C. PADDOCK, Publisher. OUR AIM. TOPE.AR GOD T" IV. No. 3. Libertyville, Lake Caunty, liiii "457mH AND JMAEMONEY. PIE TT I. friday, November 1, 1895. 1.50, in Advai DEPENE MTISINO RA'T il oi sls ami dm 1 ~ r9zxdditional for i j 10 «%= 14 01111m 11100reubotiqne Inlde Bdv 01B5as u Vaa« Dr. CuarMot Gai Offlo»ov.rLovell'sDr J Ubrtyville,- Dr. J. L. TAVI Office at Residenceo w&y, opposite Publi 9017»-.4 te Io e& M 2I 104 lu Llbertyeille. IliI Dr. G. W. ALVEI Physielan and Sur Diseeseaof Women sud1 a apeciafty. LAKE ZURICH. ILLI Dr. E. H. SM]' Officeover LoveI's O ]Roua& 0tc 1a.m. "d i to 6BI Libertyville. Iiii PAUL MAc GUI O aWW muenlon given 10 c Offlce wIth Lake Couri, Libertyville, lii Mise LULU M.- S. PEN vocalAND ARLSO INSYNUNRNTA Lj 511r ..music... ELI UER? EETEODO. 5MeOSE1LABONA UJbOrtYville. Ilinc, MISS M. ALICE DA Ovaduage of Amercuet of muie. TEACHR 9 - VOICE CULTUAC ANo M LbertyviIIa. llmn W. H. APPLI ...AUCTIONI Libertyvi lie, liiii Heving lied much axpariE tioneering ln the past aever 1 am i pead to aedse pari of Lake and adjoinin ai veS7 Loy Baies. Satiefr, - uteed. Give me a Call. Ralph Parby's Bari -la nov Ioated In- Hvau & Sous Fuirn' Where Yeu osa always se ObSavina, Halr Cuttlna and -la the Lats Style of T@nSORIAm. ARTI Give me&trial. 1Kwh!pieu ýBîJ»h Darby, - Libert L BANK . Wrlght, Parkhurs Libertyville, ini Issues Interest-I3 Certificates Pai on Demand r LIGRT BAR As, WELL Ai NEBA NOW INi (B KAIER KE DENT The Fire Engine Contes9t. GRAYS LAKE. VOLO. ____Ououacliool vill close Ibis veek for 7ýPrMWOrk vilh mauv. lietorne 10 ,TES. OMIE CEMCLÂDthe feu vacation. j aad.sitl ohacuaio l dy suo mdi r TEE EOWE CMINliEMCL N ra. Jerry Sinit4, vho lia been eîck or1. 151212 (oped ri the Dodgevflle, (Wi.) Sun.) dsys issl week in the ciiy lookîng Up over Sunday. 15 Bt80 Thevloletov bs benou heold friande and report a Tory pleeasnt an sd lir. Nelson Shultice, o' 1 ni 140 lu tipiea of axeemfnt re adlug the vidt aney Preirie. Win., viaited et Raughl1 I ao ioeproptant nr,,r,, vici.vsgo0 The Rosebuilding la ilminot Se.nrdsy Frout Pae a how teoi ur peopli omelhing cf1Itie forocccupsncy and va axpeci soon to e MIvr ry h idbe comperative varlli cf diferent kMode hava Mr. Austin sud £a"in u >* on;e,%r. h wn be isfrfrtl-lire protection. midat permanently. '[lima alphn a s91 fY ut of daland (lr aesd-OnFridsy 1eveuing cf lust eek the Thara vas a mail ttendeice aith .niadahr wuploant. wi avnt caeaoff and tha large cnccurse dsuce lu Baiier»lial'e ehall t Fnidaypimaant 2m an sud t Of Peole,ýhat gelliered te vltneene niglit; but larger than tl ormer o»n. QiSte # 1ev vera ouIteo churcli. lent Insertion, trial Bhowièd hov deep en Interest Our Thera vill bhansother r 4, * Nov. 8. ýAll ara pleased i ilihie nev mnielter; etsa ualpeople ftal lun1themalter of protecting Tha raport vas over 60tb~lMiJohn lie gave ucloquent sermon lrom the fadaaeOur homes frominaheravages ef the Wlcks wvas snfa"" vîllidiptimarfa; 1axI found ln i at Tluietliy 4: i16, ther r"y oi ~raeted.but liaeIDr. Ï[Mgne Ita vuy severe f -Ading thought vas "To Know Thy- Pnstns- The angines srrlved time day pro- case cf quinsy. Mr. Wbu*& le re-1 ivstiaemue t ou, and emng iheir number, vare covering. ,Dïan-Pater H. Millerd, at the homef yfng sa "epn ivo cimical angines train Chicago, There vas às eddng et Hugli 1o! is son, Frank E. MhUard, Oct. 14, miade by the Llndgren-Mahlan ChamilNvl'aavkoroaoreNvl"9 gd84yr.lr.ixadvs * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~oe fw~Egu epu;ceatovie n-a~ as oo Mise eoniraciing fornierly a reeldent of Velo. Allter 0 par er. chine coting $W5. snd Ilie ciiar vas e four.vheal machina cooting $1250. parties. We bava onot hm" iha naine th.e death of hie second wife, iblisher. The tlird wueas combinad clemîcal o! the groom. Bey. Dasey vas thet mothar of lMr. E. Carpenter, of Elgin, and veler angine ronde by the Have offciatlug clergyman. lie -ent to vieil hie mon ln Dcuel coun- Pump and Englue Compauy, o! Indian- Dre. Sliaffer aud Zeigler sud George houi-Dot.Tintceam IesI ap olis,.lad. Frazien etarled for the vilde o! trçlgitle kinduese of Jamnes Powell,1 lloway, Mr. Rowe srrived from Indianapolis, notharu Wisconsin, liui, veek una who juet returned freinDao. rug Store on Tliurmdsy sud 10 ploe as nuinler liunllu.g trip. Mr. Thayar abente Thure- o! auiou8sepectatore, teck lisigne day villi Borne Wakegan findi for Mrred-Dugleas-Shultice. ne B P. BL over te the Doilgevhle -hotl, placigtf the same Place. Tieir . lisaxei Abert Dugle- eMdl-Mis Mary auchon lie.lu the vaîl sud exhlblted te est dock and venison the i fv Shultica vere merriail ai the home o! Ilni.the engiue's capaciiy for ihrovlng a montii. The hunters vili tay et the brid'n paents, neai Lake Villa, t____ er. lie tirai lirav a ingle stream teast neyeraI veekes. Oct. 23, 1895. A large company of over Iha opera lieuse aud atterverds lMr. Anus Harria, 0f love, del.tvered relativesansd frIands viineamed the LOIR. by uslug hie Siamase couplliag threv a tamparance lecture lu. the churcl ceramony, viich was prformied by on Broad- bye aitreameai once ever the opera Sunday eveni.ng te s large audience. - 1ev. S. A. Harris, of! hlumn. Aller 1lý Park lieuse roof. The question belng esked ShealoIs addrssmed the Sunday whfl 1 congratulations cama the vedding IcHo Pab 'loird doe ml vork?" Mn. Huve and Endeavoresociahies. Tuaida aven- tfoat, whicli vas anjoyad by ail. The and 6 t08 p. in. causad ail o! the men te leave the lugoali orgauized a 50<31517of Goo evenming vas @pont verv pleaasstly, oi. brakes except hiniel! and James Templars. There v»a aflge ofvithi mune, axnglng sud a geneal1 l<eiley and Iliose two men unesalea, charter mambara. lire. Haine' tais good time. The bride sud groomi Ihrowastreain te the top of the opera vara maucli enjoyed; but nmofot he Iloft on the 12 o'clock train, lu compeny1 'RSON. liouse. Mn. Hove asei lie dld flot re- men resiuldthe insinuation &gain"u witb Mli nd udlr. Duglees, cf Camp cominui i as a machine for tvo men the unterner sax; but beiug a nsliied La. They axpect t10 haay s veek rgeon. W0 vork, bui lf'tve conlil vork it, il voman tliay overlook it; kinmag *e i or tva. The prenants eve numarous o'coeok. sinm coutil net ha very liord vork for tvelva dld net mena, the hard thhi<Us alliad.1 andl beautifui. and 7 î09 P. m. men tu do ne. _________ Ohldren Ou Fiday Meuare. Mahan and SP- lire. T. P. Northrop, ef Baloi, Win., Bette r Than Ever. radher bhe exhibitere cf tie Chicago, la vlaltlug relatives lie. Tiere le no question iliat the IxDE- ori. agine srrlved. The mayor sud the W erfvrberpt !iaPECNDENT ineaquel 10 the hasnt paper 'INOIS. county aurvayor vere sppclnted s cein- ebafvoblrprtofh, -mittea te mimeufl ivo buildings vere progresaof Bilvard Hook, vimo Je sveyaenpbliduLke cuyulb ITH erctd eaclyalie n ateia adet achool. vIII ha greally lmprovad sud surpasa IT , ea0d xcl iiel&aena n U compeliterswvien va gel our e size lu onden to give eacli exhibter the The Dait Ledies Aid Soiey vlihb cylindar proua locaied lu our nav office. sanie show. The buildings vana lield et tie home o!flirs. I. J- Ail nav typeanasmodemn equipmaut 'rugStore eicteid.ouenaelevai arena ailuoiuing the Wlieelock. 1of the hast matanial vili anable us te Ill. Cent. dapot and vere 18 tact higli Among the huniers to NoItamturn out lie inest Joli Pintiug et î. M. DAILY. by 16 feet long sud 8S bat dempivogoncs va hear o! Dr. L =1 - 1o.rensonable pricea. Stick to hinaDi- tenlea higli sud fillad villi dry kind- Fraziar, E. B. Neville and GM#re pmzN>wansd yon viii ha glail. miois. lUug. boxai sud barreasud sabunatail Thayar. jTeIiEUDN isiie ie ______vili 2 glios 0 coi 01.The nav trealcocnneciing Par# *. as many anbacribei's ln Central, Souili- FFIN. The lirai building vas sel ounlireansd viih ihe "old plauk rosd" la n4« veeansd Western 1eke County as IFllovedi to um ivo minutes; wvi ansd la knovu as WerAeuO ilcompaora eotehhde otiers in or at Law, ' nfac aelmahs rvn odvyvi i n.vmegi 0roosa-for ar«gument as i."wh" le 9 the cow back tonty or f iy tfisé, Mr. varlous waYa. Frank PrNo la>obe1 the htiet dveriang- hedhua. Buai-1 ,île. Howevin Ithe Indianapolis machine, cemmendad fer hie energy lin -:unoa meu shoulil not b. daceiveil by1 ýoleclons sud vas 101d te go aboid, vereupon harvn urtw.,fle ttmns e r rprdt ----extinguieheil the fira in ifleen seconda pelugournte u f calsm-'oe Ouralam andwe ae soorat l accondlng te Time-keepera Smelker.îTeNvme ubrc ci-prv u amedvi vorla ity Bank. and Sonde vlio held etlýwth»o kind la egain et bond. Whfl our ta lutenested parties. ýinois. the differeut leste. ao-vthe eaeas pardon us for draving thaîr 1.- -1 The second ire a then elarteiland d attention to this bight sud halpful Is Vour Time Out? elter burning oua and one-haif min ! 1111e paper. Seudin l yeux subacri p-ý ute8thejudes old r. aha tegoien for the INDEPENDENT and receive1 Please examina the date on the ad- uls h jdaatedMn alent g this vainable journal free o! charge. drese teg o! yaur paper, and if your aNMN head and lu 25 aecondeshabin ie vas Be sure te bagin villi tie Thanke- subsciptian lias explred, renev, as va extinguiehed. The ires vere agaîn ne h oe ebl oadbyn DELSARTE tartail and again exliuguislied lu for-gvlng number va findi i espiaclei edtmuylialp oar uyn 1ITEM OF ty-eight seconda vith the combluedîin eeiu.a new ctihomer rs 0 n h >CUTION.. machina and ln 72 seconda willi the r The store lataly occupiail by J. 9. ~ e oe *chemical machine. A third time lhey 1Mrrrie as a grocery ln undengolng [ABLE PRICES. vene atateil and tuis time Mn. liaae;soe changes and viii eiortiy ha Somoe Thingu to Learn. lin. étood baek ifly tact puttiilg out hie'1 accupiad by a flret-cleas dnug stoe, The difference betvcen courleay and ire in 27 seconds. In thin test Mn. Thomson Biras, ara tha proprialore îamilianîy. Mahan nsed him $1250 machine with, and tiey hava augeged a lhroughly Hav ta b, familier vithout mail-1 AVIS. twe sîreame sud pout Uthe fine in 56 campaIent pharmaciet whom they W"'d(ling vili peapies pereonal bueines. C'Oerratory sec onde.1 place lu cierge. The pont office wilI That ta puy 01105 debte la the tinal :1Mr. ichen than attampeti ta makre nemain lu the building, but viii aise pnincîj)îe of succese lu business. a test o! hie threa-galloîîa hand axtin- undengo varions impravemautesud, Tht other peopie have iglila that - 'niiere, but tie ire was toc tiance for',Ocupy mare Fpace, iaviug cempleteiy yen ana baunil te respect, whther 4ARMON'y them. outgnewn ils prescrit position. 'your disposition prompte you ta arneta. toit. BÉaturdlay norning the cotuncil met The new school hause jselfut op- That beceuse a pareene weye are and beugit Ina o! Mn. liave'e No. 5 >pracching compietion and viii ha dielesîful tei yen, hoie inoue the leaa enigiues, Ihesa bcing doubie the capac-, dedicateil naît Frida-y, Kov..R. Watch your equal, and penhape aupeniar. EV ity o!fIthe anc exhiled and 500 leet fer the progrein in next issue andil Thar vomen are notl hable te admire o! extr diecharge home thug putîiug' attend, by aIl mease. Our village may e anmen vho kuava mono about dalle EE... our tavn lu a position la aucecesully, vel ha prend ef ils two-stony, brick and dresses thon lha does about herses figlit the tieienil shonlillha agein et- chool bouse. It'e a beaety and e'andl railroade. mnois, teck us. Satnrday eflernoon semae Of modal o! gaed senne in Ite Intenier That a clean head ls elways the beet tir citizens dairad ta wilness anothar arrangement. A firat-ciase echeel la a veapan of defense. fnce lu Aisc- lestof Ilie machine, eo it vas laken greatar belli te a tovu thon a ilozen j1 htbcee envese1aci ute ardevu le Sînelman & Lonis wagon shap factonles, in aur estimation et lnsat. manions look and spende moat ofbis saes lu any andl a lina o!fliome laid 300 faot up the Of course va except, a brick sud ila time teiiing about tue feuls 0of etiere Dg Countiea lIIle lie Marks lieuse sud a tream lactory. in ne ciein in tele inotcorrupt 'action Guar- eaily Ilirowvu e alit 3 stery hatl. ____________ himsalf, bahinil the veil. Il vas thon taken dovu le the M. E. Thal tie pareen vie lakes toc mucli _______ 'lurch and a treain thrown over the Reading Circle. Intareet lu minding ollier peepleso extreme top of the utoea aler which The Grays Lako Taaciene' Raading buainess, muet nacassenily naglecl rber Shop it vas placedin l the englune honnes Circle viii meet Saturday, Nov. 16. his w avendl lheraby evantually comaes where I il yl namainountil ithe Ivo Ail taachers lnvitad. te grief. linger eues parchasai by the city sbin raeoeAs. Thet an aven lamper le moe profil- 1111E STORE, arrive.-(DoilgevilieWie.) Sun. Lasson V Psyehology ...H. E. Bairon able than a sarcaelic flov ef lauguaga. retyour ___ VI .... ........ Miss Wells Thot lia fault finding person teaa id Dressilha. A plan of merchandising contas te us LITEM9AT17RE. gocil snbject b lai alone. >f the-. frem Lockpent. vhicli reminde uns e!tha Shakespearea............W. 8. Welcli__ riSi'. plans practiseil by our forefathere, only Svift .................EB. T. Taylor mm roen. theyildn'lt deal lu the me kinil of Fenelon...............:M. C. Docker Auctlon Sales. 'tyvile , Ill. geode. A saloon keapar uamed John A hlstery nacitation wiii ha conduot- Saturday, Nov. 2, J. W. Miler vili _______Wordl, bouglit a cov of aemn named ail hy Mr. Baron, Teplo: Colonisation bave suother, prebably hie last sae Sly s fev daya age, glving lin. ly lu Panloil of Virginle and New York. ihie @mason; 35 choica Wisconsin sud . 4 q4psyment a due bill for 250 drinks e! M. C. Dockar, President, linneota Cowe, Mlukarsanad Spnlng- w1 hiskay. Sly wili prohably havean~ T. A. Simpson, Secreiary. ana, aiose aerai young buille. kinde o! animale (lu hie vliiekers) ha- Torm-6 mountheor eue year, an fore i eshels ntUÀet te approveil Benkable nobes at 7 pan cent. v h hkeygl i etiaalat 1. Do You Knfow Tliursday. Nov. 7, '95, Arthur Whitely That lots o! people vie do hsvlng decidail te quitl farmin il].q st & Co. It undeubtedly becomes tireaoma b onel do se, aliculil veri ei et public auction, on the elin ni our subecriihars.vho alveys promptly glumees? Itorsabargar tern, liai! moile aouth- !10~5. psy ihair aubscription, te ha continu.Sacale rpaî ttt esi of Everelb station lu tie tevii cf ally reading the dunuluga inat appear Spau lspoeryft ln ur uimmueIb becomes tiresom ndil oru, nov, may save Dearfiold, beginng et 10 ociock, the 3earing te ourcelves. But what la the poor you y'ars of sgîîî1 i imamilcli cova, Ouafireeli, Printer tode? HRundreds cf suhseonihrs But unlebs glias are pro- balace, apringens, -Teain gocil vork yable do not saemho ha endovei viih vary erly fitteil te thae yeait bol.a, Colt, Fat hog, Sbubhle plov, dI. goo memories, and uniasa the pnb- vaeehboter toi Wear noue et hMiwaukee grass cuiter, 2 iamiea, Uhrkeaps ramluding thora ociii, the au. 9M<)bshaliet, Barrai cimuran sd - Idea&iliai they ovedi for the paper A Word in Your Ear. ot1maI dsiry utensili, Chicken boeuse, might neyer enter thoir minde, sud Shernsu tha Joweier, viii Wsg rake, Quntuity of cern, Farma KNESS the printer alvays 4"uaede hie dougli"taterye'aemsa > ao, oaiiohesy takcr The people froin whom lie buys hie 'the latest sooved see ff- aalmSogu,3buiep tes ND uaterlal,»peier ete.. snd hieB mau must .-i<>~f~ecbt idcnsdailpoa-ea e *GURNEE. Maey McClure jne etill very 111. Fermera are busy marketing their1 potetoea. lira. Andrew Sneeeby le able te ha out agalu. David Trimbia vieited Landie Wakdb- fild, Sunday. Mrs. Dr. Butcliart apent Saturday1 and Sanday ai home. G. P. Roseand vile returned Tues- day from their trip est. V. A. Rossbach lhae returned fromn hie vacation and re-8uied vork. J. R. Brcer arls jual reexved an- other couaigument of fine applee. A. Bixon lms gone on e visit to Ten- netieee willi a view to aettling there. lire. Wakefield, from Wisconsin, la vielting bier brother-iu.law, L. Wake- field. Irene MicClure, accompanied by Carnie McCracken, apent Suuday at "Sunny Hill." Maggie Diatz lis returned to lier home. lier place le filled by Mise Meyers, o! Wadevorlh. Fred Wfrth liedsa hore adly eui by barb vire. Hie le moving thie vaek onto the Lovejoy place. W. L. Lester lhse traded herses. Witli good f ced and UtIe.woak cii »Cub" got too fni8ky, no bail tu be turnad dQwn. Mikman Lowry, of Chicpgo, la out wlth a ductor examining the mllk, on account of so rmucli ypliolillever fin the city. We are unable to give tha reanit. Word came from Arizona of tha daath o! Aggie McGregor, vlio vent theraenome timas ago. The bereavad lamiiy have Ithe aympathy o! tha an- tire community. Dr. Butcliani, vio lis been vitlin the past year, iniande moviug te lai- keaka, hidi., 10 take s doctore prac- lice thera. Heassel the place in vie- saverai eke, but lis been un- able 10 go until nov. WARREN. 0. Odett le moviug onto tha Bsckus farin. F. Clov and.'R. S. Bond have gona north te buy catile and sheep. 0. P. Rose and vile vitli lra. Payne relurnad frein the emâtluet Tueeday. A very pleemeni sutprise Party vas given Elinar snd Aima Rose liai Satur- day evealug. The Adams seci eUvs ai ttended, stock aoid veil ,vhtch le alwaya lthe ---- -_ @s. a all t h.fr prIai lug a d evtng dofle et 1h.li-B PENDU? offtoe. (Iteme reeeivad too late for lest week.) Gea. Defonee lis gone le Russell b spend thle vinter. lira. Backusand lamily have moved back to Waukegan. Mir. Luecomb le moviug onlo lie farm nearliUburu. Chas. Lamb and Chas. Wilbur vent 10 Chicago on businese lest Seturday. lire. Smith, of York State, vialted a few daye with lire. Steadman last week. The Warren cemateny eociety meel vitli lre. Chas. Lamb next Wednea- day Nov. 6. The orchestra met et 0. B. Whltmrna' lest Saturday niglit. A muaical treel, enjoyed by ail preseul both vocal and instrumnental. Charles Lamb spaultvo daye lu Chicago racenlly. J. R. Brachar. of Gurnea, lias beau lu lie clly lalely stecking Up fer hie vintere trade. Warren people ara mucl iIntaelete in the moler-cycie centest te take place Satnndey. Neye has beau recelvail front Tacoma thel lins. John Stearues and Miss Lotîle reecliail Ihra salely aller e veny pleesaul jaurney. Mise Emma Stnang le clerking for the "Grand" In Waukegan, she speul lest Suuday wllh han brother Reberl'a famiy at Gunea. Invitations ara ont for anether party et Grange Hall, thia Frlday eveuiug. The Whlllier Péassure Club are glviug a merlea cf parties. Gabriel Odeli Jr. vas merrniain l Chicago one day lest yack te Mies Dippe.,They hava reuteil lre.Charles Baiwns'farm n sd viii hegin house keeping ai once. Wli Sîrang andl tamily reached Mlre. George Thorn'e a few days &go. Thay drove villi herses sud aurney frein Iova. Havlng sol thein faim, ticy have coin. hack te 04 Lake Co. Wel- coma Mr. Strang. Monday morniug s telagram vas necelved. from lira. Henry Shapard, of Phoenix, Ariona, enuounclug ithe deaili o! Misa Aguas McGreggor o! that drea, iuase conaumptiln. lira. Sheperd abarted nonîl ithilithe ne- mains Sundsy avanlng sud reacheil Gumnee, Tliursday mornlug. The funersi viii taka place fronthe refideuce of Henry Siepard on Sun- day. -Aggie vas s lovaiy girl and illi ha ssdly missed.in lhler home sud nelgimborimoil. she madle a braea igil for lier lits; vas alvaya lielul that ah. maighi gel val. MELANOIE Fire lnsurance Assesement. The Direohors cf 1h. MilIburnmuuaI Insurece -Company hava laid su esamant for 1895 ef six dollars sud oighiy cents (36.80) ou aach oee Ilon- seul eilr~($000) Ilureil te psy the loess, pointlng te 116,M21,60 that have coureil duriug the year. Badi eusameut viii le due sud osileil fer timuty <0)deys Utar data. Pleam e h ~a dto pay Treamuner vian callsd Jgmue. T-à.n, e«. Wantâ. Loat, For Sa#*,'* 1000 buehel of Oste maket price by J. W. imer M :- Appley. Corn Bindlng Twlne, at and retlalw a)OUnsd Stempel, Long rve, Lae o. UI Partner Wanted viih $I to invest villi me in au md succesf ai Neveper M&_ Printing Businesat Ill- Applyliu ero t dock, Publisher 0f the L&a79 Do*$-Fox BALs or tu, r&lée ahares--Pure Bred Sootch Cole ard Doge from importe atoeL are the hast cattle doge luth For particulara, 0*11 on 0. A. et the Couuiy Farm or I.u Wabssh Ave., Chicago. MILLER & I-ANBY. DEALERS DU Fresh Cows & Springers. ~ We have on band a good varie- ty of Choice Minnesota and Wig- consin Cows, and ane mmàhi speCial inducaments to falli by. ers, iu the way of low prioeg. W& take canners and buils at~ the high-> est market prices, in xehange for fresh cows. Are the meats we MeM Those are- the malà, points. Thon omme price and promp1auip PRICES AS LOW AS TRE L2MRT Prompt_$erVic: You are Invited to Trade at 0h. NEW MEAT MARKET lu Beavey snd Austin%, cld sand ~OU. ilwaukee Ave. AUSTIN & MALLORY Libertyville, Illinois. Pleas.t,%e Cai, and PAYthat MONEY You Owe Me, You Said you would. 1 need'it very miuch and w'iII Thank you very Kindly, if you wiiI do as You Prom- isedo Vours, J. S. MURRIE. Horse De.ntistry.ý If your Horseqam* Poor, or don't Eat w11l it is caused by diseaqýý ed, sharp, or unevë'-- teeth. Slobberh4 ýl Throwing the * h-' Fretting, Indl«e*1,l4 are also caused byi' teeth, The Supedf-, tendent of the Countv PoorFa understands the b, ness. It wiII pay , ta have your ,hç teeth exarMeg4, horses exar$froed,, of charge. Charges R