CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Aug 1895, p. 6

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*iii gÉf0ýdrs.a te is fo u eIgbt, -4_ýi4Wy a toigb hetu es etthe *a- t **we s âwbatstrently ltg4en erve te peles.a.mibr- uÀ~l a atblnease. zSongeat Lyon euamen vth aIouaWbaosunga si oeimts1% Ri las l«M t~uor.godtif sot reiiet, sud'tii. 4bmeot ut aasbddou lui s seafanlceut ateuat aIfasar ~ oenci la ftheservice. Uf~agJW'sdsuft. a-ho seei~ ~~ vifleus sd uucouth &$the tso bu alued ijolued the a-k- "OWajuad-lUterto, s*"ceubat! bec. te fue dmlulg segea t fcaulti alyirbsa"Iof bie over-eagetne.t., ., ttet tm t e hobade fisr to 6h. be,-oid hlm- ~sI~'lh agrisurprise; If a-as merel>- ln- -4U~épc flet laefet-indifference ag- It alu s ascomplote. Wc,~e do't bc se provokin. Ton, *7~Utt woeld b. liet lor me te marri *4We WeII, I1tiare uay If voult"- thahlafwly-.lf-1 Icaud niiou>-mako -y uôly tri, Jans. Loy.eaais comes atter mariage," be argueti. enger- - Why dbet-,you prove If hi yonr ovu exsaper a ,aab .te, sgllgeutly. a-Maal'y soine one yen dete«t, antiI- "YTeu-yoia dont dtet mer'-biaukly. "Oh,.ne; but 1 don'f love yon, and tbefe'u no amitdle conue lu marrIage, I - e wsu-a aipacet Iorthoeflan., andi pou- ftem hmsf lt It aatcblug iier as ahc mléu& abouf thi e an, s rranglug fth. bits *1 'oây, ulth besud tuene a ta-lgof fle a-he Ieries lufermingleti. Umre.iwro, ises Jaaue's notuer, bati bessyflie danglte, ef a voetry sur- 40eu, an& biug loft ulmost penunliou t bor f«tW#e'udeatia, bad bccmaneseachet'4 be usvilag ahol.If be-Ibeezt squiet,1 litls-reeea.dspot, andi unfll tue age t fo4. thé hu5aled net even the. sus- vielen uts Ipie st f. bricbten ftb, ne-1 Sofa>- t >e.kistee. Tien tue cier- Sy0o" of Ibeir vIllagemeasatouaoa sail tort" uai, liclent te slloa- hlm t. retire *cça bis labors sud, put a curat. lun bis9 1%0 mmas isea a-a-abaceIior, bt1 Untlt a-ail bav h... conuldonsd tue eWpolut luaisefayot. RHe aasPlain, Mii-antibel-staaved, as indeoti ho1 IAM9 a bl Its, Iadernugtfe miserable I ~lv.dI rèelvd.But te Jmonesmotiier3 lsM *5>-m aesfutbo a sgentleman, -1M meanon liedseemed te ber the. per- £eiaiý of courtly breçdilag, sud blhob eidWelber ah. a-auld bave gialy become .bd* if l lu ite .ofail the petty troubles vIcaens ae ttendant on gonteel- poverty. Bat tiier because bhW ownu bst aast *4t *cieetIy lueresteti, or ft, tem »Mgt.uelflsless, %bc lialtatati te let hu*nbis lot, lue nver diti; anti alter l«WM ye oar f alte=tathope. ahd lesa i* ber Me0., sutefar lover appesred upon »Me e a d ui lits brick a-olung sue-1 O.5i iiin, br fer Iea-Ife. , Âtbmtchu for ber," people nIld1 ý-4" te eftat iromn. te bluti ber-1 sItt. the neugh If daslutng buter, a-ha ogos ber ouly thlert necsmarlus, iwe. taebch.iglt bave fa ou- ,m lih.wa-aan a lth. primo li1g er psasuteli, -eblivious yqa'ad indîfference to I* a lttie bigler, Jenny tieaing," the Sergeant, sudadlons>-,1 dm bbluit! bo, b. attempeti itrseherseif a-ay, aud Uan énmae alti uratu andi tre oub Buw an iae on!" aho sdlu ber.angor the coniti a> tillemoaaenfary adnu.ovor, Ber-i leoedasPeentaanti abash- ea" ihava-labed, or a" uj'nn- wôp4ra*ec a bae madetie l bu1* te bus ou position of "sf- h.e ofld OnIymerlan, ltanu- vos- ort, . upen mi seul, *alpeope-you a-ho prefenti te te flaî0 s e fma iu00 ,1as ditbcmof thgain.-.-util io ne*t,l and eedeit t ob"wia lInention, ant *' ~i -ehai. R.gaioael m te a mor. matter- teevie p ou tet If could carry, sud toid 1me ta givo It te Mr saeethearf-u*d--uo I brougluf If fa yon." "Iudeed," remanked Jane, fnlgldli. 'I breughit inlua basket for fetir anY oeeabould ask: me for a bit and 1 uuied If ail for ioa. I don't suppose fbeW@' Énotuer lu Alipare, beald.w tue Colonel sud yaurs.if, thaf has s plece of real mis- tietoe or hoil." "Dld YionBay if vas 1cr mer' 'Il meut lourd ne naines, but I expectflbe guesed. I don't tbiuh tlaere'à mucli mis- take about ny feeliansauy way." Jane rernalned froa-aiugiy client. Whill the a-as sf111 mllent, the enter door a-as flirown violent>- opeu, and Me, Knox cane lu bnrriediî aud nnk upon a chair. "Have yon beard fhe neya?" ah. asked, furuing ea-bhite, oxeiteti face tirefta oone rand thon ftetCher. "We bave beard uotlalngl' replied thie Sergeant. "What lu If, mother?" asked Jane. ::Tiie quartermuster-he le- "Not 111, lislhe? I Bau hlm ont tube mornlng," said the. Sengeant. "Not marnaed? There. bun hartiui bec. fine for tlint," smlled Janie. "Bý*e la deuti," vas fhe solenan anim-er, aud a-heu the. liraf abock of their surprise vas auven,. HuaKnoxbegan ttotllber etor>-. If huti bet'uase0 antden, so fcrrlbly und- den. Be hidbeen ut "orderly bout" that moruiug. Thenlbe lidrefurued ihome fa breakfast sud <affera-ard bsd gone oto- a amial room lbe used au an office, aud a-bore lh.nover permltted hblanscfefab. dlafurbed cxcept on urgent business. If was the Colonel binsoîf a-ho, aliahing fa speak te hlm, buit sent lu a salam. The terrilieti bearer came buck vitb tue newa thaf biu monter vas dylng or. dead. And dead lie had provedti f0bc. While sitfiug quletyii ninulis chair sa udden at- tack of heurt disesosb ai seizcd hum, sud bile badl beu extinet for sevorail heure a-heu at last fiiey fauud bin. 'Don't yen se. a-bat this menus for your father?',I Mru. Knox sald, cagerly, a-ben ber auditors badl botb expressed their siuupathy sud surprise. "He a-Ilb. quartermaefer Iu hie ufesd. The Colonel nuid as nuch mat nov, a-heu b.e sked hlm ta takre over the. aork util permanent ar- rangements conld bc made. Be viii ho a comniesloned officer et lest, and a-e shail mis: wltb gentlefolk; sud ion, Jane- tion't yon see uhat a good tuing if will b. for YounV" à.Misa Jane vîli marri a gentlemau nov. She muât forget ail that 1 have nid," remarked tue Sergeauf, sad>-, look- iug ao buudeom. sund noble as lie ne- noncd ail bis boec. fat afJne'u heurt varmedti faard hlm, sud she stretebed oat'Ier banda impulalveiy. But Me,. Knox rose bastil>- from ber 5, u anawen.d for bier daughtcr. "0f coure a. iii fargef. Rh. la on- foriug lute a nea- hfe, and viii make nea- frientis. Ton sm youruelf bdw imposuible If la that fbere couaidlb. anythlng bef a-en ion nov!" "Why not?" aaked Jane, saply. "'Neltuer of ns bas altered; If le ouI>- the cirmnmamsances tbat bave changed." "Yeuonmean-" bogan the iong Iei- loy eagenly. 'I mesu tijat I ahonid b. ashaaiaed te let this make auy differeuce; sud-sund I viii marriyayu If ion Dire, Sergesut Lynu.", But a-heu tue ergen, radiant a-lUi 'deibgbt, came fora-ard quickl>- f0 take bier lu hie arma, the. motber tbrea- herseif botwieen the. tao lovera. "She le madl; sedoas not knov a-bat site la saylug. If ion bave a spark of mauli feeling, Jacobi, ion viii go a-si at once. Jane, I lonbid Yeuion asur another a-ord.' Talkiug sf111 for fear of eltiier. of them dinobeiug, sah. puaheti hlm froin tue m'oaln, .tuafhe could only ttuu bis head andi gaze regretfuily at his sa-eetueart, a-hom lbe hutse unexpectedli a-on. 8h. asstanding vlii h otu bauds cbasped tlghtii on ber breaat, ber face whit, sud frbgiitencd, as iii. realize te fwahaf ah. bad pledged- berseif But ber eyes met is briyel>-, sud spoke eloquent> of lber lufendet idltity sud truf h. CHAPTER IH. The. nea- year braegiit many changes to Jane Kuax. -Rer fatlier's appoîntmnt te> tus qnarternastershlp bildbeau tati- lied froni beadiquattersasd tuey la Ian- medlateiy fakon s bungaloa-wa in theofi- cera' lios Jane*a-as pretty enoutb, howver, f0 prôsper ulthut auy stiveafiions aid. Tbougb veay easl, oven delicatel-forn- ed, ah. a-- ueltuer tulu nor lusigullicaut Iu appeareuce. Ber figure a-as allim yet svelt e, graelul vîthouf effort, sud as pliant s a rendi; but lu ber lace a-as lber 4dIcb5rUe-tb. bnlgbt gboa-ng liauti *M soli ofsncb perfet- heaifl, vîfl- oufsgentlug laite aytig approacb- lug comnsa. The, uu-toucel p iut- brovu hb M sDlufo the, aoftest ceai. ou luerlew bbhétli d5ftr e-yIIîlieui-M- ed ta-o lovely hasel e>-. andi d.epeuied flueln deesaiy, ielaugilgbt. "If ouI>-*sie voul alt in11lu lve?' tuougbt the. suxionu motber, "sh, vouiti sm tlulugs lu a more resuonable liglut then; toiidslleàiiu "deont glance.,et the voen preseat, sud the boider. Adtultlg ga» o0f men. Sbe hbU turned ber bscltos, hoth, and strove t» appeur deeplyinlt.réêit.dLa the. pol-pay racethaf WAgeignsuon, a-heu preuftly a geutie, drawlilng voie.ound- ed in ler ear. "Boa- do yon do, Misa Knox? Rlave you delded a-Ilch la to be the. a-muer?" If was CQIohel Prlnaepthe. colonel of lier fat her'& regimeut, the -thi Huas. "I a-as net th!Pkiug about the. race,,, ah.e confesaed, biushlug. - He did net proesthe. aubject but stood boaldo ber, rnaklag a rer*nov &,ud then, and i1sfeulug courteonaly tfthti.n idly bazarded replies. But a-leu PMrs Kuax Joined nervously in the. convsa- flou, be found hie Interest iag, sud ater a fev deaultory remarks noved avay te- yard a gronp of f hie people, wuoug who a -a a young lady, Who were sftand- Ing sevral yards a-a>. Ber eyea were fixed upon the. poulf« that wore being waikcd up aud deyvu pro- paratory foua race, but ah. mv as liftle of a-bat she looked at as Jane KuOz 1usd seen some. twenty uiiuutes'beloM,>Per- hapu If vas becaus. ail ber tlaonghts ver. aith thb. "a-bat migbt bave beep", tiiat @ahe çould fnot se. a-at aetuliy a-as. The mnt casual observer m4ght have gtaescd ah. vas a woman vltb a story- a utorn w aich both lber companlona mad piayed a part. Nora Dene a-as not yet ta-euty.f vo, but looked obider ou acconut off the. gravlty er lier expr*sloa, whicb scîdoin relaxed lufo a @mile. Rer noaath iad sa Uttie pathetle droop a-hlcb seemed f0 compel plty lu spîte of the. pride whlcb wouid not stoop fa sakif. B er eyes ver. sad viftiih saduesa of those îvhich seldoua or, neyer weep, and are the "saddest eyes of ail."1 Her face ligbtened a-heu Colonel Prin- sep jolued. thein sud @ahe made a move- mnt toward- hlm, wbleb betforutled iy qulckeuing biis pace. Tbey a-et. as good frienda ne If a-as possible for mnuand ivoman tf0lie vithout protestations snd a-ifh n. fhoughf of anytbiug beyeud. "Yon arc looklag fired," lhe began. "Wo't You corne over f0 the soas?" "Thauk you; I fbiuk a-o have a bette> tvew frein.. Lee, ndolI 1 jh.oecsed- fiis race," sbe answened, ouly now bi.. ginuing fe sec the poules as tub>- cani. tercd ilp aud dowu. .%s ah.e spokie one of the men-ber hua'. band-camue and placed a chair beside ber which lbe lad brouguf ovor froin the tente. "Why did you not sa>- on aetc tireit, Nora ?" lie reproacbed bier geutiy. "Becase. I did nt fs-el ao-at lensi, flot wifb standing. There la aiwayasà certain amount of fatigue lu watacbinr fhings like this. Do't ion thIuk so?' furning te tue (Colouel. "I duare eni-at least--of cours. theras à. Regimentai sports are a-says au lié- Iliction. They> are one oIf the sacrifices a-e feel obiiged te make for the meu, asud for a-hich a-e gef no thanks." Then, a& ber huebundt ell back sud resumed con.t1 versation a-îfb bis companion, lie added,1 lu a iower voice, '3Mre. Doue, I Vaut te Interest ion lu son. one if I can." "Am I se difficuit fe Interesf In any-1 tbing, thaf ion laite snch an humble, toue?" site asked, iooking up et ion lai sorne amusement fron tue bu seat of whicb, lu upîte of lier denlal' f fatiguei siie bail avalled bersel.1 "I amrn dutnn myseif ratuer fla. io-I do't knoa- whetuer 1 ouglut to ank If, lIefc. Rheseems very quiet sud reflueti, but I ahould neyer forgive mi. self Il auyunupleasautuoeacame fa iou fiiaongh graning mi rcquesf."- "Are you speaklug of the. nea- quartels. mastees daughfer?" "Tbe veri persan-but Yen muet lbe a wltcii f0 bave founu t font." «"Not a very wonderfulli tilucover>-, cou- sldering you bavc been falklng f0 ber ejý cinsîveli for the. lent hall bau,."1 "lTen minutes, I assure îou"-umnlilnd gooti-bunored>-. *el dure as>- If ueemed no longer," dry- b>. "Rh. in a vyenpretti girl." "lu abe? -I acarceli noticed. Iwaa. Isorry f0 sec ber sud lber mot ber standing ail alone, and jlued thon ouf of purent pIf>." "'And ion uSut me te emulate the n.- bilifi 0f yonr coudut?" "I shonld 1ke ion fo b.e good f0 thet Il you ceau. Theire la sncb an avka-ard posit ion. Toutse. tboy caunof associat. wlth fhielîd fnicuda, and gain no ue* on@ la place of tuose tbey bs.." '"0f course I vili b. amiable If yos a-tub; but,, don't îou fluk If a mistake-don't yeu thinia tue>- ili ouI>- b.e uncomfortabi. out f .1tuitproper aphere?" "'Iflain ly the 'first tep' thaf a-lI'céoat, tuen anythiug. Wômn adapt tuemnelvea no readil-tefalat ereti circumstances; aud Mrm.Kuox la coneldeably above bier prcu- eut position, I bavebeand." $lhe abrugged bier shonîderu but di& net aftempt a verbal contradiction. "'Yon are not thluklug of going home1 just yet, are you, GeraldT' @lie aal'ed, turulug to ber buabanti. "Net unie,, you wiuii If. a1a t your1 service.."4 (Te b. coufiflueti.> A Fine Toboggaa eBlet. The Malais have tue flnest toboggan e114. lu the voriti, laiPersk ther.a linge granite glope bu tue course or & meuntala river, domwn hiu tue wqter telice about ta-o luces tiep, tue main atteana l4VlI4ca"04.ont a bed b>- theoaideo f tue bonîder. This rock, flie lace ofa-idi li a usrentiered. as suaaotu as -gaiss luitue cosstait flou et wster tifllag f li ndreofetyear the DWase-uaen, a-orns adoUidme -bave turýned , à te 4 lda.CUmablng tu the top oft he. Otec ier au lthl e .jablow vater *Itb ther lest straight onf, anti a band ou nb amie Ion Veer. Ing, anti tues ildo stralgiat doua tue slxty eet Inte s pwool twater. This tu a favorite sport on smy nornInga, as many >As ta-o undreti -olk belnu.a psed ln If at a Uine, snd slidlng down se quicklyonosfteir anoflueg, or tanmlug roua etfta-o, four sud'eYoua elghf Ver- sons, fiat flie>- tupble laU> g pool s centuseti indeset mrabuli ereetores, li seeiate b.e i Whuy muug gabas, ad Umomla IIttIq ti u îliiil OVEltopFRoM THE MOTEL.-tN8 "sineer Pierce, Whoss (gUec caagiethe. iorror, Hluus.lfa vîctini Off nie Own Carcle.aues-Fire la zuXinukec -Outrages by the. Chines. Twenty-iive the Death Roll. À portion of the Gumry Hotel, Jenver, the. scene of thé frlghtfoi dlsaster, ia sf111 stuanding, gaunt sud sinibter, coustaut>- threateuiug ta crash down et any moment lopon those delving in the. ruine Tho seareh for victine a bben esrried on witb the, ufmost enérgy constiintiy, with the. Aid of twenty arc lighta. The 1sf of dead and misasg ow numbers tweuty- Ilile, maklug the. disaster the, worot that ever oceurred lu the. clty. If in cleariy prôved thai the tragedy was due to the mmkioesuesf thé. englacer, who turned vater lt. the.boiera wblchhbît becomne overbeaf cd Pierce, the. englacer, Itl l miii, wau lntoicated. In. eof the. victimes were lustantiy Ulied; éthers were burled in ftho ruine wber. tbey aioivly burned te deafb, tthe building havlug takea ire afttr tiié ex- plo"; a; f ers were rc.cued after suffer. iog horrible torture. only fe die lu boa- pilai or on the. w&Y fa Il, white0f otrs tîli suffered InJurie. fliat -wit aerlou@iy affect tiiemu dvrlngIlle.. For several houre affer the. disastor tii. Icones amid the ruine of thb. hotel were @Ach that men f urned pale and atood belp- lee aitb sorroa- end barrot, Several pen- sons"voeeseen slowly bnrning ta deatia, but tii.>- er. snoa-eigbfed In-na-if h de- bris and .eompasseil b>- faine f hat no aid could ho, given then.. Sonie of then bs-gged pîteousl>- te ho killeti thut fias-> mlgbt nef b. force-I fo endure the torture o! tire,a-hile othiers, needing ouI>- the chopping off nI a 11mb ta b. Irêe. inpined the inamen fae ut off a leg or an. atm. Mant aof the vietias a-et. persoasprom- neut lunftbe affaira of the titate. Tbe total los cause-I y hi e explosion eud lire la $75,000. The (unr>-Bof el vus vorti about $25,000 and b.d $8.00 IOTEL THÂT i'BOVl) A DEÂTII-TRAP. Worth of furniture. Lt la a total wreek, but was inxured for $25,000. Thei. c Maun Block, whicb stands nerfta tiith Gumry, wasalaie heavily damaged. Tt la owned b>- Colonel E. A. Bfshop and waa built lu 18910. If ia a four-story pr.saed brick and ln occupied tbroughout by ftbe A. Lilliblade Furuafur. Company. The whole rear end of tuis block was ruln.d. Tiie lois on the. building la about $25,000, as the. building wW have te b. fora down. Thia block le lnaured for $15.00. The. sfock of A. Lîllîblade, valued at $30.000, la oui>- partly bust. FIRE IN MILWAUKEE Valuable RaIlroad end Steamboat Fia. burn.d over a dozen blocks in Milwaukee Tiinraday and destroyed prop- erfy Worth $382.000.. t starfed ou the, river front at the. Wafer Street bridge aud before if was atopped if iiad burned a swath from, one te fhree blocks wlde f0 Sixtii utreet, A afif bre.ze arved to fUn th ire an. sd sent thein traveling weut over tii. yards oftith. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Itailroad Comany wlt h ,startlins rapillitiy, defroylnt in f hei pafli the. frelgbt varehous.a of rahh'oad sud -taMg xpeMmgneo;vatuablefreigiit lu etorage, sud raliwray cars. For four houri &Il the. lire apparatus, firemen sud employes of the. railro.d com- 7»ay la théeclty fougiit the. progresu of the. dames.belore fber wffl under controL Wben the. flghtcra flnlsheid work two com- patnies of firemen were l.ft: f0 guard balf oa-a.dby ia C.M.&et. P. IL IL Co.,,..............100.000 Ancixarsin. (Peansylvania Co.).. 40,»4) Slxty freîgbt eas (C., M. & et. P. Ce.) ...................50S Wisconsin Central, freight. 30,000o (J.. M. & et. P. 'Co. fregbt ...70,0W0 Frankln refluera of Philado-lphla. 87,000 Delau.y varelions., damaged... 5,0(0 Pritalaif varehona., damaged. -. 2,000 P. P. Done'. tact or>-.......... 21000 Twelve Iran. houseo, danaged. 0>000 Tot ai...................$3201 Insurauce campanes, bowever, a-Il stand the. ,,&t.t portion cf the ilm. Theii. blao. Milwauakee sud et. Paui Comupany, by farthtb e arleat Jouer, Ie lui- ly protfeced iiy luursuce, etareanfhe seuashlp sud manufactnnlng concerna. The dosesrmne cottages that stand ou fihe uotb edge of the. bnrnsd district, sud a-are ail more or les. daluag.d by the blase, are oa-nod by vonbingaen, a-ho muât stand fitroVu 1bases. Tbey sur- fered net ouir by damage dont f0 tii.e homes by thi e but lu the. sxcitement thie houa. furbniablgaae t irovu loto thé o« sta'tnd aearlî destroyed. Asbe. Item fthe pipe of a carels long- aboreunasaet wa-on ouheadocks of the Union hteaabeat Company are b.ileved te bave cSus.d the. expenalve blase. Ne unue knoe us sf oa- If t etcd. Wheu irt sen If aas burnlng on the. plaukuaag of the dock clos.efteithesoutb end et the building ef a point a-ber. there la a bend lu tue river, seernaI Iaur.ired feot West of the WVest Waten strft-t bridge. A sontbî- a-eut pâie blivaing ov.Tr tli cia>-lit a thfrty-mile-an-hour gai t faianed itanud lu les mfilanit takes to fs-l tbe stor>- the fluanes ver. licking up 1.500 feot of Valu- able rivet front properti. LST OF THE MISSIONARIES. Nana, off fho Clnan ad woueuWho Are lu Dauger nt o Chow. -Tie. iotes it F00 Claoa, report cd lu the latent dispatches, are machtatone gsnlas tiasu tii... lu the Inferior aud gîve tbh' friands 0ff i nluaonaries andaissionalrv wark more concera. Poo Claow it, ta-a r the couat, sud ln a cît f etitupotan(ce. A' 'ié.pat ch ta the. Landau Tins-s fron m a Kong confirma tue dlepatch auuounc-ii,. thf e attack upon the American n~a' aar oarao Cbaw andad dangt-rons @talc- )f thepoplac ofthat ûit>-. Faoo i Hpiscopal church'm niasuionan>- a-rk. The' mission a-as begian in 18-7, mntaini nov unden the gelerai supervision ut Bieiioî, Gootias-l, asîsted by hibe foiloving mis- sionarbes anti their vives: N. J. i'lunh, G. B. SmYth, 31, C. Wila'ox. W. I. Lacy- J. J. Gregory, M. D.; J. H. Wonbey, WN. N. Brevster, U. M. Miner. anal-%finse .r llBavortb. Tiare are also e otaabe)r a vonen nlssinnieài senat ont b>- fhe Wo- nus Foreign Missaïnuni Sodiet>- of the Mtbodiat Chnrcb, a-ho work lu conjune- tiona aith the bishop sud bis ails. Thîe niisbouanies are iocated lu varions tu-us andi villagcs near Fao Choa-.andatofu course, iu case o ach ncbunng ins re- ponteti, nlgbf b. munalereai belon, assist- anc. coulai b. sent fa tbem or the>- coulai Iassemble uit the Americun scbool, neur tbe I ales of Foo Chow. INSANE ASYLUM HORRORS. ]Patients ]Permît ted te Manglle sud Matns Bach Other. Tbe Investigation ut the Cook Counti (111.) Comnissionera luto fIh. management offia. Dunlung Insane Asylun hega Tuendas>., Tuirf>'thons.nd a-ardu aIftell- timon>- aen. taken authf h irst elttiug. Tavard the enti 0f the day*s ifflug came a horrible etor>-, tlaat lu detail was non. herbarous than the stori oI the. Puchk murder. If was tolt b>- Dr. MeUrea-, maidlent phisician of Dnnuiug Asylun. If coucernud a buffle botwveun two ma mnn a-ho had fought lu the corridor o ard-ati2 a-bile Anderson, accessor>- f0 fie murder of Pnclk, a-as ou waacb. Tii.,. fao patients quarreleti »ver nome sili>-, chilti- flsh dîffereuce. Tii.> came ta bloa-s. They fore af ench of ber'a faces anti roileti about fthe fauon. Oneof fixtm, lnfie freusy of e ravlng alanine, set bis teoth lu- fa the. face oIf tbe otiier Be bit off bis nase anti spat if don thfe stelle tiuon of theo corridor. The mnîsc a-li viionu fbis' -patient a-as batfing.spnang a-a>- from the. deefia grlp, foliblecdiug anti ucrean- lng te the floot, saa- tho fri from hls oa-u face, stuiffed tfineut.s mouftanSd ciioet bhis ovu noue te a pulp sud swa-I Iaa-ed If. Be sauldtiat voubO nake if gto airain, anti Anderson, the atteundaut bandea and cluteeed eM chair. Altiiougb the nqi bagun, euongh wusdrawu ut that gveat abuse" bave bos t ho aayium. THE CROOK OF THE (M Au Ue.urpss..d If sa very ellicent wonk on dis fthe NowvYook secret service meg aucceeded lu bresklug up a gang efî terfoltera, saeislng tiier plant aet$, N. J., anadelturing thiér bea?, E. Brockwsy. It was long hnpW", counferfeit gold certIfiats Wfw 100 $100 ver. e WngIssucal, but iý Vain f0 truckc up the crimInale. Va-ubî were taken and Canadieun te pinted, for $M0.000, fouether wlit iperorandt many United State. uoteê patof s0 b mei~dp teeret servlice men for years. Beiialecu lroekway, ubo inreard.4 the mont exprrt counterfeiter lu tii.eem, try; auJ wbo lkTS yemrs old. 0. M.:»ra-ij ford. Libbie and Sidney Smtb sud Wel' iaul E. Wagn.m er eftais.takeu.. ¶bW othi-eaare cornparatirely littî knonwu# Broekway bas lveil a 1f. Dnied witii dp ,A< of crime sud adventure. lu au li spects ho lis one of the. amotuodqp Criminels olf tim clas, tus couutr produced. Only one Crook ovcrbs., g4 biinl point oflskllful vorn asu out ho waa Tom IBallard.iVheit was said, posseaaed a better formula l1« rnakiug papor for gr(ecubagka tii.. the (luverument. Ouly onle nian amy be mai tu bave bseu hbis fwer ris a forger, and h. alajo bore tue unme of Brockwaay. Bruckwa>- sîaricd fin his -,eerilNe* hlayon about lI. H Ie was a <conneeti. eut boy. and bond enîpioîrnent as & printer. Luter he Iearne<i eugrni-ing sun, beeomiug au expert. ho made good vage. and saved suflieiput mon.ey tu puy fer a speciai course in oto.bmityla Yal. Mais feclînical1 kuowledge bhosp> plied to the production of el>'t-'frotypes. Prom nlmout the day he lef t Yale bi@ career as a couterfeiter sud forger dates& 111e tiret tric k. no fer as uuy record goes, wuas to tuke au inàpreNsîion lu soIt satal of a plate which two dire"-tors of a hâlai bcd brought ilîtu the-. abup iu wbleb ho workê-d to bave ct'rtificateu astruck fromn *Iteally bis tiret liiportaut crime aa (committcd noua after tbe war broke cotf whien the (invernaet begau fo Ilue boudaelirockway tbougbt ho aaw hia op- portunif y. 4)n the 7-W bond bis uoek was of sncb exeeptioual clevenus.tba $9l0000 oIf tbe iase got loto thle Oov£Ivn- ment veulte bsfore au>- suspicion vas> nroused. l3rockwny waus arrested, but iu ! ,-rmifted to go on surrendering the. WILLIAMa E. BIOCKWa-Â. plates. Brorka-nivais arrente-IÏlu 1880 for coaatenfeiting ail Iorging $1,000-0 per cent. United t tets coupon bonds. Tvo crooku, Smith and Doy-le, were aiso arresteda tt.anmefine for canlllit>-. The finuubeti bondts andi plates vere ail seizeti. Brocka-ay woau seutenced- for flinfi icans anti Doyle for ta-olvo. Bracka>-dit not serve a da>-of tuis sentence. Heo uaged ta arrange a comn- promiso with the Govenumnent. B>- con- sent of Jutige Benedief the sentence vas ssnuded on condition that otber plat..s h. sîaraendered. If a-as&&id at tue timeo fliaf, if be ver.e&gain caugbf fampering a-ltb the UnltedBtatpe Secutlties, the ae"- fone voulti stand. H.ea-as caugiit agont but for nmre reason bust knoa-n te, fie autiorltlou fthe sentence oati tur7>ears a-as nof enforceti. Breekwas aas arresf- ed fuis fine lu Nea York. la November, 1883, for forgbng Morris & Essoz Bail- rosti bonds. Ta-eofiiers vere fakea ut enstodi at the. *me flan.Be pimd gulitt, anti a-as enfoucedti f. ing bing for tire yoars b>- Recorder Sinyth. Ige' a-as tilchargeti ou Aag. 4, 18W7. %ies tlah b 11"toue Ire. until jusf no*-. Tii. Fiance Commît tee of the. New York Board of Alidermen basonelaared tii. report ou tue ta, rate for te yen' - fixing if etLt 1. au2, n Inease af lB pol4fa aver the rate laut ienr. Tiie f etl amount- VIOTIMS 0F THE OUTRAGE ON MISS ONARIES IN OIIIN k. THE RUSSIAN THISTLE FOUNO IN INDIANA.

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