CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Aug 1895, p. 3

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every houa. *long tels mthvs T eid la oue litea.eteeidta idl h s fMV 'GNV8IT REAT TRIEN. bOughit up by Spacuatori» a bd rren&g theeMne urues erbr oc o inig4 h atmt m NIAI. CONCLAVE, front doors were utilized fer 8seats the The potato lbas et lent taken rank as WORDS FOR T _THEBRAVDAO Iffrt lesmantC Cgeilslm owalk ow wlth w. l& in tutW.g he be-eedew o mn a îî fain ted aivay i the 9 garet e cracIl h ul, b p Frieuia froin Ail par". Of tlie lieved filet they wotuld lie their salvation. H Glowîngly Pictures thie Attrac- IL wave of the henveniy air resuticitaît.JBibi., that tela n celaitryTheGrea Potggd-A ý.,kTi.y have finaly taken hie advicif,, anditien* of the arld eyend - h er forever-for everinting yers te and fmd tat tih O M a W~ h eat P r a e - o lv th e y a m e b e g n n in g te re a li z e t ia t e sa lt i , th e S p e n d o e r sth e 1 e u n o n e a en f ti g e r 'ac h e n b at in flo t s e a sext C r a i ve t ,s u u iw tb # a e M c h a y t .t e Y - 1 1 1 p r o f i t b y î ia n t i n g m o r e g r o u n d a n d t h e s o n g o r n"c af a t i g u bahtfl o tthe a r d i t . "cr i u r D o w , a g Owedth Twn t te ubrsInted f he ndcon.bhvenet iher achil." panforrwaknsi xtiet tia te O w ed tAe ow .t e he uer t ail li esa st ea t de and coru. piendor a of H eaven. filera o nth e ot h Boston bas lid rather more tThrhfa altiu aodydtin frGlorieb of Heaven. Iremark further that w e auIniths clorions renaiu lE OhmreOf grent gatherltta thia nmmer. thein, and nthse reqte thaflctatn s For the bereaved nid faint-hearted work lt O jugt idea of the piendor o O ,1w Ey s* 5carcelr had the C(hrtattanu Bdeavor ofwheatterd.flot ahjet the opictuîof a lîre could be no, wordi of atronger co.n- enven. St. John tries te describe ilt. Haunueiter have sote. eriot departed wth theîr bauer@ th"an ý and cern thie frmnera bave ooke<l aboutthsemnppad ylv.D.Ti fnt"heoidtosofhewlargr m e Os lg t ht cmly et ra, sud eaus PLOBAL CROSS ANAD 991ELD ON BOsTONfor nseamore profitable crop and investi-.r tb. inultube Ct 1 eit dbaste PUBLIC GARDEN,.ainshw iIli 'iN 8ae a mage for last Suiudzy. IHisasubject w. nished witi ail nianner of preclous 1 l'h. Uou gaiw 1114 ubro8000 ahaea nynever produceil enough potaloes for home "Surpassing $piceulors." 11,i'tne. sw tadioiglhog ear gt.~ mm sladies lu ther Illustrions train. ,old ttetje bichent bldder. Erery avaîl- cu ulîo.Thousauda o! bushels are atteraci fe as iîureyd the skires aud .teiest npea t.ami e ea ltad o!ur. tno Ie fth og This tlWeuY-hath tielsi conclave of able vndwouDrtuut tNt 1 eght n torelgu markets every yerad u arationso! ie vjorltbe-tlie skiesmoufaeliyaand eri a<emrat d u r- kn ther, la the Kuibîts of the Temple wan remark- Solei for price a rriug fromn $15 te $W i there ls a profit foir poweri abroaïl, with I a ebîgjyl eivu susdiy u hyorssndipphlre-a han munie. inth for every front room above lbe firit fleur. amait areas te derole te lie crop and the and te fascinate even thbà Ibougittessanad mouinlain of ight, a 4aaaîo ooa h lhad, Cotmbu avnueforIlswlolieuth ddilept epeie ! OeaDfregitrat,,Indiffereut. Tie text chesen was, "Eye son of glans sud ua city lka lie SUD. Wellington taund ~ Caolmusaeue for stns d h engt*gh additougit 10 ie ofouey n flie htaine,bathnflopsen uer car bieadi" 1. Corin- St.Join bide ut% look agent. and w. e.m iutienie hd e&fs were dlsposed of ut an average pricesofforetIhe farmers lu lhii country, wîo have ti'hsii .tre~trones ofthle prophèe, tirenes qulek dis»patel, t $3. wile wiudow space won taken by larger tracts of land and eheaper freigit -.1 atu goiug te icaven! i amn goîng te o! lie tpatriarche, tiroues o! lie angels, the. ulioet ipirit heaven! Heuven! Henven! Ileaven!" tltroes ao! tie apoaties, tirones of the muaiec started, ti vieiltgknightu for Iheir friends at prices rtlc, The Importe for tie fiscal year Thie"e ere lie tait vords uttered a few martyrs, tirone o! Jeans, tironeo! <lad, lied, and tlisy dsh* raningfreIm 25 e 50 or robumons eis tAerine o! 3, nîAwee .r2"-,578daîaoby my precioîts vile ai aie as- And we turu round te sèe the glory, and won. W. apprei So geatvasIbedeuad fr wndo < ~cendcd te bce viti <led fore-rer, sud in Il if i-tbrouei! Tirmues! Tirone,! tar munie, but dowst Se acest aud heincf anagefor s lg is îd 2T3w 3 cesivredeo e lt naturel as vaîl nu, Ciristianiy appro- St. John blde us look again, aud ve ses cfsacred og? Te» hpaadepoithleofnermeuiyfog r ea t ebs ypr p, sud ha rs aveureae overpriale tha Ounr thougits lbe nàuncidirected lie great procession cf the redeemed iusptring to me thuIl tiave licoubeen psid. A barber in Wash- the J-car lefore e! &i,000 acres. Thc pro- tîadtegoin eiec !vliithe pasaiu. Jansoailhvrm il osla a it dup on the wa à ington street offered hi& window spae for duel of 11-4, on account of anuunfavor- Paul speak, lu lbe lext 1 have ciloien? fllie mrc ond ahite amiges of saîration Wheu v. sfln& a ofi $25fer lhe day and a shrewd enstomer able seation, vas 22tj uhl hr foioinio vllhhrs.Infliie cavai- psdan sd tlune,, tb«z in onCef Ails chaire leek il up aud Jaler ofthelieucr before, uotilhslanding tli l 'rie elty f Corinti bas beeu calledthe cade pasuiug, paaalng; empires Pressing res of the e" Ay $.00.000changed bande for lie pleas- popularity o! lie potato as an article o i o odun nvne o-ta>- lion et uckpofg onatr dsesîos.To i i aakigw ure of vituessiug lie greateit parade in tCanin Product, the produit lu Barcety I t e dou an cisîlmmus vashelie y tve loryl i rcko lr Europe, dew cf a tboultaud C pont ofapleudorever blinluthis coun- vortiy o oarto o rfi cec ess, i eesa briugiuglecomreAmie, Africa, and Nethansd South Amn- They wve.gong by bethat et lu lie ~ ~~~as!iudevin oteo iecrop e o! Eurepe, -the other the> commerce of erica pressing jutehUe. Islands ! i ofD ev y tha ta ehua se ottheConle. :ee leplainy the index of lta popularity. Ail Amin. Frein lier v baryes, in tie con-s$a sionider lu shoulder. <lenerations broken lu therniqmu os~ gadconclave t h e r fMassa- are nw3,0000»0- batocaabsericd, var gaîîeysviti l aller liefliood, aud as Jeaus tise, ai break Wbea I thèse; chmtsadRoeIsland commander- iiig lu lie United States.'rThe tact that banikiseou rs pushed eut and confounded lehm ! itget tui ares is aug, Il aeemni as If ie 11908 EXIFINTmin ircl UnDv eadly d-reailood f-oriein l rerions r amenomfl Nea BIXFYTsu liez -' u D~. les, vie are le ou,, was $30,,Oo. lu lure hut een aaitsthauyd csigar-le avy yards of ail le wved. juge aord lu signal f vicloy itcroraaelAetjg onsaet .bs.- adiio ethla encli member procured a,<c O! viat, ri-e, bsriey, Qat#ansd eta, huidd mahinery, sncb s, tumodem urnc- lifledi-ant-ail ensigni lung eut. tanO ail Scotch kirk uF a lir' a able lu morespeciaithon ia, severahetieusand tbf- vtut-ie continues tua year. la consittered tiodonnnot iequaI, l! led ships f ront lie chnez rung, and ail hiAlPînais cianted, cm cabinesoutil ils. -w-hal I&M'est gatholng o e l i d n telies- latre rePreflent lie expeuse et badge, for hy tic Serrelury et Agrcoîtur'. to indicale sao eeade sud transportc e m u u en i>' <oyt ldmothg. iî i doxelogy, uad th*,"' tory ocf-tAie order. This net ouly menus exetiange. Evcry frater vas supposeti eait incrensfcd nci'age cf potîttoes and otier eu trncks acroetle laimuis aud setthei n sd somns, "Hosanna le 1hu Son etDavîdI lemlyba net Ae' that tiere la fluanciai hopefulnesusud carry au excihante badge; in tact, aiSubstfanilamati î>ioducîi. duwn ln the sea on lie otier aide, sud nse, "Werthy in the Lambhtva invl oi t vlm peerity lu lie circlea e ho Ilcilhe Sur pocket futlo ient i. andi vicu anoîber New York lbns uleadil> ted ailli e ober 'rie revenue ellicers e! lie city vent slaiu"-îtlll hal exclamations cf endear- chiili the devotions cf tii. "eh~ E ngbt, befo g. but il enlei attetion te frater met hm-on te Street itiut le $fat"s as a potato producer. îast yc:ur dow u thro g i le live grovesthat ined m nt ad orage Iu tAe oabluary oetuiake lb. people ail sUlent w-eu the tact thatthelie reat and benefeuent ceremofy o! an iîîtrîîulitieon badges verv. 348,728 acres of edvr eoeit tic le beach te celleet a tarif froinilUna- beaven are exhstîd, snd tiere corne Dit coming le besanna. - croît i New York. andthie pout g. lion&. The uirti o! al people spotled l u rg Ce tg !"mu Amen!" But, my trlends, if madelouos gatiig nor'20000. routage ilustOO>( iaela, vas sit ber ltmingantes, sud lie b eat of eel, "w -a Ut lol for mi!f as usny million dollars. _%îicbi_ ail lauda aat lu ber thealers, vslked ber "E>-e bath Dot accu il; Car bath net alltnev the lunie liera.M aug e eod ii 1.7 'e u porticoee, sud threv itscif on lie sitar e eadI"okmfrifhesmer waters hune et bearen vii i. ho * îîouuîcfoe 1,0000huhl b er atupeuidons diiuipnlious. Coiumn sud lebrgtetsprles, sud yen viii ger ne fromainte souigscf earuh, tw...q buoughît the growt-rs ucari>- $t,000,(s statue and temîple beuiidered tichebeold- ides ef lie sheen of lia everiasîing ses, ail otîr hymne ansd tous.ula Pe'nsivtan vas third, vith e~.~ r. Ticre, vere ville mantle folintaîns, Pile up the apleudors ef csrtily ciici, sud lie seut of Moee, and .~ acres. ivîici lroduced aimeîot tlieexac to unie ht-, fron iiutertirei from thie aide, hhcy vouid uot make s stepping atone hy tihelbent lue 1 c atheflsAgs litimber o! bushels lîro<lneed b>' Micigti, ersid acseerweek I thre rualt-lewthrsevu-yvice nvu ilci Yeu mighl amonut totic city eofl if oru et vhi-e-roffl~d tiotugi the acreuge il-as vantiy less than for ieail-gi-iig qtisiities. Arotind <lot. Evcry boune insa palaceý. Everyae !plircs bls0 Pe.qê Muhgu'.Tiihe-cage iun(Ohio was in tiese baâins, twisted imb -wreatha of runp.Ercry covoring of ti ca thrs cal c hir e f a~ , round tînmbu-,theicnme as liaI lu Potin- 1atone, tiere ii-cre ail lie boîînricî o! acuip- corouation. Every meal iu a banquet. viii Ibelrhra retst t-ylvaiiin, andtheicaggrcgate o! tic cr.,p 1turc snd architctlure. w bile standing, as Ei-ry srk ri h o-t-i cdn oleroliou, oGeat àuigea uns the»anme wiuhiiî a few lhouaand bush- fle guard the cosîly dispiay, vas a bell. Every day la a jubule. every heur a tic hammouy, till tAie throne ct-t. slhow Iiiîg bfinletbIcnisylvsnmaanuud s:îtco ocis of burnisieti Coruti- rapture, aud every moment au ecotasy. il u Aenttn I ad Ohliforaiseti n targer cropit, n uMichîigan inn bru -. lVasees o! terra cotseadomncd 'Yhutne witill a i-rit-ige,. Tue other big pohato-h f îù-iî !tic dcad-rnses goseu I; cr line h ad ath e nci atein chof.0"I growiug States are Ioirs, Illinois, Wiscon jlY tint Juli15Cuesar iwas not ialiifiod ReuniOus lu Heaven. heaven lie ponrcd luiethAe «Il ci - mi, Minnesota." Nebraîsk~aanti Kanisas. l iemtii be iad capture them for Rtome. 1 remsrk further, ve con geb no idea on David o e h.artp vili b. tboMe teorder ustuei. lIrwa hait176,605 ane-s Arincîtofficiais, thc "Corithiaril" paccîtPari-hi o! lie refuions e! bearen. If yJ-o f lb. trumpet viii bo thune. 4- lait Ycar; Kansas, 108213. The aggr-- p andi dovu te sec tint nu statue vas de- have erer hecu serons tichesn and met sa retcoind, w-lIt peur lse deep gai o!adrag grduuiydeeî.scsfren aeed, no pelestai ovri-îrow-,une bas-re- 0 ut r vnau aequsintance in soins> 1ute lb.Song, sud AfrIea w-M i :""ao fuicceîu Ia lîui ie! bouched. Fi-ouitiheedge of lic city sîrange city, Yen rememî>er bowy J-ut music viii Aier'matehlesa vol.en.. an-mud Wiseoriin hd aimoat tic sainieaore- a biilau-ose, vithitis inaguificeul hurden blood IbriticO, sud hoîv giad yen ver. te I vlsh vs conld anticipaitiist age-blînt in, abouit i W,00 1hilc Mia- o! comumusansd lovera and temploi-1,000mschlm. %Wiaîti en, n-itlieho Or joy, w-i in tiecloilg bymneo f tb»s souri, Muine, Massachusetts, New- .er- savýes avaw n aIeu iru--and a cil- afler ve have passed tie ses, of deati. to-day v. migbt catch an ech th ser Vigina, eutcki, touui DL-oa.adelse thorougbiy impregnable tint ii- te mccl iDnlthe irigit cil>' cf thie SUD ri igi, bko. -i Colorado, and a haif-tiozeni ehtr States i-Itar i.Laiteap eaudl compared vithitl. tiose train wiom ve bave long been sep. vhen lh. heavenly dobr q= b tire good potato gi-on-rusud bave at large Amnid ail that utrength and mnagnificnce arated! let soe son] througb tberqý ab - seage, notte o! thein approacic 0tffl, Coi-lth stood and defiedthelb.worid. Afrar w-e haro beau avay frin our, fofîlb.h airain of the labltt acres laul J-car, andtinlu eariy ail et thein Paurae Teit. fricuidi ten et fitteen ycars, and w-o coule until w-e catch Il? Oh, th&ts, tpolulote,. ce ! at asteo een this i grand tatSPau tt Idook. Thze hala basturnued. anti wi k l aeiai!ong colie - h ext. Te albadticelient music have cis ntheir faces, and w-c say, eerthl1 WýHEAT CROPS 0F THE WORLo. Ibat bati comie frointhie hest instruments "Howy J-u bave ebanged!" But, eh, CUDNTFY in asl tic w-enid, liey bail eard Songe vien J-on stand before the tirene, ail -- .1 Regain. aud lhe United States Have ltooting frein morniug porticocisud mel- cares gens frein the face, ail inark» et Afler Fifteen Xesra' tlaiý *Neari, sa Billion Bnsees. Ing lu cvcning groves, thiy lied paiseti orrow dlsappeared, anud feeling lb. joy of the Red i Brd'a Wange W"'.14a - Detaili o! tiheulevertimee catle ('ftheir iviole ires svay amoug picînres Ibai biesacti land, mtik v iisy thewcat trope o! the -aionus cutuîltri,.qan sd sculpture sud architecture sud Cor- te esci other, witi an exultation vo eau.- n nEe pr 0 a thle total for wilci vss stattetinl a t-et-ut inthiau bransa, hich lieti becu moided sud not nov Imagine, "Howy J-u bar, waet enaced a litto accus thti dispaî-à, shows tbe follon-ing iu btisbcl1-; siapeti, until thire w-ns ne chariot wieei change-j!" In thîs venld vs onîy meet soute fpeople doubt thie wlsMoM o h - G(reat Britauuî. 46,811,M)0; France. )1.- in w-hich il hati nol speti. anti ne tewer lu te Part. Iflel good-by, good-by, fareweils law lu oui pariculrtog - J £.041: (Imuisu. 103,550000; Atnstuui, whlci l halied oltglitterco anti no gulewa>' fioating lu tic air. Wc bear Il allth. rail ecmi uo exception 4an b. taAiM - 453t200; Ii>,114,898.000; Beiunt, fit it1hhati not sdoiicd. car windoe, sud eathlb. teamboat whiarf vorkîugs or th.estatute s a Usm 21.277.outoO; Spain, 1,2.00 hiSI,î, Ah, il vas a bold thiug for St. Paul le good-iy. Chiîdren iîp it, andi etd age Thei lav refcrred to la IbtIm, IN __43Ou.0;Hungary', î3O,3411,(I00;. In- stand tiere anid aIit htai saay, "AU anavers IL Sometime, w-e say l In a mallesthie Imprlsoumnent o et# j- (lia. 23'7,450(); Fuiteti States, 40o,017.- Ibis la ueîbuug. 'noie soundu liat cone lilgit ay--- "god-by"- anti soinetimes fs-9). Canada. 51.(U;1,000; Iotuitia, 1G2.-froinlie temple of Neptune arc fol innaie viti anu nîs uwhici th. seul breaks pun.siable vlth a fine. Miý» ii414.flu; BIlgia-,a 2,482,(M-5; Tci-kî->-, compancîlviti lie bai-mon>' o! hilch I down. <bcd-b1! Ah! Tiat ia th, vord Sheriff Gus SchiUung han u w" -iu.u)X( TEMPLE. WIIERE TIIE CONCLAVE ASIIELI> 42.555fflo. Ar-gentine. 60,99Xu; Atm- _speak. Tiese valet-s ushiug lu the basltint utinsthie thanksgiving banquet; liatI ng at Xenla, O0, and flieen yffl 3Mascuit liotlicuhus) hici bas beeico n- exchanged. ru titis tus>' va t oîîcc-ralita. 35,741.(suo Tic NticrIsOIn etofPyrene are net pure. Thcee Satues o! la lie Word tliat coins in te chose liethie unele caugit a Younu db1 veven n-lhthelieust imprtauitfeatures hoo!bdgýes re pt-ocuu-cdnsa oven Sit.tiuiDuak San ai.P-Bacchuis antiMe-cry at-e net exquisite. CrsiascatGood-by! good-byjBut gavé ilte-4tla ucpievw bok"t o! ont- nationalh iisery la experucuciug aa o! bc IinuliMeeting, anti s Bt-eibgat tui uand .. oetGr 2.02.ootî: Yen citadel o! Acrocortntis is net atroug ntselbavn WtcnsluieIrteafwdyaghn t-g. bealtiy anti erutnous groîrbi. Thet act îee oltt n ! is oru ti g h i eni a . 47 .( Bl0; ' il Ai. 18,440.04)0;A!.cepretslvieitha pievilc i eferti e osees at Ihe ale, vele goin i be npr.,y tintt biere ucowcvli lus country' ulîard vek vii li e ,,,îth ifliuiiy $1.rt.a0,950,04Mçtotal _> Ai,6lt ex-c1î Y"tjstabe, w t Etimed terha e oft 100,04)0 unciners ofthie erder o!fAil emet. o!,;enettiona anti social festiv- 500 oul 42uîîpet i lav renlia p ubs don-nhinbrTiu roup o! msuy mauutonu.l ume nto-liy. sableuie cainton have bue Kigils Tenîplur aioue i fuit o! encour- ithes wcu-.eîll during lie convention anti Noies cf Crrent £vents. hiink tI isla auatifui cil>'; J-u thiik ed. Tlîey are going up frein Our circies i n g i g ag i fica ce , isiti g k n g iia e re a k en 10 v lw a il " . " ('.. o x e >- la iu ui ug eb r a k a lun J-onh a v e h e rear i al s u- t o m u is a s t ac u o e! a r i t e ui It- lit îe v ices e o in bbe brd . A ft e r o rd e r fn g th e b ird ! au t Il ta maiuîained thahbAe Masonie fra- inlcresbing Itîiultisabout Boe3bon. Maty>'thi tlci-ct o! frec tlvoi-. ail beautiful igils; but IIci] Jou 'eyc a uthein, littie bandtle take holt of il lu lb. Constable lict , aylug that l teruity, nebteinapeak o! chers searcely public, a m n-cii as pivnle, hbuilding s ilerc .A b y uposeti te le n rit-tio! hal di n tethcu n r ar of ar ,n e t hi t i tc egiete n . lee, e r s te an e fvas n e ffo ndacf iii blgd' iü legstinluiential. bas doue su lucalcuabie claborntely 'det-ou-iited t inthe lc ourcu- tli ner Abosu Ienertiitoli iait ! a le n clarnlgio ihheervu . alcv b .wi amonnt o! good lu couacrving respect for lion, anti ohI Boston t aaeunictian air of u fitslu.~5I rea ilet<loti bath pi-oparetifor hina liaI casiticîru before lie feet fJean,. Oi'the 0w-uer. Mr. Sching, IsatIeri th e basic prluclçe s o ! t -e religion h rigtireg a nd amu g >-y s c b as slie has P blo. C olo e n .' Ou r u i emoutg ut ciase!f meu mot likely teho b.rutuel>'knoîvuîbefori.. Alfred il'I-thon lias lit-cii ppointetir-- Ye Yocni'texl asesforth lie ides fliai aide o!fticriver aud a greup o heItr ihhi e adpar.d Ih npp=al II protifie lun s cîtisfers. Anti net legeslaw relui-d tg141 pr'cirir Inu-coitre Aariset('ni-i--luge Co forthe bDnaiver edtei ut-idens.may le o! aide oethle river. New v . cit ene v pot-rtlat itpatIplayeti by tuis enter lu Biaiep Poîcy, o! Detr-oi, thie rarî'îiug nt C('iittnabl.«icuten, tic>' cone fan shotîo! Iherealit>'. frem tus te liai, anti aehier trom titse! a t-ce andi started 5w-v. n lu theic îiettuion o! patriotie sentiment c-enîîauiot,(Itf l'ardhzial(-ilîbus uring Tîte Iruco!f Wales' i-tiler Britatnlut Sme viseumen have liencacanîaig to liat, anti Scou ne ilîl aSlbagous over. et- titihe tmm ihanthie bird thronghout te Union. Frein the tayiug lt'eluili lhrouîgi Europe, saya o! Ircînd bia iniblicti htr riug spsen uiiand lnnsu' !tiogs long aud vide icaven Hon' man>' o! leur loeetnes butve aI- ils aboulder. Again sud ali f tic corner-atone cf he national capitalinan eyhv acltdowmn ed nee pntg qsdpae!br wspae unte ah Washington,. a century ago, te the tut>- iniabitants thire are on thie arli, hev If I sieulti taire paper and peneil,doyuec i fwt lsm tea«n In o heconr-toeofth aflnelong tie carIA il-utprobalil>' sstiandthinik 1 coulti put ticin ail dovu? Ah, ually il tet te goni n Temple iu Chicago, Ibis Society' has playeti ben bhcy corne te Ibis etntiîltil rnî yfriends, lie wvrcuo! Jordan roar s n t tnglcqj la t rti, wasndt-. au important part lu Ihe public antiSerail- after ai hie nations have icen galiered Imhosely vu connut hear thie oy ou lb. gane»a= public eveuls that have imade Ditour lie- te heavell,tie.viiharoin or caci ter5n'rcheu rn uaumn.Cl.Mr. Schlling nov inàb to r y s a n a tio n . se u l, a eo n 1 6 fe e t lo n ag n d 1 5 fte t w Ide. . d eH l r a e s e i e so u d lua a m n t i t em u i y l t e n d u A el- bceia tic scen o! Kuiglaa grpver grand aarncglatinhoandv hiat ne hmnvu eshirnat Athélng Negr I la f r y t v e r mi c B o t n b sIl oul nt o blc large enouigli for m e. 1 bearse , hier . esu not tly long d istance . anil *1 conclave, andthie menuerfthset i ortier la sufficieut te take tihetdimensions. "E>'. A uitIle chilti'a mother batd dicO, ant i brd va&% an oas! aleepet &Ma lu t h e c ity e x e r e t th e nia cv e . le th e u t- loitn b î tha b e iste d . ~ bath no Ul eeDuer car bearti,"lnom ani.tbcy ernfbrted lier. 'bey sait: "'Tour avaken at thi e autl seud 8a4, mont e outdon asetnt he largenplcen mleculculatpýd. moîher bais geue te beaven. Deu'î cm>." SeveraI Young mei la thie glac. Botonboans ofthefartnt cin-althi lu Heaven. Andthti next day hiey veut te lbhe grave, joininMrScilg t :Bandery luthie Unitedi Staleis, asut tua -Ifit-at i'euark liai ive eauolIb is vortd yard, andt tey laid lie body o h ste oins day. lu the vesAi. an one bdy' spprpriatd $35,000 le ho get no idea e! tie icalli o! heuvoui. W ien dovu Ie tichegreunti, anu t h i htîle girl m n o ea ,2 s spent lui rakig thie cuesta apprecie YJ- ecre a cil, ad vo enut iluhecarne up .t h erg e hegave tcae brnndt12 3 6C thompl uh e r ondorh ue. vanee-' , irning, hbeyoJ-n lonudeti atoug the oud teoklug dovwu aithlbody cf lber incîher mntugII, asthe Caiulata e X amettheîl iottigcomcmleani ing - r -N.1j ce-you lieducevr efai sorroîr or guide" i '18e eunarai> viate0m ntoue;fthin eteuottxedand ? ug scknss- lalJeer-chpgrvbre aa>.R cnyeueta - ~ ~ ~ hiretrviysmerv-o eIta lo hludakusber., litOtiare ihaverryo cnunriby hib paets te partlu té fetîviie,.SpeilalItais ve. hiycu chek, ati aspmlig u ler stp, uakin yonem. Methuks ieninseu las subva,1014thattAi aniganeebeaof ftsirtesu aelei'parivs oin aga tkesIlamnut #ubvnwiinoft carrony. aile me tbers.-et lb.1st-gci- ,..,,.,=c-- --vr eiiît e ie h evsvr urane ast i e-y1rvti oews i mfi ae

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