w- - Ioen»wr EOowioty Fair a t 17loi,199&20. r Ad as the Daily*IÎ. v Im * ribution four day, d'a Ooy Ibeinerted as a ~pI&.at ta %Il subacrib ers of x 0rer,'a1eékly editions of the MWbyTl$INC RAT E60 ~p«e Disp1ay, 4 days $2000' 1200W :ea, 6 66 7.00 44 642.00 1.00 ýca1 Nbtices, 10 Cents Per Line. 25 per cent additional, for front page SpeeiaUý Position. iEach disiplay *"ad." will receive ope local notice free. Thosé carrying display 'lads." can have local& at àcents Per lhue. '0o for al lads.' should be in printer's hande p later than Friday moon, Sept. 13. FOC~ ~J~jz 'PHINK OF, 17T î I'95 NEW MODEL SEWING$1 ,MACHINE, Varranted for 5 ycars and only $1 , E ---J Ever>' Famlly one Titat Price tNITURE 0F ALL KINYDS, ....AND1 A FULL I INI OF... UNDERTAKING GOODS xi 11)1 ~pigge, 1 Rockefeller, Illinois. ACOXPILETE STOCK Mie, Drain lFiIIe, Farm Wagons, Buggies' Agricultural Impjleenins, Etc. We have a new Stock of the faIlêus eWeber. Wagons 2Aid the Bloomington ber Braos. Buggies,% Carrnages. V*%Il aend Se. Them.-.....ý Dr...H. P. EWINO. U*e*Afttem, 0- âtoïw. -1 plitAsBs or THE £yE. spéeci Aîtexti«Ogvea tot lh.eorrect ftting ofra.as Pistil 10 a. M.-l to a p. t. end etter 6SP. m. ROCKEFELLER9. Rev. Dsxey aud Ilîte son ipont laut Monday wlîb Mr. Oookmai. MIKis Mary Llifild id ttertailnD cousine fro. Chicago luit woees. ises Roche and Smith, of Chtcago. a&e vlstiDg at J. E. HoIoamb'% À l&and bandoame fineofolnew1 RookeÇ& Jot lu ait Kniggea Furtitture *iore..1 1Graco Liii, of Dlamond Lake. alteit a iewr days wltb ber uncle, Til, ama Cooper. UmesLAttie Elarden spont laët 3iin- day wtb ber patenta, briaging a f riend with ber. W. L. Rich ontertalaod bis brother. lnlaw, George Valentine, daturday of luat week.1 Mies E£Me Berghoru lu apending a 'te* wseks witb lier graud-mâoter. Kira. Brigga, at Elgin. éte1Ia Peteon, of Waukegan, ta jipending a few day witla Midred sud .Bv.(Cookcaàis but littie better.à Bey. Stockwell will tako liii place un- til lie le able toi resume hia duties. Mis Franices Hamilton will return noit Tbureday to ber home at Selihu, Kansas. I>nriîîg ber stay hers ebe bas woli msnly frielids Who yilIl great. ly Miss lier.1 Since asat week Wednesday the1 Kîckapoo Indiit show lias been lu our1 village. Thie eîtertairiments bave1 been verv iiittarestiiiir and so far bave1 drawn a very large crowil. They ex- pect to remain usmail Weduesday of1 this week. FREMONT CENTER. The raitè dîd lots of good l this vicinity.I, Threshuig js ail done in this ueigli- borliood. Mr. sud Mrs. Ted Brown visited at Libertyvîlle la8t Suiîday. Mr. and Mrs. Priçe, of Chicago, were guests of Miss Carnie Suyder over Sunday. Wculd you believe it? The Ivan- bas aine crossed bats witb the Girays- takre nisîe Saturday aftenîGa and beut theni by a score of 28 to 45 lu favor ai Ivanhoe. Now gentlemen you had botter quit while your credit tg good. When msen get bo tley bave ta hIre tise little boys ta ru-i for theient la tume to stop. WHEEL.ING. Mrs. Kiel vi8ited friesids lui tIe city liraI oi the week. Berneice anîd Stella Magon visited friends at Dimond Lake latst week. Johîn Mettliîîg's sister anîd clildren are guestsa t tlhe bome8tead tîjis suom- mer. Everett Mason, wife and mother visited at J. A. Mason's, Prairie View. asat Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Belîns vi8ited several days Iast week with frietîda at Fre- mont Conter. I calculate Cassius will havea a orry face aftor Wedssesday, as Miss Tate ne- turils 1 thse City. Tony Behm and Roy Mason took a trip to 'Milwatikee oii tbeir wlseeis Suis- day. R-oy is o1n bis asat outing before returuing 10 college. Nsl.e ason. <of rairie View, and %Vlieelimtg frieîîlsNlond-ay. It is just a in id 1!e onu teir s'.I cls ove r otîr iively gravo led ronds anîd gladth ley take1ad1va1litatge of il. M<r. anîd Ms ~ldr, of M:ts«î ave.. estertaiaîed a dozeui frieîîds fronîte icity ' ovr >qindiliy. Joe 1$ 1asl1hapy ns ai l:rk, pleîîîy prettiy girls ad] pleut>' of funî. Exi<ect tîîey silI 1<1l be ont for th e Libertyville Fuir. lien 1looks ratier loue!>', but 1 lbe- lieve froin observation lie lis hîappy, ini briglit anticipations for tIse future. 1 don't thinîk it advisable for Ed. and hiai to visit tise cil>' often, tse>' looked Monda>', rather worse for being ont. School cosmmenîces Monda>' Sept 2, witiî Mr, titti sud Miss Meyer ai toacheta. We will aIl miss tise pleasant face of Mr. Adee but aur loisla some aie else's gain. Ilape Mr. Smth willl flli thse vacaîîcy ta the satisf.aci ion of ail. Ho camnes hlghlyreoeu7mended as a teacher and a geutleman. The Wbeeling people are as much iiiterested ln thse coming Fuir and tise uews frosu the INDEPENDENT as if we lived iu Lake Co. Tlsere- are lots of lîrett>' girls the gentlensiesvaiu take and let tise people of Lake Ca. bnow you, are isot ashamed of tseai. LOTS 0F FUN. There wiIl bc abother Picnic. at Clybourne Pari. Suuday, Sept. 8, 'W. Music b>'tise Buffalo Grave Y. M. P. Bauâd. Dancing:.afteruoon and evon- iug. Base bail gaine, wiII surely coule oce thia tino between tUeI ventte.aOd Al1ipgt" Heaisfor a PMU of $ 10. .âqla A» vLA d»giOiIjIo S *rIl WAUCOINDA. *la jouaie Green lavisfilng ln thse City. Prof. Kont returnied ta tbis place lest week; 1J. Murray la apendlng a few days ln this Place., Barset Fox spent a foev deaslitbte clty receutly. .P. Matlman spent part of laut wees lit Waultegali. Mr. H1. Hendoo, of Gray*a Lake. wus bores atarday. C. 2. Jenks- made a trip to Lake Bluff laem saturday. Joe Brookmm of Dlamond Lake, wus bore tli week. Mr. aud Mra. W.c. Clougb are visit- log relatives In inonesota. Wm». Marble and futmîls-are making preparations to louve for Oregon. Mrs. A. Paerson mnsd alster. Miss Maly Colline are visitlng Mronde bore. jas. Sensor. of Algonquin, vlsltod bis parents, Mir. and Mire. Bd, Sonaor lait iunday. Mesdames Harry and WIII (Gran- tbam, of Chicuso, are vlsiting rela- tives ln this viclnlty. J. S. B.oynold lied tbe pleuuro of a ývisit tram -biebrother. C. M. îWynolde and wife.'oi Cbicago giret of tIhe week. a. Maînsau and C. Hupke witb their wives wore caiod t> Ncflnry Friday moerping by the serions lllnees of M~ Gleselor. Misa Jeunie R. Wright, Whfo b as beeu spending the summer ln this place, left liat week for Chicago. Fions there site will jain a ploasure Party andi camp a week on the Miess- issippi river. Misa Wright la princi- pal ot a bigh selsool at Savamîna. Look here! For the snonth of Sep- terner 1 will furnish a 14x17 crayon portrait and a 6 Inch oak tramie re#tfy ta Jiang - on the wali .fir $2.75. TIhe portrait is warranted isot ta fade and we guarantee a. good like- neas if the copy la good. For on@ month onlly, at tihe Wauconda studio, SublecttoAttackeofChalOra Morbus Wile staying in the Delta (Missis- sippi Battoms) luit summer. E. T. mass, reproseuting Ludlow, Saylor wire Ca...oatst.Louls, suffered troum malaria and became subject to attacka of choiera marbua. la every instance wbeu attacted lio was relievod as if b) piagic, by uslng Chamberlain% Colle Choiera and Diarrîoa Remedy. H1e &av@- ,I regard it as the 'ne Plus ultra' af medicines." For sale by F. B3. Lovoil, Libertyrllle and G. C. Bb ents, Wauconda. C.M. & lit. P. Ry TMme Table. GOI1<0 NORtTH: unday oni>' a.rn. a.rn. p,. .. . rn am CianLsure 7380 930*4 05 5 2u 30 $80 2larrerille 8 2810 184 66 ô09 7 os91i Desrfie3d 8 34 10 22 5t8) ô14 727 921 Everett 8 4210 28 606621 7339 r. Rondoeut 84 1085 à126 35 740 9 83 L!UBRt«VSILLE .... 10 46 .... 650 50 '.W 46~ Warrenton 8 64 6 1 Gurnee 900) 523 92 Wadoworth 9 10 5 34<61 Russel (arrive) 9 18 ô 49 10 0 G0011 SOTH.Sor: uada>' oni>' aR. .RMa.m r. P.rn. P.n. P.rn. Russell 8 38 617 450 Wadsworth S'9 à27 501. Gurnee 9 1) 5 84 5 13 Warrert)n 916 5 as 45 LiICHETYVILLE 6 10 7 15 ..12 3M .... 6 21 Rondout 6 20 72 .... 12 40 6546 65!> Everett 06 W 7M.5 . LI46> 5 5% &34 Deeertield 6 3M 741. 12 52 6 02 5 30I? Shermýrv1Ite <1136 7V4 .... 12 556 (MI4 5 45 Chicago. arrive.'. 25 I8>50 10 25 145 -.U 6 3ù S1JNDAY TRAINS. L%*.LIiýert3«%Iiie 1.:1 ant. Ar. chican 1:25a. Lv. Chicago 63 nA.Lhry 1e :45ajn Lv. Chicago 4:056 p. m. ArLibert> ville 5:331 p.rn No.3.<4 ns Suntdny o(nly. 07:1<10 <ii.011< . o stop on signai «s tollows. At liasseli 12:11 p. mi. Wadsworth 12:17, 6.iurnoe 12:21. Bondout 12:36, Everett 12:42, Deerfild 12:48, SI:crmeT- ville 12:52, arrives and ln Chicago ai 1:45 pr. Wisc.Cont.R.R.Tlmne Table GoîN ORTH. Sun. only. &'M'p. % inpM . ym - . rn. arn, Chicago.... *8 Go 25 6 ~'40 00 835 Wbeeling ....910.... 5 08 . . &12 09 9945 Aptakisic.... s16 .... 516..... ......9957 PralreýVlew.s9 l19...520 ... .1216 09 Gd Lelthton ....02602838528 812l92 810O0 Rokefelr...s1380 s328788 ...s227e1005 Grays Lake. .9u40.246 5 5186 21s$12 36 10 1 Roins .. ... 945.9--W58.6626 12 40 $10 20 Lake Villa,.. 9651 8.660M 633 12 45 10 25 0024<0 SOUTH. Sun. ont>'. marn .Mar.aR. P. ru. . pnip.M. Lake Vila .... 4 26 '7 24 7 012 82 ô38 66 RoUmus . .481 s729 -.10... .6 88761 0ra.Lake.,..§4 3à 7 4 7 1 .1..s6 874a06 Kocefoie...s447 .7 44 7 M8412 54 .0 M7 19 Lethton ...... 9451 ... 7 .... s0257 25 Pijrie View.. 4 58.- . 742 ...s711s-î32 «eke ....1501- .7 46...87169. 85 i5ng...08 . .... 801 ..7'.21 s742 Chicago.... 6 360 0 09 r5 2 15 $ 306 00 -DaIIy exeept Sunday. a Stop oui>' on signal. Elgin, Joliet & Eastern- Ry. TIMETARLE. aomuaru. 5ÂiaU. 0050 U 4:50 pasarie.i.tkr< .departi 7:00 ams 4*.0 S d .... Rndot ....ar 7:30 san 8-.16Pm srd . naS de 5:SOmm 114%Pm .... ....Mis-0 e ......es Parents Who have bois to nt- sehool -Will find it money ln thefr Pc buy their supplies -of, us. 1%e. Pl quote give but a slight idea of the e values we offer. OUT 0F A VERY LARGE AsBORTUENT WE A FEW ARTICLES. We Self: Knee. Pauts Good wearlng knee qants at Kersey and wool knee pants The best quality knee, pants MAME ONLY. 19 to> at 35tW 75c to $ -Knee PantgSuite Good wearing knee pants suite in mlxturm stripes and plain colore at 150, 1.7& 2;id Cassimnere and Cheviot suite in blue, black and mixed shades, at 2.50, 3.00, â.Si rI-~ Combination Suite. ~ Some with extra. pants and others with extra&' pants afd capsto mïtch, ail made of the stronigt goods, safe colore. wett. made and sewved at -1 3.00, 3.50,4.00. Long Pants Suits Sizefl U ta 19 Very good'suits in mix-' tures and plain, colore at 3.50 to500 Black, blue and mixadl,,, cheviots 5.00 to .0 Finest quality -casimere and worsted suits Single or doubld breasted 6.50 to 8.50 -. Extra long pants, al1 good wearers, f rom- 1.00Oto 2.00M Waists The famods '<Model" waists 15C and,,25o c lmported Percales 48c Fauntleroy wa ists, f ril1led bosom cuffs 38 to 48e Flannelette waists-2c Black, blue ane colored flan nel waists 50c Rats and Caps- Latest style caps 19C, Regular 50c caps - - 26c Finest quality caps, with gilt braids and silk embroidery,very nobbyandnew 50c Feit hats, black blue and brown --2,î tO 50c Boys' Fedora Hats, black and brciwn SOc, 1.25 Boys' Stoekings We seil the genuine Burlington make at The best quality Bicycle stockings, fast colors, heaviest quality, for this sale 3 pair for 50o (They eost 25e a pair' asywlîere> 12c l8c~ Boy' Full IJnderwear Sizes f rom five years Up to any age at 25 tO 35'e Boys' Sweaters-from 15 to .48ç, Best quality al-wool sweaters at Boys' Neckwear, suspenders, etc, -at the same low lprice A- NEW FEATNRE:-With 'every- Cash Sali> we Give a Discount of Ten, Per.Cent, in Ci pons, Redeemable [n -.Silverware which le ' Guarante e forten years. Bronze or Por.celaji ý Clocks, and other Fine Household Orra*- ments. or vluxn