CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Oct 1895, p. 1

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I ,ýC. 'PADDOCK, Publisiser. ,IV.ý No. I. Auction Sales. 9aturda, ct 19,1J. W. Muiler vii .ll at Publi Aijtion at a. A. Smith'a place imilesasuuth ot1l)Iimond Lake and li miles north of Long Gtove, begining if 12:30 o'cock, *-lsaeP, 35 choica Minnenote Cowai, Milkarg mdý ifpringra. Aiso several youngerice-l able Bulle.. Tmaasua-6 months lime on aPProedl notes et 7 per cent. 2 prvent. discount lot cash. W.,H. Appley. Anet. Tuoediy, Oct. 22, '95 George Béhm baving ronted hie ferm for a tarin0f yearg, iii oeil it publie *nction on bi@ farm in Fremont batween Iveishoe andi Grayalake, baginlng ut 10 o'clock a. ms. 8 cows vif bocives by their aides, 2-ydar-o1d bull, yearling botter, 3 work bornes, Colt 3 yrs old, Oolt 2 Y«Oar d. Sucklng colt, 2 brooti mows, I shoats, 75 chickens. 400 bnsIbeIg ons, 900 bushela coru lu crlb, qusntity corni flodder, Oeil binder, Clipper mower. Beader, Harrow, W&Wkng plow, Kay rake, Sulky plow, Sulky cultivator, Rolier, Dlaond tootb cultilvator, Stanidard con planter, Band planter, Pair bob skghgb, Lumber wagfon, 2- seatod buggy, Top buggy, Eoa cult, Wheel barrow, Stone bout, Set double barns", Set single harneme, Cook stove No. 9 nearly nav, Fok O hovels, -Fairbanks anie, miIk maa, 4»ak gaffera...Wod ple. lieule and nany ye-ï4ÜEPENDLM91 A~VRTtlNORA TES. OioteliIr ieiew ilmi i'n lemgmIiyrl- a ~iS.b in1La 1l175 1 *1 4 1 861 de 1$10IO - 1USI 51Oi i B1,I112 I1 5ý 4V$gela 'i Sol 712 lu's1I2410 8a 00 01 lle1 u 1 le 1 '.4 ïïilausaIl W 1 t o n1lmI2 loi adMdloa for Front Page or tes oetne for for orâtt nan ~~s~UaglaeOkDd dvertlementM te au flot havng au open oble O0wes 6 cents etfor si. Ouel*oolIon PrIos, 01.50 per i.C. PADDOCK, Pubilsher. :*l)rX7harlet Gai Ioway, PRIcE, 5 CENTS Pm-i cà L., in Advir - ~ ..-.'. - GURNÉE. Coru busking la ail thse rage il ow. Mra. Engoue D&Ayly i nov a r ai lent of Gurue.. Af the tie of vrlfAng tiAs Mism May1 McClure lies serlonsly ill. Krs. F. L. Thorn atartoti for lier homo in lo*a Monday mozlaifng. Henry Fatand May Stafford roi uru. ed Mondmy morning frons vbere?- Chas. Brown aports a nov roati wagon, tie. it befoîe yen purcliase. Wini McCnie ant i vie iotnrned Mondât from a veok's viit lu Chicago. J. B. Brachor bauris mt recoivei a conigmnt-of fine uppias vhich ho is oelUing eheap. Lyun Wooley bas gone te Chi-ago, to tait ia business w"ifi isbrother- im-uv. We vilib hlm enecesa. McCure & paimatear hiti three carloati otseeap sippeti froin Wisconsin f0 the cify tht. veek. Sevaral 0f our young people attend. eti tho Y. P. 8. C. E. convention holti t Miliburu Isat Bafurdsy anti express theinselves a&s profiteul. V. A. llossback, gsaio agent blm taken a holiday anti sois on a hunting excursion 10 bios home. His plj4,* 1le bçing illati by DeUl Worth. John MeGariinadte a ti-e~ia Do You Know., That lots of peple wib not do go, aboul& glane»? spectacles properly fitted and won, nov, May gave, yon years of uIglht!- But unie»aglses u.p erly litted teIbe agu were better to vear W A~ Word in Your Bar. Shemman the Jeweloee. test your eyes mce-- the latent appoved as tigc metbodafre 0f oba He wili b. fraIK and tel you honegtly whether you neod glanse. or flot, Sherm&n in UOt bMe a day. He latemboq here. Ris guaranst.. Bomlethingyou ay beti Try Hlm! otheràaticles týooumroudtomenfiln. go, oneo day lest voek aud Rot au C««iooverLovellasDru«Store Tzainsor SALE-Al sou*@ of $10 andi abisorbod fin the inflnltaly plesaurablo U0a3 150N 2 AYil& i s8. IL undor, cash over $10 a credit of ore asa3clatiois of bis enviroumieutés, that yevIli ba given on approved notes ha forgot thse more importent, but les. U Lbértyville, Illinois. bearing 6 par cent nterogt. No pro- iuferasting tact that the train lcavos ______ perty to be ransovati until attled for. on tise, ou ho did nfot get homie thst Dr. . L TAY OR.W. H. Applay, Auctioneer. ulght. esidncen Brad- George Herrick baving soid hi. farmn OffooatRoidnceonBrad wls»Il at publie auction, vîthout DEEFIELD. Way, opposite Public Park. reserve, on the premses on Milwaukee C. W. Pettis ls ai Lake Porent dig- EUOI-l to 10aIL. 2 f04i and 4 îo @P. us rond 3 miles atits of Libertyvilie, and i gng a weîl. 2 miles frons Hall Day. Thursday, Oct. Mrs. Bnckiev, of Cbji..ago, liq vioiting Llbertyeille. Iliinois. 24, beginiug aut 9 o'clock the o oo- aif Et Wilman»a. - lug property: 19 choicqè dairy COvai, Ueo. Selig's anction vas weli at- 12 frisi, 7 springeo; 7 haltera 2 years tended; pries fair, Or. G. W. ALVERSON. nid, 9 shoots. Pair driving horses 6 1 Physiclan and Surgeon. years old, Colt 2 yeers old, 4 breodung Mr. and Mro. Ueo. Strayer bave Ieft sowa, 16 pige funll blood Poland Cia, for a visit 10 New York. or No OU.,: i f05 o'elo e. In* 5 tons Gernian millet, 25 acres corn, On arfcount of ilînems, Mn.. Fred à # toi5 and 7 to P. M. jpart i shoc<k andi part ln crib, andi Fritsch poéitponeil ber visit to Iowa. Dixomsesof Won an d Chiltiren corn fodder, Star feed cutter, nearly ar Pite. auhe 0fUo a apacialty. nov; Star corn Ibresher, andi carrier PiarYPlter. i sronlyIIh tybof ld'o LAKE ZURICH. ILLINOIS. Chicago Pitta power complete. Coru iever. ______- planter. Check rover. and Drrlil ai taeb- Kîttie Nelson <sot c.) entertaineti Dr. . H SMTH, ment, Prairie clty seoder, Roati cari, ber (flot hin> friend, Miss Conley, of Dr. E.H. SMIH, Fînning mlii, 2 Stubble plown, Two Chicago. DENTIST. pir 3section bsrrows, Sc'lentf ite corn Csrvester, Clipper inowor, Corn Mrs. Phil Rlommel entertslned Mr, Office over LoviI' D rug Store. inder, 2Coriq cuitivators, Cariageand Mns. E. B. Sherman, of ayaue. Tiuck w"gnLumba wrivo, a.pring SBunda.. $MUOÇI* Innom..qd ito ap. m. DAILY. wagon, FA.-boe U~ Bt voni Auctionis are quite usinerons bore- LibéItyville, Illinois. tuse4 IiOght 1-ý '16Otjbs aboutalately; to this veek and- w ____________t digger, Choies potoes jomlag. ansd Seed OM1, Two asin& ot bas, A i Aawa,5 vlitlug aif bomne a -PAUL MJAcGUFIFIN. Hgr mot, SM-0 aére ilu bêtse, 29f le a. ha&enrichd eà sl -4t1pmny aMd Couacellor lit Law, lumber, aud Wagon limber, Houseboit 52 * ITA!!yPUBLIC. furniture andi other articles to The Martha Washington social belti e. gaalsttatoîmiou . ofecto ad uinerons to mention.,if Chas. Parson', vi., in spite of the SPM atentonalvn t Coketioi; nd Tain os . SA-AJI sumosof $10 andi luclement veather, veli patronizad ~-------------------------under, Cash; Over $1000 a credif of by Young and olti, andi a merr3' tise O028e. wth Lake County Dankc. One Yesr vil be given on gooxtwais enjoyed by t he participants. Libertyville, Illinois. approveti Notes, bearing « prcet About $15.00 wiii go t0 the churcb _______inlterent. 2 per cent. dùécount for fuido s. gain fromn the entertaiîlinent. - -- -~ iCash on aunso over $10. No pioperty Mrà. Anisa Harris, of Des Moinesl Mis ULJ . . ENIAN. 10 ob. reioved untîl sefticd for. Iowai, leotured inl the cause of tonspar- -igachusaor W. H. Âppiey, Auctioneer. anc. ai the Presblyerian charcb Sun- V A AS IA1.80 ELSATE Tuosday, Oct. 29, John Adamns l day and Monday evenhnga. A great 0 M UIE(NTAL I SYSteU 0f sui ulc uto heG .Caddeai of merrîmeut vas caused by a *IDSIC I LOCIfliN...Mtins, ut Gages Cornerai. 2 muiles ont 0of promîncut young min woprmpl m i oGasLkbeiigu 'lcresponded to a questionsibe lacturerj mer ureofl er mOhTuianAiL I the foiiovlng property: 20 Choice.akd LJbotyvile. llinis. dairy covs, 2 with culves by their Bon. W. Th. Jungk bas gone to St. - ___ adcs, 12 Sprhugoris, balansce fresh naît Louli, Mo., 10 preach it tb. 25t1h an- sprlng, Durhsamnbull, 2 Spring calves, nlverasary of hls former church. Ris MISS M. ALICE DAVIS. Teins beavy draft borses, 4 andi 10 pulpît bore vili be ably fied Sundîy -Oo o.* f Amisces Cosser.reorgyeycrs old, Teins mares, 4 and 5Svairs Oct. 20, by Prof. Carl Baiser, et Euni- o C...............old vould make good drlvung toam., huret colloge. We hope thaf a largo YOle, CULTREANoHr MON Mare 4 yemr olti, Mare 3 yosars olti, congrégation will greet hlm an he t8 iGelding 2 yrs olti, Boati cari, Lumber a ine speaker. -»Ict CLTUE AN HAMON.!,wagon, Truck wagon, Booti wagon - Ubertyville. Illinois. 1uoarly new, Polo cart neariy nov, EVERETT. _____ -- - 1 Miik wagon, 2 Walklngplova, Walking W o' uv ubdv oel cIV laorBoseih, 2 Coru culti- tht. ont of the vaiy place. We are isot W. H. APPLEY, vators noariy nov, Badgaer mta e der very veii voised in tbe elegaut Ian- -*neariy nav, Deering bfiMUr new Ibis Iguaâge thît so froely flibyefrom tbe ..AUCTIO N E t.. year, Desrlug mowar, Bay' tedde, Huy golden (?) peu of the frutbful ? LIbýrtvIle, lliois hbunoss nearly nov, 40 Mlk cana, Coinjpersnewbo for nome weeka puti bas Halvung liduch axperience lu Aue- sheller, 40 Tons bay mostly tlmotby, be msn iàefaddantn tionaeriasg là tihapast gavenfes yeris,,1000 bu ota, 30 graincs ., «Oth e pbi trmiguo hn $ md. preparatin1 attend sales lu any brougcrilsci, crsconl throg Ie colmmua of a certain Plpt ofLa=:andi adJoining Coutea shock, and many other articles ton rauegardn pipEerealibaeobaicl es m.u vary Law Rates. Satisfacdtion ouar- numerons 10 mention. Lunch s're adu h vrî aebi am aufeti. er me a Cali. ai noon. W. H. Appiey Anet. The gilded writer comas forvard andi ________________________ Terma of Sale saine as Ueo. Hernc's. dlaImisfthe Everefîs assume that "ouphonime" fifle vîz Lake County Balph Darby's Barber Shop Thurgday, Oct. 31, Fred Horenhargeri Championa. We dont know vhat thit -la ov ocaetilu-having decided 10 quit farmung vill 1 seau. Webster dont contain theê word b&TR&Soies FumrnTuaE STORE, Horenberger fanâ îj suies vest f th fb air correspondlng secretary 0f Whffl Voin ea alwapa get rour i Deefleld, beginung at 10 o'clock, the the Washburu-Moens in off on bis hAavin*. HurCUttng abd Dr.eilhg, tolio0wiug property: 3 Cova, one vlth1 spelling or the prlnters devil buas .-1ht~soî~...cafby beraidie; S Work borsis, Colt miaplacet the type. Ho may have~ ?@sOumîIA A* s?. 3 yrs oîd, 2 aet double baines, Set mode if «OnPhonism'. but evon thon *ig ~trio&. 1 vilp a o. sni ansSthros hvlthe -iam" i. ont of the vmy. But BaIPh Darby,-- Libee'yvhi1,1. plow. Waing cultivitor, Ray raie, pardon me for turning critie. We wili 700 abocks corn, Coin marker, 2 1111k admit that -Lake Conuty Champions~ - -cana, 3-pring wagon, Farim wagon tu a titia qut. .'oupbonioua", andi any 4 fin, tire, 2.leate buggy, Gria cutter, base bail teain shoulti bc prouti to owu tAÇaE < 1<set bobsleigs Land roUler, Stubble If. The Washburn-Moens of Wue ploya, leader,ý 22 tons gondi hay, A gan mu" nfot torgat that an invitation quantlty of stiaw, 2 watering trougbs, vas extendedtu 1 thons by the Lake .................. and -ny other articles toni numerous County Fi Managers t0 compete for to mention. the titi. vbicb to thoîr correspondlng ght, Parkhuret & Co. TSEma 0p SAE:-Aismi0 ~ ia~5~ ofisa nb'uhn nuder, Cash; Over $5.00 a credif 0f one 1 lm." The Everette vois the titis tibortyvilie, Illinois. Year fFUf be glnon ou gondi ipproveti fairiy anti know boy 10 dofen i t fo, 0 Notes, bearing 6% hnteet. 2% dIs Thoy viii play the Wubburu-Mioens ----0---...ceunItfor Cash on sumsoner $5. No or a"s Lake County tesain l order to u*s h e.s-Bearing -proparty to la remov netil stti r etain the champonslp othbe ounty. >_________________Payable___Enerotte luth. beglning of the aeamon just piaf. The Everetts deleatedtheis MILLER. & HANBY. Sheridana "6wlped thegrounti" wîfb I)EALBEIN the Waahburnu,to quoi. tbe expression - LIGHT HAENES0f heir wrlter. But vie dxpact snob AS WELL AS Fresh Cows & Springers. thînga tram soie bonds and ywlfl quota Là? ROBES A"Ealteyo NQWINSE&lN. We have on baud a good varie. "Anti shall vo own sncb jutigament? NQW INBUBON.No--As aoou aeek roses lu Docember ty of Choice Minnesota aftd Wis.-l-e. n Jun; Hope conýtancy in vhnd, coin chowsand;avomann 4SNAS~R EEP THE, cnam ows and~ ~ an epltaph. Or suy other thiug tbst's 7 ..... ...... inducements to, fail buy. laise, batue you trust lu critîca, vh, WBy Thse plia. forIlle Washbbrns te nedttake eUiffl.=il buI»s * 4i. 4h-vra -s titi.troin th i~h i~teIp«l i :eb.$ " sirhi fe tr 'am bd*Od vAi* bat GRAYS L.AKE. 1 ROLLINS. (ûdavalk fi belng huit on Maple',Mis. C. Doolittie vîif ced Tuesday in Avenue. j Waiukegan. Mr. Boyce's tanjliy bave moved i mb The Bing fanslly mi the ies bouse tise cottàge receotly vacited hy Mr. bave the moisies. RAsie.Lit tle Bannie anti Uns Drury have a Services ire stili haing helti in the the vhooping cough. ciuch eveîy evenlng. Everybody tsa Ms; ai oma ssalgwt ceidialiy valcome. issKteGra nsaigw 1 Mr@. Biser Sticles. Amoug tht. yodee's Chicago niAltoîs jie LouisaiEtivards visiteti over vara Meus. Kuebker, Lougabaugb,,Sny lesoatrylk. Shernsan, Harvey anti Adamsà.Sndyvtbesuilryske '1'se itta tins so. 0 Mi ani Ma. Ernest Phîllîps and tather, of Chica- BIH, of Wla., grantichiltiroîs, of Mr.,5 iepaatnsbr iivos Babely, diedt ant vool Safurday. The cemotery socity met wltb Mm.. II C. Etivrd lat Tburaday. The Our nov scbool bouse is nearîng nî meig îi* *f Is yu competian ant i t la expectedtha bt by:'Etmetngwlrbcds'ss.yi the tiret veek An November the dedi-1 cation may tako place. The teacher: Subseribe for the IND"EEDENT asti anti others are maki ug groit prepari-j recoin., veekly. iii the uevs front tions for thia eent, te vhich eneryone your suriounding conuîry. Ativertise viii ha nviteti. r ln the IN»îuusuj>ui'r anti let people -Don Wicks, oui popular tinuer, stole knov you are mliv. anti vhat you are a mp~rch on hie friands lastWednesday dtilng- h 1.inti basf local piper anti anti acoompmnleti by Pister Harris as idvering medinm in Lake county. ofllciaflng clergyman anti Engane De- 1 Vo. as hast sans, .Petjsp«,bimseit) 0FOX LAKE. Silver Lake, Wl.., tber* 10 ha joine I lre. Samuel Gilbert iWvery loy. lu te holy bonda of matimnony vitb a young lady oftbat place. Mr.antiliMre. 1Mr&. George Darby le.flot improvlng Wtckm vill bha-"it home" in fthe upper',sncb. rooius of! Mia. Fraier'. bons.. Thea A. Keiwvla-I dotug ruahlug binessi. very he8t it nhes of the miny vars '- trientis thaf Mr. Wlcka ha.sida lu George Watvas electoti Sundiy thib nlcwuly iviii go vitIs thons on sebool uprintendent iu place of f heur voyage ef lila, ant Inluthe words,'DaiviTrembeli viso ls obligedtef0 50. of Rip Van Winkle, "1may tbey livp ai verser climt. On account Of bis long andi biospar.1 poor beslfb. Jonthin Richardison anti bis good Eider T. J. Hoîlman viii premcb at [vite, Agneu, ater over tfty years of Fort Hill church next Sunday, mornlng hippy wetdoti life, ware calledti t andi eveuing. their eternal rest vithun two veeks of' -e.- ___ escb ailier, anti aitbougb a very beivy' blov fa the bareft childien to loua VOLO. bofb parents ut once. wbait coutti have: The people lu Volo are pleasetivitb been more lifting thbm thît those two; their nov nsinter. Laat Sabbat h ho gooti aull who voie so long uniteti ou gaveaua able ant inIterestlng sermon earfh caulti ha no acon unîtedtins on the Sunday school leaaou, of Davidi heeven. Botb vero boni lis Yorkshire, and Goliafh. [En .; Mr. R. Oct. Sîti, 1814- anti Mr@. Charles Baugbt. vif e anti taugbtrr B. an. 31its, 1827: Tbay voie marrled nîsitot iei parents Iast Suuday. Ali thero anti came 1tisis »couuty nbout ivero pleaseti to seet thenlIbe Volo 1845 anti have lined IAn Volo anar stuce. 1cbunc-h once more. They wol* bots memhars of the Methoolt churcis if that place. They' Miss Bue Ninsageru, Of Gilmier, nisit. lemne ta, moulu theni sevon souns cd it Baugbi Bios' lat eek. andti free dangbters. Mr- R. tiledi The voddilg halls are begiilng 10 Sept. 24 aui Mrs.. B. Oct. 915, 1895. chiais nortis-east fions Volo. Invita- -w --dm- --- tion are ont to attendi the vedding of WAUCONDA. ans only dinghter. Particulars naît r eek. C ., L. Pratt movedt f the city thie Quartenîy meptlngo«vionextbatur- atternoon ibd Ii sy oirung An e!B. Buritît, li nislting friands ilstishe M. E. churebaf McBèenry. Servise Wlsconsin. In tise Vole M. E. churcin luthe aftar- M4 Daily bas monati- into, the!sinoim at 2p. m. Sabbafh sepool et 1 laidunhome. --- - - . 1 ac. 1r r -ý,, 1 -. - The pont ornie. isunov locatet.inl the Mr@. Dr. Lyon, of South Baud, Iiid., Jenka building, lu company vitb bier brother anti MisasAlice BncI vent 10 N undà, the sister Coidsi sud Editi suIyder, of Birut of the wvel. Plessant Prairie, Wt.., uopisar andi nolce of Mma Albert Bangisi, Au J. D. McCabe vont to Indiana, Mon- e ompany vitis their friand, Mia. Mary dey for bis boslih. Tabor, o! Bristol, Win., visitati ait Mia. Wm. Bammonti. af Elgin, nisît-; Baught Bras.' tiret of thîs veek. oti frientis bore tant veel. ________ Mr. anti Mrai. T. Daiiy, of Cary, wero picaint cahiers Tues'lay. Mra. Agnes Rchardson.. Jaseli ati Emit eili ver Was boru lu Englanti, May 30, 1827, Josep andEmmitReily w antiuddietietflber home lu Volo, III., Bondtout ni îitî is Mondaiy. Oct. 9, 1895,iliser 69fh yean. She cama Jas. Gray, o! Libertyvhlle. vistedifatoI llinois uitb barr hushmnt, Jonathsan relatives lu f hie vicinity lat eek. ichiairdson, lu 1849 anti locitet ou m J. Basefoy, of Grîyslake, anti Mr. feai noir Volo, where sha rositiat Hil0f Marengo, voeebore Mond*y. until deuf h. She louves moyen sons f111, anti thîca dîughtera, alo twonty-fvo A. Reynoldis anti F. Grovanor wetta guand-chiidieu. Two tianghtena anti Evanuaton on their wheels lent Sunday !one grand chutd are daceaseti. 5h. 'ew vas tise sother of tvelve chiltiren. Tii. I'emiissof Joseph Stone we8 h. vas marriedt i er lt. hushonti brougbt froui Lihoitynille, Montîy, Jonathan Btichard8oan An Englmuti onar anti burlidlu the Waucongla cg te ity yaais ago vith vbom she lîneti Tue5dy. iuntIl bis decease Sept. 24, 1895, ah.s Sheil Brown andtin. Rugis, o! survînati hlm iliteen daya. They ara Waukegîn, vere on Oui streets Tues%- novnunitat inl the susmer 1and of day asti Weduesday. The former vas efernity vbeîe tbare vhU hae no more mter Wuyman. partîug. She vas a vonsan of terling Do nof forget f but Siturday, Nov. 2, ebiricter; 10 know bier was te lova anti '96, in theoIsat day f bat yoîî eau get reseeectliar for ber gond qualIies of your picture tiken ait the Wucouda mind anti'heurt. As a vif. she via tor- Studio. No picfures viii b. talon ougi3' devotodti 10the Inteieste of lier itter that date. boloveti banti, as a mother abe vas 'self sacritlelug anti constant lu hae cura The Niagara Ff re Ca. vaont foi antiaffection for bier chiltiren vbo cali drill Monday ovenlng. Thoy also lbar blesseti. As i uelgbbor anti frIand. gaveaun exhibition Weduestiay even- %lie vas belt inluhtgh etit.em. Inu arly te a uumber o! alIdernailn froml life @lie uniteti -vIth the church of nelghboriug towus tht vint lire i Englintiilulbar native land anti con- englues. fingaeti aithful 10 Isteitchinga - - tbroughout ail th. years of lher rosi- douce lu tise land of baer adoption. A QU ENTI N CORNERS.1 great shadow ban talion uver the isome Jiso. F. Uainer bis put lu a large whero sho presideti as vite anti mofiser nov cîstaîn. for haIt a century. Many mouin ha- causea gooti voman bas been talon Mi"s Bertha Sturm bas gone tu, Chi- train tises but they rejoice thut aise cago te nisif relatives, 1bas gotereceive the rovarti of fhe Our suminci Ae badiy fadeti, but 1 i ftrul.Tisoy hope t10 meet lber lu tisa Jack Frost la gefting ou bis legs, borne of tisa soul, where sorrov and pmrting are nover hnovis. TIse tund, IOui achool opens next Mondtiy foi tise service vus belti In tiu. Voie M. E. vAnter. The stars and stripes vill churcb, Frîday, Oct,. il, vbere a large vne. concourse of frIands and nelghbors Oui cheesie factory shipped tvo gthaiid tf0 puy their lait tribut. of loodas of cheese anti one laid of butter respect. The servioevas conuctati thia veel. by thisUfoimer pastor Bey. Josephs Caldwvell vho gave ait able ant Inl- Ernest Paibisan's young son hati the spirîng atdren. Tisesaime pull beiars »Ad mistorfuuse t10fai tiovu taie asti v s arved ut Mr. Richardison f unerai, break lis aia. aisethe saime ingers front Unayalake -Sept. 29, oui base bal feani playeti vho rentieiad those bemutif ni songs fa thse Long Grones; resultà. voie 20 te 23 u pleeslug manager. The romains vers in faner of Long Grova. lmid- té rest by the aida of lber taithful huabant Inluthe Volo oensetery. Our Cornes. balltfais playeti thesiiu vuo aORNCELE. Palatines Sunday; ascore 24 tu, 26 i l I GdgO aTiEGANuDmi. U" fîvor of Queutin Cornera. e Gad adrnm. Tby gsnatte noices lahuabhed; Chat. LytIe ant i vie hava icturneti 15.57 rm tan. heu~rteasMil, tron their prospectlng tour ont ut Antil on thy paie andi a~efui brow; Wasington, etc. Gladtiu10 vlconge ls retiug deatha cold chilI. yon back, Cbîrley. Thy hinds ame clispeti upon thy brosi. W. bava kisset-1h. c-la h.ow; Horse Dentý& If your Horso Poor, ordon't gat it 18 caused by,,d!Î ed, sgharp,,or ýui teeth. SlQbbÏm Throwing the b are also cais'bi teeth, T-hueùp tendent of- thé I Cou ntv ..Poor I understandsetw nes.- -Itwi Pae to have, your teeth e,à#amIa4~ homseexam1nëêî of charge., OUR AIX.- TO PEAR GO), 2TELL MEI TRUTH AND) MAKE MONEY. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, October 18, 1895. Are the Meata w Tbose are the Sý pointa. Theu * w«2 price sud promptn.& AS THE LOWul¶T 1-AND-1 Prompt Service byu au ie rviledl4 ,9 NEW MEAT MARJCu- Vi in seavey and AMOati:old &e xllwaukeeAe AUSTIN& MALL.ORY"" Libertyville, IliIInois. Please C4 and PAY that MONIEV-,S You Owe Me. You Said you wouildý. 1 need it very muçh and wiII Thank you', very Kindly, if ypu, wiII do as You Pro'~i ised, -Yours,, J. S. MURRIE. Thlsvweak heoffenerahj cle. lDs a ~OUAs6-~N ligiter runninàg uéd, bde abouts, A Ia thavmi E. 4. SHERMN» The J6weler. tGraasLakeIi,8. -V;7J7 1 ..,

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