CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Oct 1895, p. 6

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'~ #eS , oru.u - ta Cra-se ndi Oopreeslon. alcb la IRessuaces Tiec ivli var lu Cuba vIi probi! sme. etsUIfrtier, 10 devaiste eut 1* - ua wbbc e I psulrds dulug pai tow >'ebave donegail lbey c«I oui eru. THE GREAT CATHE itlas a pty, for tropical Âmerlca doca itot cou tain a fatrer land than that over whtC the liares ef cvil war are nov spradimg. No motter wbat rnay be the resuit of the war, it wW leavo the Island tu'&a condition to recover frorn vbch essny years of ProPerlty wili be -re- quireti. There are thoulandi Of men now livng Who vividiy rernembos' the status of the Sothera and border gttl.s ot this country after the cvil war. andi when snc' desolation la pos- sble in a landi where war la conducteti witit sine regard to eivlimed nethods, the question Mnay well be aikoti, Whst ruin wIli not be wrought when the com ilct As waged with the savagerY PeCu- Ular to the Spaish forcet? The jeneral physical characteristics «u Cuba are t00 well knowu to neeti description, but few, even of botter in- forinet readers, are aware of the re- sources of the Islandi or of the extent te whlch itl a blesseti by nature ln the matter of cimute anti vegetable pîro- ductions. We are aecustorned to think or CubUas a bot country, Otuated au t la untier the tropics, andi the cormnon Impression tg correct to the extent that the ujean average temperature Of the year lasbîsher than ln coutries further north. but the climats la more equable. tiere are net thase audden variation. that ln many parts of the Unitedi States are no neyere on the. buman conatltu. '1qý n Havos, for exampie, the av- aragoterperature o! the bottent rnontb M 84zdegrees, of theè.iedest. 72 In Santige de <uba4,-j1 toten men- tioued lan the war dli,àtcbos. the aver- age of the year las nOof the hottent: ~<~I*o0uIutt £4 uuy. a e etaithle tolsaemogièm it nama ~iB1faAa. .become a proverb the vorMd over, fan 9Ovlhg tôe eours.e oS, uhrns- mlke toa amokerasud te thune vha re- mit the suttrmi rius.urc or thee Islandi gard the vie-i us a raItpoison, tue fra- Mf jaot evM eompIteiy baown, taes@*y grant Havana le typîcal o! th'e habit. notialg et b.lÉSg dettM~peti. Enaugb Not every quaTeter of th. sand, ho"- bas bom asortâaed, bowever, te jus- éver, producos the tobacco wbase fiavor tlfr' ti altement tha aiment ovcry Isse 0bighly regartiet. Ouuy a !ew rnotii* mineraI useti An tbe arts anti river valleys, wbasc soi! contalns eIa- sienes la b be foiuti on the Isand. monts pecullarly favorable ta the tic- OMilbau been dlscovered Inlu acerai Ivelopmeal a! the aroaulc qualies ai rIVer.; alier lu four or fite o! tha the lest, eu canhareliet on far the gani. meutale ranges; copper exista lu lue 1Havana produet, whil ueh ofb a lhe abuudauee Ana .buutircd differeut 1o- tobacco of theO IsslandIo 111te superAar caIltios; qnlcksllver, fend, autlmony. ta that growmi lscwbare. stuc. Itou or., uaguesia, ochre, alumu In any other country, ant i wtlmrau- andivemadIfoereut varlelAca o! mur- soasbly fair apportunities for tiare!-4 bie. mm ltiAslforlor ta hb bot Itai- opinent, the minerai anti agricultural1 resaurcas o! Cuba would rentier that b Islandi anc o! tbe rIchesl regloLs of the1 globe, but thc curse of Spansb s-ue1 l lsIte, an tbe farmer anti planter, on1 the merebaut andi miner andthle same mercilics taxation alike prevents al frein attaining any measure et suc- cens or prosperAty. The bisbary o! Cuba bas becu one unI!armn record o! Spaunsh tieprsvlty, qpoiation sud oppression. Spanisb suIc bagan wIth the destruction of bbc entire1 native populatian. At the disovery o! the Islandi by Chrîstopher Columbus,, Il was peoplati with a race of geutle, - inoffensive Indiama, ithase wos-st fal 11-as8timar lîîzAuess. The dls3covcry-was matie n 1492, the Islandi vas complete- ly ovrl-n -bg bbe Spanlards Iu 1511, the natives were enslaveti, anti so great was bbe barbarlty wltb wblcb tbey wera reateti, that, lu 1534, bbc colonial. ______________petltianet tAie Crowu ta ho allowedtet A mport Afrîcan slaves at once, tisat HÂ-1 i theg migbt baclnuredte tabil lu' the _________________________ Afriean sinvery began sbarlly ailes-, In.have heen founti lu different sec- anti formedthebb second black spot on tbc liof thle Isandi. Noue ai these nul- Spaainb record. Thc thîrd, anti perbapa' neura oores. howver. bave been thse rost dotastabmu af ail, ban been bbe devloped a- tbey shouiti be, for thc trealment o! the native Cubans. in Voeofai palu ha. been rather ta rc- Iheis- owu countr-y bbey bave been sub- pres tisa t. encourage bbc proSrcsa jactedte 10evcry ferrau o! pollîlcal andi o! the Isand andi Ils people, andthbb social oppression thut the lngeuuity o! cousequeuce la 1h11 lthe native wc-altb 1the Spunlards coulti devise. Tise ltter, ai Cnbe. ville Ituavu la be Imimemnse tram the captulu general tiowa ta bbc anti 4arled, là,as au el, argeiy a mallar meanest cuslamu bouse clark, have gen- of spoculatIon. Sncb s ual bbc case, crally regardedthelîir posilloms as gven hovever. vith regard -ta tisne ps-ad- blmcm fierlAie pus-pose a! enubllng Ibemu uctà, vîlie, by lha labos- of man, ftisa taeamrcb theasels-es. anti have carrîcti arable soif mag be compoileti ta yill. out Ibis Idea ta tbe fullest possibua cx- The topography o! Cuba 's se varleti, tant. The people bava beau rabbcti, la- compose&i as the sland Is, of plains gaily ant iligaliy, plundereti andtax ;anh, 4:o;7. Tc..arealmoot at the levelof thlie su, ofplis- blgh figures, but ual vos- gh gbfor au te«au" usan mdretis a!ftec i bgher. blandl yAug lu equatorlalreglons asud ~tel atnalnranges. some o!f wlci attela sialtiude of 8,000 feel, Ibat 57 proudot le tropical, subtropleia or, teuspasue reglons may ho raîsati, aud frein the banana of MexAco ta thc b&l hrieyoferwoaay, ail are at tic comn- manti of the Caban farmer. As migit - - - b. expeceae, boweves-, by fus- lAe greant er portion et the Caban ieldi prautics! are sncb asare appropriate o thbbgea graphieul situation aiflihe Islanti, anti * bbeco, belns%. orange". pînealîlilou,j other tropical fruits anti vegelabies. - yl cottes anti sugur, are tbe lcatiug atapbes. Ne peu, isowver giteti, cati givo an Ide&, bovever, o! the luxuriance YN Aamprnatru 'icroa. Of vegetll on a Cuban plantation. 0119B arîcTRT. The angor nue grava ta a size equal- m.gIdtiy vates-tint la vaMm l ed onjyby thal ofthe moat fataredti st- *1e tha alle ear round. To à 9 o l Iuiara b Ie a ioli a giltengr frein a dry coutrY a feature .cepus.vt> bs isn eacc.s m~>-oolJcbouaiethan the teMAdy a"d ply frut, la a algît, oces, n At1 île the remdous raisfIL. Tise nee te b. forgollen. Bat otan tIe - - WHZEB TUB- ibn phical UI =waapbas1ait"a- met a4ti. dry. Durlnt lie laI- ~Lr>I5 ae it rouon, &elg o"e f4*4 »iwevr *lq tis abuadance Ït lts 4W, huille tain> nase, Ja3pitr fn«lu uos mm otebusa hlieoi 1.00e te Wn«enIS al roviens effort@, and irins125 to 4w incbes of rein arc ot uncoin- *" e m 'ber entg bout 102 dais vieà .t Wl rec. m -.Imot luatircpe, bu t II~bOO5,~U5IEslas tubfulsaI a Windows of the bgld brohmIeMtgi uLualimslautl. imaesifulabfieL 09E*.FFL aaaauv. gle. tbe jbeupple, Ase. exceled ,by i etlthebauas plsntatlou, wîîh Ats puai buw« trees snd enormous 1bmb et huit S. large as ta occasion lla thrnle mind 0f a Spanish r e4ldamtle thte biuches o! grâpes >msduso as berne between two men, *hm tie Hoirevsaptes returneti from tbrlarmpelss of the landi o! Canaan, a wera " n.aly grapea, but bananes. tThe abuealmce ith whicb this re- gmagiabis plut ylelda Itn fruit andthetA 0 Uttsems nquired for Ils cullivation &MIma a pisaistioS bas once been made, bave »t psured a» utmixetiblesing te tâta dwam la trqWel relons. An- aoie t boe. hutsi -wltb lle or no *à 9*68" w1PO~ues'ro than a, *s~~os Stueif0 »,san acre *bMt 0aWu 1asa as a MOIt et l toatb, aa tiat tise luduatrimi) grovtb ai tic sandi naetionbcicrcum- stances la sometbAng qulte mas-velous.i As a casas, the native Cubans us-a fan supolr latictheSpanisi byrats via have tiomAnabedthe Island,. anti theAs- restîronesa unuter tie contrai af tbe fos-egn losent As easily untesstoat anti appraciateti. TAme anti agalîs bave theg risen Alnsurs-ection, but tAe las-k ai ar-msa andthAe oves-wbaiming farces tîngt on bbc isst appearanca af trouble w-r os- pnset!nta thie Isad bava up ta tha prsentIprevontati succosa. lItanIes ai Spanisis etmoctiesar se o! alsuast daiy occurrentco lu the nan-spapers non-, bal avrsy attempt o! lie Cabana ta gain their libertly bas Aien alleudeti by barbunitian s!miius- ta thase nov ha- Ing posporaleti on captus-etiCabans. TAiey huve bean bang anti aloI by taz- ans. tbey hava beau seul lu strings ta lia gas-rote, ta lha gallega, ta tic pris- ans for ifelong sentences, tbey have s;eau lAirs- ives anti chîltrenmasdeset heora liais- eges; tbey bave vltnesseà lia destruetionai mIsais- pnopcrly, sud gel, An spAle ai the kuoviatige lIaI cer- tain deuhIn luIls mont terrible forma au-ails timons If unanat-assful, tbe ex- aspes-ation a! SpsAnsb raIe gonds îlesn ta renevati revoit, andt teg prefer ta sec lbo!r landi lu ruina If auly il may bc freo ifarelgu contra!. Undar Ameican contra! os- protection, tise ativancemeul a! Cuba voniti ho rupiti. Havana, vitis lis usetilal calAsdrals anti cauapedretis-cl, some ai iAci look an bîaugb tiscg migit hava beau Importeti irons Bucabn atr Sevilien, voulti saon become a bustl!ng Ames-ican town, vîcre tiecocwboy would leslIe the millionals-., andt h. office building laIte the place ai the prlmon-lIke palace ilat uocms desigucti for no otber pus-pose tissu ta serve as bbc accu. o! an opera. The oAd "Buc- cancers' Casile" tisaI, traditionsyn, saw service vbeu lise bld Viking o! lb. South Sens rode tiolmpbant oves- bbc Sparisb main, vonîti le couvested labo, a museuns for preservlag bbc baud- cuffa anti brauding Irons, lic manacies, alakes, tlumb acrewa anti ales- Astru- meula of Spansi csuelty, andth Ae pse-i by Caban girslnlutbb cigarette factories would laiu na ugbEnglisis la reaponti le tic ardetie atvances a! loyer« fsrn tle States. TisaI the day o! Cuban frecti may ho delayeti la possible, tas- the Isaud la too cI s'- apimfer tise Sp4aia,10t.relluqusi viilingiy, but tihvAA ililayp remalnunsd., Mie op»ri'e e aiee aion vIh.«» TrAL ELie IL MIE PREACHES ON THE SACRI- FiCE 0F ABRAH4AM. 1 "The Lamub of (lad Who Takea Awmy lhe Sius or thse World"l-A ]Remar- ably Paves-fut eud Clees- Bible Sbaryr -Abruabmnant Iaacd. Lesson ofas ecue. Iu bis sermon bast Sunday Rot. Dr. Tairnage chose for his aimbjeet Abraham'@ uprema tinuaiofîiitb andtihle sugella s-o- eue a! Isaac frirumbeiug offes-ed bg lis father as a sacrifice. The tort vas (lenemis xxii., 7, "Be'boit the fimo andtihîe sooti. but n-aseAs inbte innsbV" Hanc are Abrahaem amu Iaac, tle one a kinlu, aid, gracionsi, affectioane fille-, the other a bui vo, obedienl, religion. son. Frs-m bis brommzed i nîreuranee gon eau ball tînt this soitbuamaim mîmlunchliAn îlefilcis, anti fttimalirs sl:gzy dress aisotm huatIhai le lins betu a nttiAlg tmimeAmrtisThc anoumleums mur li:ii isit-d bis cheek s-ubi- cunti. Ht'As 20 os- 25, or. mss some sup- pose, 33 tmg., ivrmtiulemà . boy, cousiilering tise leiîgtls cof lite ta wtici people lived iAlîtiss.timmtes amin.!the tact liaI a sois meu'u-r As mmnytlmimg but a bay Ia a fablier. i ruicuîiherthuiliygfatAmer used la caomn,- A litatIeii'mîe ulmaitie tebhldremi vos-c homue ou sonme testil acasion mimmi gay, tWscitre thse Iosg amlimough "the boys*' w-iýr( 25 anmd ;0 anti 35 gears ofaiea. Sa ti is reic As anis a bay ta Abraham, andt-I Iltiitlic,* rstn-IA in ini . Iinl (nue iu're sîii ane Ibere. Ifthseelà mg feativity aaotinth ie iaîahe'atout, Isaac muntInjoiju t. At i. Isuuc'a valI anu Iaues aplparel nauti saac'a mannes-s andt Iaac'sli)raspeoctî and Isac*@'.ps-asperiîg. TIe ftiios's liemrtstrings are ail ws-npped as-auriudit boy, anti n-appeml again, un- tiI nimm-tenmils of lAie aid man'slfe As Au Isaac. 1 caujust Aulsugino boy loviuglY anti pmoudiy ie looked et liAs ouig sou. A Bus-nI <fferiami. Wel, theieo Citmsn lied borne n gréatitidai aitrouble, eut il bat ieft ils mark uilan im. In hieraglyphica ai vs-imk-le ibh'%tor-y n-us nritten fs-ansfore- best ta chin. But non- his trouble seems all gomme. ctin-cw art' gladit at le As vos-y Boan ta s-et fbroyer, If tAie nid man simulA get decrt-pit. isac Asess-romg enouigh ta vait onbAns, If lAie ftie- gsdAirato egosigh-. Isiarwn-ill lent hAns hsy the Iband. If the. f.thi'r become destitirte, Isaue viii earn him trend lowan-glati n-aare thal the sbilî tutlins A-en iAmoi chaa s-amnY sie ta cuiigaut lest imito tAieburmar. Arc gon nit rejoiu-î t bat glont-is id Abrît- haa uirii;igu n ils troubles? No, no! A I buuifii'rboilt ! J-houi mi cli'nr cus-ar kg tht-s-edroiiniouta imatther's lent a vo sliti ait ansuitient onough ta tamn black Ittis-is ite anmdlta @tua lie puAstrii it ti1ii nîut nnmilhiiaut ion.<loti mAi. , u îsn." Tho olad mn an- an-cred "Iler.'1 i n." 0(l aid i! a inm, "Take rAiss. tby ,ily son Isaatc. viu thonrloertandslgmt uhu',- iita tAielandt oi .'tositiAi uand aller biuîii am'îns a bîl s-ît offcs-iusg." Irit ahrias n'rus ls.ay Aim, cut lia bodiy ia toragmnts, luntlAie fmeg- meutsn thie n-oui, setlis-a ta tAie vont anti lot lane-s lbodysie conarîmed ta cales. "Canuigba§imi! Niurder!" sait sanir ana. "Soit an." sait Abrahama. I bouts him soliloquize: "'Hoe A the boy fin whomn T have tependei. (Ol, bon- i loret lins!Hoen-as giron An anaver la prayer, «<d nov musitI asrende- hima? 0Isaasc. nîy so-a!ITanne, boyaboi T pas-t mIl gais? But, thon, lAt lai-cga s aie- lado as Got asks me ta. 1 haro beeu nAn as-k places before. anti (ld gaI me ont. i viii impiiciIiy do asn(loti bus taitme, aI- thouighlit As rery durIt. T ean't @semy vag, but 1 kuon- (ld malieana misakes, atd ta hum 1 commit myseli anti mytins- lIng son, Eas-yiy n the maruing tlieoA nais-i as-ounu Abrabim', lent. A bast ai bur- don is ted anti sattiei. Abs-aham maires na diaclasuire oi the an ti secs-et. At the break ai day AieBacys: "Couic, came, Isaac, got tmp! Wc ns- oiing off on a tva or tAiseu ticys' jatsmney." 1 heur the ux bcving sud eapiitting umidthIe not untii the sticks as-o mate the riglit leugth amni thc right liiekuess, andti ien tbey are fastenet on bbc hennit of bus-ton. Tlsey puse oui-thoraas-e fours-ofithemu-Abru- hans, thesatle-; Issue, tAie son, andti Io ses-vate.Coimsg aiuimg the rond, 1 sec Isaac iookimgugt) sinta luis iatlhu-s's tace' aut sayimig: "FatAie-. n at As the matie-? Are yau flot n-cil? linfs anytuimg hap- penet? As-re yli tiret? Lean un nsy as-m" Tlen, tuii hug arorîît thlii'si- vaut@. the soi) says. "Ah. ftîbes- s gctting; olainul Aielins hatitrouble enotigh An otbcs- dassta kI ita!", The Day of the Tr(aacdg. Tisa ii-tmsuiulias couac. cnt iî la tAieday of bts-tagcdy. Tme tuva errauîs as-e lait lie beatiaofibas-don, w-bile Abrît- hans anti bis sait saic, as n-cg tAie cîuslam o! gtmod people in lbose tises, uvensaitp an thoeAîAlI to sacrifice ta the Los-t. TAie vooti Islaten off the bensl's botck anti puit on Isauec'a bock. Abs-abus bas An aise hanti s pan of coulaeos- e lumpandiin tAie othe- a sharp, Iteon kuite. Home arc ail bhe ap- plicane for sacrifice. gan aay. No, 11cm-e la anc tbing urantinmg-Ibere Ainonvictimu- no pigeon.,o- orhites-os- lnmb. Isaac, ual Itnoving that lue in ta ho tAie vietins.loIts np Loto bis fatber's face anti ska a ques- tion viici mueI lare eut tbe aIt sun ta tise bene-".Nlyfaîbes-!"Tise fables id, ..Mg son Issue, bora I am." The son sait, "Bobolti the fis-c anti tise voo, but vberela tle lamb?" TIe fatber'a lp quites-ed, ant iei heurt falnteti, ant iei kucos kuacketi togoîbes-, ant ieAs ubAs- lady, mind'anti soul %hiver An sickeuing angulal as le sts-nggles ta gain equipoine, fo ie hotsnt vaut ta break tovu. Andi tien héokIt mbhis son'a face, with a Ibonsanti ruahing teudemnessea, anti saga, x"My sou, (lot i viips-otite bimacif a TIe tvain cm-e nair ut tie foot o! tise bill, tIc place vîlel ia ta bé famons for s mont transcendernt accusroence. Tbey galber sons. atontes ont aifltefieldianti bnilti an sitar, Ibree or fans- feet 11gb. Thon they laIte thII.vooti off Isauc'u bock et 17delA~dy tboet b.ould have- beec the. hope of agos 10 coule. Boautiful ad lovlng and 701t t dis un- der rny owu baud, O Ood, lathere amot nmre other sarfice that wiii do? TaIt. ny lif. snd upare bis! Pour ont my blooti and saveUsnac for hie mother andi th. worltir' Butthis was an inward otruggie. The father contrais bis feel- uge and lookinta is son'. face andi gaya, "lIsac, muet I tell you s17"ITlsM mon nid: "Ycs, father. I thought yen hall sornething on your mmnd. Tei! it." rhe father said, ".My son Isaac, thon art the latubr ,oh,,, you say, "wby dAêlu't that yeung man, Af lhe wan 20 or 30 Yenra of age, stuite into, the dust his iu'irmn father? He couiti have donc lb." Almil Isaac knew by tbis time tbmit the @s-enï was typicai of a Msiah Who wmss to coule, and no lhe matie no struggie. 'tbey fell on eacb other'a necka and wailed out the parting. Awful andi mateleos -ehie oif the wiiderns. The rocks echo i.ark the breaklng of their heart@. The vry: '11y son! Bly son!" The anaiver: 'Mly faîher! My fatAmer!" The Arum of <bd. Do not compire Ibis, ssonme pe.mpie have, to Agasmemnon, wilini ~to offei mp bis dauglîler, Itihigenia, te pisse ltme ged.. There Ain nlhing comparable to this %, on- tierful obetiience to the truc (lad. Yo'î kuow Ihüt victime for sacrifice were ni- wnys batîmît. j;)thal Ihey nsAght noletvm- gie mmwmy. ltnwim tihe martyr, 'vben lie wasi>ying for ChrIst's ache,ai a the bia&ckmmiti Who imeitithie man' .les, 'Fntt-ims those (bains tigit mow, for muy flesb nmmmy struggie mnightiIl'." Se isnie's arme are fam-temîcd, bis feet are lied. T'he aid man, rullyhmg MIaie isstremiglb.liftq hin on ma pile of Wood. Fastmming a thimnmm an one side of the mmttîr, lie mnakes il saimi the' body of Ihomme anti fastetîs the tlt,,îîg ut the otlmer sidêe l siar.nd anoilher thoug. andisuoimer thong. There As the lnmp flirkrimg in the wind, reatiy tc ie put under time irushwood of the -sitar. There la the kuife, sharp anti keemi. Abra- humn- aîruggiug with hi@ mortal feelings on tima anc aide and the<comndts o ai;id on tbc other-lakes thal knife, ruAis lte flat of itton the palm of bis hanti, cries ta God for beip, cames îuiPte the aide of the sitar, puts a partsig Mison nhe bran o! bin bay, laItes a message frons hlm tfr muother anti home, aud then, lifting the giitterîng wenpon fîîr tAie plunmge of the death stroke-itis muscles kîîlltiîig for tbe work ,the liîn begins ta descendi. il talls! Net an the heurt of Isaac, but on tihe arm of (lot!. Whob arrests the strm.ic., makifig the.ildernes qualke iitb tAie cry: "Al>rabsus! Ab'rabam! Lay not thy band upon the lad nor do him 'iny harms!" WhatinAthin sounti back in the v.,ls Ib la a c7rncki.g as of troc Abrane:' a bleatitsg anti n atrnggic. (Ga, Alrahîi.i anti ec whatAt in. Oh,At was a rani m:t. gaimig throughi the Waods, has ils t'rooliei hornis fastemîcrianl!entamsgled AnilAic brtushiomanmmd con!.! net ge-t base, mn.i Abrsshum seizea Atlgiadly au.! qîikir lin. aongns Isano frein tAie alter.,lutstei theril, on An bis pince, mets thie lumusnder tAie bruabwood of the altar. nati as thii,ou amoke of time sanrificê begimîs ta rise lt(- Autooti roois down athi' aides of thelic ait.r ru. draps hising iitafilme ire. anti] 1heur îlot words, "Beouitithe Lamb iof (;ti Who bakes nway the. sAns of the worîti." Wceli. what arre ramigaiug ta get omît 't tlmis? There Asnami aged muiniater oflime- gospel. Hc gays: "I sîmoulti get ouI of it that whcn (lad tell@ yon ta do a thimsg, ivhlethcr it secîis reasonaitie te gan or net, go ahead andi do i. lere Abraham couidn't have beau mistaken. (lad diimmî aimeak se ndstinctil that At was nat cer- tain whether hie callet Sarah or Abinie- Aecb or sonsebady cisc. but with divine articulation, divine Intonation, divine em- phasia, lhe said, .Abrnhamr Abrahm runbeti b!Autiy abeat tade his tiuty, knaw- ing thal thinge would coume ont rigl. Likewise do so gourseives.Therc As a mystery of your lite. There ias sane bur- demi yeu have ta carry. You dou't kio% wlmy (otihas pmut At an gon. Tbere As some persecation. nome trisl, aud yen don't kuow wimy (oti allaws At. There in a uvork for gou ta do. aud yen bave flot enough trace.,gyen thimmk, ta do At. Do ais Abrham titi. Advance, and do yaîmr wbole duty. Be wiling ta give up Isauc, amnd perbapo yon wiii uat have ta gAve iii snylhing. 'Jî'bovaii-jireh'-the Lord ivill protide." A caplitl lessan Ibis aid min- inter gives us. Got i WAttProvide. Olut yontier An his hanse As an usgî' womuan. The ligAit of heaveu An ber faîce, slle is hait wny throsgb tAie doar; aIme bas ber imamîtiou tbe pearl of tAie gate. Matlher, wimat ivouiti yau get ont af Ibis subject?! '0i.' site sga, "I wonlti leuru Ihat At As Au the al piuch tîat (loticomîn la lb.'her:c lief. You sec, the aitar was 'reaî!y, amni Isac nevs fastenetioamiAt, sud the knife waalilfteti. and ijîst nt the luist momntm (lad broke Au anti stoppeti proceedimigs. sa At bas becu An My lite of aeveuty goura. Wby, air, there n-as s lime when the Ilami- wus ail out ot the bouse, anti 1 set tbe table at non anti blidnathiug te put ou At, but lire minutes af 1'o'clock a loaf of breat came. The Lord wlll proyide. My son was very sicIt, aud 1 nid: 'Dear Lord, gon don't menu la take hlm away frosm me, do ganT PIesse, Lord, don't tail. hlm awag. W1hy, there are neigh- bora Who have thrcc tend four sons. This [a my only son, this isýmy Isaac. L.ord, yen wou't taIte hlm away freux me, will youT But 1 aw lhe was getlug worsc and worge al bbthme, anti I turneti roudsud prayeti, nutAl miter awbile I feit sumissive, anti I coulti say. Thy wili, O Lord, bie donc!' The. toctora gave hlm .up, anti we aIl gave hlm up. Anti, as vs the custom lu those tirnes, wu bati matie the grave ciothes. and vs vere whisperlng about the lait ezercises vben 1 oked, anti I saw nome perspiration on his brow, showing that the fevcq bati brok enatih.spoe tausnonnaturally thankiol." Oh. motvhss yog's througl Ibis ABien votIt sud gou go up %taire anti test inthle go' that loti han provideti for you. 10lm nat bave ta clAnnb np-yaou vi sot, bv ta trawl np panfully. The Ivo .aI vere stretcheti antthe crous Wl» be arounti you anti yan vfll le Wilo giorioul!. begouti &il earineua" um sls-uggle. May bbe(loti o! Abrahamr é Iasa ho wtbyou until gonu se the Lsgiis on lhe bilibops. Typîcmi a! Jeans. Nov, thal ageti miniater bau matie a tsuggesiom andti Ais aged vomitn bas madbe a suggestion. 1 viii moit.a su gesliirm-lsaac going up tb. bil a"es me think o! the groat sacrifice, lsea4 the oaig son ai Abrahams. Joins, Ils0y son oi loti. On blase Ivo '*aniyu 1 builti a teartul ernphauiu. OIsaci 0 Jeans! But Ibis lait sscrilfice was as mol trementoua anc. When the kulfe WU . liiteti over Caivarg, Ihere vaSsenVoles that cricil "Stop!" anti no baud arrosiem t. Sharp, keon anti trentious, It ceut douv tbrongb nes-ve anti srlerjuntil the blooti sps-a) cd tIcfaces of!thée egel- tilamers ume] bbemidtaimsn droppeti a 'tei ai dont over Ah face becanse il coul'ti i endulmre the spectacle. O Isssc of Moumnt Moriali! O Jesans o! Mount CsIVary - lIcites- comlti (otihava Ibrovun Wsg lot niliatiumîa thommautn-anrdstisIan le have sni-rified bis înly Son. Iraswu$ae omum' af ton sona--it n-as Ais anly Son. If hast net gis-en nI. him. gau anti 1 vouit ba've îwriahied. "(lotisa o Areth îe wor!d tisaI ho gave liAs ony"-l stop thore, noS beentise 1 have torgotten thequotation., but beeause 1i n at hink."Gaed ase loredthtec ont tiat ie gave bis.onlybe- gotîemi Son, that wimsoever belevetb la hlm shouit not perih, but lisse es-esift- Ing lie." Great (lot, break my heart at bAie thamgît ai th»t sacrifice. TsaR.*t tb onig, typicai of .lesua the ouly. You sep Issue goiug up tbe bAll anti cas-sying île vaut. 0 Abrahm. wlîg ua taLe tAie lotit off lAe boy? If bc in 9o104 te die sa soan, n-b ual makte bis lait boumu easoy? Abrtiham kucir that lu ce$ rgiug thal vaod np 3Ioiost Mrial usse was ta bc a symbol a! Christ carrglut bis an cross up Calvus-y. I do -aletuov bow beary that croqss uva--vetimor t ivas mamie ai onk or acacia or Leaenos1 odas-. 1 suppose At mag bave veigbed 10n1 or 2010 or Mio pountia. That vas tha lightnt liast aoflAe burtien. Ail thc dus and ooaurowsvofaitAie -ani vere vasîud as-ormndt at cmoqq. Theimmt aofaone, lhe hebof ut Inworlds -"artb avd bell sren, uM ocf sarifie -up Moumnt Moa-h. O4so ir.0Isacryn h .îmrus. rarru ng lime ivoati aisacrifice of 'Mount Cuivrsy. the agonies of cas-lb anti hl lit-iql)mîp'-d arominul lIaI cross. 1I all ut-uer sec tbe beavy bail on isoac'c backI tIsai 1 shaîll limtimmk aithe crsing lad rmm (Amsists bock. l'os- su-laithat bat? l'or m. l'or yosi. For nic. For me. % Vumid tisaI al liio- eurs thul n-e have Is-tover ..rsro-ns bat becun vet na- til t li s moninmg. mudut t at n-c miglit amui lins- im mouItami tirelaccruile. bock anti imet anti Aesrî (of lAi- Sami ni)f(ld. J Vii ny: 'If tima angastsn n-ai20cr .W toars ai age, n-Ay did nualiho reaint? Wby wira t ual Latne binding Abraham.- nsteat af Abrahaus binding.Jaaac? Tbhe- muscle n Inanc'sararwnastraugor Ilisu lte muscle An Ahrabansa ithereti ari No yonug min 2.5 gears of age vauld sabrait ta bave bis faîbor fasîca huta i pile ofi n-ood with intention ai burning. , Ions- vas a niIing sacrifice, mmd no type ai Christ wba urllingly carne ta sars the' wv<rid. If ail t»e arusies ai heston bail resairedti a force. Christ out f rom the gâte, Ibey caulti ndt bave donc il. Christ was equsAn-ii (loti,-If al bbe baltai- ions of giary bat as-medt hceltavS au resais-ad ta put Christ forth anti mako himu coma ont anti save Ibis varîdt lb couatlt ual have succeeded laimit. Wiîb ans aI robe be vouiti have topîied aver asurlic anti rciscugelic domsiniom A WAIingssacrifice. Bit tbore n-as anc thing Ibal lAe om- nipotent ,Christ caulti not stand. <Our ma)rrowasmauterod hlm. Ha calnîtlbrar ta sec bbc vont tdie vithoul an offer of pardon aud belip. anti if li beaven bal. ias-med tilseif ta keep hAns bock, If th. gatee of lie bat heea boiteti anti double barreti, Christ vouAmi bave fiung bbc everastins doors fron tieir hingea anti vouit lave sprmunmg forth, seattes-ing bbc hindcrins lîuuts aif bearen like chaiffbefore lthe n hirivind, as hie crieti: "LA, i came ta suiffes-! La, I came ta tic!" Christ-m wilinig sacrifice. WiliAng t ate Batile- hom hummiliation anti sanlietrin outrage and whIipping pont malralsent ant Gi ai gothua butchorg. WiliAng ta suffer. WAiA- ing ta tie. Wiing ta aura. itoîv doesm hua affect gos? Da ual goîts vrsy Iegt impulses boundt o aurd this paiustaking Christ? (lot downneaIbis feet, 0 go people. Pub gons-Ilips aginst tAie n-unti on bis rigît footatd belip kAns an-ay tIse pang. Wipo thebotiansfrotu bis tylus lip. Gel umder thc cross uatl!ygai foc! tbbcbaptians ai bisrsuhlng leurs. Tske bie mb gayur heurt, viti varmest love anti nudging enîbualasia. By youir reniâi- ancîra gon have abuset i hm long' enougl. CAist In villing ta uave yen. Are gan vîltbobo suvet? lb aceutamess if Ibis moment vere bhrobbing vitI tb, in- vitatilons o! an al compassionale loti. - I hate bon btld that the cathedral af St. Mark stands lu a quarter n tie ean- ter a! bbc citg a!f 'enlce, andt 11 vlen bhec dock strikes 12 at nodtas il lIa birde irons bbec cty andthle regloas raundi about bbec ctg fig la lb. square anti sottie dos-e. It came la Ibis -wise: A large hessIed' vonsan passing as. noanay acrama Ihe square sav nome bird.saivoring la lie coiti. andt he scatterati some erurie etof breftt smong bbern. Thc non dai ai lie bs-os urmothos atiemiaoe frome of vil! abe.btqh.abe.a a certain moobi f.m

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