CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Jun 1895, p. 6

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tire aiways lonce cheorful, -sad my ieeoll a ohave àno whenever yen catibarl. "At least It-Booms tae have yen choorful; I cachet ssy that lt hau hjîd the satne offect ou me." repli the -~ deaPondent young lady. 1-1 nover toit your note-and. ouce golle, houid I los heerllu mY flte." evor have learrîed tbe truth? I trem- "You want a comasion, my dea," Vettblk o tt I sho id nover, of ilyl mysBit, bave spoken agabnt No man " umph'It coula, wbobail been told what 1 bail. <'Mis Coruana wouid corne, 1 dame And bow was I te suppose thera teuld sasy.Il bauv explanation Btecane mou tee, *O, prsa deofnot amir hor, grauny, she ss smesy seiudbtln-rm ilon't.'tn vreat slarm. 'Il teel as Steh thie no2t truthtuli eiilb couldoe bear Miss Caronta, nor teworid.enboil gcanny, ittoruptltîg Boy one olse just 00w. I love Miss hlm but I thmnk nuomoman living but Cerunna-but I don't want bier, budeed ~-' wola have excu--ed ber tbat one little 1 dou't! 1 euly mant teo'beolot alerte. 1 -lie.11shali ho ail right Boau. By to-morrow, "NorÂnan, a ther,"sail Bellenden, 1 dare a i. Dear,." with'a awitt re- in spirits te Isuglu."ie bas but te turn te gontle tondernesa, '"dear, 1 arn own if was oe, te bo forgiven every- very sait ash. Try te torgive me. You thin. "kuome I am uîuhappy; but 1 ougbt net ",Wesalli tcet, thon, eavory let yoen tiefr for if, ilear, goeil, klnd longe" sald the old lad v, giving him graýtoy that yen ara,"* audt ho evon'ng C1lAPIRWR xvIuJ.-coUtna ber baud. endedi luachd othrs arma. For horseît granuy aile o-aildthe I"Witbin atew days, 1 trust." "-By te'morrow, indeoil!" whlspered affectionste youg beant wentstraigbt "And -at bnehmarew?' granny te beraelt, tears and laugJiter ont ta ber ou the Brut for the wor a - "At lncbmanew." strugilliog wth eacb othor ln her that, sorry as sLe was. shc would bave Grauuy.sald that cm-cing that she basant. By to-morrow, my -swoot beeon stili more sorry bail Ccls love- baed really liati a pleasani day, aud was -Goraldine? Yei, ludeoil , Ieatu wel s'.' t oded idftereutly. net in îLe leasit atigneil non wouli lholove tbere will ho anether face by Bore Ceraldine's lhp hogan tequlver. ahego se oanly te ied, alleging tbat to-morrow.'1 Un te ibis point hen face bail been set one likoi the cool omentide teait and1 For 8be kuew kîy this' ina (bat al as iu a visie. 111 feit as if everyoe thin n- luand, accurdingly. site iadber Iwss rigbt. andl that the magician who were against me yesterday,"alito mur-cai brought o.t aud placodin lutho was te traits orm lond and nilat, de- Ilo, eenyn,'lcr en vo balcony, aitiieugb the china pots sud joctien and gloom bte aîo suiead salil se lit1le, andl -aud Vend sel5 dalsies melue gene, aud iLte oLe Batj gladiness. was alroaily et bis! post, and grieveil for hlm." t alient andl amiling, a litte the woen-- oniy awaiting that rnorrew's damen te 'I wss gievoil, sud I am Zi'ievod; duoete one else, who mess in any- begin bis delightfui task. but," sald (heoelil lady. almoat flcrcelv, tbiog but a smiling tmood. The next merniug Geraluline was 111 censider Ceeila a àfool al theoBorne. Ail threîugb itoeiuieceding meek missiu, at noontide. Heoought'le Lave souc and kuewnloug -'the tumporaturmoin (euaidine'i velus- "Carue 0:1 te the 1 uruside, mat. to age-auy man wiban ounce of percep- bail been teadily geing domen: every ber oli place boneatb the waterti tien would-lbat yen Jil net cure 8 mornung slite ail at'ien couler snd wbeu'e site useil te tis,"cheertully ex- button ton hlm. Hie migbt have seen calmner, and more and more ready te ho plaineil tho e ht-boadeil cemesîle, Ilhat hra en antt -" eranaduil andl reasoned wmiti, bild wino readin b iis a nro tetaa hapier "Wba? Yn, te?"Andl meuh a; ibere beon anybody at bond te reasun mrntoil han Lad characteri7ed tha aveu- erot cry, ont it ail camne, anil evoi'y-_an ,peisudelg bLoe. "Sho dili net taira ber i1hfme-arekpTtuod. - -flut tre ioIrudëntg'Zdimother boa c noduer yt sir for Donald; b t sbes "I1 yen Laed oly suilse hotore-! anai u iedbu'ineu brea ailthe same, fou' Hacthero Anî pour graniîy toit as if site could Sue liad torasat a ameit repeontance: it Otliebo cross tLa reail,' andl away n.a nover tforive ho-ersait, soi etiaise, b-Atebolaed aise pruphueida returo ýthî'ongb tha birken mod."- snd ie orbersae1seurin tesbell, ef the tautt'uma weu-etLe rcpentao: e 1I*"1 inlk," 'said the lady sortly after, and lea rdei, sl sel mosa1e, trceil on apace, sud nut alloweoi te meon repaatbng thîs te a third persan and thon st domen te hemrilosk ta write mork its omen endl: snd, iberefere, ai- - meo Ladl waikoi up train theo "Fa-ny notes anl trame excusas wibout a sec- tbeugb ifilai beaunu easy thing te Inn," mheee h ad managed te an- ond'a besitatlen. doJ, she Yad put a cuirb nut ouly' on bier dure tho uight, tbeugh it Ladl net beurt IlWe eau lot it appear among our- t speech, lut ou ber actions, sud, Lad an agrooablaeue. "I tblok. Si' Fred- »Ies that it mas tbla couEinly allair," by word and se aînieoucnthîe iii of ericit, yen knuw tha place. It fisBosea- quotn ishe smanîly, -andl the werid bier yog tyi-aot. where noar ibat matrfali that wea Loar uetintkblluwhatifi pleases. Nay, it Forbaps Get-aldino h-ad aimost hupeil nom," for tbcy mere standing entside viii very llkaly bardly tbink otfns3i et te oce îoostruicd iLh, aud perhastuhîe hLuillaas ahe apoke -"et course 1 *1il, we shall just Le misail lorsa day. bailsihe been su, site might have git'en caui Bond sumne ouea l show yen tLe ail uemore, andl me shall en,'oy the way: but granoy. witb a chuvkle, bidmm-y, but "IILe mas off almost orc Lo oelat of retiî'ing eaaly, as the best po- gene on meuh ber propal'atlons. tcounlilrapudiate flic idea. P'ealwaysdo ratine early. tuo-n every- The chilil needed a loiseon: and ta Notning coulil ham-e hoon botter. thg t ia net worth mhile te drink give ber lber beail ai this crisis soid Goraldine inulber oamen ochanteil uest the cup ef pleasuro te ftie drezs." lot lbar bang Lerseif oî n n wn t-upu ut tenu sud beathar. in thbe spot mhere- Ad seaheb gave it eut goneraily. as 1h meono. was inceuîesîably the beat io ho bail irai bbellierho, the spot 'My grandtlaughter andl I bave hnadl thing ho bu done; andl tbeîcfore, ai-' meceupo le bau wou bis flnat tri- *uougb.l' abe soil. "I amn gettint t tough the 'puer doe"' reaily sac'nl- um, La. Couilhaohhmve wishod for bo au elil moinan, anil canuet sttand as oi elt e,and coulil net buthuame a Big boLtton emen nome? much ais i once ceud"-ý"L canoot as she loeked round upîotLe stili ai- Andl theneoshe was! stand twe -ee2hed proposasisnlune00tractive' s eue. the busy parks aud Ho dili net eaul ber, as hcedrcw ruear. day," sibe mentally sîec lieil - "anil treets, sud cards upon bier pisteansdj She meus standing en tLe oit-sanio 90 we arc off hoetest antd recruit. uVe mantiapiece Yhilbe luthbe backgrounnd ledge ef slippery rock mheroon ho bild way hope, if al l a mWil, ta longer she lha nu a ruefui vision et Ioch- starîied baer that atternoooutbr'ce yea's anotber yeat."lmaroe Cashie. colsnd seiiary, sud aire, sud tandiuL, se neon tLe ailgo By (ho end ofethîe waek overything wîîh taecuversoly just mhippoI&doff that ha annat net isi t sartling ber had been ail usted, the bilis paidthîel the statu-noe us-stili she hLId again. light surface efthîe roorns dismanîlcdoiI amoy te thoet-oIe abcelLad laid dowu Be avas aimost att-aid te meo, e r te end mesi ot tLe ser-vants sent ou info er eoi; sud the euiy thing abce bd Yreathe -anudithscemeil azas are sbe front. I dene mas te drap Beileniden tLe furtm-ae turuod. andil slwly sud sercewfuily as Goualdina mess eut making a round of lino ebleb L ad unî'esieu Lia doparture, -it aeamed, ineveil wiib domneasieyea "Coed-bye' vi>its, as sheanad ber sud brongbi bim te bet' sida ai the temardi hm. S gi-anilmother ware themaulves ta heorfisi con veulent epport:tnity. At lengtbi sha was close by bis sida off on tha tellowing day, mbon a visiter Nem site ceulil afferd te ait sud amila 'on the confiuas oeth(e long, rauk, mes. announeil te Mrs. UCampbell, aý te on ber balcon3'. dripping grass, and thon eue we 'd bmàhose otinthe tblu ws aiheuy ar 011 seul! the tonnd l tîtuh rang ont bel d d troug ",Garai- He v haeidîentim kow. u etbiîug net evenwmeu h e rain ou the dine!" Be ailevientv ootn mLont&Arigylishino iii tops, aliheugla if tell Genaldino dililnet scneam. non faint, rail, liomever, andil bc(sexpectedinluwaterspeuta on the frsi ameiog et non tailiibis urne. Sho only stoifl althouizb thore ames meuh ital a cor- thaîr returu te ibeir Highlndihbere. quito stilîl, mhile tbe celer slowly loti tainasppnobansiveuois inbbis ring eof lismlàl as mas the eutlook frntm ber ber check, ber blue ayes dilateil, sud theodoer bell. and tealihinesa u in hieile-room mintome, whar ne sitoi ber lips tell spart. stop upon tbe tair, whlcb betokened a' amile te gaze upon the dreary mieta Wbe mas ibis? Wbespeke'i What t trad uen eebaneti rennl. bangîng everbeal, sud tLe ilean 1I ililha thora? "lWe ara quite aeonu,'sil bis hoat- messie et waters beneaih -shec sarcaly WaLewss-m rabobi- e iiash notice h. Oua p reviens iu- I meere wora tbay, andl metat àJuif hal Be rnnmurd seu Inudibe roi.quiry bail satialleil ber; sho b ailleanneil muon? "My nendaughîî- as etu eu "Ithat the smmmc h bast mess runniug, fILe swayed atytradssu proceadoil the speaker, "aud mil net (he test meLlîLh ou.'Led avery aveu- ou -e aeain found hersaIt clasped in the retira ton au bout- or tmee. She Las s' inoe ai their pion, sud ihat Lad Leon samie shî-eng aratiat bidlabi er in lntmLer et things te do, andl peuple te efsame spot before. me 88e leluaeuceiî o-merew.1 On thae ther batnd, pour ittie Gar- Bu-the reaemblanua %vent na H0e aswe bavsee. alie was ms a omen te tha vcry tut'ther. 1'1 tbi«nk," coniied tLe oid lady,1'l hlntleyogohstm,* vo k-'dl"I link uatmo nel ntitpa et ber fiogers, antd sbi-ereil andl " bh e c e ottsun. stay kily, 111nh nk at ene eu h aLddaned, auJ pretesseilLensefab, ah- bsîîered s vaico ilier otor. nla e eaab othar, Si ro .rdenick Ballenilcu. etypotatt for brningh ergnanil. yen ast; auJ, Gensidine. imilli ktîut, Yeu out ne hae (rnehur ifyoumther back iu sncb an evîl Lour- she 1 miii ktow the irnth ah isît. Yoiî Y et wnld e ae uoe fbot -oki en Lad almesi eaid te sncb an amol place. lied hu me in London ohi my durl.ii, - ba nethon.b lmteo plaincel:akeu1 ncbmaromedilne, or bera seemailJmy(lai,ing. youuil i: I know vit. I1nit Sha 1,thn, ei Vo a one Il -dealute andl dreary. She conlil net sut-a et if, anJduumv there tiuîre, knew andl whsî I tibk:IOr melîl Lame belieme-i it Ladl shbe-eo toit],dont meecu se bittu'ly cut, if %-eut mii. _y11 --?" asie lookedin .luirngly. tbat ohé coý-ilil ever Lava ookeil let me kios away file teats. Gý(,ik.. Mut Itmas certain Le wenld net. letPntelvd oeo e hlHad1lv n.Llv o bg4 boeautee muceasperatod, h _rt, pnLeuoihooebt-hideiIlmeynsdItii loe îi amuiconounad i îe Osiioomue wmeh sncb anunugraciens oye. The meheu n mllior et uibu güeot s insd onudo' eseqi ir 'o aa sil very sec. aniss amethat site wmsunre- snd fengiva, anti lai us both bLelhappy. lhothîe aid nome Ilînont;auJ, FsEOnive andl out et spirite sud tanciail Nay, don't ido 3eur fat-e" Iun ieb as l wa, h renaind seutl, ahe Ld gîow n fine andl sceroful. totuni lh,îLeway te h pro eutiy. as ol mess, La non lier lapoecbhess, "This misecable, misetabie nain," Sheo on unet 8ouitnggiu meuh hlm - poulng oye, wblcb sceeilte implore she moaneil, "Lome glueîny, home de- coulil net choosu but hearknluteho ion tomentau bec.plorable, iaIl leoks Aud yoî 1 nover conlil net Lui Lu happuyinluibir cage. Poriait prude, Mcs. Campbel l ad feundifl h roory andl daplarable Lofoea And Lellenden kueme Lis greuni by imeattobpi-udeioug anddig I- lanirbttahAunal Charlotte mven she (Lis tiire, andil Ivet-y sure that hait liedan eo rot haveughsuand dgt-he annailme ihat ifmoilil Le se. 1 ter- incas nos moulil Le Ittductime ef only bonen et ail the gcoeateuns dotunci of get to tell yen, Jean, home indignant bai[ doutent. bier gnanilcbiid'sanacestjra; but meat Aunt Charlotte mess meuhrme for run- Betere hae laft titat damp sud dé- tulud tha hcnemoiant o!d creature do lua ay when I1ment te say rny igtul L ut sailly rbeuumiic, spot. Le - iagausia hndirnagaiantmeb La 'Get~hyete hem. She sai I neel net badl obîtuelali liLe wmethle tain -~-long ago au'jugnioil harseif as meoil as bme aemysaît tino sy: that noue bu ts a i s eup-m --Gpraldine efftt- the preper, respect- et thernm onîdlavear hav-e treubilme ied him, ftha hoant pressacIo lebis omen able, gnanilrotberly tashion, solndmebo andi that ai loflut thîeunufontunate a(. bail hertalemeal te bc bis aîroady. Pome bang acon ber lips, (heugbt meat falc michi 1.5: a beau allowedilttedie Aunhalaelid ebtainel torgivenesa foi, lebbc thouabi, saw meat sihe 5w. toieut et iteIf. 1 gui away as sOason i 1ailtha pasi. wbat she toit? 1Ce -id. sud lfortn ylom-afer Ethel aud Anilthe cniy wmeet-il &ut. the Peon gnsnny bail nover been se set-1 Alida. Thev milIoui coarn bore (btis only word -(hat laed beeu droppei outi un la bhonIlle. Bellenden bal uot an autumn tbai la oea îing. oh, if is ou the ethacaida, bi e noi meuh lu a ;ê 1.snor an opinion spart trorn hors. sorneih ug te feal I bavedene meuh the murmur n, esfti that la bail I cen ai- and site was encouageil te (t1 ellati luyrnons. sud Auui t arla, snd al et muai inaudible. "St, voit kuome, I do êbee bad seen, whlsper mhat aho laed tbem for the prasent; ibat I tbluk ihat yen shouid't-t;houlduli- ampotel, aud sugeest mhai aheulil cao braatbe fneely, ael netLe in ago- sholni - bave quite-quile tneated o due. meuh- uetiig but (ho nies lest 1 site Id meut ihe in ai eveny me as if I bail beau a more ohild."1 lacet eager soquleiceuce on bis paî t. , tnrninir et astreat; but ail-but i"Ne. I beuldn't," sc<nowledgail r lneliy, sho meennil p melhh a pî'epb- an l sd she reme a long, wesry, tLa happy lover, roadyte a -kuemeladge ecy that &U1 mould carne rioebt yetV andi, desyairing- breaih. anythlug. "IShLlI I promnise 1 shalh i9honeupon, the deapondout snd de- F'lo ta uos tnlng mess (liatinluntiver de se any more?"l ectd fgur mee bI ro,ît se hurnbly exact proportion as the grandeuildIs iEND eetd flureo-;sl lu, vaLahi neim siieun îi hs tiagad n.iTEoND.u Plti ÀXOÜA A-BI SÂTE~ B3RIE0 COMPIL ATION 0F ILL.I- NOIS NEWS. Smokcd While On tlie Gallown-Pre- paring for the Faii exhibition nt Springfiel - Mortal Accidenît at Orafton-Stuart Dues Ciever Workr. Henderson and Jeffrey lfansa. Douglas Henîler'on -atd IFrank Jeffrey were hanged at MNlrlikyb3abo Friday for the murder ot Jantes TîowIe ut Carterville fast winter. Hendersoii on I o flich gallows smoking a cigîtr. Before the black cap was dravvii over liits ai. ho Raid: "Gentlemen: 1 nnl lire t'a tell yî iiigood- by. 1 hope 1 sîtail nive't you i li eaveit. I waot to warni yoi all tu keoti otît of bild Company." Jî flrey w:t<t nt go cool and showed ignai of nervouiiessa.e înt' ul ciiibed the itî'is outhte scaffîîld withlot effort. Jeffrey ulso îîpoke. sayiîîg: *"I uli going te die fr a crinme I iever coiîîmilted. I neyer <lotie i." The Iîreparatîons for the execution ivî're then qîîickiv complet- ed, the trial)aiirunîg, ando in twelve min- rites the condenuîîed min v0-cm prototicedl dead. IfobbVguq,re in Jait. A disîîatbph lblisiteil Soîîdîy nîorîing noted the arrî'st ln Ntîw York city of Jo- seph Killoriti, llarry RItssel and George, alias Cha rles. Allenivit o wî'restisjii'i'ted of being coîîcerîîed iii post~ office roluberies at Scranîton, l'a.. Iloboketi. N. J., a nd Springfield, 111. Titi post oflice vautlin Springfield %vas roilbed ait t iidny ontftie 3d of Atîril last of otipts ugzr'gîttiîin1 vaitte le ct$7,04 5) ona $.1td a nd @i1verwaîre blu'îtgiîig ta a dîîughter of Poattîtti stiur ljl vo f thle vainle ut fromt $1.12(K) tii$ s A f,'o'lav s irev iolisly tivo min Lad 4ia lIed oitth;poslit taster and borrowcdilmoie kî'yui froinim i, for thLe os- teunîlîle liiirpose of ol.iti ît a box to o hich thcy sajd îbey bhud bat the lkey. Wlîei thie robliery octîrred ttafterward tliis circulai- stance camtone fîasintid . Suspicionî fell upon ccrtaî iaurni, onteof vvo lnad heeii seen ini lte i-iy about tîtat Iie by a de- tectiî-e anîd rerugîl izi as a erook. Tîjeir photografflis Nocri'senit tir. andl lîîtîias- ter ltiigeli'y rieognizcd une of tijein am fithatfutone ut the niîî'va ho bail lîiîrruwed bais keyq. With this chî'w 'o4t Office In- spector Guy~ T. Goild strtin uoui k up the ca>e. I oî ;îaî. li ttii titres ei o îiv iti-ernin thitle n itberi'. Tbcy vo n'trais! to titi-t hlil,Ill., In- diantal>i4and! Cinc'inniati, o lîcre lliîy were lost tiglit ur for a tiiiiî. Tiieti Post Office Iislîîctîir Stuaîrt tiîok the ease in band, gîît t ru ik ut tleiîîandiiti i-t iacte to tLe EnstandRt firnally to New York, where lie ait -î-îeded iii buggiîig tiiet. State Fair Buildings Located. A sltiecial nicet înqgouthtle Il linisl State Board of Agriculture wîus bel ut Spîring- fieldl for the plîrlose of iî"igthe buiildings ls, ecrected un lte grounîds this ycar. The board visited lte( grotidsanad thîîroîîghly cuaiivaqsed tLe sitntftiout, with the filbuîing resulita: The naiL inery bitIl o'ili bcecreclc'd tîpoti t heo gin nil noo' oucu- ppiid lîyflie Saitgaîtion (Coîn ty expiositihon builing, and vmiii exteijlditue nurth t40 teet. The fart aitnd urchiarî- proilucts builinig will be 3CM0 fî'et frîîm lte etast end ut the iiew exposiation buîildhing and hait may iiîtaen ftint btuilding and ina- chinery hall. The grand staud -420 feet long and I110 fret wiiie, sealing 10,000o peol-will b' situaed ouiflicecat ide neareit ltte race track, atnd iii Le go or- rangeai that the etîtire traek cao bc' seen nt ail poinîts ut any race. Theflv ime sok deparînient willibe tîîcotîsoAst of the grand stanil, Cuutî'istinig of Pighlt harosa for cattie and six tir birses, 44x][00 fret echr. The hog ani! slîecp paviliotîs miii Le situ- ated near the barns, and iii huave a ea- pacily for 2,0(K0 hî,gs andîl .ZiÀOO heup. The poîtitry lbuilditing o-iti lie iuî-t.'.l antb ofthîe catlle bau-uts. WVork onit tesi' i lit' commen'ed aiutile, a iii]flice groundhs iii ho in firat-flius3 -iidit:on for tLe fuir. ratat Explosion of Powder. Alnma, Vjs.. ta re br(oighit toAlto 1tht îe (Governiiîit vo'îw'ract lioa l't attil meit tai ISt. .Iose1ih's lhitlitheii'former iirtilly anîd tii" tter lî itîjîreil froti a loder expsîionair. The mnetiore<ur- r3iuig rit(-k for the'~issiii Dike morks alioî'i'I ta flîîîandmiattî'miteil tiirelouil t def(eci ie'yn bitI'la se, w lien the î îodtir wa 1iiltimi1 'y a sîiiîfl-rjtîg fuse anth îe large three gatlon ki-g explititîN iii their bianda. l51î;lipte lias a ivife andî fanîily liv'ig ini .'-e,îal. eritit O ils firintn of the qtitrriî'u anîd tnt îiarried. State Newma in Brief. Many prostrationis frîîm thle utitireve- dented tay boat whiclt i4ited('iag Weduiesdîiy wocrep'iorte(]. At a datctetn tilis vest ot Lut-un, Michîael Ityatî itsultid I leîiry .acksîîîî's aiter. A quarre! eîi.uueuand Jaîki,,on shot Ryao, wbo cannut recover. Tbe baby eft'.%r. and Mlrs. Eîlward Browning, at Mîirse as nu'ideoally hanged. In somne unacco nitable nanger lit feu out otflbe, and lutit ighi dress caught ou flie bod puai iii sîteh a o-ay as to produce strangulation. At Fairbury, thle jury in the case of the estate of Thonias Conefurd, deceased, vs. the Chicagofinal Alton Itailmvuy Company brougbt lu a verdlict agauuîst tbe railroad for $2,500. The c'ose mos botly contested. Mr. Coneford wos run over aud killed Ly Fsd K.BvanseeMmitt.d suIcdeat tbd National Hetel la Peonia, sbooimg hlmaelf through the heart. The survivons oethîe Thirteenth Illi- nois Itogiment velunteens met at Dixon iin their satnuai reuniou. Au ordinance mm-s presented te the I"nee- port City Couemînli rohibiting Saluons treun îeihing up iL free lunch. At Sterlinîg, F~ranik Cramer, et West Brancb, Iowat, oas kiiled mm-ile attemîîting te board a Nortbmmesterni reiglît traint. A case ut omaibuiox lias deveiuîîed in the northwaest crner ut W'abash Coutnty, near Ailendude. It la a youug maun mbuhan been imi St. Louis. At Eliiott, thiemîs biioke imîlu flue sijue store' ut C. J. Wiî-ks aiid stuli' îlîîut $200 mauortLoftfine aimes. IB. 1P. lndî buggy aîîd iarnesa mm'îre aiso taken. Tamo youug mcii uaiîl Ilodge andl Bacbeior, uf Ashtion, mm'iia ctîurniîug troni a (lanîce, mmere kilibîy a ;tassenger train ut a crossîng neir Rh-lelle. Sîtittel Hill, aged 60, utf('Laupaign Coutiy, II., malu mm-s visiliumg Lis 1soit near Chiandler, Okia.. vas goncd lu death byn Ia uai!bll, meblîL brukit romu the field as le mmas passing. Gov. Aiigeid granfel dpepers restorng fltc rights ut citzensltotuCharles Bur- gor ic, oet S. PauiMtii. mho serve,!l twe and cite-hul( years ut tbe Jouiet Shate prison frum Cook Cotol; ,for btîrgiary and larcen>'. The main buuiding efthîe Star Bremeer>' ut Beilemillu'%vmm-ts ituîniyi'iiy lire. About 5,(M00bushela uuf maltt auI 1,200 bnrrela et beer mmre conumusmîecl. The valîmabe ie nmac-hinues mîcre umu'îtl. Total lba. $05- 000; imsrunce, ý:l9,000l. The plant ofut he inolnu'iti ackiuig Coin- pan>' mmts ua ined.. The tuctory wivuta leid mmbv aitaluble muclinery. Tbe lue is$8,- 01)0. mitb $-l.OqM> iusurnce. Tue Lincoln I)iaînunîl I'îism Conmpany hadî jusl stored lu thte building $(10M uli t fgouoda, ou amiicli tuere maus nu inurance. Time resigoation ot James ONeal. chiot ut the Bliuemiugtlir ie departuocumt fuir taeive years, Oas uceluleil by the Cit>' Cotincil; tls flittoetGeorge Butlier, ef the' eletrieut deliarîment, mitb mhom O'Neai hlai a figLt Sattulu>'. Ilcor>' 3leyers. ot trecomuipouy No. 1, mm-s olccted ONeais suci-essor. 'ramo mddiuugs lut ligli lite mvîre soiema- ized Tueida>' li Jacksonvimlle. 'Mlis Mary E-. Cuinna, oethtiu ity, adtîlA lexander Dysant, of I'itta!itrg. mvu-ncmarried ut tue nu'auîenceofu tthbidtIos uncie. 0. 1). litzaliuiunrs. Miks Auna lerbel and Mileo T. Guptiblt-, ut St. Louis. o-crs med- ded ut flic Loiiiuofuthtii"brie. Wheneth te nîîliîîg inilus ut the Ilin ois Steil Compniity itanled lai) a t Jouiet about 1,00 metutti matni' tihue ga t's maituuug tu bc adi ild. At 7:30 i-m-nv deliartîient mvas lu foi! blasi, as thutugli titi men badl incru'ly liten uff on sa!ays vat-ution. The' tinîukeeîîers' bookasiShow uni>' y 1,54M) uamî's, mvtiiboui>' a fi-vmmorîne acanclîs te Le illeul. Strikiiug Cicago uikinakena are still out andtilshowm no Signa utf iciuing. Straîîgc lu sas>, there are luanm an tumac- titrera mho pst llem ion tLe hock ecur- agiimgly, ailvise titu tu tanud fbrui, ud, i n sonie iut' iiti-esItntus, 8atul>pla rht thie relief'ftund tun the reliet ofthîe alrlk- ers' taîuilica. Ini the meantime tlic brick businiess, and ail tLe building traIes de- pendent uuon li, are panalyzeil. Tîtere la tumne construction oork Leiuîg doue, but every duluy ec-t it narrî,mmeu doîvu and car- taiied ms tîte stocks ot brick gi-e eut. This la the mmorsit eatîre outfhe afnike. as tLe yeutr uronisî-d tl ii'a ieuorubleonaie in the bnilding lina in Chiicagu. Mrs. Elien M. Hierutin. presidu-ut ut titi Natiotnal l-eîîenaliuîn ot Wumucu Clubis, ailln'eu tuefl'ceoria lVomens C'lb Nonday' aficnoon uit the aspec't ut thée social aide ot club lite. She cxîîncaaed Leýrselt as itighly ptuiased ut the optiortuini- ty of addnessîuîgmItle I'eonia Wounen's Club, and espectaîll' as h mm-s the oui>' clutb in the 5mbt which utane,] ils een borne. Tiien, sue mm-s a persueul friend uf lte uresideuit. ',is. Ilemrolin, lu cou- tiîîuiuîg lier uddnî'ss, delaiicd liota- vumo's club» mmeeinstriumetalinlubreukin&; dîumn file coum eutiouuities of Solcietl>; oamthli'> as.siancul mmrkiuîg girls und]bomm hue>' estab- lilahu-d liblîarica. 'hly affordeil perfect cutertaitînuentta nulmm-rked mivt ith le chli- di u. The muiiiaclusmmi-eîe iccena- lnuiizaîionofuthîe besl and utathtîunglît- ttti mouîen. In conoittaino, site asîke of the' Nationtal l"eîeratiuîn, et mmicb c a pretidlenti, aitdtti' Siate Fedprallon, ohih ob011î4 ils utni!t' aI ion vent litnlunl'e- out bin utotier, ait-!four mm-i-ltrrnntge- iienlsareune 0w itg tmaute. A largel>' ut- tîîîîed reci-ution tu Mrs. lHenrotin aItlte Wounieu's Club mmas te fi-attire et flec evciing. Fromru niale interviemws beld Tues- ulu> %vthprliiiruîiuent farinera iteuin Spring- field regardiîîg the condition efthîe pres- cnt ieta andl corn crep it la learued thai tLe crut ilmii mot Le as shunt as uti rsi ne- çioted. Tue tannerasiato that mach minter mheut Las Leen plomeed under aud sema-ntecorn. The trost killed man>' fields and gave tLe corn a setback that wilil nuake that crop laier than uual. The Ilesaluiii>' aud chinchbhug are Jeing mucb damage sud mon>' fields show tbe ravages et these insects. Drouih laIe lusi full probabl>' did more real Larm lu maheat tbsn the freat, Legs andily >'combineil; Lad main talIon lu sufficient quantit>' tLe cnep woulil have been langer than for previons years. bu adjoining counnues su almoat similar condition prevaila. Fanther iouhh, domea lu (Le Egyphian haIt, soutih oethîe Baltimore sud Ohio Sonîhmeesteru lino, tLe cropa mill iehaftanshort ot au avenage; mgny fiellasmelîl net yieid Oive bushels te LVER 13A ILLINOIS DEMOORATS SORS FOR THE CHII. flesaautheflca<3tae1 latIe, and £sxÇ fhe National Commaittea f0 Cli s& Currcucy Couvent bon-Policy et t» Admsinistration Cri ticiaesi. Oliver Itfhc Sadille. Spniigtleld errcapuouileutcé: Ilinois Demuocaîs lu convention dee4f ed utquiliiediy it for ofthîe freea colol4' age ot aimer 4i1 a ratio ut 16 te i 1 i guld. Thîis dcclanuîtiiiu mmaa adoptaI WItb'u eut eue disseniiig vuice frorntLe 8W16&k.t egates mhe cuuposed the conveutiicuITbe. delegates also meîît eutret-ordasne M la-~Y laver oethîe hlîidinîg ut a ninal Demno.-, cratic coinvenitiontiho takeé actiion on Il. uteney questioni. John P. Hopkins, of, Chicagot;iv. H. Hlinnit-Len, et Jackson- 4 ville; George W. Fithitnof e Newton, and 1. B. Parsons, ut Fiera. mere nasmels" delegates-at-J.argî' trtm this State le *t. tend suiL conmention, if une shahL e cabissi Ly the propuîicni ousituted Democratbc authonities. l'residlut (Cle'velandulrecetve-d cenaUr Net iuthtie reaiiittfitîs, bInl the speeche.J Every ma-unI spuikeitagainst the' Presidemâ-t or lisiadminiîstrationut meusgreeted wtà , 7 nuis>' nuproval. Il liai! been agreesibelte. theî coniventtionî thtitue îîutforin o momlsi Dot -oittain an>' efrî'tcec'a the apposi- tion ofthîe Presilut to tLe leaders of tLe convenmtionm, hut the spieakers myre gi-en full somîr, and rite> look aulatage ut the- latitîude uu--nîcd thî'n. Chairnia i Illi niulset,. îîomm'the e choml- edgcd i-sucr ut theme liter faction, scoeei lte l'nî-iuhî-uîiiittht' be'iining et bIs spech i-ii iîing ti li ,,îtmiitioa. Se rad- iclent>'diad L.e xpressms t ia t-«4iL_4 Diue !tlane c e tiîaily rendl tLe Proi- denît ut tht' t'ui IStates <oit oethîe part>'. This strinutmvs a luopllar onte. Even>' tinte a iajteîr ci-iatired the Prealdeni the detiiîîciaii îîîu nmmi schloeii ly cbeerq andu sppiuise from the' Lody' etthe conyca- lien. l-co('ngneasutiau William J. Brysu. et Nebruik-u, niok utp tue uicttitnmitioit mhere Iliiirii-lisî'mîit'tt uoff antdldrume the conven- lion lto it fritta>'out uthitiusi mb>' eap- iuîg ,-it lîlani(tlu e t' 'ofitifihe national admitnistraution. Nor îlid h,' stop there, fotîn itmii-t doiîmtehe ut ofPrenideuti Sli-melut îîu's stîîupotrsn. Iov. Aligeld tuilommt,uliuthteut'ainme u ttias bdd e- ('utîgressanîtAnrtiiro-. .Hanter, This. mas the nians take-i to aniuis.'tLee eîlhu- Seas t fiti.ndi asoe Fuil et Politiral Sensation Tht'euî'ît- etitiitauauisuit fî,iiii-ai senu- antiolnua. Titi'grnatest cxciit-nitîct came jît ai lu-ton,- tht- aîljuruuuî-îîtiof tLe con- venutioîn. Tue îîassiîîîatespeecst'bLad al bî'î-madeiandi. thule I)uuîîîîruîts, mm-Lu lied î'mt -h~uiair uitLt- ti isles outht e conven- tlin hall. mmiereille tu ii)uthuseîe action ufte tuen-solo tlu,us -uuit tet'. Ex-Usn- gni-sauuti Ceurge W.VFitbitn 0-as chair- niait of theetiîmittee on resolutions. WhLen Le suepi-du ou unheî'piatfuîrm mih the s,-ratclwud. jatt-bî'd auîd tasted lat- tort in bis bauds quiet camp orer the couininion. MnI. Fitîtian li a lear voies readth îe piattuîrm. Severai timia during tLe neal- ing et tht' deilarallun for fret- ceinage ho mas interruti',]mhile tLe coinvention wenut imto transporta u t musiasm. 'ihea inail>' be trîuomuuecd tLe erds 16 te 1 thie dî'iegatt's jnui'î! tnuttilii'insusisand ihrem- hcir bats imte the' air. For tuli>' ht-e miututes huLruoauîr laste,!. The finît ouihiurst dieu amvny outi> to make mm-s> for amotiier. Tîme ni'aulutieuis udottted b>' iLe conmv'ntionu on the ciointuge iasue mere ns "ht-sîîlmcul. y theuemuot-natsoutIlilinois, In c-onventionî ast'mlied, That mee arc in favon uftheii'tie utof tb golul nil silver as the standardu utîncy outhîe United States, sai!dtlniandiîthe'fres autd uulimiied îoiîîage ot Lth mtîtals ut tLe ratio of 16 te 1, mitioui maaiting for tLe action et otiter nations.ian d aîtîh coins ahaliL e a legai tender ton alu dcbtit, Luth public and! prinute; al contracta hereatter execuicil for the jîuytunt ot mottey,. meether lu gold, ailiur unrciin. hîuîy lue dischangem b>' an, nuuuîey ut lîcît la, b>' im, a legai hen- Adjuhant Genent Ii ltîîg of thfle anun presentcd tLe diplounus tu the graduating ciasa ai West l'oint. Socretur>' Carlisle exticu-Is teo deliver oe mure speech in Kenitucky, bumt tLe date bus net Leen decided on. The Presideut bas appoilulei H. May Armnstrong, ut Auabamua, lu Le secretat'>'oe legation ai Madrid, ice Stelîben Beniai, et Baltimore, resigno-d. A conscen-ce contribuiout et $30- from Pornero>', 0., Las Losti recaiveil ai the Treasur>' Depîrtment and placed ho tha credit et tht' cunsience fund. Commîsaloner et ItîdjaîtAffaira Brommn- ing is ampenteuîding the ietting et cou- tracts for Imdian supplies lu Newe York. Tht contracta miliiaggrogate $1,000,000o. Commissioner GýneraI Siump direcied that tha alleged Mormons at Moutreal, Canada, leharred frem landing peuiig funther examination, Le admitod te the Unitedl States. Tht treasur>' circulation siatemeut for May-sbomes (bat June 1 (Le circulation cf ail kinda et moue>' in (Le United States aggregated $1,606,175,556t, an increase since Ma>' 1 lait e« $6,745,402. The de- creuse in circulation since Jîue 1, 1894, la $69,490,000. The per capita cIreulation June 1, 1895, basted on pu estimate popu- lation et 60,753,000, la $23.002. The pension efthîe bute Secretan>' Gresh- amr emainel uclsimed fer a little Over tbree years und lechuicail>' Las Ispub, but h eau Le rnovered b>' application sud proofth(Lt for the fhre reana (ha dis- abilit>' contiaued. The amoont due la $1,- Areorogni' iuCincnaif," )., tbat MInuster Edwin J)un, of Ohio, w)he han rîtpt'tueted the Utited-States"ttl, iki -elent Qne,achfty on sil

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