CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Jun 1895, p. 7

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_________________________________________________________________________ I rHE IISING SUR STOVE POUASH in cakes for geacral bloc kng 09 a stove. 8LBf"POLISt for a quick ~ TU WOI aî,plied and pl b.hcd .tl a cIOtIL 900 Vaoà »uK nae, U.S.A. A New Viewî orf1.11e. LI; fa surpriaiîg 1mhw often the troubles ettua 1117e spriug fruin iidiicliun. Anîd feeslirpriling l ftý cwîs,, ple kuiiLh ~ou ai,*1' blc,"or -My lîeîîdfeels Or .'"f'iCai't sep"or "Everthing Pe*sme." Nine ines ln ton indidgetlon 7MAt thie bottoni of ail your misories. and 1-4 box of IlLipîaus 'rabtles %vould gve you du eutlrely iîew view of li fe. Good .Work. sette, Wifol., la DOW the sent of a Stte bacteriologleal l:tboratory for thse .2arinatiofl of thse ge'rma of consump- tion, dîphtheri,,anud otiser dseases, MWd oie valuable work lias already Ion doueélunlihe exaîuiutlon of thie ~Wtrgtpply of thse city for germa of UpIsold forer. D)r. Geor-gc B. iaggart thioks that Midi eat choke berres ln preference te other kindu wlicn lbeY wlth b cut do"n their welgbt »0 as to flY ltçeii. toin. of the nuti-fat remedies otala pot. berry juice. YOUNG GIRLS. r g* 4mmAge on On Vital subjeet, cqwaL 70 ors "Dy s ar£-as Young girls, to tise lîinking Mnc, a&e Ve aubjeets o! lie deci et lrterest. SýotréCtlitfllis s o! lui tmir,. nIl iIe tîera toiu for more cit- on,-e. Stparolae, low- oser. ae ileir I -tlis in l fe fnmav lie, -Na- lune dc,ntis o! tistmîlis1e sanje obe- attfer lu pro- tin are reti(u-sit Ibrougli moety, sud olten mnilhliooid wbat ougit luLe tout. Yet tisey are nul laolMaré, for lfti-r- aton ou anti ubjeets Ilias een V. ils- beaid rointhens. ou-ng la ise flie Inter- prbon o a niotiers duty. In mch cases lisey ahould do as tbon- sandao! yotng ladies are doing every day: write ho Mns. PînkimaniohI.ym, Maaa, glving as uearly ai pos1e.'.uo isir sysptoms nasd notire h-n treeiy gi'ren advice suid timely alid. Lydia E. Pfrskhayi's Vegetalule Com- pound la the yonng girI niait tnust'i faiendl. ilcin Lt oltained o! any dnug- git, sud apeodily oLnetesand cures irreg- slsrltles, swilpension, retention. and ail derangenients of tise uromis iu ovales. lithanlishes pnommptly al Pains. 1lmod. &Che, backarbc. faintucas, nenmoussnesa. om"lesesfs, ua.s, etc. Youtng girls nut kuor, that ef-curoidm g:,.egrflra mtu enaturre. Th Oretest Mcd ical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S -MEDICAL OISCOVERY, UOLUDKENEDY, OF ROXBORY, MASS., Uns discovered In one o! eut COMmTOn pssture mweeds a rcmedy liaI curas every kind of Humer, tram lise worst Scofula down oa common Pimple. He has trled It ln over eleven Isundred cases, sud neye faiied exccpt iu twa cases (bath thuder humor). He humnow luhis possession over tu-c huudmed certificalei cf ls value, ail within twventy miles o1 Boston- Send postal card for book. A bertefit is alwuvs cxperlenced from thec first botie and a£perfect cure is waz ranted wihen ble rlght quatity is taken. When the lungs an- affected Il cause slaotng painsIlike neodles passinit Sathem; te saine with btheiver o tDoe, This Is caused by the ducts beinp, stopped, and aiWays disappears lu a weu iltrtaking i. Read the label. if <thc sbomach la foui or bilions It wl ause squearist feelings at first. timem Sold by ail Druggists5 *IIGtIEST AWA RD* rWORLD'S PAIR. Râ s --' - r7*TUE BE ST* PREPARED 5011 *àS. N5wYUS * UU« Toi DdetssW.=a à y- THE t MT IN PEACE. ANIMOSITIES 0F WAR DURIED AT OAKWOODS. 1ulu. joins Wth the Gray lu Dedi- Calmag a bioimnnt sud Decoratinig soldier.' Grvea.-AmCriCimii herOeO Ali-runcrai of Secretari Grcshanm. Former Foes lu Reunlon. Memrsial Day lu Chicagom ras like notis- ing lu the. hitoni &f nations. it si-nt lu the. sanie lino the victor and the vanquisis- ed, each with galaissisfon its oivu army of deadl, i tiste uncouit-d tiousanda froni the heurt o! tise city to Onkivooda cheeriug for the memory of broes, o! friend or foe. Itanas tise firat lime snce the. first s&bot t ta noriifroma the North and cavaliers t roui the Southm for- gaI entinely reveugoful bittenico. by sucis a kind of publie demontration of urnity. l marked an cpocb. The multitudes lrd upon the seai lds ploudits for thea men who died for their counry and lthe >ell which led the hardeat aud bravest enemy that ever faccd fine. Tisey stood îitb bared heads lu tb. presence of ,000 graves o! victime of theIn ostu Douglas prison or shouted là saltas o! patriotlsm at thelislght of the. tiinned tank. iuuting tii huriole mouuds marked b>' a flag. It wae IMi unique feature tiat brouglit te the. city a crowd whichbharely found standing room u In thestretch of territoni dedlcated tu the ceremony. Thuraday the surviviug veterans of the. twreiulgbty armles ahici for four long years faced each otiier lu bloody trife HlAMPTON. l.O".STIIEFT. pledged anew thior taith n a comnmoon country and o common fiag beside thse pallid shoft which mark* the eternal cmping gronnd cf faileu solulurs wbo pined and died hes:dê thse greot Nurmberu lake, brave and uncompinining victimq of mercilcos clvUl war. It was n sci ne long t0 be rem 1n,erm'! and imay Lt re- gorded as the fnal épî,tnh nîupouthe lomis ot aeceional oIte and scCtmeal estrange- ment. At Cottage <rove zivenue and Thirty- fitth Street, then at the ,utsliirtq, but Dow Iu the heart o! tba cvây, a stuekade wos but duming the cii nr nnd namned Camp Douglas, and there many thousands of Contederate priqoners were confined Le- tweeD the' years iscr2 and 18G5. The men held tiiere under tLe resrainîs nuhmcb he- fail captiveti of wnr Lad s&ent their lives ln the balmy cHite of lthe sunny Souths and the rigors of a Northera winter told upon themn severely. As a conseqoence 5000 o! thons stre librated by denth and *er. buried in Oakwoods comtery ai Cottage Grove avenue and Sixty-seventh Street. It wos to tisa memory o! tiiese tiioussudu who died in a militory prison lnau annemy's country that the monument w, dedlcsted by their conades and op- pouents aranmou thse spot whiene they lie buried. it In the firat monument t Confederati dead erected in tise North, the. eveut was perhapas without a panslet in hiatory. It doos nul appean that Sany- where else on the face of our round globe wlthin a period of thirty years aften lthe close o! a bitterly fought star, the van- quisbed have even before erectcd a monu- ment lu the menaony of their conadea lu arma lu tise heart of lthe victor's ttoroy. Especially has tise sight ever been wit- neased o! the victurs hcartily joining the vanquished lu dusmug honon to thse talon of thse vonquished dead. Gen. Woui Hamp- ton delivered the dedicatory addness. THE DAY ]IN NEW YORlK. Grand Arisa Parada Mcvlewed by Promînent OfficiaIs. Vetorana of the Union annmy lu New !rork city celebratcd "the dny of the dead" under favorable conditions. The parade o! the Grand A rntm y menibers startlng froni the Plaza ot Fifth ave- ,une and Fifty-ninth etreet shou'cd sadly the. ravages whicb thirty ycars have made lu the nanks of tQ volunt esof 1861-65,. ' vlcwing st.-nd a t Twenty-flfth strcet - waa occupied by ex- Preaidont Harrison, LEVI. NOTON. G v. McKinley, Gov. Morton and Mayor B3tropg. While revlcwing the parade Gov. Morton was overcome by thc heat and falnted. 1The services at Grant'@ tomb stere un- dertheii auspice. of U. S. Grant Pont, G. A. R., and lnciuded a memorial addntab, à 0v. McKinley of Ohio. Contributlng ta make tue o;ffair noteivorthy>, the United 8tates cruiser Cincinnati wos anchored lu the river near b, by order of the. Secre- tary ofthte Naty, and fired salute&.The. atatu. lu -Batter>' Park o! John Enicason, tb. designr of the. monitor. was adorned wil Swatla bonor of Mei.dlintaàÙhesl wiTH MILITARY MONOS. Oreham'a]Remaln T- porarlly Mapost.5lua a solt Witiiout ostentation, aM belitted his$liM among hie people, but With thii ltazy aud civlc accompanlmnts whicb ian oe foot wlth his achlevexuents as moldier, jurist and ilateuman, tii, remains e! Wal- ter Q. Greshanm, general la the Union ariniea, 1he judge of the. Federal courts, and Secretary of State of thie United States, %vere temponarily laid to rosI lu Oakwoode cemetery, Chicago, Tburaday afleruoon amid the flower-strewn graves of bis consrades ln arma-gravai decorat- ed hy the hondso! mon who hami fougist then on msny a bloody field-and in lthe ( Ghiluese Tille.. A ¶tuter r 'elved by tse London Truth 1 AepcIn leteesale of Official rali nk l Celemtial Govemument sella ils orders LEAVINGOR STATION. and decoratona l givez no ixlty of shadow of the monument Just dedicated tenuiro. Thse wearer of the brans but- in honor of the valonr o!thons who iiad tont,ltme bitte glass, or the picasant given Iheir lives for th. Coutederate featiser, le a usere tenant at m-lli. By a cause, more slr<uke of tise officiai peu hii@lu- It was a malt renankable Juxtapositioni. sîgnia may be confscaed-Ilke 1uoor Li lu the. arly hours of the day Fedenals Haut;('hangas peacock feathersanad sud Coufederatea iiad Joined lu the unveil- y oiîow jacket-and unie« hlic1l pro- iug of a monument ta the 5,000 Confed- ard 10 buy tirerabc glih e eratea who isad dled lu the military pri parkee noamr n bck agaiîm oüro- st 0. p ouglas; tise ~ lasit oe~utcrtdui~ Aaaociation badl strestu on lihe graves ofTh're relîmm of tise Ammerican Exîrova- the. Union soldlers buried there a mass of gauza C'ompaînmy, and ail 1ha1 il impliea, flowers brougit froini the grounsi over iras ivoue to tise patrons ofthtie Chii- wlîiclm hey had tought leu than a genera- tmtgo Opiera House, as it iîumres tbem nà lion ogo, sud lthe Union vetenons liad piac- ln conmtinuration o! a closs o! amusement ed upon the graves o! their flilen coin- vlý'-5 luuuulriy hos Leen abudantly démînstraied for tie paol eight jears., rades lu the otisen cemeteriesg about the. Froru 18-'-Î, irien Manager Lienderson city the fluivons whiib grow lu oui owun ajîed rite crirtuin upon "Arabian latitude. AImait tise ecisoos of lime volley Nigiti' ist venture lu a new theid, fired oven the Contederate buryiug gtudUpytht- mi)e o! the Six moulua' nut. by tise fist reginbont o! State militia ana o AIlmi Jr.." ait Novemiser, there libt-mm no abatememîl, but nathen a o! tise bugle blanectorl isbe heard sud jmarked anid steady immuese lu tise 1mumlie "talus" u-ere silîl sotidn(iig, and the smok* ntelisim tor tise ligit, gmttttfui bilhiliant, froAi their rifles uas sil l flating over the. pictur...que, and olove tîil,etitan type if entc-il mu rîrumorîtigiuated at tisat tiseten. No orîer umnger lu Amenico prohnhly noue in theîînli-n match th!@ record; ceraillyri oterAmerican city bas fuir- - ie i , rq i spport 10 an amie- inpui t(r.-sa odistinctively "native an] a inernonboru ... "..Aladdiu Jr.' %vs sen Mndav evuing ho tetter 1adva ionha eerbefore. as Mano- gerllederým iasshoivnihis custonborv entcprie inproidiiig a collection of brigt nveltes ils iviicis bu greot is Chicgo atrns.Noew songe, sketches askik buid plentifully. niuong lbem he omim.u "Trlby" pautoumimoe îP q ii, n% hi, according lii lhe Noew 'a k pape smr menit nnd origiiuality Ï4. ta dignM in in auy oIson ttrvosty othe oua tr>' tiss for presenteul. CleerlitleArtbrnDamia, ubose 011 Mari ofttise SeamliL e nenmembened as a feaitîmne ofutibbd," joiued tise coin- pami! fur ita Uhitogo neopenaince and gives ls is araoterniatic Lurlcaque o! 'ad- vrou ski. Altogethen a very bnlliant en- TUE VA17LT AT OAKWOODS. tert iimimifent' leing presenlesi. It la not _______________________________ il;kcly that Iter on "Al Baisa," îvich t ildtofpence, as lhe cotege o! tbe dead scoredsucaricr emankrailo succes tira 1Secretari o! State filed ln linougisli té prennaFao, wili Lie giron, and possibiy au- Fgales imb tise cemetcry. otlier iece truinitis e onimni5 icli rep- D It anas a remarkabiy Sittlng climax te ertoine.__________ L. tise enankable ceremoniesa ibu had Ccnses-calîvo Little Bodues IJuil cloeed that lime renomns o! tise man Are ihose diminutive organe, thme kîideya, - mim claimed tise allegiance o! both thei. îimih. tinspite out hein aurait aime, perfouinitu " orth and the South sbould be depoited het a moueI lrm1iunt port la teimmeebsu- lieretise oyatolonenc- oft le systeru. Out o! orden they lreed " tere te kyson utotise antis o! e -dorgerous trouble. Itereirtirir ariiity mented tnriendaslp uhose visible sigu had wah i lhstotersstirmachin tters. irbicispiro- jusl been nnveiied liera. For os a voldier '-""the serions aril.ofieri fatal uiseaeo ne- sligfroin thtuir inaction. Thiis sterlinmg ie ibadi on tise respect of thoae uho medicine, rmrtuer. rrciitIes tmlrmani. hou- tougist him; as o juniat lh aild gained tiie niat andl dymr1iciti, cumi.iaints. and iurig- - - .- - ~ - - orates teîl e ms-tem. amy o! Sîtot in a Domocmatic adminit- tion ise iad conimaudesi thc support o!flth. cpie o! lie South as midI oas o! the. Tise apoci,9i tunemai t-rain orrived tram Washaington in rtme otterrieun. Tise procei- sion us !ormmd, isuad-d isy tise escont o! isonor, cunsstmig of the iroops o! aill arme trom Fort Sheridan. Tisese stere foiloan- cd by ltme honrormiry 1 aU isemrers.and next rame tise tuntral (-tr vilis lie active pali- beaners waiking -î i isor aside. Soit rade lise membena o! îile uSecretory's faruily and lime Presierimtal party, sud in tise rear o! lie corlego tîrougisl up tise sembemu o! tise Loyal Legion. G. A. R. vcreran2, Jndgei o! tise ctîris, Strite and muncipal officera. tivit so,-eties nnd citizens. Tu. enîtire lino o! nianch uns crowdcd with people irisa respectfuliy bareit thein brads Os tise curioge pnssed. Amivlng aI lth. cometeni chape], tise akeliras nsnoved from tise funerai can and Lorneo iilin hy eiglut sergenats o! narines. Tise services conductcdl by lise Rer. S. J. MePherson. o! tise Second Presisytemian Cisurcis, aere imuiressire but aimple, con- sisting mereIy of scriptural roadingu. Timers iras a hymu by tise choit and proyer. Tise remaIna irere temporarily depasîtesi lu tise rcceiviug vatmlt o!fIthe cemetery. No sainte iras fired, lise cors- munies concinded it s lm"laps." The. train hitdbeu boit and the Preoidential parti netunied eIan sd ot once stanted on lise nelur trip ta Washington. FAIRMON IS FIRST. Officiait! Deciared WVinner of the. Chicago Road Race. Huomer Fainmon, o! tieChOic'ago Cycling Club, mas deciaredtheim nn o! lie noad raue from Cicago ta Evauston and ne- tara. a distante o! about twcutY miles. Eduin Fry, irisaene nie uheot o! hlm, iras disqualified, the, judges laviug decid- ed h a iltnet corered the full course« Faimnon'a lime iras 54:30. George Eni. ernan, o!flise Engemvood uhecînen, wm second andthtie tino pnize, ha@ lIme beini 52:14. Reports sny tise race iras anuefuli mlsmanagcd. Mrs. CathisnesAdney. irisa s resld. ed nemmt Leisanon. lad., for tise paît sixty' fivae years. died at hon home ln liat cIl>' Siseiras M Tyosns aid. FroigisI cans itîbhCetymode-u Ins provement and capable o! carryiug @iqt tons cou uoîv be boumghl for 20 pet cen 1lean lion the pries o! 1802. Pricce vari 1becaube o! andards o! different roadi -and the necesàllies O! lhe dManufacture"s DThe average for th# best cars In rouII lots la under$0. 1 By oaidei of IthePremidpunt. tii.pu Tute lmnent Sultan o! 'Morocco Ile de- scended f roniau anIislisgirl anisa e- carnle a naeriber o! bhe royal isarlin imore tirnu 100 yoars ago. Why She Sailles SîscetlY. spark.iaug cyo. iiik iciiimîgbransd the ro-.y isual utfjleasurre on tise cimes uaý-a mthe main bapy whivise n e mtîs bis ladîy loc. 'flots risckiîd O! s mini a iii't ceri- noihrttinlis ietsu.e ItIo lufo energy. i igimouu nerie pomer fansivitolily. Tiiiasccum nuktp strie g use,, mieik sud îî etc b cd. No-To-Bh ubi tmY luglist eîeny. nuire. tiimraiteeil l u crs. took, titiesi '115.,i't Tibaciosi <lit mnrtîmoe 'iuurLilte Ami y. tfruc Ail StîýriliaitcrueIy CO. Nei The mîmanW110 imoves onIY for iinseit la euigrmgd un very uiail buîsineŽss. Tiseliton. Samîmel W. Alerton. of Chi- cago, is" etiti mastie on time snh)ji'.t uf 1]o1 Sprirngs, S. L). lie aril05 ram foi- loiss: Fred T. Erns. Pnop. The Er1-'s. 4,Hort Springm,' S' . P.% Mv Penn Sir: * . a 1 beliere thofahnithlie Aunîcis-an pei knout o! tise great turing ptei r !yuumr sîrings for riiennatini tisat youmuilil limae b. Luiid more iolels, tire lirmate ih Po i umisbtter thon Hot Spiings, Ark. Yanna truly. SAIEL W. ALLEIITON. The C.. B. & Q. IL.. have jusaIpuîb- llsséd n Iatup!let dsefître o!flIme uoi apringsandiiulcopies con Le hnd free L3 oddreaaimîg P. S. Etîstis, Genenal Passen- ger Agt'nt Ciicago. ___ Tired Women Flnd lu tie blood pun!fying, buildinig-Up quulîlies o f Hod*s Sansaîmarilla just what they need. Mns. Ia Gnlggs, of En- nia, Texas, g iv c. ber exper lence be- low : 111suffered. n almost death with local troubles, which deveioped loto s very avrlous S-~ affect on und mode a burg huai opera- lion necesiary. I broken down. had numenous boils. ont? a- wbenlI ornmercd tlkng Ilood'5s ania- rY parilia I weiglmc-d oniy 112 pounds. Nuit tA lm elgi ov'er 12Z pounds and àSm lintetter ry heallis tian fer the pist ilftecn yeora. F.r\nrely 1 was covered w:tb empions; Dow My skia ia clear. 1 eau traiy Say Hood's, Sa.rsaparilla yhas no equal for péon run-down wonefl. Ervery one i'erarks about bhow wvoIl 1 eu Lmkims Pt aia. lAAÀ fts*<s - .,,. Ail other powders are cheaper made and inferior, and leave either acld or aikali in the food. ROYAL1 Luther's father wns a miner, and the flture reformer often cnrncd a supper by sluging ln tihe streets. The Ladies. The pleasant effect and perfect uatety with which ladies may use the. Cailfor- nia liquld laxative, Syrup of Fige, un- der ail conditions, maires it their favor- ite remedy. To get the true and genu- hie article, look for the naîe of the California Fig Syrup Co., printed near the l>ottom of the pakage. for wallowrmg in thse uud. sud ls usual- ly covered with a îlml<k coat or IL Hoill5 Catarrh Cure. ba taken internaIiy. Price 75 cents. Itls lanarvelous- mow long a rotton post will stand, provlded It be flot shaken. No Specific for local skin ailiments can cope in popular favor with tGieuu's Su!~ phur Sonp). "Hui's lair and MWhisker Dye," Black or Browu. 54),. 1 BEIEVE l'io'S Cure for CoBSUMlion saved mv lo% s lut latit stiummier.- as. .AL£IE omuL'Ass, Leltoy, Mîcis., Oct. '0,18114. ,amWniw SOUN TDW1?Ctdt PROSPECTIVE MOTHERS sud o become mioutiers, îanld kuow tisaI Dr. 3'. Pierce's Favoite Pre- ghL7~.f~icTstion robe chItd- 5n,,s5.. of.,ts or ,ftre Beecham's puis are for bit- iousness, sick headache, diz. ziness, dyspepsia, bad taste ini the rnouth, heartburn, tor'. pid liver, foui breath, sallow skin, coated tongue, pimples loss of appetite, etc., when caused by constipation; and constipation is the most fre- quent cause of ail of themn. eveiyody bo Icoru i. that constipation causes umrehan hslf the. sekneusin the wordespecisl tl woumen; aud it eau ail be peveted hy the book,freeatyoas du * 'sat write B.F.Aiienco. ,365sus- BtNew York. Pilhs,zousud 25* a box. Asaslal «sm omtau aa0bxe& ss ilm b rh n it-toturse udge&uu .De. rai*'t ,. sd terrs, as Wellas l ot . e r e l thîbu jirl as; od& o of ts dangerstath uanyasgod"lii t » î lth.eol nthe, udch ld, i»' wold *Baverou a babil'198 ttfe deva.,d aiding nature la pre. iP on f rs d. parlng!tii.systeni for Oold tv Onuaxîstsa35e u te 1-6 =atriin. Tier. WOOLICKCH O- PALMES. MASS. .hrlne. l ls b~o7ne.iesd o sconfipnme- uusS lion a! an abumidance ro! lnourismhhment fr aJJ m.Sie5. Tisa. wTi1es5 - irteu t begau "taIaDoctOrrei5U FaoiePresription. 1w I Ret stand on rny fret withOst sufferiog aimo *at. L Etaammlm M& aawing and esenvhhiag Wo my fami frt sustoutemDow tb5O 1 av ben nd em S. . 14.m28- your 'Favorite presciption, la the test ta take before confurieet om it leat il proved so wlth IN itig teAdvist5.11585Flou» e "an me. t acier .offevcd su iitlie wlth a801'of -Y ' to nomtienthia papsi. A4vetiaalu- ctildre as. i did with moy la"." to kaow wlsat mediaun par abusab"sS Nothing to complain of ->the woman who uses Pearline. Noth- j ng to complain of in the washing and cleaning line, anyway. And -T certainly the proretr f v Pearline can't complain. If N you only knew how niany women, every day, are making up their minds'that the old, wearing, tearing, tiresome way of washing doesn't It's growing bigger than ever-the success ofPearline; though it has to fight flot only against ail kinds of poor imitations,bu against a sort of superstition that anything which can ave so anuch labof must be harmful in some way. Peddiesa"S sMme uusoeapnious grocers fl vons". "lii, la as gond as' on " i. e muPearline. ITM fB ew are FAL5F-P«ieaimuclaneyer peddle& if Vaur MeulaM yon ou imitation, ha honest-sosd fa Asik. i0 JAMES y CNw Ye"k WHEN YOU WANT TO LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SI"DE 0F THINGS, USE ýSAPOLIO- Ncighbor's Wife Likes SATA CIAUS Baya it $av ti e semuymksorc qu.Tel your wife about it..Yomr gmm MUSmd. < mary. unom rp im w,, aS. . NW-sA.

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