CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Oct 1895, p. 8

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bsmouli liq1~ te f#4 flwel aya Eo mae ÔpRfouse, la*o. le. It lg oae ii', tiat yu eau gel the Md hIN»EýDIPSnDENT One 9%*. But we oan mule the P91 k horéttino, anti liat bb tva papercombinti. By ea tlÏô together yon get the weekiy ini the U tded Sita, ý4 ÂouIY the. best country --thie wold! for ouly $2.00. gymui'ubselipUtifl-papiO èwÎ uiof thePUnitedi States #1 1 hatiblils Nreait bvlpoes, if yOU vaut uiioa visiting cardai. yfev" nt vetiding Invitationis. 0g o*Mvat auiy kiati of job 'rork. tgva.yoe ordars at tie INi)EPEND- 9" tiOe Lbertyville, anti bave the-i 5' ~5~U?8tlPgh place, anti the neya- a mighty butimni. lta- du. ouot heur -ont liat .ât of 3,830 conviaslun te -o! Taxas liera iaa or a navapaper man. aumloiolers, toclors, otgplera, bar-keepans, ofail the otiier calaa. The lrtar -E Mae. nierely because the *o1 hlm buainema teachca hlm 10 tbMia nt e therefere seeruna h fybport.-Ex. ~lu& Nltdlehons faunouta (hit-asti liru-' ~teftlim~ leshti>anti1.5à Clark atret >.,lIdu.Oul7.Itlapmmosedtbatagreater aesltaa.eeloelia. ddpeople andl the uklstili ha xhljutod dnrlnc the coming àýü va1,before ilathebiatofohthe-i Dling, Manager Niletonai lS uteIat suinarha aaeured thé Zbeatenltien béti animale o! Uicoldi ndanditheae ciii ln apmiucesalon durlng the .04visiter. For tie openina blt t .nuuaum, lie principal an- ColossaliColoreti Carmii'at. let.. otnprnlngai'nty Plasntaion drke-llfty 1 i)l andt IcntyiIn a ream 'VIgnay cake calk. The&e viii sfine stage production, va la oongla Beforc the War. 111961« tahie Mi"@aMappl as It exlated - li'dais. Tie- Globe musaum ing lhe encrunous auotisa otit't !MdantiSreetlfl Carlo. re'îr.'- v bRomsandiber aiuper compasut sffaelallots. wclii ada - fîioniticai ever <ccli - ig e fsly ara ears i 1.7li illhes tmil --andi wegba belta6isînad. An Idea of is sux ay beha hial Ltetsnparissîn Gg. e eral Tom> Thunbwhu lai ten lwr Iha Lttgara. «*Me anal Hlm *nd iealu boxerai. one iseisig '*S~ eigima lii îîuuîs thbe Mahi glilng 455 îaeunds; lAI~ ibétéÂibearded lait 11iblmÏema t.anlit, andl ln aIl dapartints *mm n vi)haamong thie attraction ~ad Ilelai ot aaylng bu jni te auc showasic weiprer before t#~ *e nonal adissimon out icnt u>s ~ DMLYPAPERS. v# i# 4ês ortiera for aîîy et tie ~~à 'DIlyPapers, lu )c euilntby 10 al yatidreas, t the rata of prmoti, Thome wht f0 ii ontba or a yaar aIta . bave the beuiefit of our Club h ai le matie knoa on »t»"t5pkors Excursions. .'~ul>Vbei C. Mi. & S.P. R. R. 1pla omeooakrs Excursion to oertain points in lova, ÀR=ZandiDakota ah rae o! oaa WiOfoW the round trip. gooti -4iamy Tu'eday on Fi,4ay 'nov. i1% '95. For further 'a. pply 10 lhe neaneat ticket 'âii y >1 ea on sud- t - <8 »tUrrbçs.ematy, .' ter, 'gin me in- 4 ouldti aItoxen people icre, Who bythisnrerqedy," For y ~- ,'Lell, LhhcrtyvllIe, anti 4 iibte greatast ainouant or la ftarm lmplementoi the liegnutotal belas 'PeaumS-vanla is second, - ; lova rmtiti 'hh mix sxmules tint ulraya by oa Po0i*t4fe e o- ff4 tm Labon ta OC orti- a dis- u oc aea- IBO M othr no l~p l as Xiss ltào'e Iutis, of »=, vasaa guatt;at aIB&Wa'l Nooteathi 'rock. AUl hinda u! Vegetablea nt thie new Meut Market of Austin & MalloiY. . 0. H, Sebsuel anti vite anmd Mra. 1H. S. Rurlbutt were ln Chicaîgo, Thurs- day. Vegetablea of aIl kînds au nalvaya ho liai t tte îîewmarket of Austin & Mallory. ia. Clugenberge r anti dangiter xayiul, of chicago. are viiting irai. John Barbour. Mis. Augusta Moore, of Chieago. vialteti Mra. GeHinge andi thî.r frientia bere, necemtl y. 3fra. Brana eldle8t son, Edison, vas niarrieti Sept. 18. "iji, andi rfaides in New York Cty. Mis. W'ater Hoîîgltoîîlihas renteti roas ini Mrs. Peltoni ac bume choee berseif andi tiuiglter wul rflde. Wili BallaràI, a former typo on the INnEspÉiL"zx. matielais lady frienti in Libertyrille a 'riait over Suday. Dresseti Sprlng ('hieketis eau lie aeeu on the racla tof th iew n.vmaiket of Anatin & Mallory; lrY <ne for You? Sunday dinner. Serviees at the Presriiyerian iehorch at 10:30 andi 7.30. stundsmy. Slbjeets: 'The Wontierful Love if ut <oti,'" Th Mini'try of Beffoneilîaiioiu. (i.P. EurS. lliaiter. !.lrs. C. B. Sbertinis anal. Mua. Mary t.ifiorti. of Northi Fiansion. diesi sutidenly Wedxte&ay. The nemains 'rare lrought ta. l.îteryville Fritiay for iterneat. - l ot ont -à lo-ut I' * 4t«ÏW liéeré Mya tore barnt andi nowv1t*-ut the moneytouuse on mu esbuildi-ng. Von cas> bny amy kinti of stoere heap cf me utîs as 1'ramI 1 sare moving theni. H. B. ]Kora. Meîebantashlo ierminneitlY stirer- tise, create thie impreasitu> et ateangth and sonltines. Peoplle nt lemlsitee thal those who ketu. lueur n'aunes bie- forethie pubie art' t4alhl andî.lllnstan- liai. Mua. J. c'. Met.regor andi family welit ta Milcaniiere hla4t se isiting. andti ml stay about ten tiys. Henry gaya lie îîill Ihninlàar.k bis goal. whlch lias beeu at gTsrda $theriand"ti sonie linie. Gai'. B. masos> b'li froi.> a tres- and. atraisied i hmaelf quita badly a week ago amuee whit'h tiunc lie bas been very ick and it it feared that pleuro pneumeonia has ntctin. lHe wsNaome whal beller Tbursdny. Wli oeiyei pasns ai>l Ilinois .acbool bocune these lu dayat yott cm lift yonr bat to thue of tic groutetfititutitons on cai t tone andi mine lime, riz: the Amreivan lag, the American frae sehool. andi an Illinolis "achool marin." Clayton Staplea. 'ihile loading a paisaol atnrday aflernoton, aceiently shot bimaeif, the sheil lodgiug ln hi@ cheeli unterthie eye. Rit'ram takan ho Cicagg Suinday -l' hare the rshahl rernoveti andtihea 'ound li doing nicely. Thle luaibar for those taetory cottag9es was reloatiet andti aken back le Chica- go 1aI 'rock, ait>ouu luompiuatve "1>0cm" on tht score li -ft'rreti. Tic lown iniuait tiepend oni> ils aturaI, iealtiy growtil, chlis Ilia' licaltler ail, un the cîlizesis bacumn- asiilîulatetî. Aiderniauî MtOregor klansuenlcrpîis. ing citizen, alwaya neady t. puy is ahane bs ard, publie iuîîluovenienh a He la iilling sîp thea tcilanal curLing the striiet la fronit of lix pluace 'mi gravaI. Jin isma geauus andi a jciiy good teiiov <'very wsy anti lias apleul- diti aaaociates on thle Village Bloardl. Our nec Prlnting (Ofie, clilcua e hope 10 oceuuuy vithin a week. li 22140 tact. plenty ofI roum ni d lîgit. Il la local'd <an <mir i'eaitleue lot, op- potqIlh J. W. Bsîll-t4. usl ad ise iI. anti s-ile lieue, ht-p l>ai>ig yoîîr home îîaper by paying yt>uîr utnbsiciptioui. Wle ara a fuienti tf the' peolple andi will puy back e-very 'en't ytsui It-usn. Tlii'> Usut Co-(!î.pei-ttirt. (rc'iu- ony Asson'atlon bave staat-cal i> i-l nes' faîclory, threefaaurttu'a nile aast of thia stationsio tie ltares lnu l Ia eality wilii 1it longer be at the nerey o! te t'it.v tuili sharsk. Ercrybady la ivited Lt) ç-tnur-axîîl istroîiizc Il. Whthar yî>u have oeîatît t oru suteu cana ofi ul, vtsu ilii'eeive tain breat- ment andthîe liglà('st plimieron the' te t symîin. Slaves H. il. Eger haN a lt of a haatuuîg snd etek aat-s whilth he i' ii seti champ tlia sue jin iug. Nov is your line le lîuy. One exîrenie lail a.ct notiier- uot oniS tu the ont daiora ceallier, but algo ia the aclîcl rotin. Tiheasîdenhua anti leachens 'rare !mzau cut about bal! the hune aluiîg thie pasl co veekai anti nowa- Iat tie nec ftîniaces arc lu varklug a>ntlt', thiey baive a haste o! toridteauparatutre. We sjuppose tliay mil ston gel the niaiten regulueet tioc fine, tilati ii-alal bavesa regnlir curriulusuuî atuta bg iseliaiicl i iollowa. Hastenîtue tt-velaquanit. itni. A. J. Hopinls la iuakng au ex- collentt iipne'aaion sîiso>g tie rotera ln Northemîî lilinois and ti l erhalnly looksi as Iliotîgi lie laobtailmi a bouti upon the peoplea i lt aing. W. have fac mcDielitIillinoi more capable, evaythlag consiterati , of mMaig a Ggireror liaI ditla c tie pitai oC thu aate, than Congreaiman Hopkîna anti wviill]ac suiànnrieti f ha la the pominee foi'thiat office, neituier wltl va bebrokcuubearltil fha ut. eletteti-iglc Co. Repuibuln. AÀlrotier editor gela off the falloîr. hig: "Tan cenhai per lie wlii bc cliargeti for olslhury notices ho ail business men cira do iiot adlvenuis. duie living. Delluientt' iibge.ribera viii e ha iageil15 centsrnlina for ail oitsiary notice. Advteî'isena andi cami aubueiibena 'will radaireauasgooa'i a senti-off as cm are etable ico! vnlhlmg, vithOul aMY charge Wiutevan. Baller SenCIt u yOn uisolption as choiera Ir, abroatiilathie landi." N~i ~ "m*1Ob bot5* esaon Mr. land mia. Prak Thomms, 4 GUmor, a ou tion renb re receutly. A 11111e non camne .toglatidea the home of Mr. andi Mrs. Chas. Leoialoit lat IMonday. Mima Luella Herahbegar wio lia; been viitiag frienda i Waukegsin. returneti Monday, Mis. Beasley la euteitaiulîg a ladY friend froi Montana. May Beasley 1&4 rlaiug at Treyor. Henry VauHRom, of Oak Park liq apending a few daàya here, repaixiîg the roof of hlm buildings. Our f uiature to;%,li îîow paeked full of the lateatst it of funititrt' ready foi the flau andi wiuter traite. Misa Mllie Beniiedict rettilted ilt lier home, Dundece, New York, Tit".- day. She lias hbeeli a gUestl i.à. E. Holconm a eeridl ionîli. on accotintof the rain lait Suîiduy evegling there wae no serviee. The Endeavor.4 helà a verY iîterestilig meeting in fepie (A Ijlîe ralu. The remainli of Franklini Feiltler. of cbiwgo, veresent ont to Ie buîied li puirfeltieeulery lut Friday. A large nuinher of relatives attî'udel the' fumnerai l'armera iin the etîttraî Part 91 l'h State. wbo puit in a steuîl(roi) of oatmt for' futder. are r asin good cî'op of cets. Tu lbie rauuîs îînulv the crOP) andi mavethUce 'rli. Misa Lottie Meltrie la.'ge lier seh<aol blst 4Welu>esdav ini lhei-prinikry departiiieîit. liotil teschf-rs.'ili]le. kept vî'ry lanî'sy ii'.witèter 'r4 l' Nehool i..'tfast t ikiur.sîsnilg 11 t'ell as growingr. wVe hoýPe sali <f tiv lt-Edetosa w il try tb Isepre'.utt aithe iuî"'tiiig lu -lx beiti ai Haif Par uuxt Sinaia -v fer.- umain andL','îeni'. iù fîtréQtIn1 prograni is' li't'i irranti'l Ils nait the meu'linsr a he-lîfd. 011V. Do nothnyx a ,en ing .Ma'lille Uutil yon Etee ihat $17.-W imachinle ut' inuture store. It ha'. il the' lutest imprirens.elts aitl>ii ti%, ramerN wwrrasit&ed fir ie yetrg. luist ae gemett a- thie l*'st oIui v the Prive ix 1Iawî'r for alittn ie. WAUCONDA. E.A.ti0lUsg MlIas dNIuIi nds Cairy visitor. Tnesday. .MMs B. Harrison >'liitttpar, o' 'a-t met-k ut E'aaustoui. Mr. andi lra, t'. Hàsîskt-.stni'etrtain- iîug a relative froin ieau. Auiaioîi Cruie?, ut Itowa, spe IL a ta' datys »itil relaties ilere race illy. Mr. antd Mrai. Dav id Mt-Clan bave gone to Iowa to riaIt tlicir soun, Lee. Jusia. Blanck, Jr., uof 'lieigo. mnt'a bis parents a short vi-lit over Suntiay. Girl Waîteti fur«eneral ioîw ork. Appiy te Mrs. H117t- Paddock. Liberty- ville. Mma. A. terkiui'. ba s ben i isiting relatives Ilere. Shle liais retutriîad ho ber bomne in Colorado. Mesdames Wynkoep utidi .Dalton, vin, have been viautiuig in til vielil- ty, bave returneti ta Ilîir laîie ah (icueesct>. , Diedi-At bis homuet neuin FidttîrLake, Michael Blai en. oft yuuhid fltver. Tlue family have the 1aUIJ hsafhv aof tuie i'a'll coinmuiity. Tiare bas becs> a sinaIt st'url-t feuver' ,;cure la Ihla place. Tlumttt' cass haire beau reporlei. buaslai lthe Ipatients hava reco'aered iiisutnit-nw i-asiesane rei>orted. lun abiat tthirci' 're-k, lthe Wauîeosda Studio wnul ba ciost't, so if yîau sanl te have yaur pichure taketi. you ahould îîoî sit suntil tla st ttay, auîd tien nul gio ut al, ltîgel neaîly andi goi>ut oce.a Iiitî ulirray Ni 'ai bori i ti wax- toiti, Co e.I'lnnd, Mayr159,a:ii del OcI. irai, u895. At t1he nge oftut'ity aluen' 'ii '10New Yonk. 'aîliere sue livel eigbl years, turing clîlihlitas' tlie was bapplly united inlui uarniage ta Johin Murray. Duningthe ycaî' 17, tua-y snuî',d t IlII.nola andtisettilloa ara nnabount Ivo anti tni-half mlsels Isttof Ibis place, cliere Iiey livedth îe greatén part of tileir unarricil lite. Niuie ci- tran cane boni (o tbliîn, ftour or viaiïn are living. Tiley are Mis4 Ai Mur- raîy, et St. Jesiepil, Mo, lIra, matY Jane Rafler, Lilsertyvilie, Jas. Muri- ray. of Vaauairniaa, andi Aidrec Murray, tof Cicagoi. The- aslba cilidrau>, ve lu nuniber, uhae pasisadti lth( lu chai- tial rest. Tluey sera Pat Murray, Mua. Et ira *w, Nits'bulasiMnzay, Mim ElizabethMu'ray ant Irs.IBuirnsi., Durnîg the ycar 1890., Johin Murray, huissanti o!f tetueeamed,dieti. 1he rcmaiuuder cf Mu.s. hhtrray'ai lita cas opent uah tluvise. 'mena sic lirai mihan son Janit,ýntilp to lhe hume of bier deati. Mrs, Murrsay wa neoutthe ennîloal metlîra Inlati'i conhy. The funerai serviceas ere ileld inluthe ('athoi chii Saturday nt W13) a.i. .BRe Pallier Onud) offlelateti. Thc romnains s'era laid h> ro uaI tihe 'atholc ceiemaceuy. Weddlng Carda. For Watiding eataieaery of the tineal q nalihy anti corknasip, aiwas acume ho tl IIDpEi>ExT Prlntlng Office. Wc challangga oompeîîllon in fauicy, a Weail as plsain, prJnting. We eau feur- aisil anyhlug (ongraved-vomit na pecl- alhyl on as 10w teri' ias mailhac<>1> taîncti lu (Cbicago. lleunenuber, ce guartsilee a&llaiacllon. Subjeoat10Atacofa!Ctuor&-Mrbmm Wle alaying 1 tie #Ilta(misais- sRippii Botiomn) past un B . T. osu, repromenDg dl selvor 1Wlre Co. of St JLoul ifine rith m=laria an be o a km of eholera ni lua. ave Inetane vian aliai , lassr veau as by magie by g(',hambern' lIc choea a Diaymluaea 11; metiy. &He mays: a-1 garti '11,as t n0'ne plus ofta'o! udieine' Fo r laeby F. B. Lovoîl, Llbentyviilc. aini 0. C. Rolj- rts, Waucôntia. shock of dark har, who imadtot ride the circuit as a lawyrer, "md wboss business occaslanally'biobi4t him an fer as my bailiwick la Inidàiana. Ven la au eariy day Lincoln lad considera- hie tame as a istcceuful trial la'wyer. Se toid atonies as etfectively theu as ho dliila atter yearà, when, as a lresi- dent. hlm %tories were bouéd ta bo à ue- cens. He was aS sngulaily goid talke, te Jurien, andi badt latconvincing gift wthtour men poàseu ot talklng wlth hl@ audience rallier than to Il. Most speakers talk f0'e au audience. Lin- coin taiked <wth' bil% andi tht uill hll homeiy niietarle, lurough whieh ram an eterniacurrent ot catmeat, was lbe real secret of his victorien. "Few lawyers cared ta uneet Lincoln on evea ternis. Even wbcn ho hati a weak case be was dangerotîs. Douglas once mid oa i hm.'Whou Lincoln la sigit you cant beat hlm, when ho là wroDE YOD muet be d-d careful or be'll beat you. Thia makes a strong Mali of Lincoln.' Douglas was rigbt, andtheti blstory of hie later collisions witb Lin. coln on the stump, anti final great con- test will i hm ut the ballot box, mlght go a long 'raya toward proving Il. "Lincoln 'ras a man of tremeadous physical atrengtb. He bati long, goilla. l11e arma, and w'as au powerful as an ogre. lu bis younger days ho hati great fame as a wrestier. It 'ram the corn- mon praCtiCe of lawyers Ilu tai îlay ta put ln lhe noon bour lna wrestling, leap- lmg andi runalng. The members of tie bar 'rere as 'reli known. for their wrest. ilag as for their strenglli before jutigo ati jury. Lincoln 'ras unquestlonably the-baieoa *festle i ýiê s-1lme -andi èc itI. No one ever sueffedtila gel. tlag hlm on hls back. With I Lncolnsa etreagtb mmd facility for physîcal ex- ercisea, It sbould be no wonder tbat ho wua a fanious rail spiltter." AUi Pald la Peaute.. "Thome college atudents are a gay net af chupim," sald an olt-tîme Lake Shore conductor the other day. 'Wben I 'ras runnlng on the. main lino the Hilladal. studealu vere con- tinually springiag smrne mevtricks on me. One day about 300 of them 'rere golng clowa 10 JonesvIlle. They aima- lutely refusedt 10purchasé tickets at tise depot. Tbe agenat amllie sonie- thing and tbld me ta keep my cyet open. 1«Thie tare wims anly fifteea cents, but the tudents wanted a roedton, andi I thougbt perhapa tliey migIt make me sane trouble. ThetiralatudentlI aileti upon for tare tiruat hlm haad dowa In- to bis pocliet anti dug up lfitteen pennies 'rithout a murmur. The nezt fellow diti the amo ing. Weil, asuer ffteen oC them, bati gone tirougb the mare per- formance 1 dropped on Ithe Idea liaI they were loatied form96 The train bey belpeti me out, carrylng a bag Int which I lireur 4,500 sud cents, for tbey ail palti me Iu cent pieea. "1Wien they returned erery ona of those rogues 'ras louded i îti fifteea reti cents, aad I bad the smre loadte,1 carry 10 the. offie.'-Cblcage Tlmes- Heralti. A Flac Custain of Wateu. Au effective device for the protec- tion o! buildings frounlires la adjacent structure% bas been ucceafully teabad la Boston. The lIea w'rnketioutInl lhe apparatus la te malntain a aheet of 'rater bebveen lhe ire anti the buildings 10 bc protectei. Til la donc by placlng on cvery open Ide o! the building near thietop a line o! perfor- atet i ppng for carryig the 'rater. The compile apparatus consista of a 5-luth stand-pipe, aztanding over the upper stary. Froni It nuns anollier pipe aroundthie ides anti front, froun 2%, to 4 Incies [a diameter. On tha front are lireerolving sprlnklers, anal oua la place t accilexposed i ade, ln the canler. Tile armai are of bronzaeinetal, migtiy curvet. At aach cati of tie arma la a bail nozzlè, sncb as is useti by fire deartments on regular ilee uines. AI the baue of the stantd-pipe la a Siamese coanection for four Uînes o! 3-aci bose. At lie Boston test a fine daparlinent steamer turatsilad lie po'rer, and for about fitheen minutas pouredt lrougi tha sprnklers a dcliv- ery of 1,000 gallons a minute, coin. pietely drenciiag lhe 'rails, and kcep- ing a continuons heat of saler froin top t 10boltou. Extasosdlary Kleptomania. Oae of tbe trangest cames of liep- lomania ecrn eurd a! ha. tome te ilgil la Paris. A lady amad Bide las, lb appeans, uci a passion for smoking, anti ln parlicular for coloring, - meer- aclaurn pipes, bliat mlie bas been for a long lime paml stenling pipes of Ibis description eab iops andi stores, lu lie fiat whci ube accuplid there 'rare found 'Do feyer than ?,600 pipes, mot one o! 'midi, Itlei bellcved, alie hati paiti for. Tiey 'rare neatly arrangeti on racks, andtiirty-mlne 'rare weli col- oreti. The Ninli Court, hefore vbieb @lie 'ras indicted fotan 101 f th le thietta, 'roulti beau no excuse fan ber @taie of mimd, but ent ber 10 prison for cigit, moenthe.- MIer MetbotL 11n[. Bravannan ailns up hoe'rail foi lier hsu"Bhd."' "No. When ixse axpecth ila hobe out lute sic retlre early, sels lie alanm dock at 3 'clack amnd gela up refresieti amd repimaciful."-Life. .The Ifiverence. Mis. l<,eOnl4e-ohn, dean, vi, i, re soin.groers umoeti gren gocursIt Mn. MoEide-To 4ltnguisb' îicm bom cash grocers.% cr-zims Qre~.t *UZoe eeryftl g agôe. As7 w e w iI'- not buy any ino 'è in stock... cept what we'et4 for, ti 11eg X*a -new bulle - Look at this statemnent. Men's Boys and Child wear and Clothing; BoO Hats, Caps and Dry Gooï, the Chicago and Waukegan f yet on record. t, is the truth. JOFFEY & JOFFIEY* DE.EPIBLD.g 4Irs.. Fred ffltseh Is vmllîlilo. Ang Lauidstitwas in ieit'ety Maiday. 11eýv. W. Th ii luîgki mas u at Evert sat urtlta. Wet' iii repuort lposit the Molirthi ~Vaalisîi-ia soieai lheu1ut ai. nas rsîext s awk.t Mr. Steward huatm ,aîl. lusim oume,'.ai sreaa'nt ocetipieti lv <ti4. Parso,,u tg)l Mr. W.auNilig, tof Wla-ling. 1lluniascht<liart "polit la w<'<k i -irleffl hit >le a l omeit' lwlNtu tlis grê-nt ustiiifatitbn aat aa'nîelifidv. The prt.granis atlitw that-tht' litvar sucwietY il;a sUre asud .uay. A %islit i thet 'a hoi tîu on'ut>s lutîîrtln. îveu iflg %i iilit',tyajlliIau aid folai' %% lut Yt Milallit)t.'alaiargt'r liaia ll isfrai: hoesi".a'rt'paiist,.'t. ItLa uas»ni'> s'orthY -tat stauiti ly the sit- ut Pet hhîll' motataltiîtil rtsiffluef', 348- inaatlhome. Ia 'i -.111 ugk aail!fanily Ilatvei uat- ua.l Iai-thé' ucwI'W itu)latt. thetrel) %i satti iàg î io.itii-na bouge' a eeofitht iltaît <h-si ltiia' rê'slda-tita' ut )r<'se foir relit ini Peenlie'ld. stlIaaiiad rwlng .litiaruat l,'it t lijr îî i,'êla aiturday , tg.lin Isi%»W lae t.> i 3't la lit-I I-odart n tît i <t la frien <ta 1îîealIrvai ug to i layiak-î sAt It ,lus<w."-tu-i lii I A lsasrgeî' illii 'i' <f ' iOa5t lst's'liron itt lit.- r-ua'tueut-iiag t)eir tuIr.tfo'r ktslt-g,- ait tit' lighNi ali tut Higlandia Park. lt'ri4 .tht' list. Mayuiae %'etter. jemmit' andiIra Hoait, <'laraNecyfai. a J ouets. Etsaa W i ltiat. Pirk Ifattia' larestu. Deenilelalert, a ltlacle htet'ested to learu thaI Rev. C. Ruolh furmerly [aton of lit Pl] ichuinta àanti iateiy l.amtor to! the i'burvh at Palatine hei n euigneti tlutre iand îm il) Noe aniove lia Duluthl, Minus, ut us raîstrtetiltuiRt-v. limier of Shermterviiie 5111 sfle'eetl bis> a Palautine. 'Mr'. K li'uli mi sr lie % ii h-r lotiiow, Ili>' taiil"tialipsseission ifal r Kliîslit'k S iiouilie. 'tVa' îî l I liii at'ais in la i' eitili ' r tue Isti t i saiIb a 'aiaus'imit iapartanîce lbylia,' »a'si - lai u, usýt hotf bis tal»uetatvh. TutIwt liita a- v t it' iiiil tîlricaalu' . la r et isass Polili't':iî I lati'eItrSi- i ilit.raa.t 1iH t a'iItatits- ai' it- jla. It ri t-i beas of o-'sua'ii',ur si lenceteeflac st tfe-i 'ut-itke. S\o. air ilut lit ail. melur ne- pîsuttîria icars lare t' i iopn tîurptital andîl palierlun rt'aditeua nd aiuîl trea' still Nw tlitig ta. acra cthe i'oîiasaîiuiiv ls stî't i'e. Il %i t ire k litliaiougiight lu gi etiosur lnaoriouis tnsk itf 0iiisitig uttlglrt-ssiang ittaîsate) P. t). fBox 5. hia% t' ,'îugaugê tdRî"a. Jiltlisi irveatr.tof t'hi uiug(a, ta tLed urv t' itlia-t-l,îr h-thire la rvpt'rted te)lit' excelenit. andimil iî tiuulvt'doraed tby the t'hicags prt".. Iti fl'a ld i-nte tlîr' atrtst: 1. Ps.raslisi' Lotat! 2t. Paraise ltt'gaîiued' :'. iioi'itof Ages. ut lai illuitrstlîI .3 abot 6.)>5large atcreal,t icon î.ietuurt'a. Thei-prive <ut audniittaîste liais bise lîlatvtl ut a I ery 10w rate. touil'y 25 eilai4 î'liiltir'n 15 t'enti.>) 'l'lae dira.tori vortiliy in>vite' a'aerblsîl'to vi'tà atîs spenil pu licasiîleveig. MusIr. Hoens Suuîuîlny aa'hool clsams îaa't lit the-'hota(i f !LaîutJoets iMonday aI .'uii>g te diwisas buaituaff aisra. Tile Ytouung laisare 8so rery setreliva' ttsait il teck conkiiderable aikill la flild osui 'muaIt bbc mystes iua ii "-sai UOais" mÇans. We litre leurnadti laI tilasladies viilbareaiftan tecorale thieja seuveai 'li mlbboîî e! n certain color andti tthley tecidati a nuniber ni ollier thinga 'hlch ve havng pronîseti silence, eanl t iu'ulge. Wa guaraniee iowvîer Ihat they 'ill soon laimniî- test tb everybody 'anlîli cycand cars. i Sale Bil-Thc içiDEPESDrNT cilice la noir ureparet 10 ura ont the bWW sale bills quiek. Brlng oti ycur J.ab Priuîling. 'EVERETT. Johni Lasîcater apent il day tir t'i- lu Clîlcagothla cecI. Mima Maggie Casbîu, of Chicago>. la spentiing a fac tinys banc. huas Maggle Rallinaîi, of C lîlenga. spent Sunday ah. Mrs. Seyl'a. MIa mVaUMont, o! Cicago. ftapent Santay liera, tisa gîies.t o! Mis. E. A. Frantz. C arn )îurikisig la lu OrtlerantidlWH Banker sae'is Ùl'a hle champion busitan tf tuis iecality. The gaine o! bal litatvas ho',bp playeti latit Suntiay l>tween lie Evreesanti Jaffensons 'asi aliedipft accouaI of liait vealier. Anyoiio wilng a pliotograp» ,o! tt'e Ev'rett base bai club ea p lre lie tiunie for lwenlty-live cîh'-uah. Addreés Manager F. H. Zerwer. CM. à ST. P. "Y. Vue TA*à lig)ING NORITH haa Iieriht'l Il 341022 5001471 Eî'arett M94214)a 2l 9 51'Z4% Rcîîloul 8 48 i u 312 m 40 s Limmanri ILE 1)45 5 8917 0 Wurrnton 9 .4 5 19 S10 59 (10OINU SOUTH Sil wat greti - (iilii01ç9 e'u à Warrealo<aoDits 3i»4, Liama'rxVII.u. A a e10 713 12550 t.adut 5 20 a 25 à#1te 3460 G11795 z244r. && a as7 43 asa 03 0 ('i jas.irri-,' :'607&f a 125 is ';1re, 4 IIENDAV TRIANS Lv. <'ea12 Lu.Ar. L kartal 6 Li' ('icji"aesî.e bNtyvliM.EuA ru. .,nena uubiay enly. golagsout ,,ht.l, 'tu ignal as 4o a-CI E nll t'.mn. Waataaî,utb 12:1M ru . Li. t -tut. W.36: Evmn-tf . t.L; Daarfle L . t« Wbl WISC. CIENT. M. R. TOME TAS£ ll'îu *an. a n i. m. m, la, 9.1w 1'.~ t.090) ma u, 1a 0511 Aî.ik. 44 §~ 11 l'à .4l9a te 'raîrî-,11) me la14.. 4 S .. tirav'. 1-l.' . 3 e e44 6 63 -W B*lli~ t44 ma O M'at yl1 il 55 961 'et - .4 m les1' 31 7 19P) 51 Paut' VI. w '4 im 7 42 1 13 4'l.asc., - i 7 tu 1)ais-4wo jk'I : ;Nuîaii4 *wtoIly on )tSinal. Admini*altrrXNoIu lIiPÏ.r Nc NOIC=IYh Fipdl.-ti.,k %ilkp .sta.tI o' tut n n . A .95h 1 Amitat s* Nàtto. .Iiwfli Uita'rer1 Cmaak.taî,.lft o l 0e Maylite WffkegUai.ln l4 ot.9. IR5 Execu rus Notice. BI ai onca emi o l'4ai - , .t Of Fr E 1t ,f b dt"etl. e Ut at n tt Lake ("'unît.i t trin Lb ai th" (<"turi C.... It$ Iit'9'l O William oie 'BeuV Samen.lept. 111hl m i-i Horse DentiW If your Horss gr Poor, or don't EawI it iscaused by d ed, sharp, or un. y' teeth. SlObJbe Throwing the b Fretting, Indige., are also caused b' teeth, The Supew,, tendent-of the Cou ntv Poor understands t he ness. It wiiI pay. to ha ve your hori teeth examninedý.C:, horges exami dý'ý ofcarge ChargesR and Stif '... 1

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