CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Jun 1895, p. 8

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IL G. XMilàaillille a bamineus ,trip CPU *40SIn7~saB>-- ___________________tOClilcago lat mônday. m ,pepiwt o the 1,tenàtmlîèoe FRIAYJTYE 7 185.awbary festival wei given by C ic < S* bk 9 DureWa adal to gliel »awbcoit IDYJiE ,195 Lkety w ... .... ....... ....... me Aboit and bai; _________or________________ the ladies Society lest Tuesday ove A 3 Leotau4 te Benjamin Coegwan et ai o$W*30bicycle given rte.wlth every boy's suit; ROCKEPEL.LER. Miss Llzzie Ilogan, of Waukegan, 18bkir>sLkwd13 visited iber parents boere hst SII<1Iý lPatrick Morat P A and Eiaeh 1 1f, If The Model selle es It advertities (# a .Itanaft oM . m. Ml .inmKlîerCale( onreat6esbik a Hutchirîson &a Jübeaves~. t plce ln u akuait to trade and__________ P.__ M.__ rant oint uidiier altê onuelatives Mrs. F. A. Mitrrie iand Un. Hiram Costlbl l........a oaut tJentwrtl11 and_____________________________AbrahamdMesitteiJamest QuorthPteIlyOur patrwuffl" ...WHN yu '.N A.. Mr. riueraîa iatilierYoung were ilu Kenosa la ht Moiday. 2 a4 6adto fiW Riad to Little Foirt ... £ oothSa WATAbo Sadlie are '.isiting at Geo. Ilarden's. Mise Alice MaddeH, of Watikegail, ............... sFIc..1 , hi arO.t o hmo.vioîted friends in Ul~ istn hlast Sîiiday oitjf~kt lneT8wP i blt air L a mpo . nd 2ltiiiO r L l and ptII li i 2 Me- O..'Mr. Miyrick anîd aife entertaine .r.Bii, fMoiIIvsied K-ty's add w a......... ..... ... .. ..100 wboae Tousontiai Parlors air" welliiqipPed wek.i > U)Mduwi uidw i witb trt-eia.%<ms tidt iid ti J. N. Barriis andi wife attended -the Bîne.F1ward 1Doyle tii Thonans 1 dî I »Ai i lis m t1(1 long er ias 0,1 tst latierai(if Asa om nht îai Volo uit Mise Mattile WeIeimlan.e retinuieti t8tdi th'.'itu i le gonds il ROKF.LH. - - ILLIN~OIS. fi-eil i Aia (I sL Wettnesday. frotiDixoi wilfie suelubeeli ati -- ---- - Ms.plet ît 'iaIl cîegrtpti{ing echootl. Iiead oiîr SublieripiionTe rrîns uana 139 v ited Mis. Ehîiudoliii at River View Allen Dixtîn., wife imi daîîêilliitori govern yourself aî'vordingly. You F0OR BOYS: F R E . ý IIU XPERET~~~las Tuesdaî>y. Stella viiited fiienis i Rich:modîandid ill Save fromn 25 to 50 cents by p uy. Sz tîoîHnkrh-s uiSzdHnkrhesl Ille. aoeiu e .-~, » Mr.aund Mis. Liii. utif 'mcago, are -.oîgîls ek eîriigFidt zgi dac.wîîFn> oders ul Swieed Handkeiak, atn prttllsemailareu mkelir eflantbythie visitilg NMr. a811(1 rs. Itouse aiso to Il. W. Waslîburn, agent fur M' P.5cSuspenders, a witt - ndblck e ,a~bwausoUflO atudu speWC t attend Ille weddiîîg (of lier brother Yeoman, WaukegaiI, was a coller in D.G .Avro, 25 ass t . - 1e$2-50i Ail Wool Sweater's, et I .a #«WMaauWthe dese--e mRobert. our town last week Tlîursulay oPhysîcir.GW.An ad Srgeen. 25o FridBse aitstFt 15e waera MO. . aunaumd. .96 The City Fatters htave said tmTere lse..PyiinadSren 6 rle los aos at $.5Setr, 1O pOLCuoA. . (olors,at -- 38e 75e Cotton Sweaters, at i she.aoihobsidewalks" and sn the log bas A gaine of base bail ut Rtuss-ell a4t 7 f.:TO 0*01O7O.A. M. 25FatBektolgsat 1c2.0tfanedrHst id iainrelit r Wm. u sei et olbeerJ. .setd rolliaurg, J.en Me.;i.eadi gooovingn ed aIlderday tl Sltwineor its ai 1501rùFiniSenties ai -U 8the tiret ppuait. 8sreuttin t Bockssao Wmnan hlde 50alSikWndo ie.a -1elU ie eilesSeka Waoot'srsle i .vctnI.,a mpeolalty. 2&c Knee Pants, at - - 120 50c 811k Web Sispenderq. lit ai* Ger). Beasley anda fanîliy are borne the latter. LAKE ZURICH, 1 .LINOIS. 500 Ruse Fauta, at 25e Soc Balbi'iggan Underroar. at »' U~I.OoIBUt. '~once more. We tare glid welcome Qiite a large delegaiiîîîfron i iîi7eRe aua i4e7eTln.FanlSirsa 0ad4 006 la»iuttsF"....... 'd friends back anîd lhope îley ]lave 1096 M. W. A., itieiitled thet' lautoCp rHla -2e*.0LudlFnySir tmme , I.avyuhtta. romfh.......8 eiddtosay 1Madisonî, Wisconîsin, thîls week Wuu D gging 5eBoee as I3.5oe cUnIinundrled White Shirts, at E 1 184 Tuisday.y 50e icycle ape, 8 1 »mtPe ..158a Chiîdreits carraigesat the FurniitureThîdy W. lela. tBSit store eight differemît patterns. Pnices Alex Morrie auit Son, Elmer, made N0e Cotton Sweaters, at 15c *1.1I0 Working Points, aut S Si. CM t in 011a . 8 ai 2.50 RuePonts Suite, at $1 Gil $2.50 Cassimere Ponts, ai i8 ........ s0 front $5. to $10.50. Chamber suits a business trip bu Keîiushi last week VJj o atilté................93 andi dining chair in great varieties. Tlîursdtîy anti attelidedth te iernorial Boring in- OId Wells. $3.00 Kueen îts 8 uts, ai 2 On 5.00i Dress Faute, ati 3 50 ...............0 $3.50 Combination Suits, i 2 541 *8.5o) Businpss Suit, ati660 ene ....... ........ .92 A rumber tifleuir citizens expeet to exercises. Cualisuud get otir prices before 36BleFneSitt 250*.1 Csmreutat70 attend theu grandOTbISt. lît a oodimen ieff t E. D. Munrie leactiuug a.s agent ai letting your work. $.0Bu -ne u, a ( 1. - asmrSutu «77oýHMrý1FOII,2c adison lVi gr rand A us.Cflt i&ssel fo>rtlteSt. Pauh ronad in ilte *5.00 Long PFais Suits, ati -3 5o $15.09 Finle Cbeiot Suite, at 10 0 j55 ý<m « entlniat.g iiirtrlteSied . file rmailMantagemnent in getii,îg .$7.50) Long Ponts Suits, ut .5s titi 'siIitt,-a- lU-80 The ELTONBRpeopleLohavenbssuutdat. 4 so *iS O Ail Woattend theS1.11t C '. con v itde J'et allit toLewin.OOING NORtTH: Sut lld1t1 ar. r. ro. pin '-mIIf CPti li e ti tMi li eadtg) Io l tit tii iin tuie Chiag. e i 8W M.t4 . là 1nimt p m( The u.uui lt i i 1UU file tof dentisitîI, Satttrdays, ait reasoîî- DEERFIELD. 2Oemrsi. 8$10 18 4 56 6 (197 2 a table lrices. lie lbas niau>ititptienits Ionne it il r eîrtil 84;M 0 21*)6 1>0Tem eraIeem le,\ 21kean but wiilltreat al cases. 1ito:dout 84$Temple. WCil 7441 ThIe Japuinese Wedding liaseti off W. erton 8,1th I -146i07t 9e uiceiy, the chlaraclers takenl beiîig as Wide awake merchants say thas G0."ew 9 (Xii .9 42 ____________________________________ follows: Groomi, Orson Washburne; Advertising pays. Ruseliarrtvet 818 t', 49 le0t bride, Ollivete Mtiriill> grouîis molli- -a-'.. er. Isrs. Iliiily, grontîm's fatîier, Etiri Frt asusla iciImîidlsotS oTt ul1 rî ie W 1 p g e Furniture couin itsSizr o W seosin m. p.m. p.. ____ -- lavy rd' oleMsGeo. uge :8 614W IIîîpo;bides fallier, Martinî The brick vatrd epened ait)lîiîrsday wad oth8 ý2 ___ Decker, bridestnaids, Anna Whitmore, moriiuîîig, ftor ivln we etutiot s ay.Ornent9n(11 6 34>à "i»~' * Bessie BJt»d. Go-betweeîus, Mrs. Dr. Po.Sae isnoeit etr. LiazaTYVIiLLD 16.10 'a15 3 .... 1 621 -$k.- ockfeller, Ilios.-ào Rondot G:W 7 _5 ..12 40 5 16128 Stll1Ul Wiitmtre; servanit, Mrs. 1). G.White.le iîeiidsta teach lin the city uext Eeret 6 2 . *35 .. 124 à5r» 534 shre Il 6l36 7 49 ....16 06o b546în JillyS., Ô. 35 R.. P.R. iIVANHOE. Dave Fritsclu's eîîtertainetl Mlrs. Chicago,srle73 1121 417063 red by., . M .Crat Ré E B Iard. isalayilug cîîîîisider-ahie 'ratge and ti Ch'arles of Chicago, SU'NDAY TRAINS.r ieo ufftle1% Sye Bre byW. . Ca- .%Miss NroUudetf Franklin Mri. and Mrs. Louis Ilacker, of Lv. Chiago 8:30 a.m. Ailbertyvt e 9 iaar Prk, lias tîeen vis it lier madie Chicago spent Suidty tut Fred Lv. Chicaigo 4:06 p. m. Ar.lbertyvile :38 p.n croft, Ariderson, Ind., .1 iiigFritschi. No. 30. runts Sundséys only. going otwl t'y 'uudey ~stop ou signal as folîows: At Rlussell 12:11 foaled J u y I12, 1889,1IPetr lieune vw ut tulte city ]ast lIs Jco)AneJr. MaiiWhiitney p n.Wachàdwuttu12:17.Ournceel2:'Î.1, oidut 1sautli t t lutelIis toai va, w , ad rf ve,%ee ciyvs i e12:. arriî 1:, D nhet iiL:49 lt» wil rn ake the season rettnued ftii mschlt tJacKsoiuville. 8Stttdtiy. Il 25.arvsadl hcfot :5p i TeCnrgtna abt eo Mrs. lleury Wliîitcitînli euuertained i ______________ ________ '95 at~-iis ld stad. 'te (tia t itliiulanimalh sebolnie r, ant i r. 'ronipkiim, tuf Oauk Park, Wlec.CetRRTm al t olielli tuî le>rtuuutul ini t 1w eek. CGoisu EoaTim. Tabl. SIs thé best sire of!I Frida..Joue 21. Eu-er)-ie ctruialiy GIUNRH an iiit ed lu attenudl. L. il tiltiilias îut it latied I t tIlotren(niv I)Fîrgpr's frtuî,e toise a i vili salonp. ni. pm V.uM. . a n mad horses, th at eve r Tii, citiien i ~]then f Iltipe t'tnar.' *1 »> 2'5 VO il t t: ~stood in ý.ake Co. His siipliediaeuea gsaî __________________ Iipiicuns, Serai) book t; dte mithen lit ÂA umber frin here atte,éded Ilteaie 0V1'. ý!J ..s128 1Z6s îî :z :: ': n: z a Leiffloui ..... 825 92 38t112$ . s12±2slotu( ~ colts 1,-eing large, Tlîe 'reîperaiice Hotspitl, Chilcago, Misiaiary services ant te Sieruuerviiie euckeelre. .8)30 g2436& el .05 aset Thursdlay. churcî Mouday. Il Lk.s9 401,et1et 5 7,1si>3 i i st15 < ' sinooth &~fi ne r-oyers. A îîumber of oumn ioug people who Qtîite a party, about 'M frtîm lientLae ila9. 51 3:04 6 07 6 43 12 45 10 25 ~- One yer ago lat faîl bve beenlOiff 10coliege fle Past year attne hie Woodmeii piciuiceut GioSuu u.OtCoh ioem us o f Q-ojeof hisyearingCo)ItS Aliieeandi Lillian Payne freinDition Me BeeLtdackbatt e ila ....,4 31:7 24 7 0 12 ..6 4376]56ne Pilîows, in fact Everything in the f i r ~ - p r m î u m r a l s . lu t a b i- e F o u t h o f J u d y f ri e d s w e eP ra irtihaee aVb i L.,ah z c 581 1 . . . . .. 2.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i n g L a m p s , S t a n d l a m p s . vier a La field of Ivanuoe a aea for WodanPriof ie.,55 74 .s237 piclelabeing planued o adif l The Wo mnexpectl aeabge t a se.w.à 1...746....7257 ~~ in ithe roadster wil nuite we eau moite lb as mucli et timeat their pienie at Oelermanu's Chicago. S 6 l4 ~ ____ tsi odtra succese aua nîy at the surnaundiug Groe sneit Satunday,Joune 8. ..a..ez6ptaunda9 W05t 9 56flh 8 nt45?D900i ase at ak County t.owns. TIhe pnogram und adventlso- Mise Wliituey will close ber Sehool a StOP only On ignai. The consitantdrop of waten, lo et nltrtistie? Io the paper ment will iippear luter. next Friday. The new flag wilI thon Wsars away the hardest Stone.whbvu at'DsIleeUpo 9be raisati for the tiret lime, aind the Egn oe atr y The constant guaw-of Tonser, yh ourtpecait on? corn e mpoe 31l$$loto insure; J. P. WILLIAMS, daTihh lsdwihaicîc !ME TÂBLI.TLn~ h hnetlos upon? It is itir ruhtodoneat,edean2, Ilereboyswhat' tits usein giDg t allita ORTIE erAIONc .ooingm lovertantstyii loerork reasouabileason ple cece. coItý, or no pay. The Weil Known and Hlighlanid Park every eveniuîg; baveul arrive. 'akrs..offt :0ar u the SDEPENDE\1 aidisr aurýyl_ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~gr iglib bore .1rBtteIIEEDN-'avriea pietty ignl 4 indear 7: 30am 10w price. 'I ry us anti ho con- o gia owner Exprelenced el ge eplenty Pet il odu Dj1ueenieltiS TIey wouild athn b'ave 8: 5mar'** d :a h oc h e h rae te1 io ia lsWel1 yl a - 1 fiea.? P ........i lltono ............---50 amaeth us hogltetad. in l IL. be héid responible 101 rits iulmilg efe iillit t2u:4a6 nirîy~ Pm l Diamoud Lake......8:57 am___ PrdMieliffs an as etie 2 :86 Pmr«........imier ..... .. ...9:12 arnmj1 r service fee ;of"al The -WHEEL OFFORTUNE." coiisunied ir'~ye 'uesulay îniglt i LeZrc.di:e étinares ipse f or.I£ uas li t-ails1t Causeti by the accidtiutal oventbnow 1:66Pm r]...dea005a ars1 IP5u O oi.lyuunîuîkingmf latvilîgftwu-Il d'tg of a lantero. lVitilithe exception of 1:40 pua ....Barringten.......10:30 arn oaramnoilin t utu ruaed. 1 itmuit ua ure 1 ouii souie pige andt i clkels lis Stock wa, 12:45. Pmua -....Spaulding .... ..12:15 plu fter being.bred. For please )outif 3uu u-etuigdt t- d eugh, for saveti. ThIetbarniwas iiisured. 11:00sam.....PTuner ..... .31:36pm RM P 1 NE liait hi te fallurelit mon wels 7:W an ..... Turnûerd...........1:35 pin .al on, or MPimé- fAutre- Humrrah fuirthue Deetilelti base bal 6:40 amn....... ....Joliet-----------..4:1ô1 Pmn g r M IO Ii~ diress7.C. A. Apptey. For digging and bricktingwe&t, aisout fou te-sm. We bave got the bet nain uLOI R F' ounty tarm, Lberty- 80,nx OS.O ei2feet &2io, nexLif0 Inithe game wibb the yBar teain at PE Iîetest $301,pur toot l Bar, the score atonal 6 to 26 in tavor PE CH ERON Low Force-Food Elevitor. Eooontrio Binder Wheel. ___________ 1.8. for Wells etght teet across 821111per boys. And lngllshi Draft Horses. ~ EdrVNwDprne foot for prospectlng with 2 or 3 Inch aer An-doyNe eau Sot 0 es lctitpr foot nîtxt. 20 tst15 et. A mad-dog did Sortie damage ou the FORTE iEgAsON OF 1895. Ut" Dontio taitatat 20 test sce per; foot freinthe top of the prairie. Ho bit a numbor et dooe, a Ifyu oee r ado he bottom e 0of lells, but no: git and mone pige. Lukily ho didîttMARQUIS,, No. 15,956, Blach BADICALLI DIFFERENT FR011 ALL OTREII 1110W. 0É ".oner etoi1w me fron dgging dsepor. Clean- narrow escape, Ho was finally kbllfaled in19,wihIFYI 55I OIJ WILL M NO OMMIR n4onr ¶ u ut and rselirtng od ll es 50 ois per heou Sunday inornng. If your dog actea100 Gooti Style and Action. - ~.,sud tombait beipa. yoi(toflaVe bavint work dons mait furnlh eclir don't walt til ho bites Sire Reaper, 876. 2nd Sire Confi- * tý bardfo bIA:rik orwli moiand t o r aonbody but kill hlm ai once. It's 4,. ~s..L teto ad umosfo mnien ~»~t ot ebro homt st dent, 3647. 3rd Sire Billiant 1271 exaù heo ndImerfrçubed f eddalways bu o oo h aead.T e N w .mo

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