CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Jul 1895, p. 7

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- wo~ THE R INit4$UNR STOVB POUSII lu Ï cokes for gemersl blacking ai s steve. rieSNPASTU POLLSU for sauc siter -dinuser sie #W The sl"î'ded sud pol. otuhed wtth s clti,. Wn» 19rie@ms., V4 ate.Masis.. & 9.A. r Te îai'ersal verdict in that "Al Baba" la noir presented inl a more at- tractive ferma than ci-or before at the Chi- eatgo Opera House. tUndimmcd i l al i glorlea of sceuic Investiture sudlits rich Mousof efftnmiag, the great extravagua- Ss goca tuerrily on toirard its 1,OOth per- formance, wyth -.'ry prospect of reach. lag tbai mark before is course la iun. Il vrould le bard tu organise a company o! grester capaeity thon tbst yhich In- ludea Ezra Kendall, John Burke, Arthur Dun, Ada Deares, Frankle Raymnd, Vfaud Ulmer. Alîcîte Crater, Nelly Lynch sud a score of others coîneeted with the big organization. They furnish au Infinîte vandety fplenslag entertalament, bur- lesque. coniedy, farce. ligbt opera, ballet- lndeed, ail that eould be aaked for in a aumnier show ln there. This week a giet norelty lu bicycling in lntroduced. It ln a comblnation of elec-tricity and irbeel- * log neyer before attempted. Six young ladies gire an exhibition of tancy rlding, * eacb carrylag torty incandescent lampa lgLîtd by means of an ingeulotis counec- tion wth the main service irire. The effect la bewilderinz îiîîd beautiful, and a vat susount of Interedt lias been exciteti localcylea A very îretty ex- hdib no!f .ncy rldîng t,- alto given by ~: two a by jrider, .the NVlcatine ajteru, aged 4 and tb. William liroderlck, the emlnent singer. Signor Biaticifiori. îaid ta Le the mont akilîful male daneer living, anti EniiceVnniP. a celebrateti vaudeville ingePr, have lfhe cgaugcd hy Maiagcr H1enderson and mil sbortly nihîî*ar. Books Worth a lSmall Foi tune. The higliest price cii-r halO t fr a sec- ond foUo tlnkeape.tîre was given lu Londou the other dIiyai ut tl sale or the late EarI off xtortVs lib)rary. Thîs mass thîe fi-at and îmurest îoîîy knowu of the Second Flhu$îkip-uî.16?2. lu tho- original t-aîf Hl.îdng, forincrly the rop- erty of ( 1a...r. liîel. the nîte'i Bliakesiearî*auan îlt utvlote sale lun Ik t It .Il for $;4otit îîuw advanced to$2t$.liorae N VIIIole*s Vpy of Boswcis 1o tl iebrIdeB mii Dr. Jobtison* tvihaa îtîîbt-er of caustie ant',graîlî inties ty lîîn,. ý1l'lnt $205. (,atliarlu ii . de I 1vo utofAri§os fjrlinîo lîîr.î', t':einluec.utt'Anlo- rai-y Veneliau liglit Lion u cait. brouglit Stbeep as 11inîren Brarers. lu the non<,rîni parts of lnd!a lipep are umade t10 erve as biasts of burilen. The nicuntaulît 1,sli. i- uw<ng hIe foot- bifl*of the l hiiîîliananie so precipIt- oua that the si".more sure-footed than jar,-Pr bensti, are preterred as *burden ca irli-ii. BACKACHE A D fEAJ'JG-DO"X PIM~ udy Provo am M artin Umai.W"I4 Iiew Sho Obtalued Reilie [RrumiL To ors LADY IADrAj "?Zearly ail lastt muter I was slck lni Wd, an wu sended by diffcrent phy. siclans ; noue cured me, noue I attempled to always th~e sanme sory; My dlzzy and faut, the hearing- ARIES 0F' THE LORD. CRIGADE 0F BAPTISTS MASSED AT BALTIMORL E'feen Theusand Youg sCruaders Take Ponseslou o! tAie Monumental Cty-Fifth Internatoa Convention -Pan-America Relilgions Coe". Baptste ttu Baltimore. Ou tLe Leels o! tLe greai gatherlug o! Christian Eudenvrien-sea Boston, sud aI- moet eore tbLd- peans et piaise laed eeased te echo tL,'otgh tLe lsnd, came tLe aaaemblnir in Baltimore o! the Losta et 'the Baptist Toung Peopîe's Union o! Amnerica. Il mas tLe flftLinternational convention ofthle organlaîon, sud the 15,000 delegatos, n-Le brought with tem nâeaily au msny of their hludred, namne tram every section of evom'y Stahe lu lb. Union, s.uirelIas f rom Canada sud froni 'Mexico. Owlug 10 the tact tuat Balti- msore hane hall large enongh ta accommo- OFICVtEfl5 0F Tinu APTIST UNION. Johin Il. Chapmau. Rev. Il. F. . Pi. ice. Rev. O. P. G ford. Mliss 7315F. Hiigh. Re-i. J. B. Cranfilîl. J. 0. Siaples. 1ev. F. L. Wikins, D. 1). date no gresl s gahheriug, a mnmoîh teul nas erecled ah the Mudison treet euti-noce io »rubd HilIlPai-k, a hich lu sid le Lave been tlie largeit ihieteli o! avssseçerputnp luthewnord. 1h afford- cd @puce fer 1_1000 chairs, covried a ti-act cf land 325 hy 105 feet, aud n-as support- ed by ioles ffhy feet lu belghh. Under the shelter o! this giett-auras 10,000 deegatcu ausembled on the open- lug moriung at 10 'clcck. irben tLe con- vention mas callcd tu order Ly Presideut Chapinan, of Chicago. The devotional exercises, wibih mer charat-terired hy greal ethîîsiasm sud tervri, mere led b'- lIe. Dr. C. A. Hoobs, o! Delavun. Wl.. Prise aud prayer occupied nearly bal! un Leur, sud melcomlng addi-eues wè-ee thon ln order. Engene Leering. o! the Enhan- Place ChureL. spolie fer the cherches of Balimore; Rer. H. W. Whar-- ton, o! th Brauhly Msemorial Church, PL.AN 0P TIIE IALTIMOB dnn ins spoke for tLe Voiîtu 'eopesSocety oft w-cie terrible. Baltimnore; asuO i-cpot-se ou behaîf of the . I asuc ad kid- board of managers of the- InternationalÈ uiey trouble union aud the delegates a as made by lier.1 badly. Dr. A. C. Dixon, of Brooklyn. The latterv ffl .ý 1 kuew 1 laid special« stress UPon the tact iliat this Mnust havebhelp right away. I resolvedito wuî thie i-t timet ha1 Mexico had sentE tUy LgtlLa E. Pipîkham'a Vegehable Com- delegtes to the convention, sud gave aui r undl. The reaults mere marvellous. I eilgrpigt toefo, h rv .vag ried l"t- Mer. wMÀBTan aLe- ccof Quebee. Ontario and Manuitoba. tirey eued."- MB%. ATur X IAL14 niervusing recepti.u n-as given tae Le Oakd-le, Mas&. Evuy druggit Las If. ndetatigable general setrtai-y. Dr. Frank1 J. illiams, n-heu he took the plahformi Beecham's pifls are for bil- for tire purpose of meading the generalre i lousness, sick lhead--che, diz- ibis document hnd been dispoed of with- ziness, dyspepsia. bad ta4$e delvree&one upou culture for service, by 1ev. Dr. Wallace, o! Torontlo, snd thej in the mouth, heartburn. tor- otiier unpon the Junior Socety un the hopet pid liver, foui breath, sallow ofthe moentent, by Rey. Dr. IL D.1 skin, coated tonguie. pmpleS The afternoou session n-as prefaced hy i-aise service led hy 1ev. L. B. Thomas,1 loss of appetite. etc., whleri o'fC(olorado Springs, sud the convention cause by cnstiation and riaolvditielf Into an opjen parlimuent constipation is thenost fre- giving -nes discussed hby a nnrber of speakers. quent cause of ail of them. A feature of the giest gatherlng iras lbe.1i atedneo! nearly 000 young BaptistE Onie of the mont important tlumgi -fou n-heelmen framt eew Toi-k aîd Philadel- aeverybody to Icaru ile t conmtipstiem, pia, nho rode from those citiemi to Balti- ranses more tItan haift tiic uickatess lu the more on their wheels. Nearly 1,500 rldesecill o urnîu;end itcaf 9U mor heelmen came fi-nm Virginia, ho reencd <;~Lthe booli,treest i-u West Virginia, aud points lui Maryland. ct.. 01.oi-. 1 Ihl,îo4an25 4 . LIBERALS WIPED OUT. ~ ~ yE Oaslned Cruahlng Itefente lu Recentl LIWuI ,98 YE A British Alections. I. Pwmlrcdsud srftd t h close of tLe polis thronghout1 îrarrreo.Great Brltain Wednesday the returus Te etreos.l ud psreU L.venade. shoiveil that 408 members, ont of a lotîl, 0tlu îh-rLys t lina sa fns .id'S s-edina u .wtt, of 65, led been electeti. The resuits no rô,sbl,'1ia. i, mi¶'Lt. an &L. far are'deelsire, anîd &Il that shahl oct-ni *7 arWi ý.wlwk4, ed n'rd >50 lu Aà, a. Mt is ei-after mil merely enlarge the propor- C ~,.g ituthae5itions o! the liberal defeat. O! the nieni- mOe luka, JoW5. elih; ised.ltieu bers already cliosn2ü6 ae brtories andl Ueb Ags..i'ilis, la. O f tis nuxaber b ut 70 ar-e regular lîberuas m us1. mpsea, Wsshhsgulma. t)f the Gladstone ichool. This la ual s me ta eLu4iamo . 20o 5 ebr . eL le Ui~ Wasuî isssopamads.tierd i-voluIIion.The lîberal party la N.o. Be-es wbped out. It la net poasible Ihst out o! t mtpat ill sectr'e eueugh ta makin a I i lut tbouq ditlnclly go classe& This l4 aIl liai la leto! tLe splendid. sgLtresulve, jubllatlng. disciplined and formidable Loat o! votera that tolewed the grand oid man tbme and agaîn te vIciai-y. ltdsap- peaird iheu Le abaudoueti Its leadership. go tai- asIhmis countryy in concei-ned, nans, o! ts interesta %vil. lie ahlectcd by t-he tri- umph or detelît ot cither pui-ty bu Gi-est lIrituin. 1'lrish-Americaunsympaîhizers %,t-ith the cause ot home i-uIc miii regret Ils probable permanient defeat But there las ne greund to suplpose lmaI auj' differeut future a-old htave beeu beffore 1i-elsnd bîad îLe liberul pai-ty wnu. Home i-nIe Lad been vii-tiinlly but-led us a party Issue. The teir oemtiohu ah issue beta-cen the Ummtpd States and Great Brihalun nIll not cause 5<rions eonti-cveruy sud milIL e peacefully settîcd. There Iu uo thi-caten- iug question te caîue auxieiy-nothlug that wIll net Le asdltet Ly quniet diplo- mnaty. DIE BEFORE TAKING OFFICE. live Messieurs ofthlIe Fifty-fourtb Ceagrilg Claimned by the Reaper. Tite FIfty-ottl Cougretssla but a few days more than four mouthe old, aud only seven m,,nths have elapseti mince the election o!fis members, sud yet there tiare been neven casualtbes lu the rauka o! the Honse of Itk-premeutaires chosen lant November, fi-e by denth aud twa by resîguation. '1hoqe n-ho bsve dled In- clude. besldes *Represeutatire Frederlck Remana, mhose tuneral occuri'ed Wed- needay lu thbe Elgbth Illinois Distr-ict, tLs follawlug: Mlyron B. Wright (Rep.> et the Fl!- tcenth Pennylvania D1istrit, Nov. 13, 1894; James Il. Coddiug, elected tu fiII the racancy. Pllp 8. P'ost (Rep.) o! the Teutb 1111- nie District, Jan. 6. 1,K).5; place mIl L e filleti by George W. Pibute. Audrew J. Campbell (Rep.) of lhe Teutlî Nen-Yoi-k District, Dec. 0, 1894. William Cogwelli î[lep.), 8ixhl. Masse- chusetia, May 22. Mi-. Campbell mas eleched lun(Jeu. Duan Biekles' old districtibueYen oi-k, sudIe sueessor in likely to e a sDemocrat. In tLe other tivo cases Ihere bune change s-xpected bu the polih-al biais cf the nen- reîîreseutativeu. PAN-AMERICAN CONURESS. Notabie ReIirions oitherinit lu Tee rnntc-45h.ecls oft he Mheeting. Ite'igicu and ediis-uion. the supreme forci-s etfmmral and O iicetial progresi, mere the tiscînes di8cussed betere th. l','n-Ainer.ami Congru-s o! Rl-igion sud -nu-nttî, lich iîsm-niltled aut'Toronto. This cougres îtîy lie considered aasthem ls-gitimnte truilage efthlie great partis- rnitcf rcligi,,us (f 1S1i3, mbich set bn moiton aîîd gare po%%-cinI ithupetus ta thoue forces w-licb inake for unity smcug tîîe people of the earîh. The objet-to! the I'su-An'eri-nn cotîgres lato brnug ail n-lit are iuttereslcd le the îprend o! the trop~ gospel in a closer association, one n-ih anoîher, sud imb sympathetie rein- hbonship lu ail the great edncational, phiinuthrupbc sud reforumevemeuts of mcs-eru Chriatiunity. The inaugural session o! the congr'em openeti nt tIee l.urticulturai Pavillon lu the preséee ot several lhoîîsaud citisens nnd delegalcu. On the plahforrn, mhlch iras handuonîcly decorated, eat LIeut Gov. Kirkpatrbck. the iev. B. G. Smsith of Sh. Paul. Président ot the congres.; Mayor Kennedy, and nîaîsy other dis- tinguisheti persons. The chair n-aa occu- Detr-oi nom bas 1,386 tai-mers, eaeL ot wbom bas Leen douated one-tiîrd et an acre lun-bit-h to plant potatoeu, beaus, turnips and squash. AUl the plats thi-owu jute one plece n-ould make a fatamof' over 5W0 acres. There are stIll over torty acres te be asslgued sud donations of ]and are belng mnade dally. Ench tai-mer lo gi-en mn-o and s bal! bushels of seed potatoffl and I-o quarts of banus te plant, n-bIt-b iii coi-ci about tn-e-tlilrds of the lots. Later tbey will be pi-ovlded wilth tur- nlp and squash scods. At the eud of the spason each lotlolder wili I tie- quIreu to report the amount of bis crop, go ih nîtîy be sscerttined iac(urately the pi-fit of the scbeme. Holders of lots a-Ilbe iequlred 10 taire ui-ns wat-bIlng the patelles o! ground lu n-bithiîr lots ai-e locahed to keep an-ny celtle aud prevent destruction of the croî.s lu auj' may. le WiII lot Brown flimseIl. (Firn Lthe rop, NYY.. Timues.) R. W. Edîrards, o! Lsnsingbui-gb, nas prostratid by siunetroke dui-iug tIe n-ar sud itl as etailed on hlm peeuliar an.t serions cousequences. At present writîlîit Mi-. E. in s prousîneut officer of Pont Lyoîî, G. A. R.. CoLo.,. and s pait aid de camp on the staff o! the commander-iuà-chief 's! Albany Couuty. In the interview- vtt a re rt i-e . aid: lMwnunded sud sent te the Loplita! et Win lchester. TLey sent me, hogetlîc!r with others. te Wsshlngton-a ride of about 100 miles. H v*gno irn Anthe box cars me mer. plasedfaee up onu the bottemnt !f at cars. The Bia beat dibm upon oui-îuprotected hbads. %heu i reiched Washiîngton I mas insensible and mas unâcouselous for ton, day. n-bile ia the boaipital. Au ascons gathered ibu uxca sud breke; itl las heen gathering anîl breakiug 0,cr since. -The. r*sut of this 100 mile ride sud sunstreke irss heart dlsease, nervous prootration. igsouxula aud rheunmatiam; s ccmpletely ahattered systen i ri gave me no iest nIgLI or day. As a lait resort 1 look snoe Pink Pillsansd thcy helped me te a irouderful degrce. My rheumatism lu gor.., ut Les-t failure, dyspepsia sud constipation are ahoot gone sud the abscons bunuiy par Lanstopped distchafgbug sud my bend fricl as clear su a bell, n-heu before h t eit as though it would Lui-st aud m>' once abat- tei-ed nerycus systoe inl noir neai-ly sotiiîd. Lonk lit tîose fungers," Mi-. EFOu-si -iiad. "do ihey look as if there a-as aîîy rheum- shunt there?'"He moveti is f igers ri- ldly eud f reely sud sti-ode about tLe i-ceux like a young boy. "A yenr lige tîose finî- gers acre gnarled ai the joinîts anîd gos îl that 1 coutid net lîold a peu. NMy kiîeez wonld sv. t-l îp sud 1 eould net sti-igtti mvele oUi. My joints n-onId squenk Wh n moyed fthon,. That ls the living truth. -Whieu 1 cain e 10hiuk thut 1 iras going te b. c6rxiled wm-brheumnatignm. toi-thei- witAi the iest of my alIments, 1Itl-l yeni litc aeemed net n-ortb living. I s.îbtercdl frointdespondencer 1 cananotbegiîî te k-l r'on." s&nid Mi. I'duards. au lie <I-eu- n log rcath. "mIti ut-feelinîg bahtpi-es- coni. 1 ihink if yoîî liited t-il years riglit off may ite sud Iett me primile aud vgoi-- 009 at 47 I celtîo licter. I n-aan nid man mnd could oîîl> draig smislvf pain- txlly about the bouse. N'ow 1 i-au 'îIk off without suy trouble. Vrint iii lsl. rotîuned Mr-. Edwardu. "urould be outl- cieut te gire nme cause for i-joicillg. lbut v-heu yen corne te cousider iA,ît h aie un lonîger n-bat yen nmigh t-al ilcirosteunid that my heurt is appîtrentiy uearly heaitby sud Ihat I eau sloopi nights ye nuy roi- ize n-hy 1 mnny sppî, e - peak in extratv- agnant piaise o! l'iîk Pi'la. The-se pil .1iect mliev cive. take îLot atî,l pi-eu- sure -rtm my bonad andIut te saine tite turich miy blood. There ffleii4I ta lie nu Ï -rulIation ln nty Ion-e, Ilba a vert-ii go. mii'iv Ivi-s being cold sud clanmiv atlin-es. tho de circulation thei-e is onfultxl and.I t imisk as ah aîîv other liai-t o! rv bl>. i oue-d toelie se iizsr.hêlban sd dlxx> fntît ix., ne ivous disoirdùr that 1 fieqniîtly tell %N 1i- cresiig the hSof,- t îîybliuge. in î.iîgbonting. n i1never fûi-t .tler in ni)' litüe ad 1 arn lo-uking foi-mai-il o a busy ,eosou of n-cik.' Mai.Plan. IMiggs-WiII iou not sufer fric the heat beore lu the drty ail suilnAirl Dlggs-Ob-). Octr, no; 1 iariled onie cf Bosto's "foui-li 1dcd wIn-ar an ocictont il uAtgîist whlen I uni ut home. -New. York Woi-ld. "'~' <"' Does Hie CIseso or Sminke? f ts i le outiya queatitio outlitrue-iea -1 ..sitUe right eyes grow dlii. .iuiy stei,'.1oe ilrix ne"..und lAie vi 5r sii.,l%îitslity so etcu3orele 11E CONVENTION TE 1-T. "IliO tittTYA,-v ;t i- ttxkeloi Lite A w .andst-O rn,.lion No- , F-AI, c ii,- pied by W. B. MMluirch. Q. C., efthîe eut phlybicat ur iii,ait,-t.,irmk. citres tAie te- Joint Local Ceuinitie. Altlropriiute ad- buru abit. l.i-ltg arkei-iilgoroixeN ltsttiy dresesof el-oi'è vee dlivrüdbythetha mli i mue you itAAitii.Ne o Bo-ac drse !net-co -ieillric yi . Id anîd gîtreul.eiltaîi. ii v ts riggi.ts Li-îtîunt(trrner. Mayor IKennedy, ereryiiere. iBook fi-e .Adl. iîriiiAlni- andte îL ev. Dr. Thîieus, afier wh i' tL edy t-j., New Yoi-k City or (hblcî-tii. Preuident o!fbthe -iigrci-5 ail seieral A FîniotîcO lieuse. ether nohed delegatea ruade soihable - l 'lie fi-ist thxîn. itan doi'-. îtsuiîabbv, files. afi.'i- Iiyng a finisicdiî ouse s 10 go 'rhe Rer. Dr'. Samuxel G. Smith, Presi-an dent of bbc ceugress. returning thauka for a1t-lAi-e a cax-lsctter.-Soliiiv iIle Joui- the genercua melcomne teudered tbem, Irne- tsi-ied lu gi-ueful eruis ote L aylin irbieL tbe British sud Amerbean lnge 1Ilorda's Phosphtîae Outsputh.E- mere intertmineti lu the decorationu, sud 'The phlosph!ate îIèI3xes of lorhîla Mitix- amld applause expi-cuseal bi@ hope thiat not ber 10*3. und tht-y yheld m-ort' tin 500,- until the crack cf docus îvomld lie tire Le 000 tous o!flphopliate aîuitimly. i-cul asunder. The Rer. Fat ber Rysu o! Toronto delbvered s short and able speech. As-i-uit lxyahî-ans lai t îîi-' np, I ArcLbishop Walsh Lad commissioned hlm wiris aived i l'iso*s (tire. tlrl.ii~ to express isirelcoune amnd tender tL. Wilbhiinspb.lPla., Nov. '22, îS9:t. bcspillîy o! St. lMit-aeIs palace t heL ayx î.m rîinmltk ht delegales. MryI allanwlcsso Mrs. Charles Henrotin, o! Chicago. Icaîter %voîsid î,-cr golde'n sîwtrs If I'resideut o! tLe I"ederatiou of Women'm kniutlhbotl weiet tUs mciiard cf norili Clubs e! Amerjua, lienu ddresard IL. meeting. Rabbi lzlas spokie on behal! o! the Jen-bub delegates. The Rer. Dr. A o d p et e Il.W. ennttAkrn. hio spliebrif. Inf!icàlted a litaIlxi eut- lîseît if b c ai o Ir. Mns. Iydia von ibkeluteis-Mounît- 1dm uand thie lach- uf iltosimii t t.ýtom- tord, a native of Jerusalen,, closedt h. seaking. At theecvcin.- session C- 0. cli ttfl5Idigeît i-e or,,tui ai- weak anîd Bouuey n-au te frtspeaker. hls t opi dbilaed. lie t'..s n-an- eing "The Yew- Movemeut for tLe Unit7 derful powmer hote, in nI strcîxgthii tiiho and lPest-e of the lorld." cigaus and to icae tiî B:, do- ___________________- ng Ibis il rî'sbeirs t.e hi dy lt- aiti anîd iSevr of Mbnor NoIe. prei cuis s of dise use. Bai-on Scheuck n-aus necideut.illy killed u j s ah a race meeting at Darmstadt. HooOueS arsaparilin Frank Kahatcbnlk, the Clevelandlire.- la tAie oalby tru lbond put i-i er ninent y buîg, n-au given nineteen ye-ais lunlprsou. before bie bu.I e t-rt-to-day. Fire deslroyed business nud residence n preperly ah Oumego, N. T., rnlued et Ho00d 's P i1s %È. $1w0.000.AIC OR 'U(<l Comgreuuuan "Tomn" tied lu rldlug a S VOP bicyc tle ut Washinugton, but has nol sp. pt-art-il lu publlc. 4,4P RIAL R. N. Taylor, an Ohio ex-Congresm bas desre is Imu -ic îand lIed te i Saudwit-li Islands. m Tire negro urcllght tri'mmers mer. aST I1 killed Ly comi«X lI cnt-ct îrltb slire nire at Austa, Ga. - * THIlE B ES T * A top' Lalloon cansed the destruction otf f <b the Sauta »lta copper and rou milI eta< Silver Ct, N. M. The les. n-ua$100,-FOR Larache. Mnny of the current cures for eni-- ache advise the dropplug of i-ai-bus substances lut the Par. One of the best speclalîsts 0f the day pronounices tbîs "usually an unadisable proced- ure' and Inluthe place of sncb remied'es, prefers the application of warmth to the reglon of tbe Par, eltiier by dry beat lu the fori o f heated flannel, Cotton wool, baesof hops, bran or meal, or by clothu wrung out of bot water, steani, or poultices of finxseed or roasted cu- tons. Cotton sbculd net habltually be irorn wedged luto the ear, for the reason that the air passage la thus closed. causlng the secretiona of lte ear to flowr more slosvly or very littie, and thus causlng nu tnnatural and disagreeable and perhaps InjurIeus dryness. As, Loir- ever, mauy cases of acute aurai troulte bai-e resulted from batb!ug. aud espe- clally from dlvlug and plunglng lu sait water. It l9 a n-lue precaution to plug tbePaeruwltb cotton St such tîmes. Old Hlead@ sud Young Heurte Ton nometiuîes se.e onjolued la elderly lu- d1i dualu. lbut sildom behold sn old tutu or womau au exemnpt troulnfirmlles su lu youtb. But tAes. lufllmitenatay b. miti- gated ln ai-ext uîehure by thie datiy and rezu- i- uie or Houletsi ciStAiln.oh Bitters, an lu- vlgor4ut. snA-rheunîsttc snd îuutanulg luedielue of tie- bighest erder.. ibicAà iâb removes dyupepsla. constpation. bllousuesa sud kldney trouble. lit la udapled tlu thie use e! thie inost delleste aud feeble. Forty-leght VTne ariPostmuanter. John Dutesmaii. nho dled at W'est Milton, Pa., lnst uîeek, at the age of 85 yenrs, n-as postalaster of thut ton-n foi- fifty-elght consecutlve yearq, tand n-ns bellei-ed to bave held office longer, and fi-cm an enrler perlod, than auY other postmaster. lie n-as uppolnted by l'res- Ideut Audriew Jackson ln 1535, and i-e- tix-ed in 189. Wisconsiln Ik'mrt,. Excursion tickets are îîui on sale l'y the Cihicago, Milwraukee anîd St. l'uni1 Iitailiray te Burlington,. EII:born. Dela- van. M ilwaukee, l'enue,, lia rilan. Naeshotail, Oconomoroc. hîliîourn. Spur- ta, Si. IPaul. Mliinnlsioliq. L.uke ii'îîe- tonka, Toma:hawtk, NMiuoctîî. lIuta it Lake, Ouionugon, aud &Il reoris of Xis- cusin. Minnesota, tbe Nlichigan l'Pi-- suls aud the Northivent. SPe-irî1l lew rates miade on Friday, Sattunl'Y andl Sun- dey of eut-h week tu Wîacnîusin Iorets. F"or rates, time tables, sud fui-ter inter ination npiiy ah ticket office,.195 AXînîs(v btreet, or Union l'assengi-r Statin,î Ca- ri, Adanîs saîd Madison striv.ts. What Bbc if d. *11 hear, Miss Impecune. thut you bav-e the bicycle ciae!' "TYee. That lu. Ilhav-e the craze. but J'ui soi-iy to say that 1 bayent the blcycle."-Harper's Bazay. HIla iCtarrh Cure. 155 conxttinaleci-re. l'rlce 7beent!L. Nothlug Is su atroclotis as tancy i',lth- out tasle.-Goetîte. Old Rip) Van Wiukle wnet up ute îLe Catskill niountainstutakre a uitile t-up of hwnny years or so, sudwa-hi- e i. ki md, Le found Ibat tis eli-amr %ra!-, iir,' the moiitlly matgazintes liad fougi-At it cri-r.',tise second hune sud -b-lter xxup" ail the offieers tiai Lsd participaird in il. Titis it-chi hhistory. andi i.sit sukir,- tori(al/dci tai, t took te saieneruglit cf tiume. for Dr. Pieirce'a Godent Medical Dis- t t-, ' - -------t eebat.a means a inedieige liat str,»ttg stoinach, or to be brief, It meinu~ Tubules. If jon aret rou1edwi e7W sitomacli and caiiot 1iget yoqw eê Rtipant Tabules. . givei$. "Begone, Dull Care," la overUOOyq#m old. The melody was formerly kwc as "The Queen'u Jlg." 2' JehL50 oth ad ojoy.euI 211 leu expeudiunre, m13mm th~I e world's beut péuh thyUIcOf belng, wMli ati the value ta cf et the Pute li4uM laxativei principles embrodla tie rerney SyupofFigi. It ;elene ndue la Ils pseln lu the ferm mont acceptable sdpu. sut to the teste, th. erehingsandvtbly beueficial propertles o! s perfec Jus ai-e; effectialiy cleausing the. .7.1.. disjseling coldam, headacîtes sud foes. an pei-mauenîly curiug couatpatlofl It lias rveu satisfactlou ta milUwmod. met witb th. approval o! th. medWga profession. because it acta on lthe Nid ueys, Liver sud Bowels irithaut mmii. cuing Ihem and it in perfectly fre hum evci-y objectlouable substace fyuo Figuîla for mie by ail ding- gist in WCanSîolebtIla ufaettired by the Cali!orzta ig %Dyuu 00e. auiy, Whos u ame plutadon package, sMm the. nae5 yrup c à"being mcl laarml 1M *VCATIONTOU"R To COLORADO YELLOWSTONE PARK FiRqST TOrUR Leasing Chies. Wudmu une U26 SECOND TOUR, L«esInChia=seWdneudY. AmUE. 7 TfrHIRD TOUR F«,% BAq .." *~ -u la LeasIng Ohoaso Wadiuesdy, Au«. 14 tP- -Aroad Sth. Lmi-;o M usi ur, idébte Th. -oet itesifor the. ee,. b.sI»edss rdireS TESERVICE IN LL .RUPECIU WILL M FuMI- TCLuO ON EVEMA' PARTIOJLI*' Os.melt jour susim. t tlkut aest intaroc"s4Io tte prti.. eor.sî,d for a deeripli,. esahisilM 1.,L. SMOT, *Is.5r s5i isSuor ht is tbhe Most effective, Uir htL;ud5r!lhauu t.nig Reiedy of AIe pig . t î n ha.MAItise blond sud m in mî.uýâner of pimtples, ~ s s sa u bloiciies, cruî.,tioxxs. and cilmer s ki% and scalp siess ccucx acrssd seh - . - .U- ' 30-»l ac. sui.dî-d ai lxîtexia. thxe -- Geixen N wrIUng toAdvoetm Wpiuîii5de Dotf5I1 Medical Discoivcry" niauxfests tAie mutt ie ntloa th'.a paper. Adrerlisosu a" PuLst ttîiiurtive- propertxes. okjmuw whistmedsuteî,atIsasboi "Say Aye 'No'and Ye'll Ne'er Be Mar- ried." Don't Refuse Ail Our Advice to Use SAPOLIO ewol.Sta Claus must have run out Soap whenl he left youI." Even the chlidren recognize Santa Catis Soap as one of the good tlîings of life i.d why- net ? It k"ep their homie cean and makes their' mother happy. Try it in your home. Sold cvi rywhere. Made only by Hrigiesiof anIl avening Poe-Latest U .( W immeA» VV ABSOLUTELY PUSRE

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