CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Jun 1895, p. 1

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~%.0. ex0. EIvrroa. OUR AIM: TO FEAR GO!), TELL TUE TRUTH ANI) AKE MQNA r. PIE 5 CENTS ]PER 007!, 3.No 4,Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, June 7, 1895. $1.50, in advanc5 ' Indepenent DEORiION AY l LBERM LLE AntherBoo HasStnk Lbertvile. ILLB RN.WAREN. AUC N A. A are roà ils heChrc. l> ltAndil 105.'Lovil lii Wilirii desi S411001 icloses tu day (Friday.) ILa crowd of bipiness men from Chilia- Sili Tlor bus retuiirei, jii~i~wiil ilWicjuaclbaetlju Lk uihIdonei. Decoration Day, 'rîîoraday-, May 34' g aebr n tkdOt tu h. i-nii;tnu duiitin, the aurrlin ins l e Ne Lm, Jr .spelit «ilfew . i ii J ay Cook was a Cary visitoir 8afida., CRAYO LAKE INDEPENDENT. 195, wils Most appropîriately olîserved -groulait for aitothecr factory. MXerrs motllîciý lîcaîtti is noise toi) rolînat. tecty last week. E.E1Glîet.arpîre1oheiI ?aUW Eey Fridal et bi hte Jpeupileof Libertyville and Hg Chad .W Akrauact ei isi latAfelIttilt îsns. alh wask in Chicagoti 01Z1ic, wa LISERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. vlinlty. Long before tse appointec t roorietors and propose to ereet ira- bid in the jîtivilege ti carry Ille tifait r illna) o ircwsM CUMmnterof 1dkecouxty>fortbotraeveral; holir 1:30 P. nm., Ution cbureh was mdaey tresoybrc ul-beîenlce îdWdwr lî, lg - Mr. and Mrs. Arthuir Lange lr e reîy *ÎNA"vk:imueg, 'rive ait the (COuuntjy New fjlbt tdltRouektcm I* iing.J ulx I. joicitig aithtle hirtlh (if a soi). f 'l is tl hepol ept g iss ng 62x115 ft. wltlî tone 5oucidatioflFrafrtcls ht on , àb ane tssit04eWa o ale tilaaglallieery coweand evocpery ,atabe 1and wil nlso build twenty-live Ev e û)ovoitglt toriîîîreciate the A.N. 1ickson, of Milwauîkee, "< WaFoa iStudis o ocue AO aTISING RATES. -n eeryavilbl cottages at once. They daims to be ilprOvefleltit aiOur main1 crîîssîîg ai)- visitlig relativesliera this week.M. LCook h tt ~'i spoe ihld lthchirsan ye mnythe only fIrm ln the U. S. that manu- Prtacu esriei a oue ly The drouth la quite extensive ami back first of tire week. 1WlIl 81 IianIS ~ 1r bd W stad tro h te antire factures full siltsof lothing. They piaemas very serious iitîjis part of thre Couinty. -- l eeies.ofterbpanottepro f atbeill.eposm0bn ao u Dualfamly acrdiî ti Etgetie Knox, wife antd daugliter, Day haie. Chicago, S 012111011d110o!4t0e 8atrniot s8 1o- oerpayout $100,00ayear lis wages. custonm, hild their retunion on Ilecora- ofIowa, are visititig Mr. Knox a par- A ubrfo thspaetenê j *ce 4 ol600 li 16 1 people, than te see what bodily dis- They will run 400 sewing machines tics) da.v, and laid new garlands on ents.A ubrfo thspaea4u" 6,0011211181à l comsfort thay wlll patlenîly endure to by electrlclty anid operate their ow famil>grve Mrs. Rob Thornof Gure hwj church at Barrington last Sunday. IW 01l 10 0 401 01 m issu bl pporael beret electril lthplant. Mr. .Iamison of Chicago, estime out lias tiecuvery darîgerouîsly ili is get- )4is. L. C. Price and Mrs. Andrew I lS 15lU0e~>0______ .. to 8peîid Sabbatii and hactîresetit at tiîîg bettîrr. visited at Diarnond Lake, recently. 811- l parpoessai dtonai forFroct pase or The cburch was deeorated wth1 Sunday School Convention. Dr. Taylor's anniversary. halpli Tay- ý om *UG fiaga, htissners and fiowers; draped -lor waa lionte also. 'ch-1 l'lî District No.-5,'! i2 in a Mrs. Frank Thomas, of Gilmer, lfUs Z~OWN0901l't~en ut m line 1ftm in'- around the pictures of Abraham Lin- j Tha Tlirty Sevanitb Annual Coui- Teptlourir h Y '.S . .Weg sliuîîgctdth iwe Msroaap.satcia iato h ek 111 »dihle entA er lise fo eachaddi-coln adTJoe 0.irograwra tf ridthertY.l1'.thS.IlC.ois.taWelSugeyasleteathlier.ers. hey ndveMrs. Mr.and.MFo MdS.aFdd dnd gaug. sb1amuvt*oe. Tiiomecarr ng standingu"d sud Johncitin, G . m-s. pl tieethmmbs.Typrv lt. -e«bav1e wiaars, rIle.ti bt. lags, relics of the war; and many eyel colAscitoi lîc s ad thie I'DE1E'rENT cars getup a teat Chîlîlrens Day was îbserved ln the ter Lyda vistes] relatives here la ZuI. #LD per loch fl. ,r ist Lime and fty were dina as tbey gazed silon the fiage the First Cotîgregationial chuîrch, El' jetI o nniî tra ale rates. duff erent churchues in Warren witl ap- week. toUM par lncth for emc-b subsexiient insertion. and tlîo't of those wbao lcvade 8 Ted IL, lsd 16, aTheiCira-ewar Jas. Brown, of Oak Park, made a Ib above ratcies ull detâil n& day, May 14, 1,5 uî 1.'hu lrclu Mi',Gso. S-'tr.iîig, W.B.Se rt rpraeeries tva ~ adieti~lîx baUdearly that they willingly laid down1 was aritchy (rls iltlî 1liaitl vife, John Strang and wife, W. A gentleman friand.of Mr. unitl Mra. Wauconda fienid a short visit but~ mdertiuft uriiljîg by lite .> r. their lives that It might flont over a 1nsutiotial ca)lo.ts,;tiîd ail received J. -VWhite, lllad aîal n lsoiage111 rîmN rirNebraska, Surnday. SMilfor dvertiinguila..]Job Printinit are frle>pieople. Proînptly rit 1:30 the witliîa fitittitiil seldotut founîl. Eaïlv liiitir.. wera-il aille to bear 5ittîess spent Tuesdiay witt them. Mr Kirwirî lia]the misfortunse t .duoand payable, jet (A c-Ilîmonth. Lierl)ile orbtBad trîc îîîTuadyiiiîiîi Chicago.s lîîtg-li te i noticecso Ia otceoît fwn E .. ruli filou o aJugya erdaa gilu Job prting la c. (). 1).îîîil A.v.rtiamneffilibrtv PCretBastri-,u usa iiiigthdegtstll(lgti i-rtofabgyaewasao.n 4ben dvuee toal nit iavli ai owinac and thei.' . A. B. Pstmnrched ti. cd tii frontt le irthi, aouth, e.îst anid 01Slia .n.Jke9h l, .la rae isl n ltiyt Eqn ih..Commatt<lî"r J. A. blaeon preëidledi est; tire irst was the raiaîtîg i 010 F. Clark of Ilol<rstge. Nebraska, w'il fie new two seutes] carnulgil.I A number from bleaatanded an Sinlo 2op~ cra,, ,-cb ~itorL Iwil bltv. Yollowfing was the Glory o ti0 ci1ilî tthesI1g vtrpteal li h Mlîurucîucl. Se llaLiîh ia tnsufeig it ntrtitnîi iith atîoi Curb subscription Prica, $1,.50, par Year. . o,. tv p e> rat s ang lnr'l titlut lae wuueI t uenl'royeprssostife.-REe.aiaiofth nlamaor gtd.atFemtî etteSuîdylanlg tii-j t5e pr.s. I»iang Aimîcrca. iaf. tE oni. aili a tit l ipis' expected, if 'Thie Gurtee doct.or lias chîarge. M r. and PMr. .Giesaler, Mrs. C. H. . PDDOK, ubishr. r.oir ~ * 1 t. ~ 0. cit takusetug le" durif th'p ieclle u fiors.The pers<m liniing a new met) I;ipke andi'. Maimati were Wau- R4,pliii,,, b> rd ii) 1 1 Ci ,i ae o.talu,,rinig thetour-ha tr alsGuang1Hallbarnwier o a cridtitisiurs Mngat nd Tcou-y We oa prducea grat dal ttermue l, QuartNu ritiy li, lill- I'" are(ver the' state atîd foundte StuilOul) nage if Rotbert Masoii Pollock, soi of favor hy reiuraing it. Pi'euse leave Teewl aaLw oilStr ipaer Ifjor eliqunt wil ropt- byWIr Wiglt ril.CI , riSclîool 5.1>11<was iicreasitinluits culi- 'Mr. andî Mrs. James Pollok, tuMiss ttaitthe schooh hbouse. day evenitg at the Academygrud 3uleli-Quart.t. .aBrave Haîtery wl, ,Stant labor. "As ye shlîi recei'.e pI"er Luihi Collis(ît, at thte lides home, A large tiomber of people were at Ice-Crean,, Strawbkerries and Cake wiJ Iy pay thelr subéoriî,tions. -tyAilC1mljFpîiîîtiéeti Kn,! whitth ii» 103Spitrit ta.4conte upon Yeu. 1('ollisonu. Ill.,Weiteday, Juute 1,Druces Lake over Sundav. The new ba servedt. AIL Comae and have a goal ___________________ - Mx..] tîîru irv,'tlcîn,îîerwtl, beautituli 1-Acta 1:8, 104.- (jonîty cotîventiotîs I189.,. litIliglu t101. Cottages ara soute of them rady for tima. h Iave been beli, otus uit eachi coulity ocpny WANMS.FOR SALE. ET O. SI Sciciîi t y i.tiir B,itk.hy. IerrxiuDay ecp Vl tî ý îa&n wic sug'Whiute of Omahia, a stuilent ocpa .The Wauconia laine organized 11"t LOST-A long Pocket Book con-11oi e t'a in.1 xetWtun Vlawowil GoreN Lm wî lsCicoadwe. t ~ t.' ~ Madolin-lut, titis yensr have chaniged titeir lime of lat Chicago University. ralatad ta maryi ~ Lnbw.siiCia~ n a Chas. Davis was elected Coap tainlng a $6 bill1 and soure Champion hl Pat',-in 4 m îî ie pigt at Tolaebns wsotoe udy.Grand Crossing, hast waek, and atten- aud E. A. Golding, Manager. Tbeyý ,Beper papers. Fiader wiil be I Mu,iie r> .... ... la id : aah tii Lake, Ropck Liand. Madison Upon requeqt lha briefly and cordialiy ded the bicycle road race at- Liticolii play thaii first guime at Cary, Saturd" Iberally rewarded on returning saine Hors. Cts. Partriîige, of Waukegans and W'Lte. The total number of ttddreasetl tha Y. P. S. C. E. in the Park, Thîiray. Julie 8thi. ta the li'Dn'FiDEN-T office. waa the orator or tire day. lRe brietliy ahools iii aur state la 7,676, a gain i f Conisecraluonl meetillît. Roy Brachar and Lina Wooley giva Mrs. A. Smith luhaving ber bouli ti. te Unied .37 ove lastyear.SixtyCouates a part at GangeaallartidaatveGrange H wall, Fnidayaateaven-l - ths n l).e hir.ror3 !teUied37ae at er t ounh let gis a Littlee lnStiSraing died on Monday iîtgJuna 7th. Lamba Orchestra wilI hciwsrcntyvetdb b SEED CORIN, Etnsilage Corn, Millet St.ates two ý Cars previois o the war. gaini of 345 acholi. Murraryet gitaimruheg.Alhoigh ll lng t111e rTiseth muic an ugra ed o aeb hwdwia vnsldu oiadare ii(5.ok 27, Mcettlry 20, Jafferson otu.Atog ilaln hl ur)s iemsc Murray, nioved into thair uew hauoe Ch du ngariaaLng Se, fr11e1y. hwe wîî v31-4dtîî10I a 18, McDoîiough 17, Macouptît 16, andher deuth .as hoth sudtien aimdsirex- Moiîday aftenooi, elen the ittia on Main, streat a faw days agu. chu. tepe, on Giov, II 3-4the slowiless of the p.eople to conceuve afwolirsieitme f cilr pec.ed as imiproventetut seenied cer that ivar wa inevitabie. Bît wheulthex u s ' tofcessd ecir lon> ail igts, ta ordinuary observera. ,dThglîter of Mr. and Mra. Peter 1 l (u chosofcesardtncesStran-g, of Milburn, paased away ai ter The auod pltgrhrbe ~ RSALE s 9 rooosn, Modern uew d îttider tand théit that was the only S,14:rclolars 6 t4o7,tali ,08 Sl ie was 1î,îie stl at a(Il mdapitua olnory hkte ch1 FO sh nbeiofuug haig.mad ai the o leiotailthse.h booue, visupil ot ret a ni ti ous -3 ru wiHe ofreis tesý iuii)oer ltSI ehiila i Tota, l te service b nleaday ocok pul afeiî. fyyarstheid liiinthis v1icnit3i. If ltere a s hool asr o nDvso t arereabrrti--vlutitt-ei d. rHe okec ic hei iii(l Suniiiuiy lsinLake ae "ie prelude ft aIsat Sunday -seron JlNry Sîteparî tleirpictura taken remeo bud e lan ist i itotrtt attcoret usewthwa edFrr agtu i riatitetrof Toac yMutr. y tth., a niurnber tif ls his l ima ber tuîat the Waucouba puotograpba aid bûches. Appliy tIii . )2'>:.,) two 4compatit-ri from this ct.utity o 0 2 ech etngs fi. it tia eai Iltt h M liin- friend droptîed in hall> him cale- will doutae work firat clas anad at lied 1 .F.S , : betevle. ~ hsig orgunlîcrd aut aukeguui atnd ail teaî'lieîa ii44-Mr. lWeitl01, the t ury Jially lu Ch;cago, Mrs. Il. J. brute at bis furia homm. o pce.:siihrcs10col the other lis aur olîl town hiall atl Utiugicgal î.îîIil ,nia'.cu.î a taî rpnii oheSudySho. E. J. Giflin. G. P. lis4e anîd ('las. I ir;g ~.t) Illeextreme eectti lc idît it he Mite stiulk;3 IOccasion was takeil t,,stute tîtat TeVtIread]it rerdcu KUM F01R SALE-l 57.1uiirea. . e! Ji-(ilr. . As~ itu.;uul~ liitly I 'uurkîvl g a aiiituert hallîtlit Coli- Tikslreoigalreaott,> HeVlaeitadlisrerdon F iwprov'ed i;<ajil hluuliliiigs. liett'1l.uiiîiIiitr' of thé-iii liaur, tii iiiti. W.A )u.î. i.hi.iisetiteiltii fîil Itlîiuliîrg tof Auîit tilitug: tve hfie it -vvll r ain i,soi(ailerat-le tîew itie waik and they Met l'ilr Vdotlitv cai telIl sreiofItei- fie drai. tiîc"ssatly have ilots tOi lumisîr hatt4led. tallh.g spiîîg. (js L,'k alid <i .u akr "( > ) 'l' - N et' YVuik -alsor ile:. o the flic 'l.t:iu lia b'îllerit Muitsîrvil î, Tîrke. . The~5 St aeaue Iîî e , an Wliuytuut gir.e aitlthe teamaterusa Faim. located un sevtii IS toi t l fiull; lut i! 'a i~ 's t'e îri-tirtIly iinuMrîs .î LakecîtidéIsires uiliits toi lîr> il3ti tic-hancI.e,. uii' leira u t alit'îîtc, iuaeuî oa. he. Frsotthree miles nontI> oiWaucoîi- 1siteipoinît nul rciiule-r.- witli th I R - i iile ('l;as )eiîuîrtîuucuît: lie urgeil tint îrait-l tii lu uiit the clîet îuîg fui î tatll ,î lie ter gave atione to Initier--ieatislrlt antr hewo daadîîpsiesws f liu'kefeller. c.îiu.-rî'uîtulfeeling auil' îîosb.lre ta uts ilîtruirhîm.rtou i un ear3' 1îuîuîlu Sciotl. ~taI Dr . 1). K. 'eairsiiîsfias gît ciitensati t he re lgooud teanîs ind puîy taxes and en Wisc. Cetnt. R. IL. Testiroda s t i 1as uar. h i roughî the scelles.The phrimarl; wlt k was tliiit.rogll tlîiriisaittîl <lluius to tli; a it al . XYrui 'a rîll he r-ne uir. e cliefull> lesis10rsaîiwîyis hoh o Booouhase audtO ot t3' rtrsfrotuhedeljîiutci H eoîn b'appealiîîgl i tucusseti. It %asa.led lry 3rs. NM. A. Cor reapondent liars thle tiiifîiruotiuIl-d ike the corurectionu. liîuve ut part of the teuluiig. Biscksmuth SIiop. Terntis reaso,îable. It hsewow1ldhiete uiigLamreattx. "e;tclitîg chlidres to 1reet froua hleadîjuîateis I)i letter. IL Auîaîîg miîr eiiterljuisiig f riera leemsabi asîga h e of Owuîer <iii pramises. f .. I pra~~ ," ~îIlaseiiu lietenberg, aIe., ta igilitiit Iiat the esait t,,buullîl t'.ie 1 iiakiiig iuîipruvenieiistahuaalto osei jnfis ititli Eqia Nîî'ît<LAS SXITII. the ftrncpes fgeiotram bc 10sle ma- c htl<'s coi'uersioiî" Miss Niablea Hall, vauîlul vrobably haver have ticeit se- spriîug is Ilenry Wriglit <f GaigeaSauda Ho.Gao. Wait was pieu P. . Addreas, Waticonda, 111. îindthihieurtafpat omoril Dayn ext Sudfa3 tesson. Every evetîin ti urd lad îot the Uniited States Gov- Lake, w.hîo is biuildling a fitle barn. Our euit aîsddeierdaod'drOn T ann aitherh that Momoriai Day openi air meetinîgs -are ild opposite etrtment made diplomatie request for veleran carpetuter Michauel Stuler dues hlrnas okapouin ati an altht etangt I mystlIJ d tIltisure tht r.Pearsot,, wotld t'leawork. i. .ý 6LA.CKSM [T IADWGN Shop tte churcuî, aller'the acos ld> r havtea exerisa. A number froni titis at Dlamond Lake, for Sale. As, a bera1itrthodoli0 sbv C. F. Barrait. The addrass -The not have givan his princely gifita that Misa Aggie NMcGreggor whîo bas bean placeattendad. There are silîl a few çan no longer stand it to sboe uorsas. ail respouded to tile bugle cati on the Teachers andt he IBaok"* by Rev. Pal- scîtool if the mattar hadl beaui lis doutit. tin Tennessee iîtce last November la se 0hooi oses in îuîis vicinily 1ths& l ofer an entablishied business of ovar other shore. mer S. Hulbert, Di. D., of Oak Park, Go'. eriment eau lîalp oit higuî bativo- axpectad 10 tari for home. Thursday, havaî't flaga; why not shIow your p. forty yeame and my buildings new Headed by the band the G. A. B. adte'FotLn"b rf . M. tltttiîa uets înld h June 6tut; she wilha accompaîtied by triotirn by gatting a flleg pois anîd ffiq tbrse years ugo 24x32ft wth addition Post, the achool cehildraa. loaded 'wth Hamnili. Ti..sday and Wediiesday p Ioitît is weil woith evtr3' citizaîta no- Mr. aud Mrs. Iloraca Partridga, of for ahi echool bouse'a ite land? 18x 24 fI> withi living morne in scnd fiowers and a large aumber of people eveninga the childraîts meatittg was 1 lice. Pomonia, Tenu. Dacoration Day was duly celebrated 11017 and Birt &tory suitabla for ither formed a procession, înarcbed tol the htld iintuhe M. E. chturch, lest hy B. F. IThe evettof ast weak was the cal- Mrs. Franîk Siepard will autariain il, titis place. lis thme forenoon the 0. ahap or store, ai a bargain. It le a Jac4obsa and Rav. R. F. Y. Pierce. The bration of Dr. D. B. Tavîr's thirty the lauisof tuhe Warren Cemetery as- A. R. atnd a few otuiers went W lthe godstand where thirty-ilve milk cernetery and ecorated the graves church was crowded, thre Suutda>' School tîtrea ýears îîractice lu Mlîburn, and sociatioti Justie îhi. The yearlyv meat- Caîholic Ceineterv and decorated lhe teaux.i galber aI ltma creamary evary or their fallen bei-oes. room was thrown opent, yet crowdistie thirty-third aiuiivrsarv of bis iîîg for tuhe ehecticîtuof atticera audi soidiaers graves,- lion. Geo. Wat mornlug. For particuhars apply tu ohn C ALF DAY CEflETEilS. were ttrnt a.vay. The Normal marnauge. It 3 'clock Satitrday hast apecial buisiniess, wyul lie bels] it te mada a few wall chosati ramarke. la 28 41 Win. EiNamÂM, owtter. JoiCavanaugh, 65, 111. Workers expenience meetinîg wss led friends begati to gailier.util ai tuhe home of Mra. G. T. Rose, Jutue l9tut. the afierttoouîlte procession formed Diamoad Lake, Lake Co., Ill. John Curbin, 96, 111. liv G. W. 'Millet, iin wluichi vr a lar.vusuper it waa fourniîtîhut sanie- The graves Ltfsoluliers li Warren lut fi-ont of the G. A. R. Hall and C. E. Chapian, 12, Ili., Cuîv. great maîîy views guvetu. Ouîe hut,- tIling over sýevaiity-li'i e htiss'lt uiown Cernetery were <ecrated r. i thtigainiarcîtei to thie WatuColIdas CemeteVry Pasturage for Stock. Wilson Doty, 111.ulreuh atnd lifty lotirsuparintiuadaitt tluilhe doclar tlui) ll lini uemîtber anîd uoers Meiii)iuuill)ity. lv flue vay! hed hy the Military Blai. Thare wers Wantad Stock tb Pasture. Apîîly 10 Warren Doty, 37. Ill.were ils attendutuce. Ouue suggestioni thatthley ddtîluugfoîget. 1IL Hughes Juv yî istlIît i arren psto- hauit50 il . W. A. ilu ireaprocasssion. J. 1P. NORTONRoc lkefeller. James Burge, 9(;, r'm vr ssîit 'vsatah-relt ut hiiglît uandtispicy rluyme, uli ai-i 1 hle liue tuilkiuîg iioftsulluraMi u-Wuauudu, Ivanilie alud Barriuîglon -Lester hralhx, h47, . e rs meetinîg once a reak, ilut otîlv fuir Iistotical,ftoi tf fils), îîaked it every- I utsit jiltu leir (Cutieler W %e liate ictuipa wcreaiullreîîreseutad ln fu. 1000Cora o Wod. ohnhlost,12,IlIr Cir.. Itheteteiciera hbut for ail liait wtiliat bdywhiclvilwa Weilireceiveilad itlulIhe peaple alîl literest- tlieuiselvcsîut A fIer file dccuratiouî exercises, which i00Crd fWodionHos,12 l. uv ed; il ils betueicial l'or luis pult)(se heartiiy cujoysîi. Fîulluu'vug tItis. lhtiiîs uî u irnied tlirough cutiteSotunt ot For sale un quantitieà 10 suit. ierso ~Smith, :37, IEl. t>gel te vievrs of thîe Oiffercuit thasch- huuuursoue golîi.Iîadîeulciuite vvas linsthue ranlut hey marchtalback 10 the G. Apl oF .Dmn. JlnTrsex ounify, la secure ;uîd test tîrepa- seiiteti wiîli apprapriuute reuîuurks. A. I.1 l all theuice t0 the Oakland HaR D. Voodruif, 65, 111. ration. Thîe graduatiîug axarcisea <f Massy'Aîvitedt guesîs couldli,t eGA E LK . P1adChn oae IJ. York, 2 mo., Cav. the Normal Ciass of'95,0f wlticli a preseuit, wîîo wisuîao lo bettete, and hitiuug thuls y-caRItîe clirchu slais edrd lo.Ca.ihted For Sala 2 Servicabla Hloga uppy 10 Daiel Wihwr11.few ware present, were hehd la thîs soma lattera ivara neceiveui, ihat reate- te uaais of decorators, papeuiuî, Wreîîder d lin. Chaasbliey dd C.0.Sai, redr Glmr -11 DIAMOND LAKE CEMETERY. clam;, Lake .county lias four. Ad- ed fan back tel the early days. Mr. carpatinîg, etc. The program was gond and ave ryth.lng William Wbeeler. Co. G.. 96 Ill .,vol. dresses were made hy Rav. R. C. Bry. and Mra. Smith of Evauston, wene Busses are rnuning daily from lte waîît off ike clock-work. Pasturago for Stock. John Bocker. 96, El., vol. ant and othars. The Superinteiient's present, audtheibaRev. Millea tnO wife traitns to Iruce'a Lake. Th'eîasaasoîu The wifa of D. Robinson, a promi- 1 have plenly of good pastura, witb alhokr 7 ivl work by Donat Miller, was ably dis- ualted tW express thaeir congratulations. seenis to ha fairhy bagu at Ibis now tient lumuberman of Hartwick, N. Y., nuanlng walet, for hores and cows. Dvd H kr 7 Ilvl cussed. The Taacher's Spiritual The occasion was n eve'ry way a hîappy famons rasort. wasa ick with rheurnatiem for fies 29 82 A. C. Richards. Henry Darby, 96, El., vol. Equiprnenî by Bey. R. A. Torry, came affair, waîl conceived sud executad. Orpso a.B .Pwl en omb.[ pali !AM.Bb FareVe Lae0. î. Charley Tatlar, 64, Ill., vol. next. Tburaday. resoluliona vere OrpsorRv .F o ots uaekn fIM.Rb John Whitney. pasaed Ihanklng lte people of Elin absent on lus vacation our pulpit was inson says: "Cbamberlalns '?eI%0 for their open bospitalîty and kindaes Preinium No. i .-Farnuers Monthiy. fild by a blind mnan a student of Bahm lu tbe only tblng ltaIt gava biil LIBTYVILLie (uirrEaY. lg10 hreo- mbedby-t-_e b-Evast . Hava racaivpad byan any rut frontspain. For lte reflht*

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