CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 25 Oct 1895, p. 4

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LRIEPORT -ri mpleyee Ewe Leet More Î, Mecha M Emplorer. 1ýMo trobles »urimagtise ~ià*nALoat 094,826,937. bstb manuaireport, Just cern- ptill D. Wright, Comailseloner u.putes that the lou bean e- ployes lu entabllsb- mente lu whlcb lock- outs and stnikes oc- curred durlng the thirteen and a balU 30, 1894. aanounted tb $190,493,3r2, and lu employer. 10 $Pd,- 82,837. The los 1 employes on accouaI of stril&es was $168,- 807,866 snd on se- count of Ickouls 26,68,510; 10 can- ceo account of strtkee, $82,500,- id on amcont of lockants, $12- 1ý Thbenumber of establishmnents -ueik lutht. pcriod wa. 69,- g1be aumber of pensons tbrown out giet by reaon0f sîrikes 3,71l4,- lupainaverage losue lb.tecm-n md mach establishment of $2,368 Ucb Penou of $44. The number bbbeiomte lnvolvedlulnochonts MS and the numben of persona »et »&0A0. These persona luit rate oft$73 eacb. The assistance 0 stfrs and Iteeenljecîs of loch- ulng the perlod amoulei, as far Otticable, to $13438,704, or a little Per cent of thc total loss b em- Of the Mont lmportantio tables re-' th. causeof trikes. This state- bOWs that more Iban n fourlli 0f W*1 cansed by a refusai to accede WaU for lucrease of'ltdges, over OMt for a refusai to coneede a re- e 61 bours and more thau 8 per W ti. dçtcrmlnatiou of employer 1*wages. Tbree tbousaa>d six SAmnd twenty, or aImost 8 per if Ui strikes %vere cauned by syni- 10 Action witb other trikes, andl rer occseioned by bhc employmenl s.louamen. The industries mtont d by àrihes ha lb. lasI seven andl ,vearu were the building trades, 1l,?85etablialbments lnvolved. tise. lu the order of importance I sund coke, clothing, tobacco, ~pitions And atone quarries. Itotai 0f 10,488 stihes lu the Mutry for Ibis peslod 5,»0, or Io ,wpet cent., occurred lu tweuty-oix panlsIcIlles, ithile of tlie eslab- ut nvoved l l lkouts over 61 per icurred lu these citles. Flfty-nine Il. of the establishmuents eugaged kecwre cloieil on an avernge of 'te days, sud 164 per cent. of 010gaged lu lochouts fur an aver- thisty-iive days, the lous of liane ir ncae beiug ouly temporary. lu ~sthere were a few esta bush- *edpermannuly. iâs Wax gained by the cq>ruoyes lu F'per cent. of the strihea, partial latu over 10 per cent, while thc tlé 40 lier cent. were failures. 9 ev cent. 01 the lochouts succeed- PWfdry and orer 10 pe cent, par- Tbe otiacrs were failure& lu thc twi arikes 669.992 Persons wr -Oet .1employanent, 31P,801 lu Mrtllly successful aud 1.400,9M8 le b"fald. 0f thc total nm- wMUS thrown out of employant ans La Uic Period o! thirteen sud N&s 8,78 Per cent. werc femalea, béento 22.51 efflU etrikes wblcb occurred lu Baud a ba! Year», especially cov- lie pre-et report, 7,295 were or- leliOr Organisations, whie of tlic 0o0% Of tOde period ouly elgbty-ene .rsed, by organisatioans of cm- -.fjnne lier cent. of aillthe 1T6 Per cent. of ail the lock- M.eves-ed-a-balf-year perlod AI """'r lu Uic five States o! Penusylvaule, 'Ohio M utte. Illinois taklng Uic *Wisttes of Ne cUnion. -grauduof o Robert Burns, vng lu poverty lunIÇdluburg. $aMe tiat bbc Popie laîdulge ,Of ches.. He in sald 10 b6 a M. ClaY bas concluded to ýy*"8 wlfe 10 sebool lnatead cf Chujehili, according bo tbttDftd wth a suake arouad ,%eeoperation took place dur- reod ucaîher Qucen Victoria iliresabout %Bainos, aucli cf those wbo Imagine tIent le lai feeble hpaltis. tàïi French artiet, tak .b lafsiuoue'genre panting@ f tro h. Windows of a op by Uic curbsouoe. -hà» oormlssloned Thomas au 9li cf shnkspere's bout ro f the old bouse at Strat.. VQla which the pont twas borp. Bazane, a sou of thc great la Cuba recently 0cf lIe.. th ie <anpaigu against the *as.s Young officer lu thse lonary army. Fevs', the lIraI Governor of WWangon, died at Seattle bM. 140 amebecu twice Wabatn Territory by a>- ==4k 1 NMsoid o T HE disagreemeat betw"n Eng- land and Venexuela n-th referene lu, the Uine whicb <ivides British Gulana froni Venezuela lias exleted many Yean. lb lo contented lis the South Amuericna that thelie Reequibo River forans the while the, Efglish elaim considerable tcrritorv beyond. If the Etaglishli daim la unjust ils enforcement wouibd Invulve a violation of the Mu.Ioe doctrine. As Secürtury o! Stute (mney vicws the nieller there le et lenst ouf- ficient reason lu h' ciaims o! Venezutela ta creste e doubt anal Justitf an investiga- lion. Accordiugly lie propomeil an arbi- tration, 10 whleh Englanîl replied that while uilllng tb subail ler prtenqes tb one part 0f lhe îcrritory 10 arbitration aIe was nuwilling to yield that much witb re- gard lu another part. In reply 10 ibis 8ecrtary Olncy laya doNyu tbe proposi- tion: COLT AFFAIRS WELL AIRED. Wl fe Forediteli. Ber Rumband lnu Brinlagun Legal Action. A Providence, R. I., social sensation dcscended witb doulle force ivben Mrs. Sanipel P. Cult iled lier petilion fur di- vorce with lb. Suprt-ec Court sud aimait immm- diately afler au a-rit for the an- test o! James J. N'an Alen wna ia- ouedl on the affi- davit o! MIr. Colt, ~ c h er gitag hlm willi the alicua-/ lion o! Mrs. Cot'sI a ff ec t ions ami placiug tb. dam- ages at $200,000. These îwa sets J. J. VAN ALEN. lai the Colt domestell- ragedy !ollowcd nu eloaci> anc afler the pilier Ihat IRhode Island soei-id>' tood -dsred at the liglil- niug changes@lunlb.ecesation. Il wes earby lunflic aflernoon wbcn linso. Col's petialon a-as flied. but in legs thau fln.. hauts afler lIat lb.erit for lb. arrest of Mr. Van Alen bail heen lssued and wns on its wny ta Newport lu the bauds of a deput>' shcniff, wbo a-as iutructcd tu ac- ýcept nul le.. Iban $400,000 lu bail. 3fr.. Col's pebtion waa igned "Eliza- beth B. Colt," and l represenla Ibat Re us maarricd lu Col. Colt Feli. 12, 1881. BInce. hat lime she bas, Uic palîtion sûrs. "Dcmieancd bersel! as a !aitb!ul wife and pcrfunmed lil the obligations of bbc anar- riage covenant, but bliat the said Samn- uel P. Colt bath vtubaled the anie." The peilion prays that a decree o! divoree maar hagnanlcd snd Iliet sIc merlbc graubed a separate maintenance and the custody ofo ber twa minor children, Rus- %ell G. Colt, 13 ycsrs old, and Roswcll 0J. Colt, 6 years o! age. As soon as Col. Colt Iearned Iliat bis wifc bliled lien petition making bine defendaul lunlier divorce suit lie burniad bu bbecocurt bouse. accompauied b>' hie attorney, sud a wil n'as lsned cbargiug James J. Van Alen witb the alienein o! Mmns Col's affecions. The wril wns i- medlatcly plcced lu the bauds o! bbc Sher- Iff, with lIsructions lu serve il aI once sud ta require Mnr. Van Alcu lu furnisît balb. Il iras stated by Col. Col's ator- ney' that if the case ever cames lu trial the- qunry ai le ebhen b>' a sensation tI la id nu equtal iti he bcaunais of society hbutor', sud blinI the nane of nme of bbe weabhiest andîlmuet lroan- eut societ>' people o! New Eugland, as wel 55as1$teeofficiaIs sud anc man a-ho bas oecupied e higli position lu national affair.. mer ha given e pubicity that mil place thoranluaemonl t ueuvielbe lîgli and thal mIll surprise Ibein montl itimate Mennds. Tise United States cruiser Aert bas an- rlved et Lima, Penn. Nothing bas aîîpeared tu indicale lbe foundation o! a neir Cabinet lu ChIle. Loudouncecha'ted lb.e nnlversery o! the baIlle o! Trafabgar for flic firsI lIme. Ten children were kllled by the liurning o! Uic Hume at Starford lu Pulish Prue- 814L An order lis eiec suel for the open- lng cf lb. Canadien canais ou Sundays dnnlng bbc rcmelnd'r o! lb. seanu. The Marquis o! Salisbury' bas been ap- polubed Lord Warden o! l'bp Cinque ponts lu place o! the Marquis ut Dutrenin, re. IdgTu* aieo reeih Melra = u9 cOneaicrteailu Sen 45Ibm*th Zth- C. -- 1. If tire qùarrel ivilli Venezuela la sa ordiuîary boutndary disput. buî-iug Ils ori- gin lu faulty descriptioni-, lauperfect sur, veys or orber misuuder-qt.idiaigq. ,a re- fusai 10 arbitrul te c atan' is contrary 10 thie precedents soet by (.rtat Britain lier- self sud conlrary to th,- practice of al cirilizcd anations. 2. If. ou the other bnO. as appears to lic the case, and a% is thle belief of lbe President o!flbhe.United 9Stales. tbe dis- pute as lu Itie location of a ttounuary line lea atmere disgulat' under whicb (Great Britain la atteanptig la>- upenior force bo exteuid ber territorial lmxsscssionis ln America. this leîPeclvviolauliî-co!fte Monroe doctritne amti ivill aeer bie euh- milted lu oby tIse Vriised i at-s. TItis attitude plailaul> -iumits the Unit- ed States Goverunst tiia il t-c:ance against n forcilîle entry oui the partnof Englaud upon the disputt-d lirrito->-. TWENTY-SEOON 0 8E8I0N OF THE W. Çe T. U. CLOSEO.- i5romnent Workera. la the Teauper- &sue.Cause hem Ail Parts oM the United ftatea Iloat- Ai Creedob Made Welcome. Mine Wiar4 Re-lectd. Mine France@ WIflar,d as niain elèct- cd preoldent of the W. C. T. l". nt the taenty-sccoud annual convention beld lu Baltimnore. There was pîractiliy no op- position, althongh coanplimeitary votés were cnst for severni othèrý promnaent worker.a. Other offilcers w4re elteted a follows: Vice Pretident-at-large, Mrit. U. M. N. Stevens; Treasurer, 3frs.. elen M . Barker; Correapoudings kecretary, Mr&. Katharine Lent Stevenson, of !3lau- sachusetta: Recording Secretary, Mra, Clara C. Hofan.nof IKansas City, '.%o.; Assistant Recordlng Secretary, Mfr.. Frances J. Beauchampu, or Kentlucky. The day'. proccedings weré opened with des-otional exercite. couducted by Miss Elizabeth Greenwood. The venerable Mother Thompeois, the original temper- ance cruader, offercd n prayer. The r.- Port Of thecOommaitteo on Credeutiais ehowed that forty-three States were rep- rceuted and that 425 persona were pres- eut and entltled to vote. The Coanaittce on itefluatlons made its report and the convention took it up for a dedilula lthe Corbett ease. by wblcb Judge Leatherman'a derision was re- vermd ned theUicpriseght law suatalned. Corbett uns remaaod bavk tou h eue- tody of the Sherlif of Garlaitd Counly. Chief Justie Bunu.i lu dellverhug tho opinion, s* ve"ely <rit iulsedt- 'hsneilor Lepathci'man. sayinu he bitd nu authorlty CORnEry ANtD lîIPUTY Sig PitaFr DA BneR for his action lu the laubene corpus case. Judge Lealeruaui. uheni :ked sehal he blanuglit of the- de,-isioua, salîl: -1tacre - ~nothingattbo.ut ahe, îrize ight. I tbluh Gor. Claurke bas phu àmuel! lit n'a rdîcu. lous attitude li siew <of the iicons#titu- tlîunal1 lioiitiuus lie bat; tuiket. le lai per- beitIr cornet-t ini wluut the Chiancellor - s.ý woîild decade becausu lie humai-If huaws 1. that the latîr was i înistitutionally ,' passeil. lie bail nu riglit to any other opiînion. lie wu@. incorrect, liowerer, when lie siid lie t uoglt niao oler Judge lu the State wouid rendier munîh an opin- ion, for, ia order t<î det-lare the law un- oonstitntiouially paisecd. il wouîid he nec- csry to nillif>- <r invalidate an article FIIRNCES E. WILLARD. o! thé- ("aetitutio.1I îhâlleaege the crit- iionà of nil reputatiie Inn 3 rs andl cnrts. consideration in sectionis. It declareL, fur 1 do tit inlu iev of the expressmions of the total abstinence, favors devotioal s-r- O»overi4r ouilii-suhiec. vices, deplures the praclice of denîviig 3Martinu Juliau, manguuaer for l-itzsim- Governantal revcaauu froni the liquior îuiouoî, u-uu seûntairuit'diaiely :îftî'r bbe Iraffic, decînreai against the legniized sa-neunaoi the Siluiîreue t'outas advtn-ue de- loon and la fat-or ýf unaioan on 'ueSîutii iin renclied Litalei,'î-wk. lle aaid: of tbe monumtnt erei-ti-d 1 tbe nucsory o! the lt. EntIe-s Augita. John Dillot, n.euuler mof Parjianat for Eat 1ayo. williectiarri-d i t ti-ei-ad o! .Novenier 10 lu uauglti'r o! Jutstice Mattlielw. Mrm. Katharine Kilmo Johuison. diaaugh- ter of the, a- Alexandeîr .j.linsoas, of Iittsbturg, died iu France. 9-t, eneas M yeers ld. A dîspaîcli froni Brusels sîuys abat M.i Bioque, chie! instector o! thiteaar sltp- p)13 o! Ibal city, n-s niarderedI lv aeu- orinale. Sijr Charle Tupper anticiîîalea nu diffffi- N culty li urrangiig Illtequestion of tlb sale of the Canadian salinoat lu favor of the, Canadian exîîouters. Fieldl Marelial Dunst-Allelse<lm anilbhi uife kiled theintelves ut Vieutua. l troubles caaass-d thc crimes-.. Many were lunsîlteadaaur- tlon the Mormnîu onfereuce iu Londoun. N. il. IVes, o! Sait Latke. annuîtaed tbe auccesa o! missiouary work in Wales. The Britishi steamner lndr:ini. Tchio 10_____ NATIONAL W. C. T. U. EN SEssION. Port Kembla, rau mb tIse Alamedu, or Islandl hais" to battie with inttomper- "Now Ihat a-c arceharri-d (oi of Arkanîsas Moodyville, C'al., ucar Sydne'y, N. 4. W. ance, reaffinu allegiatice 10 the prolîibi- by the decision o! the Supreme Court, The Alamedla ia8 grouuided, badly dam- lion parîY, comaiends ahe action o! the ilz3immons ismiîreîîared ta accept the ageil. Allante coaimissioners in ciosing the eîx- offer o! Corhi'tt'o manager, made lu liai- Nicaragua's. roi-eut ttempt ta boycott Piosition oun9-tîndey, dcclofes for atller- las, lIait uc figbl itu prnale. We wili go Bnitieliggulds, the uewsaaers o! Colon, mcuted wiuîe et the sat-rament, fuvors auywhere ou Perth in-order ta Igel a figlit Colombia gay, was atot geatuine, lun iew- scientifie tt'auttîrauce instructnn lunlte out o! Corbett. Any place will suih un. of bbe more recent endeavur ta borruw Putblice chools and attirisethnt bbc W. C. W. null go lu London end figbl Corbett Britisb gold. T. U. lias never receivcd any money for for Ilie £3,000 purm. offered by thte Mirron The heart o! Koîsciusko, lb. Pofili heh "endorsement o! auy achool physicol- of Life. Corbelt bos repeabedly otaacd palfiol and gelleral îîa'lr Washington. ogy;*' coudeus bird shooling tourna- tînt lhe vould Ifit l-itzaummoua inlua waa traugerred froan Veza ansd witj be meula. bbc use o! nare-oties and lyucliiug,- deposited in bbc Polist nmseuni lu the. favors fenînle suffrage and deprecates Chatecau ltaicrsu-ijl, fleur Zurichi. "the tise of weapoue lu se-Iool drilla as fosteriug n military spirit." The eleveuthl congreais o! Auteieniatss, 'is~ilr aoe eouto d compoacd o! scietisîs itercsted lu ail Ms il -aoedarslto d quesion reatig t th hitor oftbemitting Catholit. and Hcebresw wonîen bu quetios rlatng u Iie inIu'> o!Qeeactive co-opeaation lu W. C. T. U. woaik. new uorld auud tb. cbnrecler of ahoriginal One 'o! the delegales suggeuled il miglit races, opened in lbe City of Mexico. nul ha quite consistent fier the "WoIn- News f Mior Nte-cn's Christian Tempereume Union" tu ask New. f Minr Not. Hcreu-s tb ffiliale. 8She laid apecial cm- Chili le aioace oua accouat of the sus h liciusn movenes in Butenos Ayrcs of phamis on tbe nord "Christin." iss ex-President Caeirue o! Peril. Willerd n-ith n gou deai o!fcelitng Wald:- "They have sexteîsded the lîaad o!fairan At Witoaîa, Xlinu., a sale of I5,000,000 palby tl u ir organizalion and alun cause. feet o! cutl lunber lias liccat made lualbhe Vc should invite tllim b co-operale. 1 Jor Lamber Comapatny o! St. Louis. wnst ta welcosne thernitauis If bbey waut At St. Joe, Mo., a littho daughtcr o! 10 corne." Fifially lb. conetntion enîlin- Mîr@. Carnie Main was killed and a son siastically adopled flic resolulion, sud lied boîli legs brokesi by being lbnown Mliss- WVillard snid le h lauked God forL froni a buggy. Ibis net o! the. convention, sud thal ah.e Expert aci-ontantt havo diacovercil coutsiulcrcd it uuu honor sud a pleasure lu 0OVERNOu CLARKE, OF AilEANNA6. that Jeromne Coulter, delinar treastîrer o! extend tîte baud o! !elloîvship 10 Catliollc Omaha, who was deposeil lasI M ay, stole sud Hebrew Ivoirin. rooni, lu e balloon or lu a banrel. sud we uearly $20,000. . The convention indonsd its Woanan's are pcnfcctly willlng 10 mccl him unden Fuels whieh have just ccame 10 liglit Teaupernce Pnuishlug Association, con- suy 0f blica conditions." raise the presumption thal Alex. Gmarlou, dncled by wuanen lu Chicago. Il ladoracd tri!. sud chld, o! ludianapoflis, penlshed lbe temperance baspitaba whicli do ual DEOREASE IN THE RECEIPYS. lu tht. Hotel Gumry ire i Denver. adminléeenbranudy and ailler intoxicants Whil eatng sppe In shaty luinmedicîne. lt nejoicedj lu tbe usefulneas ]Iternai Revenue Collection for ?hwee Jerie Pak, '.NpweYolksRobety o! the vart)uo ronng peopl's soebtles of montheabSow a Yalllug 0E, JermoPak, ewYok, obntScott, a lbe churebes. Il commended the orgauni- The sstenen t preparcd et Uic Internai colorcd laborer, was probabi>' faîally nation of s W. C. T. U. lecture hurcati Revenue Bureau o! the collections o! lu- aangled by a dog supposed 1tule mad. sud expressed appreciablon o! the Demor- bernaI revenue during lb. iraI birec O. L. Miller and wife u-ere mut'dered i n est tempenance medal contesa. Il ashed tuonîlis o! bbc preseut fiscal year shows cold bod by.uuktown parties at Lawsou, for a place for n-amen on the divorce the lobal collections ta bave been $87,- 0. T., sud WiII Miller, bliir sou, was go commtissions o! tb. varioons States. 744,478, as »gainsi; $38,054,108 for the hadi>' wouikded Ilint lie cannant lire. 3irs. Mailda B. Carnse, o! Chicago, pe -saine perlod lant year. Thce mounts Four bridge cerpeter., worklng ou lb. sentle b "Temple report," showing the from tb.heyerai sources o! revenue are NortbenuPacifie Road near Butte, MIant., progrese o! raliîing $30,000 ueeauy to glven asi !olcws: Spirits, $18,852,028, were huocheil off bbc top o! a higli breable ean "The Temple" lu Chicago o! debt. deerease tram bbc saine perlod lest year b>' a falling limber sud wcre hilled ou the Mrs. Cairse rcported $108,00W on candi. $21,302,M6; tobaccu, $8,075,545, lncaas rocks below. lion tbet the balance be raised b>' Jan. 1. S46,600; fcrmented iquors, *10,BM98,0 The trial o! Mnua. Samuel Smitli, o! De- Acreed on Their Polie>. increase $792,630, oeamarganine, $938, troit, alleged la bave aided lier husblitd A M*asbington dispaîcli Bay@: presideut 334, decrease $137,504; miscellaneous, lu swlndliug ire. lMay 'Jameron aOut uf Clevelantd and Secretar>' Oluey are sgreed 89l,470, decrease $113,992. $3.6W0 afler lie clopeil willi lbe womnan en bbe Venezuelan polie>. The puhlsli D uribng lbe monîli of Septeniber lant fromn Detroit, hcgan et Duluthi. intimation thnt Secretary Olue>' iulcuds lbe receiplsa sre given as follows: Spirits, The remaiuing Haytiau exIles who were lu resigu beeatese lie lis nul heen sup. 6,109,4W, increasle $5,661,292; tabacco. iuvted lu returu hame haveeiled froan ported b he . lresidenl in bis foreigu pal- $2,076,006, luncea. *85,65; ferrnued Jamaica for HeytL. Presideul Hyppobîte lcy in wholly disercditcd liere, and pet- lquonsi, $3,088,5=2, lur-es$=32,422; pays 11cmr exlenses. Ouiy two a! 1h. sous close lu lhe Se'nretary that the oleomargarine, W94;932, decresse *59,634; consliraors arc lefI, (Ian. Manigat sud relations belu-eeu hlm sdan erad etmlscellaneous,' $29,945, decreese *134,. ex-Pealent oison Cuab ar a! b. nostcorial eud inlanae-ne-49S.Total recelpîs for Setember $12,. W. A. Baker, a youugaman emplct'ed ture, and havc been sncb since 161r. Olney 001,956, uhicli h a gain over Sepleauber, as e stenographer- by the Paragon Re. amamed Uic adminiustration of lbthe t. «1894, O! *5,882251. go for durlng bhc Oing Company' et Toiedo, Ia yîng sI DePaentmeisb. Bif riait te Bostoa le nifd moull of Octoben lb, recelpîs frour n-- Clyde. Ohio, totally peralysel sud lu au tg hlie.beu requ4red b>' preiutugprivat. terual revenuc aneount tu *9,668,200; aimnt o plssa eaultibL u.Baker foilner.balaesg. aWih.eeeablejlte pleelin uluichla ia slliht gain over lest uaonbb. Il Ilvel et Clyde, aud b. rode tis.omhie exCuse» rbie mthelb.Atîsuta -_______ wbeb, l eln ediaauc Mfaey-M14Vrl c lb, ui" ~hàb.o uld le lieu that Mln»sePOlle bas completed Mil«s.Ugo.dlîsouutrn .wumetri eapgdbM o pyaawer.f4jglo-bar ees w. sacteso wby s"0 t' te lESTS AND VNêSVTI MEN0r Toq* Police& Tv.. Pael fLe-AnBcV. lt--Aeub~em.NI .'ueu- The b.iema Jok., Et@., Ete, TrWQ PAIU or »318. JRO (deillbted wtb a new îaay-'qasa' IL grand! Il tlhe-I'Portectly ioveiy IL ilethave bocu made by Worth." Abs 5111VIEWXD IT. Dctor-I would edriso youî, deer Madan, 1ta ke frequeul bathls, pleniy of frath ir anmd dreus lu cool gowns. luabanil (an hour lster>-Wbat dld the dlcuor say li Wlfe-lie said I ougbit tu go W a us. ter]ing place and af lerx cr4 1toithe Mount-. aine, andto get soutne >w l115h gowns as Ouce. Ab VSIJAL "1)14 you marry your IMet 7»aked a new acqualutainco of a briglit maUron. "Yercy, nol Imaarried mylausbani." RiOTTouuOTfflt., - The spirit ut John Joues." nild the mnediumn.I , -fiedled lu arrears,"1 replled the edItor. "Ask bila IlIL le bot enougb for hlm.Y mmti BKEIt'5JOKE. 111 wlsh you'd bulp me wlth1.4.ýI brcad," nild the baller. * 1 1 ceer promlscd 10o be your business amissaul," nibiieuift., --Yeu promhsed 1in stand by mec la my bouar of knea4l," said ithe baller. CAVOE FOR DOUST. "There ie only one tlîing," shle said to lier dearesi girl friend, -tbat makes me doui Herbert,affection fur une?» 1 What la ta " "If li hinka Iliat monme of tbe snap.shot photographeslhe has taken of!mamcgood likenesseciu' SUICIDAl, Miss Prion (qnàotilg)-Wise men maise proverbe, and folis repeat tbaca. MisàS mart (nuiungly-Yes; I wonder what wise man madle the oue you just re- pested. A REAL UOitI'LIMILT. Leurs-ÀGeorge. look aet "t dog 1 Will lie bite? (3eorge--Bite! If hls a dog of any judrmnt, Leurs, he'il try t0 cu y0uf Get out, you brute. TMS 0Wr AFFECTIOR. Ile--ls there anyilaing 1 can do to prove my affection s antaiyou yl Dot doui Il? iacTlîere le, marry mu i t*er bilie s ten years older than 1, and marnatla ,leteraihied not to let me marry LUI1 Sophia le d isipoSedof. À<N)U.MODATlNi. 'lWould yoîa please chop these rib. scr<,si for tue?"' ' -John, just break tbis ladv'â boues for lier" fils OBJECIoY. -Islinpiy ivishi we'd never lied any -Xnîerican Itevoltu tiemd" sighcd Tomnmy. ifter sciiool lte otiier clay. -'1e' made vily life iierable." .*nw 0?" Fasked lus unele. -S m9onany more history dates t0 reauti. tw-r," said Tom. 1flOOLRIAN',I FAL. An Irisli newepuper once said] in an. niniiang au accident: -(Or fellow towng- mi], NIr. Hooliganl, bell oui of tie second- story wiudow yesterday andi broke bis ncck aud suaffened internai injuries. Hia fricaîds wull be glail 10 know ibat thc latter arc flot serionis. RJCTE. Business Man>- Are you a gond whlatlen, nMy boY? Applicant-Yessir; daisy. Buasine-s Man-tieit ON THlE DUELLING FIELO). "'I thouglit, cout, thiat yuuu were adead $bot?" ..I sut ,,'And yet thougli ycu sald you wonld sIhoowt your adlversary through thc beart, yon lit lilm lu the foot ?" 1Itwusean error o!jutlMenL t. lought bis litart was in lus boots; k turncd oui Lo be in Ilaiemouth1 lieu IMITEO BOTANT. "TYour fatbter maises eggpMa.t inu Lis gar- den, docau't lie, Sallie!" -Ohyee--erery rear." 'Weil, doesn't ctickweed trouble the bed a good deal?" A OUI. TttI.P NPILOSPECT. 1Neiglibor-Mr. Gayhoy ia guiug te the Allanta Expoeitioniule h?Wo't h cost hlm a good deal of money ?" Min. Gayboy-Not rery much.I 1 am going witbhlm. ETINGrntRoutFINIaSH. Clotber-Wera yen pbeascd witb thc overcoat wbiclà I sold you ?, Cutomuue-Ob. yea, ail my boys.bae woru Il. Clothier-Wc'll, ihiuk ut thal! Cîaeoer-Every tiane afler a nain the next smaller une lad te take Il. Mr. Dep.wes "At Home" Signai. Cheunccy M. Dcpew ln net bMayor o! Newr York, but lie là.as twa lampe lu front ot his neeldea<c, just as the Mayor bien, end ho aiso bas a privae. signal to Indicae.wbxen ho lBetbhome. The signail consista ln allowing th. lemp on the castaieofutheli bonse te romnaIn bnmning until the '"Doctor" le ready Su retire. 1 la thera put out. 9ade of the An.benlrn. The enclentseslept on a floor or' on s divan covered wlth sicinm. Dut-lug the middie &go& bede were -made ot rush.e, eather or ea. - Icla, bap. DIevaitthat feaither béeuvert k4«n bu thse ROMSn, mnes amgtn 4lle Oftge pctaetmae Iihthe »1« hot ~.rndto =Weio*lsPooo 4 _7 .1.

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