WUss YOU WAMT A A N '0 S@hbvOApashiona- býis HltI'C ut or 0hempoo. wu. GU8Kexi,wUARUER, WhM¶~%~ytPmwlussar tm wil sqtipped lmm 00b, adi milfl"y",r 181 tehumiie tiem ROCKP.LI* Iii. LN. uria ad gî~Frsîîkîe au. pt8îtunday la Grayslake. Bunday May 19, a baby bo)y. and Zou Loueks went tb &utluecb IsL Friday as delegatea from the C. E. Society. Dur sociley is greatiy grieved on amuît of bb death of Mm. J. P' Norton. Aler amulicneffl offive weekg entirely hqlpless. she passed away Tueidny mornhmîg. The Clîrlaian Eudeaà<îr ineetng conducted by Mr. Wooml wAms itrgelY attended. t iras blxt iinlere4timîg and heiptul. Mir. Woodl bas doue a great deal of izod ltekthe maîm)('*ietÎes la the Countrtrlerefore bis taeetinges are aliwtsyi ltoked touvrard lo ithil iutetebt. The ltockeieller lex.suie CViom n ii1 give a, grand eitertaiitieiit at te chapel, Frits> eveuifig, Junîe 14. 1 Instrumntal.. .,.ý. ...Gertrude Morse Recltatii-xt ... uelia Hleraclitergeri solu...._. .. . . ......LAtra Gtiriîar Recitatlon . .. .. . ... Tieodore Swit Slo .... .. ......Grtrude morse Recitatiou ........ ...ltstie Hardemi fluet ........:. Leiafuhbre Recitat ion.........Lyle Oerham-i Cor net solo......-Frank Çisfllie Readisig ..........Aîul4 Cron»lite solo ...........Mildred Reucbefen Recital ion............Bert &OU)n Dialogue.,. ....... ie Beorn Tu end iritit a veny laugliable farce, entitied; -"Hans Vonî Samh." Ad- dmuioxi: aduits 25 cents-, childnen là ù-ents.('orne ail aîîd bave a good IVANH14E. Peter Meyer mas seen lu take bomne1 a Itew Coik pianîo iattSut irday. Misa Clara MConaly il atvjig lber lînuse repaiîtted Jams Vanîplew 'l8 Joi ite work. Tise Cliriqtaim Eîdeavor Su(ciety iril send a large delegation trom t Iis place bu the convention ut Autiocit, Frida>'. Mr. anud Mms John Newton, of Chicago, spent a part of lest week mlLh ia mot ber and otber frlends bene. FREMONT CENTER. Wm. Lusk lu lowly recovering trout bis Injuries, tbis entamer. Christ. If us a a Waukegaa viltor lutI week. Adamn Behm, Jr., and funili> spent uaL Wedneaday la Waukegan. Oso. Rebm and .~ Obenaut muaketod a Ofiselot u of k, Isut tabtr- day. George Delbold la hsring bis bouse repained. Dorlier & Co. are doing the work. Johnt Deililî bas bis oli bain moved, and Litsmilaions are ut work ou the foundaition uf a neir une. misa M. J. Traut, of Chicagu. la speîtding a teir meeks mth [ber mther, irbo has beea lit poon bealbh for eoute ime. Curît of sari>' plantiug la muet al cut 1,j the trust. James Brown iras boule Suda>' froni Oak Park. H. B. Hoag front Ilarvurd iras a pieusaut coller St C. il, Thomas' lai& week. The dan.,. at .led Gouid's iras poubponed until Seturds>' oveuing May 25bL. Why John! You baoitboter irait until soneumollitb eveaiug Leture you go to anotîter dance. That 1, if voit canuot drive, mîthoit tlppitg over and gettiig lte girls al mni. Ouîê girl is enough, Johin. Two la too man>'. llerb Davis lîad 'quit. a lîîcky ruut- aira>' Suitday, May' 12. Ilis hItuses weretied to a Post lu fnOkt uof Mr. Elitinger's. TiieY broke loose ansd rm four mailes doiuig ver>' lite damage. Don't be takea UP 80o mueb witiftbe girls, afLer his, Ilerb., Our people are groi u sud morelnuthe habit of 100 ag 10 B Lovel,Llbsrtyllls -C. risz Wauouda. for latest sud beat oum t he li b.rug Ine, The> sel Ca lmsy famoita for l ç «« ouP and wluVO o ifsu ahb lai7 a a re mi pkousd wtb *6sit BOY! E.D urris took i plemàtirs trip o Cliicago last SmturdavAsnsaor J. A. lloffmà l juat uow very bus>' iit he taxes. Miss Lenora Ames vlaited- litthe village a few days st week: Mis. J. Murrie, of Riusseil, visited lu Roserasmoeday ist week. 11ev. D). T. Stephenison apent part oftlast week iiLlJoseph Taylor. t'iiarles Dixon ha@ takente Cu- là topalt e ceuietery fence.. The Mi..Y. A. Mutie, of Frouont, vm Neb., la visititig frieixts la tis i.ciîîity. Il. 0. B. Yuumîig in home frout Rush Medîcai Coliege foirLthe sommer vÏca- ioni. le%. M. W. Buck, who iraapaton of tihe Bartist churail thres eaeu"ago, is amouig us agaisi fur an extesided vlit. Childreai's ia>', mli Le observed lu te M. E. church witb approprate ex- ercises. A gotal prognarn bas been prepared. Feed i. abuidant lu pastires sud turmers ais gettluig lange quantibies of m11k ftom tii01 Oairies,which la noti>' slîipped txp Chicago dealers. johit lloffmsu lias iately ta'<ei charge tit e business affatira<i the Arnea estat4 FraîkShepard. bheite fr- met admniiiitator, wiahing lu lie ne- Ieaqed Ibom tihe duties. DEERFIELD. 1). 11111111 ls stîlI î'ery Mi. 'Te fhuaI did gieat (lainage ili lese 'Te .lsijî Brick Co. licautîsetiwork. Monda%.î MIkielitja ltockeubach a sit l iigli tIi Mitiei Miller il, aIitooë, afler a tiru weeks' sta>' in te City, The vacaleti Scilwiuîgel fa] ni is worked b>' llerrnaîî Huelti. FM Wiimaiîlias a tias cold. but lie' tenids 10 busintess, just lihe saute. ,NIrs. Geo. Parsous la entertimiig lier uiece. Misa Sizer, of Wiscoîtsin. Patroilizo ite home sutelier abo»,1 for there's whie e ou get your money'aà Misses Mary and Anais Ot, Arneia lloneuiberger sud Mrs. Ilultu irer (hi- cago vîslorb, Weditosday. A part>' of Frauk Ot* friemîds met tt bis neir boue, unie evenig hui week , and lad a joli>' imte. Mary Bleimeh lias accepted a situa- lotn ini lie cil>' aud wmli hemcefurt spendtd lii lîturs a day un board te trainm. Tie M. W. A. LIl)ge i4 coisslaitly j ncreasitig lin tembershili. Tireive liew apîîlicaltb5 ire eexatnîmîed, Wed- ieday. The lawu party. luintoîsr of Misa Latira Mluille's birtbtia>, Thursda>' eveouig, was largely atlendeti: a pieas- auL lime La'reported. Mrgs. Rommel vislted lier ftLer, Boy. J. B. Ailard., MathLie Germait I logipîlal, Chîcago, 1londay. She re- Iponta hlm somewbal btter. Tbnoubh the kinduess of 11ev. H. *10.DV Stamer of Chicago, tigeSuildaysctoolTh fine library of about fOty volumeu. John Horenberglr sud Tom bave b bec» bus>' during the week soddlng Mat i-oreubergerle groundo,,so Ihat besidea b&vlng the fineat bouse, Mat Dow O al asthe tacot lawa ln Deer- field. if you thlak Jack Mdeler caa't ma.- ag@ a paignt btusb, tae a look ut Steir- urd'a houss sud yu mllie hoconvluced Ibat lie ln an arila. N. B. Wiîtdow trame paiuling is said lu lie bis speciail>'. In tihe ball ganie mitb the Gros. Pointa, our team dtda't corn@ off au luekil>' as with the Wbeeling tea.i The "cre iras 25 to 5 lit fayot OjE Gnous Points. Neyer mind, lte next Lime lb may Le different. The schooi directors aie &Il so ireil sgtifflwlth Mdiss Welcb's woik that the>' bave 1e.engaed lier. at an ln- creassd aalary, bu beach next terni. W. have nu doubt bimat titis wili Le satisfactury ail ground. If you Mare aake soute nigit at 12 o'cluck,.go out on tbe street. ttra yourBl face towmdth.ewet, and it youn ears aue good sud the wmnd lu stili, YOD miii perhaps faintlp heur the distant peai- iug ot bele. Thom wiro uaderstand such mystenlous sounds, Bay'tat theno ill be anothet weddiug in 1)serfld, suon. At a recent mneetinag oftheb membens ut St. Paul& churcb, the>' umîmotial>' decîdsd bu buiid a paraoriage on theE- site north of the chunch. The lot lias alreauly been purcitased f rom Wrn. ostermianl, the plans tonrte bouse have been prepared and the conLnact wmli Le lot titis week. Tihis is a eteip ln te night direction and i shws the progressive spirit. of tite members of Deertfld's langest congregation. Thi C. WÏlimau, our genial watcbrnaker, jemelen and «bicycle repairer, reports thut bis business lu sbeudil>' on the in creuse, ln spite of bte hard lies. ne Ti gels matches M4,o0o00" troni911 over tbgo ounty, aid us a bicycle re- palier, ho le getting aMsuivl" repu- taliontbroghoa% 'Mspart of thé Umea, . haveýno oubt ihatoves> 1 dwlhjnWOtki Us@ b u ' ex- mesi.o"bawom Md~oerabs tuahl,*80 At the new Store with New Goodsan*d )~ wiIl save one half your moncy and Cet the h goods. We dlaim to be thc Leadçri- la prieffl, Dealers. You will be sure to meet fair treatffl Store in every way of depIlng and we are sure to trade, then. 13010Ww *91»vea F&W of oui, W4av m 0 linest ihue of Dress Shirts White and colored at a great *bargain., vs Youths and Men's Clothing for haif of îts value of Rat%, from 4L3c up Child's Shoes especially cheap,ý Stock garranteed. An elegant line of Coisets and: Laundred Shirt Waiats, most fashionable. Extra cheap. :Towtlg q«yd... . Ladies Jsueg utbbod But gr"*y au"vu*it -** m Ms Us DieO .,. Cail and see, and Convinee Youý4 JOFFEY & jOPT Next door to Commerical Hotel. LIBERtTYV I') I od 1 uîopenu'ever we.k. A bah and bat- and.i* oi a e5o biei cIe gl:ven roo wlth every bo3 'eSsuit, a U S ~~~~ Thea od i sll u badvertLmu. lb -l ehea1rest place ln Wankegan to trade at. J u cige oeon t, IL lâ not wortity of yoîir patronage. A nd as muob longer as lest. FOR BOYS: Full Bîze 'Cotton Handikercbiefb with Fuucv bordera 25e Suaieud"ers, ut . .- 25e Waasth, aI - 75e Frllled lousae aists, Fat Coiorsat - 25e FatBakStocklîtgs. ut eca ikWindsor Ties, ut 25e Knee Fauta, ut - 50c- Knee Pantis, et- 7.5c Kue. Pants,.at- 50e Cap@ or Hats, ut 50c- Bicycle Caps, nt- 50c- Cotton Swreaters, aI r*a.50 Kaee Punte Suite, nt à $3.00 Ene. Pants Buitta, t $3.50 Combinatio u iute, at $3.60 Blue Fannel Suitta,at $6.00 Long Punts BulLe, at 6.00 Long Pente Bulle, et $7.50 Long Pentu Suita, ut 01000 Long . ants . u. ut iese are a few had at le sec 15e aIse 12e 2e 48e 35e 15e $1 60 2 00 2 50 2 50 3 50 4 50 6 0 6 50 FOR MEN. Full Sized Handerohloba la white red aud bWak, at $2.50 AU Wool sweaters. at* $1.25 Sweasters, ut 75e Cotton Swreaters, ut 02.50 Stiff and Fedora Rate ut 10e Fine Seamiesa Bocks., a 6kc Sîlk Web Suspenders,at . Soc Baibrlggan Undenwear, *t.- 75c- Tennis Fanel Shirts et wal4 si.00 Laundried Fanoy SBirwt& t- Suce Unlaundrled Whte ShMr$*, $1.(00 Wonklng Pantâ, *ut . $2.60 Cauliere Pan;;, ut 86.00 Dres Pante, at $8.54) Businêau suit, at *10.00 Casalmert Suite, ut I $15.00 Fine Cheviot Suitis. Rt $16.00 Ail Wooi Clay Wotts&. sults, at of many bargains only Temperance Temple, Waukegan. The Newý UOGHT DRAFT. Low Force-Feed Elevator. Eogmto Binder WhAUL AM EntiroIy tNw bhpatr tDICALLI DIFFURENT FINM ALL OTHEI IR Uw You SE UT vol> wiLL 811V No <YIIER The New....n MOST PERFECT MOWER MADE. k LIGi-T DRAFT. eo Pitman othor motion except strasght for W" stralght back. itnover breaks and nover wosrs W 'ho only Mower where lot motion can up both ln, boxe& a~dgqri.Tu='~ îestmrêw dé« ftut "OSP= SNow 70 MEmu AT 4Pn~er, lui. u juong ranw i5uit*, at - 'ne imel" ùotâi

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