CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Jul 1895, p. 1

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'n A Y l FAK<W).I MILJy 1A AiUnIae £-I r LJ l Diu,ivPr.R1uUE r.P, O i Ltbertyvijie, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, JuIy 26~,1895. _______________________ e M ~f4 O a mýIeue. ea *or the§ uinntb$Cmme UN& mal tD a"s ud mau od«ommw pop- -at the- Lake County pair Grands, -wlll b. gîver- SatUrdaU, JU 279'95. for benefît of the. ,.A,,Agricultural society.1 P~l~sm*o.1loiOUInrlu 1taing aSdm onta per libe.foitr Ln-t ~~ WA pet nhutfoir m Me nsud Iftg in or SossocSsubsequet inuestl. m eu o mW agefor changes nai ruamnng bg the ro. ~*r IdasotdaS u&" Job Prbatim s»i SIIgla c. O. 1.MWd Advauiomnsnt !~MIvams.ta otBU Chsvtng am Op n Sgent».,.... ... L26Sfor IL bm uvptim Price, SI M5. per Yuar. H. C. PAICDOCK, Pubtîsher. GURNEE. UM KU04 I ocOf hicago, apet SundaY 'ýp n'ul UMmeeas usînese trip te b8M Mi. m.e, of Waukegan, la tsklug làk w of Wsukegrni. wumthe pe m br *Mt lmt weok. Mtr. Wsehburn la lowly Improvlug, b» p s»hi" arund soon. Phbff lnl aM Gioume UHud vWWs4 Un.lter's grand parent&. Cha I., t-~iri4tS, Wl,., vas tmu i Mn.Charn, lustwmes. Inse NeCtarshbureturd from I, oe blt lu th. ity and reorte a good - .4Ume to advertise la rigbt ý4v thedlb beet mediumn la the Ix- ULW Amyzen, of Milwaukee, le sumdlog nme time wth ber uncle 000 4Bro.wn. Iaamdy Wakefield sud Willle Shields imt te. Omys ake, Moiidav, for bu: oiI f course. * Mma Gerardlu'a Master who bas been ediug a feis weeks in the country Jasreturned borne. Dr. Butcharta gMatr from Clton, i Ontie, bas arrlved, and lutendas tay- tmg bere @mre time. AneW cyl hais been added to tbe aumber iu cor townansd Lturon Met- teait inahLIappy poeaasr. À g odly number of people from " t iti ghborhouod visited the camp Ueetlng st Lake Bluff, Suuday. Moirerai of Mr. Fuller's frieîîds from the Cty bave takoît possession tf is vooda aud are eijoylug a camp life. For a nic. vitlug card or business emde 51ve the ISDEPMassair alia. *Jne neW script and a nlce'assort- mient of carde hure. Girls taiSe uotce:-One of our young îMubas thie promise of a barrel otf diur «haulide of a year be opens a ranch ot 'bb own.-D)ou't let hinm luse it. Wben you want te oeil or rent fi fan., buy a lot, traite horses, or any- Sthbg else, It wlll psy you to place a MilCIceluthe. Lt»£PxltD&T Whlch la abPost msure to bring you s customer. 8uhodbe for the INDSpEîIDT sud »oWe., we.kly ai«Rlte news fron le*urrouudlng oountry. Adrertise f ini. Iw»»mnET, snd lt people k»11 you are aUve snd what you are doIg. -It la te beat lQ-cl paper snd evgos mySuIgedium la Lakte Ooucty.. ~,Do you wantý thé best Blnd-.ý wine, the best U, and Cheapest, and Evéry lb.M ur a n teedj -to ral8O funde- To eraict firet claBs uew buildings, t0 replace those receutty demoliabed by the cyclone. There ilil b. Bicycle Races tu the Forenoon. 600 Cycleiste from Waukegan and other Lake Shore towns will join ln a Grand Parade and participate lu the conteot'a. Three Horse Races; A Free For AIl, ÂÀ ,Frmérs flc. And A.2:85 Trot. Special Prizes wili be offered for each Race .and Bail Game. The committee re- port the following as aiready settied ou. Libertyville Cycle Club. 2 MILE MENs RACE: lst Prize, one Searcb Light. 2nd Prîze, î.ooo mile Cyclometer. 1 MILE MEN'S RACE: lst Prize 2nd Prize. Joffey & Joffey. 001UNTY WOOb radHarvest Picnie .WILL BE BELl) AT ]Diamnond Lake Park, Thursday, August 15, 189,5. Under the auspices of Ivanhoe Camp, No. 1253 M. W. A. Great preparations are. being made to make this the Grandest Picnic the Woodmen of Lake County have ever held. - - Speakers of the day, Head Clerk, CHARLES W. HAWES, ofFulton, Ill., and other Speakers. The team of Fresters frorn Pebble Camp, Nunda, McHenry Co., will give a Grand Exhibition Drill. They took the prize at the Head Camp, at Madison, Wis. The Drill wil cmence at-îo:3Go clock-A. M. .har.p. DoGn't failt tesee-it. - - Teewill be Foot Races of various kinds, and a taughable Egg Race. Good prizes will begiven to the winners. -- - There will be a great Gaine of BaIl between the Married Men, of Wauconda, and Ivanhoe Cijý for a prize of Fifty Dollars. This will be the greatest Bail Gaine of your life. Don't miss seeing it; as oid Cap. Anson and bis Boys will not be in it. - - - Brass Bands will furnish Music during the day, and will enliven, our CampI'ires at night. - - - - - - Refreshments of ail kinds will be served on the Grounds.- The day's performances will cloçe with a Grand Woodmen's Bail. The Bcst of Music has been seconed. - -- Corne One, Corne Ail, and make this a Happy Woodmen Day. WAUCONDA. Mrs. L. C. Colo is entertaindug her daughter. A. L. MuIIini waa a Waukegan caller last week. J. Golding was a city visiVto, last Thursday. Miss Il. C. Wells spent Sunday at Liertyville. L. M. Iliii) eutertalued frieiîds from Algonquin, luat week. A uumber of youna pedIple attended camp meeting at Des Plaines. Sunday. A. Kerwin aud wife, of Monaville, were pesut callers, Tuesday even- lng. Messrs. E. sud H. Neville madeWau- couda relatives a short visit last Satur- day. Mr&. F. Unîes and dauglters. of Barrîîîgtoîî, visited friends here last week. Dr. Hughes expects to leave Wau- conda this week. Ree yul locate at Dixoîî. r 0 e u laladvauv.......... . Six Months. cauh il] dv*oOee..... Three montha. cash la adysc .... r One.yeur,.if net paid wltIcS ulnW,. One yem,, If fflotp.Id vthiaS ao6 Al bettlexnente at toppil o à5* of 12.00 per year. DEERFIELO. Mrs. J. Koffabi la serioualy 114, Mabel Hoffert is at home aa. Mrs. Uloffert le visitiug la the ail Biert Bester is now staylug St *4 mÉau'a. Mms L. Clear asud obildren aM Kenob. t t ýFredI ukuk ddaughters, ot Lke Zunce wsre Waùiobdavisitors, Monday. Il. F. Hughes mas the guest of Mr. aud Mca. 1H. Williams ut Libertyville, Tuesday. A. L. Mullin and E. Oaks went to Woodstock, Monday, as %ltuesses hnaa 1mw suit. A. Grahamn, E. Curran, C. E. Jeuks sud V. D. Ehuabal mre Libertyville viators, Tuesday. The social that was given on the sebool grounds lait Saturday eveniug was well atteuuded. The ladies are makiag preparations for a sochi for the besîelit of the Wau- corda Milttary Baud. Mr@. Johnu Anderson, who bas been vliting iu Waucoada, returneit to ber IMILE BOYS RACE,. under 16 years HUNDREDS 0F WORKMtN. homeMiER. fl ,luequ, WLLU. old. lst Prize. i Sprocket Lock; Work at the State Fair GroundeBi' John Eggers' boy is ou the sick liat. The Algonquins dld flot play the 2ndPrzeeu Lok nd han.tng Pushod Rapidly. - Waucondai lait Saturday, as wai ex- 2nd Pizeone ock nd Cain. The atate fair grounds lae e etftthe Fruit Lemonades et the Gilmer pected, for sone reasac or othei., F. B. Loveil. bueiest places inuthe state et thla Pan- store. Tbe Waucouda photographer toiok a 1 MILE LADIES' RACE. ticular fume. Workmcn by site hui John Willuer was a city vlaltor lait number of pîctures of goute of the dune îst Prize, 1000 mile C>clometer. dred are acattered ail over the lm s.rsiecs nLbetvllitTe Meue grounds, sud building».. ttac» D. C. Aines bai purcbaaed s Deer- day. M. B. Colby & Co. sud valSa are heing rapidly rudsed ap ing binder. Rev. H. H. Alger wili lecture in the jMILE LADIES' RACE, a completîon. - 1 itward Joues visited Elgin and Chi- Baptiat cliureb, Saturday eveuing, July lst Prire, one Star Lamp. The v<rk ou the etoae*miao eouty.27th. Subject: "TalkIn sud TaIS- W. E. Miller, hall buildiug t8 progresstng veryic. R. ILD. Cooksold a Deering biader <t leurds.lblsiedE. o 2ud Prize. one Bell. ly. This building uhea fliiihed willleriatu Fischer. ksaWhe pukrdam upnlis e lips fotha Max LeBeau. laresteute l the sf an Lou Ficke i8 speadiug a few days et coo, gave a lookS su estatie. aud au- lareai 0fth Sld l te vsta1 Lake Zurich, tbis meek. swered emphatic: 1,1 du't caire A daim BASE BALL rRIZE. wilI afford ample accommodation for1 enAnlysrosywuddbsi o o" Qne Box of Ciars. ail kinds of machiuery. The Inside DeanAynsly serouslynduudd bisif jo do." decorations will be of the latest in-writt witb a corni Suite, ie.ilcosbt etStrao Base Bail Games. vntins, wilîe the exterior mîlIluec Mca. E. Iluliard retîirned Saturdaiyte aine lcoss b as onex ad. Bu 'enwhv sflebs almost pleasing te the eye and euhanee front ier vist iu the îy u ae Cityy.arGrnd. ul We om aveasflu bae hllteams have not bast a gaine this sell- crouuids as Con be tound lu Chicago. that portiou of the grounds on whici, Best Minueapolis White Middlingai son). Thtis gante mii le a goud one. The sod bas been renioved and the it stands. One hundred and seventy- for $17.()o a toitat Gillueu. Dean Frisizasud Miss Cariie Toyu dlamoad seraped fo the fouihUe, six feet oft he building iii be eu W. F. llutchiuaion will rmli s new toit veut f0 Wiacontqin on1e day asat Grays Lake vs. Liberty-ville. 1 elosed. The remnaluder of the 5M feet Mctoumîck inder this year. weeS and were joined lut the holy ilii eutertala spectators lu the fore-I comprisiugthue huge building wil l'e FakUllicli ji working oi Rev. bonds of blass. The INDEPENDENT noon. In the atternoon the greateat devoted f0o the lariger machinery ex- Froalaru boskt okfelr exteuids i eigratulatiouis to àMm. anid game ever played in Lake Cou nty. hibîts, aud milI bo erected wih plate Mr.Falz wîlI take place. glass skv-ligbts. turuishiug ample! Lester Buuî-dick atiended thie camp Now hs the time to subscribe for Wauconda vs. Everett, light and ventilation. Its losenesumeeting at Lake Bluff, Sunday. Clark'a Horse Revlew. The Indepea. the two taunous clubs% ho have aeitb- to the fair grounde passeuger aud Mrs. J. 13. Thiomap, of Waukegaa, dent te local agent for Lake county. er lost s gante thhs season, wiul decide 1rih eosml fodfaiiisfri îîigfreisiitisvcni. We lil send botb papers one year wbo are the champions. unloading sud loading exhibits seldom JohnîîBlaine, of Lake Zurich, mas a to any address for euly $3. Cash in winessed lu iSe buildings. pleiansit caller id Gîlmer, Muiidav. Advance. Liberf3.ville Cornet Band ill One 0 f the teafures of constrtuctionLMiaJeue imstrryùt aor.IlIeîesit teoig- fnrnish fi-e music for theoccasion. i bis year la the dome building, which 1fis pacJe i viho asg fîîeiid iii ofii ajoru r boy tH ine rsphheoigin-ck The ladies will serve refresh- wusa kauma at fth.late Worldi's ti paethe mtn iiusinIw. lduetmerofutledi-nuirliluE mients ou thc grounds, and do- Faim as the horticulfural bullding. Wm. Hllansd faruily touSli the1. world. nd i soulio u uetliete greaf metngbeet Paies Ssiaye' itmemîca. yoleof te nafe receipts f0 the Society. The ge steel trusses aie belng i amp meetinliat Des i'laiaies. Suuiday. Fverythiug will be don ated for placed la position, aud mili 1e readyl Miss Mabel Hubbamd lias eugaged lu lie lure te take part in hie eîifertiuîn Benefit of the Society. tor the mammoth roof betore many teieluthie Hutclliius echool, tlhe cowning ruunt given under the auspices o' thei _______ _______ days. Farm sud orchard, producta ear. Woaiaui'si Relief Corps. at Oaklaud What bas beeurne of Col. Hlbbard? sud flowers ilil flnd a home beneatb lVii. Hall liai heeui husy tiie pasf Hall. Waucoîîtaè, Aug. 811. Do nut Bas h. too jolned the great aggrega- the great roof, and it, mili be une of ceeS, workhig ui lus father's tari il misa iti. tlon sud settled on the staff of th. pets of tbe grounds duriug 1the <us. A crcus arîuck flui lown liat Saètur- Senator Coo's Daily Herald-Weekly fair. Miss Franicis Jewett, o! Chicagu, ta day muuruîiig and pitelied t heir teila Gazette? The mazaificent grand stand, seut- apeudilug a week with M<rs. 1J. R. reaidy for thi. performances.,ululeh lng 10,00) people, wIth a dlniug room Auea.mengveryu mlueeis.iThde e Lettlng Fair Ground Prîvleges underneath,Ila beiug commenced, and Detaisout Hunflugton uiffeuded tfe . igttsma u) adileuî.the nmer Notice le hereby giron Ibst uttil vili seon assume shape. duevsr etigeuakgt,of places mIer. the counpaîuv hadl heol Saturday affernoon, August i7fh, 1895, Front the tact that the buard ef ag lit week. tbéit they could îlot unake endts inel at 2 o'ciock, sharp, I milii recelve icuiture bas iaereased the aggregafe Examine t hose bicycles for sale by The resuuif la f lat Manger Pratt..of sealed ida for the following privileges, amouuf of premiums tblsyelir toaboult IL C. Huibrd. Gear 68, ceiglit flue Pratt House, bas a blI uf sale of D th the excluitive right of saine 841,000 gives promise o! ubat may be 18 lfuai.; price $65.-flue largeet tout, geats and Iand wag- adurlng hue Fair. expeeted in the waY ut races, el- Miss Fatnal Morse visited i Wau- on, aîd fIae Companuy lias left for Chi- e Exclusive Blgbt et Diuing Hal sud hbbts, etc. gau lest weeS, refumîîiug Sutiday by, cago. . [C d Lunch Have yeu a trlcnd or relative bà a t aeBlf.Chron1o Dla:rrhoes otArc 1 Ex ghtoce C -arn.sud mhom you would liSe te be held lau Misses Mutla Iltilclbiîisouî sund Zoa For ovAir sxya i a constant [ a erpleasent remembrance every weekr foi Nimbigearli are l'aliuPing out lit D-s sufferer troua chr 11A i imi oea IIr'e' Aiso t iaboe.Fair ~~omn er a.ta eenPlaeines catmp gronuadai. a great ma11)reedes. f dticd Orouada, vce Pe bde~preseut et a year's subscrlptlentu 10 Give youim nider for a suit of chotluh ei l e, t1I lentait ad- for choi oton oudfor teIIEDN.t .c îîîud silclî la-vertise01eu1 ifle tSb-a$pal r callitug el s ud i n ro a d ,tte i i u i to lu i uie c huol lt u 1 e r a s u d a r l u î es R e n ie y . 1 e i i ai xlsiep iegeul do lurceh. n WANTS. PF0 IL arO. Edwariul Lutoniis liaid a iîuîa way tom a bof , atîd betuie i-f f ut ifhua îl .erýiiug ast week, bi~îlly break- lueeuu t enu, I c-as comnpl ely ciret!.- -ngenera i)jrivitege£, fo lue pai aItut . orlle Bestgtbefi;tuîeuî o-k ofh lis "wago11. E. C. iel,, Vreedifot. Qi-auge Fre. tllne ef lettlug, balance f0 l'e îîaid on t litte lit Prie., ealiU ly 11, ttSuhArc.FrSl i k ud dav of Faim. Society reserves thie :lcas ,Ililve, II1. 39-21 Feuuyli L,,t tf C ir t)iy Guuu l. li,ueBe. State, ithAIes. Forle, l'y iG. rlght tomrejeof any or ail blods. n-1,osjl:1l;fI)ve)btIll RerWaod. addes, W.41,iuuat M. HEATH, at iinuoudu Lake, foi- Site. As t1,-. .Averî:eers aud correspondeale (4144le) mmt (a Pi-11.ile Il t iuuiger lîna14s s .-Furn.eusthat if takes fini 1 I uffeî auust ofu iumer Preirîjum No. I.-a paper tanhiv Who ldces vous: prîiiig? Dees If fuuelt y a i hS. ilus oee' usrhecoua~ i~ printed. Totn mlgreatly oblige hi WooS neat sud srtlstic? la the paper 'z- .eta flusI tlu tit2 ahi2 ucfor h andin- la your eopy early. Copy w18u atDelcufeu ~lX 2i il) wl ý 1 i sîteoud LND4FEDET One year, me willsend e for ads'musthberesfter bela our hanui IyeUw oxpecration? Can i it 1lmpnyed sh<umycet1m lile f It 1< 8 othar'1suhcrpafloufa ornarpers net later timau Weduesday uoon,sgo ly ItttorrtWtOona, ae lo ~ ltI iufly i aefrmJunlpb au devot. Tiiureday to setting up tii , I l or ul t d nat cea, ibwst4ba u erib1 ftiee Il~tshed at Bockford, 111., Prie §ceflte, lateat teu, 'W. ait epriait the I .57141 'er atresoal ns. î.m ati et vry butour Oash-la-ÂdvIWus sullscibers, DUPUvn ErThursdst«1141a, s1 - uaewtrk turpied out à SIivup Prr uuT~tiiî t li aa i ali S1p& «M OurMmb.Ol. Mca. Geo. Miller speut Monday Tuesday lu the city. Stella Rebm sud Della K"emu visîtinfi their local frieuda. : Mamie Vetter entertalned M. Frele, of Highland Park, lest ue . Mca. Frank Tupper and obildren, of Barr, vlsted at (*oo. Parson's, TW*o day. Wm r Hsiries ralsig the Frantz. Fred Sellg maide a ilylng trip te C*t cago, Tueday atternoon to get sacsi'. for bls blader. Mrs. Jacob Antes entertained hWS mother, MrsC. tcheff, ef Chicago, few days last week. The. L'oerxNm beate any oa paper lu Lake County for local m*,, snd publahee lt uhile Ik areLa The ladies of St. Paub 09,O tien met at the oburch we4medAVic ternoon to diseuse nmie mattessoft h terest to the congregation.A Qaite anunuber frointDeei teaded campmetn SO PW Sunday. Amoîîg others, Mut Ijb j aud Irving. Robin use noticed. Ed Willman and vIts e epii. autty surpriaed SundayatsroeE Guet Knockenmuus sud Hr a~ in and familles, ot Obiego. were out 'ultihborne &s u esdu returned Mondai atternoo. LONG OROVE. Baie bail in boomtng. Fred GurGensMaswumeil stei* and ail repun a s009 ti Ia.,, ý Miss Mabel Sturmn, utewee,. b vlaitiug ut Ch"s. lurschbee' One eveniung lait meek, a parM 1youugr mena, wltb soute older A0 played Coxey. Lots etf fn? Chas. Lafreurz and Miss Dora dau were quietly rnarried, at the % ofth iehide's pareuts, Wedn4 July 1t 11. 1ev. C. A. Stark Ulsl Will Laindau says that by COUOIIIIII ilig lus person lu a bar-el, lie mau * abled btuovemiieai ftle discuassion ciï interestiuig subject. Hie mais fou"~ ont, liocever. auud a change of pim cas"flhe resuit. r QUENTIN'S CORNERS. Juohn Bockelman, Sr., le @titli " *sick wifli lnîîg lever. D. llans, Jr.. lias tien ou tbe WAe liâit, but is Dow bet tel. Fred Grever ils goiug te build bitaà lieu hiouse, yet tbis sealoa. -e C. Hokemeyer, ef LaSe Zurich, m"i l ur Corniers a pheausut buoinuscati.- 1 Chas. Meyer lias a uew arenuote ecinu aihl, li place ufth11e oua biout ddovuu. uMrs. H. Faulatick and mon, et Chi cago, ai-e apetilug a feu days at IWe ts The camrrping, fiabing. bicycle, set& ih parties beem tu have a regulac aMM - pede, this year. e Henrmy Rosse liaid sixteen comsa,àa et lueifers Sulled by a train al;tnM 'm~ M crffsuuig of t11e E. J. & E. R. B. TIIW -oflueca vere so mauugled that tbey h Oftue b.illetI. of July l7fh. MMa.Fîulleth. àn.. IUO luutu a volt, with about four bu. . uster iun it, but nu deaire toÏ-0P lier head uîadsr mater. the 0tIr£VOY ý doiuig sulletsthiaugs. Aflor blMU- [litteue auu boumr or se, ase gsvm* 4 thaf could tue hîsard a mile, fer hsP. Pd d.The Boat Madi lI. for Daa gl Mr. ('ooper oflis placeS, bad A tiouubled ciflit «rrhojesfur li fui- ceek8a au aihedte t lil thati cuuid teS it lue n.Fd C nbr Cle auulDiar atwod U~ * ih d i s l sd t cuuu> e uu aîcue.A lmo thiat h ZIY 'l.u s vê aîl t.uuutii sad it Iw% al ptra~-i>eil t.-g. L«.Asa,ug4 ne Fr i- c ii..huF. li Lu mitýl. ÎMaîtY, be Cuu G . ltutri-4, W;qlwfii4àè.ý, 'y Is .,,.cou5 d ',( Oreate as nu>'a, pw v. Eidsrgesa ray alm ~. Revives MMa. y L>5..W > or..41. b - p I S s h. 1 OUR AIN. TO FEAR COD. TELL THE TRUTH AND MAKE moeL y. PRICE, 5 CENTIS 1 uiv vý,»ýVAk i "t numa v4w

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