îus.i~~. )rust aer did business ln the you g~ a~ q, 1bisnA.es teeld ditspu awof a B. W. Churchill began teaching at a.t ).Msgvo i btk !btul dwrth at week. pl u ui le Zuich.E. W. Butterfied and wif returned Tbe follo*tng sueisCdOu vas -add et the home from Denver lut Friday. EverybdY whoever daiteeting- ~Mrs. Margaret Jenkins, of Obieago, ê 1 I wiv eiy ou t'what O r ooe re Wiee ae.ith sd beautY blend; la visiting Libertville friend. willtel Yo . hat 0 aklu agrand omCm&eift1ille Dymond dy. Mrg. Quincy Merrick bas returned th etadLtst. out priceS 0 Vo f heurt@. »nnion for ae We coule f rom Our homes, as we coreeeyWbrbome atMaieeMib th o et ear, ý Bert Austin did business witb Ar- ~~r4Mf~lQOur heart* fuil of gi5hù585. love and S mour & co. ln the city last Monday. Lfl JWeoome as a fselly. United. slncere, R. W. Buikiey's bouse was sligbtlY The bonds growng mrotiser, tise f riendship damsged by igbtning Tuesday nlgbt. as on Glothing or Shoes. The verY mr er Mrs. Jno Austin, Br. was taken L st and Largest assort nft of WhyotsskFatherTImetowaltatourwIlî, iul ltTedybu enwo %as pariarchS of old. asked th u n ro si ITedabuleown N c WeradSrwH t.stand uttUJ? the gain. Aye. aye, toturu liackt. ton degrees- . . oUsc WHkga. o Tu roon eee ltsan tkethlseae. handies the eoldering irou nluT ~QU D Â ~ R "The roli of lionor. DovwU -Dcai;- 8chack's tnshOP. W aeymoréde of value, great and ganAle fr!B lt a o e u ! rcs w The Misses NeUie Trigg n lc we Prise tbem mpre bghiy. even cme sweet Baldwin, of Chicago, visited at John wiléekfor them selves. gem . Austin's ovr Suday.E ER TMEY U O E T - iFidladlI Miss Clara Wilson, Of Chicago, la ...5s-sa-~i~itiIrOur Dyaionds are britant. o varions ue, vstn e cuiMe mie Hardie YOUtR T E MPER....,,..b' Lîtr.ri ILLE-s, ILLI NOIS. and osllheworfriandstl ner an One or Our vorthy bue., brouglit a great C. C. Copelaad bas returned froi Clothies are awvfu11y aggravatin ' rhe ar ce tsu htr a d iam n re rs ros t a N thise ri N Y , w er T H E IN D EPE N D E N T. y.11,ai1here, oved uneon dear? hsvstt oten N . hr ethings-,2that is, if they're not NMADE righ7 a.C PDOKEyroi ADpio.A. W. Waldo weflts a first-elass girl O oreYuKo Omi»overLoel aDru SOwaY, Z Z e ANO . BWeregrtbusycareba5keptsome away, as8cook, to take charge o! the kitchen ________ FRIDY. AGUST30. 895. FondIS bopîng theyll ho vith us a year Work. Ses ad eieewbere. hioura Fr0." i to 3andl O to S. FBDAY AUUST30.189. Aud no e are one, te lnknwioway Orille Haven and family rejoice That the way to get~ rid of your Clothing Dr. J. L.ÎAYLOR, jdlaiis ILLE LINS. No.492t F. A-..* all nd farwellîonhot a sta3 - over the advent o! a healtby newanoae ko vrnthgbu e urdars~~~~~~F of shmnb illl rhelcr He drooised and died fron a home o bites. daugbter, borti Aug. 23, 1895. ,C weltulmoth. VsitiC. He.Âustco a.b.wes. . . Les, W. W. F r1 And turuced tond lIts. from bis chidren's Mrs. C.B utn, wbo bas been 'Dr.____J.______________ ývisitingLibertyvilIe !riends tepast . _______________________________ W t menorice sgther around tiresEcene, ~fIe oOr riggOS& Teylorle Store h ID.E!D< for dnterprlse. la many Lme. deatb inssa ben een tbree weeks, returasto BarringtonlE 35- S. o - - _ a-.- - . - _ylis, Wtb truc heurts throbblng. vitiseiidndtoday. - soal- tosi. .'u)pni-to-p. For aSy sHandsome. Tie or beaL b.heN 5ah~.egeste15 Fbl tit at, see Joffey & Joffey. We conee euh e>mpitby for tisose wel Mils. Etta Ellis has- reoovered trem 4 mue. a severe attack of neuralgiQîidC U5I'Y1LU..ILLINOIS. The TDLSaThelps YOIî and it e.i _lfl ratitt t D er Then a e ec thr ure t tosilultetnn o r .B _______________________wiii pay you te belp astain it. Tie a v el>ese oier1ures Gailowtiy. DR. E.H M T . Tbe LDEIPEZUT fille the bill for a Adprove tw thse wrd h ee ot0 .Cbrhlwf n hlrn i'Iê. )Ylý County and Oeneral Newepaper. rare; .Chrbil ie n huIe s te chant> t at epiteretis long and le klud, F e n l r , a t n e h o d OMO& Pie uty o!DugStre g o ric tte ern ,If ve eek it, we eureiy shaLl filoU stoek fair and the Soldiers' Beunien A~I The maker agrees to returfi your Brick Yards at bottemheeeteesfoprices. radonneiswek.mney if the goods are flot just as (a ceovrLov1elA. HDrUg St C. oreuswthree cieeroriepIl atoethsrek W.n:!à'o5:i ::)DIj.H.EKee,&C.ugho Joe Boeehmbas begun work 0on Ba they are represented. LIbertyVllO, - IlinolS. Peter Litcbfield bas good second- F<r the Assîhor, ou this thse nineth y, iereieoeo ieltonPr growtb wood for salie at $3.50 per A% our trleudslll)as truc as thse be"ng Place s-arofB.id- bcto'rbad-let us tell you of cord. blne. Bore new mansien. a d just hereanether stron PAUL Mac OUFFINM. rubakers new Ivoryette" photos Those preeet Atiî.. ltis. 1>. were. b IDPEtE sth nl aprpint in their favor: You cari buy themn for les IMIII AD COICELLR AT UNar telate.taiid beet. Jf.No Bls t D am eéw Drnn. whch always stands up for Lberty- money thain xferior goods are sold for. --mm NOTARY PUBLIC-I bav 0 uhl pierefrj no. L tue, INI. .Smzith. ville. It will pay every business man SpeialAttntin gventeCollections seed.a e(" 43-ta> O. D. HAVEN. .C. Sutn. Ju. Autin,. to paronize our Fuir Daiiy.£*I R (J BY & G . 5u. a p .ý a tn ti o n v e n t n g .C o m p are thle -i5 D Ep KNr DL- w itb an y J w1.>. A ustin S . . F. P. ty M o u.d. T o e, JU S h eA ifs io a er e e C O B O udiCe WthLaeCuyBankin . ohrppr vrl akeW. IK. Dy moud. jas. Dyrnond.The srigteprfsllase OM* il "a outyBak. ote ppe eerpulibe i LeJou-8 s Lsei'. e mr. Dy mouid. vices o! Dr. J.- L. Taylor et unseason- LIU.IYVILS.- -lieils. coîintY-It la the beat. Furret Dyrnoui. Eurl Dyuiond. aîjie heurs, wlU find hlm at bis resi-aj1 ~au Brubakt?'R gailery le ln the uew Frank Srnth T. M. Meldrisrn dence on Broadwaiy, opposite the W S < bU IA Will vuioud. .,îwmy Dy'iuufl 1 MIS LUU M 5 pENIMN. building, 216 N. Genesse St, Waluke- À ,Âr 1, . .Auu. ublic park. I KASE~gan. bou w1il know it by the "rotnd c. . unbou. V ili Smith. Soi Keiey says that weu e went .... Instruta.. show case. 33tf Arthur Di moud. Edwlo AIiCIiu. away two monthes ago be wouidn' give Vocal and Musîc. The new residences on Bradway MutonamiDth, vlSiit. much for the crop prospects. New he 1184 hhaitl sisen d Lituii. and Park Place are somve or tbe Ouest, Baby SLune, tis surprised to find tebeet ,corn. e Jliiumy Lune, Dun ITun % l u? Slliftz MfS. rnost modern bouses in towu. Fssne5mltb. Lldu Dymeiid, eer raised lu Lake conty. LlUAVV~I.E LLINOIS. Foranc lilgcr rbsns dltb Dymtoiid. mies Hcks, Dr. J. L. Taylor was called up ut -------------_________ adegieth IIKPiNET a caîl. MaseDynn. lucY a rvce. midnigb: Wednesday to give surgical Fad ine he itnDra tic. s rt- s. J,îo. Prie. AleuPîe atteestiot t the littie son o! John ____________________ miss M. Ailce Davis Fn ewJeP adanieas r ebe Austin, 3d". EdtwinlAOtiIi. 1 mnto! carda here. ire. C. H. Austin, Ethel Austinl, StanlifaiPriie View, wbe had dis- - es" t tain w ich as been opened for the sealloL dmm atejuTIeACRRas F arte ak oths e wn.oryette tsVîiln LesonsUncle Robt. Ray le enjoyiug a visit ad indulge in Five Cents worth o! soliti peue ae yplc eoesefrom bis dauighter-ln-iaw, Mrs. Chas. We aise curry a f ull stock of the 001q lng thein. Lbryilpoid ecngt Bay an d anchildren, Mabýl and Zz Cream goda !eund this sie o! Chicago. Li«trYIL LLNI.gbtistrukteNrhWetr > oeseoae oratîuasLlfom Sutbetiand, la. Tbey ex- Eeddl neo 1dê CIIUUOTYYthIN rt W strn or or shoar.NorOItSulrspect te spend a mouth visiting riends BtS ~~~depot ut W akegafl Tuesday nig t, consut Wiii Sabem. hr. Bu e ts I n t w tsn E ei dedfo u otne t etting lire to it, wich ws put outli" v C nslnt haoskn fudtmy.treI ~~C Io EER hWlVer at5t~CtlUinil te cpaa. Do You Want a Dalty Paper? 'aGe. e ri bas rented is fnrm at Much still amaller. Tbey are Wortbmoe Libetyvlle - IliniS. The ptiblic sebools begiti next Mon- hre a rcl dd- move to Lbertyç ille where bcwill be- !spaew nyucn Libetyvile, î11ýis day, Sept. 2. Every studetit wboexe-lilvers ail the Chicago dailies-Tirnes. You Don5 Jo'st Have to trs-g w oucnP pett.1.1h ...sal ntii the enrd e!the fiscal year, Dbe¶eadquarters for pure utiis Iscrlng lu tise psIt seventeea iyeaCI, 1 amibc on baud tbe first day and bc regu- nul and News-between 6 and 7 bnb ilruito i w ok in auypart O when illopu1at oDrun on took prepared to attend iculeu isliarI n uet o!rafe.oeocbt origadeVDn, e Lake sud adjoiniiIiCounties et very Low laEatd uIcl altbeeare. 'cinktbeb nothe adleinsg Rate. SaI.tSttOl Ourafled LosTTesday, betweeri John Bau- !rom eune te four heurls ahead o!fb .P unllrpeelil the Ala L au v cive me a Ca. 1-n etmleald ' ria ftetris lecp h an;.&home udLibe(yvîllBiadYin_____ ______ _____la_____ _______ ______ ______ ____S_ backsIlk cae.Fuewilbsit News, Batt cents a rnontb, or 2 cents rernain tili Novemnber the guest of B. MASON, ack lyere on er te he oeret cey; News 25 cents a month, or hie daughte, Mrs. Peter Rock. He ___ GE .iseAS N MaY rry MeNab, or les-ce saine Bti1 cent per copy. sbscribdfrteI4EEDt d rltPltKrO ths ofic. ....sends it te Alabaa te pst his FR ED CROKER , ,vemahi1OlQ Toubed tth",rldîdt DsenBrYfriende ou Libertyvlle andi LakeÀ 11 i.tJai ite % str .ite a number from bere attended Tobe hPridclDsnoyCe, uffairs. vumm he M,,.rvCe. Fait at Woedstock Henîry P. Sucvera, ot Lucea, Jamacia, BOar y ieDa rWek Iis week. Among tbernl . .West India Islands, sasys: "Since my Abetît twenty cbildreu gatbered at * a1 r r J SpaAccumthidtl e T rveligbnkwb ett ibbtbsuwrecevery trotu an attisck of dysentery, the berne o! E. H. Brownu last Satur- a 1 ,, D speialAcc m en. patentmedenlya years ago, il cornes on sud- day afternoon; the occasion being bis Meu paentcern hueker and foddet cutterdyut Limes, and makes me very son ErnLest's birtbday. They enjoyed SPAAGUE ST.. LIBERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS. and Sc.Churchill te, get pointera weak. A teaspeeittil o!Chamberlai's ail sorts of amusements untii 4 'cock bow te rua a fait. Ijolo, Choiera aud Diarrhina Retnedy wben refreshmeuts of ice cream and -I B~ey. G. D. Beuvet, ministet, wil tken lu a litile water gives me ira- cake were served aud after viewîng aLBLT ILE lPi 1a M IS BARER SROP preach at the Presbyteriati ciutcit mediattrelie!. 1 could get a dozen ubrfceesn tyrtid -le nov L4tcted lu tie- next Sundiiy moruiug at 10:30. Sub- testimfoniaiisfrmtupeople thers, wbo n mber etnicempreset hpy rthe ~"-Eveninghave been cured by titis remedy." For waighmmu oehpybth COM Erca ioe.jet. iiafeatdnsleEenn by, F. B. Loveil, Libertyvilie, anîd days. Oom~.erciSdlservito1.8, HaifectCrtefes CLan Ser-EP I1 whrcyo eu i as etyor ic SG. C. Robertts, Waucoiida. M r. and 'Mrs. Sol Kelsey arrived tiaVtfg. mt(r CuttifE. & Dressing, vice uuday Sebool follows Mora- ________ - -home Satnrday neen tromn a two --atise Latest style of the- Eeyoywloe Home Seekers' Cheap Excur- montha vieéil dowu eaet. Tbey report L 1 bi7rg y EvensyhaodY ajollcolmet 'Z'~-UZiS~- h-rit Liertyville continues te put on sin algajhyodlme camping ut 01v rme a trial, 1 ii pe&"eja. ctyair. everal residet te ioNrhmWicni n the on Otésego lakes, S. Y. Tbey expect Sherman lias Bar.gains in Bieyclts~ 1 iySrdprbdvsonhveflei to Northwoot. their triends from there to, returil liake,,permanent lInT M utsln parties looking for agricultural and their vlii neit summier. We'1i wat- 1h. shape 'o! cernent sidewflke. tituber lade i ii have an opporttiuily rant theyli be greatly surprieed when Among tbose progressive citizens thaïs of dige at very 10w rates. On U- titey sec how Libertyville bas grawu I LIUAn r TJCAQ f ur reported are B. J. Proctot, Joe guat 29th sud Septetaber 101h and and ber many modemn lmproveiuentse, Re 8H JjJJIiLAN Lu e Con ty U&È Bebil, W. T. Baton, Dr. Taylor, ea. 24th te Wisconsinl Central LUnes iii electric lght, ater work. re s aoii round trip Home Seekers excursion The Marchast Mfg. Ce. ce a tickets frontChicagoitand Mlwaukees o Peter Bockelinllnt, lte popular tan- DAE I Wriht Pakhrst& o., imresiO a slbiity Eeryhii pins ur W i n > en Ab & sria artstleagaîn afflted wih lu.DAERN