CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Aug 1895, p. 7

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,*~l taoultitis country' pemtar tethelr sMx ythîri>' years, been made sevénirai orthtie phyglc'.aus : ýarwtis. This Usttutian OW Ilote] sud Surgicai lu- >Ufl, N. Y. lu treatlug at» cas" at tisai fumons sait- 4base have beau pertectad med- 1*-Ud trnia regulan acleutille ut for disse pi-valant ditressalag.aliments. ad bisstaff of skîIled spe- oitsgthe faculi>' of thse IUi*tutio .are at al Uimes seat!> to eters tram wmrnssuffeulug -éb$imnte, complicaiesi, or long disonses sud "ueakaesseo,' b.addressed, or conui#ed at ontres of charge. iriace pubîitiedthet a ina of bis work, Tise Peopie'a Coun- ,h-lkis Medical Adviser, ha an- tistat Iter M18,000 copies bail to14 at tbe regular pite, $150 per .-be profitaisn isb lhwoald reps>' tise get amount of labos snd apadat! lu prodnciDg Ih, ha diltributa tha Doit hait million As IbIs umbar of copies bas ai. been soI, hlainnow dltibutlug, y Inc, 50,000 copie$soft iis 000- <-.~ plete, inter- aud ~CU ~ Valuable oa No. 12l seitus1 *Q~k ~even pub- recpent ont>' belng requin- ton I. ila, or thea World'a Dis. w, M eiaAssocation, of Baffa. hiehala Presldent. tdii C~u Nuban wth twenty-one tsamnpà to cuiver cout of' cl i>, sud tise book ilil be'sést .pl.Itlas a vrntable medîcai Il- 4otupkqe la one volume. lit con- 0 e~1,000 pages sud more tisa lP~utlouo eaof tlsam lu colora. dueI ial' llustrateil chuptera are te tise caneful conalderation ii Ulanguage, of diseuses pecular ta roMM sud Iheir sus--emaful home treat- 1 lt litlouitisW nid of a pisysîcianansd Mdw&i baving ta suismt to dreadesi pus.lnatlous" sud tise stereotypadl le applications," so repuslave la tise .wxt"t sud Inst>' sensitive wmuss. b Fre E.iltlou la pi-risai>' tiesanme *Ushat soid t!aiIMi. except oui>' tisat 4 boks *re bounsi lu troug nannihi Ï&Menvcors tuateasi of ciotis. Sent! 0OW baera ail are giren airs!. The>' I-o*eng off nupily, th-reoaie, do net ely senidng lmncdlateiy If la muani NIdos AthiitlîC- ro l'res-cere Otr Dyce Duc kwortts adduesed a otig et clargy lu Euglsnd lise othert o u ellerîc-al bi-eakdssvu. lie Spokea iton lenlesu sou-o tii-ont, ansitisais tha Ilinaof brassktisu i al 100 coin-1 M sumoag tise ieigy-g> laI of tise di-1 itie systein. B Dyee Duskiortis9 ilwdrelaxation lu cieni-st, golf on flug reconsuendeti a litle iine aut! 10ctd ecesitoialobacesmokng I IToa cemterisg Words. - For year-a 1 iad sud- féret! trou failing cf die vemb, llammatîon uf - thse touscis, and wnaiS- Dnsefuttise e- mals organs. "1 set Lydila Vaetabto Con. pouansd louit! a perict curelu h for t dese troubles. I u nt nom -~golug ibrougis thse Compoundi. 1 int! lt arengiis- eusa me, and does Machs goot. If Eriy wâ olte h, tise>' ouli int! u~zIs.-Ue. Lîzzîs DaCcau4 Il G ron Ie4t Jersey Cty, X. J. b .reatest Medical Discovery of 1tbilAe. M DL ISCOVERYI au m mNED, 0F ROXBURY, mASS, M» djsoversd lu eue of aur comman àgateâ eeods a emdy tisai cures e'ei-y It Humertframn tiseworst Scrcfua eacommon Pluple. -as tnet t lu over elaven hundret! Ami Ovrfliletexcstintwocases *wdehumr). He bas ow liis over two husudret! certiicates ya iihin tweny mies of Se4postal card for book. ta auzy expnlscedfronm - caused by theducts belng iod*lwys dîsuppeans lu a week --it. Read the label. tbuisch Is foui on billous it l: i imuîh .feeings at fist. eeoldietavern uesssay. Est can @get, ad ncugofi lt oaa tïblespoonfuli n matet ai bcd- Sold by Ai Druggists. 1 i<l TA W A RD ,WOItLftý5PAIR. ÂR4JUNID BIG STÂTE1 BRIEF COMPILATION OF ILLI- SNOUS NEWS. uat&tsiaa as Hie Troubie.-ltoek* A' tord Mours tiesetht of Major Warne-Couspeoee lu thse Raina>' XMgddls-XndWecaiBahevIhle Balle. Salls sWlfe for Maliclous Proscation. M A t Riocktord Olaf Gustatsau began suit a la tise Circuit Court agalnst bis mite for a 10,000 damagen tor maliclous prosecu- laon. Saverai moudse ago Mii.. Gustat-a son, Who livez at Poplar'Grave, sud 1la Worths about $W0,00(),isad ber busbais. arrested for cutfias the talle fron and thenwiae mutiiatlng severai horses Wie- unglag te bar. He nas arrested, tatken1 to Rocktord aud put lu juil, but as the grand juri taiied ta milt hlm wa.s lis- esarget!.- consvict Rude Hie LtUe. Jacob Millen, a 25-year couvie sent from Chica.go ta the Joliet* peuitenia r>'f bhrea mondis ago,coumltted suicide Bat-m urda'. 1Miller jumped ftrou the iaudiug t n front of his ccl to tise atone fiagglng berreati. Thse prîsanere bad just been ne- ftaseti tram tieir cele praparator>' ta go-r ng ta norli. Miller gave no waruning, but, etsmbering aven tise ralling, launs- ed forth Intoaspace ta tise amaseuseut sud horror of the auben conricis near b>'. What cauaed tise suicide le not knae n, buti hla supposesi ta issdue ta deSPOn- dency. Milier kiled ie is fe Jan. 12 lent et ticr home lu chit-aga, b>' cuttiug ber1 that is aà naor. He thon wnt to ICarpen Brothsers' funniture ftrta>, Wood and! Park atrepe, ubene he had beon smployed, sud trled ta kîli Foreman James olauder. Millecr bad been dis- .cbarged, sud ha bimed Olanderfor tkm- ang bis position. He abat ai Olsudar, thse bulse taklug effect lu the nlgbt aide of dia head, but noicausing destls. Seciertylliell. Writeesu Imuproper Note Mise Hennietta Kreltner, a Bellevile soclety belle, wusadmititdtobhalloa 1 charge af seuding improper matter th-so-u-g-h-the malle. Miss Ki-aituer be- Dlaventisa trouble grew oui ofthtie enasit>' of tbres sisters, Emmas, Barbar-a. sud Dena Hermann. Miss Ereituer aBsents buat sbe bas roceiveti a number of sain-y and sîgi>'communicaions, uhicis, %ho baus ever>' reason ta, believe, ucro sent b>' te Hermann girls. She admîts ifritiug a naxugisty latter ta the Hermann girl. suL4t «a3saise rasgoatdedsi t. Tho arresi if Cik-go. 're poatinuster oaDelievilo gaya he w.suld Dlot beliere thse girl caîta- his of sendiug sncb a istter n-era h to for ber confsfasion u t sise <id. Tise lot- ter in the sala tapie -,f conversastiou in Bellev-ille. llondeuseuu's Clalt uit »olwi. A couspramIse bas bean effeetasi ho- twel-î tise couuael for the Seitar astate et Carlyle and thse Chicago bondsmen of thisette ltste Treaourer Ramisay', uhere- b>' tis«le aulsu'a cam gainst tise tînmes>- astate. svbich onigiusaily amoant- rd tao3,gi i2,în-esit<el ultis$257.- M;2.809. uhich- isti otissr coilatarals heid la> tise iondsmpru, reduces tise dam ta les than $100»000. TIsera le a prospect of fu-tiser c-,mlramise ais tise i-eaniflg dlaim, and ulson tIse conamuation of aucis a c,)ap-omis5 resta the hope ofthtie homens-cns-.itors ta reaizsoametbing au Normsan C. Werner Drad. Major Normn C. Warncr, onie of tise mont l.rominent Iswyers lu Noriheru 1111- naie, diesi at tise tocistard isospfital Fr1- day marniug of penitonitis. Ho s 57 yeurs ot ega. . Major Varnser aerred tisraugb tise -ar. enuisting as a private lu Cinpany E. Tbinty-niuuti Illinois Itegi- ment, sud bemng pransoted gradusilly ta tise rank ot Major. At Astietain. nuder Geuicral Hancock. hba ot a le«.lie mus a mtrant.DemocraL Hies ctsha cent a guaam over tise e!ty. Stato Ne-inlaBa-laf. Tise nastionial -anresstiou af tise l)eut- as ber Kriegerbuud.Iing beli nt Coluin- bug, Ohiou. c!o5<A its bus'ness sudna- jouruied ta ilu-et Isext i-car ut Bell eville. Geor>lge 5hstîl .whsile ti-ying ta <-atei a motai- car et QuiliseS. nlssed Isi& holsi nîîd fou under tise ilecls of tise irniler taloiuiig. His body i-as badi>' insugieti and iho diasi iefore Le conisi ha cauveycd ta the his«ltai. A nad <atis of a 13-year-old boy oc- (-arred Rt Cic-go. Tiha>'y ras tise son or William Essstisild. vilo siiptî.ered me- ccntly. Wiseiu tisa boy rend tise a-ca0unt of lis disuî,îsaamassce heo -a sa so éocked ho soon atterward diesi. At Petersburg wmile a cage wits eiglît men us it wias baissa lowered issia tise 1111 Top coul shaft tiseorngine gai beyond tise ciigineeras contrai ansdtise cage fi[, se- verai>' injurtng Asdam Terkhs. Augnust Nelson, John Ford, t'atis-k Kelly andi Jaohn Limherg. Ens-b oi tIse men had a ieg broken andi uees'l-cd internai injuries. i la tisougisi tisaiKe-lly eand Limberg mill dia. Abner Wakefield, misa auna a 223-acre tarin near Rtwktard. sias buncoasi out ai î$1.500. one oi tise parties ciaiming ta ho a Chicago bunker, irsh asbeau usegottat- lng %vithis lmail tis e ak for bis place. He travelo-i under dis nains of McCor- ua#ck. Tise>' met a put aud MeCorrnack playesi a gsme tise Part>' tram Texas bad with hlm tise tai-mer îuttInq np a chseck for $1.500 sud receiring $4,400 la bogue mýoue>' lua boxa bis'Rhareo0f tise i-s ulga. Tise tua fakirs tisen got ont tof tomn. Majar Norman C. Wariner, of Rock- fard, prominent as a iawyer and Deo- eaS, ubo iras rippointed b>' Gav. Âtgeid anc of tise ibrea tmuateas of tise new hou- piai for tise Incurable insane, les riy lb ai tise cit>' baspital, mustiste chsauces iargeiy agninst iehîsroover>'. Haeiras takea alck Manda>' aveuiug. ansi Dr. S'. B. Roisn, of Chsicaga, séflieted b>' local physîcisus, perfonuesi an openation ou James Eaiaurti1. atm M .or Towey Hll, wbile =ulsagg a basaelait rei th. roof tlsfrty feet, sustsalng InusieW froui ohiel h.o<lied. Despondenc>. over thée tact that the blghwusy commInsslonera lied tssrnsd a etreain cf water n0 that .t fiowed througb hi&s premies proiupted William Mans, a weli-ta-do farmner et Rock Iuland, touccom- mit suicide. At Rock Island a negro usuisd Jesse Taylor bas been arrested for the usurder of thee clared womsn and ehild at Cor- lova saine days ago. A negro, whose namne la unnowu, bas also besi arrested et Carliusvltg. Botb ore being beld awaîting developmessts. A blaody'duel wlth kulves tooli Place near Warreuliurst betweeu two trampsi one kuown ns Jin Borns, the other au "Texas Kild." Both recelved saine terri- ble culs and gashie. Barnes ws njured the woret. The lKid made bis escape. The flght was over a novel. Hagan, Goodwln, Rogers,.Buans;, E- Lioit, and Keller, of Deba' staff have coin- pleted their tenms of sentence at Wood- stock and left for Chicago. The>' ail speak of their Imprisoument as hein& jleasant under the circumistaues, and go away wlth great pras of tiseir treatment b>' Shenff Rekert Debe bas three months yet ta serve. Their release will msaik a new depaiturkl dis hework of orgaaisiug railway employes. District hesdqaarters wll bp establishsed lu ail large railway centestlsrongisont the country. In eaeh of these districts solici ors wlll b. cm- ployed to obligate incuber, keeplng their namies abuolutel>' secret $tucs their lu- prisoisment 1516 local unions@ilsat were slsattered b>' tbe strike of lit nummer have been reorganized aud îweuty-seveu uew oneInstitutsd. Burgiars entened the apartusuts of Mms. Ete Cîsynsore et Chicago lait Sun- day atternoson while thse fiasil>' wsab- sent Tb"e maeured over $300 wortls ot Jewelry sud about 81W worth ot clothIslg. Jimong thse jewelry wua pair of disusond bracelets. one of which thse tiiara dropped la the bailway. Tueadi>' after- noson a well-dresSed young man coflet ai thse Cisymore apartments and eaid ha was à policeman trom the Central Station aud tbat the police bad recovered what tise> tliaught wR'sa part of ber property, among wbk-b was a diamond aet bracelet lie deslred ta taise the bracelet ]ost b>' tbe thievos to compare it with the anc ne- covéred. Mr&. Claymore obligingl>' made tise loa, but no fer tbe police departmeut lias nat sanuthsebracelet. Thie annual meeting of tbe Nortisern Illinois Jiseke4epers' Association waa held iu itackford Wesiuesday, with au attend- auce of over lut>. Tbià bas been a poor year for bes usen ou ascount of the drougisi, wisicis will aiea affectilsa isoney croin feu year. Itepýrts wero givea troun BM1 colonies of bees. whicis have pro- duced 5,120 pousids of bouey since spring. agaluat lai >yeur. iren 900 colonies owned b>' association membés~r produced 20,000 pcunda. Tbe annsual eleetion of office"a resulted as follows: l'resideut, Lero>' Nigihargrr.Vice Prpsident, Otto BSweery; Socretar>', Basil Kennedy;'r#eas- urer, 0. J. (umusings. Man>' tapie cf lnterest ta beekeetiers were dlacussed, tbe majonit>' of tbe members beiug opposod to the feediug of langur for the production of bons>'. Thse association also taok s strong stand agalnst the pale of mansufae- tsi-ad house>, for parchaseres son get tired of lt and wnu not then buy tise pure article. Tb@ iret annual intergtate reunlion of Ilexican ivr vetersus was iseld at Belle- ville Manda>' sud Tuesay. Tbe recels- tion conmuittee. ivre kept bus>' rt-ceiviug th. gray-bisared reterans as tise> arlvedl on varions trains. Tiseir iseadquarters were at the courtisanse and tise>' ere re- celved b>' à speech cf irelcoune b>' Mayor Fred Sukel, ta wbich Major S. P. Tuta, thse Nayor of Centralia, replied. Thse fol- lowing reterns iere appointed ou per- sohient ongaulamtioa: George Level, Job Fitzsîmmons. E. H. Hobqou. William Wy-. att, sud Oaptaln Creel. Tise day iras spent lu renewlng aid acqualutauco sud seelng tIse town. Iu thse erculug au en- tertainument WR, given et Liedcrkranz Hall lu complIment ta the vit-itars, set- crans of Hecker post Grand Arsu>' of the Republlc, aud membe.-c of tbe Woman'a RliefatCarpe baiug present au apecial in- vitation, lu additian ta musie addresaee were dellvered b>' General E. H. Ilobson, Major S. P. Tufts, General W. H. Powell, dis commander of thse departnt of Illi- nais, Grand Airn>', sud G. W. Perrin, of Lebanon, unhouai-ar>' member of thseas- sociation. Permanent organisation ivan effectcd b>' eleting Major S. B. Tuft. presîdent, Colonel W. J. Wyatt of Ili- nais firat vice presideet, General Haobson of Kentucky> second vice president, J. Fitssimmaus of Indiana third vice uresi- dent George Lerel of Missouri, fourth vice president, Captain J. W. Hu.tfley sec- ratai-y. Thse mammotis Coliacuin. in course of cousatruction au tise aId site of Buffalo Billla Wild West Show, near tise World'a Fair grouudal, la a irrecs. At 11:10 &clock Wedusesday nlght ten of tbe eleven insge cantilever roof truases ssvnycd and toIt uta the Mrouds, and irere twi8ted lnto a ass of wonthless iran. Thse ouI>' trisse lft standing waa the lat une put luto place, et tise sauts cnd af tbe partinîlly completed building. The ]la, It is ba- iieved, ill reacbi $125,000. Thse wreck covered a space 350x530 feet. On top of the roof ives pllcd frais 30,000 ta 50.000 feet of green lumber, ready ta ba used for i'oofing. The talling of ibis lumber ln tbonght 10 bave piayed isavoc uts thse contenta ofthtie building. Oven 600 men have been cmployed on tbe structure. Tse>' were workiug lu tbree sbift. One lrzgbcsîof il lua eng Powet-Lalei1C. S. GoCoitEpofl ABSOLVTELV PURE Peunuylvauta steel Conmpany' ne- Malle Waî Gladt o Get Houe. offglanized. Tise reuinikable ussausor>' af a mule Tise Pennylvuuîsi Steel Coampany Ira- tilat: mus drîven ta Texas frain ibis organlzed) lias determlneil ta issue, country' ten an tircîva years luge mus sbartiy, sepurute certîficates for thesC «ban last yearm nlieu Lema driven liew Issue of preferneti andi commun baek to tise neigîbarisoosi of bis aId Wtocks sopuratel>' lu archange for the-hbanie. Tise mule iras driven Inta Texas full-p&W lrîgisis ta suhecribe for tise uc h>' Sain Strauge, misa ilvet lu tise preferrasi stock, tise total Issue of uticis lonsfos-is neilîborisaad, andi nas amasinis ta $1,W0,000. This, Ilitg be braugisi back by Jonatisan Watson. Ileved,, ulîl brlug a measure of relef Tisa rsi ulgisi atten bis arrivai ha ta man>' i-lia mre compeliei ta suis. broke sa>' and moisi Immediatai>' ta scribe ta tise î-eferreti stocklimuier Pen- bis ait!hanse, misare lie kept bis dutelf- aity o<f forfaiture af thioî holding of erous volce fiotlng tîpon tisenlgbt air tise aid comuson stock. 'lie non pro- Outil dayligbt. Itilasupposedf rom is fermail stoc-k, fuhl putti. heurs Interest actIoastisat ha, like mosi people tisut ai tise rate of 5 per cent. paer annunga tram haro ta Texas sud retuu, lbait! utitil Octtser lth, atter unicis data Il eougis af that country' andi mus giasi utîl sissre un fle e arnîngs of tise coin- ta gel back-Columibla (Ky) Specta- puny itota-î ler cent. Eaci s sare aiftoi-. tise prefs-rresl riglts currîes a bonus of tir amni une-halsf shares af comunis To Cleauna the yteui stock. Au arrangemnt bas beau imade Effectuaul>' yat geuti>, misen costive Or mus -tisa reorganlzation conmmitea b>'bilious, on uhen tise 'flood la Impure or whicis the transfera ofthtie nai Issue of slugglals, ta perm'u'eauîy cure habituai commo ans prearrei stck mt hoconstipation, toawaaken tisa kidneys cmtieaut îL eferraf tisocknyînandut!liver toa aiutît>' actîvît>', nhthout made t th offce o thepeunylva lrntating or waakeniug tileul, ta dîspai Steel Compay. Tis aIniusta >'s et iseutachas, coitis an foyer, use Syrup of due on tIse parti>' patîti igtsimliicois- tinue ta lbe pâiiita otiseGitrant! Trust Company', as iseruiiofone. 'NetUser Cata or Men Wsntet!. A Landau naispapenrrceutli"con- Itirtis tisai Like Wlne. taInedth ie roiI4)lng adverthsamnit: John Berroughss, thse emmiiast anti nat- l'Niue youug ladies munt ta rani e- ni-alli, rsystiat tisa golden ailes gant spartimants. ultis couvenleni bother biis a gi-o-t dtiu. 'base bu-ds moins for tier bicycles. Conditions- are regtlar topera lu tisir love for noisepr cuis nor men lu tise neiglibor- grapa jule. Tisa>tilck tiseir b.aks lu-.soot." ta tLe graps s.«uc-k up tise jîsice andi ArTEII six years' sufforlug, 1 wu curedt ibrea or fousr birdsg are aisle ta min sev- b y 1iso's Cre.-ltAaY Tasuo sas'u, 2934~ aras tons of grapies ii«in anot tne. - As. h1 yao-,egssuFaMaredi19, '94. savaeu of i-. Burroughs' tuent>' ifLtg'safter ail, tise persan wmis takes acres are dls-çted ta grape culture, ibis tise easî miso loges mosi. lu tise affec- ts a sel-iassssatteri. taons ibis I- hall>'frtes. He misa niisas Tise Monlt fcustive Thînsr on Earth natising lages evenytlilng. la a L.slman ,-r s. Tiis lu a «tte of Lealtis. Lat l b"e r-o% -rtra1nesl or in Our <ret irandtatber'a Tine, tise seslussses l lcs-aaud frufolsi. For lbit huis>' pila nanalan i-cals i-or -rnr. elusiv es. lostetters generalus. Lille tise stomaclih Bis o 1tgtebs-st tofflei 15exist- ' bunuderbusa" cof ence, sin'c I 1s1i gorates- sldquiets listaisai sai ecaentse> tiese nsa SIl Si sso pos.-so-e8 suprltive ta eaete effleaus-, lui .etI.csssîsîOmualailnere big ansd clamn- and kîdue> vuuiaintus. riseumnatlsui n e su- a>', but ineffec. ralgin. _________tive. lus ibis cent- un>' of esiigitan. Guie as Wether Propisets. meut, ne have XI 18 a wi-despi-aut bellot, bath lu Dr. Pierce,@ Seotianti and Ulster, tisai tise line"Soen, lesnt Pel- guil, soa ul sitsuon ties's nover cleaIl. niic goasi meallier miile yau'i-e auland," stouacis an ulludes ta tise meli-kisown tact tisai auen de- misistise bird files out cari>' anti fanthse mont effec- ta seamsird, or remulus on tise saut!,- tire ns>'. tain mouSSer ina>' halooklesi for, wite l peopl tf h akesa cotraiy corse iorns nald psy more if I taes eotra, curs @trmgattenion itoprop- mosi frequeuti>' tllai, crI>' thesactocf tisein souels, ________________b>' tIi.use lImae ltte "Pelletas"tise> Tobaco's Tiuiuils. nulsi bave bls ftesiuealoccasion tac:y, TobaWe riumilafo-tisein dsctar'eseraivices ta subtine'attacka Eýv"u-y day ne usuel men %çho have uppar- ofdsngeromustiesa. Tise"Pelleta" cane enth>' loti aHiinterest lu Ille. ibut ltY cIa'..sick ad bilaus ieadtacle, constipation, in- sud smot-e aih limtle andi wonder wisy the digestion, bilions attacks ansd kiudned de- suaisine 1la not isIs, sud tise sveet iird.'tneet flvreoahadbies sangs ecnd discordanst. Tssbesco tekses,,nuiisu ivr soassdbaas the pleesures eorIle sud leavpfa Irnttatesl c'aau.s ator esaeutd. nerve ccntersIn l mstui-a No-.T-tise la tifle .u;uianoJufseaeiAuisae easy sry out. Guarsuts-es i t-srs-anmi unk. ue. a- ess.oeussstan Sm ackI«errI.-s y-'a eitand sudtrontg. a>' lruggisssc-iy .Lcyf.5 te ns aia evrosd:ý ;fle5iisscatod. ulsare. [M eritsz. .okuaas ~ ioonuIOWA05. Mrs. Hnmpisry Ward'a Thlit Mus. Ilumphrey Wa-d Isgasne of tise mast tîsifi>' of wmmn. Tise anisas of ,itobert Elsusere" buss si-esi 81,000,<5)0 trom lier receîpts fi-out lier novais. Tisxa s-îtagec of sulîsiur uns a purifier (llenn'g Suiphur ilaap Isîses siithisasn ets ' or Bro%% n. 50e. è~ n h e Tise clonels of our i- sxy have eacish-po a calai-y of $4500, wiiteitetietenant- colonels receive $4.000; the majors $3,-< Hall@ Caturris Cure. la laken internaJly. ?rlce -icents. lu Extreme Cases. Somne Indolent mortals seum ta expect others, ta take their exercise for thiemn 1 Can't Sleep 19 thse compiint of many athIis eason. The reason Is tound in the tact that the nerv«a are weak and tise body in a feveciab azd uni:eait.hy condition. T e nerves may be rcstored by iloodt Sarsaparlla, whiclî loods tisea upon pure blooi, and th a ii éli- olut will ueso crièate u appeti.e and to .e up Vise system. and dine give sweet, re- lreablug sieep iand vigoroui heaitît. Hood's Sarsaparilla La the oniy true blood priier prominently la thse pu6lic eye to-day. *i; six for $5. Ilood's Plis t alcoul Beechamn's pis are for bil- iousness, sick headache, diz- r:ness, dyspepsia, bad taste in the rnouth. heartburil, tors pad liver, foui breath, sallow skin, coated tongue, pimpies Ioss of appetite, etc., when caused by constipation; and constipation is the most fre- qû~ent cause of ail of them. One of thse most important things fou everybody to leassainatbat constipation caass, mre tisabafthe sicken iussuthe wold,especisllof wonîen; and it eau ail bepeaneuob thehook.freeat yon dm &bt.or wrlte B.F.AllenCo. ,36SCsna. Ot,Ncu»York. PWu.zo* and 25# a box. sp~iî<se - p... - Mers. Bro.., Proas.. Cantas. Mass.. U.U.As s Mr. Wahtau Dixey.t@Uiea years Lîterar> EtItor o ttha New York Scisool Jourwana ltnon so ut!vertlsemost wInter ai 80 WOrld Buidling, Now York, speaklng et hIl pans Tabulas: sgays: '1I eoUlt!3't recoismeudt Iis remedetas eartUl as 1 do If 1 didn't bllais lis Il.1 au not mucis of a mffeietlisker. 1 amn oppose tu toMedicine, ou twlncilse. Tisera ougisi lu ho no need of meditelne-jusi asthsere ongisi ta be na poverty-but tise-a la. If people iveil igisi tise>'ould ho moUl. Sunablue, air, exerclse, fun, gooti fond-pleut>' sud Daot os mue-ara dihe i tmadîcts, dia saturai anas; but minaare lied to, tiaI-deak'b, sud wmrnista their home cures, aut! bots are lied te artilichùan sd aoe7 Itficlal negu- luto'ra. 1 recomueut!ULpas Tabuies--andt!hise tbam uyaWi. I know tise>'ara botis isrmîcus andi effective. (I knom misai tise>'are fsdo.) 'lise>' are tisehast rensesi>'1Ikuowa sything about Iar hs-niduciss.or indigestioni, on bililousisOss, or nny soi-t of shigglsis- neqs lu tise system. Asdt ie>' are ln the sandilest possible abapa te carry lu tise pockei." -P. ab M ne" W d2sr muq~.su5v~ 111=. u S(ionts àbox) lascent . a"n 111»skl rat'L. lit =eui. 1 pu 9O.» z à 900cM on bdsal> ann tise bewIt.TRemla nolisl jul as worid. Havoyonabah> bIlsMtSd.Z SoISb~ Ou~tas.850 «p te 01.76. WOOLKUCil &h VO-, PaiLUaR%,MS to.7%.. W.FMeSS-M L t=t ntigoAdvetham ,P&MM4aeS Ear îe plain facts about Pearbne, ýn give Pea r/-ne a chance to oe thein, by giving it a fair trial. Nothing else wiirgive the same resuit. It washes safeiy, as welI as sureiv: it cleans carefully. Vas weii as easiF;. t is as cheap as soap an~d better. Anything that can bc washed, can be washed best with Pear/ute. It E fhtens labor and does iightning work. As nearly as we can igeure, about eight millions of women use it. Do you ? You wiii sooner or later. e)ft To peddlers or unscrispulous grocers Who offer Imitations of Peuie. Don nd sa , h is jisit as gond as," or "the sane as" Pendisse. MTS L Is FALi.-Pearline Iar no equal and is ueverpeddwe. N ok "'He that Works Easily Works Suc- cessfully."9 'Tis Very Easy to Olean House With SAPOLIO A Brokeui Back Just as yours will beî t~alyou Continue poc soap. makes wash-day as easy as any otber day. lee the labor, mâkes the clothes white, and does n d *ge. Thowd of womçu say so-surey

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