CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 25 Oct 1895, p. 2

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'cý»c e ,. C a rI t" NewOrle" -ans' d dtir.othoru, ft lé fear.î - ~ U.LPU~wer dsoed br tie. breaidng down Algiors ferry houae te the tloatiag wharl RlT E YUKON where the ferry boat la as tm , PLMIE Ydent occurred lue. waltlng passenger crowded onto the. bridge as soon as tii -MW"ýàINWAN£TS TO GAIN feiy boat wonlsigut. Tii. boas, ti M I. 0F THE MINES. - Thomas, Pickier, wasaisea crotvded. Thg enginea were alotved down on approaci logtihe wharf, andna s natheti.boas' ai i.s. Tt.Summer by the Mos driled to ber landiug. However the utern of tthe vessel bump.d againsi MWue ýt Show tat the Linsas tiie end of the. pontoon, and with a crawl 4101*1:Iatablished la B»ensa-the irnen pîars'ed aud s hundred oi More frondie people were dumped into ti Wazr among the piling mnd drlfting tAm- &me Wrked g). bems. omen screamed, men siiouted, of the Alaskaked niariand above tihe grônans o e iiired and ~t*Aonet iiAiska ounaryfrigiitened sud the crieseof lutIle oues ~abeea takien up bodily by the culd b. heard the o-tie of meny. The. Sresidents of Juneau and a move men on the. pontoon and those in the >inag made to form ca boundary ferry bouse. didnos' wait a moment before Ï4t place to keep the. people and they iieggn te look toward asiting tiiose 6rens'fully aliv, Io thedanger lu thei, éter. Whii, hundreds of .trons th valiable Yukon mines. Tiie bande grasped every plank withln reseh "3!en Marine Lentiles or Figiis" ou the pontoon sud dashed them Ato the uned A Washiingt'on dis- water for the unfortunate. tao ding te h<P uTe peope of Juneau may dozens devotedthbeir efforts ta paifying -tuuA. seuls n pecce," ssid Gen. the wtomon and ehildren ou the. poutoon. L4 tfii. Coas' and tieod.tie Sur- W l the. pouiiliiies of that city's BIG FIONT OFF. 11Usd loaFinglii territory, if the. il MWr survey of tiie boundary No Loop- Noie ln Law te Permtit the »14 Alaka and the British pos- Ti. Meting. i4 ta ec astade, i.ay lb. aeccpted TeKitzaimmona-Corbett 'figiit trli net MaieW.Tlsey sem te b. unnecee- cone off :fs'er all, eth:a et Hot Springs iidup oves'rte situation. lThey' .ndeavored te accomplish twa@ dons Mon- Suig tisas'thi.e onmisaioners &et- day by the. Florida Athietie Club when i Whaif et this country and Gireat d.clared the. ight off. Corbets' and hie ýNM bave no voie.Aluih final de- manager trantedta t poss'pone outil the Om et the. dispute, au t i wil b. present exciteti opposition te te affair Ilit Ibn gig officiais eoftthe foreigit iad dieti ont and a meeting coultîieb.oar- Socs of tii. swo countries. The. rangeti on te quiet. Fitzaimmons oh- ,of th.e emissionere s l tfurnis jecteti te s'ils, end declareti for what lie uns wh"tchesiiii ftetlitlarles fait knew twan n4aoaible under the. law. -ewieusion sud a swith tue Bach eoftthe prncipeta-is slrendy huuy I~~~~wr bh~oronier ave been i.alling tAhe other comard sud liar, aud wIdtit. emmr sd ast.', preparing for lhe stage tour wiiicii aft aIl wtheticparamotins sud pre-arrangx SeATR IN A WRECK. object of the projectcd tfight. 9»", Tiro Yatelly Mort, ad FATAL WRItCK IN< INDIANA. Xan07 Druised. ilsn collision ant Hyde Park, Psy Train Duashes loto an Open Switch frtr Boston, on the Provi- Killing Three Men. I5ienk et the. Consolldated Road, The psy car u the Grand Rapids and 9YuIght, a brakenian wran killeti, Indiana Itailroad n-as wrecketl Fridai' nt songera feîaiiy njured nnd nline- Ceylon, lad., aiàd three men killed sud bers seriously burt. TIie New several badly injureti. A gang of bridge 'zý .cs on liane. runuing as'as workers bcd puiieti their car ou a switei ltt> bour ont a d9wn te les' the pay car pae, but negiecteti to MMn la collision n'itia the rear close tiie switch, sud the. train, ruinuiug k -Deduam local passenger train, iftt'Miles an hour, diabeti Ato tient. Tii. Ilg a rombination andi a pessen- pay car andi engin. were n'recked. The bi"wieih tere about loo persona. paYmnass'er, Hennry Sullivan, %vas thrown ebs'akenmn waëi. subath' cruiietite on. end the, but was nos' hurt. OWs Anaen heur, andtw uo paossen- David Bricker, the engineer, and Jasper 6' a toman, were dug out' front Mitzucr, conduetor. say l!tey did notsse #hg debris and rentoved to the, tiie ltispaced switch util tonlas', to otta (eneral Hospital Au a di'- argie amuie. Tedulmn Htieu. AmOug the passengerslag mies strithin four feet of deas'h and M'KINLEy'S NIROW EsCAiIR. We Imm the. wreek s'irough car Were J.-AOntgomerY Bears. the AttesPt s'o Wreck the Train iiearini' ut aeini New Englanti, triose the Ohio Governor. MISate $70.000,000, andi Con- Just after leaving NVaîawert. Ohîio, Fri s 10sit A. 1Miorse, of Canton. day nigit, the sPeciai car of tihe(Ohio Cen- WoY im tuethet ,railroati company trailine,,n n-icii tere (10v. -ikKinley, id 85,000asd the. accident Ioas Gen. Bushueli, Itaiiroad Commssioner Wlues. tili trithout doubt -b. Klrkley, A. B. Holcomb. Frank S. NMou- ~0oooo nett' Urban H. Hester. Col. William Oai- - ~tree snd otiiers, jîipedth le truck as't te CAGOoTRfis' AroiRITiB. swîtch or tas tiirown off by soin. @couin- dr'l siftug the uwltch as us er asese- ërtM OnivCoupttor fer the ed. No one was hurt. A byslcsoiscys ae Repuablicen Convenie., s ma hauged the, sîitelt mss'as th. Ilist wlth an ambition ta bave arpecial car reccied i, aud then hie rail lepuhiiçannastional convention "y @iX weeks ln thiei to organise Ultimnatum a,,lGi"en. palga tta capture the, national la view of tbe nta.avf.porin circuala- tTh ii.PAs'burg boomers. alter ton regarding the, altitude. of (ireas' Bris'- r dmits'ing their nability toBaue tard N'eiezu- la 'lhe fo!!owiii. of- V.5000 voluntarily pledged for ficia] announicenien. bas A cen made: "la IrtO the national -ontmits'ee's cousequeuce of Vere, nI offering an i ondition of getting the con- spologi' or renaralion fail.he 'rnauinla- av1e grde,! ni) their loins sud idenlt, theiNlarqîi.i0f Salisbury' lins ar c«t>-once more 'in t tKan taken tep,%to a nforni her aseto wliat > t. "lanissd Buffalo are eana reparation' Britair. réquires. liat, t Chicago is the. second <'oc as relations t'eti-eeîa th- tvou ntries belb'rof the eommittee. sud have been broken of t -s a- un years, tIhe 91 ia* choie. of a niajoriti' eOMnunlieatioi, woi-a s-nt .'fthrough tic -ý0eiî. tSon Franciumn eau- direct diplomatie ci. unel. As tîhe iAoîî- 1V bho$. te seur, the honor, ment hasnies' reitceli-, ilifs îl.'sîatton, At bu asn noa strong as pAtta- Asnot couaideret I ,lesral.e te gi-e letniis ,eptes Si-more tilt likely te Of ils contents. *B.t t A tu-ledA w to'Chicage isand Pittehurg. forcible termes und iiAol.ut flhnt Great -Britauît tilnos' permis t Venezue'la tn oves'- ,;*n1Ucr 1;4INHAWAIL &tep the botîndariîs nie rkrd îy thc courses of lhe Rivers Ci yune andi Ama- ~Ibau7,wth 0310(100 cura; but Asq wliingtti the question ot S.en lugr-C... Lainas. the aetier diu~ted<ori' hoidbe Si 1loeIl, a capitaliet andi pro- suitited lu arbitration. ý ipW.l bas been n Clevelandi,- - W-tii. lacs week, engaged!A lu - Ecito ef the Fair. sA«ixiIstsAu a vatst-hemne tei The Nnvy Depnrtment is very mueli krd o ettientbes' eger-tane conterned et the. action uofhe lelinoiseA P i telScndwiîch laloud.aua tthoritles in eelling the brick ship Illi- .~4<wealiy entlmen avenois sud keping the plroceede n tIhe State ~oftii irejet nt stompuytreusuri'. It ine been the. îniform.rt. liedas'onc sudcajiteise ieiiiettiftre to regard ail propers'y .eb, - Ti. lnd n qestpu on-taîneti by a State fron theb. overumeas' WOars oaedAtee ie for the use eft he State naval militin asn f alitile. lan in trust. the. property te lie rettirned ed, le tf, t0 le ho I- ai- ýr, et ah or es 4, de'. Psoeeedluçs et lb. ut- 40leaetf 'niturlsn antiotiier etrces la Washington titre ne'at ant ilnterestiag etflthe ,1k An. nueal election ot ef- 'là A the re-eleethon etfl'ait-' >,ndat» otrHuofet asmachu- éïsàdens'; e,. W. D. Meus'.' i*. York. gfneral secrelarv-' lu Bearel ResA, of Boston, Maru mhnag I>cDal. sgs'leofethle Rai-en Tunnel r Ceapan>-, on Raeot Hil, et re&, Col.. on.etftil-biAsthe W, avisicitbas hîroduaeti uver lV. been soIdtote,'. G. Htia- #Wath, antd D. H. latoffat. 'lh. lèreto te b. moqe tisan8$m,. IsimiAeociAton estimate 9s ot astgr for 1895-0 n us'ts France, Beigtnit, -Rol- hi-iaant 3,OW,92li toust. a fa1- Si00tous fron1h. ttle 1,11 etfthe Fult.. tik rftered (ruai (oiistauîl' - *, 4Vst ah as heen diseot'.ret 005eofties ltan'. lpalace. . Mý% t. ta dded, numerouas as'- cidcdtise esdenees e ,rnotguardeti by )iteuWaniaiaa haa, bstuyeen is hyuhuca tau thentioinal guvntmeut aaten it As ne longes' uses! y hitAe iiltia. IMiAleh conditions tnuerwtithe, IliAnos bécame posacset uit the brick shAh dit- feres! n nome degree fronit tiose tîlder avlilci hipsancutI quiipment si-eIaucdtt StaIesegeneraîli-. the- nai-ial aioritie are disîtosedta te llieve thasut itis crise tier, n'as ne legel rigli ii inte Sîshe of Illinos to tel fie lirick eiAp and ite fiue equiipnt.tansd tb'refos'e As' Astakint- atepa te asuertala thlb. ights oethle nationa- a] Gorerument n tic niatten. FourIMinèeaPeriah. Fine broie ont l"ruday it-ht in tAie main lhislting sipe outheb, Oiegon Jau,çuve- tunet --.Compny'& line nas'F:rgblln, Vs'ai. enisit iltat-ofetJohn Adams, John H. Gloves', S. 1ý . Smtiilei' anti Jameti Stafford. Aagut ohneiason dreppet i bs Aamtp. setthnt- ire le s feeder of gas. Ie, notiie el c iA't orenîatatid te tour men aent dots lu lose a ibm tutprea'ent the ire front apeeding. Tiey s'e orpernte. hediintter 7Mary Agaits, Tiew u'îuiu unAnica ,aut. josepb, ?iie., fermer', aiasufft-std tfs' Prubate l"tý-idmY. Tie existe As vatitt it as#^DmOOu sudsthe ail i gîes iaite tAeie i'aî, wil, tii ai-ltrccela'ea annîaalhy 1luUbtii el$ et Oa, 100 basiels utfai-Aent anti 2J) buafeseof corn. and iii case of seriollg uîeeti plie a lu receAve te nm et $28 au- celve notlaitg. '.jheW.lickay's SounElel, l'illie, the elticia sonutfJuin %v. Niuck- ai', ta tAre -cmfon a boi-se at Paris Fa- deyand cineyer recovere,! couecionnens. He titet that eveuittg. Oc'daî.d Tax on Incestes. lu tie South CarolinasLOutitutonai con'ventio an amnditnent tsanadehîte.j te the. artiele et taxation, provldhug tor'tlite 4M.s6sAU.m ef a graduatedt tsion ineai...1 MEXIC+NOATTLE MAY Now DE ADMITTED. Waahiagttenons 010 Hoshai,' Go.. Ui in Filnae&-To Chicagto lu Btoomnera -Decreascd Mine Producs'-Machin. ery Men Meet. 1 Cattu, froan Mexico. Secrelari' Morton'a orties'admhsting Mexican cattIetoa hie Uniteti States un- des' certain restrictions avens' Ato effet 1'nestisy. A aeh-poseti deauer aiho lient- diles several tiousauti Meican cettieevc-- ery Year, £nidi tics'lite ne tier oniti nos' tend fo reduce.lie jie etfTexan or New MeiAcau cattie, as, otriug te lie pro- longeti dry sewton n Mexico, raidte front tias' couutri muet b. ted for a certain lengti eftime on tibis aide efthle Rie Grande Au orties'te gel thientAuo nmarket.- able condition. The number ot Mexicen cattie net slaugtereA n titescountry' aveulti net b. increaset, the oui' difference being ruAs'tic>- avoulti come te market n bettes' condition andi ecriier in the seanon. As to lie possiblsy of Mexican cattie bringtng contagions diseaseg te thus coun- trY, be sai that the tiiorougi inspection provided for ln the. net orties' oulti af- ford ample protection. SUIRINKAGE IN COAL OUTPUT. Penneytvaai hsa Falling-ouf Since 1893. The slatintlecof tii, mining regiena, triici tAllA b.inclutiedinAuthe. forth- cing report et the Departaient et Internai Affaira, showthtei productAon et eai for 18m4in the.ans'hracite aud bituminons districts of Penaylvania .te hatve heen 85),30(1,38 tons, a deroaMh ot 5,295,072 tos'es rom the. prodnctli ofe 18W9. Tii. production ef anthreate eaI tas S4,4-sens, au agalist 47,179,- 5M3 tons u M11, a reductîon et 1,6713,118 Ions. The-bbiumlnous prodution vas li.- 800,210 tons. as agains' 43,421.989 luos I 18W, s reduetion et 3.621.179 loua. Wiil, lthe production shows tiAs greet fallAng off, the. total number of employers Au cuti about lhe mnes bas Increaseti. Tii. numbes' emplei'ed during 1894 tas 26S2,as against 219,821 in 18i, an lut-iens.etf7,051. OLD LANDMA1IK GO-NE. Sea-cu Stars Taveru, Neas' Pilatici' pliAs, Bus'ned. Tic olti Seven Stars Teveru, iaa East Vtincent Towvnship, C'hester Couty. l'a., tuigetier waith tAie stables, uas bîtrnet Mlouitai nigit. The Seven Stars Tai-cru -cc eueetftAie oltcst laiîdniurk8 in tic country>. Atfn-as ltl long hettire tic revu- lutAon andti i ttca tanions ctottpiug placte for traveicre goiîg front l'liladelîîlia lii BaltAimore. The nid tai-crun-as lbhest-eue of man>- a stinriug eveut iuin:g lie revo- lotion. Wasington anda hie genereis offeet etoppedthtere. Nean b>' is a mouaaa- meut tint maris tic graves ot man> sol- diers etftth. nevolution ta-bedieti in tie nid Puke Landi Cbîînci nheu il n-as use-i as a bospitai. LONG RIIDE FOR Wo'%EN%. Parti' ot Son Franiscans Pian s Wh.ei Trip te ChAcaigo. -Mra. Lulu Laro hsantielerminet on an exte»dqsl itqgtle tons' tien site geta a di- vorce front ber barber huabanti, n-m si. ttos'ewiippet iAn Oaklandi, Cal., c tew waeeka-ago. AccompanyAng MA-M.Laro avilI b. lira. Benson andi Bra. Alice John- sou, of Sain Jose; Ms'. sud Mme. h"reeman, et San Francisco; ant iAs@ LAiiu. t'Arey, of Oaklaund. The tripwtuA bc le Ciucago snd return cndths'e costumes wnont b>- tie lady ridera@n-ill b. bloomers ofthle laicat eut. Mn. lt'eemaun-ili bc lieonl>-pro- tector efthle Inidia'n.on the joui-uc. A s15Y et tii-e aeeks taili bc madi nC('ba-ge, n-hem. lira. Lare bac relatia-es. MASONS 0F AUGE DI.«GREE. Beulieru Suprena Ceauri e t Inpect. ors Genersi MAteaet Washhnigton The Luprente eont-il ot imapes-ters gen- eral ofthtii irty-liird degrcc, Auciens' anti Accepteti Suaoiisii Rite, of Fi-ce- masonryi' n lie souîh-rît juisdAituto tie U'nited States, maîther clalrente c-tian- cil ofthle noiti, began s bicnaîrtsi ession at lie lious. uftheiiTemplte in Wa'sing- ton. Tii. lAeutenanu d naît -ng gi-tait commander, Thonts us itbard Cuaswcil, of CalAtornAn, presideti. Central tPacliieDebI. C. P. Huintington Baye Ibat tlie Cen- tral Pacitie avili nos' lieaile te hua, ils gi-entament deit on nteturity. There- fore At Cougrese n-Ahi tnot agi-e b sote' attientleît On a basis eecmp'atible nuti lie 611n11cial allty of the Central Pacifie te mnets'tte obligationsalhe bisne objectioni tb the UitdctiStates (leverumens' s'klng Poesseccuon et tic properti'. HPet's nos' set Stail hertiarbedti as'lic liarater et lie Washinton tjspatciies oethei,]hst lwo days. Mske Piowe and Reapers. The National AsociatAon ut Agrieulîtur. ai Impiement anti Vebicle Manufat-turera began lit no tiys' cession ae'tii. palmer Hotus. In Cicago. Mayos' Savis' mate the. openAng atidree, welýonaing lhe men frtin otites' cities tu Chiat-go. The reli' n'as made hi' Presiteut A. 1- Congcr, of Akroni. Ohio, and W_.7. Noues, Of ILouis- 'ille, Ky-., alanniait. an atdmrese. A dis- elision n-ais cateret tapon i-egariAng betîci-1 prltces, bongi li0e t-ntci-ted actina as t Plame. Poil by Ou, The ('rescens' Iinseti OAA planut ahCil- cago, luruet Tuiedai uiti, and10,(f0 pe-ople Yelle-l vili excitemcîît and tic- ligit'nat the magnitieus' $175,000 dspai' of ireat-ens. Tii. intismntsbie sbîîff pro- tîateet a grandi' beatîtituai effet-bt. Ample utiraint- n-ais carricîl. fllsantaeil n a liurricane. Tic British ban Slirpsiooter, Caps'. Wtts, n'Aith left'Kan, ('hilA, Joli'1 fer Sai Francisco avti 700 loue ut ni- t-att., trucabuitrricane Aîîg. 9 in ti- tuîde Il degre.. norîla. Si. aias paitiulli' uinintietianaît rhfled.]fer ixby.tour tatys. Arreste t he Duke. At New Yo~rk Policeman iliAthael .1. Saveenci' arretedthticDuke et MarI ber- otagla fer "scorcbiuîg" ia Central Pari lt'iulay attermeon, eud toi-ced liAn t butn- tergo the usuel police tepaîmueut taormai. iAabetoi-e realonîng humt lu tsedîtn. Crusoe.' Islandi Thear Huven. The Chîlean cutter Condor, front Juan Fernandes Iland, arrives! et 't'tpars'aJ titithie creavaofethle tavemiscint- boats eft re Atrercaen uAhp Parthia, thici waes burneti M' ma. Tie men bai ha.. on lie W404nitea ,tisys. . . ?hosailset fPo e tw oripeau P.o- ple e .... FI&a." sept oves' the. Atotion of New. Ortie, knw»paoAliers. attBat- ard" i~tdetying aine blocks and making M1,000 Persona bomelens. Proper- s'y valued at $450000 was wiPed out by the. blaze, and the. suburb as now a mas.i of black and smoking ruina. 1iman Who It l.a aid, tarted the. tire, uarrowlY e caped lîaugiog at the. bands of the citA- mens. Thousanda lefs' New Orleans f$un- day te gaze on the ruina, and in the evt'n- !cg another feature was added to the ter- rible picture stretehed before the f3C5 of tihe ulgbtseers. Whl. the latter u-ere standing on the wharf u-aAsing for the. fer- ry, the. structure gave wîay and sixty [pcr- soua were thrown Ato the river. ForIn- nately ail] vcre rescned, but utnny lied their limbe broken or received severe in- ternai Injuries. Paul Bouffis. Who lived n a abanty in Algiers. h wae n bis place that the. ire tarted, aud t As i. wbolas aspected of applying the torch to hie ohl aaturated d.welling. 'Six timea before had tie alerrm been sent n becanse of fires iu hie shanty. Bouffin had hie place lnsur- ed, and At Aaseuppoaed he was succeesful ln buruing t dowu. Ih As knowu if' hought eix gallons of ceai ohl Friday. and tiiose wiio rosched the lire firet declared they sinelt burning oul. MORA GETSBMIS MoNEY AT LAST. Caban Claaiaent ]Rec.ieen 594,509.70A eor*",00010M0 Afler moretien a score eof>'enrs et aaailung Antonlo MaxAim. Mora received tirongi representaîlvea payaient for the confiscation of ils Cuhan estte'. The payaient tas matie du-ely te Dr. Rod- igase% anti Gremmonti Kennedy as' Waah- ingtqn, attorneys for Mr. Mora, n the. tenu ef a check, signet hi' SecretarY Olney, dratu on tie assistant treanrer et New Yenk. Tii. amount of the check ta. %04l.Sl00., tihici represeuts Ms'. Mor's luteres' In thie nitlsecureti trorn lipuAcminustàu s aiguntaofet40 per cent. te Dr. Rodrlgnezsud Natbaulel Pali,, hls priluqilpal repregenhatives, and Fer the Big French Show. Tiie invitation of the IFrench Republi(, te theiUnited States te partlcipate la lic expositio et 1900, se presenlet hi' Am bassador Patenotre anu dedieesed te the SecrctarY ot State, cencînties ais toioava: "Every tereigu nation tnking part n tllý exposition otgit tulie rejîresented netar lie Commisslones' Genenal bi' a tilegate those exelusuve cane us' shah b. lu decl aili questions iuterestlng ta bie country'- men. The administration erthle exposi- tioik a'AII nt correspond aili foreugu ex'- hibtora. Il cant tierogate fron t ts ruA. ext-eps' un favos' ofthfe setrospetive centenninAi exposlition. lu drecting me' ta bring Ibis information b yeu ns'kowctIge lie Governinent oethle French lteiublic enterlains te boite that tbe Governaîîcaat et te United ]States n-il kindi>' ]endî it. officiai co-opraliion to luis u-onk of ialer- national progregs, thicli cau but tiiat closes' lb. lien et triendîtiîp uhici unte the laio counties." Rob a Police inspecter. 1 Inspeelor John E. FAsziîtrick, t-bIef out Chucago dteecti-es, lias learned b>' ex- perience that there are erltuinals in C'hi- cago andti hat the>' are ne respectera of persona. In short. luspeetor Filzpirickt's neitene. bas heen robbeti anti h.lais n no n-it. pend ofthle tacs'. WAfil FJ«t for Goid Filds. Tii. sleamiup Cty' ut Topeka, as' Sscat- le, Wasi., front Alaska, brAngs ueu-e that lie peule et Juneau andtihle miuiug4 camps are greetlli exereised oves'thei1 hoatiari' quesiAonanti sai' tiey aili figiiît béfoe t'.es' Britain aliailA take lhe goiti1 fieldsstfronthlent. Lieut. Gev. Millard Dylng., Lieut. (ov. Millai-ti tseset thio-g Fi-csne en i-os'. bo Los Angeles, Ca ti.I is not eoitsidei-ed t lihawaili live.Ili, n-as in al eiui-tonscious coniditin anti hie sbrength aias a îaîarenîly taili;n raipitili. Vain Lenven la Pardoueti. A vasnaon bas been graatcd liithflac Pi-t-ident t l Geoa-ge ii. Van ev-i senteatetilu loti-a te iOpiisoniment (tir tan ycars andi $1.000 fine for violation uou Itla penusionilai ts.t A Longa Ceatencer. Mori-As Seiocniiolz, lie t-nii-t-t. New - Yoi-k fi-ding, a-ns ecuttt-edtol forty-cight Yeara in tales .riâon. Isch&lioblz broie dotanaîtdn-as led fron)thIe cours' n-ceping. iirltaln NWitt Keep Ta'inidad. Tii. Britisht aniaister inio rii'anero lias iaîfoimedthebBraii hai <hivernaint tflia l-natlandttliAttends tai ka-a'1thliI la taîofta , Triaiiad. MAIuRE? ir]TIRA (iiicago--Caîtic, coînanon l piate, $3.75 te $5.50; bugs, shipitint- grades,. $3-(K)bW$4.00: slîePî, (air te choie, $2.11 t0 $3.75; avicat, No. 2 ret, 59e te 60c; corn. No. 2, 29e to 30c; oats, N. 2, 17e te 18c; r>-., No. 2, 39cte t 40e; huilier, choicee, reuner-, 2lî10 tu23ce; eggs, frech, Pite le 18c; Potatoes, per bushbel, 21)c ho 25c; liomntcorn, cemnion greths'u choAce green haurl, 2Ya4acte 4W per pond. IntAiiialolip Catîle, sliippiug, 83.00 tai $5.25; bot-s, cîtoAce lit-ht, $300 te $42«_; abeti), conînon te purimea, $2.00 te $4,00; w ient, N. 2. 6'3c te 65Sc; t'on, Ne. 1 tahite, 29e te 31c; orits, No. 2 n-bile, 21e teu '.' st. louis-('aiîie. 83.00 te $5.50; hait-, $3-50 to $-4.00; n-liens', No. 2 ned, t61c re 6cern. No. 2 yelloav, 27e te 2&; Ont, No. 2 tit, 17e te 18c; nye, No. 2, 36e' te 38ce. Cincinuati-Cattîe, 83.50 ho 85.00; ng, $3.00 tu 84.25; siecp, $2.W0 s'o$4.00; n'ieas', No. 2, 6&- to (17e; corn, Ne. 2 iniAxet, 1c1 to 33e; oes. No. 2 muxet, 20e le 21c; ryep, No. 2, 4-tetu 411e. Detrot-Cattie, $2.50 te $5.50; bega. $3.00 10 $4.25; sicee,$82.00 te 83.50; tient, No. 2 i-eu, (35e te (1c:e coi-n. Ne. 2 Yachhuw, 32e le 183c; oct,, No. 2 wtae', 23e ao 24<': r>. 42e te 43lc. Tedo-Wjîent, No. 2 mcd, 66e tu 67c; crnm, No. 2 yeiîoav, 31c te 3&; ente, No. 2 wtet, 22e bo 23c; rye. No. 2, 42è tu 43e, Bliffle-On ttle, 82.50 be 85.50; hoge, $:'-0* le $4.50; âaiî. $ 2.50 te 84.00; riea t, No. 2 s'es, 6&e te 69eà; coi-n. No. 2yeilOn-, 36Ce le 37c; nis, No. 2 w-bile, 3eto . 25e. liukee-Weis' No. 2 sprint- 57e eu iSe; coru, No. 3. 20e te 1S1e; este, N., 2 wiAe, 20e lu 21c'; bamici', Nu,. 2 40e te 43e; -yc, No. 1. 39e le 41ceI.i'k, mess, $823 te $8.75. Nçets'York-Catîie, 83.00 te 5. hIors, $300 te $4.75; siieep, 82.00 te 83.00; vihet.,No. 2 s'es!, lIe te (10e; ern, No. 2, Me te 39e; octt.,'No. 2 wtes. U2.te 24e; btee'r. esosi', 10ete 24c; eWg, West- Wt U i go*33 . I y, 2 43 $3 'q MOW AWAITING,SOMEACIO 5V CONGIt EACIO iCuban Insurgent. Pnshing an Activc t) Cikmpalga-Atrocious Treatument oi Prison... iii peah-ps'omite0o sk Long Caipaigo. r- CessatiOn in Coln. 4 The appropriation for tlhe Anse on tiie ýreoinege ot torn aud oneurrenl sAli-er colis for the carrent tincal year lAs exipltit ('1and thelt work will b.' stopuied. The ï- Igretari' of thie Treasury wa-il lns' r-. smunie, for the' hresentut l ,'nst, lthe -oin- '-agiOf if liver btilliîtuin urcbaécetîinitier the à ,tnoutctt." ThlicN'w (Orleantssaitl avMili lie ciose, bulit'the..Aliiiadeliliitandîu Il Kana n rîcist"o lii il-Al cotîsinue to coia Ilgoiti. rAie s'rcùaary now bliofîl u sillet jbilliotaiaurhaseti tiaiderths'*ierenpean'rt 137,6414,W0lo tAn. nla"s, the t-otof avicl j vas $124,080,3.*23. The îvainage valise of t itis tiohiion ln sAuver dollars As e177.964, tIKlA. If At tiere -oinet Auto siiver dollar@ Lthe profit bt thegoverinlen' teult b. atearli'$y.l w,0<.ahich saint coulti be liaît]!otattfor tie oraliaietri'expenaae ft h. goverîluient. Il !a lot tholught tics'tthe V'niz oe f silvor dollars avili be reasmei ni tAiesint llil there lAs anme 5<-ttiii' Congres. on le currénci' (mestion. BIG BATYLII IN CUBA. Thiee Thousaafi eurgenta Dettes' Etioghleen lUundred spnada.. ll)trtm of a deaperate battle An tiîe e P.-n Jutmn etff.e-growiug valley, Itetaveen Ilolgîîiî aud Bartajagua, wert. oufirsoed b>' dispatebes rec-eAvedhb>-tie Cuaban junteaIntNew York. The torie -te engees avere les] by General AîtonAo lse..., vith 3,000 C('tbans, sud (louerai Ea'hague. wtîtI 1-8W 0t4PAniarts. The grenier ptortion ot lie Cuimna uer, not actuailly cuagagesi, atecordins' to tie report, but m!atltuod ltheý edvancee baard thie st 1(1er the. batile. OniY 5M0 cavairy tiefeîîdet the. rear of the. Caliban arniy and keps' the Spaniartis (rot ativenAng. About »() oftiah, Spalisi troopiq were killed. Geaieral Nineo's n-estwerd naît-rentent was for lie 5îîrp'oa. of mui'i'.ingthinlsuargent fur,'ee iu riants (lera provilice, nho ai-ri-lthre-a- enet hi' tpanacli iifanta-. A ictter was rere'it-et fromnt Brigadier G-eneral Att'gii, n-ho is holdinag a psiioinluthe saon-a tains aboSutta-et ai-ceai t i-fupgow Andl TIriniiind. A,lit as absout.21 tapis. di viled Aut,, set t -aiiiiem O.f a-atlry' andti l IciOf iiftfita-. lc repnrit iat Ilet ,Palishlifort-ts wt're 'iisilig ait',a faaiigon.Triuidlad. snd Villa('lai-ai'tpiî-s reîiarted lthai tii-y a.rt ta, iai,a-ora- crI iil allai-k. 1l ial'taCl(aura ahi-ret'ire over 1.P41) riliarîlg, in I'ieiîfuegîa about 2.0<1) aad fl'Ariaîitad l<itait- log in ail a formidable (tii-e inti er,'- pulsed heli'cuberas. Ams ciaon asthe sugar-can,.ifields ai--re 'uieved frîta heIi dampaib s of ithé receaI hi-uv>'ruai. ithe Insurgenîsta-wiuu lgin it. lionst ihe'ii. (1omez lias gia en urdlî'aiiùt) lîstroyvriiy- Iig. WILL MUET? DEC. ut). âRepabhican National CommAîl,. la Formalsly Sumananoct. Senator Thommas Heusry ('arIer Wéd- neadayi' ssuedtitis cal fur a meeting îof tie Itepublican Natinal Cotumutîee un Dec. 10 in Washington: "Ilesdquarters it.pulicantaNational (7Co1nmitte.-NewavYork ('iy-'rheAtepuli- licen Natioac ('onintittec As herechaa-lles! to mes'ai Ithe'Arlingia lotel. wamiîg- Ion. 1) .C.,as' 2 p. su.. Die,-. lis, I desmignaLte a stuansd atiace ftit1hemeet'- inig of the tatttaiin a i-atiltiolitn ,ie8)6. aail to Iranusatisai t t Ar ltis;aat'-.aus niai' deninat ioasidt'ratlitai. 'rHOMAS H.Lt'AARTER~îs. Clairinai. 'Tlic tptina ssi en t-t'iIiàli a i ai ('a r te'r tu ihoose <tat- of lti daites, i >i-. 3 or 1a0. At the uîrge-nt rtir ltotf monite Oftihea, 'oaanii ico)etil oa i 'An Itlai'ît renie W'test. anld tai a-t î'taioauic.1 tst-ph il. aittie. NIr. ('artetr îe-tl'loaa (ltt-. 10 ai, the dhate if tht' iiiei'iiaig. I iii ilair ivoilll nian tan a-a ny 'oaa etattilt - bu-giai- ating abat'Juste i. n-hile h teiiiod lie aubhin the ilaterîtretatAn Ofiitie six- 'noths ruoi. lu lnitheticonvention lie > sts wek An 'Mai'. as Cen. James S. 'inrkson. Williani 'M%. leahnuand joscs'ai l' zt Manty-Ai-I. 'Thiet fîuiaitlait .,a,- 'This 'îiaatî.ata-ti'sut ait ndr.ze tiarlatiait- it Aîîaîi-gat. NI tnio, - ai 1i- ix ai' uiteurslm.ttialli i îak tlliita heii t uivu"r tvat h efI i'rii-rlai,- lit-tii-t is jarii alsîtl it llataa iItiaaaîas ira titasi..'Atii -it ry tif mrasi-.i-a trtait Free'rî-î- tnl. Sî.tî lA îg tf I llte îrt' 'itziiai-a tiiaaaî.lit-s aritî t ) o.. i-u i Attl. aît i-ta lii htii atlai,-y iii v-r athe l - itstitate ti atai itriumpîla i .f ta1stutit- pr ai l s - stii-tsi 14-kit- ttail, ilia s utitme .1p' uit1 Citaty- <'a-i-l tatl '1.itzsilta.î t a a.- taîtve ii'. i-tait!> aituisaait-,.s -,f tu-Euilis ltif ti At' tu,' i lgaii "ta A pii/t-lit-laiiatt- tAI'y ta l AIliti i.1444'au (If sîtt,' Is- I l-aIt % u - 'levi i l1 it i'At itn I tti1 '- liit liuthun lAt wai a ,i' tghîtl i i t't lî %%ata 11 tht itht tt-i--aliIbe aitut,, i-btiti'-àtif ,Aaiariv i-utai t Xa-laa-t ttal 1lit.- itiittuttiso. auttîlfîtr tit-i. lle -I îit'îA Sutes ý-tatîtatuaoff ait-tniîua.. Iltatas a lîggî-r bat- Il ltiaai-eetht e ls- t- ruait tataita iaaîliî-ae. lin il %tii tat-ighalaiti lilizzitti.)U "t- imIaltility- îaf lat ai %>4ltul - iilitiiaagi'ra foti btil g a-g,tiltIlfort' lai - tt-A-itz'iini- i-tati auiz' t-hitt Ai unasf leitutu-.. iliaitlino- fi'isituil puagilisn atlttit'its it litlt'tîtih titt it ~îu d i-ittaatr,-. I'uilia- scîthneat sm at-airistihe'ct- a-hilbit ials, ratt1liilîae uct-ilie ut tîiv'i- brtllttt loittAuî I>-rî' son of th ltthug@s ntI r(i-ata-aicsttiit-iutiigi)5 lth' gnt'utes' part oftA t a ,' -îîlî- i tisî supprt ut b liAtitat y l' i cth au t î-î-aîu'uît Nt'av Yoi-k lerait. Juin î'icrmani'. Book. "het' t'riiiii--î of ,htîtn Sliaciaaa's tîît-L AW at s-ai rsei lsuî.îuliatg ioa'aa-aInc uit otht- lit- 'h fie tuI>- oittit '-ta atlit' tirait aifrîtai the îîrî-ssuas'book AsmlItle' sattlrg ptir e- liturta.escul toif l tetsti f iiimiatx NVe feairJohnm Sbiriuihaist (sut-il te- reohietstîrate otuthe mnatti ntî'rtAug t-lents An us a-nrc,'r. Tlîare l is ic l-iic War onlte l'Illllîail 'auaîta îa>-ll, fuir in anet'.-ahIirgoU l't. S iaaor Shernanu snaatniole, a-Li. atain lid aiilatit'cwiî tif loiaag nîtile exîle- icuti', but hlic dm un liai-e tîîmgîttcuu :ult's dcclAtt 'Aba t întai. itlt-'m sybal ritteii a tthî"hiiuasisjounnial. 'lhoo liil; as nkijîioet lctîr-ofutahe' Ite- tîhi-t uinpiarty, ut Ats liaiAntifutsuict-ms imo t ofIs fnîilîanî's, lt. l'thtrmnaa h ac i'dt li e frnaak, anît <ta ra-,tiri-l-e he As irisA e' o f Pulil l ilt-Nu'n- York .Jour- i. Tiatît-n-baukiitut- Snatir Sheriausi aire rehi an-n a- tit Ie lrt at slonag luemoui' ir Anjaîies i-t-eeitel. Ile i'a-ay auppni-itiy. iria-c taat ha' uoaî- i-esiilia' Iu"t'itery rhic latenvt-a Is, ithelit'li'-tr fargt. hais' Ina! nti trait Ili Ait.ts aiciato la eilu>a'ti iinlaie t Ioak. t 'lî'a-ula ni AtîAn Wte iba-e gruat n'îîtatduadmtiiratlion for Seatators' S lni; liat, îuuil liroot te- fie cent-ami' As prutceti, ae shiAl te&zr thtics ' s made tAie mistelce, An tiAain. [stance, o0 Prumulgatiug a chbarg-e ibId resta On-ne tfraies' grund tia atuicph'h born et persont!i Asapppnhaen....,ü W*nke. e nlineL lat y gr r. eV ai ai] ri( Ja ai ltr i) fi fru iin Pr ýt- le te it le e d Spanlardashoi'ot Pioea l-'tnt ltsearnat-ornes tîird liat At As tIai taily îîiau-tuce oftheticSpaîtAci jailers tt tak ek.cti-iah îuniaînu'rafroirithe (unis ait urisons andt shoot lhe'iuEtAi nioru- ing the ptisonere are stoodl iAîe, Teu nau are sî'ictîu'tlfait' enti. Periaps At cs lte fi-at ten. perhiaps tiie lasi s'eu men, or-the' mitide ten, The marnes ot the ct-n- demnel ai-e naît aai-Prlaaicd. Tie' are slu pe acnet hni)aud i-calot us animale. Young Giru la Kaduapeti. Fifteera-yeir-i lîcMienM. Hoagient, lanigiter ut Barrelt leaglen, atas kAt- tap-si nt Iabis' IuaiVillage, Bucis Couimly. lu%, and As stili mlesimg. Sne t'as sent o at-hi-Tai cr-cutib>-hem moti- r atten titik, aud diii its'reluarn Tavo maurs haler su.' aas eeu Au a wagton, wiii tai-n nen, beAîg tri-en ct-roses'the Deliawai-e liei-eteNew Jersey. Kinqu'&a Lite lu Danger. ThT'auiM'en Kun.,liae KAng's tather, lio As avielalig lie supreme pow'er ln Ci-en, ucs tilli inpria.alug tioaetient i. ehieves te b. lia eneanles. The Khsg, mhoe ctotio'-lae mplately, overaiid- twed. IsRluntsa't of liAsIlIte,aud the rep- resottivea ihere ot toreigu poavere -have eai askedtonllie lun ffordla iAnt ipro- Touneit lauighey Net (nult. Afler nearly taveîîty-toîîr ieurs' delib- 'atAion, tie iederah ('ourt jtury as' Indiaut- tous relurocti a Verdies' ofte'quittal, andti ýhuiyIer Hatughey. icîet et ofconspiringî ibi hie fathen, Theodorce Haughey', te, Astapbl>- the tundai cf the Indiantapolis ÇalloaiBamn-ws e neaceti. Wabash Freiglit Wreck. A Taio freugis' trains ou the Wabasihf eAai' yeilied t aMartinbu-g, Mo., I ilAang taio met ant inAiîîring tire. obiers. ti trains' aundtite depol uPebath' d AiJk Piran Robbed. Tn-o uten have been arreelin Net Yorki taho Alitire. yere, aeerdlng te the confession ot une oft beun, have stolon, wti ithe assAtanue ofeta burt man. oves' 810,000 Wor'th ot salifrontF. A. Straudge & son, s'sklug $7,000 aorti aithAn tie hà4 Ime. , - 11 ey i a' C. te ru ai) il re Nia-ltw- C'est ilefore. li "'e awiii ietyilAt.mayaeMr. ('hariulc'- lai. I&t t iAnt îriteei if he wnlte a col- blsotn. 'l'us înatioîîn-wais uesnmure rt-ad for oiie.-Nea-York Joaurnail, ' e 'nie patrhition ait Afrt-.aiahaienIt-ia- ,r (e0ill,ll5ai. tue a.' rtitionaa tf Amin itAs lî-iig igaired oilan il it in tue furt- A u-u maa e t ici-ciias clarailouoaia'ti va- iii!Anita-uî'ua. -.Nai eranaauAîo ('ail . G ret-ai rital it ducs uaIoi-:a r, ois caes eth I tt itirie daltineil'wilantfereiie la, t'iVenezuaela uairau-tîi'itlaiiii Stbait the. LIbondat iy iicAine lu *ttri'atitut, auitl fotr ilarei-ia'lî-the ut'anie re'latin. Sut- kititav 9site As in ti , roiîi,, a nil ihait lit-r ilii touneai-t il' btst iititu 'ou1iee i-d f utual. Am ihl ait-eanid iaaît -uis.N- fYork Tribune. IItl i blxitet lits'Veneizuela, baî-k-t lii' uai- iot-irataiait, n-ill tmiaidthti.e rbi- i ratiîa.f Eîigliitî's î'îaireclt-u, udttii i 'litait tihhiitta tu lliiiited lu tecenlt e'i- -riaî-aat'ns. If outr s' ;avci-tieit tido. tîut laikeim lîsett ai i Iladit the iilght uoafa> mi rut-î i l,,ta-,-t,disiiiaenali-r or te. pisessi.ti utf alla>- u ar millier r.- i'ttii- a sli î-iiîiinbi'iî'--tAlie ta t'un- Therei- e ully'ii -bai'tn tin t' iista te lit.. (i ni i'i-liiitiiit iid îî lîut is t la li-t'ait the ti-i tnt, tv.h st'8eins toalie ver>- tii-an ai liauditliii G ritl ritain i.Alier- oubai rt ililauit te ii iîiunterritîtri If ai tbliti,înor ri'tsigaizet'he itti tlal. At forr-Aly as- tis--id alit' ft-- tani t ie large t'nîtigh ta,. aiti-i-toaloi tant 't'iazut-lae luni',luit aili iltd ttle s a c (Droit Free tPreti.5 'lei'c t aledSt a t-si>i wt (al A>t-amutiit- led lu the Munne di-i riue.liati la-une-if caiford te gît-e it u. s'i -iuaiesaitiy. ]ai lii. e'veut thatt-irennistutt-cssiteg taiue il tu titi-tgîtils asse-rtionîa ar thle fitni-etu- luxg, Il n-îia 1blit i at>-Isliandltu rea tiin tii the.Iîaa-riuie i fitermitllad pîiiedi ial -l An lai m)ititin tiiti aitiiaaiai li'iffl)ti- it abati (tai-'oft nasti'iîr tiiesi .a itigulit î.t îe- a% t-lopt, Tu dii it ilari Ci t iihie' l lit,- is philits i g-'it ctit-i ci ttI-ititii ujmAtiir oft tî-nattaitlit lii iit i-i a tiî-î- titi t i-i-it li-tiiii i a iat i Nl jui-tr.f triti -u it- a i t he ala-fuat r,- U.- i i -i-l- i iti iiaitttlit il a %itla airaîtîtatai ml'tAi a t'a t lil îiitl".i i-tt-liatai-hii;di- t t heiai a i iti i -ili t ut As f reIia- ,litais' l I --ai t it i-it. A ai u.iila-iil ai A t lit. a li - îr t tl- tttiaî, Th.aa- al .v t matai .'itîltaima u- -rilis. ai-~(ti.itaat .ifiiaA i stit- -i, aîa-t - ai allit i- r ,imit-.iat "t ire'tli i t.Iiî It ,lai-ir fria Fti -agIaitt u. 1 ttaî-tis . ifs' ta 'tim %%-ai t. . i i t il.- cul "ý5-

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