CIIAPTER XVIII.-<Contlnuesi.) The afttrnoon citer the ball Jane vent out drlving viti ber mother, auid at tI lafters asuggestion venl roundi by the gardons vhere every ane asualîy gatherasi about Ibsttime. Tie bandi of, tie-th Husaran'as playing, sud Ibey pulasi nP fan a tan' minutes bo litan ta il. Thaugi tliey n-re theruselrea almoat out ai siglit, they coulul eseilîrdistiuguish tha dilfreut peope wlking sbout or paying bannie. The tireb person Jan e rognizoin'as Colonel Prnsep. tanding talkiug ta Samae -one wba eonid hae no other Ihan MIisa Kuollys. abiout îrhom just no v e-rr ane vas talkilig. "Jane. Jate! Yon will break my beurt," -rie, .% !Ira. hKnox atlest. "Whbut is it, mother?" n8kasi Jatte,' i-li ,quiet ratis-uce, She alb ai su îuaty ut ibese aseues ur late, auj ail baad poiuledl ta the sanie objaCt. "*lIn' taauu atsi? Vou think I hava na feelings. Do yî.u imagine il in a peas- ent ight ior a niotiaer ta se another wontan lu the place ber daughter mghl have accupiasl?" "W~hat place do oun moan?" n'as the sext qucstion. sîmost un a wisper. "VYon muet huai- Ihat if you hai liked yau tigit linva unarniesithe Colonel," n-es te igidigîcnt rnalyi. "llîîalu, uuthitr', No oua bas Ibe ight lu scy sucb ujiîiîgs-u,t aven yrun auj Cîlotiel Prinsiu'p lues naier saisi a s-ond et love la mc." "IlIon'coul,! Lý whurbnyoun-aerc engagesi to a rgealti n bis ownu agibet?" "No ana regretsa liI1Ieugaged myseît en ashir nmore tluauî 1: but itla to10 Isa te go bai-k non. IIthar dcrlngu, wvau 7rou hell me to do nhab la ight ?" itîîb Mm. Knox thruat ter anay sud zi~ nigniy tii lien fet. "I beliaiei.yrou are in love vith the mn!" sba cxclaiîuad. enosaly. "Ileaven betp me! I1niah 1 wre!" sighued Jane, Baily. Alii,st imméiliately afier Jane hasi pasat-si. ('iitusl Phnsep an nome trival excits' left !iss Kiîs ide. Since the lhall lie bilad eau ber sorrala tinues-hsl sall.]etathebbc otse-dinesi tîcre, anti meetinug ber luniffereub places, bail alinsat per-un.led imseli that hae ah aur rate like,] anti adinired bar. But et tIlt'aigbî aof.Joue tle fallacions hope. hae bai] mut up fi-Il to the grouasi hite s bouse of carde, lier voise-for she spolie and aaked if bhnt liera the quartermas- ter'@ ithie daughtersounudasi bar-mbansi unvousanîy r. t-fai- ost ail its beauty lu bis eyeg;and aveu bier mos-emanbs, n'blch hai be.'n the chemin on vhich lha especlalir inNistesi. appearasi cansclons aud acking lunnaelnîgrace. Hahai beau playiug ah hing la lave, sud tie botter ta personate the character hae bai assumasi, baoi bandagesi bis oyez; but the hliness u* asnly simulatesi, ansi see- log clearir, ha kun' lihaI Ibere mt leat ha vsi&@bett-tree. Ou theafiuloing manning haen'as up lhe- times, sud n-ont for a gallop over tbe tuidan, Theanatimal lho rode bidnot beau mountesi for somae deys. ans ieh and bomne alike aujoyasi the stimrng ride. The ieh in s"esita s-ear bis bralu. sud lefI him brigluier bluanlho baid fait for a long hume. t'omiog bos-k lhapassa.] bbe parade groin,, -bra tbe nuonnara being drillaS 11)Y the aijutant, aud holinon' wrein la i-ats-h Ilem for an-bila. The tiraI man tbutbhoie rlicularlr no- lis-ad ias Sa2ýrgeaut Lynu. on account of bbhenistialeats of haes-charger, n tii- spirited coîîntny-bnesl animual, n-liî-hîn-us frtiîg sosidennbly ulimier rasîraint. sud aimaeady bore antltia stt'aming finuka the marks of bis rider's disapprurai. The mer- gealut setb hlm suendiy nibb a set. dter- mncoi face; but dinecly the adjubanut dis missardlie panade lbe set sîtur n mbbis aidas nitb sncb uuneceasary rîgor Ibat the horse final ered aud then set off rotutl the grouud fnt a teariug galiap. Valonline Graeme cantenesi up ta the colonel. "We alel be obiiged ta have parada au bour earlar soon, air. The sun is gel- ting very strang alneady." "*Too bot ton sncb violant exarcise - as tbat"-poluting ta the sargeant, vho n'ai et111 stnuagling ta keep theunumange. able beast lu a tnaight course. "*Too bal for my teste, at any ata." laugbed V'al. "But Lynu ratier prides binseif upon helua ahi, ta ride auy horse, and this ana lias raîber put hlm upon bie maIlle." "'Bytie hr. I board lu rallier a round- about n'sy tint Sergeant Lynu hasi aket ta drink. Has anybhing comae undar yout malice?" The goos-naturesi adjutant. vbo n'ai aivays tic lemt persan ta gat nybasiy toto trouble, hasîtatesi (n avilI.. i"Welie habas. 001 beau very steady, air, juat lataiy, ansi I have basi coin- plaints oa iebisrrtabillty as veli-just lok bon ha- ia puniabiug that hanse! Tie report la amioug the men thathalie ilui lare." "I supposa rau don't kunw 'lth whrom?" "No, I don't, air, but 1 dan fiuitaut if you viahi I." "On no accounit, I bava no curiosity eu the taubject," returnesi lia colonel, iastlly. 1"Il vouisibcha nthousansipitlas if Ber- geant Lynun-eut ta lie bmd." rainarked Mn. Graeme, meditntively. 'Wa bave't anotharin sesugoosi at lant-pegging mnd Iemon-slîcing, ansi ia's n tirst-rate crlck- *ter. Our sports n'ould certainly suffer if ve.Iost hlm."l "Perbap hae vili olde down vien la marrIee,"«a.d tie colonel, witi a pâan. frovan, whlch deepenasi as tie s.rgfflt ipimdsei vt# his erse, nov ectllely m«b7 4ued. "I ÉMyNoPw1h, Ifmh Io v br lion vlîh such a mnuna that. Those n'aak, obstinate natures roquîre a deau af keeplung lnthe patb Ihat they ebonîsi "I vili meet you ln tbe ordarly roml," sai the colonel, abruptly, and gsllapedl off. Ha couisi uo longer bear the thought tint the man lhe-y bail been discussîng vas the chosen huabansi o! the girl ha lovesi. Wbat a fate for any délicate wo- mn!a And Jane, vith her sensitive re- dnelbeagt, waulsi (sel it mare tban mont. unieai Indeesi ohé became hardenesi (rom contact îith so lofenion' play. CHIAI"rEitXIX. The fiait day î%%as S,înai-. utne volît lu ,-burcb uit hl,'fu lier a ranîd liothler, and] Kat llîroughouîîttue service n'ith lier a3es tixed tirbon lutr book. A (amin, fuîgi- Itire colon flîttlasrosa te r fa-e as sha ipbard a gay jiuugluig utfalursansdthie clauîkiug of! u.îs-, n thnelb' aot' loor, agi(] Iy îa mu'leîî silence., ufî,'r a short s-infliis,a.nîjiv - dinhelii'riginiaut bad cerneîin and lfallin ioat hi r île --aclose bheind %virohe n-as siîtuîg. i-ut she u-n " l'î'.hed ut., tilough ouuue she faIt thal aimeé o, %inu* gazing ut han hy tue aI range ,,,s'isueat ati e aven lier. Shit- lîerd somne o!fte voices raimeul for the r"aiiuýnaes. and lu tic hlurn.ts: butlthe vie that @lie listaeci for sa u lngrily she could not distiugial Tlhe Knozes at bnear the 'loor, andnco- soqueiîîly wero sîtuong bbe iret ta ]cave rhureh after the service n-as euld. Oîly one lady n-sa before thein. and aes sIe turned ale. 10 n-ait forn Borme lui'eirlu %v'as eablîl nadi'.Jane sanîr l t-a u as tha eonmisiantra ilaught.-r. A Kbart. î.alganite lier as ahi' sais ail the ni-puntss sue ad heutrui utber ris-at .-otifirms-d. DianuiaiKnou.llIr* iîxonus-r cuidet-i t nons- sure,]. The girl %% lias,- influii,-uu,-,-aheld ilistinctive-ti-fs'an,'dira fair bu-rond ail douibt, but au jpile snd exçressiaulsxs, and apparenîiy qste iinenpntîic of uiauk iug ithe utoat of t-e lanutathat site .os- Rpse-u. But thie gt ni'îsî-s Iia t <'o!. utl i'ninap 1usd iaugit outhulto mal. aîîoct face %ilis-h usoîl 10t.î sobriglit ithl gion ng beaaiîb. nui lis Dn on- u litittltiy witî e, 1usd continruel-] li u in bis atreaili hstlf-fsru.ed nuîss liewn-oui]pec Jtaie andîl pîcil niti be-râagain. not f(onmthe v-uid sara dn.uîg uof iuuet-î friendl hijl. but ns is lovetr wi vlîî oid tain %in tuber favor for lituacf. Ifle naiteri till the nfternoon. sud lias ing seeau (om hius rnda Mn. auj MIr. Knox drive pnst tu the slecond servic'e, lie tesîk UP his bat andî walked quis-liv in the direction of tlir buingalo..v lb n'as vrnihot that jas-, aud nil the nindon'. anîl the d.srs ocre open, vhila lhronugh thé fiuttî'ning euinains ha coîuld sea Jaîu aêaseel. un a sofa at the tuther ansi of the room. Afttr a momentany basitetion. he inters-jansutiosi beide The iutî-uaity of bis gaze seamsd ta dis- tnrhbtr iinoay lutnbera. She apened han eyas. aud aeeing hum so suddanhy, for- gut the barriee lutireen t hem. tarting une nîlhi n litle sry. nasu cci amile ligiling ni, ber face. lilernight have laken bar in s <-ose ambruas-ndiulkissol ber ibto futher forgatfulns. unir it ha îliesuld ual take advantaga uftihe muiuaîtary conifusion (if Ibougit. lie îî iuil o t surptiso bhm into a surreu-ltr: she should coma tsi bim deÎbenatels. aller tino ,-ngideration. on uat aI ail. "M.y poor litIle love-!" lroke fr,.m hini Soft ty. As bce spoke(. rî'utembraure ansie upon lier likoe abio. tS- î-.,d niiolys-îvî-r hi-n tasc n itb ber hauuuîs aund s-ny iieuty. aund ha suoo t,. uilI îî tiing patian tIr tlt IShe shouid res-over. uuît îlariug la atteuuîî,b euy consolation lest hi s- ld suiy tog...uiui-h. l'rcsenbiy att,-luoke, anud]trie.] bruive- y to suuoi. "I di.] ut kuoi t hat I -ut d ha vs- lsei Bo ituiei,bu t yo t tartildunie. I hait faite-tn io-i îbît hoei-t i I uuglub not to lia v.' iotu,-as t dii," int.utud Co'lonel l'rinsep. gravel-. '"I cmue throînglit he ' iidrtsl ke naI lit-t.' Then heo, i. ttpes short, ret'suiiecîiuig n-bhat iirews hlt' ould like 10 stoal, ual the *qufrterniasiers "," but bis "dauîgb. br." "Yon wnt t., sic nul (alier' askas Jane. isiug. "I waut ta sepc 3uursef--only." At the îuaanig tuae, she gava oua stantiesi glauce intohis face; then suk back agein on ta the sofa. "Me?" ahe echoosi, taintiy. "Janur, every man bas one lry for bis lite, and Ihere ia mare than mano lite nt stake with me non'. If I loae rau, thora la isothing iu exiatence Ihat can console me. (Can yîsii nder that I coma bu lîlea,] My cause?" Ha kuelt dovu hasîda bar, but cnafiuliy ratraluesi (rom toucblng aven the hbmofu ber white gown. Heo nly looked partitaat- rly mbt ber face, and repealed wi-at ha bad told her. "I111lare rau, Jenny! la thora no hope?" y WiIh tremulous volce she eplied: "I amn promisesi ta anoîber." "If 700 lorasi me, rau voulsi not besi- -tita la your choice." Sha lookasi at hlm pagsioately. as e logb about to spenk, than checked lier- i self, and atter a momqnt, dning îîhlclt htg vas vaitiag for har to repîy, ahe wnn h andastoosi beside tha open viodon'. "lYoîî have doua enaugb la rindicate ýf your n'omen's bouno-shon' e littIa vo- mauly ireakuase non'," ha 'hlapered, yatt a n-ile. "I thiuk yaîî love me, 1Jouny. For my saka make a sacrifice ai pride." "-Iofwill irrita audJ el im ail," sha ex- d claimesi, inîpulivaîr.l"i will write non.' It Morlng iurriediy aérons tha room, asit d kuelt Soya basîda the writing-dask al L. tcok out saine maberials. Colonel Pria- r sep, ramalnlng viera ha vms,lstened la- tenthy ta, bar pan as It pasesirapldlj an over lbe paper, khneg that every vord ¶ thini that vil h. noessaT G1v. It to My father to am.d. That la ho comlng bock flow"-as a .oofe wheels was heard outuld*. -j volu i elJitto hlm mycelf. but-b,ît I would miather not spenk of tbis ta any utpnit] tlin l set- Finding the hall e<ity liehc ent out In the veranda. and lucre encountered Mre. Knox. alowly pultîîîg off ber gloves fa ahe came in. At ighî îof hlm ohe started and seemed surprised. "Ilow do you do. C'olonel Priasep? You wish 10o seamy @s.îî? ho luterro- gated. eomig ltflciisclIoualy ta the saine conclusion thât Jane hal cone to haIl an hour before. Andt Iis lime the Colonel did not dissent. "Caîî you telI me îvhero e lJ?" lha ýouubter-questloned. "I dare say hae lins gone to the mess; but hé did not tell nie go. Wa always diuc Inter than usual ou Sunday aven- luge as ha la so uncértaiîi. Sometimes hae takeas Ian *Ova, and is not bock lie- fore fine o'cloek." For a moment the Colonel beàiltated. To follow the quartermaster would bie a fruitl-eserrand, flot knowing in what direction hae had gona; aiid il would lie a needlasa trial to bimself, ae well as.roi- barrassing fli Jane, wero hae 1 vait hera for bis return. The sooner the note was saeît the betteand> Mrs. lKnox colîld for- ward ilfs au elIas hbrrliusband. He gava It loto ber band. "If n-as to give hlm Ibis note. But it you se that Jilranches. if will do as a al." SIte glaîîced at the slîleracriîîtion, but ast she saw that Jit as addressed ta Sar- geaut Lyon, ber careless expression n-as clisng.'d for oua of vivld intarest. *lFrom Jane? Oh. Colonel 1rinsep, have you persuadad ber to break off tlî,î terrible enragement?" alla eried, aagerty. -Not exactly thint. but I hloîe it will conte ti, the saine thing. Stuc ha» writtaîî to beg hum ta rlease ber, If lie j--s-tj and 1 scarcely tbink hae could refuse ynîi niîîst bc prelarad -te ra-onider the suit- jet-t of ua son-mn-Ian', Mîlt'. 1nox." She starod at hlm, scarcely undarsiaud- iug. That some happy chanîge of pro- graini iras mpending she rpalized, but flot whuit the extent of thatt change would ha. *'You ivîu'î abJect ta tua?' hoe askiI ber, sîîîiing. Her wbole face becamo radiant, as dlia san' ber life's ambition lit lat liketl t., ba fulilled. Iu ber gratitude she coti almoat have knelt hafore hit and kiss.'d bis fs-et. ont,' thal she re,'otti'ted s-e inust keep nip ber dignily for Janes sak--. ltevolle,-ting. ton, the fa te îl iliai t, go nearly tiers she cou1il,ýc;ir,4ly rastraun bier deluglit. *'Yo 1:1in, cniade imc'the priiut,în er in India.- isue cricd. "You o,îgliî lu lie go," hi, returîu,-d. graî-.1y. *'Yoil bava the nows, lilq , tfe-r.' Ku.,,î ing tilti tlîîîshe liaI ,la,-iui t.- vin ii 'îil-a v. r lu sbolie J r.- ,-tcraijj tio mui. lie- truc. 'M Ira. Kiî,,x lia.j thli gra. c to fiel and 1-k ashnmeil. T1'le Cîîlî.îîcl rouîglithel --nivrsa ti. n Io aili. le liait areîî iy su il i thaju b.'iunilned, but hliel the- ucil of a -11iftifliiii81ailthe more ttua? liie liai.]tlut srta restrfinui on himgeif in bis inter- vieW wivth lana. IBe Put out htus taidt-, aay *"guod- by." *"I'len 1 n ilI beave the note e. ith yon, ansou Vo iili sert i iou et ,,up. 1 ex- pc-t I shah lse you again sb.rtly. [hi retl ' vJane n'rites for me. 1 n-îll come."I If %%as eight o'clock n'heîuthe massa,,- gar returned, and Mrs. Kn~îox n'as the only ana wbo san' hlm arrive. Ithe took the ltter quickly (rom his baîîd, and tnmned if ovar as though sa might guea what n'as in it f rom the outside. Titen she si-lithat.if sacpleased. sellemight master the cotents bafara lier laughlcr san' il: the envalope had been cîtiier iii- sufficieîîîlY gimmed, or in tbe seuders haste he bad not fastenesi it at ait. lu ber uncontrollabla curiosits-, she scail'-ely conbatted the tamîtatioii whii-h assaila.] ber, but taking it into the it- ting-ruomi. dren out flice letter nit spreetd it open. 'ro her surprise itn'as in Juues ownu writiîfg, sud, as shae imitii.-.iately guassed. the . ry nota sh"e badt î ritten two hiours before. Sho read iftlhraugb la salve file mys- tery of ils raturu. The latter, ivîi-li had no hegiuning. rau as folloiîs: "Il isi itb deelîcat shauto 1 nrite 1to yi nuîn. to tel you vbat I ougbit t?) hatve told yoi long ago. YoifluaI have giienee flnt , aveun lien I irst proînised t,, marry i-ou. thora ovas no lova for >o,îininyii boa rI but vît -oiîld not kniii- t lit si,-e. thon 1 bave learne oil10car.- for s.... neu els.". who atso cars-s for îie, or 1 thiuk, yau o ould of yoiîr îîî n ne-.r.] tare ilone ais 1 ani goiîig 10 ask iîîîît. d,.1I vtut yout 10gi va înueiii. Ni)relir)ntlie4 yoi' miglit houlp ou nie coutil aluaie n. niimore t han the sight of îlîîît I have e. rit- lau iîfter ail[uty promilses t10lie .truc t, >onî îlrougb ail ..Ny ouly ex(-ttSe s ps-r- baps tbat it la truer trulli 10 tellVon .a1l noir thutu t- dacelve You longer. Anîî if >o sîilîl wisb b liolul me 10 liY promis'. I iill do my beat 10 utaka you a good %vife, thougb I eaunover be a loving olîs-. Be gelierous, Jacob, and release me if yin eau If toit. I am,. as alwxuys, your sis-ara friand, .IAN E." Nat outil sha bcd read ta the end, did MIrs. Knox discover the retly. It wat lu oua short sentence: 11i1earan halp me, I canîlat giva rau up! J. L.-' (Tu ha continiies.) Cabanîs Fîgbt vîthDynamite. Tha Cubitus bleaadaptaS dynamtle as a ntuof combatlog the Spenlerdus lu thua notnached revolio;tha e eciioek o! îrhlcb are now beglnning ta ha hennît thiougbout Europe.lunlte litI battle between the combatauls, faugit lu te matiottuins near IRamon de las Vaguas, tae Cubans basi fIlled bales lu te erth it lh dynamite, andi these mines 1he7 eXplodesi wbîle Spanlis regîmenta vene passlng by. At the lirsI explosion n Spanlai lieutenant andi tIbîteen soldlars vara blava mb oplaces, ansi IbIs ao terrMfed tiie Spailardstbat au autîre coinpatiy lnsaisi 10 bave de' sertesi la the lusurgenta. laverai cli- an explosionsa follavasi, wbîcb, tbougb lass fatal *ban tl inrt, oprens i dlmay emong the Spanlards and greatly de monelîzasi Ibai.- Weldins Lead. -An lugenlouis metiod af veidin; !2*d bas eon recentky devlued ln France by 34. Biondel. The surface te be jetned are etrefulle leaaed, and beheme theni là piaaed >a tbila lny« ot «4 ILLINOIS INCIDENT. 8OBER OR STARTL.ING, FAITH. FUL.LY REOORDED. The Hosptal nt Elgîn-Came. te lhe Btate'o Rencue-Leape freua a Mov- lit Trasn-Madmueu l a Rage-Ran lbaiun Opn swltch. TIhe Hosptal et Elgin. Elgin has wbat la regarded as ane af the filost andi moat cotîlenieut basotlsu in Cie Stata. The corner stone n'as laid lwa yonris ega, but owng tu bard tiîîîs andi lack of funsis the work n-as siispeîi-tld until lest epring. Canerons gits frî,un tbe citizens aîud the auterprime of the Elgin Woman's Club, undar vhoae dlretieiu tha hospital bas beau built, have' utade the complatian of the building possilel,, iit nOSPuTAL AT ELGIN.. only a ansi] debt remninibi. 'The boapituil wiii coat about $25,0WJ<> esiulothei'fiinib Lugs. Accommodutious oauff,îruii',fîor filty patients. The tuîilding is nliroc eories higb. On the first floor an' thte recepîlon rooms a, uenu's moins. Iiairr. andi the diulng-rootn. Heire uîisiis lthe amatgéey operating rot, spe-ing ,authet. sîneet, The othar bîvo stories an'eîle- votaS lb the yards, privutamnus. andItae aparalinc room tor tases reîluiring*sie- cial attefttiou. Auncîs-vaton lange enîîiî.gh to carry the cola amithb it-h bbe ivards are ta ba supplie.] connesthte thin,' etories, The rooms nilI har adiiel-l iuralubad by the chunchea andsi îslties af lie city. Ail tha dostirsut Elgin give a certain portion of Ihuir tint- t.. titfee- bads sand the 0113 and in it tyî-î,ut ribtle ta, their support. Tuie Wiiîian's C'lubi, ban-es-en.lias Ithei,-îri-n oft Iho inuant. i,î responsibilîty aud ltlrivitlt-s (intals Iy giflzannd varionîs muutiuii'ynaîuig shi-mca The nbî le ti-uv la çruiu'ifthe i'ni-il'hua- pital, îvhi.-tîlias. ail bit, lats-st cuirne once.. Comaes ta, the Stitte's Rescua. The I llinoîis Ctralttciitlarai liai.] loto the tneasun3 Fritlaiy $i1is.Thtis is 6 par cenoul, t Is gi-is-4iintigs for six moutha. Tlîe î'ltituuy ias îîeîîaliy de- layaS the payois-ut ut this moniannuel until latar lu the ycnr, undît iwnas aw-iog lu the conditiont ot the trenstiry titat tha riait coinsente(] t,, ake un earhy par- mncut. W'iulî luis inîoay ansdbbhe muut bs-lng bsld it îtil il la needati hy the Sîste Instituîtion, thebatraasuury nllia kept lu gossi u-,uuîition tintil the tnx ici-y lat aveilabit-. "t-ra nill ho no danger oi the muî,h taiL. d i fdeficit. Leasofromt a Marina Train. t3atnrday morming Arthiur Ashinooka. à conriet. escaped fotthenlb iuatnuly ot Sbaniff Buixtern. lu'laotipin County. whilie hwnas haiug coiveyad ta prison. Ha la a crippieansd îî-s haud-cuffad, btt eRcapesi by jumping front a n'indsov of thebaren hle the oberiff i-sa readingaa neirepeper. Suuday afternuoou Sheniff Baxier recel-eS a taiagram anuoîîlng thanthlb. nin hasibeau capînnesi nt Slip- man. lu rien' o! tie tart that tba pris- onen la husdiy cripplaîl nu,] nas baud- ciiffesl lia esc-ape n-as rnaîer a remsnk- able ona. Medmnan lI a Rage, iuis S. MaIri-l, a ('lis-ago trou mer- chant. Itecansa ioletîr insane Stiuilar Sulihur turnes n-ara uîad br the polie ho ovrpon-ar hlm. He o luea hintaaht in a noomamnco terrorizes W'oodiaw-uil'nk. Haen-as tcuintesi liy a delumioin Ihatloitr- glna liera stekiug bu rot, tim. Il.. abat at everyone wo l )pni)af-besi ith intaut ta paS-i (y hiii. T'l'ahi-eso u iiutrails i-ire pliavi-lien ager liy bis ballet s. Slatte News, lu Bni. At tu1ulific the grinudens and 1iîliher-3 in the Dacro pluow wn'rks go ta îurk nt tbe aid isagi-i. At cuntralia te O'Doiîd rsidenve ivis pîîrtiallr itistroyî'iI ty tira. The ilusir- finise of $1II0 îi ilI cornthuelss. At Canlton te t 'briatia îî 4litii-tips-i hI dedicae cda nucîlttîîî tue i-ont i ig 1 ,Jj Sam Junço delivars'.]hîîo lesturcs. Tic Implameut tonnse uf Collins & Ste- vrent§un, st Lacou, i-as sol-iby te shcrity ta satiafy a bank cliuofi $1,M42.27. Chanles Mag anu ibaliaut mechanis', ands John 'Martin, e cigan maker, ituenrelo.] ab>out a girl et Effiuglium, ands te lutter nas abat. D. WV. Cneekmeers, supsuintendeut of public achoolsaet Centrale, bhastnesignosi ta accept e position niti e Chicago pubi- lishiuîg bouse. Or. MeNon', a youg ruffian ai Gneen- ville, resîstesi mu officer wirba -a rrastiug hlm for dlatîurbiug a religiaonsumaeting anud n-es fthnly abat. The Empira Cardage (Company af Cbauîî.igîî austauina a s ut ver $1(),- 000 by fine Thumadar; lusunance footç tnp $90000., Abouit '2X)peuple n-ena thnuivu ont ai work. Il le doubtul If the mili n'ill ha rehîîilt. hms J. Boggie, a! Chicago, a poor wldov 85 rears ahi, aitei a long lite ai hard aud patient labor, managasi ta acre $700. Wednasday mornng ah. coaclusi- edse ai ould take the asivie ai bar grand- ont 18 yeans aid ansi ber oniy relative, ansi daposit the mîmuey luthie bank for aie keeping. She startesi for lie bank ansi on arTiviag put ber baud la ber pockelt t'seIl thaenOU&Y n'as sote ansi teaud it nas gane. WIth a great effort aie masie bar wsy home ansi tie uiock was no great aie bas not heen able ta lenva ber b.d ine.. Alfredl Ernst, cf Biaomlugtan, W" struck ans i klled by an o1glae on lb. Chi- cago ad Allen Baud. lHe va Intoxicat- esi gnsi Iay davu on the track la sleep. ne vas 43 years oId, a coal-.mlaar, ansi leavea a vite ansi two eilidren. The reprt o eet onitleon Missions eot the U gIn Euglclconferente »iîeved aattbteu*dexIng the l1«t four »~Mnet hSEMT4i & sreffe etf$M141 *Oën 1 dý! us ýu d M--T- &TORIES TOI..O Y'l 0F TutU PM r At Allen Ulm Nora Kane, of CollIne- villa, took the black vel in the Urmulîne order. At Trenton John Conrcy, of Chicage, 20 years old, had hisera and leg crusbed hy a train. George Shober a! Davis Janction. bad bis foot tanaff ini a corn sheller and was probably f atally iujured. At Petersburg Joseph McGuire, 24, and Graca Gard, 18 yaars aId, were nsarrled by a justice, baving run swuy frrnm Springhlald, n-here their familles are weil known. Maerritt O. Chance, eIder son of Jacob O. Chance, and au employa of tlie puaI- office departinent at Washiugton, and Miss Euterpe Filagarraîl wera marriHs et the Firat 1M. E. Church lu Mount Vernon. At a meeting af the Kansas Stata Board af Cliariîfrm A. A. Stewart n'as ramorad. as sutierluteodeut of the Stale Deat ane Duîuh Inslitîîties tiare audjIH. C. Hum moud, of Chicago. n'as appointad ta fMI the vîancy. Mr. llamnd la tprincipial af the day as-hools fur the detf luinChii- cago. The Odd Fellows and Rebekaka of the lodgas et Vandalla presauted Past Palriarch A. H. Wing with a baud- some fifty-yaar javel. Mr. Wiug le past 7l y cars of ae, and bas beau an Odd Fel- low airer fltty years. Pant (Grand Master andl Grand ltapreseutative E. S. Conway made lthe presentallon. Davîiid Sîtoplard, lîrather af the elayer of the nolariaus Bill Dalton, sud Fred <>shoýruo waîî la cburch drunk at Ram- sey and creutil a rnotons dîstunbauce, Afttrnard tbey man Iheir hanses int George Wernarno agad vetaran, waund- ing hum serionsly. They were lot off îvlth a uine on promnise of good bahavior. 'rTe Stiite Boaerd afI Hoalth, belug ain- poiv iros hy the Legislature, Is sending ittrules andI ragulaliaus ta gavantheb cure of mils-h cowsanau sala of uîilk te evory saîîiîary officer, board of healtb, su,iervisor, tîîwn clark. couuty commla- si-us-r, etc. Adulteration of milk Isla pn- leialule by a fine of not lea thian $W nor miore Ilian $2010 for arci offense. Tha sale of nsilk tram mils-b coiva ted on dis- tillery natt or similar substance le pro- hbîted utîder haavy penalty. Shariffs, police, atc'., shah entorce lbe law, and special milk iuspeel<îorà wlll h. appointed by the board for mtlulclpalities wbera milk la reeeived (rom beyond Iheir ittris- dlictian. At Sprngfield the Illinois Aiili-Horse- Tbief Assoc-iatio)n s-liscd ils thir- laanth annual State couvelîtioi Thurs- day niglît. Cov. Allgeld nddressed tha association iifly. The next convention ivili behaleld ut Buishneli the second WVednesslay of Oî'toler, 1K%4. The fo- lowiîîg otlisers n'erce elcted: l'residlaît, H. D. Geiger, Rochester; Vice I'reaideut, M. C. Duraîîd. Barry; Scretary, George E. Deives,, ra-i-les-ted; Trensurer. J. C. Cadis îlilar, lliahiiell, ra-alaclad; Mar- @bal, John WVel.-h, of New C(ity. Dale- gal,-s t the next nationîal conîvention te ha bcld l in sitirnluSeptenîbar, 1896: J. F. Adelatuarger, East Catronde;et, aud C. A. Prather, of Edinburg. Several (lays ago S. W'. Panoplie and Elizabeth Ziasa, at Rockfard. n-are mer- riesi at Janea;villa, goiîîg (rom tltera to Milw'aukee on thair îîaddiug tripi. The bridle dasired 10 cail ou nome friands andi lefI bar newly made lîusbaud et the sta- lion ta vstch the baggaga, giviug hlm aIse $3100 la money aînd jawelry, with ail a! bar eentbly effects, ta care for. When sha re- turned ha n'as missing, and nothing bas beau sean or beard of hlmâ since. Sha la non' wlth relatives at Sieboygan Falla, Win., pràatrated wlth grief. Sba la Par- malie's third wife, bis finI wlfa and two eldreu havlng bean burned la deatb, whftreblis seond-4d six menthe &go. He la bellavad t0 hava becoma derangad. The second annuel meeting of the Asso- riated Wholeaale Groeers o! Illinois n'as lîald lu Paorn, the principal business ha- lug the alection of officers, wblci resîulted lu the selectian of the follawing: Presi-' dett Charles J. Off, Peoria; First Vice Presidant, D1. H. ljumphrays Blooing- tonl; Second Vice Presidant. E. E. Sager, Quincy; Third Vice President, Thomas HiokIe, Springfield; Treasurer, A. S. Oak- ford, Peoria. The Serrelary la an ap- polutive officer. It In more than probablh tbat Fred Joues. Peoria, will ha selected. The Executive Committea n'as namasi la roîssial ut the aes-ctive officers, n-hile the Boiard ut Diroctara le composei ofaf represeutativo (rom each of the cilles rap- rosante.,as follaws: Peorla, Rok,Island, Bltomnton, Decatur, Siîringtiteld, Jack- sonv'ille, Allon, aud Quiner. The tissu- ciation isas organizad a year aga for uuiîy of action fluong wholeile grocars, irbile thearegulan Ilîlinoissassociation as a î'e- suit of the action af Chicago grocers lan ina-tive. The naîv association includas tbe e'itiré Staho axcopt Chicago. Atter tbe elaction maltera of juteront ivero lu- fornîally îliacnssed, atter n'hich adjouru- ment n-fis takan. Johnu De Witt Davis, a reporter on tha Chicago Tlmeàq-Heald, n'as klled hy a Narthivestern suburban train nt tie South Es-auston depot. Davis vas itsslgnod by bis paper lu report the troubla at the Eranston Industriel Schaol. In compauy ivith tira fellaw-nen-spapar workera ha n'as aîîniling a train on iihto return ta the clty. As the train pulod loto tha depol Davis rosa tram hlis eat on tha plalfom and slarted for a place tram wîhich ta board the train. There wena no ligbîs au the platform, aud whetbee' ha thoîîght the train was comlng in on the second traek or the tiret one, or whether 7ini the darkîîaso ha failesi ta opathae edge of the lilatform, wili neyer ha known. Oua foot n'as off the platform n'hen the tender @truck hlm. The augine n'as a doubla ander. Haen'as throva betwean the train and platform mad lterally churnasi ta death by the trucks af the Ddd, CurIons and of Huma. Nature ta.ayed by £mimosa$ W Our 0wn Day-A uti 8pnluakiseo ae If counts vitb empty Wh o boast of ttles olê - Lîke auy opeclal blooml It la mari-golsi.- -Truth. Hax-Why do yen cmii y dog Indien? >Ja71 ways on thaent-bI ord. Ha (deighted vitb a ne« Il grand? Sbe-Pertactl$ muât bava been made by W, Yank Weekly. "Joue ainas agoosi deal et, basn't Ibc?" *Well, be ongbi "Hon' la that?" "Ha nevev'p out."-('hlcago Record. "No," sald yauog Speoner. reahly mad wben bar (allie froin the bouse; but 1 admit tb"ý put out."-Boston Tramarrilpt. "Darley la lu dneadfuIý "Wbat's the mater-gat lntP#ý "No; tbat's justt he trouble. 2 trust hlm, and hae ca't."-Hat zar. lu judgmeot Dow 1 dally err, As cycles past me wblrl; I gally caîl "Goosi marning, slve Thann ld Il vas a girl. -Pearsan's Weakîy. He--Dearest, my viole hea4- vated ta you. She-Bul ioW a00d pocketbaok? île--Excuse mýý was tbluking about YOUrs,-,u Truuuscrlpt. "Hello, Jasman, whera are Fmi now?-'t" WVth boy vIte. Of "Aund îhare ls your n'lfe livinil -er-n-tiy-Ith ber fatbe."- nati Enquirer. ,,Cleopîatrals needle velgi. -$81 or se 1 hava beau tld," sald "1 don't wonder she preferred ta senlng." eommanted Dawo per's Bazar. HlaIe Clark-Sm, tbe visitor l* compla'us that the rooam la bi Landlord luîleed? Then plat î bis bill, "Oue ghosl, 10 muaràul&à- Stadanzelgen. Richard-WVonder if we cae drink et Ibis place? Wlll&ae kuon'. V eau land out by a"~ suppose. Rlcbard-Tbanika; o If I do.-Boston Transcript. . Weary Watklasn-The doctof ougbt te ont mare ceneal food. Higglna--Tbey la ton mac th busIness about our style oft0 ready.-lodlanapolls Journal - ",Hello, ara yein bacli?" Maii 4 ta MeSwvlligen, as the lttog4 aflen a week's absence. l'x, gone," rapled MCSvUIISOI14 0 Plttsburg Chronîcle TelegrPIIý The malancbohy days have COta Wben man bavalle h!â lot, Thealeaves wo kuon' tOO veli, id The priee or coal wilI nt -Washington Star. Hoax-l neyer saw suai an policeman ns tint ona. Joal-. net aurprisîng. Ha couldn'tb par witItalt a large perceutag#O la bis composton.-Pil.LaepM ord. Specula tan-la thera any MODO voulions? Manufacturer-NoteS as thera used ta ha. The tuyv.m*F gettlng so amant uow tint lhey *t demaud ea hane a! the profits- lyn Eagla. "lThere ara saine cases," 14 yaung man, "In Lwhbcslentil that smokIng la benellleW." "Uu replled the man of yeans. "ral ethlug for a hem, for lnstanCeeý' Inglon Star. "What princîples are you golD4 vocate lu the oexltavur a "I campalgttes privaIs ee* donna. Yeu gel tha naît trais aud flusi out vint thalr vieevai Washington Star. Softly-Youn trip ta the MM seems ta hava benafited yen.1 -It ibamadea adifferent ,.1, Softy-Is tint mO.Tien Wvl coma of the man I loaaed #iO W yen lefI lie City? Wban wiads do blow, Prdc1 And ailla I e and browl; The festive tramp break& IaUPO~ And rambles back te tOwuM -Philadelpila Record. Punsten (ta ballet da 14»0-1 pIe arealamant alwaYl 0oi4,- Dancar-Yasand yofl ea11. yard "aImnt" 'out oetlbe * 'You people t17 te maIe iaboît, adeiphia Bulletin. Dudely-Do 70u thtlnk la serious In lber in me? obumislgi-TOnbel ly-Weli, Day DOv, lb tblnk ube moins matiM lion ?-Cblcago RecOi'd Lawyer-Have eyu t