CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Aug 1895, p. 2

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îwéêîa lm FAVOI1 1100 six compoe âth L<we 8Wock Cota- - W4u.uai'S &US buLt one. taple. f iunpcion of a. la the West and tak wih a iew te o aind tecure more it vitli the departnient. rpriew t'y Dr. A. C. 'n theo exjeriment &ta- wjàa: "The Iow pk4cee thée let year or two, bc doWght d otber dnuo the 710d. bave et et thea ggjopifor the peote the nee"*ty of Mh4 1tWeItead of oÎvvl u the great Swbeat - -Ii.astations CexperiImutu vith va- 1bave mown what mau It diferent IocaUuien. Neut and Northwest Ir- ar ttracting increas- 4jfur.pafnd the Gov-' i,tMkidg'ezteuded jr- ~? o re maax q"__ wemeltc4f irritation on pÇ thatt rAaan to b. s ueéureas mucb ýM ,4 rve., mons e 9MUSreqani metiws là very likely b i e etaton.", ~ftt-Wiaba*ngton Tokei tu thse Troublre. dot that ht beeu goini =ê It làChlnatown, Sat te-e unaîidtb Metâe uliudated ln th e OI Coupaute., the mon 'Obuverinsttuted bh 4eRcountr. Ailtbe el li 'oea Li Yang Yev mut Chinamen te, brini Mt of the dfféeces haq >M& atd the Chine,. Min Coëôn bas ainuniem hh hW to San Franciseo an( m au à peacemaker. Thi e Be Yups front the Si. ve the0 latter wvith thi te orgationi and a de '1be boyott started by th égry ritmi the Sam Yui *Ïf;M esded »on It wi Mmt fvoi* buinesu of1 it OrAM The boycott L Usu raelmc, bat la be wyplace lu the Unit.i 4t$**Bomrd of LlveOtoCe M 'o, ed iollewing rn buieoetioo et the Unil mbege, during the bha pected ............1I . rd..............10y W exam uiton.. ri mq e xamInatioit. 2 za uft for food p t dut du Osceli h i :tý*wa Oouitv, show ýrpoeàgh ugJt*Wl MIaqOti. Thom tbribyexam mUtW wee co r *fflthem. Th lý at Brwn CoUn: 1 U Iea4. t.take Eij bu 41q*u4c- ays, Co I~roiCouaity, la in Po prommiueon Wbihtl 4 éadPtudei W eôro Ais *xamiaton1 oefie 40owed that t M.b could'aot at- Bim1 iu et tbe Pelvis, Hôbui ta tM4Roéoit7 foir mrdt 40bi m&te bring hi Sby **orUm OMM" trtue oi w *iodou -raina me4. m Wt 1ooolu S*Xu osubt la & ravin &» - tw cdildr -ýu uâr.u Wut te eNL Clai liI, de Tme h ir.0Wau tU1iby empt b Y~UU . , wa ait 'lï mmr W"t tire r a*ikoe's oq eoe or deski e l igure as a de te* aldwi. M ïIw1, cS st Aaadarl lor. giver. greae ma làbOiI~ enF ie lt r- e 07 là UwiI Gov4mmnnnt if lie would ai esWle from Honolulu to Ban FPran- tseo, le maious to socur the co-opra- tene ot h %Ited States la the under- t9kilig. To that end a speelsi meeting of the. Ou >ranco Schambere t commerce w»a held to cousider the bet plan of Iay- lut the matter -betore the governmnent. Vie PrMet Craig, of the chiniber of cbmmerc. bats. reoelved private adrkce troua thre Iuimde wblcb gay that Bpalding lu iganted au exclusive franchise for tweut7Y ears, *ta construct a lanid câble uPoft the shores of the Hawailau gronp and a ubuarine telegraph câble or câbles to or troua any point or pointe on the North ÂAmerlcan continent or any fisand or Islands contingent t!àeretoY The tiret câble muat, however. have lis terminus la Sm1 Francisco and it la for the main- tenatce of tht. that the aub.Idy wIli be aid by the Hawmiisn Governmut for twenty years. The agreement la hedged wth fither eonditionh,,among thein one thet the. United States shall join lu the undertaitins by the grant of subtantiel assistance to the. contractor." If this as- istance lb. net gytnted, or if the con- tractor fafis to conply wth the conditions of the agreement, then the Hawaien Qorernment will have the rght of eau- effng the contract sixty days after serv- ing on the banking bouse of Bishop & <Jo. at Honolulu a notice of its Intention. The contracter i required ta Cive bonds to the amount oftfflOOO for faithful fuItôIIment of bis contract. ____ THR BALL PLAYERI. Standine né the Clubs Ilu Iheir Race for the Peunant. Tie following, le the standing of the clubs ithe Nàtio1ia1 Lagua: ýý rer P. W. L. cent. Baltimore . UW 03 80 .AM4 Cleveand . .. 108 68 40 £AM Bouton........ 100 57 43 .5"90 Pfttuborg ...104 59 45 .Uri Brooklyn ...102 57 e, .5« Philadelphie ..«.101 56 45 .5Î4 Cincinnati..100 54 46 .553 Chicàigo... 104 57 47 .ffl New York....102 52 .'0 .510 Si. Louls ...105 82 73 .303 Louisville . 100 24 TU .240> WESTER1N CAGUL The followitig la the standingq clulm ini the Western League: P. W. Lý Inidianapolis ... 08 (65 33 Kansas City.. . .103 62 41 St. Paul.... 90 6 ; 43 Milwaukee . 104 f 52 .12 Minneapolis ....102 50 ) 52 Detroit ....2o-, 45 57 Terre Haute .... 102 41 59 Grand Rapids- .105 86 (0 of the per .565r .441 .421 .34-1 le AUGUST TRADE UOODe Sonewhat Large Shri.kage Due to juir Inflation. I. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of Strade soyas: The voume of business shrank. au ls natural in Âugust, and the n- shriakage @mam ratpe.arger thon annal, becaune tranéactionq flu Juiy were nome- wbat Jnlated for tbat month. Soine In- dustree. dld more thauaever- be4ore la t MAgnat and the ]prospect feoj ai trade je gond la, otbqrai glthbq«Ik.mach depends kon the cropé, aud the outcome le leua dear e- tan speculators on éther aide are dîne ,a posed to admit. Industriel troubles bave t no a irely cosei.,but have becoine r5 A Bandai, Tragedy. r2 A hundred horrilled people saw Âlr M dnhl ms dge Ait ablo 6e Goldentightly hugging hie 2-year-oid by a Glit treet eleetrie car Sunday ate,- niou at Chcago. The. cm were crowded 'wth pleasnre seekers. and many were oeforced to stanjd. Among thene was Gold- 1 %l en who held hie chld In i arma. As the car shot around the curve et Cottage Grove avenue the man won hurled trom ~"the platform. As he feil hc graspeil the 'footboard and vainly trled to lift bist child m to the outatretched bande of a dozen pas- mn engers. go rapidly won he dragged over 'b the rough pavement that neither those Y who werc soon runuing toward kilo ur those on the car were enabled to take the child f roux hlm. A do,.ei timef i h aemed un If both were wider the whecls, but hy a desp.rate effort the father ecd tirne in aved himoelf. At lent the car won @top- ped. and the father and ehIId were <ar- r' ried to the sidewalk. The child won un- ~ hart and omiled et the anxions women ýh who were hugging lt joyously. The balle L"r and mnJured man were taken to their Of home, where Or. McManue !ound that te Golden had noveral ijbn broken and baid be auxtauiied Iternali njuries which k la les thought wîil prove fatal. im Theiy Bet on thae treet. e Mrs William McGuia-e and Jame 1. Brown. brother and siter, were reunaited at Nevada, Mo.. ater a twenty yeara' tearch for ench other. la 1873. wbeni Un- encb won a mère child, the parents <ied tia and thelittie Cnes were taken cre of b>' «' thei r radfathers, onie of whom moyed ne to Wise County, Texron, th other eue te- ýen lgilng in Miasourl. glace then each Mt tomUly ba. mode mai»' change& in ih. Je- ahode and the lister rhanged ber nome. Off 'ne two Orphans, ever sune their firet ep- P16 arotion, egtinuel a fruitlea s enth for ad tach other fand ÊulmIy ouela cuve the other ad op for <frad. By the sheegt Iuck tbey >7 metnt u hetet and a joyous retinion a ie wiU.'. Wowk. .1hé icaishap, tient vice 1rident a.> of the lait of Caliternia.has coutribu- e- ted $M.000 Otçu choole and moetle. iin s- the Hawaflau IsiandU The. ifioney la to *t. ho pied to promote theo Itereets of a nom- on ber of instiutint<s mitalne by the lote fgj 1dru. Blidiop durng ber lifetime. e- -mis. Roczefêu. ae. Mixa Emma lRockefeller, *eldet 01 the tour <hldren of Willam G. Rockfeller, one of the twi> brothes who control the ,l> krrY Or. David H nte<AIl1IIJe.,of NwYork, wou of the ilionafr tobaceo "afacturer. Craoetb>- Religion. en- - -eateIbt olored, wh. becmme ad, tmed by religion et a r.viyai meeting hi Pi" Blue Ean ~d kept op big prayenan e-might t4ot WuMa Indady. maledywt Vm~'uuding ker. ý lie thm bew h oivu LET a~~a.ae4aa*~.a ~ GAME L.AWS. New Fenture of Wether Eureai% Chatu-Few nMumor e0 S<rmins Tiinge Par Cistlutter Ne BHum te kiIk-The Sgpweme OLunch V.acs. Euflns by Attorney General. It bas beeu d.dinteli decided by the krdian Bureau that 1no attention wilI he paid to the gme laws of Wyoming, where tlhey camne into eonfiet witli the L3reatie of the Unted States witb thé Bnnock and Shosbone- Indiana. The Attorney Général, after conaldering the matter, bas Infornied the Secrtary of the Interlor and the Commiaioner of lu- dieu Affaire that the rlghta of the In- diana ta haut on unoeccpied lande ln hie opinion are unqueauionable, and4 that he considéra that the $tâte of Wyoming bas no power to linit or abridge this rtht. No definîte etepe ta enforee ttis deter- mination have beau decided upoa further thaza that the Instructions ta the United State District Attorney ta meure the re- lecae of Indiana now in çastody on writs of habeas corpus probably will bc sup- plemented by an order ta do the sanie thlng ln case any arresti made ln the future. The bureau wUildhcourage bunt- lus by Indiana as fur as posible, and at present no passes ulli be Isued permit- tins the braves to-leave the rmervation. It la probable thât a amail nutuber of~ soldiers will b. kept ln Jakson'@ Hole country durtng the remainder of the hunting sesaon. MAEMON WOULI) ACCEPT. Attorney G..; ê a-i to e ittitukt Under the Patronage Tree. A Wû~igon covespudeat ays: Âttoruey General Harmon ina stttng ou- der the patroliage tree, nxously await- ing for new poitical honora to drop inta hie lap. Hia friande are quiet»' canas,- oins the Préuident'@ clonant friends to as-* certain how Mr. Cleveland would enter- tain a suggestion of Judeon Harmona name for the vacant place on the Su- preme bench. The Preuident him8lf bas~ flot yet been approached upon the suh- ject, but there lelIjttle doubt that he wil! b. asked ta conslder Mr. Harmon's naine. The latter ha disussed hie possible pro- motion quite freely-the past week with severailIawyers wbo called on him. and expressed his willingness to accept the~ transfer fo the bencb. The new attor- ney general hal@ from the @âmne judicial crcuiit with the late Jutre Jackson, wheh factt cntttes the chief basqit for hie hope of the appointaient. His legnaI qualifications are undisputed. THE WEATHER BUREAU. New Method Wh 7ch the Ooverument Proposes to Introduce. Reading& of sensible texnperature or that actually- feit will hereafter forai a feature of weather bureau charte. AI] other temperaturé readings will be subor- dinared to the new practice, which, it in expeeted. will be put into opération with- lu a inonth. It la Officially etlted that this in an entirely new' departure lui weether-oervice matteri. Chief Moore of the weatber bureau aays he la coati- dont that the new pan wiII ineet With public appréciation and resuit ln gpeat beneit to the work of the office.,1Pif ty observera et weatlber stations distribiited tbroughout the country wailI receFve pro- motion&. The changes will bc bniied on examination and record and the length of service of the officiais will bc givcii weight in securing their advanceeut DACTERIA IN MILK. Mlions ot'EuS in the Fluid Bupplied the urbante. A review of the processes of changes ln gilk la mnade ln a bulletin of the agrieul- tural department. t Points out that the amnount of baeterla ln the milk supé1y of elties and towns varies greatly. Tests Bo lar made show that city milk that cou- tain@ flot more than three or four milliou bactérie Per cubie cetimeter xMay bc re- garded as excepioaally good fur IEu- ropean cities, and the probability in tLiat the milik upply delivered li our largqst ities la in general superior tu thut of Europeau cities. The milk of large citj, it la jstated, contains more germe th:rn that of @mail communities. but la prub- ably nîo more harmful. DIF. IN FL.AMEP. Three 1'erieh in a Hotel' Fire Near Toledo. The Air Line Hlotel, et Air UJne Joue- tion. near Toledo, Ohio, lrnriied lte Fri- dey nlght. Nearly l thé g~iestae estI[ed with ouly their bightelothez. Timotb> McCarthy hailed from Hiledale. Re waei taken froni the building soon after the ar- rivai of the depnrtment, badly burneti. and died before maechins the ground. The naines of the two others are flot known. The Ioss will be M2.000. CIaime Part of a Town. Mirs. Medora 31. Little, of Austin, Tkx- as, laya cdaim to a large part of the lent] upon whlcb the cty of Columbus, Ohio. la now bult. Site cIaiméit et s the de~- scendant of W. H. Smth, a continental uolider, to whom il was 'granted. H..r mo<ther @nuid one-half of the orignal graiut to New York people ln 18W0. Bngineev Locber Arreted. The Denver police have been n<otiled of the errent of Elnier Losucher, the m~uinaig engineer of the Gumry -Ratel. at Ânto- alto, in the 9outhwetera part. of the. State. Il la alleged he admits tbit h. and he alono la responsible for the. terrible dia.i .*ater h. whieh twe.ty.-two % li-swe Flia. ë~I1on dO a Ig)ku la Mi waùk.f%ým an md mr* Worth P2 1X. t t',tM=on t=t~ front et the Wat.r ret biwdg a"d be- tom Ilvrai s topped It med burned a swath frais one te tthres bic-a wlde to Sixth etret À etilr bres serred te fan tho lame. and sont tham etravelng West 0Yt the yarde ortheii Chicago, Miwaukee "nd St. Peul Raîtroad Cotnpaîny ylth tatiln rapIdIty, destoyng Intheir peitthé freight wareboaae. of railroed and %teint- ship cumpanlus, wmiable trecht lu star- ego and raIIwmy cars. Fer tour bours *Il thin tiapparatus. lrtmen and .inpoj4 of the raliroad comsumw In the , cItfought the progreua of the. dames belore theF weai, under <ontroi. Wben the fthtffl finiabed work et night two cqmpanilea Of firgmen were left to guard haf a @Qun ml, of glowing the ex- ettlng menes incdent te r-figtlag a boy was run oTier by a ire enlhie and kilIed. PARCREL-POS? PACKAGEIS. muet Rave a "Custeun Dectaration" potd on the Cover. Frequent compainte hawlag reently been miade te thé. puaetoice deliartanent 01 the returu te the sentiers awunmlal utider Potal Union regulatiosis of pack- ag.g of merchaadlue addressed for deliv- ery lI the oeuntries or colonies with which the United States bas parceà-post eue- ventions, attention lu now calied 4r the dep«rtuent te the tact tiuit te b. enttled t. trmmi by pa rcelà.post a packag muet conforta Il ot the pre.oed te- quirements. One of tbtue requireinestu in that a "«etstouis deelaration" muet b. pated on the cuver of the pakage. and i i.>akage ducs net bear Iltheii postal oBli andling the package InI trawt Butai trent it au mwpilIabe une iwt- &Ce thereon te prepald hW full et the letter rate of 5cents for etLch hait mines or frac- tion of halt-ounc, or unieu Il coifome te the condtiouas prescribed for 'aamploe" in international matin. ]Report of Aruiy Enqineer..4 The report of thae Boarrd of Amy En- goser@ appolnted by the Secretary )f 1% ar te examline and report upou the. effect the Chicago Drainage Canal w<iuld Luve upon the waters uf Luake Michigan bis been received nt the %Vair I>partusent. Very little Snn be frarned ni lu the coun- tente of the report. aitbuiigh It lisutider- probably would reduct the averge IevA. of Lake Michigan about ,zx entb.s and possibly Lake Huron the sam.. 111e Iower level au doubt vould lie objection- able tu the shlpplng intelets, but trom the faet thnt the lake bas varied front one cause or auother, such una l~ ack of Min- fai or unuiiual evaporation, more than on. tout in different yvars, ships have been butlt with a view tu eceonmodnting tbeui- selv'es 10 tijis relueed level. It la under- gtood that the position taken by the board in that the former variations are schas not to make this reduction of six loches of very great imnportance~. it in. therefor. probable that the building of the eanal wIi ll ot be stopped by the goverument, thongh certain restrictions Ina, be de- termined upon o ne toefnt creslte mny grent waste o!f'xnter. Gave "ues the lutten. Thonnam Wkkerabaulî. a yuung buuiness miai of Saine, Kan., bas tbrou it sunit foe $5,000 damages against Mi" Cura Ahart for breach oet promise. Wickerabam al- leges that.1ilesÂhart, lui Februadp. 1SD promised te wftrry biin, but later ejiurnd his attentions. Evaded the Cuctome a Lwr. Jacques F. Nultifeulus, of Konmna City, assistant secretary of the Kan«naNnail Texas Trust Company, watt arralgaed beforc 1' nited States Comissioner Ajex- nuder at New York on a charge of smu- gling diaoeonds and jewelry. Big Strike of Mill Workema It la estimfted that 17,000 affil workerm are iîow on strike at Duitdee, Scotiand. They have ngreed tu res,une work et qu inertase of 5 per cent. inste&td of 9 per cejit.. whiclé they nt tirt demaiided . Eartbquake 1In .Andalneia. A severe earthquiikc bas 4haken the town of Coin !n Andalumin. twety-one miles west of Malüga, >pai.S.rious damage ba eiR bndunec. Coin bias a pop. ulation of about 10.(») peulde. Four Murdercrib Lynched. Four inurderers eowiaed ini the county jail nt Yreka, Cal, hatued Johnson, 6em- er. Nul. and NM"rexio. ere taken front jail hy a mot) and hanged In the jallyard. Chora'. Work4ot Japen. Sinee the outbreak of cholerii lu Japan there have been 25,000O cases of that dis- ease and 16,000 deaths. THE MARKETa Clicago-Cattle, commun to p4me. $3.75 to $6.00; hogn, ahjpplug grafles, ý&ù0 to $5.25; sheep, far tu ,botce, $2580 tu> *1175; whent, No. 2 red, 62t te 0G&; corn, No. 2, 30e to 38c; ott, No. 2. 200 to 22ù; rye, No. 2, 4lc tu 42c; butter, choice crcamery, 19e tu 21c; eggm, twesh. ]le to 13t; iâotata-cS, new, per boghei, 35e tu 4k; broi corn, commun growth to fine bruah. 3e to 5%/c ver ponnd. -. Indianapohe-Cattle, sbipplug, $3.00 to $5.50; hogs, cholee ligbt, $3.00 to $&t»0; shoep, Commn o p.>jrimDe,, *2.00-to 93M0; w1oat, No. 2. iCletoe0Sc; corn, Nu. 1 white, SBue to 83&; tte, N.white. 126C to 27(. St. Loi-Cattje, $3.00 to $6.00; hoge, M.50 to $5.00; wheat, No. 2 red, Ole te M2e; corn, No. 2 yellow. 33e tu 84e; oats, -NO. 2 white, 18e to 19c; ry% N o. ?, 0oc Io 41r- 1CinlunnUi-Cnt;le, $3.50* lJO oa e-00 tu $500; sheeP, $2.50 to e4.o; wheat, No. Z U6e tu Wflc'orn, No. 2 ixed. 36e t<> 37e;cote, No. 2 nîlxcd, 21ie to 2&; rye. No. 2, 44e to 46e. Detroit-Cattie, 8U50 to $600, hogus, $4.00 tu$5-25~; heep, $2ffl te $8.50; wheat, No. 2 red, (Me te (Xe; cor,,,-No. 2, Yellow, SOC te 41c; ons, No. 2 white, 24o tu 2e; rye. 48e to 44c. truido-%Vheat, No. 2 red, 64e ta<65e; corn, No. 2 YelIoW, 37c to 89c-;nts, .No, 2 white. 20e tu 21c: rie, No. 2 44e to 46c6 Roffao-4COttle, $2M Otu $&25; bogé, $3» te $5.50, sheep, 3.50to $4.4)0; whent, No. 2 red. 67c tu 69e; coru, Ne. 2 yellow. 42c to 44e; oats, No. 2 white, ,Nie tu 28e. Mlwauke-Wheat, No. 2 spring, 60c te62.con, ?Nu. &8SOC e 3&-8; pts, Nu. 2wlI11à. e. 2ct% 28e- bai4eq Ne. 2 4&k MONUMENT TO DURAVE SONS 0F'SERnOue iU#108AREFULL? MARYLAND. iO4SOHeD Another of IHoisaca' Victime Identl- A SChOtBrIy Espogtion or the L.u.ou ded-Dad Mat Btutte ]Rouaded UP--T nsieWorthy of Calm Eeftec- ?7p Xexican MaddIe et Lent tionmaif u fHows tdyof the Struighteuod-fluluth F*Mtiy'ULOBO. Scriptn*'ima. W.11 Spont A g1,nite uShort in memlory of the sono Le.onsifer Sept. 1. et aryandfilt ded u te bffl of Golden TeàzI-By failli the wafl of I»u IaIndtat deduteo Tenbatte erlclio fell down, -after they were coin- 1l9tb aupiIvetwnry of the victory of the Daiucd about moyen days.-Heb. il. 30. ~rtUh tropa ver he trco orad- The Fail of Jericho le th<o subject or the .4~~ ~~ AyGLWmlgo u.~l 7< le@9ion this week1-Joehua 6; 8-20.. Jer. The ih:f, whldi la the gift of the 3Mary- ich4b rePreftentu entr.nched worldlinese land A 14Yt 0u the Sous ofthtie Revoie- and wlckedteu bureau might nt Il@ tien, la placed on Lookout Bill, Prospect arrangeât and best. Here on the. one.ban4 Park, whlch was dreuched that day with Waà the ditadel of sin, the sent of Idoratry. potriot blSdt. Pour bundrcd of the Mary- the comter of usurpation. Ir won ttrongly land Refflaent defended the rear of' buttremeed. tr9flglr waimed, appareaitly Gen, StiriIng7& retretng columus, and invincibe. On the other band were thopagh nearly wped out by the Eiigllh Jouliua and liurae-and (Jod. 'Jerfeho fr21. are etood their ground and saved the If lIways talle wben rime confronted. Coloialtropo;The fine of patient trumpet-blowiag »iay bn long, but the end la ure. Jericho wpn DRAI> BOY 16 FOUNI>. trng, In order that ele might showv the weekneaâ of bateau trength I*fore <bd, Cbarred liemiIUof Howard Pitzel "Make if sure,- aid Pilote. -Make If an Taken froua a Cblanney. Sure au Ys eau." He waa dolng Ir an- The charred rernaizis of Howard PitspI wlttingly to the. honoreor God. "And they %vers pulled onit of n eblinney In a boit@@ in went and mode the sepulcln. sure, . - Irvington, the colilee uburb of Indian- ilig the Stone and beting a watch." Tht-à apolis, Tueaday morulng. H. H. Bo-mes the earthqnake &Id~ the angel and the oecupled the bonme two or tbree deys lent X urrectiOunmd n='@ assurance provep October. Thie liain of clrcumetantial tfrmmuut God. Hlm wetGO ev1 ee. ecouneetins Hulué-&wlth this n f togrta o' lHiot. ak and in even more coinplete thon filerT h~l set optis utu hty victory at Jetr. whlch was turxied up in Toronto, whcere Icho In la ves. fourteen or the preOSdn the bodie of the two Pitzel girls were cmprecorJduareouiig h dua ail. There are t'oeeralwitnesses whIo "Copiain, of the boat o1 the LOrdý,, ,fen saw Homes and the little Pitzel boy nt On bis face to the earth, and dld weobip, the. bouse, fand the chlld was never seej and said unie Mon, What math My lord ofterwa-rdu, The irntire- body, or whêt ut t evnrPuc.,redr wras Ieftof it, won ecruwded Into the tove- Tht put Jouhat Pajyter husesd o hal.The body won evidemfly burned i TaPltwo b otusim iLrd hd getite Joubuof the etove, end then the stove was leaned **IwotIL Tehe Lord oliead. "ec, shiba eut, the rmaine belng thruwn Ito the osIfw t isnteofbad. erie, 1 av e chumney. There were a grett m <y>cube ivn lttheeof and the mtbty an of about the pace, andilh in evident flthe kntthel r." ofhuand hmpIw tyamend or rire thât buriied the child was made fron aoai»tu iml et ha e cube. Bach a rire le one of thé- very hot- cordil;g to the conditions ("1ye %hallcure- test Buton frot te eothig wre Pass the cttY.") Hoe oUleed, no to .peak. dtfe . Btoufoitecohn on the note. But lie took if ail. He did identfied ______ fOt go Part waY,neB sonne of un do, and A VALUABLI& SUIRT. wl n a partial conquet, leaving the king, Perbapa btilI ou the throne ad nome of FamiIIy ai Duluth Loue the Savionsuhis mfghty men saved ut). Thart iaul Of Veara,_ .rîed; bot Joshua. The idea that Inoney tied up in a borid- "The rearward came after the ark.' kerchief and hidden in the sleeve of au old Keep the riglit order. lai other prov-efi- ahirt was murfer than ini a brukaitas;tur ionsBfer victory il in a great tbing to cuot rie fuuuily of joi»ei>h Hanili, 4f Du- oi) f ile rearward in the retr mand the luth, Minn., the savings of yeara. Mr. foreward li the fore. Keep in your place, Harnil'a wife bas for "everui yeurs &aved Efefli Dresa rlght; mark fine. stal b.- the money given hcvr by ber ]lombard * Sud i hd the ark. -ftc prient* goingcun anid hidden il In the %leeves of a hirt kept blowingr with the Ir mp4ts." Kep il op, hangins la a eloset. W~hile 3Mrs. Hamili brtbru-"as Ye go Preaeh." Il &tonde won takins ber hugbnd'a dhner to Ilionver$ mntent ioualy in the original: Eotiug the shirt wnm given hy %frs.liIamil. iK_ anld blowIDg. Slpetimelu, we go witil>ut ter te a Chinese laundryman to bc wathed. blowing. 8$Ometimneg, vie versa. we bumv When Mr@. UnrniI returneil and fouxud the 'wtLOut going. If you Ilow a quikk fitep, germient goDe, ditto the nioney, amrtit.nt let your own feet keep fine te i1'.1If you ing, itl lalainied. to oieyeral bnndred dol- surmoi the aimer with your lips, spwak Ir lars, there were iveIy limési for a while. a8180 with yonr mwift step. Let lip and The police were caled in and the Inundry- tife maire marilmniei togetber about man visited, but he denied bavlng seen the walle of otir Jeriebos. Ah tue, flint any money. Mrq. Hamil'à iter djd flot any one %fhouI4j ait down and blow, to $et know filer the germent won a batik. others on! -Then ihali ye about." Not rails RAN@OM *RAPOMTI then." Offt e ab sout before the fiie,' "Ameu." baiert thecoenditions have beeu Proiesa.t Bolven the comlkcti@Us ufilfilied. hkflujahs on thé Iip wheu tbee. Beamrding th* euteaflnimion. a- nobalelis a Ithe heurt. ..And The. White Bonne mail Tuesoday mura- f7 -Y eae i. 1o he camp and Iodged la Ing bore the commission of Mari W. ien- the camip." Iltin the beat place to lodge nom tu be U.nited 81ate-iuister to Mex- la dey of bell. [DoIDot think to go ove? Ico. This ents a legal complication by Into Jericho after the tirer day round. A whicb Minioter Renouai, after s tvrlarange thlng we ses to-da!y, people be- monthe' service et bis pont nt the City Ift ateuig g .rkho sud lodiling in if nt the Mexico, wax declared ineligible to ail1 the saine finie, or close up te the gatea. CbrWa ofice to wheh he liad been appointed tien brother or sister, Young .oId1er of.tsb prior to the expiration of bis terra as CiD- crgsthe best place for youuin thju& ted States Seniitor. Ir was belli hy the flfughty world in in the church and bard treamty accounting otrirero that hc fell 1by the trous in the ,njd.çt. within a Constitutional inhibition againAt But when the walis feil flot, then thàt the appointaient of Congressrnen to offies was the finie for going sttl'light into jer- crented, or wbose emolumxents had been irblo, straight ai if, straight throligil if. Incroased, durlng their service in (!on- WhY froi: ake thorough work of if? Let gren.evcrY mn adw bis sword sud htw greMs. s1riigbt liefore hlm. Thtis in the day of THREB S HOT AND KILLED.. b1tfles. iglit roi: for goid. but for tod. - And if Kld-vore into the band, couiIt il Cowboy NaeelWilliam Long "tIIMruted lo theti *Lord,*' and 96 Auiuck et Sweet Groom. dqevtt*if. Word %vsR rectived ai Butte, M.%ont.. -If IIIuetrut;.ono. a triple killing ut Sweet Girass, on the !il- Faith in the victory. *Thio il, the vie. 1ternationaI boundary. WVilliam Long~, tory Iller overcoweth thé. world even y'our cowboy for the "F" outfit, wbo is aiso faith.*' The Targia szaatr.riho said to be a whisky siggIer, killed a had gâtes of Iron and bars of brun. Vhut mnounted policeman uarcd 1Richardson. la stronger than iron gaies? P'ajth. what The two mnen met rieur the middle butte eau break brazen bar*d Faith. il>. of Sweet Grass. Irnd several driuks. got failli the walls of Jeriebo fel1 duwin." WVe Into a row end the killing.regulted. After used to have a ochool-boy gante, where a the ahootlng of RichIardson Lonig went to i ring of lstirdy urchins formed. bande C. B. Toule's ranch. wherc lbc is alleged tiglitly claiiped, arme tout and rigid. to have kIIIcd Ira Brown, the forculia Il. What la thjsY' muid the one confinel jr. 'The latter. l>'fore dying, shot Long, kili- the center. '*This in trou," obne would 1ing hlm almost Inistont1y. say; *This le bras&," anotljer. Thria the stroIIg lunge su]d the bold break for lii,- Yacht lu a Crash. erty. *ý'Wht lin thiâl?" and Joshua tu Robert W. luîmen Jr.islRoop yt Ii Jericho. And Jericho, JtOut-armed, de- Adelaide was run iuto M1onday ight by fiant, gave answer: *Thiiatairon." -This the Iron steamboat I'erseus while erii- la brasK" "Arnd this," quoth Jowhua, "in fitg 69 NOrto's Point, Ne- York. Young faith-God," un lhe strode stradgbt tbroughi Inniau watidrowaîed and lus grelots and f0 Vietjory. Faith jesas xighty un ev*er, crew barely saved. Itfjin aid the steamier and God's aris fl ot abortened. wons oleIy tu blâme, and that ini addition F}aith un" ea ne. Faith han ie co fn- ta ber carelessuesil, no discipline pre- ditions, or rather lit mentna of exiercF4e. if riled aboard her. ulways goes along with ilaflicit obediee ________ a aCae. ta God's direction. Fail iinflot blind, in Eigh Caghti. aCav. -this sense; failli je open-eyed. Il does a Deputy iarahale made & raid on a the Lord bide and rien trustfulfy wattehes couterfeiters' 6in In a cave li the Knwv for the relultet. In fact. tiiere in a kind country. Oklahomai Territory, anid catp- of fLuth, and Joint anela referen<çe to other tured eight of a gang of fifteen, wIio were Imwa YOD Obey the conditions sud you ai work makiîg counterfelte. (OffieerN lecure the fruits, no here. To obey Gi<d bave been on the lookout for the ganug li fith in tto Ink ourselves with the mu i_ for six monilia, opious coin having bien lion,, of hearen and to caut uaii h i circulation durlng that titre. (-hurle of Jeboah. There were - thon a fcw lernelites marching around the la Kýilieg by a lec e ting. wals ofJeriebo. The buste or God nt,- ,Yeur Hnzpl Mo.. Walter Gibson was coIfpanied thein.- Thero ai Âtlantie City holpng né itiler rob a béeive, when a1 when the. Casino went down, we were 1 ma 9on"iý" [,. éL-Z ZL77ZZ-0-7-ý-11, iii.1

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