CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Nov 1895, p. 6

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ls.e.nova stat -»CurM uaIe r- te bis grTous tbqî Ure Tung p insu l, and sthes Ilste 0 saflr lt ur uet iee ~ lulallteutof bte*. fr Int l be- khlul Ili me b. d e daot dis gaIî EusE.tli ho br-A ud nti allmpl tbe occpy i t harotr miap-a bas evauual» etigil. ierelu nOIbagstrU~ siutlits t r theldisRal nma vr wnt iaset Vtaduve ulo &bout f *l ot gmt aay frint 1 o er pr> obldisa Itqoles ntw i hwsrlhn. Ta"teab-gPt ev&«ted n It TI baylabot lie .tNe- »'btte t M l flatlita utat niddi ot bMa>'. aivsok f t os o *t ae yfron rtea ot rals poit* -- gipswa frbeil Ch in immeb wmt' et 5 Wpeuupn.T halr prn.Te c oi -) >ter u trndc oftjasutlteud The rebestup oit acrt Plt et nows m Chnal no - -w O S bave aceesa 10 dis Autkitsin laPekin et edie--gosn metan sd lte m IsSoa-abl lend~ =ee lr Informa-- e oa tisa le tie forelgu difirslaS ts imxesg ver>' daY. 1H10bas pracllcsll cmped l inte Tsung Li Yaeu. Ti ,Brilt minister t Petin doem no suie, the saie facilillies for galulng Iutormas l4pn, snd wheu bc dos fget It &sdtfoes grapbs itl » tdis relgit.o a inLoudoxt il fa gseVally»MPiusd, b-cuss Jus - - a , LoW a .M eventa la China a-,nU : e le Britlith lnterests, sudtli gevemmnt uldoeuset coualder il visa0o cheerful 10 coimniicats lten t lthe pub tic. Tbal the Rusiaus are Igetng on vemi 4 wIdithte Chase .ma&be litterret ib dis tact t.I t e sapea-ca-bas conteste lb.erder of die double drqaonupon M llil.asdat minlaler of toreml aestaISt. Petershaa-g susd uponVenu «aplis sud M. LIsmwsI, tse citlf am viechiteof te bureau et Aileatie ski >ate foreigu ofic. This lesa veun ,:9,itintilon anti caris gret a ý-%icaucee. Sncb houoe.have basa cou ferreti upon veynfov forelguers. Pessibi. ive.or six, luludlug "Chines." oadom -Who &Wstin upulliug tiova dis Ta 'Pla rebetion; Anson Burtilugme, th Arnerlican wbo frmtI ltroducod China t, thewvend; Si IRobert EHart. vho bas f5 tirenty-fire year. been colsecting the lu -port dtles for the Chines. Geverumeix - - ant eue or tva othars Neyer betoeo, I IN hIeve, bas thoor been cenferreti upc: activsocisis of nuodier goveruint. e: -' ceptlng kingeansd regents. WockhkAheati for Cougreme. Wtbont. an>' dout thlit currsncy que tica Hii h irust tîponaCongres. agai * turing te comiug wiitler. Mfr. Ctsv4 1. -TIIOMAB 1fB. 1BEKD. la" amt out long cg& te break theul'end- Ieas ciain," and wit.ther the S»ù7, j e wIth hlm or flot. Mr.. Oleland busa faiblso of soins nbea# with lis bMage te bis bert oIn .. 'bewillb. sente forelgn questisns, tesý ad ou thete the Preuid.ut wil bave tb.bliu on. Tihe Proeuot les muite be *Pt te lad sa leader -Uts wR i -lste tite b.Ight o a gavaI occasion Md at ond *b 4 p ateword o o iatY la On lm fcee 4Losaihe foreIgu fée. lu vleweort lits Y a« IsUefteat Interesut nter. lu tii. mon ÏWh. aMethe acknowl.dged leader. efthlie lteubliîcn part>'. CIoveI&n nmd Cub:.1 il i imposible té obtain ai Waghlng. t.a sthe, eonfitinationor dental etfte- .*t OtIPrefident Cievelad,,whil. ii Mlana. sucteecêa postponefsal et the 48w ut spart b>' die managers oflt.e ex. poudtion for expression of sympaty it>'vd Cuba. Il le knelwa. hOWey0r, tbat for tss tinte Settr de Lome, the SpaUli Ulgotr. bas bsn protesting le dIss Se,- -utsraoet Mate ugcast the nuse isu lémà"opw6klh bas leseire t lis-l 0àc!c f teUnted Stte. GeOru- ààklatw càs with, the Atanta x Sor eLs i basso e tproebs Stat mth prlr*te metngsofet l- aqpms lu# fre cows wWV *pflcoete .holding Of sYmPâIlb metlat Iis eoatry. 1 Tiis laentt 5eafle e, jacks yîpathï iitit Cuba air au utlta ou is on-n account, but be- cause lie dose not think any good purposec ila li e served b>' carrying on au agitation1 whieit a> bave a n undue effect upon Cougress. Reedim Horoscope. Thomas B. Reed la 00W edmittedl> te ierding ]Eastern candidate for tite Re- publicau nomination for President. Here at he is&pllal no oue la disposedt 10deny ltat the bg mnutrointMaine lsa ntIbe nIbet moment te greateat fgure in te anteat. There la nt teé saine lime seri- eUS douitl wietiter lie nill be lu tbe front et lte columu next apriug. Titlwill ta àa esente depend upon imseif. No MInsluthse Unitedi States bas a more dit- ieul rote te ps>'titan tat iviicitwill fta u M1r. Reed'a lot durlug die comlug six montits. No man will ite more close- Iy wstchsd or ueverely scrutlulzsd ltan ho. He. as Speaker, inia>'be diamotrical- Ir' opposd lto minu>matters whicit Mr. Cleveland ma>' favor. Aud Il la not et ail unlitel> tbaî lite Presideut may vin le mnoOfhi. projectu te support ot ln- àlaentiaI memiters of the opposition. wheu Mfr. Reed wold Sund himseif beveen the upper sud the netiten milîstone, wâthet reducticu pressure areia orkiog auto- matlcally. Orever'a Loyal Brother. Thte President's cleical brother ie lu a peck ot trouble. Forty-Îhlree ofthtet elgitty-eigitt inembera of te Presit>- herlan Churci t a Chaumont, N. Y., of vitich ie holathé pastor. bave pelitioned te Preabyter>' tu dissolve tbc pastoral EL . *eýi,114.. 104ti4v m ow4 rsumariUblo e fesn A t tse hernd et modeërîtcrmin1 1-qVa put ontrial lu PitiadelpiI/lnd£Y*1 for te anurdea- ot Beujaiiii Itze~l5C. Hohifies apraug a enaaîl4 ' I t epn- ing o!fte trial bl reqtteeitg is conuai to witbdran' aflen tcpy Lat made a n l- H. f.fl ONEI effectuai attempt to secure at postpone- ament. The prisoner its conductiughIe own cage. So many sinises bave been worn by ths f man on trial dîîriuîg the course, of hie aspectacular carcer that bis baptienul oR nme. Hermnu dgett, han aliuost beeu M.FEIX FAURE~ Preaident of France, Wilose mlnlîtry Hian Ieen Slîattered by un Adverse 1 Vote in the Chasuber et Deputies. relations, on te grotîndt hat lie lias de- treyed is usefîtÏness amîti madîtît nlselt uupopuiar nith t'e eole cf tht- itaiab b>' offensive itartisautsli)il, [If .otlitg. Citaumntutli a litie Village tif .111y a fi-t itundred initabituintta it in St. Lîtu rtlie Countl>, uean tbe shores t-f l(.e onit tarie. Th-rt- is suit! to hic uiutv tuie Dno crat lu Punsout ('It-,-t-antl%..itg'rltti Tite Iepulican încmh,-rs au n iii lilnlitI of expreasing themnselvîs frc,--IY tum1ui,(,, l- ical maltera.nud teir cumnienttu' ut-icii lug te persoinel anditîultî icof the ltauî- thouaI admlinistrationmîhave not aitrays1 been favorabte. hilim &bs l%%nvs been loyal toe([nover, andt retenta n lb vigor au>' unfrieiidly criticisai made t»' te Reptxblic-ns o!f5'bnunout. Hi, dis- position tetodo se haresuttet!i n lieîîuiîîg more tan it tif tht- couxîregtion, îvhu called n cittîrc meeting sente tinte ugo aud passeil rcsolutioîîs askiîtg Ihum lurt-- igu bis pastorabe. Thlîile decîimîed le do, and! non- bbc malcoitete Wh vîo are de- terSfined te gel nid of ini havtîro liî~ th te malter ito thé Presbytery. 'iiTheJuî-i- tien vas eftrred lu a spet-ituliitutl-. wiicb is tunmake aitu ivetiguiW t uîuul dre- port. GET OUT UNDER FIRE. Grave Chtarte@ of Freud Cause a Cabi- net crIais in France. France fi;s galu tritout au1îitt Preaident Fanne bat accetpt(]teresii nations o! the iiniqlry betîd tb, M.1 Ribot, tvich nerc cffpret! beunuse f n goversmenb detfeat in ti lin- luiier ut Deputies dîîing the-dt-bate cuthtt-:: ,îu of France raiin-sy scandai. Thuitrii wus precipitated by '11. ltciigtî. Whîo vas active iteiposing the- Paîtutna Canal scandai. lie iioviîtg thatth ie ne- pot of Expertlon>'. thet-fltriat iîcu-toit- sut ounte finances tif thei railîrs>'. hi made public. Titis mtou n-as remimtt-d b>' Premier Ribot, but n-as carrieil b>' a vote of 275 lue1156.Antit!radical titeera dis ineiners othlit tabiuetten lef t the chamber, wvici t tereupon adjounîe4! tor a veet. Tic defeat outhlie gorsurunment in Do snrprlslug lu vlew of te sweeplng charges made againat senators. deputies ait even milatera involved Snm.itIn tite Panama s,-dkste and mors reeently in the 'sotit of France reiltm-iy scandais. 1%è charges eulaluabed recectle-bu -ke iduience tae iprlsantent for a yenr, ot M. .EWmoushMagnier. formenlyi>' actor of te 'ar aud esilor-in-chief oftifhe Eveaisme»t. sho as aid tb bave ret-eivet! 87,600 frauçu a-part of te-profits of te ydcte referred to. Tt wiih be recaled tat the- tal otfte Dupu>' cabiuebtvitici resulted l inteé roi- Ignition of Presideut Casintir-Pericr, grsw out ot s debale ounte goveroimeut raiivays. The govermnut eb-d tatlits muiaraub>' o! loereat lte erailn-ays et.- pred En 1914, but te council oe t sale. t vbictbtse dispute vas appeuiesi, decided taI lite guarsu>n -aswuPerPetnaL. Thte Citamiter ef Deputles censired te min- lelU-> for haî-iug snbntitbed te question tc thte councih of sîsie and te cabinet reslgnsd. te preident folîowing suit te ext day. A. K. Ward, t ecteonding mtanager iad trersurer of the Memiphis Birrel sud Herndint Compay,itas been ladieti for forger>'. He Ia nov diought te be lu Bou- tu&&a Plat igbh ur. Not sopii'bit manifoldiex- 01it in irI a dozen of tse big cities 09 Ibis î-ctuntry. nhicb bave been marle nt n-btrt-ver meut sau read. Wild and ireirti. as ig te isnfessed stor>' of hià lite, in n-icite eaccuwe ibmiselt et of- fense-s nicb mouid long aince bave given ut lems îiilfil criîniumal bis Quiehus, Ililietqlues bt-en careful b siift lt min inn s-sonsibiity for the îarioumur- tiers wth hivbitb tadmira baving besn *iuir Iotîî a other shonîdera. Thtun dur- ig thet îiirty-t-lgbt years ut a lire de- I tî-d erit tentirel>' 10 law-breakiug tbis ig hi, iist experiiu-e as a telon on *trial ftor iis, lfi-. The atithoritiesabaio rt-cogîiizeal thuit tuits lanu commun crin. itual. luitonue tho nigbht alieit a ledh nical nuit nîust expert artitit in crime. il it, threfone. thi-r letcrntnation, lu ttg cvent tif sm-iuîing is conit-ion fori' capital offense-, tb "raiînoat!" hbutothi gulin ______ _____ à 9 St. L.ouis la a candidate for te bon4 of belng sn-arded tse national couvei tiens. Tite Rey. Myrona W. Ibeed, of Deuve insisbe that iegal votera sitoulît! ha down at te polis. Senabor Hill aI Ehyria,* Ohio, aPOI f rom front te saine patora vitit Ct greasmînu Tomi L. Johnuson. Oov. Wa. A. bicCorkie, o!. West Vi ginia. bis annouuced imseif a candida for SenaRton Fanitner's sent. The Lincoln Count>' Citizen of Hi lugton, W. Va., nominates W. H..Ijary, 'or bs bed ofthtet Popuimt Presideuli Senstora (lormau and G(ibgon dechu aNltyiand bas beenr ma"ie ese for t Demnorratie ticket in spils Of tesplIt tite Party'. Anytbiug te hoat Chticago! Titst's t ouI>' motive titat New- York bas for eutg ing intite coapetition for ltse nabior Repubican convention; At Columbia, S. C..te Coustibullot conveution decidsd ut-W counuies @bot basve taxable propenty wnort 3$2,000,0 sud nel exceesi 400 square miles lu are ExCcngreshs1 Brecldnrldge spotie Frankfort, K>'., sud wsa.recelved w! entuinam. - e disi nt reter le bis pr able cansildse> for re-etecthou to C green. One o! die admirers et COL. Bnadi, Republilau candidate for Gevemre Kentnciyt> ireatenedtoleput a bu] t h e. apicure of GWua Ha ,i e 2lat sI<ne cfBtl sys etig. rBoston h"a bsènmatde ïbmdquaei eto th.eeai r eof**teNational Adviw Coucl of A. P. A. - INTERSTINQ AND IN8TRUOTIVE LESSOI4. Itonectioe sof au lievmtlug Chiracter -NVhoienmne Food for Titosght- itudylut ,the- Scriptuiral >Lemmon lu- tellgentiy and Profitably. -Lemmon for Nov. 3. Cioid,-n Tc-st.-"Hitberto lbte, Lord [hPeLpe îsY I.Sai., 7: 12. Thte lesson tbis week la foiraillunI. Samuel,. Î: 5-15- A prophet utln rsrei at hat! We necil xie to-day. "anxiiy aitars stlied, ilesertetichelles tbrougb the country places )iusf-onîlbty clirelbes lu inout of our popîtiar neig>îborboodm. somae tintes, alita.itte ;plhait t mpty oc whol. [y empty as regarda tht nction and powela of thte Hoiy One-.Thte peoile lok up aud ëzee no glotw diviiîe, titey lilten lu bear no vuice ape.tking with nuthorlty. Too ofteq il in no. Wltre la tlod's prolîbet? tipea: %Ira. Browning sang to i odis 9101Y, Y ni urnfui!y: "God-. of Ht lias. goda of Relias' eauo clisteit iu your silence? eait unr uxyttie voies tell us Whierc ye hiudeInfSonaiis iands WVith a wiîd ltat evermore ]Keepa yoiu ont of Biglit of shtore? l'ail. Pan la dend. Yes. P-iu a dl.ud, but it Ood. M'herm la uds î ro;liter '!Let bun sjteak. And S mituet snld, "Gatier ali l lael tq blizpeh." The propbet ase rganizer. Samutel fuid larnel deaî.iaed and disor. ganized anot c-înseclteut!y diaeonraged; iil a fine jndgoîent of civil affaira he îvcided liogttter the acattered parts and itroîtglt laraei bu know herseit agath as a în-opie. si-parate, 'distinct anti strong. rThe itropbet fo- xa whxle turued states- malt. Vltî indeed understands better the :tigh îirlî.îof .îatecraft? 111 n iii îrny ftor yoîî before thte Lord." A cîcmar rî'i-igiiitiilîI of Isrüel's King. lia distilvîlioli autong the nationts aaa a th- cw-at.y. tqoîi n-s lier goveror aînd guide. Th'lis tns lthe otît imtent of Siluiei in all !lie efforts fr israel. ta train fn'ld teait ffite people of spiritual lendershipr Tt is %stîtal the prophet stands Ire-t-ml- nentiy for in ait tilltc, t.î k-.îî Itefore lte peuple tltholtuutiit of Godf. There lint! becn a înarkedlrîarim fî,r titis tvent. 'lic pllie lid )t i'a ouly7 I -',nsët,,atiolt. Are ivwt- litk;i:, for a ret h-ai of religion'., I wiil conte t'3 flhe saintcoatrso as the- old time aivukpei- [fic at Nizi'teti. Tîtrîtina frooui unr idolm uînd our e-isiiy bl-setting ais. cîîlifig hLart 113' ulonIthit.î-ýld, . w-eil findl iintgril clouîs vlii t. s Be.iîld. thte LunEtls hint is not ;Ijortenit l, that il caîtîtot gravc iteither Ili er t: abatt t lcainnot Iteur but rît iniut-s, yonr i itiqtlities!" AntdtISamutel j uligtd thé eclîildreit cG Taraei-aîtMizlue.' Il [s liv-re -kt Mizpl tbit lthe lîtr of CGifds ia iscrown. A 3M~izpeit. Ilit i)lace tif contfessionu and!con t rition. . rtîitnet is j udge. Dîtees YOIîr îîar. fotr or satri î::îil uiler st-etlla ititig il dignityld Ou t~ cf(ive ii a clîuief ('teHoly Spirit. eavr-niY dort-. wiith ail tby aliuî-koiîing jowers. Couic shed! abroad a Saviura litre And tht t shnh kindie olirs." But teltbe people Of (odt once gatite Iibntiiwitli thet- ordainet! lemaders t, tb plIace of peuitelice %ad !patsyer. uani t ivorld is migWtilj- diatiirbed. Tht-et- coui assientie :tfessa: anîdfestiv.It.i -hapso, w«,hoîît serions offense niS-re but tbe altar of conseration was il giav fmenace toithe intereast fthe kiîtgdont ad of titis woriîi. it -as wht-n lsra-l "'a ,I gatbened togetiser ut Mizpbei tbat -tb sPhilistines wen' Itl)against laruel.' t Iti !- lwayas'.'. "If ([oit ie for us," gays Pau en 'who ag.liîist t' N'ot 1whitcao be n, ag!jtiias. .htst becanse ne are for G[o ho and G od as for us the world wiil be agailti r- us. But wniu ihe tabat lia ginat us en At God's side. what c'are wc for tht r- worid? "bI Jdah is God known; i e- iante il; great i'în âel. 11i Salemt ait ng ilabis;tab-erntacle, and! bi.; dieiiinug Pla on in Zicît. Tht-ne, break lie lthe arrîwsa 'e -lie bo%%', the- shit-It.anal t lie sîord, and ri m-butti.-." Neyer feair! 11 iea ,-rtiq s Trai t-!Oxlubut (;od, t Tt tamatitg and 1trayer. And tht-ne caine Pit :11 lotinos agnaast Imrael. No. th-y n-ere (-01 a ing agalîitt od. And what took Plîtc te God simiply "tltî-îîdlered" o,11 of tbe înid of Isirael. wvîert, lie deigned lao dwell. nuti lîke tht- ['-ares t efore thet- enipest lthe i soienit 1',,ilis.t ilîl". ieit t vlirliîig. iri di conifit tir,- afnd onfulsion. iack til thle cotals. Ebeuezeîr. G[ut is our rôl-k. ICi- close10 to bla. r~ liustrations. The nmîissioni if the prop)het--% bat it it? Have ei ect! of Isch a voice îo-d: 'The pno[fhet stantds in the inidst wlt!li, pointing tnpwant!. ('a bina olher n-ort(ty if Yu like. He- is t] besl friendi titis oIt! '.vund lais. Tîte ou wvay tp kîcp tlaitîgs uander otî netber lai Çif moral gravitationt, front railnno dow is#to keep) pickitig tht-lu ni). No Unes ri straigbtiy i:oninnutal utiles$ ltent- sbrong, stattinch verti,-iea lifted here ai nor tbere. 'Tht- ag and siautoutour lelegrai a*n ines tli s liilunch. We canoot g along witbout the tuppoint and upllft vr, Uïod's ltr-fit. toIt Allaitfi>:- the- conmunity whiose propits look uterel>' 1eve! with te world's this oke ing, sud pull paralîsi tnit thbie vara , drittiog. The thought lthat helpe, lthe j lueersibal elevates 1 in tfYs ait Vir- augie; it nia> be a rigbt angle, mors liki le a tangenit, bit it is ait ieast departit front prese tendeiscy sud trend; speaq)ks of bettear titinga. A suatpensi u-brtidg, itsat îbrows no hunes upwsrd, 1 titil gniding and ous aniur, yul shlpY mu s vast dip net o! itsif. The ulope o! c rolî~ l fo a ..eti.ngdue 1ita _- A, tdis>":. hivin' lithed iems; Anr tin el 'unins fe wrtli t.cleu;r' Wers its'epuhif-t'1h.ehdintr pWhressi'ePulu h*Odbu -Atianta Constitution. The wprd scoWd'.st@roerIy applied te a.quarrelsome peroanofet tier sex, but as s-amen are notorionsl>' murs givea to acoiling tan men, Il linasoeOm tu e b initesi te the. fairer andi more lingnisticahi>' gltted bait of lte buiaîau race. 140w A PITTSFISLD, IL.L., GSN.* TLEMAN OVIRCAME IT. this Coniion Otten Induccs PmTly, alm sud Shoid Bave lte DemI cf Tre»tmepI. -1. 1 1 Frekinte.Demeroi. pittsflid. I!L Mr. Valentinte Smitht, a frmer living lu tItis coat>', whose potoiee addreaslati i'ittalicid, Ili., tor lte good of bumauily in geiteral, and especitîl> for the bee" of auiy who mîai be atliited as he ira,, viwste mate lte fuliowing àatlcutl Wtth nrtfeaeiie1 lte egreal bnt-it ettba ts recIeiet!froint nsiig Dr. Williuawm' lPiot Pllaisfor' l'aie l'copie: Hia statentent la as foltuws: "About à year aïo 1ivnas liinig liiitbe Mississippi bottemn ear te river, sud I baidbecoute ver>' mucit broke luintesitt, sufferiug gral'front a dislentlou or bardeulng et lit loWler art ef the abdomn or boweis, besides iteing tioubied wit otmi kidue>'. and odier complcations. wblcit rendered M>' case, as 1 bad suppoaed, aiment bell,- lemm. I bnd been lu titis condition, ai- thougb of course not as badl au 1 va. a >eur âge, for somethlag over six eresa sud bil about given up ail hope or ever iteiug a veil man agalu, viten. ty te matir testimoniale and advertisements 1 baid nead vIit refeisuce te the vonderil cures perfectedy b>' Dr. Wiliiaumd Puk Pil for Pale copie, 1I va. iuduced ta' .ivetiemn s triel. Alter tklog two boxte. f1began 1 testee greatly reiieved, aud b>' lte tinte Iitad used up five or six boxes 1 was vont tietel>' cured aud bave been, coin- parativeiy speakio, a weil man ever sioce. Duning ah its tintetuaI I ufferesl wlit titis dreadfni diaeaue, wviit-i1I a unabie te natne, I passd otan>'leepflPas ulgitt ansd wnanlugreul distress almost cuniuually and Wasablsite1 do but littie Wonk. Now 1 slcep aud est weiI,' sud aitboîg I amx sixty-oue yetrâ of age, Ï amt ahbIeOtedo a good day'a vron th ie fart. aitarputîinlaitlund leuded eigbt screz of corn thias eason, hesidea dolug s large amount of olhcr work ounltee tara. lu shiort, 1 tiioyoun mediclue a grest bists- ing 10 homanil>' and eau cheerfuti>' recoin- meud It te ail .ufferng a Ivas. 1 bad bten btitis condition six or seveu years,. and itat given everythtng I couid bhear of, doctons lnclnded, a fair triai, but couid get ne relief. VALENTINE SIIITH." Snbscribed and sworn te1 before me ibis 4th day of Jue, A. D. 1896. MLNNIE COLEY, Notar>' Public, Dr. Wlliem' Piuk Pilla for Pale Peo- pie are considered aunufnliing peciilc for 1 'îcb diseases as locomoton ataxia, partial epars ty.sisSt n 51, xlsnon- nn alia, rheumtiom, nerrous beadaicbe, -te afler cfecta o! la grippe, Psablo of tite ieart. pale and aaliow contpiexlous, that ined feeling resutlng front uervoua prosraton; ail diseases neslting front vlitdhl mors in the ?loot!, snch as - crofuîla. r _ c> i- are si"n n apecilic for troublies peculiateb i tentaIt-s. suchtuassuppressions. irregutai- tie., sud ail forme of veakuesa. lu men lte>' effect a radical cure lu ail cases sriaîns front mental vont> ',0orerwunlt, or excesles of wbateven nature. Dr. Wili. lilaâs'Plnt Pila are soid b> ai dealers, or stwho l ent pont psld ou receipt of t rires (50 cents a box or six boxes for Î 250-the>' are neyer sold lu huit or b>' tite 100>, b>' addiressing Dr. Wil liamts' a Medicins Co., Schenectady, N. Y. THE EVILS 0F OVER-EATING. Unies. Nentrlzcd b>' Exercie, 1gb Feeding la Extremel>' ilsisuuL 1I1assert that if la thte dul>' of te good bouaevite te teep dovu lte appetile o- f ber bitsaud. vrltes te Rev. Y. 8. Root lu bbe Ladies' Home Jounal. Par- t Icularly la ttias cessar>' u Inte e*s of cf elilto-do profeslonal aud business mein. linte familles of meebanlcas Searmlng 10w vuigeasncb ha varalng la almo@t vbolly unnecessar>', but lb mn>' le inob nid of mont men lu gond cîrcuni- satices Ibat te>'est f1c0 treety of ricit food. If mon would begin carefui and Pd systematîcal physîcal culture In sarI>' 'I routb andi continue the practIce trougit ? ifs. good hesîit vwould ho lite reault. le Beyond the- age of 40-at n perlud when la soun mas>' are physcal>' ay-the su- ce- perlor value of ezercis la apparent; if but ardiuariiy, thi. in Jusl the ltms ut- wben te hygiene of athlettca la uet- iected. There la no tesson why a i puncblng hag, rowing machine, puits>' w elgitta and other apparabus sitould ~'be relegatsd ta college boysa nd dlents. But h"sving doue a goad deal ot wurk 't lu Inbis tinte If Io nîmuat Impossible te Spersuade a business or professional s- man, brnlng funt>', (o give an>' suri ir ut attention ta phys[cai culture If snch P training bas been previottal>'neglecled. Hence, Is&>' Iflsl lte dut>' of a vomal lu teep front ber husband ail ricit corn id pounda litIwiII ultlmatly unlubis ?digestion. Hlgb teedlng la occasion- .11 aily nutralied b>' bard exercise; bul he Iu the absence o! the latter It la mis. 1>' chievons in tite extreme. If yeur bus- vs baud wilitstand te treatmnt, begît n, b>' svitcbing off tram lte ieavy break- un tutI or steak, bholtalla, potues, etc., bic aud set hofore i eggs on toast, est- id mes! andi coffee. ph __________ jet ut The PionsBoys.. rf. boys thal write for the pper- ets Tiey'r-s dis beal 0f 'Si ahI, 1 gunts; kit For mont of 'ent conse frein lte country', 'a Witevste>rs pull' the oid itanu i- pressI bave given à epls te qui tse pain. I bave a vTa- higit tever naa-. w;,n ter s.ys 1Ima&sI hep latand. "Il51 twooIy-oas yemzs c andt te Tb@ above leller wus aucelvel Pl~as aLynu, Ma-.M>' 8, - vilit rwdel.sLa prmpt»tly Thes feoing lattea-ruaia PhukitantaboutiAvs mauhi t rS. Wté t.e rewui. tact 1tenMI complalis, th"I pIa5 <esréln dI Tet'ii oue&0 yhenlest «4Md>'CI olhwlye. goosi alynaed4ge -ms...aaÂES ~a lttglsal oa PlsbetsudedniI&- tmglb.Wule, lrinwi , -. tc-f vaS XI.uu AYER'S CHE~RRY PEOTib 61 iveas aru mO my -116 Crmohe- ia wus $tek wlth brnchtls grsS=piere ao We Ui.d differeul plîysicians erIs to ,1A" lu but ber m i roin- ecuied sJo.tiSe rai&Bc 4.iI,,ùud, uathe"ý éiL eiiuuliesum 1 short tilabseat niriya11 bo 01. oured."!- *ULIXi<EÀYCmILn, to e~5t= lvermoresKi. 5g00Rama Bringsem4at r"ad Ip.ei~, tends'te- POUfll - s5Ui&f rlghtly eLTb m lms expmadluze, b7 sadptlng b. world'a basl of fthepo" laxative principles ealwuu remey.8siro F4 lu tbq- I" ic#oa aut to tb. toallte te benelicial prfpertie t ps01 ~ Ative; eflectully cl.amalag 60 diap elling colda, headahe MiS 10 ans pernmnentiy curlng oedihin It bua given satisfaction to mihosi met iàtheh.approral of.1*.' proféWSi .becauso il acteaCOt10 nen U Lver and Bowels wUboqM every objection"bl ubstance gistalu Ibottles, but 11h eg nfsetuanred by lb. Galifoml" igS Co. only, whose usa. la printed o.M- package., " l thame, SYruPof, N and beini well lnforaed<_II i Mt accept any substituts fofrd Recîpe for a Quarrel with a W .lb Wa. ountil smie lu at ber toilet prelardk. tory to go'og out. Sh. wlll be MMr tO. ask you If lier bonnet la utialght UW mark titat the lives of nlne-tOfth d«t tbe women are pased lat tbIDkWfg wbetber tbeir bonnets are etralgbt A"D wind up te remark witb, You itover knew but one who bad any comme*f sense about ber. Wtt. ilil a"k 709 1 wbo that vma. You. witb a s1gb, te- ply, "Aht! youl neyer mind." WIte Wlll aak you wity you dld Dlot ,narry be tben. You aay, abatractedlY, -'Ab! liY Indeed?". The climax la rescbed by thia time, and a regular row la mure te tollow.i Ail for nie Whlukw4a. A liinnesota men bas sued a barber for $500O damiages for rulnng bWa beer.d. when a foot opens bis meit ever on. witb good eyesu m anclear titrougit blis ead. A CRY FRIIEP teSKJT Cf eA UMEN muT. te. pu." dlàbmb» Lvms amd Lt^awxJ& l.M 1 amn suRurling, sud need yeuaw-iL have terrible pains ina bth aies ïTzmi vomb, .xedistg doncu "b. fent d-w lÏmb. sud lower part et MI bck- ut- end.d by béeekscbs ue plel b ba ck of t h e n e ek m s .

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