CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Jul 1895, p. 2

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ORA BOUNTY. "IR PLANTERS WILL PRESS' -THEIR CLAIMS. iq lobbins nla itr lus 0h10 Re.- :"mg - I-1rry in the Chicago l"e4 Pit-Wtly Hleutiiei'e Pla 1 mon9ýt Foeign, Trade. - blpceultort In It. of Iuve thtie Louisinua autgar k1er ho are te appeai-hetore lise gntier oethtie Treasary ai tise heur- he tieualldity ofthtis claimsa for or bounty, assert tisaseal t fIese nie bave peseai ou t ftise bandsmuoe suargrua-ers anti are nea- tbe prop- .' e bUxutboîties. Net a feus of içam ilasaliorelantise bandes-if q«tlturersand deaierm et machin- k Oicaffo anti lsea-iere. Whiat I"rffl as more probable by ofilcera bl tresses-yla ibat tise meut oet tiese ftsAr heiti by speculators, a-ho pur- Md, them si a ditiaonat. Compiroliar kW5 Iemne th ie Loulelana Iipnntors tIe reaon for bolilg op thse daimsg 9 homame ofthtie decislea b> tise Court 4it4beal cf tise Distrct tfCuIltutbla. dfted fa Jaauary, 1894, tilsmisaig a Èamtus PrOceediig brotîglt isy tise W-)Uanfactnrlag Company te cempal SeBretas't>- of tise Treasutry anti Coin- *,aèr ef InternilRevenue le puy 00,08a-as diamisseti by tise>court de -truand tisatishe McKiley la-, tâtee bouuty, bati heen reiteaieti is imw trlf set et1894. suisequenti> ho 1 pAssel tise speeail ioultt bibi ws-Whtch tise ciaiMs ibete tise I-cas- te OMow penditag. Tue Lonisiianut 01WIl have engaget] eninent cettitec 1 eame ot an adverse decisien front TtmIsaery Departmeat, su-i comusenvp umlamne Prrcaauilitgte cenilel tise mIss-Y te puy tise bounhy. POMUNTLeO Dy CHINA. D 80-Chuen Rilots Wes-e Iisteauded tO Seu-e the Fereigaucra. he Japanese authiorities are nea- la W0s911 et InfornmationtfrointChina 09aaess- explitaton et tise ri-liin Isueo aud directyiy mpilaiig lise âcrgGoverument. aAmutsg conmercial ltJualatishe p«eetreaty aIls sv, t0 f opeting lise rt-mole. iflerier 4eigu traisas unet siti ties tî'og- *Ibletlolk fi-unstishe courtl andth ie 19 Li Yâarn it tt il la alit-eedtisat »Mo inU a-as seecrtly t-uted te to- ldistnrbant-as iii order te pros-e that TJpir Yang Taopiprovinces a-are un- e for 41atsgertu. ly tiis ateanailt was Id -thAt aileas rnlgit ha prev enteti Il aeliilg tisemoeises ot tise pris-I. 14~ bat silce tise outrage@ aebaseeen re- d wia-Il a -bly tinexpecteti spirit PIOerument hae laken trigist, anti en- lué te escaptle respousibiiity by de- &L1W- 4u ant] making hlm tise spa- L This la nore itisa ti eposad Vire- la Miug te endure, atdt]bis tolioa-ers otest trouble. U1AN BONgs FoUND. i ot a keeloa îPut:Up beneath -thse Ifoimes Butldl4ug. Set an caireaskeWîtou wae fouumît 1111dllyFby tise ci-ca-outmca worklng e-elar oethtie Ilolines builbding, Chsi- ,, Ulovels anti picksa were dropped t. sudenty Detectls-e Fltatick Nefom rdereti every man te stand Whlle isbonesa-bit- h iatibeen un- il-(MMuethsea-et *Umre anti quit-klime Wôe'ner of tise Wall us-re taken eut. 4hI rls Protrustici tfrnthe cartis iheUlta-wo feet of duirtbat] bren duîg ut the corner outhlieetd mtiiouti l'Po. digglng -arefîully arounti rUe band, tise dutet-tves took eut ~ ~.anti ses-trai secttionsettise Mmewere tuîdant ie eeoetbhune W te hea farctutratiupper a-t, bit-b ta-e teetis aere smliiua- 11po Upea tlgat frther ses-pi-a ~lewere founat anti a portion et a :RWs Jacket, a-us e large aitee. iposs won a bttnei et maltei isu, io i Iscolored ho ascertal ilis original i»-up A LAME BUioRrETRAIN. oté4 Me Near Toit-do, Ôbio, Gat ,0610O0-Eirployeos eccld. Ç*e shcre and] Michiga outhera 4t %- 27 gainé;a-est.wasa l-d upad l~ie ait Reesa. Ohie, ai 12:40 Wat]ncc- tA»OÈnnag. It isuliedti laablint] aid- tu 11oW a sîterlal tu paie, a-han six *.d Mcn $isot eut lise isentiantitrain lW and coumpeileultise express meseen- te uniock the ate anti teliver tise ZThse ameunai aken fron tise car R.> WD-, but il laesetlmttted b> tise 1*0Ot-cilieut $.0.Sapt. Bled- tg" Manager Caniff, wa-Se-rc la To- b A tiselime, lftt a outce on a specil à-* %OlitSe sene oethtie robisary, notit>- Ubpele. ai ail adjacent te-nz tu hae loo*ent for tise rolishrs. Tise ot- hltik he i.robhary a-as committeti brOf lalutlotie *ouc i ailstisearn- N o ethtie roati, as Ihey Sud positive Utim a sm ta tise traîns meeing on «Mlum, sud aise efthtie unnsuaily iif epress rait. 0I F WHEAT 00KMl Up. 3 Cnte Per Bechet. ýP"t sestrint la price on tise Chi- otTrade Wcdaaaday, tisa ad- eg caseti Y isy ber figures 1911011mavkatiliag off la tise wOrWest re-eling Ponts. recelpte ofthtie pont feus S.f~ potructicai as-idenc-ofethlIe Sad everyona a-mtedt te u> with thse ousequance tisaitishe quo. ffete 72% -e8t1, a gain et nearly orupl' torTuesulys cosiug tignu-. 1Ire la Oâch an Incs et hi X*er. Wye., ove thé condition of iaiars ln Jackson'@ Hole. Tise ln. ians, it la said, have sent acrosa the range to the beail of Green River for re-enforcements. There- la a conslderable body holding a son dance et tisat point. It je uîîderstood tbey have threatened te destroy thse prop- erty of the settlera ad to tencis tiet a leeson for darlng to laterfere with their isnntlag. lndion rnnnera have cone front the vicinity ofthtie late coalict'betwecss the settlers and tise lndianaautis et the Yelowstone Pari- and report the situa- tion as critival. Tise ludians are con- centrating their forces ia the aeighbor- bond and it in feared that trouble in brew- lng. The Green River settiera arc lnaa state et coasiderabie excitentent. as tise ranches in th:ît vitinity are isolated ttnd far spart. The Indian8 would have no tronubie If tisey chose to exterminate the ranchers. Tise moutintlns in tisat viiniy are-feul0f Indian huuting parties, and watch-fires have been seen burîîing at Inters-ais along thserange. Scouts liave been sent out. TUEIC ALL PLAYE BS. tanding of te Clubs in Their Racve -for the Pannant. Tise follot'-iîîl jeiste standing of the clubs lu tise National Leagte: Per 1'. W. L. cent. Cleveland . 8ý1 49 :12 A05 Plttisbur . 75 44 31 .587 Baltimnore ..70 41 29 .lm Boston ......... Li9 4) 291 .M0 Cincinnati ... .71 42 33 : .W Chicago ........ St 44 37 .543 Phiiedeliln..a.7() 1114 32 .543 Brookiyiî... 7:13 3 11 4 .534 New Xork, 7 r,3 .28 St. loulit...... 8 49~ Wasington .M 24 42 .364 Loutisville.... 71 14 57 .197 sIVESTEIu-u ttAGIIEL. Tisa folliheutig e istuîmiîîgc clubss in lise W~esternu Li-gegt: il. W. .. Indinaîtutîts-70 43 27 Kansas Cl- 1 41 M0 Miwasuke-e-...775 42 M: St. Paul-....71 3"S 3M Detroit---------.72 38 314 Grant] lalîd . ..71 ail :38 Minneapolis-;.. 7) ':121 3S Terre Hiaute...t -1 27 4-1 ut tise Peri cent. .528) .3809 STAMliIOUL<)FF 18 DFAD. Buigara Ex-Premier succomabe te 111e Wounde. NI. Staithouibof.lte ulgaitaus t- îie- mit-r, iletîl, itavuiuîg iuîttseil na 55 t Sofie. On Iuly 15, as NI. Sauitouttsi rrciniug homute froui t bpiic-uîim (luItane- colapaniet] b,-a vtliitgiti. M.l'-citf tisa> us-re ma-t:m-t] by se-eî-;l uitretins arased t] u, revnusvese ad ntaiivtt ms. M. Stantissuioff nec-ils-til severtattîljb svttit]a about Ithe lienti.n uttsutIs îtlis aius usci-t an satily s-ut fitisamupuation usas emut-m-a ary. Hic iu-tt u->-î- s sgouigu-iloutIand his rigist one t-mivtues---ly ittjtmetIt lite wans isindudt. DI>tistlite renit. OBJECTS 10 A IIULL-FIOIIT. William Hose.nBallis tResus- laTe'roue- cote Atlanta Exposition l'cole. William Hesea BahIluî.vite treaidenu etfIthe Amerit-an Itnmne Q4K-iety-, a-i maka au effort u toîpthte uti-close al t liglit St the Atlanîta-xpositionu.fie hbas ats-avil noti-e on lIse îsîaîgememîîthat unîes s promptîdeniais are ret-tlut-t]fi-ens thse autlurlfips tisI uit-b a'xllibitiouu uvst te be peratitteil bup aoulu} iusaiitute iajuîî-- tien pi-ueeatinge, or. taillng i ltet, a-oubd reaise the nirest andt] uituihmu of aIl concrent. To Bc Cailed lMrion. Tise tsirt] ulugter et President andt lire. Gros-tr Cleveland] suas 1rhtay toirn- aly nammet Maioui, tise ninea slectet] by Mra. Clev-eland]lha Imotr et tise touu su-lîre she andthue Presidt@eutnthlie fi-at suinîmiervaecîtionefler tei iai-- ri-lge. lutus ontheushortaies of Mîojj, case luizasrt's Bua-, Ilît Mrts. Cleve- lantidietut s-t uta baset-utomî.et tise hapiîiesl suittîiersinlui er lite. muid site bîaisu-swys bt-ci tmûre tlietifont]ofet is saoude, ils@lîretlt uotages, its rocksanit beauîtifully ahaîleti Jiivs. Se liat lise se- eutien utfte useaise usilli uot s--uise sur- prise, eut] îsili unutoubti-uiy t-ndt 1make bira. Clevelanîd tise more îîuîîîsîar, ifthte is pcsesiule. aînosg tise permnni-t ituisîb- Itantsutf(CupeC (od. As iu inte case tf Rut nIdauuEsuthe-rt ewtîc litti1e oc utias ne iidie e uiîeand ti i l i tslaagaiti seeusn aJcuoousreîlîo etthe stloficil,- anti ld-ftisilted letieta of Mrs. Cleve- land]lis er irealaurîuî et lier ubiit]rea. Bae-s a Lîfeatai Bmall CQ&t. Alexand]ernJ.I.Fitllîlen, -ot Britigetou, N. J., usas going teMihlilville Frlday aïthernooun on a trolley cai-. T'litacîuksruttu rcutît Union Iitkc ase they nppîre:it-il Iivilîbe. As lis encrsus sîiunling areuinu tise ml-c Ibare us--ie cries et" boy ovet-boant." litbiaa sis a bhat loatlmg le thet-asen, anîd isasil>'tisrous-ng off ilsencai sîîranug mbt tise laide. lie foutuît tht- boy ai lite bottent. pullu-ul linu hit sud suant aiuoîe wuitis hlm. Tisa boy a-as tesuîisciiaîed tatd Iitiaa, calciig tisecri again. c.ontiuilt bis ride. Foraker-a Nr-ows Escape. Tisurstiay es-eîsimg aile ex-G»os-ennui Foi-akei- aaset-ut -ute toexCistutisbt, Ohsio, on n Big l"ouritrhisa bosuiden wututht-eut- throuîg tise car wsimîtleus er thse thin left Springfildit. A feue minutes pi-as-buse Mr. Furaktr lI tiesetain a aiiitise bowsItira truèk and us-st te acîher sent: to tabk le a trien]. IfI1lin'to suigit tisera a-arc any dtigias o injure hlut. LIvi ng on Creckcul Whent. îlew. T..J. Ira-la, a clerg-nu fi-cas Norths Pondi Ci-ek. Okiabisuna, l in Drus- ver, .eeklug ait]fotohie droîtgiut sîîffcrers eftIhet iegioiu. lt- relîresu-mta c uuotalde- ploneble ruitiiotu et ffuis inluhie terri- luory. A large Ipoution etftat- pt-ople ai-e living on erai-led hus-lttor tortnsneuilantd uutar, amui soutt-etfiuî-n Ses-enu longer monet-hobye -sen Ilese. Artist Rotiueimel la Bs-li&. P. R iotlîeri-tiscithIe fanionus rtici, lat dyiuîg utlhicnbhome nt Liafit-it. jusi outsit]e P'iilmt]elîhin. fie lus eciM80 ears oIt] uaud 1s sufferiîg usils cantcer. Itlier- iue'8 mont cu-Itbiatat] îpaiunting is "Gettys- Ieiurg." for sswiieis the te ut pensyl- rnaapalu hua $25.000. if suas exiibiieti at tise Centensial in 1876. Gos-eu-enent Noît Reaiscusibie. ~jThï0kufl an Governustub as beau WILD EXITEMENT OVER NEW GOLO FIELDS. UnceeSaain Trying 1ta gave Morneo! Hite Demain front Itapaclous Statea -Grave Trouble wlth Indiana la tise Far Nortisvet. intense excitemeut pi-a-ille areunti ef- lia, Cieburne Ceuaîy, Ala., e-e ricis finalss et gfoît jîttmade. Tisete deposils; were worketi' forty yenre ugo and $1j.000,000 us-ens ot goitirenlizeti. New- openiage aire o neaiing made. Ota antail ine, owneti by William Noble and associates, et Annîston, usasi soiti for $91,000. It is salaiitb net $1 per pounti of ore on an av-erage. A rush te tise nets gold fieldis la on andti abulonqs sute a"re ieg offereti for options. SWA31P LAND GRAIL States Aiready Bencfitcd 81111 Crylus for More. Attention isas been receatly caliedtiet tise sa-amp lande grants te sariens States b> tise visita pais te tise Interior Depart- ment b> tielegetions frointheis State Gos-- eraimeals, ushics camue wlth tise desire of expedlting tise work et patentiug tise lande te tise ncw nwners. Itapidîr as the work isas been proceedias ever since 1849, tise date efthtie firet su-amp-lent] grant, It le actuaily ulmees tsi-rfront ieiisg coe- pieteti as wsltcn il usas first t-gîta. Tise termeset tise grant bave been toundt 1 contiiele a regunr siuk-hole lie a-wiih landseau ca poured a Imst aitiseut cesae- tien utitiout appearnîg te fl]iiop. Tise iret grant a-as te the Stete et Louilsiane aloute. Tisea, uîtder a broader at-t, nu- nieronse ther States look sucs lande. in- gresa ibeit limileif tie grants to 1,000,000 acres, snd fmor yearate Go<srrameat bas iscen tryiîg te adjîtat these gi-tnta. A FIELD OF ~DEAD. evealcea lad istîs Kiliad nI Jackson'* Hole, IV>-. On .ltly 13 liirty mntleft .Tckson'e Huit.. Wyomîing. ho tii-iest tili Indians ireaking tise gante lîaset Wyomnig. lai lHobisck ('anoit tht-y sîtrîrised a caîîîp of ses-coleet initiand utî]took tItras al prie- citersanduJ tartut] wit ihemt for Jackson'a fiole. laiithle cantîh ie i diana tnt-dt o escape aud aillte Itîdiatîs wt-re kiliet] ex- ct-pt one pnîîîoutae. John N. ( 'arues. a squaw mau nth ie oldest setlier in Jack- soî's fiole, lias gone oser lîitu Idaiso and] says es-t-i-ysellier ini Jacksoaa a-iii lie biilcieretf. 'rthere wcrc :'30o Baaork w arilors on H-obtick River whtrt Carues Wsos tisere, ant ieiso eya ail squttaws have lit-ci sent tswtiy sd tuai tsi. bocks are daiily joinlng te mîain bsad. CAUSE LOSS 0F LIFE. C!oudbures Do Mttch Daniage la Kcn- tucky and 0hio. Dimpaitchea front different parts et Ohio anîd Kentucky report ses-ci-e torma Sa- uay nigist. Titese aloi-as rsecasedt]o visit citain sections. wviile raîjoiîîiîg districts are as dry a es-ci. Oliser points report ct-iisled ulirsts like tise une near Zanes-ille a-hidis kiiied Mrs. Cieux Wilson anti George Deselin th ie campî-lgeeting. At Ilowsrt]'s MiIl, near Mount Sterling, Ky.., GrieGar-ettusaxstsruck b> a cletît] iurst a-ile rit]ing along liseiigla- way.fHe andîtinbishrse ea-rs kiled. Tisiougis tise Ohio Valley ' Monay tise beuati use Intense. Mony Bonde lnvalidateuL .iiitge Rosa, l is e United State Dis- trict Court ati Les Angeles, Cul., declaret] lise Wright irrigationi mss- incotsstiimi- hionaI. l'ader te Wright eu-I bonds bas-e bt-cii irnedt lutise extent ut $50,0W,000, anti ai-e selail us-i- te UnitediStates nui(] Etuope. Thec decision i ns-nidatcs îttt $56.00.000 of bonids et irrigation dis- ti-ictI ius-hics t-vît irîuatiuîî pruceeditîga bas-e buen takeut. 1MA1hRIED IN TWO STATES. Youn&g Kentucky Couple 3Make Sure of Their Bonda. M'cduieaulmy EtisusitiRobtinison. of New- port., Ky., usclt t(Cinicinati înd svu-tret] a license lu ciîrry Ruth Simpsson. a Newu-- loi-t girl. Tht-> n cie mari-n-t by Squire Mu-Cire, et Newsporlt]dtbc-îî uent ou s wueddiiig trip. Vhcitise squire iatie his reluirna(b- su te licetisé %ustitueu lut Ohett ioadt-e ,re-tiioîîyluy iina usis iilega . riit la rt e u-tie iet-alli l t ri tht-rhi-ouey~mooni, santi ttsire-t-ed te tiis- hake iy a c-reiioi it inclitnnati. Trnready ni a Hotel. Wiliama Biuruland Gui-doitn ig negro waiallrsat the Soutberit Ilotel, Chi1- cago. qutureed Monday uveîitg oser a 25-cent "hum)." lowa uea xt-hitigct] la teit-hen,, iîd Ewiitg, tle scape ltaiun, isîitîtent. ian towt tiese cairs ieading lis tise aile> iii lie retur oethte hotli. He uwas tellowseti iy Bîtitifr, a-bu iiot and lastaLnt>- kiliet]latiît t.iîtorulgot assay bu-fore lise police ai-ris-ci. Fort une for Lord Douglas. Lady Sioto Douglas inlieiers lu W5000.~ iliamt Moonie>. a San Fran- edcc albi-, recentily i-ccuis-u-da ntice thiat bie lied talicît Si- t luariige estala ini Outaneo. Mooue> iès the fetiser efthlie 3oung aci-escs lto mari-dthie yuitgesl acnofthtie Miarquis of Quuîeui-ier-u, andit]ho bas ntilieul lis ttuîgltitttlhb- uili di. vide lus fort aite siil lier. l.ady Dougiaus ssill ubai-e (xi £50,00. Biig ImouMile Channge Bonds. Thed Seff(otitiy sti tg an tee i-eu, ii-- S!xtri % giXoA BAY. fVWfLiO ND steamer marin P. Gos i3owa witk ______ The Italienit teaùmrOrte&U-'ansd Mari& sàIlsH SCOONEI AGLE 8UN% P. cellideti eg Iàels del Plu~t at'the en- IN COLLîSON. trance of the UnIirlfof Geùoa Sun4ay.____ The latter naauk andi 148 people were drowned. The Maria P. vas entering l'rain Robbere Make a Big'lHautl in tise Guf of Genou nt 1:30 o'clock lu tise Ohio - Two Notable Conviction% - morning wben slie met tihe Ortegla, out- Spi lredaGow f u u botiad. Tisey oniy n<tlccd cach ether So.Aamt tOot fCbi wisen a collision wae mes-htable. The bowv Iflurrection. of the Ortegia crashed loto tise starboard aide oft1he Maria P., peîîetrating six Xu Watery Grave.. yards, and ripping tup the MatriaP. Iike Tise Norweglan steamer Terrier or- nsatchwood. Thse watt-r rushed iini irougis ris-ad In New York front Deaxerara. ('spt. tise baie, and the Maria P. atnk ini three Berg reporte that et SM p, . n.en Jniy minutes. Tise najority ofthtîe sassenrers 12 a schooner wae aigisîed close on the were asleep et thse tinte and had n ne estarboard how. Capt. Berg watcised the ta escape ater tise alarm was gis-en. schooner'. niovements closely anid nt thte They Ivere engulfeti with tise vessel. The samne tiase hauleti hiseteanser's wheei to Ortela reminet on the spot "ftil (6 port. expectlng that tise schooner wonld o'clock, ia order ta pick tîp tise survîvors. keep on bier course. The schooner dd n She reecueti fotirteen ofthtie crew andi for a time andi thea mddenly cisanged bler twenty-eigist of tise pasegets. course, ruannng dlrectly scrons tise Ter- TO TRST SHIPPING LAW.ý rier's bow. Before the steamer cotidhoi - stolîpeti or ber iicadway checketi aise Suit flegun et San Francisco ilafichait strnck tise schooner In the port aide, alîîk- of Insprlaoued Matineers. ng ber almont lntantly. Sise pro-edt] t A suit bas been begun la the United ha the. Britiais schooner Bugle, of and States Circuit Court nt San Francisco to frons Bnrbadoes, for Demerara, witis pas- test tise Federailaia wilclsmake It At sengers anti crew numberlng twventy-nlne. crimîe for salers to refttse to work wisea Twenty-four persons were sa-et], two on tisa higis senti. The suit le brouglit ia wolaen anti one chlld being drownet]. behait of four ailegeti mitineere of te bark Arago, wsho are îîow la the Alameda FIOHTING IVITH FVIRE. jeul. Il la saidtit be tise first tilne lu CbnVlarnBre yteior American history tisat a cot.rt lisb1 aCuasVilge8urc y h lsr callit upon to overthrow tise admiralty gent Forces. and aippiag iawe, tisai, copiet] front Tise situation la Cube Io cauaing a sen- anclent Eaglish tintes, have helt] undî&s. Ntion la Madridi. Tise aewmpaiuer are puteti sway over the meni wlo foilow tise blaming Capt. Oea. Martlaez de Cam"o seài for uabruken generationa. for advocatiag the sendlng of Gea. Wey. _________ er and Oea, Polavieja, feumons for tiseir Another Cashier Gante Wroag. ses-erty durlng former Cuban insuirrec- Cashier Jèhn L. Wnlden. of the Dîme tions. to asia la tise werk ot suppress- Savinga Bank ut Willitsantir, Coan., bas lng tise present reiseliion. A dlepatels dIsappeared, andth iere le hareiy $5W la from lasana soya tisat Capt. Gea. %Mer- -cindite- le -iemands.&-'PIte * lai~ le--.-Crpe,~tee - hWa eeentL &- a-as made isy Receis-er Dooiey, outhIle Nat- gageaient with tise insurgeaIs, entered f lonail Bank, and the Incorporators oethtie tise town of Ba-arno on foot. According hank Sunntay atternoon. Thse total num- to ttismre advsicestishe insurgenis latenti ber ot detuositors ia more than 3,200, and te occnpy Bayamo, whlch le aîxty tuiles tise amounts standi~ng Iê tiseir credit ag- aortiwset of Santiago, near tise Cànto gregate about $650.000. Tise trustees River, andi bas a population of about have decidedt 1 close tise bank andi epply 7,000 persons. Trhe insurget t-ief C'ou- for a receiver. Walden lias madie way let hant been killed la batie. On .Tu1y 1.3 wit about $30,000. Tise books are mise- this naigeutsuîsnder tise comînni ut. ing. WVaideîî hus a wlfe and oae cisilti. Meadieta burned tise village of i<4uasuo No ont! knows sshere tise maibas beetni tis fart» of Guimalio,, i tise district sînre lie left honte on a bicycle Tisîrsday o.f-t ntauillo. ThisInsurgeatis bave aiso niglis. * Iurje th ie -village utfl-abaitero.Itu tise Vast Whent Crop Reporteti. Deuaiied reports fi-ens station agenîts ou tise central ant] souilera divisions eft hte Atu-isisut, Topeka at] hanta Fe IRail- i-cnt, coveiig 1,D>00miles et roand, lutbu-1- ing lisree-fouinihs ot tise nileage la Kan- sas anm l al of it la Oklaisoma, ashow thai 4.9rA,000 suseis etfa-Seat aeeralsat]la triisutsry couutry muid 714,000 busiiels et suhenî remuhlusila ai-mers' bauds ant inh tlesalors. 'The soutiiera diision b ias 1,176000M Suudîcs oftific ea- usieet andt 219,80)0 btishels efthtie oit. Thtese reports rover aîîîusthimtg lt-as tisan hait ot tue eu,- lire trc tuf Katnsas. Beau-y Fait fRi. Tise iusi uîd tiseunajuet suere soaku-t in niais> States T'risueta>'. UItem eb pbeaîifully ta sente upacee s here il suas isadiy ned, ibut us-s ovai-vonstlentioîus lails uts-ci-k h inos andat]Itu-utt is ci-eps wsu-i uasuelhtI. Tis aas tise case ver>' genernl>lainMinnesota, Southb Du. kotqanti Centrailîlinois, alu-eetise deuvapotusas violent eaougis tea-as mut .raiiroad tracks. Paal Wolf la No blore. Panl Wobt, ediler et tise Clevelandi Wacistci- tnd Amziger, fui-marI> Wash.- ington correspondent efthtie Naus- York Stuas Zeituug, andt recentiy ofthetisalli.- acis Sînats Zeituung. committet] suicide by taking poison Monday algisI. Preterreil Suicide to Beiag Rccaphum-et Il. D. Smsiths, a coadamneu lmi-tierer couituet in tise cîîtnty mail ait Spsikane, W'aht.. made an ineffectuai atteaspt lu escapse, andt. beiag osertaken, temmittet] suicide lu igbt oet isspursuers. Mai-Jet- lutihe Second Degi-ce. At Ti-etîtou, N. J., tise jury lit tilt case ot lte u-gi-o Ceiiiss,>sectsset] ufthtie mati- der-of Frt-derick 1'. Oi, tise I'iinccîo stî-tît, cansi lisiti a sverdit]of ut mide in tise sconsd degi-e. Trieti te Wlpe Out a Famsiy. A t]iabois-tl attemîhît luus-it- ouitlise femil> cf lant-y IliaIt, cf Amiduratn. Id., suas maltt an untu îcn îuîrsomî. wus liut pars greeun in flic us-vl. 'h'bettue lent- iiy 55usdciiticahi> iii. McetIl alimluore. Tite iftI internatnional conension af tise captit Young Iroîîh's Unioti tut Autterictu usas begun leilBaltimoriie. Il usaswseltu-riitg isbutusithiintis ecuclotire et lte gi-callent. MARET QLOTATIOXtIS Cilcago-Cattlt- comusitn ta prima, $3-75 te $0.25; huge, shipiing grades, $300 le $5U); stt-p.tair lto ie, $250 te $4. -à5; %nietra, No. 2 red, (rdc toa 68c; coi-n. Ne.2, 44c lu 4(k.; ous, Ne. 2, 23e te 24c; ryt-, No. 2, 4;e lu 4,8c; butiter, choit-e crneryei3, liSe lu 18c; eggsi, frias, Ilcte 12c; potatlen esltw, par barrei, $1.50 te $_.00; brouta coi-a, commun grass-lito ie ebruis, 4c ttoGiclies-Ilb. ItttiipllIupOloi-Cut le, gais)ipig, $3.u0 to $5.75; buogs, choi-e iighmt, $3.00 te $5.50; uheep, cvuiin toim înte, $2.00 te$4(X); us-ieat, No. 2, We te 65c; t-orn. No. 1 a-hile, 43c te 45c; enta, No. 2 wshile, *-7c te 29c. SI. l'oui-Cattie. $3.00 te '141.00; buegs, $.Oto $550; utleah, No. 2i-et]. OGete 67cu; coi-a, Nu. 2 yeiîows. 40e lu 41p; oats, No. 2 wuhite, 24e tea226e; i->t-.NN. 2, 4-k' te 41k. Chichlin iai-Cnt le. $3.50 ta $5.110; ltoge, -010 te $5.25; sseî-p, $2.50 tu $3.75; a-t, No. 2, 67ehtu 18; coi-n. No. 2. mimi, 42c tu 44c; ente. Ne. 2 mixet], 26e te 28c; ry-c. No. 2. 44e te 41;e. Detroii-Cattie, $2.50 te $6.00:;isegs, $4.-00 te $5.50; eheelu, e2(X)te $3.75; suht-at. No. 2 i-cu. 70c te 71c; ci-n. Ne. 2 yelloss, 44e te 41k-; osîs, Ne. 2 a-bite, 28e tea9- rye, 47e te 49c. Tolet]o-Wient, No. 2 red, 71c lu 72c; cotrn. No: 2 yelioa, 46e ho 48c; outil, No. 2 utixet], 23ce a2Z3; rya, No. 2, 40e te 5ic. Buffftlo-Catlt,*$250 to $6.25; isoge, $3.0 >te $5.75; siseep, $:1.001 te $4.00; usht-at, No. 1 liaid-ti78ete 74e; t-orn, No. 2 yebious-,50e te 51c; outet, No. 2 whiste, 30et te32c. IMilwsauke-Wiseat, N o. 2 spuiing, 118.- #o 70e;,,oi-n, No. 3, 4(le te 47c; oatil, No. 2 a-hile, 26e to 27c; bai-bey, No, 2, 47e te 48e; rye, No. 1, 53e tu 54c, pork, mess, $11-00 te $11.513. New- York---atthc, $3.00 tu $000; isoge. *&0 tu $«M Meti4 $-iglu tun $1li 4 25;. to rvanentsuitf 0 )t-cutis iaving ai-ris- e t %l!ia ,nzaitllilisis h;JKicuf utess. uitIlî itlet-icaet enf tîlier fi-cm tise .-ily mmt Santiago de Cisba tint]2,111X)nmretroolus. letf inîmet]iateiy fuir ttyaîîîuî 'rn-i. no den>ing tise tart lissaIlte aituâilitut s ut-iy gras-e.'gThe insurea is-s-ave ttv est re-entcr-csueîta frumîtntîifi-ri-ni1ai-15 ofet Pru iovint-e îmf tamtinigo de ('uta, anti i burepor-lt] ihal M.%auinuo (;.tait-z lins tiiris-ciinitlise frotiandt iken tous- tîttîi cl f lise insurgent fort-tsssgiuser-ia In-titiet. TAL1< OF MSORT oSE.SSION'. Punblc Mca Diocainu Plan. for the. Next Congre»s. Plieimtei-ain Washington are b-gin- iîiag tbilisi-uss tise jrobability as go lte lt-agIs ut thte mext session ot Congres.. Opinion in ge--ueraily favorabblehouna surt session ausd labisset] lai-gely on the btlit-t tisai bot liai-liesus-iiho destrous of gel- ting as4 fotit-hie campaig t aIase ariy e date as possibile, Il le non- belle-t-mb b semaethai Mi-r. ita-il, teelingpi-autii-al> c-aitain tisai ha su-lu hoeeletedt]letise Speakei-siip. hec eirestiy virtuell coism- pletedth ie Huoise uouumittuelest aeuthiat ntan Mu>rie he su liha able 1 t ainu-lne hie eiipoinlmenle ver> ettua tliter tise conveîîlng ufthtiseia-biouses un tise 2d ut Deciihber. Siseuidth ie iHousse catuittees bu- annoniicctt souta lfter the lieginainc ot tise sessioîn andt tisebodt] gels ils usoi-k seu-entier sua> heotre tiseC(istsma isoideys. ih nouit] S4a mitcideul innovîa- tien. Few Congreecées in i-eteutys-parut have luegin lise"sis-ion wilhctit tisis laini aiq a parut cf tlieurogmi-tii and uJfes- las-e eîtct-cculed iapîutiing lu mbintxecto. WONIEN A1NXIOUUSTo IiTE. Inuterstlag à:Compulication May >Arise la Utahtinia Ncsember. 'hie U i tît ttustl i mtuuii--,.ilJi--i tt tpenit auffrutgm-.anti]tte Dttei-catic leaders bas-e tekeus tise positio iutbituun- der titis lprovisiomi lie us-ii sutolilit-» e lous-u-u lusote nitte ecuîittî li> -tm bei-, caîttial]Yin- a it-us-futhelite ttt s officiais ai-e tutli-bc -î-e. Tise iltpulii caimnstf it the îte- lîtl .otit tl hl - le lu la utilb a Ti-rittts- a idti t itthis elî-s-tlon mtl lii. e hliliist-t-ttrdsst- usils lte fori-ms îrmi -ilill h>- t tlgi-ts vusii-is1t0c ott 5enil c f tue ix-r-os-tf lte eleveframît-iise tus- u-mnu. A geust-rgi effot 1t i ie liai-I cf tht- vsu-uumi te Voute miglis, fusvit-ut-ftflibue t-titilit-hitîg laiai. pri-tt tie impotan t t-.tuuiciotîltts in teftutie. Pealten tiars- Ynwns. George A. Hloizer wsu-ierve foui-yiuire anti Fi-derick illorma t-t ycars lusthtIe penitenliary fer stdiîîg andtinbtîîtimg a fflnepirscy to dejîrive s-tti-is mît lier rigitssnttise poils. This lnte Itcoeteoe tise Wenl Puillman, 1h., ciet-tiontfi-ud case. andtitise vurdiiIlma ar-oumitlu-es-lu- toi-y for tise ('isic -'-ei-tion, us-lut- pniecumteml te cuise. Trenty Concltedt. A trcal>ibas bt-en tcoit-Iitjed li-tet-ae Gi-ente anti Itussia b> us-iicis a fixe(]las.t port dtuy Ibas beau deteri-sitif upomutfor Itutln carcale, autt] by usiicît Itiosia is gis-euthtie îanoîsoly etflte kerucne I-aile la Greece. Il lal exieetpul ltai is have lise affect ot driving AmericaouIpe- lroieun fi-onsthlie Greek maruket. btsy FutaisBe Bettiet]. Il la blltes-ad tisaI tise eleisraeîemfMors j ulains ot $1.500.000 us-I S le sethed andtîlhe incidlent eset]inla afea- seeks. Britaîn Clime Triialdt. A correspinenuIitîla a1 i aeiro teke. gi-mpis thtisadsices tuthtie Baguit Lu-- geulot tht-ne decbare tisai Emgiamut] î-aiuns the Islandi et Titidat] a be-r îuu-î. Ii- zl's Cabinet ptrotesta and aus message ho tisai effett as et onve sent tat Bi-zilas Mitiieter ho London. LEacnped Ila n ox. l lias Itecîs enruîu- t lat F'ranik L. Hart, a isotoritîns buîîko-ateerer, us-li isîtke mil lat 'Mai-clu aiSeattle, W'tîsh., magie le ie u tise Norlisern Pacifie. Regalado to De Shot. A copy cf Eh Diarle Bue-ne Publice, et San Salvador, glis an accoant et il thlsarted Insnutionu ilussat Prileildeat v The Vend Sharnbutof. A generation hence Bulgarla will boue* Etanibuloifa a national martyr.-Buf- tell Press. He was a etrong mua aad used ti tong iseanures, %vhlch gave bis enetales their opportnnty.-.New York Hierna. Â tlsonaanti Stamissioffa alsoul i te tise Place ef tise one foully nsurticred by Rias- aien sympatlîlzer.-Pblladelî,isla Letiger. Tise asaaalpîatlon osf tise exponent of a popalar cause, howes-er, will flot asulice te suppreas the aspirations et a nation.- Philadelpie aRecord. Tisera la lîtle resson to hopie tbtt thse, marder of tsmbtîluff wtîil beai tise fond "bdi recouchle tise courts of St. Peteti- burg andi SolIaL.-New York Tribune. We presume tisat if h. hati Dot inter- fereti with Readan plana ln regard te Macedonla hl ie gisi h a aise- to-day.- Rochester Deniocrat andi Chronicle. He (Stambuloif> seensa th ie one atrong man la a nation of sueakllage. sud ho eommauded neut ely obediloace et bomne, bat respect abroad.-New York l$un. Thseeaalaation 0f Stambuoff, th. Bigarlau Minîster, waa ciearly tise va- -it of se wicketi a coaeplracy as the politîcal blatory o!f Euroeohas kaow- lienpla Commercial Appeal. Whether by conivence ofthIe Pinlce or by frientia of Pauite, or by one of lhait a dosen other possiblie causes, Stambuloff la deati, and wiih batis dais, It le bardly ho ha doîtiteti, di@ e ie o euigarian Indeiseaience for many >ears lu coen. Modern lîfe bas li no more et rlking ex. ample of tise eeihal s-ilgaity ant breîality of undeasocratje ptower and usurpation tisattis astartling trageti>-of soathwenatern u Irope. stansisîtof W» alan withont doubt, if flot lîy lhe direct orders et thé4 Rusaiau Clair, certilly thent la pursuance ut a pollcy wiï Il aas hatc-ied in tlie bruine tisat serve hlmu.- News York Journal. Groverle Girls. G;ros-ar alwaya a-au saitirxi te girls.- Piittbumr.- Pru-e. Baby '%eKece ihallont.-amore chtanc-e of baeong Grover's souà-in-la w. llouassvol- tamis, Heraît]. Presidents liave 10 metswiîi diaîp- polutitelits juat lîke lise commun i-ln ot moitais.-Jacksori Whig. Tisai aigauof "Boy IWanit,.r wm-it-!îaa hang oui et Gray Gale i s t liOut.- li euree of limie it. Saiîn mu> look for nai'resideut aitong thse i'r..îtiditîît daugisiersi.-lloston Ilernld. Prelaident Clev-eland aings 1! Ihie way: "There'a mest oeemore girl iii tis world for mt-."'--Ncu York World. Alîbotîglislalson fail-d t(, arrive, Mr-. Clev elanud lins thle clifiino f greet- lng îî nul bur tcu s is .Iîîiîai, Junrîîît . IIîcre laea nt,1 ler îliasiu.ldarli ng iii itle Preitleiitial ionsIiolil. l iii h eu-ornesa eiter every tuso Jeart ou-Atut Chrîtît cle. If iltis tlîing et girl lîslîes iteing bora Id I'rpsideiii and Mi-rs. (tev-t-l dkt-elpuallp, lte ratio willi maon liem! rre iton 16 l 1- We fi-tl it a dîîly te cutlon Mi-. Clese- land] agaitiet lise free- coiringe -of girls as a tiîg likl to desitro> thse i-arit> ut thse gt->.es.-St. Louis fotDno-r. lui-lâ are mtwh more saliiable tista boys, t cîertahly nti ilti tîe,%%-lie-uitise neus-%vout it i klg îo of8iî thtie tailis.%lem istaCîutrilA.îî A s nutp.i tIi' s iatitlie -r.t ire coitinr-:-. wiiiîthoregîit.1 fi-ex, tigeor onîi ot, me-ntis ila ni-tit lîart cîmîgratu- ltilons tand go.d ut isiet. 'T'ise %Vhite flouse liam a trio ut cha~rîîitiscilîre.- Elgin Ses. Wh-iliŽ cx-PresdtîiiHlari-iton bu dis- oza ragi ng miit rianona y l~dil iatia s-citnuo mît 11wi . - v lt- i-te u : ira. lion tif lit,,imaieses-. irmuîî-ip ies:t nd le pr.-mîotitnaiîlriiiiiLy b r-iîglia teritige bu îlot a fut e fvt ilt iBullet îî. Thc Enuienuor c.vlto fl ~ fîttirn cin vtiris m.f Li itiry andn 2,5<l&.tt)l) tîtnilerh! Thiai s a i.:irsmloue retord lait1;a tnt prom tS iseifut'r tise Trite soii-t-eati of tite gri-at convsentioîn ia a faie t uttrtentaru un tise saftîy, ipee-t and ecoiifort ot lte Aucrican riway @y ste an. -l'hi] ad el piba Ledgtîr. il'le record of tille crgaîiization t iMost gratityitîg. Il stnd as a refutatittîtof lte lîeas ndadu-uced b> ytîha s nif otisers tîtat tise wmrlt] la grou-itîg vorse.-Keus- sus Cii> ty Ti. Tise Chrititian Endeas-or mueetigesiti- nialisconc-lusive t-viden-e tisai lte Institla- tions ot Cinitianity are naîaitîtaitied witis thi-ir olti fervor andt tisatiien's lis-es are [vitalizcd by a living faitb.-Cisicago Trib- une. Titise carals. sclf-denyiîtg yoiitg mea antI aome atettréed tog:etier lu atvaule tise spiritual kiiigtlon ut rigliteolustiesa pruau-bhoetise world n set-mon tsi- More effetis-e tisailthie ioRt ipilsiet] effort et tise nrre jinipit orator.-News York TrIs. liathtie face otf lirte gi-cnt ai-miez Dits tise Sunday scisool cisiltirci.t.h1e Society et Christian Etidenvor and] tl.e Young Mdet'a Chrsitiau Ase citation. tiât, a.ectatir me>vell aek iiniseit us-at lucre la 1teh tnlk ot a d-cey ofthtie religions spirit- IBuffutio Express. The cchurciesa tre rapidi>- 6nding ont tiiet If tîcy %%,lait ho retaîn tiseir Itult on tise yoting leoitie of tise ]and thîy misat plat torward get-iig cmoretisan tise elisical atit moral attractions et religIon.

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