W ld 8a4t1022 son oit 7 11 921 42i e 4 2 651 7 m927 6@451085as1à i 6 mT74do 9 as ML£E 1005 a650 750 910 9000 $23 942 910 68 1 918 a d9a s. 1000 8 527a507 9 10 5348613 9164 355la a 1026715 12 46M 54 51 5.soville 68867 40 2mcs& ar1i58,rive 7285 g1025 1 4 7 (»06 BU!<DAY TkAIRS IV. Uhortyville. 4:55pin. Ar.Bondouts5:69p.nl y.:05 p.oims ..Ar. lbertyZi & 533 leul No. 39, rnns umdyIF, gOlnsouth. wu]l sto a oe" asaafollow.-AtltuasIl 12 07 M~dwoîth 1n:17; G.rie= 21; Boud on.11;Eeat. 12:42: Deerfield, 1249: Sher marlll . 2.5; aries in Chicago ai L:" pin. ýZAd n,utr,tre Notice. P~b1eMort1.IsbFb gven that the au bur. ai x 0 e oL toBate of k WledC4t'ebct oftto bhol Ci ourtouseWauke- n nsafld o Y.ona uS Onday of November aux ges, whe where ail pergona havi dlaims ainot d Estato are notifli dre to sent the "ame to or for n. Ilda Wl 4 Adminialtratrlx. Waukegaa, Âug. 2uth. ilm Sept. Mt Admnutr xl Notice. sîîbserlber admi rar àeutteof Jacohb Itterer eevs b 1Iatedtu CounnU'Court Lake tu .at nterra thureof oo ie n a t t u ' liou8c. t WaukegLn.1l dCouaty.o0 the ral Mon- F4oiN o ber nut 19. w n and where nem av Z li t Raid E'tateL mare Curtfo caIon h Mary Ratio *dmlnlstratî lx. Exscto 9 NotIce. PUBsuC NovIeu llereb>' gven that bbc aunlhon er xe ro! the L WIiilianul 1%Amet Io!r dri k etr lueke>' viie, W i end Cou y Courto! , t the Cou Bouse 'weu aMidi 'touterCou eOs unlert. lm5 en anti wbura rmon ali la <dim al satiEstatu notifled and reqeatd 0 l rsen bc s eto said Court fm.6qWllil-m Glu ke lîxeutor. Waukogan, Sept. isthlau 5116a DAILY PAPERS. We wiil take ordurs for alîv of the Chicago Dslly Papers, to bu sent b)1 imail, tb any addreu, , ut he rate of 50 cents pcr month, Those who aubsorbie for six months or a year nt a time, can have the bunetit of our Club Ratas, whlcb itill b rmadie knoiwîî on îapplIcatIon. If you want hiuntibillii, If Yeu want envelopes, If you want colored work, If you want business cardai, If you want lieut billlîeatls. If yon waîît tasty letter heuduI. If you want nice vsting carda, If you want weddlng invitatlon.a, If yen want âny kinti of job work. Loavu yonr orders uithei INDEPEND- ENT office, Libertyville. andi have Ili 4lxecute(i in the shortosht trne possible. The INDEPENDENT. 11 C. PADDOCK, EDITOR AND PRop. Dr. H. P. EWING, Rockefeller, - - - Illinois DISEASES 0F THE EVE. Special attention givun to the (t trectt Fitlng o!fGMases. -HOUR uNT 10Oa.int.1lte,2 p. m.and after 6. Ilttyvill. Lodge No. 492. E A. RéMar zCommuncations 2nO and th 8aturiayU Oteqglmonth. Vstins hrethren ordIé9, weloied. J. 0. Lzs.. .W. IL RI sosi. SC.» Wqddlng Cards. Ver Wodding alatiouery et the finest t#idolly,' àd*Vttinâiiip, alway se one W te IIWUWE»ENT Printing Office. !W. challenge nom petitiouu ln tancy. as veiUm plui, printlng. We oan f ur- malh-aythng(angraveti work a speci- "By) on as 10w terisaas- cau bu ol- Itued la Chicago. Bamemnber, we g4uaratee satisfaction. 15151DB Thomi 511 wte took B l r*~ to Chil4go l&0 .Sturday. Uý1.LigAs hnltz, àfter vioitif among friendin lathIs viclty about a mott, returned lest week teolier hume in Iowa. mm Abert Masman, of Chicago, ta visiting ai lier mother, Mrs. Jacob Bitter'». John Rolland and mother willloccu- py part of Mm. Jacoli Iitter's house thiâa*vinter. Ed Jones, belng wit.hont hired bellp, Bsas is father froin Elgin assistlng hlm. Fred l#untlagton andi Lon Tuegle took a trip to Barrington on their wheels laut Suaday. Chas. Phitipa visited ai D. Huntlng- tons lait week. Frankie ScBolz. of Lake Zurich, la staying a few weeks wlth lis brother- in-iaw, W. W. Schwerman.* The store andi stock 'of 1IL C. Eub- bard was transferred last weak te A. G. Ochwernan, au eMcient young man formerly employait in theBCity. Ha wlll endeavor to keep on Bond new, clean gootis, of everything inalits Une, ut the lowest market prieus, andi se- lieits a part of, yeur patronage. W. Wheuicr, o! Libertyville, wos a pleosant cuiter, Tuesday. A. G. Schwerman took a businies trip to he it jy Tues day. Eti Cook, of Liburkyvitie, visiteti îniong friands hure, final of thte wuek. SC. C. Small ha urchased a lot ut Ivsntioe, whure lie wiil erect e buildi- ing, in the nuar future, andi open a businîess. Whiat the busjiness will be we are ai yul irnabla 10 say. R. C. Hulibard leaves this week for Clth hving -pux-chasuti a fruit fari thene, in company wihh Abert Brlggs,i of liockefeiier. Mr. and Mlin. Elihn i Hulibart i wît spend this winter with thli chultirexi, Wilt Hutchinson andi family. Taca-da>' noon Ibis communiti' was shot-k- ed b> te sud nt-ws o! Juons fiaadt'ha,. Iag comnmtted suicide bu'te use o! s revolvt-r. The cause o! is action resalteti fronu satillr- nx1 it Ibis wîfe and brotbt'r-ln-luw. W. Orabt'n. Tbey ail belng in the ftild usk- Ing corn. Mr. Ilsade exelainuti: -1 wiil put an end lu thesu troùhLuls." anti startod on a ru for the bonse; bis wlfe mîsqturstlngl,' ttllowedtlhlm. but wheýn near the bouse~ beard the noise of s shot. anti uptn unternn saw bbe blooti stains where a bu let ha enî,-red bis tieud. and bl l'ilfeless on lte Sueor. The body 'wau lntt'rrud Thursda>' In the Fairfielti cemtt'ry. but la accordane wlth the lawm o! the eongr.agatlon. was oui>' permitt-d a lot ln tbe low,'r corner andt 1 unlertbucumetery'fntuaî a baek -ay. A&s "ls for Mn. Bande. 1,0w before the- Etera's nI seaet! iHow hantiJI: ls for thte iaýryadrelatiives. weu ou sily lmt nu : but lot us ail extend tonr svmpthby anti r- member Iheni la our lunluera. Ibal Got i ll bu Ibuir guidance'ad iead thern safel>' througb llfe*s plIigr1naut. Mn. Baade's for- mer record as fther. linabanti anti memaler o! the congru allon. <oua notInl the lett aceouut for hi action. Muv Ibis therefur' b1otua dmtashlag exampl'- for ail us buimati untnaius. anti 'oumore caraet1ty app-auI f, (Otli-'and l-ad us nt nu bt tuattn Rockefeller. fower tban4AOO vouee a uglite- e"7 yer mtabingdurlng their shopping e;pédltioeis. The cilber of t11104 ladlmiezead wlt thiBs, strange malady: le. lhe telils tU, almont incralble. Amnt the more receutt cuiprits were a Ru». saan princens., a French countesa, au Engllsh lady of titi. and the dangliter or a relgsalng suverelgu. As a rie, tiane -oré dlatingulahed offaudera are lut off On pomment of a round sum for the re- lief of the poor, which, when the sliop- lifter La known to bc nicli, souletimes nues tomasniuch as 10,000 francs (£400). -Tif-Bits. .Plent of BOOM lu Caaada. Canada lacks oogly 237,000 square mlles of beng ns large as thu wbole continent of Europe; lt l8 nuarly tllinty limes as large as Great Britain and irelanti, and la 500000 square miles larger thon tba United Statua. VALUABLE Mg P3. Messra. Bond, McNaly & Co. 0f Chieaj7o, the falnons, uiap film, hava sataawsl tuaitof this gruat BlaIr, whleh should be in every liome, ofice and sehool-rooni. This Maip illustrates the complete systeni of Unitedi StateLandt urvey, and by a spucial proces e Relief Liue engravlng pre6ents ail the detailiawllli- o'ut confusion. Escli County la cleîénly sliown by tilferent colorsa ant the naie printeti in large cicar type. Encb County Seul la distinctly abovu by, a puclal charfcber andi the naine printed inmacona§liienous type. EachliBlîroati Systeul.I., correctly repremenleti and nuameti. The locationî oterY railroati station, post offie. andti om-Ila splinîr eiag. nsteti sud cati bu re.îtify' oüattut, as ail section Ues are, cleerly de;iueitl, anti the township anti range nuallbers are prlnted in tihe plainest poss4ible nIanlier. Rivera, ereeks, iniall lukes. ant i n- îuumersble delails are ciearly anti correllocateti. Takenalin ali his s marvel o! beauty. Notwithstanding thie great coat o! prnoductioni the hriee l a n noderahu as could bu expechecl. The pniees are $2.00 for the paîper back ival ni q)i, or $3.00 for the chIli bnek, aIi ieli rates tlîey are sent potpald. The firn issues another tuait wicil la wortb mentioliing. I la 66id nchtes lonîg anîd 44; inchues front top t> bottoni. (Pue ide shows the largest Unitedi -t 'les malp ever pnlutnd on onu sheut. Tho other ide shows a similar map o-f the Worlti. Ewîh o!fIliese mulpa is sold for $5.0 0 wbuu Plît 1up)o01,loth bocks, but iti aone misuwili bu supplied for $2-5.oîpistpîtld. WVe advise aîîy of our neaders whut m'ant the best tîtat catibbat-I Iti write for one or btth loups. Anyoîîe wilo waîIts proftabuile work si.411011141write to thua flirfor agetsît ternis. CGoot'ui avassers carti froin $1.300 tu $35.0 per week. Gutu)rgu Sîunan, to! Evaston. calhîc(IlTuesday, Oet. 29. John At-liui il nt J. P. Notou's lest Saluriay. Sdi unt publie tîtîrtitun on1Ithe G. H1. Chanci farn. u, a lges Corners. 2 aîille$s east of Supt. Marvin. tuf Waukegan. called- Grays Lake. bugiîîingug It-î'l. ,)n olti fieutis lere lalt Thurstiay. J the folioulng pnopel'ty. 20 Chtice lira. Eeitlih,! Chicago. andt son dajry cow», 2 with cidvrs by-tlîclr Cliflon visileti lier sister. lins, J. Clark sde*12 Bîuigcra, balance fresli next a piortioun of iush weuk. sprng. Durhiamiball, 2 Spring calvus, Tenii luvy dtinîh tmse.s, 4 anti 10 Ouîr batelier, Bohuit Ronise 100k a veurs old. Tesa n ures, 4 anti 5 'eîîri tnpl up nîrth haI week ho l>trehiase Ioc w1 h uaegoi ii'ngtat cattle andi aleup for bis nmarket. Mare 4 yeurs t-tit. Mure 3 yeurs aiti, Mn. and Mlin. Berghonuî ant itlli Geiding 2 yrs old, Rl -rt, nn.Lambtier %vere eniledt 10Fuirflehtiat Monda t 0 agton, Trucek wagton, hltat Wagon attend the funuerut o!fIferran Sheil. anny ii'i, Ple (art neîtrly nu-w. atureti aesiay or t111k wagton, 2 Wuîilking pIomî,w, Wtlkiiig R. C. Hubbard ti e usdyfrcuitivators. Bobsleighs. 2 ('orlu culil- Utali, wliuruie lis purehaseti thirhy vatturs ualy îîew. Batiger state soutien acres o! landi anti expectis tbgît iînthe îieariv ne-e, Deenîg iuud,'îe etitis fruit business. yean, Deuing inuwer. liai' hedter, Ha «- Yon shoniti get oneo tf Wil Enigg,' rake. 6 cafu mik cooler, 2 sut doublle $17.0 Swin Macine outria. I itharness nearly nuw. 40 Mi k canas, Corn Élue41s ouitngcie saotriaci.n y shuther, 40 Tous luay noatly tiniolhy, dous not ksupItLngvestsuciî tt <( bu onts, 30 grain sicuks, 1400 neut notkeepIt.bualiela crn ia crib, 6 acres corn in Geo. Beaslcy receivedth iirty-four stiock, anti muny ollier articles toit hudreti shuup froni the ucat Tuesay. mimerons lu mention. Lunch mrveti Heu la doiug a thrlviug business antiuat noon. W. H. Appley Aiet. we m -sh hilm auccus. Ternus o! Sale saine as Geo. Henick's. Our Furnihuru dealer is neciving Tt. furnituro for hi& fali anti vinten trade ' ltrsday. Oct. 31, Fred Horeaburge-r Corne anti sue has grualt display haingdacitiedtio quit f,rmjng viii viethen you wiali b buy or not. You -el public auction, on the Mieliiel are aîwaya velcone. Horeabergr fatan2j mnues wusl of Deeriel, beinig5h 10 u'clock, the There wil bu au enherhainit nt ext following propurty: 3 Cows, one vîtti Thnrsday eveniug ut the Clia 1i.An euh1 y lber aide; 2 Work lionses, Colt utocutioneat froni Chicago weiil g.uu 3 yrs oit-i 2 set double harnes. Set number o! sehections anti munie viii li e iagle harness. Set harro's, Sîlorel furni8et by me.Wbers oîf our C. E. plow. Walkiag rultivuhor, Hay rake, sociuty. We hope to have a gooti 700 shoeka cora, Corn monter, 2 Milk altentiance as wu know lb wilil bc ras, 3-Sprlng wagonu, Farta wagon OublettOAttaok. ffChoIera Morbus 1inte su Ll5g 4 un. tune, z-nuaîuu ubuggy. tGrass calter. ,Whle.t.oylag llA e Delta <Misi... A gooti audience hîteucti te thie Set bleihxldroir tbl ilippt 'Betem t nun e~lmperace ectare lbtât Fritay uî'uuing iploya. Suedur, 222 tons gooth hay, A - - ~, seprsea Ludie E hMra. Anna Henniis, o aof nes, tiU ity o! sraw, 2valuning Irotîgls, 16td mi ît I-lt upt abtîanti many other articles boo nuimerous 1 ,ou tsi.on', a S: InIwa1k ocpec 0mention. MalarIa sud esubi le e cks a ing, er lectures wureblollivery TRI FSL:Al lnso 5at cft choieramu i .I ony i - lteeing anti vu. feul safe tb alale ' - nsO AE-l ui ) , n 've n e lacit iV nnr have doue o îr tom-u grat gooi. Hen i nati(er. Cash; O uur 5.00 a re ito on igAl&,byu c bo yobjeel lï a > organize a Gooti Tenipiar tyeur wyul bu givun on gooii apluroveti 1 - b Ch l debr.Aetn îî uiîijNotes, heurta g6% intueat. 2,0-4dis- aboiera terrioea ey-. eLc conuiAmetint% fo e 1r Caslhon sais tver $.5. No . rA it a e epus next Tuusday uvening for liaI upur- poer10 hurmvt utlstit bedcine" 0 alebyF1 c~ ou", C. W. Pulhis. Auetioneen. 'laveli, herlyv G.le- RO- A lec'.uru by Cap. Aarti viii bu blti' ________ rasW luaallihe t'.0 Chapel, Bockkfeller, Montiay Sale Blls-The INDEPENDENT tiOalstuait you ea gel lie evOnitig. Oct. 28. Coule ant iheur the Office la nov preparedto 10 biu out the inter ofan mati the INI:i'ENDEIST one great C ilebratati Enaslan ibunisltujt sale buIs quiet.Bring ou your 705Fr Ul.O0. But va osa mate thue û> -unIn hlais tluling tonies o! Jobi Priutlng. oRes for oîuiy a short- lime, anti thal ativeltures lu escalulng. Theulecure i a omly fer tke tw o papens combinat!. "11 allteluaîi'atuti by splendid store- Stoves H. Rj'tEguj la lot o! UsiIgtb» Ivo toffeth>îr yon gel the opticon viains o! tie Iusalan prison heatlug antcoO 10v w ehlie licii 110510117 vaeekly t heietuted Statua, at h îene ie.Do fol nis sei clieap t10 ngNow is .4rty neariy Itohe asetcountry Ibis gpuaI hecture. yoîîr lune B t1111.f 'U'eRly a-li vundt for ouly 82.00.- hoèu a lougiyour subaeipllons...pspenst THE RIALTO CLU B. The salua are comtng along ivuly umg ose any part o! the Unilet! Slsteé MWil give a grand bailut Ficke'snov- <la. B'uînember we turni ouI the o, iC5ned«. Hifbneat blUsviti nosînesant i hipaîch Hl.Lake Zurich, Saturdsy algil. anti publih tic lIaI, for tiosu who gut 7.rotbld Wth Perlodical Dysenteny. Nov. 2. '95. Finat lcas promntung tutti hemr bille prînteti et this- Office, la Il M7 P. li rS o uca1Jtmaî,miialcby Bramons ueebratud Chicago> tbc I2DEPE NIT freo! charge. ile r. ofnceu JaMcidOncheacrà. Tickets 50 cent-4. Tony Vasé India la îîdg. bae s'.'ice fMy King chii 'f oor manager. H. C. (>st tlsmarobehvlebnu- .eseveiyfnm atet-ofdseaerand P. t'. Knîgge. Corne one sud ail tivecs anti Moenda Olen: ant inany do 41sMe $en yen ugo, coin ant-1(1- an have o goodt ime. nol have the time. A large naînbur tuf 400&e, as les, a maku me very -ttnahcîassft.IeISEEDN À k. Po in'@orsbr IsBl(te NEEDN <>41, sd Dir7ta Remetiy. Wan ta, Lost, For Sale, Etc. t lsteati of wrlllng luttera, as Ihat givus Uka -àu141e veten, Ives ale tal ,,jail the newa anti 1a mach hatter in coul el c 1000inkt nib . vl7llieut a.nusrespects. Itl ib bufan cheupur etaf are rc 11yl. i,-7t ( . . h. riigluttera. ~g**dbylli-is nuiecy.",r 017 ~~gt ~T ! O lve eîn èvel, baudyille.u>5 Conuoeou10anie ofn nw butdlug Voi -'WacSa rn B i11e.auting ht lolesale my store burut anud now i1inant the -Stenîpel, to,444y Laite Co., Illt. eau buy any tln'l of! alovschuap o! ,.rô tiaa l LiosF btrlt >~.m o s I vont lu bave nîovilg Ilium ibonîi bthth shrs-îr'7l 0ohe9lap H. B. Kozui. ueprae n- gilDog ru p aieak hsNew Store, for Dent. em~ tAr du-it ae le uaIesihe ea l la -oiA. 8uitpjMa for Grocery aud Genanat ntlggara, ou' x At- - Sar~~~, r» nave d Frmnklin Qrefr tesOsat Amaicau D..e*ta face of tibs round earth ve cal ours. Patradlse mai atrr such; but, meav- whlle, baîveu enareand i! el çhance to make a varlety uf Interesting bservatIons. TheGarnst trms of the "Great Anican D.serr ama mot fu7 treated la the "attractionzs" of vauions new towna suai! by spaculators. The dust storma of Colorado, Naw Mexico, Arimua-tie whole desert section in whatever Blata--are Important factors ln the chances for comfort and @nu- cess of the new settier. The mine of a comiug duat ear are many. The air la electrie, a feather wil eling in the fluger., Ihasky la oft- tumes gray and straukd, th c blidren lu theauchools, eaenthe primarles, are narrous. Buddenly the bite of paper In the sîreeta bagin to whirl; mofi yeu wilU e heo B.duscomlng like a. rolling stonin cloni!; the sky le obscured; ev- erythlng ouI of doors la "on tie Ily;" the alem branches of tie *cant cotton- woods laeh the air, and if yen are un- fortunata enougi l e haout of doors your eyeis, nase and! menthis ii ha flli wltb alitai dual whill you are slrlv- [mg te makre headway againat a wblrl- wind. If yen are under corer, you wili hosten te dnop windows and shades, but the dont la se fine Il viii penetrate wberever air eau. The pattern of the carPel may ha oblilerated, andlunema of thea vorst onea ln New Mexico an eYewllueia bas salit thal drifts have buen tormed on the floor trom one to two luches ln deptb., ilow long does a slenn lait?*' Sometimes an hour, soînetime tire day-comng wilfi grent violence-at lu- lervals. We bave known one tint continued a week, vill i le exception of one day for a recasa. The affect upon a nervous temPerament la dis- treslng. Tlîere la a demine 10 bide the head Hire an ostrlcb; 10 ereep mb noe luole; to cover the face se ns not ho see the wlld-turmoîl or whIrllng tings. The lrritabillty la se grant ln môme per- Bons as te culmînale ln fils 0f weeping. This la folloived bJY exhanstlon. Ifls netu Improbable that sand storras lid an Influence lu the building of lte "cilf dwelllngs."1 A dont atorin mny occur at ftfy tînt' of the year, but the spring la especlally Prollflc. Wbeu the "kamsin," tha wlnd f rom tbe dusent, "blows ln," ha Il Sum- mer or wîntar, tha worst klnd of a storni may ride on ls vings. The linge, cone-shaped mounda ot Osailled structure wtilcb stretcli for mnles,tene and thora on tha plaine tes- tlfy la dia whillng wlnds that over a tbosuand leagnes of desert bave bail thelr mail sweep for centuries. By seime dilst atornis are considereti scavengers. Borne thilnk the air seems puren Juat afler one, and so, Il dou.. on the prniple tlîat tie toollu fuels butter wlien llias donc actiing. Soin, thlnk them healtby, as dry earti la a di-4infectant, but the Injury te the throat and 10 the nerves and lie tisas- trous effet on vugetalion Bens te overbalane IbIs cotnalduralion.-Har-t- ford Timnes. WBat Held De witb a Dime. When tbe kînt oid Inan vitiu the beadt Iat vas beneroient anti balti tint convincuti blisuif, ns kintiolti mua whose heats are bunevoient anti balti are vont te do, Ibat hu held the ivrapt attention o! bis fellow passengers la the walting-room, bu burnedt b the lit- île wlsp o! bnmaaity whob aibceun contempîating hum w1lb sncb grave anti selemu wistfuluuuss: "Weil, ny 11111e mau, inhat ea vuda for yon?" eisket the kînti olti man by way of o cuntain raisen. My little mon seftly coresseti onu big tee wîi another big tee. "Are yoa a gooti 1111k boy?" querîcti the kinti olti aan. ..Yep." "Andi go ta Sabbnliî sehoolS' "NoPP."' "i your fal.her kindtet youS' "Dunno; haln't got une." "Now, my littie nan," galdthue kînti olti nan, inho fuitt1ha1 ail the othur passengers kuein by thta turne bain lny kinti bu vas, "here la e hnlgbt noiv dîme. Nov, tllu me inhat you are go- lng te do villi I." Wltb a bock tht voulti have made a Monte Carie bauker feint my 11111e ma appoti the brigbt nov dine on blu knee. "Match yen ter aece wedder l*s bvenl 'un othing."-Now York Press. TheaMassot la Semos. Iu tIme o! van it liathetapo's dnty te leati on te combat thie vannIors o! ber village, and she la o! eIon ahlck of lie sklrmlahiag, but abaubd aie ha vount- uti or kiiied Il la a pure accident, as tbe Samoans have the greatest hornar o! linrtiag a vomea la any vay, anti wenld net evea Injure lhir eneny's tapo. Tiare lsa a sony tbld o! how, durIng the van wihci asaerrled on in Upolu for a couaidenabia lime, five er Pix years ega, tino armieszliad mal anti vere draina np, blazing lIe oeaci olli- en'a linos, wliuu a native >.onan ai> peored witb a coin sie vîsiedte1place 'n safety. The entire flrng vas laînu- dilately suspentietion boll ies il111sie anti ler charge lied crosseti the Ilnes anti vere compluteiy out of hnrm's way. The inomun coulti ruiy se thorouglby on thie gaiiantry oft heir countrymen tu.at thay buti no feor turing the llght- lug, anti veuit takre foodi te tlir bus- banda anti brotiers et ny tlime, anti passtIlinugh lie mules o! the varniora o! thebe haligereul anmy villi Perfect impuaily; as loug as tie tinylIglit luast- ed andt iey coniti bc easlly seen they were qulta safe -ID Stevenson'a Sa- moa," Marie Fraser. crodsily eorFFrench Peaisamia, Relief in the ladlce 'ilve4 by fortune ot, sarfe; tic other a fusât eta0»et hW tfarma, via liv et 1 --allns.Tb& latter explaine, amid lhe la*gter or ber lAndlady, liaI, an Illagebavns ipreai! among bar iuband's focit of rsheap, lhey decided toe onault a for- )lune taller, Mme,' Thîbaul4, living in rlie Rue Bergere. 'la Paris, witi thc iobJact of dlscovernug a remaedy. They i 1idsu, and diaevoman orderai! liat sulpiate or magnaia vas 10 ha glven ti the animais, afai, vilhci loy vefa 10 ha made 10 drink two glamnsof walar, As ber huliband woa aIe 01, tie country wonan prolited by the occasion to aise, cousult dia fortune taller on bis case. Ohe advlied à change of medicine- every veaetdiatemm@ Urne laklng great cane tn always Carr la is pockel a place of chiarcmali Notwiitandlng these prescription%, liovavar, die shcp dled sud the bus- baud became vorse, vhereupon sha pald anolier risit to dhi.Une Berger, but oùly ta land liat lie fortune taller -e wbom oie hsd paid 450 fracs- vould bave uohilng 16 do withber. Mme. Thibault la nov under lie cane of Ithe peilce.-lXew York Harold. Smîting Power of the IMo.. Those vlio are accuutomad t10 regard thea verse, "The sun salI not imita lire by day, non the moon by nigbt" as a mare ligurae o speech, are tld by tie wrlter of "Llmnlnge for Teach- ers" HliIthdi "mltlng mooW" la a muci dnaadad reallty ln equatorlal cimaas. Baya the author: I'Last nîglil waa fuUl moon et lie equator. Wlti lia sun standing dlrectly ovurbead la Decen. bar di neana, not nlgh, but a ailver day of exeeedlng brlghtness, a bIne sky, sflow-whlteC louds, scancellt auy stars visible. Upon sncb a ulgit a, strangen would inonder ta se. native people carrylng an open umbreila. Thé> tact le, sncb a radiant moon pessase lie smling power 10 vhlcb tie com- poser of the psalm refers. If oue walk ont baraheaded. soon asnnpleasant sensation orrulln-nés viii 'tzfeiltaboya lie temples, and next day there a>ay be a foyer and symptomasîsmilar to thon. o! aunstroka. Mauy cases occun of peo- ple inho bave lain out ln diaeopen air belng amlntten hy mooullgbl vîlihfacial parals. Any of lie features nay hacome vloleutly and permauenlly con- lorleti. The mont i espeelally suifons, semetimes se dlatinctly asuto give lie unfortunatee ie rtable appeananre of a lnnus naturae. This lu dia moon David knaw, and afler holdlg lts beautîful yet dangerons brilllancy thîs psalni acquirea a nev force sud swect- nesa'" ie Wa Thrlce Armed. I reenmber seelng a smail vonan, not mono tien four feet six luches lu beiglit, slander aud pale, drIve hino brouzeti anti hardy cowhays a-ltiIIbeir ilocks fron ber grazlng gnonunds ntt he point of lie revolver. 8ie lied ent the hined mon out ta teel tha Intrudens 10 nove on, but thuey hed impudentl', sent back word that tbey woulti move wbeuthbey got ready. Si. conceaieti a revolver under tien apron sud veut out berseif. The men inere préparng their luach of jenked-meot andti rt- la, wben tbey ivere Interrupted by bier question: 'Wil yon nove on?" "No, not -," but lbe sentence was unfilabet, for the mon found Ilium- suives faclng the maizle of a revolver. IIWiiI yon nove oui" Tiey hasrtily gatticreti their tîAps together andi "'movut." They had weapons o! their owu >y witiiediy couid bave de!onded thumseives, but liey knew thal the nîgil wns on the vomn's aide. go stringent la the Califonna loin ln regard 10 treapagaera tint aie coulti have @hot Ilium dent lu their traeks ablite iaw vouiti have uptield blen. Seulng the revolver aftenword lyiug carulessly about tbe bouse t nenarketi on the danger of ieaving lt anaunti that wuy. when seo epllcd: "Oh, it la nol loaded. 1 vonîti as soon touch a reti-bat poker as a ioadud flrearn."-Chltcngo Record. A VeatherleasChicken. Miss Lulu Telpel, daugiter of Dr. Ctiarltes H. Telpel, o! Fnederlck avenue and Rentalon street, lias qulte a cari- oally ln the shape or e 3-month-old chleken that ns yul bas ual shown the leagt trace a! a feetier. Another cuni- oua thlng about tie 11111e fowl la that Its ings are mast reverse&i The cbick- en roma fron i e home et Mn. aud lins Milton Anthony, Berrett, Carroll Coan. ty. Il la perfeetly ealtiy andi eats lieartily enougb. Recausa of ils condl- tIon, the chicken fanas butter Ilian lie other fowis about the place. Mien Tel- pi lias made a pet o! il anti keeps IL locked ln a cage during the ulgbt A great many cbicken faedons havo seau the fowi, but noue of tien appear lo be able ta account for the tact af Its nover havnp lied any feathers. The aniy ting wblch he ia 11e curlosity sean. 10 mnd la the bolsaua, whic ls very lrylng ounls bar. back.-Baltimor. American. Where Thinge Wlii l<eep. ha the polar retiens seua i 01lasbunleti ln the grounti ln baga of skia. )Meat lu huapoti upon piat!orns bntli smong treua, wlicli are peeleti of berk lu or- dur to keep beana f non cllmbing ut> thon. Litle sticks wîti eharp pointa upinard ara bunleti la the Ica 10 dstracî lha attention of tàe beers fron lie pro- visions ovunbeati. Anotier kînti of storelionse la ln tie shape of a aIronz Pen, lhe main supporta o! vhich' are standing trees, vith brusb and lotis pleti on top le keep out wild animalà. Durlng the salmon catchlug eeaaou ln Arctic Alaska lie licats o! the fiah are cul off aud put laboa bole la tie grounti. Wliau tley are bal! putrelled they are dut np-and aateu, haing as- Iaemed a greal deUcay.-Pearsou's Weekly. Spe -laelespoeryS*< »Bd voru,nvai>'o'- bou yeara o! stuî But Unn*Imm were hettr totq A Word ln Yen var.- sheinsu>the li tes =Izyo g tific ho lie wil ha tramirsud toni fvo honestly whather yon' neai! glasasor Dot, - shermna a day. ea* Bore. Hmab q nomelhagyoum Try Him! Thgala a kh.offl tiema. 0114 dle. Its a go abouts, A trial E. B. 'aER The Jewoler, Grava LO TENDER. Are the Meets ê points. Than-'4 pneu and prormpteÀ PRICES AS L.W AS THE L WEST Prompt Service- and .DeIivét You arc- Invited to Trade et NEWMEAT MARKr lu Beayv yandtiiiigtln'sti ate«4% Miliii skee Ave. AUSTIN & MALI4Ie Libertyville, IIinog. Please 'l and PAY that 4 You Owe Me, You Said you woul 1 need it very 1,M4~ and wiIIThnk very Kïndly, 'if wiII do as Yom Pî-* ised, Yours, J. S. MURRIE4. Horse Dent94s1 If your Hors«,q Poor, or don'tEatW it is caused by di » ed, sharp,'or unev teeth. Slobbe-rLM Throwing the -h Fretting, Indig -m are aiso causdb~ teeth, The Su, tendent of the- Countv Poor understands the, ness. ItwiII pay,:- to have yourcii*" teeth exanr horsesexamin4 of charge. Charges Rê"me and Satisfactiýi ranteed. MILLER & HïA - DEALERO lxt Fresh Cows & S WC have 0on baud w& . ty of Choice Miineeoi cousin Coins, 11114 t-ai apecifil induciaaen'eiMjA g o Baat. e rs, in the wavy Jpns-Hllu i ea mll buCom Itiake.VsIIfll!S 01 ýil 1 1 .1 ý'à 1