CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Jun 1895, p. 3

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BHÂGA'8OXGOAD. ITS USE AS A WEAPON AGAINST THI-E PHILISTINES. Rtev. Dr. 'fat mage Kuforces h. Ncs nitr or Valnit the Weapaa W%. la=;a H*i4 for Att Grea Emergenctea - But W. mueA Havé Goa wAh va. Sermon lanNew York. ln bita sermon Sunt.a7 ltev. Dr. 'Pal- msage diccusiet onée!fAbsemonsA beret and pictsreaque chaiactera in anient jevisis hisfory, a Mau vise, like mnany otisera vise achleve a igis tistlncfun, came !rornthA turty rural classes-t ho agricaiturlatu. 'Ph. auhiete!f tiesermc-ton vas "Shaingara Oxgomt," h text lbe- lng, i'After hlmna S Shaingar, viaicis lcv o!fAthePhistines 000 men vifis mn ex- soad" (Jndges Wi., 31). 1 One dmr vhile Sharagar, h. fmi-mer, vas plovîng with a yoké o! oxen i. coi- matit of vsom-hmw-gee vas changetot thie sbout a! baffle. Philistines, alwuy8 reaty to ettek trouble, marcis Up vitt swvrntand spear. Shaingur, Abs plovinan hait Do avant andt vould net probably bave knewn boy te viesdit if i elbait poasesameit ans. But fighf bie musA or go dova u.der thé strokreof e!bsPhlAîfinefs Hé bat an oxgoad-a veapioisuseS Ai urgé on Aie lmzy feaun; a veupon about eisgbtftest long, wifis a sai-pion t oui ent te puocture Aie beaif. mut a witu Iron ciisel or sisovel ttise other cnt viti wiictis rafîs Abs lumpm e! meil trom h. plowsinre. YeA, vith flic Iron pi-ouI at one eut o! the oxga ad t Ahi-ot scraper ntftiseother, If vas Dot sucb i weupan as oue a-oud iesire te use in liai. Are uitis armet Aphilitines. But GoS hctç edthtie fai-nracinud enviug Abs oxen t( look atter themmsees lbe charige UPOI Absetinvatens o! bis bornesfsait. Bomne e!fitîecomnienunries ta manke i panier- for Sliingnr snggeît flai perbapi ils led a regiment o! armnera Ato the con bat, bils oxgond ouly oneisoe mauy o% goamts.But fisc Lord doesane n ueS uy c Yei u isclp iu mnkiug tflic Srîptures, mng Shanigar, svthth le Lord ou i.s aid, vs nlgitier flan fC00 Philistines, vltb th Loi- t anivmu r inu. 'Ple bittile opene& Sinnigar, vaitb is uaîsle sirsngthenedib, open airi-andt plowmnu'u unit rcapern anm irushers toit, ustes flic ouly vempon i bland,.anuitle sings tfl ixgoat DpI) a Soivul. iîuttua suiy anditthut, nov tal bing vifs the ion proug uttinseuet fi aut novwfbruufiuîg sis flhei ion scimp ailise otuer. auud uDowîhiîîglng devu th wbole veiglit ,f ftie instrumenit opon fi beats o!flihecînî-my. The 'hiis lues ai lu 's panie. anuithelisupernalumal toi-c cerne in. mund aifîw i-at vouli Dot na dei- tf er iriui.tsiei s have 1rostratet planuleff us# sietin ifeless. until t-bu Sbumgar wl ou ver tfl dt le count( 10.0 deuit, 2(.K)ili-mu, 301) teut, 400 de. 6M JOdent, 300 t' ail-il flue sork tons an oxgoaîl -vith irîuu lîgnti a ne eut ai mu i-on shovel ut the ofisi'. Tise faune tAis aclievement liy ibis farmer viiià awkart al-apon o!fa-ar uprendt ahri and i lnuzeil bletuuîfil blie vaboisA cd in Aise igbcît pace ru! pou-er nditbe-anus il hi-S o!flice mighiy Jîuges e!fisricl.: yeu sep' iliat Cincnuaîtus Wvai Dot the ou msan iffet rom ptuuv to thi-une. A Miubti! Weapois. Foi- t-at reason wsithis uuprccetcx dedmu apratiellet vicfory o! a femlie oxgoad put lufo fiis Bible. wliere tli wias na pare i-om for thie unimpontu endthtie trivial'! Ifwans, lbrut o! ail, tet euci You.and teiscl me, nuDit tf0 lunch ail paît ages air tisen, uni tefa encli ail agea f0 coins f in i-e ver for Got unit againut min oughi ho put fa theb bifuse the vent vs isappen f0 bave ou haut. lViyo neot Sbaarm- aif unuil lie coutit gef a charger. wtb neck arcee. and back paiioncit, mandnostrîls iuiffing tUicbl afar off, or unfil le coulit get var eqt: ment. er coulit driill a regimeut. anuit i Ing t ei Juitalins commandithein tori te flic charge? To vaif for tisaisvo have lissa defeaf mut annihiatiou. SI fakes the lies weapithle coulit lny houd and Alaf is gin ixgoai. NY are cml loofisc baffle for thie riglif, andiagli t-rouit. nuit any o! us hanve Dt jusi kini o!fsicnPonvae votulit prefer. if uot be a sîvord o!fnargumet.Ait mnY li the opear o! sharp, ttrusting vit. may Dot lie ihe linffering ram o! tenun flo. u. tf Aers hl§sorntbing ve clii anitseone forces vs can si-icî. Do vaif for sihaf yen have nof, but use t% yeu bave. A'îrhîtîs Yeu hase nof queues, but You have a @ileit. Wei smilie et encourgement bas changed liebavior o!f eus o! Aounuis o! vaf ers, mnt brouglit f hem bnek fe Cet, enfhroncdtheflicn benven. l'eu cal make a persuasive uppPal, but You cml au example, mut a gond exmple bai si moeéseuls fliso you cousît count1 year if You counfei aI thAb tinte. rustnot givp $10000, but you eau as mut-b as the sitosvo!flice gospel, a tva, mites, flic smalest coins o! the brevi, veres euowet lu sucb a spît ta mîke ber mare farnaus Aan à0i contributions f bat ever cuiowe ail bospitale ancuniversîf lesofa il Ch-ii ,dom of tai ime. Yeu bavé very Ili vocahlnary, but yen cansamy *'yen ne"and a iirn 1y'"or an snpý "ne"lhas traverseS tise centuries and traverde ail etérnity vifis god Auflu Yeu may nthave Abs cauriage ta con a large assemblage, but yen cant Bunnday acliod leis f o! v-a boya gIrl-boy te But <)tRSstanduniteso! malseome a WillimCarey tfasta luences Aat yl'redeem, IniIa, au, other a F"lorence NIghtlngsàle, isis illumine the bat lelelta ceveret vii dylng and tise Seat. 'Phat uns a fougis case In a fovu et tantdviteus a young lady, applying Salihatish iol casa, vas tait by tl perintenteut $she wouiid have te pIq oeeout f e lcstri-et. 'Ple versA clma brouglt f rom Abhes ti-et vaou Y vard. Ton May net bo abI. te Ioad an Aautrong guin. Yen may net li hurl a Hotchkiss shell You may nat i able te ibouider a glitering muakef, but use anythiaig you eau lay your bande on. TPiy a bincksmli's isanmer, or a mer- cbnf's yerdafîck, or a mason'e rovel, or a carpentcr's, plane, or a housewife's broom, or a farrner's oxgomit. One o!fthe surprises o! heaven vill ie hibat granit e- suifs came frram how simple means. M1at- Abîme Joyce, the vile man, became a gi-cnt apostle o! rigbteousuess not !rom liearing Johin Wesley preacli, but front sesing hi kesa alittîsiechlton the puipif @taire. If God De lu Abs Work. Agalu, my suljeef spriugs upon un Abs Abugt that ln cntcutating flic prospects a! religousatttempt vs muet take omni- presence, and ailthAb other attributes o! GoS info flic calculatton. Whom do you Ses oD Aat ploveit fielS o! my tetf? Que b emer says, '"A ses Shaingar." Anofiser rhenrersanys, *"A ses0M0 Pihiiftines." My bearer, you have miasei thAe chief perion- age an Aat battîleie! ofpioveit grouni. A also ses Sisangai-anui 600 Philistines, bat more than ail, and migitier tisan ail, and a-more ovei-whelming tismu ail, I sec GoS. s Shmmgmr, wifli bis unaiteit air, bovever à muusular, mut vitb tisat humble lusAtsa- 4meut matéetoir agrienittiral purpoies mnd r neyer constructet for combat couit ual d bave wrougbt asu iisvctory. If vam om- i nipotence above, mnt beneafli, anit hack 1. of mut at Abspoint o! théeo«gond. Be 0fore Aat battIs wn. aver Abs plowman re- it alize t tis andmut ml the 600 Philistines re se alizt e. mutandil viso visuitdh battis- s fied affervard appreciaf cd if. A vaut it h heaven fa heur flic @tory, for if can neyez il bc ffilly toit on eai-fb-perluaps soes ay ag may lie set spart for the reîesral, wbilt alml heaven lites-the stuny of boy Gai a blesseoit wkwnrd anit humble instrumiets t tlifics. Mnny an evaugelist bas comg tu lto a tawu given Up fa worliliness. Tho ao peRfora Bay f0 fthe evaugeist: "WVs an on glat you have cois, but if is a hart field anuit e feel iorry for you. Thle meunhir t o! aur churches play progressive enclin Pa aund go to tlic Aiseaer, amuot fet tise hors a' races, andu gayefy unit fashion have tAkei 1- possession o! Abs town. We have advs: f. fiSdyeur meetings, but are net ver id bop1eful. GoS bic.s you." This evaug6tii s take. bis place on plafforun or pulpif. IH lie neyer graduat cd at college, mut there mi d. hifore himn twenty gi-niutes o! Abs bet by uuivsrsifirm- He never fook ens Icîmon i ut elocution, andithAere are liefore hiem twcui t AiaineS orators. Mauy o!fliceIniies prei id eut aré graututes o! Abs iglestfemal >b seminaie5, amutoeeslip n giaimai- i t, oee iipronunciaftin vilI resulttinlui >er presseul giggle. Amit the geucral chi ne thîsi pervaites Abs bouse Abs nnprefenii li evaugelist opens is Bible mut takes fo ie i. text, "Lord, that my syesimmy 1 ,c epenei." Opera giassea ID tise gnllet n-, curiously scrufinize Abs speaker. Hé tel or ini a Plainway flic &tory o!flice linitman en tecls twa or thi-ce toucbing anecdotes, au, d flic genermi chilI gives way before md stauge wiarmil. by A ciassicat beaner alio taok Abs it ut houai-aat Yaeeanuitwloi a pince o! pi o! pietiesa Buta bis spectacleu becomilig d. au ifhi a mistume suggestive o! tsars. utd s-orly mot ber vlio bai heen briugiugi to lier sons anuitiauglters in utter gotîcu le nesa huAs lber bannkercsie!fa b ler eyeî ai ,5 beglus ta accp. Iîighy edcitfed im nly wbo camne f0 crifleise andt pick ta pieu anu iButfaultA 1evou Aeir golit-bi-aut canes. Wba n thtissunit fromt uni ut- the gallery? If As n sobi, mut obaa rs 'cfcing, and al long flic wll mnd cre up mut dowu the audtience, there in. de st emnotion, seofisat wbcu aftflic close o! service anxious %ouls are inviteS ta esl jta cal si, or thle inquiry roora, Uicy coi ice up liy scoresaunit kucel anui repent anuitr ,af up partoned;theflic loe tovu Io shak, vs andt places o! evit nmusmemeut are spar pu ly attenteS and rum isoles loue Aeirp did rouianmuthAbschurebes are ibronged, à wur fIs w-ble commlinify ln cleanseitanmut c.vafeit anit rejolcee. Wbt power dit Afîse svmngstiut biug ta bear f0 capture tL uip- town for riglifeousuessa? Not one b rad fui gesture tut bie make. Not onsei-bel cud al climax diS bie pile op. But Aers Io h. ompfhing about liii fIat people batl 1 o!. taikeu i the estimais alieu tiey prof 11 u-cl iedtic failunre o! thiaf onk. Tbcy i uit ttali-n iuîo tiecalnculntion flue tute îiloii.iuic îof Ille Ahuty Giost. If usas moly theî- itutu i! fa n uaîi-us blimie. t Dî;t t 1 ot. luii re and lotc-iiui, anit ail aro lu t liit'-u5iii."heuî iiosiugrthat cî icia- L trsiiruîiip, i i flic aonld uili neyei n do ciu --ii bi-;i-I.ef flic eemiug li enot i-uic!uof t hei iuii4useuuîluyeil. Aey ec çh thi- tO h ritl'lilistiuies on tins ide, clint Shanigir. flue fui i-iir asvksardty ec ýI a pet, ounuthe oiier %i(:t-: nont rcatiziuug 1 the flic chnriotfi of Gîarnie 20,000, unit ider- ail beaven, cit-rubie, sernpbic, ni-c , nit gelic, dite, is ount-bat otherwsise wý uotbhebsweak ite. Napobcon, the at nn stof a!hAbsiayin g, "Godinison thes site of %aveit beuviest rtl tiv" iedto f0int oui in amisake;forat ateroothe1601 Yo flie EnglisI ni-cicame the 250 guii g-v Abs Frenchi. Goit is ou fle ic le of -base rigit, manc nemain luthe riglit si-itce B e- ualy i fount sUonger than 600 An if as wrong. n ail estinsates o! muy kir Ie Christian vork, do not make tise mie i the evei-y day mdc o!ienving out Abs îten- et Abs universe. Iitet The Chifce of Weapons, a"or Again, mny ubject sprnga upon ai batte Aougt Aat lu God's service lif ls hi i viii us. veapons Aat ans particularly si se, .ta us. Sianîgar bli1k.many oý frout been brought up ou a fmri-m.He1 tI a noting about Javeline atd huekier mund a issîmets anmutbreatplate'suitd greme, thera bras nuitcatapulta anit balliitns nul irA is- scythes fastsuedtqAi As cio! che uthe Bt hélie afamiiar vlth fhe fBailo ---lar mutk1v1-ow t oun-whtle vo ought te be conDtent i tEDZ N BU ST he suD and siuaioettht. week ve4*11taflf1l THII~ anrcles, d. by sick bednt op dhar ai -_ZNE_____Mofait_____la _________an ozta leysorsaylngathe ofavi wrd nit doran edose arAn Iadyin tIal Record ......... 5n e ed Ofandgr etilfter of The bryClinha UrunisPPastuvrRUNIM ewIInet VA hlong-. AoeIpLLINOIbS»b.e overpyow einthe motaxibfploces ofa- AheTop of f iEEAss- Eai OD eth a The d razfnl Iforte ct <ithe ferai- Lw-iOWti.T homestand. aandoProutrnt and in ortei-Cr in dAn gerPfalen Descrnied. OcpetDrn i. le An egand reviegw o haend whn the UNI EIIEVLEY nIprilRcr reIn t ad re Lor of h U<vs, Aoen heA cRIfrili cDeath and destruction rushed handIt n wlll e wts se Lordnto!Hnlrses anit hand down 'Medicine Valley, Neb., on thse iîngç foit ate V104. willbc hol reimens o nusesandcrent o! n raging flood. Swelled by Aise Sablaili ichool feachers and tract distrib- Botîcît In Ycnre. tîeavy traisuntil irs batiks coulai no longer The Honse Wednesday passeS ltera and unpreteudiuig workera, before Tire l n' sot mauch in the ivay o! weather withaitand the train, Curtis Lake bursttblli 362, whlch amende the whorn, as they pais, the kinge and queess tîat the United States cannot diii up in f ront ifs restraint, and .%Indayg Sun nct so as te periii. two or mûe of, Goit andt the Lamb will lift flashing t1 ore ftet-fu0or. iicehn pfa alyo desolation through tiens engageit in the cmre lino of rornc anThe o t ofAneCitiant )Ii-dently there niay licevî-ry cîi-s,,ut hwest Nebiraska. Thousands o! dlol- te conolidate. Mr. Curleys bil tX wrvorn.the oat o! Abs abte variety fashioned iinto a sort of nIe- tars' worth o! raiirimaitproperty bas been ]asie lie sale <of convîet-mad# workfortheworl's ectmatin ad ml- oologicalMeitiae, makiîîg nu) aat iayily detroyed ifltes of rmendows tat coverei Mr. Farrell'a bil prohibiting t*# adto talentdoue th epeuo otalen ec îî1-cityldone unjfied aggregationofo!uni- the cartb %villa a a rpeting o! green are filot machines went througb. Ob rpa Aw Ithlesw the ten al benvto- ,versai cliniates. Ai a niaff r o!fefut thenoi a inuddy vnste, dotfed with wrcckcd wbieh pasici the Honse were tu rien areup ID thetr onlcal touhstevado- Ani-i-an wentbcr nowadays is not. buildings and drowaneit bye stock. No bill appropriafing $225,000 for"tbe, tlittle or notbing for the reslemption <i hI triî-tly spcnking, weathcr lit all; if il an tives fvi-re Itf. Most o! the daniage is to fair andt Senator Crawford'a buifi 1world, or are uluo the aefe istiao assortiraent of samules, nu îaniple w-r- crops wtîirc the flelde werp fiooded. vide for pensioning sebool teaçbe4 o, "iercrificisin"ý trylng to final out Aat ranted tet "hold." According tu firmer The fir-t intimiation ('urfis citizeni hiadit fCicg laSeaed Mosshid ete nuo t es o! computaition aoit average it îhould thait the locatity ivas threatcnedl aith dis- Of Importance. r MonsdtDtwite the Pentat-chort be iiufcnsely hot dowu South; wherens Oihe aster was the hursting o!flihe lake's lianks There was n quorum in thé ,- prove tlint the throat cif the wbale was ufot region of the magnolia lias been dieicns- with a roar fliat could lie hennit several mont o!fbthe ie riday, but muvel jlarge enougll'te swallow tise minister wbo ly cool, rcfrcîhed liy abuînianf sud f re- miles, andita wall o! water ten feet ligh nesa was riishcd tbrougb audtla * in forthecAlmt igyfo erai nd pîlz- quenlt raina, wlth noîv nnd tiieu a iteiat',. rushed ilown ftie ialtey. carryiog cvery- wrnngling and diporder. Thelle etP kcable tbngs they have founait n the Scrip- harpdy Perceptible inch of frost in theî air. i lininiiiis ptfl. flouai-s, freiglif cars, wari ntuest 0,cr Abs Torreus laa& luràa New York, where n reasounble degr-e live stock aid a lîlountain o!fîlelris wcre Merritf offerei thfli lluwifl - of tu t lent woulit have been i-oanittdt. b .f*;"';,lit 111)and (11l) cîildabsot like feaflîcrs. "The applicant for registratlion ofin i- BAunvIe Tele Are DAssA. ot breézes wî-re nornmal,.rail records bave Theî fine ruIller inilid- w lilch oucupy the enst ln land under fibis net @halhi rebIirf4L " Years mgo I was to entramer in flic Adir- beenî broken for bot May wea;tl:îýr. ii- i.! cicegi-af ravinie recvived the firstfile an abstract of!iletit Ah 1 aU -ondacks andt my weatthy frienit5 hlIas Vut ev orws.îlfigntl iî l ii-kiz o tu ihrren-linuitheIi builiniig aas ti, but it shal i the duty olithse . n &greaf hunter andt fisherman, sait, "I arn wn(Coluradto lad li-ed hi-iself inIi eirlifor riiid. Alcf i.%%- iiirel yards liîlow the imers f0 examine flioroughly the fi ýr nt goiug f0 the Adironitacks ibus seluson, teu luches o!snoîv. liiie Texasvis le- iiiills ;Ii ive iiir lassus îLinder flic rail- ords in flie recorder'% office of the 05 yand yon can faite my equipmeut and 1 willIlng deluzed witb main Indianîa as lurn- ný:i d the Bf fulirlng'ui. Whien fthe In whicb the Ianui la sttumted as th.e~w le &end lA up te l'aul Smit'm." Weil, lt was ingtip aiflidroîîghf. (thervclînsircli1*î dl utiiithisuiiarrow dieffle il-; progress for their opinion." There are Do eosnp"i d Aers wben 1 arrived in the Aiiroudacks, fraptero i po o-lh faitf isld tn ,îy for an instant, recordsi lu the office of Abe recodr.q, a-a splendid outfif, Aat coît many hundreits forea tr ran ucl oufiiîrfca'can(]i-1-iî filî-îiV c:ilbitkiiils gav-e wanyCook County, except for transfers eiImà ie o! dollars, a gorgeons tent and îueh elali- whet drowuouta cart of caîlameNo 1 11-1itIhuill -if 511rrîîtidttr c l.ut-hAe grent lire o! 1871. The ouly Ce» te orats âshing apparatus; sueli gurus 0f ail allîias hiidicative o! mad nanalzeiiiciiftlii, apathi lulyardl. wide.'filicraitroat plefe records, if wss sait, were ia the Inca re styles and exquiiie makreand reela and so halere. The distributioniiil pt-rfi-Yni- 1iîiî-îi3s isliabiout $274w.Session o!flihe abstract ecompanles, wbIW l, ponchez and lbont andt torches and lunch "' 'w ii uiiluco eef îuler nficaalofiai tasi hyntthe alone woutd profit liy Mcrritt'a "»01 ~ baket.anitmauymoreAhini Aht IThis business of turniug lit a biniîîg eîY if raîîîîly spreaiu oufi ocm aun imense net oc feeta mnmn4 s, coulaitnef CveD gucstbs use of. Andt my glass wlicre flic carth is alreaît' [îircli,-,tvfîrritoi-y, audîl is 1puacrs of destruction fying lMerritfs amendaent by ptovldt se frienit of the big &oul liait even written on and flic People baking. emjîtyiuîg cloais ere -onaîoiîiigy ecreaascîl. The that examinera shali make examinait"@ ýn mund engageil men %w-o- lulit accompany loto takes, and scndiug a surluts o! rîlitidiiniage. ioweveýr, was uierly shiffeit, an in counaties where full records are la eà r- me ti<le g forcît nditcarry hometh ritenf a Sfnfe Aat bas an instinctive river- flie extensive alfalfa meradows for many istence. A cati o! he Hous again ab"i ry deer and thflirouA. If AbseuMounains Sion t0 wafer, hliathcen carricdt it f0 afplat nilci fo tle îoîîtb werc floodeit seveivîl cd no quorum, but Berry, wbo waa Ahi ift coulit have secin anit undcrsfood if atthAbs Ce(-Ss. It isa ime a stop werc ordcred. feet depp, andit l ilefails froua flic soutb ln the chair, refusei tet announucO be se le fimie, Aers woutd bave been pnntic among where rice torrent paîscd inîlluate very ex- suit. Berry if ayed ln Abs chair wbile A% re Abs enfiers ani thAb fins tîrough lltthie Record for the Woek Appallinc. tensive ilausage. Fnue prodîtes o! evemy membera went f0 dinner. At 2 estes if Joh Brwn' Trct. Wcl, au DO Tueeitny's forridity was the climax tof n descriptfion werecuigulfeit niit in mnany in- cnougb memlaens were brouglit ID te Mal ýflic"rohn i-aIl showact."nteilv1iamprosry n hunfer, andit fa roebuck or a gamefiaithbot weekfiat brokte flicrecord o! twcnty- stances alicre flic buses o!flice fermera the rollicatnll-csw nunt taen, Bu« ýydit I injure. L'ut fliere were huntera five yers n Chicago cvcry day flic wpein tfli iîeîiate viiînity o! heAh. rta ol-cl vi nttkn B s- t bere that icason who hait nothing but a mcrcury climbeit Up f0 the 90 mark, nui vnlcy flic disasuer wvîs alniîuît ruibous. ies itisre thr by a teficd thoree Le plain gun anit a rmg f0sleep on anit a coU several imes f ook a îîecpover the toi) of Siîntl buildinigs acre waîsed away or un- wastlistrdr utilf0 aeotee e r e or o! fishinghuie anuita box o! ammunition ths glass. Not silice the bureau begali denuiinediin sucli a oîaîîilr autaf lc ren- crenfing a ctdte rre the r ef e : p anit hait, who came in ever aud anon with regulafing the weather hailtheliccorre- itereîl aortlî, Raiîl iii souse --fions ftle coentf0a intritcea bAlwlc lie uÏ hi as many o! the captives of forcit and ponding weck let boue no mclicaloric. waacir rose n rapiilyas fui surioily Men- cd ohent e nrdua ill ur ehai ,daui îg ara as t ley andt two or thrcs attend- The excessive heat a-as duc f0 the stit nec thli hes offainiiei. wci t aw rndla frnetAt be bnd a or anscoulit cari-y. N ow, I feur Aat maay a-lidthfacscorcbing brcatb front, sone Wto m w lake e lu th atnaheafor dw le Chrstfian workera wbo bave mont labo- Mexican nerno that no offen swceps FESTEI US.tey raire theaccit de m'a'00 s aea i-y rasctnional qi-nut afdheotial nit ro- daro s Kansas mutdNernka.leina$5,000, ns nt present, Berryebzeii in, fessonal cqufin.ent, yn mout wonderulteafi etuto utmuon uils The New York World Polis Congres' Speaker 'Meyer sent Abs bill to e O n, eeonr, uffcintyo woldthlkt rai-k. Thec record shows a rcmarkally en NMoney Illuffers. miffes on Judiclaiy, wbeeei-e th, Dit capture a whoîc community or a woie n- highlfemrperafure from an cnrly hour andi The Ne-w York World puhîlihe n ate- ounflic saine subject are buried. a flou for Goit, --ilI in Ath aait day bave but a stiikiug trop durng a shift lfic he iud. grapîhiceîpoil o!flice nexf ('olgresm, as far House adjourned untîl Monday aftt* little cxcepf fber flue facktiug f0 show, Chicago ditDot get flic aorst of flic as oblainabte, Lapon frie silven. î1îulff anuit 2 o'clock. rtwhîte &orne wbo lhad no aitvaotnges excepf beat. for et Indtianapols, Louisville anit linrie fax questions. The Woîrld sai Ab tat which fliey gof in prayer anui cou- Charlesfon, S. C., Abs Abenmomefer reg- up t he result as foloa:i a ge-jeral a-ay The bill cmpoweiug flre InspedtoreN Y sscri-Aou witi, liy thbe soule they bave isteretî 100, making fthe first century roc- if tony lis saidt f t onft of 116i nembera toa-n clcrkî f0 inspect tires vac Il imbrougbf f0 the sliore o! efernal snfcty, ont o!flicseason. If was98 atWasbiug- a-ho gave unequivocalanuswers f0 Abs cil- Abs House Monday. Mr. Butterdlf A prove that fbey bave been gîorlously ue- ton anui Norfolk. Va. The maximum o! ver quesfioni, iffy-ivc arc unqualifiedly joint resolutioii authoriziug h .~ UP cessful as aiers o! mn andt lu takiug 963 was i-achet at Detroit, Sf. LouIs, in favor o!f frec comuage, forty-four favor andt Legisînture lu 189ff0ecàQa=m ý»_mnny wi-o, like Abe hart, wcre pantiog a!- Sbnfci,1k aio ahllMm imefatliam, gcnei-nity wifh a firoviso o!f !ohe tte ()noeue a~ ietfer fthe wafer bro4bk-s. phis anui Cincinnati. Ne-w York, ni au lot erntaional agreenient. Oniy icycu- gnrting divore.s, extraditions, ec cnWhat iade flic Amalek-ites iun liefore usuai, played a second f0 Chicago. wif b fien cin fairly lie lasseit ns favoriug a w as defenteit. Tise Senate pharsa'i 'et' Gîdcon's nrmy? Endli one o! tbe army ouiy 94. Boston liait a Iueky day. having sinîgle golit standard, nit the affituite of that places ail demling hIding. ad e et kncw bow much rai-kef t hebrenkiug ot a ses wid whieh kepf the record itowu f0 sonutif these even lasnof iteinife. -Souths poundaers o! medicînes lIDthAh ands cLu der tins plcier ivonli make. Se 3M men fiat 60. Af ô o'clock et niglif Ohio anuit st- anui far wesfern Sftafes arc nlinst unau- Stnte Board o! Pharmacy, lseresuîtS ire niglit fook 300 pif chers, anui a iamp inalte cru Indianua wcrc si III wclferilig uniter a imolus for freeceoinge. The South Cen- Salaries o! the secretary anuideb ail fthe* bsboarcm poSeodrml4 tepifecher, anuitet a given signal fise femperafure o! 90 f0 92. fria States are nimont unoimous for free icm po scn eS.. 'cp lampe wcre lfted, andithAb pifebers wcre Thie Iocky Mountain region was eujoy- coinage. The Norfth Central States lean provokeit a long figbt. Itvsebnl flic~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~1i vontyiaeidon.Tefah!fbelgcompensation for flic sufferiug o! Inef fou ards silver,wiifai ntuiernafionli li-byMleo!oo LoetaI. e e- liglif andthfli racket o! the 300 demol- weck. Beyuni Ina-a andt Miunnesota tfl ic uillic qualification andit i la ouIy in and Wbiteside tsi-med If a miont )Le laliet pifchcrs sent the euemy loto wiii t traperaflire was dois-to 0 or îcîou. lu New York, New Eîîgîîîîî and adjacent menresud a sandbagger. T1%e d.. lighf. N etfracho! a wcantî ou iwoîuiit Colorado ndsit yousing i i e u a-cnt as Enseru Sfaes fiat flere il nny avou - t suon gr avab ndeit and pa sonl Mc [eSay, la a bruikena pitcher, but flic Lord Iowaas50. Thprenacre general rajas, aif h iy gotit stnuîîlarit heu. lits effort. Some six differeDt aendaiS rs- mate thaf awful crash o! crockery thie more or legs thunuh-r. lu Iowa, Nebraska An regardl to flic tariff, only f wen -wr ec oenthay-erdo liait- menus o!ý triumph for tbis Peuple.,mfitnulait Colorusîto,andit fhuse Sec-fions aill ciglif meibîrs are ngîiist allit nAîti's, viitingfbat c oent dor o oU 1 0 cIe-Aber tayet 0 h a baffle with flic pitcb- probably getlnmore sliosvrs inter. Thîis whie thirtyfive want ii)derie chaniges, standing coulit compounndt edicinci Yi et -rc The igh ltheicworli'a idissipationtil is ik t f0luiove the longent sPeilio! wet andittliiit-i iglit arc prnoiîoeil for ratilt nas efeateit. The sscretau'y'a- a19 thetLmmy Cet itarker and itnrker. but affer acafiier flic arlul sectioni o! the WVest luis cal changes. Fi-a are fi-ce triteraii-. was placcit at $2,000 per ausnum. Tl waat wiich o!flice niglif1A kuow liaitfor yi.ars. Unuro Snt Nashvillso M-i-itsarec ctiî-ffluihse siho think was finally ordereit te thir radîagi notbaril Abs.aIe pifehera. andthflicwins ru-prtet ahouvers. chianiges ait1luiie -îî-sarv iiinter tu in-flicHouse mijouruscd. acP pitchers, anuithel beer pitchers, mui thAbs Cisu-rinent corre-upoudeusts sent in flcc-ustlche-cuis li lcus a aoI whisky pitebers o! the ennUh i si-ubcuhurt- foliit as thfbc iglent marks for NMon- qustîion brouiglif 01ont uiy slsîsp anuit Thc Senate pusset filicelectil on ro va. ed lufo demolifion by couverted tueliriafea day: pLiuuinf ta irn. FA-oiiii- ('iuigress- bilt Tuusday. Three bilît tenaillastea M Do nt hitia eorea ui tfita- Alilvnîî....... .tite 11o-1i- -i.. ii me-il uay uhey fniîîr the i iiill of the ii deparfnt stores were lrod ph-fui crash o! infernal croekery fhe Amnie- l1sainrk .....5fi .o iui i ... -. ta'c. Forîy-sëven op~poseu.if. A gi-i-lt iny anditadvanced f0 second readlttg. hait kifiishost o! pauperi-uni andl loafiri-sm ffBostoi ....o ) l i-uui ...... i2 ci-nitut lic -queif ois iii-lal- utaii-n if. IAuse passed a bll appropriating $ eu n dmsi iarladcuty it A- l!fatal ......... ileWifflit-..... 11 ti §fDot a oefc uir uî nief ula-litro .........lm; esCiiy.... fii A feu- uit aIls hy Sltcn ah Iltic iîiicsf- for a nmonument f0 Owen Lovejîg. aasstumf ion walîl ly fhe ennui. Ufie-yuîurd) Niulla-aiik(i-..... 7ing. Alaibama, .Ark:însou-. Aaliî!inii, Coi- Alton martyr o! n qui-fer o! a cejit was if (liu gou 1s4 Stiuuesa î,...a1e osépnaintflui uund Ask Goit for UlpHetlp. % i tlui--s onoo Alîrîui ulllulMs ......... go TcHose pntalsafl7ec rime Take tfli reft aapous souj eau lay youi- ...-.....tiào l,-iiüili.......... i tina, Nevadla, Noru t ari-lium. Southl Car- day lu discussing anuitaivanciug i t ...i ! e -12 iîîîs~ olîîîal, souiflilDako~uta, Nli-giai, IViýitiz- pintion buils which acre sifier adis r lie banda on. Wly iy utDaviit ciiotse teflu i',ur.1 Ne-w Yirk. 'i9 ud!i- sting siheu be a-eut at Goli-athanuitGoliathi lieu-'1uî,li M Ouuîiaii .........- fin inuit V>is îîiî i-ii liii-Ireifis1her, go f0 flirt entiug or lassed it illights aunt veutt nA b? Brougîttîp iiiaflhccounfny, c.ýIl: ...r ...f'Xi i ......... Sfan as lu-n1 f rîîu. 'uheiiiieiili-ssni-e speeit. Theeflouse cau close op ail nut ii. ty ...... G ,lëî l-uue .........ýX1 iiietly lu Delaiware, hucIll.iinius, An- appropriations aith the exception et .adlike e yofisci-boy, le kucw bosvtufmai- îuuîuuîîîi......... i. i'i-cîu- ....... qiffp- mgc a ling. Sauts anilor uas tirat put Et ie i.......S .......i-iurî . 4 tinun, Luivi.lsuKiisISîu , u1st.ian, M--generai eappropriation bill nt a single that ou be,.but the giants ai-moi-a-as tf Erien.............. i,-,î-,yt iii- - tii.....«. &garNI.ilýuiýt, Musuu- Ne-brasika, so nov. The Scsate continues et tha G-ils-tnfui..... u ......... Ouio Pcuîîîsi h nîîhîu nit West Virgiuuîa. (,uifflic genci-al appropriation andtb*I fit eavy. The helmnet si-nsciatupeit on hlm î;.ui , Ansin - i )lajîlît'11y_ "4Ne okNw t-s-. '-iislali ,-ey heUuetei Acs Chan- as an extinguisher, anuitDavid sait, "I G11--n îBay.ui- c- . .iNs îik is-.u-.y '-uipsnllv.TeH-s okarcs nuit cauanofgo witb fliese. forI-Ahave not pi-ny- heu-na----------- ia; Si. Puuil..... 80 Ahodîe Isiuld, i-uituuui-i uiiVer- Thursaday affernoon at 3 n'dock. alire hm' n hefrtws hn a i f a-n..........i Sait tLae- lIly. .- ';limnont have goid aiuuvoiiuîfis. Alnbatia, Ar- _______________ to etAe."AdAefntasfinDn Iit lnaipuîlis. lqw Si.ux iciy .....71, ass eateCrlai,(er;a asetvAiiy , the tut affen putftiug on Saut's anti- a-as fa 3aksmi iltIe .. i)-" s51iihigtit.ii. i.... telkuss ufliuetuiullutciruDtcioAi It hi put If off. 'I'en Uic brook Etatu, the bcd !Kuiiis.sCity .. S4 Sprinnt'ftld,(. .. KSLouisluln nu i jlint l othî-i-Souilera A somoewîst gîîastly but quitei gausns hic ! wrybhe 1sh i wnaoesndryle ..a-heu Aol s, '4 taesarifoidanitte lioitt-té îaw Crosset f euedai.. l fidte ns o! vmgit each o! pelihlea, furuusîcit the ielücos ....... alintn M York and it-thiEast ai-c geuiraily opplosite,.m. Bertilon, Abs anthropoD5etriet Vo Mnny cases o! sunuifroke arc ri-lonleit. ElseWlit-re ftue diViii..uu I eailY eci- bsbck ludamnwüfvn fthe smooth atones o!fiscelirook wthwliunlaNew York if is safe fo snyfÉît at tlenaf- bsbc, ubd Ai a oi ýveut- Goliafh was prosfrafeil. Vi'letber i ien atýienty-five persona liav i-c ticturing ficGtheAMS ETH MSK atiier uiorinug, shot tendtuoll i thc boy'.s aing, on a lroken pitcher, or anu ox lasA Byve days ns a reuuilt o!fIscheiî-uted GEHMSDAT AK nut.Tervlvrw,=tu it of!g amkfateflint whicb yen ai fna e nil, anuit fit over 150 bave beei-Puos-A l'crfect Puter Cnet o!flhe Face band. Tisene were doubte, bbwt efakemansli:Goit for belp, andtno power on trated anuit Aken f0efisc iiffei-iut ho4alfts <ffi n icea!tfStîe -ifui Aalsncs ! ild hen eath r ii ellcanifut efoe yu. o! the city. Au Chicago foui- lersouis Thpliaster catto!fle it ue of fhe taté ait. Foi- one ting, deceamd bO g Go ont, Aen, A charge you, against Ath ii-tilonday fi-on ustfioke and utiauuy See-ietaury tGresaba us bu-i-ilconliteit beeu kuovu to P0SSes a rev@1'ifti Philistines. We mustadit Athé odits are liers overconsh]enl~Iî't aill nef reuuiver mi .S,.Diiur uacuslemgi aebnltT ta he gaist n-M t 1.fa hematter o!f Plilniteiphia reporfs seventenatis natlindefic suuiiftor, ' .J ubr Iscuse emgtbv ogli M Aise gaini ns-OO 1runaAbstwu oogmnhuii, giviuug effective Aue occasion. it vas ndvsabetb ,eit t0 toilai-s, Aoie devof edtetoworltlines mutnearty fiffy prosratiouns as Moiiay's ait- fi-nut anditdue vicuis <ioflihec ist. ris lics tscerfaîn thls,anDd It waa IL sultei sin and dissipation, syhen compared vitb diti tuf0tlicheel teri fafuuities, ahle mnwinwl caale fuisieflue fa.uceé bo tilt upon fthe way. Hg= )f u s, th é t ola rs te v o te ilt efa h o lin e as m u t v irt u B atim o re a n d it ltf m u i-g sn c b 'co d f u r of nh e d il s e l ic t r s w l iv t i i knew -.00 te 1. The bouses set apart for vice fatal cases. opetlnouofbdrsm X is ad ad dspoiaton nal uin ascomarat Te meanu fensperature for May froinsSec; ,cfary, elntunauuîttali-eftil liitteuifl, set! lu decenned's clotheala Il es o! with Aose tedicatet te goot. 600 te 1. O01871 f0 1895 laîhîown lu flie fo!losvuig a-if b fliliiui-mentf !sfnu-iglis, tirauuîuees decenseda custoffarY Attiu i irnn inf cd nep.saper sheets scttered abromi tfable: tsnlhI.TeefueE teprvingas ora-~ uuai haI. -Tise-coifur _.a

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