CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Jul 1895, p. 8

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r~~ OlearBig l! Reserve, Our Entire Line of. 'oe nhuBoy Es ' UT i ilt ad me- In Cheviot fL1 3~~Both two Gar- and urfi M~I ~ment and Coin- 11* Kodel O1otin lose Wc art Iieadquarters for Bicycle Clothiûig. k ., Ilnois. ~ Th "LIERTY."1 la the Iiighest Grade of Minnesota Patent Flour. -I " h lioQI00~O&G. 11OeS JUSt ReCeived. r Couibined JAVA COFFEE Beats Thlem Ail. -85 centSýzvpound or 3 lbs. for $1.00. Len you want a- Deliojous' Smoke corne to -Store for a first class (igar. myl The finestÇoftoer kept INeat and Cleun. 0obt. F. pouse. MB? MATS oîSY GROCERIES, Ro4kefeller. - Illinois, ST4WWIECONE.u. BELOW COST, but, I have SOME- ;NO NEW for this week. tg Porders, 11h cane in Âpricptos; pÈr lb., uni Rajoina, pet lb., )ALayera Baishis, perlb UnimuPrunes per lb. sa'4Boep, per bar KNbil &Libby, bv- le. per can .15 Bartlett's canued Pears per can .12 .09 Canned Peaches, per cau .121 .04 Canned Tomatoea, per can .07 .05 Canned Corn, per can .06 .04 Canned Pumphin, per cau .05 .03 Our conibination Java and Mocha Coffee can't be beat .15 be beat at per lb .30 will give FREE to the customer who týhe most~ Ibs of TEA through the month limust, a- yery handsome LAMP, which Sbe' bopght for Iesg than $2.00 else SRemeknber I have the very choicest .ýof .TE* at 35, 45 and -50cts, per lb. 14 A. ~.BFIGGSe ItockfeIru m I llinois. URNITLj,..RE. FURNITURE, Irge- assortmet of Chamber Suits, Din- «,CÜairsÇ onibinatiQn- Bok Cases, Ladies Îëkt, Sewivug ýPatforms Floor Rockers. IloU N DFà1:'RTAKIN G I160@ALWAyS ON llANO Hanging ~ Stand Lampe. I ?o DOt aulow,~~aj 0f my good~ tos.~ --. . - *1 R.C. PADDOCK, mî &wnkvo, FRIAY. JULY 26,1[896. Dr. Rt. P. EWING, auNelvAftll, DISEASES 0F THE ÎYE. Special attention gis eu to the correct fitttsîg of glami4e5s. Untis 10 a. M.-1 Sp2> ".- . en ater6 ROCKEFELLER. Look for A. M. Brigg8# new ad l nn this paper.1e Ilerman Knligge uand wife, of Chîca- W), spent Sunday witit llis parents. J. W. Miller andl wfe, of Li!harty- ville, vlited mi; Win. Bergliaorî'j last Mosday.e Mrs. E. G. Payne entertainpul lier0 iiiel3e,hbaaGrace Smitll, a tee Léi .V lust week., A utamber o! [hoyoung pp.oile (r iii hereautteuded the Lake Bluff c.. iup meeting, lest Suaday. 1ev. Cookman moves into the par- sonage [bis week. J. N. Barrus wil occupy thea house vacateil by Mr-. Cook- man. Try e disti of that deliclous lome. mae ice cream manufactured antd sold. by A. M. Briggs. You nerer tasted better. Your shoulil see tIhe large new linso of Tufted CouChas, juat received at the Furuitiare Store. These Couches have spriaigedgo al rouna. extra largoese,J 80x78 inachu,aud onhy $9.00. The IIairfiold Germain initor preaecied et titis place lutt Sundaiy ai- tersioon. Tlîey wiIl continue their meetings. wlicl will be held every otlier Suindiuy, cnd have au fur, Ijeen largeiy atteuideil. White trimnîing belge lest Wednoa- day, Dean Aynsley, ot Dlutnond Laike, was dangeroiasly wounded. filiakeire slipped, cutting bi try badly acroea the baick o! the wriat. Ho waa takema iimoediately [o Dr. Ewiuag, wbo care- fallv dreased the wouuua. It will te soie tme hefore ho caui resume lis duntie. Lait Stuaday niglit the dogs got lii aniung tue slueep beiouaguug te Ijsrry and Robert Bouse, killluîg and wound- ing a groat îsuy. Thomasa Cooper, A. L. Burdick uind Justce E. G. Paiyne wore called to examine thse louse&, Eight slaeep were killed and others bave not yet been fotand. The lasses have tDot jet beeta estliated. IVANHOE. A. E. Smith speht Sanday ut home. Orville Smith has goue ho Autiocb [o vîsit frienîs. Chas. Be4kwith buis started lhie tbreshing niuucliae. Wlde awake marchante say [bal Advertiaing pay s. Mrs. Jones-Ilerrenshaaw, of Chicago, vieited at Geo. Brainerd's lat week. The Womau's Missionary Meeting wili te lieli at Mrs. Deaia's Saturdey aftei-uooaa. Rey. W. L. Dibble's vacation Le- gluis ater next Sunday, but the pulpit wilih hosuppiel. Miss Kitty Coudrey is speuding a week witla lier sister, Mru. Walter Blrow,ia Waiukegau. Mrs. A. A. Payne lase beau apetail ing some days witli frieradsaet tus Des Pleines camup Meetings. The C. E. uccupied the Sunday even- ing service witlî a special tenaperenco service, wlicli wes very fine. 1ev. Adamis vîsitel old frieaids hie0 lait week. He was pustor of tts churcla, over fortj jears ago. Ernest Farîasworth and wile, whoC have heen spending sone tue snt the home of lis grand parents, Aatlaoîy Pttitan, have returaaed tu their home at Muont rise. Walter Shunian visiteil bis brotherà aud other friends here over Sunday. E. J. Sabin ao &peuat Sundaiy ber.. Their niany frienîs were very glad [o greet [hem botb. The hum of the threehuuag machines la now heard. Mr. aud Mm. Johan Buion visited their sister, Ni-s. Arigut Wirtb, over Suaaday. Mr. cud Mm. Richard Proctor, o! Laie Foraest, ëpett Sunduiy wltls lier Pariiea. Mi-. andîlMns. Chas. Bevkwith aie hiappy over the arrivai o! a fine baby boy, 1wiiiniJulj 18. The liarvestlng of grain commenced lait week etul probsbly cilt(the tsaell grain will tue eut tlis week. Misa Ida Bryant lias orgarnized sa s n ii g clains, fît- begintierq. whuc'u wctt Weihuesdiay and Friday after-* nrwins. Ivaahoe (Vamap, No. 1258. M. W. A».. wi 1 g je -G(rand laIirvest Pieffleu t Di- .-uta' L tre ai-k, Aiturait l5th, 9. Gi at puiî$)i-tiouiliare heuaug limade' tc fiase tuis the -gruarndet phcuic 'the Wîaobdiaei of Laike u'nty bave evt'r h 'Id. For finitlior particulara tee neit week's piper. At noirnt tu omaîo i~ wr tour cifldr« evi zMtw. and .uine .' moe e we tke loIto flac ehuai*fWomm and Ohildren àaoo*Oatty. Harvest Piculo. Hurrah for the grand arveet Pic- nie et Clyhourne Park uiay Aug. 4. '96. Music by thee falo Grove Y. M. P. Bad. D n0 Afier Doon and Eveliig. hesw metcOb game of 1I 1e Everetta aud A ugt fleig for a pueso! )1.0 , at 1h ocuc. sarp. andaauj %hie Lali cornnt iaplay thowinang e, by arrange nint e te ik. By odder of the coumnittee. E. H. M AsoN, 0 FRAK HaaN,1 angers. APTAKISIC. Mrs. Spiler vjsited relatives at Lui naont, this week.1 Miss Noue Wof gtres ta the City for eye treatmeîut. Cau't aive edvice to any mne, aow, It got ail soaked oui. Johln Sturni undl faumlv have returu ed to the city, citer visititàg varioui relatives here. The hall storm of the IStIa, imt, did great damaige hu oatsanadIcorliandau gauideia truck. lere. The 'Misses Vulz, guf Cinacinnuati, were guests et Jaka VoiUs, lest week Tlaey tiook theur iiîerest on theur mort. guge aliing becl horne as feir as Chai- cago, but droppeil lier there as tiselesq. Tue Aphekisics again playe /thse Lonig Grovas, et bas. bell, anuI came out aend in spite of takuîîg the po- sitions dictated by their oppouiauts. 30 tii 18 hallies lia favor of the Apte- k islc s. WHEELING. Taike li thae picutc. Sunday,.*ig. 4. Miss Beriie Misn lias rsturned troniWaukegaua. Mr.asdud lra. Apoli sa d dugliter are guefts ut thse Chaicago House. - swhat ypu~ Everybody who ever deait witb tW wilftt you that. Our gode I the Best and Latest. Out prices o' the LoMwest. 80 ON DRY QýOODSIig as on Glothing or Shoes. The very Latest and, Larigest assortment 6f' Neck Wear anci Straw Hats. "OUR DÂZLIV Over Shirt has, no equai. will speak for them selves. JOFFEY & JOFFRIE, Prices'. LIBERTYVILLE, IL.LINOIS. Mr. and lirq. T. H1. Zerwer maide a trip to Milwauakee Moîîduiy, by but rrom Chicaigo. Dennis Bradley, of Chicaugo, lqi lere, spendingagu weii eurned vaicationa. the, gueat of Thomas Redmond and famlly. Dotnt faul to go tu the Lîbertyville matiuaee, Saturiiey, anud c<împete féir erizes tiaet are tu lie ewarded the wln- 1,eîs of etljletic contesta. iieip thie Fair alogig. C. W. Pettîs, o! Deerfleld, lias juat oompleted aiwell for liermance Wbeel- or, anad, as ln ail cases, &truck a fiue sprlaag of waiter. Pettis lias had vry g"o succesa makiiig iveils, arouna titis part of the counatry. Las ,t Suîîday's bail gains was a corkler. -The inîvinîcible 'I'tip" sluowed wlîat lie cau ddo wliai e attto. The Gleaacioes came over liera to play the boys, and if the aditor will kuîîdly give mie @puice, I shall try and tell the ",crauîls" iîow the play weuît. The let two luiings were the Gleibcloges, eutirely. %liy, they maide eleveta runis driring tlat tineeaid the bomne teeni hai but tiuree. The spectators, es- pecially the tfar unes, were unusuaily calai, Oece in awlaile giving vent ila aigu, or -oh, pslîâw,e" wheaa une of tlie boys would muff, or make soune other error. Everybody said, the boys ara gone thtis tume. But watt. jugt liera oId -,Bttcb" woke up, bis at-m began to assume Ita nid tîrne swinîg, hi. west foot Patted the gromiad, lie caiay meaisured the distance froni home tou pitchers plate and ,ho didn't do s [bitig." No, ha didn't have to do a [bing, except pitclî the hall over the piate and waitch the lîeavy baitters, "that bail beau," fan the air and ait down. snd lie dido)t loq hlis nervis. Thon the. home boys began to maike rus aud phlil tiion up au fauet ihat [he gaimo aImost lost it. lntorestiug qualties. The Glanes »nover got;ta run front the second tiing until the nintlî, and then only when Redmond ua)ado a niait unnoeuarv error. evident- ly payiug more attaention [o a bard- working cigar tie luail, than the garnie Tupper struck ont eloven men. J. Yure did soute good work with the stIck.' Battery for Everetta, Moi-an and Tupper; (ilencloos, Mainly and Hesaler. Score, 23-18. Great London Circue Wil ositively- Appear on the Lake County FAIR Grounds, Monday July 29, '5 Afternoou and Evemng. Admission-1 98 been RedUCed to 125 cents. .Doors Open at 1 & 7; Pertomance Begins 1 hour later. If you can afford ta see but one show this season, this is the one. Don't miss it. This Show ul algo exhibit at otys L k, Tues4al, hMY 3th, 1 M. R. D. C00K» GILMER, ILL. 19 ACENT FOR Deering Self Binders, Deering Mowers, Deering Hay Rakes. BINDING TWINE 0F ALL QUA ITIES. WiII cail and exhibit to prgîspective buyers. A COMPLETE STOCK Mis" Laura Perlolat, of Chicago, spout a Week visitiuug tu-liens br. Mrs. F. S. ui-cuaad Misa Arnna L S F Tolley, of Everet, were pleit§asut cali- G A N E D ,N I L S F J. A. Schmainke -liai purchaaed a now whieeh. John, get a pail ot kuick- erbockes an beIn theswim. Limne. Drain Tule, Farm- Wagons. Buggîes* Thse Wheellnigs defeted tiae Lili. ertyvilles, Sundey. Whun thie Lib- Agricultural Implements.- Etc.. ertyville baoys weat to plcy u boy's, X aeanwSoko h tîuev will have tu get up earlier ia the! ' aeanwSoko h There wili ha a granadlarvestPc ý1 o s W b~ * a oi aie ai Clyboniuaîe Park, Sîîtalay, Aug. 4tia. Ail inIs o! açporta, Dancinag and_____ ganséof haill. betweeua Everethsad î.- Arid the Bloomtn-ton - Arlugtnleulaa. __ . Harber Bros. Buggies *ý Carrnages.,' Wedding Carde. VorW.IdngtatoneryofthebflnSv 'ail and Seà Them..aa. ï Maly and workmansbip eI-waya coma ___ ceteImmom 00106,Ofic. ohailelgeoompauamn uatauuy - ,W IESu nOflS HOWRIS

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