CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Nov 1895, p. 2

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TIRED 0F'DELÂY *,OTlON THAT WILL BRING ON A TURIISH CRISIS. î~ 8éso'.Carnival of Crime-Arusci 1$uounGumrd ut Denver-Whoe I ês iyWpeil Ot-senate Will Be U.gabliau-oreai Northerfl Win». t Car te Stop lu. J 'TheI Turklsh question Las asanniet an itÏrety nen- phase. New-s contes front1 WSjaau that lRassis depa not luteudtat - avait thé tardy action ot thé pon-ers, but 114th. disordére continue in Armenia nill t * a tan- aye rareh her troope ie othat coeMatrwn-thoui thé consent of thé pan-- -, ail lake possession. This report, wWl* le sent by thé correspondent of thé Zoo" m Daly New-s, cones from trust- ý1*tbY sourceandi le taly cretilteu. t 4%'iffl kaown la efilcisi circies that n-heu ' stAx-mestlsa outrages occerréti1 ,4 «d-~émton n-es conemplated by Rassl, thé *0Jint action ot thé pon-er madie Mamtala ta hé llei up. GAIN FIVE SENATORS. 8wýàblcans Wtl ontrot thé Upper Brmnca After March 4, 1807. "sa resuit et thé latent lection rtamre 1ýRnul » egain lOve Unitedi Stacs I~Iii~Itwo fvorn Utah and one ea,lî tram XIentueky, Ohio and IMarytnnd, anti t* euocrts loeéthree Senators, oe *itai Maryland, Kentucky anti Ohio. Non of the»e changes hecomes effective. *Sav«er, until March 4, 1897, except lu Un se asfetthé twe Utah Senators, n-ho wU také their senti as soon as ches"-n. Ilreafter thé numerical strengtL lu thé &Nsoe"n-il hé as follows: Itepablcans, UDemocrats, 39; Populise, 0; vacant (Delaware), 1; total, 90. If the Delaware veaacy le filéti Ly a Republienu It nill Myve a Repuhilcan majority lu the upper brauch et Congréas. Mx XMýpabers of One Famlr Perlsh la a Brooklyn Fire. 131z mémbers of oee arnlly porishéti by lire lu their home on the top fluor, four- atory tenémeut bouse et 311 Van Braut utreét, Brooklyn. Thé names et thé dea'1 ame: Charles Ityan. his wife Ellen, anti thhir daughters, Johanna, 20 years olîl; garait, 17; Maggie, 14, andi lizzié, 12.1 %he O re starteti tram a gai Jet lu a hall ou thé ground floor. Almot before tLe1 F*U1ii ati narning etf thé liré, and long belote any eue couiti reaeh théni, thé Ore i.rpmlséd théni as théy siept. Théy n-re fonianltheir héde Ly thç iremen soon after théelOre n-su extiagnîsheti. Thé lire snerely borued thé buiing out on the luge andtidtidamage to thé citent of AI>DREBBED BT MIR. BATARD lUmitued States Ambas..ilor Talk on .*Modildusl Liberty" ut Ediuuhg. The amunai meeting ofthlIe Edtnbumgh PIlUosophkcal Soctety. an évent n-hidi ettra-st thé leaders of modern thought ürouaisUparte ot Europe, nai addressed b»' Uiteti States Ambassador Thomas 1. Dkmsr.Ble Chose for bis subject, "In- dividuei Lâiberty thé Germu of National Pseqmesty and Permanence," taking thé ggemuW l-that modern progress jhas bee dzmoeta thé efforts et individuels tbm tisas. of aggregations of me. MMrnaIS ][ARJI> T0 BE BROK EN. Chrmt Nétisera Importe New Train- mmolndmu Secia1 Polue. tlnbeckbonée ofthé Gret Northému atsihe wna broken Thareday moning by Osearrvsl nt Devil's L.akéetf a train vssevemty ipecil ipolicemen, ighteea mw eoniluctors, tn-énty-fivé brakéann d~ 6s r.fieen. Thé deputies are pa- *Xdbug thé yardls anti thé trains that n-rs Jumg up bave alit een startéti eut wlth cueinmatie ap etoldimen nilllng lu n-rk uimitthé nen- men. Itecruits n-re al unUsed at Chicago. Denies thé Preteit. f la denying a proict matie hy a citizen g~Caitomnia againet thé patentIng et -àd Iq Sotheru Californie le thé South- - u PIc Rarinati because thé sanse mi.~aanerai, the Sé-rctamy-f the Inter- bsthat the country lan-whie-h the jW4flocated lu n-cl exploreti anti il la Woandthat If minerat exista it n-oalt a ôeen tounti previeus te thé preserAt Kurde Are to ianse, éé mpha tthnt Ttirbiah reports acensing thé - idnoues amr idiculous anti are matie lui que go envenom te thé nimout Mohant- $à@"h anlmesity ton-ad thé Armenians. 0010 embassy bas nen-. that the Çurde vire thé aggessoss et DlArbeckl anti uhissly 1saughtcned the Ammenans, vu" enandtilidremi, andi hurnétiant ipli- IQ&Iqd the shOpa. -- Guatemal.ailndcube. ~j emmittee frein thé Cuban iIneurgents -lIcttrvlaeti the Secretary for Foreign 44bt, n-ho preaise t u hénst i Oaté- VmIsW ll recognime the Çnbaus as hél- qalct4 untas soon ansthe Unitedi leé Palace nt Leailvilie. en~vuty thousend dtolars Las beén anti t lan« compietetifor thé.h1. tu~éo te hbhut lu Leadnille, Colo. Thé »wMa building wIvII oeeupy greanti 300 téet iil~ra. Thé toboggan i Ide n-HI Le 1w', Raéémi»Lser Thénia'Beuofector. tmpblic teception was given at Wash- - é'hhonor of ezxov. Alexander I. -isé 4d ore than unr thér te Um*aS Waahlngton the mont béaut- City la Amaéec. -M.SBhepherd's homie le la Olti Mexioo. mm 8mi it t't l ti- rieur«e or Goverument Deficit for October. The treasury tntemnent ef receipts and dlnhbursements for Octobér and the tiret four menthe et the current fiscal Year af- tordesorne comparisons which %n-llin ter- est business men. The October deicit was wittled deovn duriug the last ten deys frens $10 500000 to $6161,000, whidi reduces the total shortage for the four monîhs te $10.045.000, or $4,00,. 00M nhieh la thé almost exact average monthly deficit during thé thirty'hwO menthe of thé Cleveland regime. Thé October receipts foohed up $28,000,000 and the disbursenenis $M,000,0J00. Thé geverumental lucome andl otgo for the tiret four months of 1893-189, Om- paréd 'iith the correspouding period of lait >-nr, la $et forth wit Bsorne dtail lu' thé follownIn; ahuljtion: iIECEIPTS. Thls Lant f1seal yenr. fiscal yar. Ontome.$ 18143.054.00 Ç 47,759.861.40 Internai r e v 6,3-344 étiue.....50547,102.11 %48fl4 llscél........ 4,783,fl6.3 3,789,M-870 Total rct 11,7.2.0$116,087,414.54 EXPE2NUITI2RES. Clvil and mis- cellneus.1 2.300,671.41 8,0.~o Wer ........ 1.l1,074.05 2-0.433.651.86 "aev.....8.9W.383.21 1.09143.01 Indins . .71.075.91 %120651.60 Pensions .. 47.M6.374.50 47.,80,.195.03 Internai: . 14.,64.39 13441.446M7 TétaI éxpen.$129,519.548.46 $131,341,273.9 azceqoexpen- ditures ever reeelpts . $160457W2.60 9 14,363,856.65 Thé October receipts. howévér, are $9,- M0,000 greater than for the correspond- lng month ci 1894. Internai revenue receipts are now running $M000 or $M,00() a day heavier and customs. ré- ceipte a very luttle heavier than laat year. TRINKS TREATY 118 A GOOD THING Senator Kea nthé Altegeil Rue- i"à-Chineme Deal. Senator Morgan, ehairman of thé Sen- aie Cprnmittée on Foreign IRelations, ln au niterview suid: "Whether théennws- papers are tecbnicaily correct lu stating iluat a treaty han heen consumrmated hé- tWéen Russia and China for thé occu- panlcy of thé harbor at Port Arthur hy thé Ruslan fleet and thé extension ot thé Siberian Raiiroad throVgh Manchurlut. I amn eonfident that such an arrangement la anîong thé prohahiiitiu.s ot thé near fu- ture, nd n-heu it 1lanmade thé goverument et thé United States should do noihing te prevent uts consumnmaiion. It is thé légitimate resuit ofthIle situation. Our Interpsta lu this Instance, asnlun Most others, art antagonistic te those of Eung- land. That country la rnerely seeking, lu aniagonizing Russialuibiths natter, te hoid thé trade advantages stie noie en- Jaya in thé Orient' and being ber rivai lu thé comnmerc'e of that section ot thé worîd. there la every réason nby n-e should not pull bier chestnuts ont o! thé lire. Thé proposed riiroad would open ap au Immense doninin for thé inter- change of trade. antd by directing our in- fluence lu the right directit.n nit' ougbt to sécure a véry large sbire of t " 61-NKS IN TUE 318SISSIPPI RIVER Steaqsér joc Peter@ a Total Logé-Vat- ueil at 010.000. Théesteamer Jué Peters, phyuug he- In-cen Mempmhis anti Vicksbuîrg, sutnk at Island i uty-ihyee. n-hile on ber n-ny te Vicksburg with a cargo of about 120 tous et miecelianeous right. Thé cause of the accident la not knon-n. No lves n ýe hast Beth thé boit anti cargo are a toAl tees. Thé boat n-as valueti ai $10,.') and n-as insureul Cor $i in lu svihhe>. Thé cargo n-as n-orth about $3,700 ant in- suen nuI u ipper's polie-les. Wontd Burna eCleveland lInstitution. Thé Clevelandt,Otio, police are purzed over atieumpis ut iuntndiae tiestroy thé Speeti home Cor infants lu that city. Thé building n-as set on lire three limes Saturday anti tour lime Suntiay. Santé et thé attendants say thît tht-y sin- a man iooking frorn an aitic nindon-, Lut aIt attémpti to dise-ove-r thé pérson n-ho set thé fires have Cnileti. There arc lwnuy- thréé chiltiren in the home, andi the at- tendants are iu a state ot punie. Satur- day nooa Jolin Dix. une ot thé muiantes. tiecovereti a béai ick i l ines. An heur Iater smaue n-as diecoveret ini a elothing cioset Thé neighliorltood n-as arouseti anti a rearcli couîdue-tet. An heur aCter a mn wnas seen in thé building by Mai-y î;peeti. eue of tîme eblitren. IHé escapeti béCane thé girl recovereti Ci-e ber fright anti in ten moinutées Ire again broké ont. Suntiay JAne n-as discavereti in thé hase- ment, anoihér ln thé attie andti tîaIl clesete n-hmn nhoîr anita baîf f ut nh ether, déspite thé Cact that évery room n-as patrelleti Ly a servanît andti t- po- liceemen n-ère n-atchiîîg thé premîses. Fie from Trembling iloasée. A sévère anti prolongetcat-thtiunké chock n-ai féIt lu Ramé Fniday noaiug. Manybonace:sn-ayed Lntly, n-aIls n-ère crmneét and tiller articles feli froin thé n-nus and other pIaceai people rau îîauic- striekea mIe othée trééts anti a sérions disastér n-as for a limé apprebendeti. Happuly, thé firs1 shock seems te Lavé iended the séismie dîstorbance anti thé 1frightenet Ilnhabhtauîts réturnédtu tetheir thomes. Se far as knon-n ne sérions dam- age n-as doué. Soumé Idea et thé alarrn createti may hé gathereti freinthé tact that thé prison of lRegina Couil was se badly shakén that thé térrifieti pnlsouers broke ont Inte oen réveltanti trhéti tees- cape frons thé building. Thé situation heeanme se serions that thé troops trans a neiliiboring barrnek n-ère Lastily sas- moneti, and ti inas net until ihéy hati sur- rontiét anti takén possession ef thé prison Ibat erdér n-as reetoréti. Thé in- matés n-ère drivén Lack te théir cecle i thé point ot thé bayenet. Thé vatian bufflalge n-été scvéréiy haken. Hie Doome ls »Cath. Theodore' Dansant, assistanti aupVin- tendent ot Ensanuel liaptiel Chureh Siu- day fthçoi ai $anuIrancisco, Cal., n-as on Fniday ceuvk'téd et thé murder et 1Blanche Lament, for n-hleh hé bas een on tiriau stuce .luly 22 hast. Thé Jury n-as ouit twénty minutes, andi arriveti ai the verdict on thé lirot halnt.As thére n-was no reconmendalion of ipércy thé epunishmeut n-as lixed ut tiéih. Shlp Canal Commis-3ion. Thé Président bas apuioluteti James 1.. Angel, af Michigan; Jahn B. ittusseil, tif Massachusetts; anti Lymian E. Cooley, ef Illinois, le Lé commissioners ta aînke in- quiry antireport ujion the Ceîsimuiiy et a ticép-wnter canal Lètivect thé gréai lakes anti thé Atlantiic 0céan under thé net ap- irproveti Mai-ch ]et. 18 Muet Pny Warrants lu Ordén. The décisidn ot Jutige Campbll, Bt Huron, S. D., lu thé caLseetfthéeWetern Town Lot Company le sustaineul by thé Suprensé Court anti warrante lseued bg I- thé clty .t Hurqn must hé paldInlathe or, L, d«et thelr registraion. Many theaq. eende dbUfljofettheu wn-mte are liM4 ÀLL MGHT SAFEL.Y EXPL.ORED THE WiLbS 0F AFRICA. Republîcans Win Nearly AI-Ea@t- r Elevator Full-Sugar PIa*1'5 Importanate - Marveus Fin*,-ui CrlDple Crek-Shlp Dsertcil. Endl of a Venturesomne Trnp. A cablcgrarn n-as received in 1'hiiladt'l- phia front Dr. Donaldsou Smith, da ted Aden, bearing thé woril "sucteuisful." This uéws establishes the safety Of thé plucky lladclîîhian n-ho for the hasit yénr and a hail bas been exploring the wilda ot E stera Africit, nud ai théesajae tinte puie an enîd te the doubi as te bis safety n-hich bad been feit bY thoae in- teresteti inithe expedîtinfu fr the hmat en- mouths. Dr. Smih eutered Atfrica Olt the eastern coast a year ago lat Junej tu push acrons thé country of the Galîreas and Itlrsaito, tu-o lakea hich had bot-n rec-etly discovereti by anoiher expdiuil, thenco ou to théemn-o Nyanzas (Albert andi Victoria), ie olject beiug te carry out and complété the lhue et expflorail'i frein thé lakes te thée esi coat, a dis- tance et several bundreti miles. As th,? région which Dr. Smith bas traversed le at thé présent trne represeîited bY a bnnit space on thé mati ot Afrimn the significace ot thé explorer's briet nmes- gage nill Lé realizét imlnuediately. IHé bas undeubtedly made a great mnY dis- coerles et mach valué. SUGAR BOUNTY CASES BEGIIN. Two Suite Fited ln Unitedl States Court aiu New Orleans. Thé nager iplantera, ihreugb Coloel J.. D. Hill andi other attorneys. lied In-ti sugar'beanty dlam s uits lu thé Unitedi States Circuit Court et New Orleans undér thé agreemlent niîb the Washiu;- toit anthoritiem, n-be n-lu aid lu speiY triai anti appeai to thé Suprême Court. Bail Day for DerocracY. Missssippi, Utah and possibur Ken- tucky n-ère thé only fieldis ot victai'y for thé Démocrate in Tuesday's lection. Theugh Tammauy cnitured New- York City, thé State went solidly Itepulilcau. Evén New- Jersey anti Maryland wént with thé cremvd. Itestiltain lu ow, Ohio, Massachusetts niai Punusyls-anla n-re neyer in donbt after noon. ThéeItepubli- eau ticket n-ns also succesul iu Chi- cago. P'ingree, Itépublican, 'ilins bis fourtb tenu je Dtroit. Shlp on Firç in Mid Océan. The Cunarti Line stéarnsbîp Canîpania reports thet nwbile lu latitude 45 and longitude 48, she snw a burniug ibrée- inasled n-ooden ývessel. Thé Campanie. bore don-n ulon lier andi fouod ste Lad been deserteai. It is éupposeti that thé cren- Lad already héén picked up hy n passing vessel. The .passeugers tf thé Canîpania ran>- iat thé burniug slip pré- secteti a grand spectacle. Ber Foot n Vîgorons Weapon. Thé home Ot Mrs. Weber, at St. Charles, .%Io., n-as visited hy a mtan on burglary ent. Mrs. Wetber is na(lerni-an lady, 74 years of age, bat, despite ber olti age, nlien site diseoméredth te iin- truder sie kkkd hini frmin the hack hure-b to thé grounti, a distance of tn-tdvè eeci. Her preperty n-as maved, b<t thé hurgiar minus ieshéoca. Execcted by Cubons. il is announeed that thé Colnnin lsur- geuts bave bngtd six iiegrues to trees in thée1lateahos district ut Cabarian, ProvincéetfSanta Clarm. Near(uni- ni, not fer fruma Santa Espiritus, also un the province uf S.'uta Clara, thé iusur- gents have dcraléd a train by thé usé Of a dynamite bomb. Three hundreti bead of cttié n-re kihiéd. Lecture on Banks. Cornptroller Eckels delivered a lecture heforé theéColumbia University 0oui*"Na- tional Bankus anti thé NntÀgmîal Bauikiug La-s." Thée corptroller ivent sornén-hat ie othé history et nationial banking and expreséd thé helief itt thé ideal sYstélu of thé futture n-ould énbrace niany outhté essential features of thé sy Ieni non- iu existence. StrokeetfBenauza Or. In thé Airbcuirt lense ot thé Anchoria- Lelaud Company'»s daim nt Cripple Creek, Colo., a six-incli strenk ut houania ore bans jusi hî'n încoutered at a deptbt of Z2 f eei. Slect samples fron a bal!- ton of thé ore assasye $27ý,240SO te thé ton. Sylvauite ahouinds. The siike i-t one oif thé nînét ujurv-ltis yet moade lu thé golti camp. ____ Americans lu Peril. Tite Turkish (4oveî-nunnt lias again in- stroctéti thé Govéromént uf Bitls ho pro- tect thé Américan missiouiarlea ut that place. Oning te thé disturbances tue Ainricnn mîssionarien n-ho havé heen en- gaged lu relieviug thé suffeninga ot the Armeniaus at Sassoun bave decidédt ( posiponé oprations anti éèek safety at Bitlis. Big Fine lu New York. A fIre starteti Tnéatay nightinl Keep's sirt teetory at Newv York, n-hie-h extenti- éd te Crosby street, and ti ili estituatéti te havé doue a damnage et$.0000 Thé comparalively nèîv building of thé Manhattan Saviags Institution n-as dé- strayei. Tn-e ether buildings n-ère tain- aget 6y fire andti -er. Flooti with Grain. Thé Buffalo ciévaters are heeering bloced ivtthé gréaI floodi of grain noie béiîug shippéifrtrmLake Superlor. Close te 2,000,00 bushels et grain is thers, anti a large lest la dte. lany of thé elévatars a-ne taitanti ecasels are ex- perieneiug serions deinys. Wili Net Meet thé Deflcteuncy. State Atiditer HippIe anti Comnisiionér Lockhart n-ère lu Miuler. S. D., appralaing landt turnéti over te the Sinte Ly éx-Treýau- urer Taylor. They sny tbéy nill appraisée the landi ai lte asesséti vaîhîumtion, anti that it nill faîl fan short etfnsnking np Tnylor'e tidiciency.- Opposeai te Cuban Intlepentieuce. Thé MadridtieRiéaldo publisiies aituliî- tenvién- nith Caîmiain General Matinèz te Campes, in îvhich thé latter déclares hé Ia net disposedt tgréé te the inde- pendencéet Cuba, bat thinka that referme shoutti Le applieti lu a more libéral mau- net. 0 Street Car Msager Ansested. The Traite andi Labor Asemhbly causeti _thé amet o et éranagex» r Warren, et ité D)CU14hl'tu-a, &»«t~li-y bs na-- -.e rà a #aî..5 5theIm, lu 't i:, MQ : :N8 ÏiEL MD B' ) JLD roetamdil Ltttratir Paue. Aw. 11u4denliy on Monda!. Engene Field, poet, litterateur, ont oré Chicago'@ hrighte.4tnmen, died whiie asleepi Monday mornlnig, of lu-art disenne, a fier a brief and sligbt illuasa. Newspatber cir. clés and lergy of the citY, anti the %vliole poetry-Joviug, Engliisb speiiking world, is irofounùiy touched iwitiî sorrowut tihe démise ofttins besi-iuvet of nmen. The luse dues nul <010in oné hounmen und w o- menCI. Childreu'a cyes ait over thte land wiii flush witbh eurs td cilitii h la îmîi forsake their îplay bu-ause the tlundi o death lins fitileii tioh te lip us of liiiii i iio sang ilicir sueett'st luîiahys. Whiînîchild is there ini a iioiîîe worthîthe calliîîg wlîo bas neot 's.iilud awvay in tht wu..denî boîi" itlî Wyliken, lii3 ul'n anudt Nid, or gezed with swelling tiîront andul uvîr- flowing eyes îipîîî the îieserted tn tolî iuîr,' sturdy an t lunch, sud the othler tiiys, awaîtiug the retîirn ot Little Boy net, "since lie kjstsed tueni andîîl tt heîî theret" And îlot tile of aili hiiesé utile folk Lut wili know a uew grief wvbî'iîtley leairn that this friend tif furies andulchli- drén, thus dreanif.îl and gent l-souled Jes- ter, bas gone tu look for lus bLle Boîy Biue. Whether ini the West or the East, ln America or in Engiaiîd, the nîost nu-i thoritative crities bave paiti Field thiir praisés as a puoet who sang the simptle songs of the humitnheurt with Éa taulîless melody andi touced bis lyre with au ex- quiétite delicacy. ____ TWO DEAI), TWO WILL DM. Thlrty-thre Others Are Hurt on the B. & 0. One ef the mnt dsastrous wrecks that ever occurred on the Baltimsore aidîtiol Road happencd Leause of a broken wvlîel at 10 o'clock Sunday nîorniug nt Elni .G reve, a suburban station ftve miles ent of Wheeling on the Wlîeeling sud Pit*- burg division. Mrs. Miranda Huare, of Kittanîîlug, Pa., and Lawrence Bartley's Infant son were kiiied. C. J. Garvey. unu oil oprator ot Marletta, Ohio, anditEila Vance, of Wheeling, wili dit. Tbirty- three othere ere hurt. Threc cars were smashed into kjndliig wood nud the par- lor car caîîghi ire. The liames o ere estlngnished, bowever, Ly iwu ofthte passengers before they galiued uiucb head- way. Thé railroad officiais gay the acci- dent n-as one of those unaccouuutabie occurrences thati nny corne nt any tiiné. Thé broken wbe*'l ivas given tbe numni test Lefore the trai eft Pittsburg and appearéd te be perfectly "ound. Seluiers compînîn. C'omplainte îvlie-h îny resuit in an of- ficiai investigation of Fort Sheéritiaunhavé liéen madie to thé Secretnny of War liy six enlisteti men. Thèese comptlaintes, îvich havéeu-en sent ta Coîmgre8sîinuî M-NcGnire, et Calitornin, anti Congressinam Oti- n-nué, of Ouhio, ut tlle Cotlmitteè on i- tnry Affaira, relate ho théeItactice ot ofli- cens enuploying Itivate soldiérs as boty andbhouse servants, amui the tîvo rele- setativts have eeén akedt te inmg thé niaiter before Secretîmry Lauiont a!s sean as Congréés mets. This practire ut euu- pleyiuîg enlisteti men ta doûîuéni:m work anouti daruuy posta is CeIîresslY onititin hy thé rîules of thé arn>-. Still il is n inkéd ti iin routier poste, n-hère hit imposible for théelhffcers to procure 9thér servants. FIretl RatirosutliAlaeska. The steamer City ot Topieka, ivn-li galèti tram T'ronma Cfor Aluieka, currièd a shipent et "T" rails aund fialpiîltes ttî hé useti in ceiîstrîuctiuui n railroad in utht' fumons Trendwvéli iniié ttm 1Dtuglas Islandi. Il is saidti bs ililibe Aluusa& first railroad. Competitore Not Reatty. Yieltiug to thé ptition utfnmtre than two score of manufae-tirandti uvtlt ors w ho havéecutereti iuu tîe-miotoc-ycle conteét, thé jutiges itècidédti luIttstîloîte thée(Chicago mottocyt-le race unuiîl Tîmlsit- giving Day, Nov. 25. Senor De Loecte Remnin. M.Nldrid disîtatcli: "lie re-por;thtu .Sent,î Duîîuy de Lîumé i8ite lic rùcall'-d freutli Washingttnin l îrtiuounced tl ltri't-e. Tht' tateuntidl l suenut mît th e tu- I érnmotut la thorouglily satislidwitb bis services. Yoning Memphis Man Staiu. At Memphis Ben l'on-eh Ni-ns assassini- ateti ns Lé éntèréd lhie lhtmenon Kerr aie- mieu, just imu-ore duyliglit tuntiny nuoru- in.- ichardi Jolusomi luns been arresteti changet ivnith thée imeu. Fifleen Workmen Uuriéti. A dispatcli froni Vicîtuun énys tîtthé Germant Theniter Builing tt Vieuiua ciýl- lapseti, borying lltteuîn-onkîoéu lin thé ruina. jack Demupsey Doati. Jack Detmupstey-, thé ne-lknowin pugilisl, die t t is residézucé in Portlandt,tire- gui], et consomption. MARKET QUOTATIONS. Cilngo-Cattle. ciommon to prime, $3.75 te $525; hoge, sbipping grade, $3.010 ta $400; sheep, fair te choie, $2.W11 lu $375; irbéat, No. 2 réi, 757e ta 59ce; corn, No. 2, 28e te 30c; outs, Ne. 2, 18e to e ; rye, No. 2. 38e te 40c; liutter, cholcée reanei-y, 21c te 23c; egga, reah, 17e- ta utc; pottes, per Lushel, 20e te 30c; lioreni corn, cammron grontb te chîoice green hurn, 2c te 4c per pounti. Indianaptmis-Cattle, tshipping, $3.00 te $51.00; Loge, ehoice ligLi, $3.00 ta $4,00; shecp, commen te primé, $200 te $3.510; n-Lent, No. 2, 63c te 65e-; corn, No. 1 white, 21e te 30e-; ents, Ne. 2 n-hile, 2lc te 22c. St. Leouli-Cattié, $3.00 te $5.25; hos. $3.510 te 4.00; n-béat, No. 2 mcd. Oic ta 62e; crnm, Ne. 2 yeihon-, 24c te 25$; anIs, Nu. 2 n-ite, 17e te 18c; ryc, No. '-I 30c- te 37c. Clninuati-Catthé, $3.710te $500; Loge, $3.00 te $4.25; oeei, $2.510 te $4.00; n-betr No. 2, 65e le 67c; cern, No. 2 mîxeti, 26e te 28c; ente, Ne. 2 mixeti, lite le 21c; ryc, Na. 2, 40e- to 42e. Délmoi-Catile, $2.510 te 85.50; Logg, 83.00 te, $4.00; sheep, $2.00 te $3.510; nét, No. 2 red, 64e te 65c; corn, No. 2 yelion-, 28e te 211ýe; aats, No. 2 n-ite, '-'e tu 23c; rye, 39e t4lc. 0 Toled--Wbeet, No. 2 reti. 06e -te 67c; corn, Ne. 2 yeiion-, 3lc te 32c; ente, No. 2 n-ite, 22e ta 23e; rye, Ne. 2, 40e- te 42c. Buffuloe-Cettle, $2.510 te $550; bot, $3.00 te $4.00; sheep, $250 te $3.7-75; n-Lest, Ne. 2 réti, (16e-te 67e; cern, Ne. 2 yeilon-, 36e te 37e; ents, Ne. 2 n-ite, 23e te 24e. Miin-auké--Wbent. No. 2 spring, 57e to 58c; corn, Ne. 3, 27e te 29c; ans, Ne. 2 wvhite, 19c te 21c; Lariey, No. 2, 87e te 8c; ryé, Ne. 1, 3S& le 40e; pork, mess, *8.00 te 88.50. New Yek-Ctte. $3.00 te $5.50; hope 88.00 te $450; sheep, $2.00 le 3.$M nhtNo. 2 redý 70e to 71c; corn, XNo 2 M~ ¶ThITIING. EMPIRE IN THE TMRORS OP DIS. SOL.UT ION. An-fnl Coiamity li n aiDeroit Nen-spa' lier Oflive-llnuîi ltoiîiîeu'slà iant a Trai- Nw Yok Ia in %*[.loisire -Durrant Wi rt iuk billtAbulésté ,or nie. Td'utio iiîl iut tIi i, l'ril énîr la ihltt thilti-qm or lisltlîi. ivdi t timiry lil.t lls utro., l iiug -il î vrii rimi-stiiittiiu ii i i,,ajifl thli lbluîtîittirst.v al i.1%om riily $tilttili iîi tîiî-t' thle tî,lî'siîrt i eîalteîrnaitlvie oCf tîhia- lion or naiasmna tti. Assuiitd fron t -i li titl nd iii î bi1'the. lion-Im r iiu withiotthe im'stiutioniofuiC its'porte lt" viut's hîtini'y mhore tlivl-u t liast trlî.î lu plivt the i. -îruîîeit ,mu'îi'u ivithi u'aituithe teu I tili,'résrvest a re' lîtiuîg s tituîiiiiliqîttliliitint- ragî's totArmeiim'ulîîsbaîît I liii rt.lirmitlti ttsti@4f t lii.tain-rs, wmmht.av mt e o fte' u"t tlét'épive(i l'y fît Im' lrommulats. liavituî ted plogltivt'ly thuit thley u-,îii'tr tht-ste nsIdIlis- tires fuir thott' iîîtiiiîîoutthe (lurlstian s tolx, lentiiirî-ly hiuuîîtîu . Ilî t hei îmali. tilut' tecisiîe acti'n blu- éIbuntrm la liui- luit. Itîîuîy go tut théeî'atent ut oceti- puilion ut Turkî-y; it luayv tven go familier and iti du'-e up4in a paurtition et the proe. linîofutthé sultanu. »E&TH IN TIE RUINe. àfsny Perish tri the Wreck of a Detroit - Building. Thé bunuiret tr niore etnpioyes oftifhim Deutroit, Mit-h.. Journial cré busy early W'etiiit's;dny rornimtg reparîmîg fur ai ex- tra édition. îvlîun sumthtt'mly a part of the biuildhlig îvas -ri-ckvd by théeu'xiloslgn ut boilirs lit théelias'mut. Sîventt'n iiodli ivère recovereti front thé ruimuhîy ilîi, sonie thirly tenantslanatdiemiîltyes litthé buildinug were yet ixsaing, andt Ibr ecau be mie doutât tuaI uliat ut thèse mre litlig det-dti ndurthie débris. The n-ork ut rea- eueivas rushed te the utmnost nli ay sud migh. but îrigress ivas very slomw. Thé deliria and brick ivere tluuupémd iniu an ai- nîotaîsulid nmass, impo1>01î1 hii qîanil tlt-s of n-att-r o-re îoo retiuîudti iii olmch c.mpariitivel>- lit tie hla iny cttuliI lit muatdt. '1'î--ity-to-o o-t-néresi-iit-lnia héitilesa condition. (o! thès-se sévirai vili die. ]VIRE LOýS $730,00. Reari ef Brouadwnay Btail Duiaca Diultrict ttemtro>-ed la Thrcc Boura. A lire oLiel i tartt-il it thé six-s*ory buildhing at t lieue mt huit't lcornerut- r hnd- wîay anditilit-ker stnet--, Newv York. iii'- Brr.e y-ltht' Manîhat tan B la nk Builinug. andu, twso ljti uuinug stri-uctuîre's, iv it Ili t brut' hutiré. Ii usiurani-e iîî-uiestjivn te Ithé ttttal î,a it$7ttS.ut -rh béLant tif the reail buus it's ti i-,riit onuBromadwmma y Ni-s ilî duhe ru ius. Tii- 'ula nlut la tm Ban1k lBuiltd- intg Ns 5vauelnutniahot 1t tIlt The stock, ixturis, etc., iithin théeleîildinîg tré estiinated lte avnt-e n n.uorth $i5, (N"(. Thme oulier buildinugs n-ère valut-ti at $3i5t,Oi$t in rounnu ntirs and tuh-stumîks iîî thlu'nîi uuura lueei nite t-astimatet-s huave bééuun-art h ambout $,KZt,04). DURIlANT W~RITES IIS LIFE. Proclaie Hie Innocence and Satlm'lzes Soeéof Hile Crtice. Tlîuot]tint' Ih i tlins n-rit te-ln asketchI of his lite antd uamblitionsaiil]tbas guée juto thé muat tur ttf htîuiit fCt-iitii tie omi trial ftrrnuirter. lie' huas s,iuuî- l igui-at ltée curions plole hi is-t éturut nuluimi tuukes thle cli uru-lit', tnsk or wmhat hue tbf tîkm is t hîtir huuik tif Uliistinzi>11>-andî iany4 that bis sl itsin nrve aund loi-e n îd coumufuit giNen h ity lis motth- t-r. llé sttuuty tiro<-uimua ia iniocu-uue- nadt etiritesuint'ofthis crtice. 18 NOW A I)UCHUE8 Mins Vandecrbilt Wetdcd te thé Dulue et Martborongrh. Thé Dîulie tiCMar-lborouîgh andt'Miss Conuinaio Vîtîtltrloiiittré munied at St. Trloîuiuis' Chu ru-l, 1-iftth n îîîîué aîd l'un- ty tlirtl stri-ét, Neiv Yurk, WVèdn'-stay, nt 12:30 'clou-k. Stu-iety n-a uttilî Cure-e, 4.1581 itîvilalii. 's Lavlng hlit--s sut-i. At tîte îvétdiîî brea-kfast at thé rusitleuce ut thé bridés naithur, 3J gués n-ci-eliresènt. May Worehîp as They Ptcane. Five Sèventh Day Aulm-iti+ts oni trial at Dayton,. Teîuî., for $ablinthiviolationm, wer tm-acquitted wo u0t tht' m-u-s leuiviuug théir seata. This la censtruedt t menu a dècideti revolotion in sentiment tommarti -these people by thé citizens etfIRhea Coonly, n-hère they havé a thnlviutg set- tiernent at Gneyeiiè. Jutige Lew-is $hep- parti, et ('Lîttaitooga,' anti ex-( "ongreas- man Siotigmasa, et Dayton, vohuntééreti lu théir defense anti belL matie loquent and suceéstful tipeals to thé jury. fl-Up ou the Erie. Pour men tiraggéd a Jiassenger frein bis sent hn a chair ear on thé Erie Rond ai Ai-cher avenue, Chicago, ui 8 o'clock Wednesday nught, helt i LinUp on thé plat. Crn, rifled lis pockéts, jumpéti trens thé train anti escapeti almosi betons thé as- sanitèti indivitital inset or théeacher persoa on thé train kun-w what Lad taluén place. Thé crime n-aiaone of thé boldeet et récent noniha. Fais Wii Contest Ended. - A Sain Francisco local papér enys the Faimrnill casé aba eén ettléti eut of court, anti n-ai prwmiseti te hé a bitter centest ever an ésîté valueul et $40.000,.- 000 kas hîcén ahandonédu Thé estaté is reporte te l havé béen settléti and thé pmo6p- érty passedtu; thé bauds ot the varions heirs. Bandits ia West Vtrgium, Three héavily armeti men helti np a stage coach néar KLingwood, W. Va., lu bandit style. A liasse of oflicecr pursueti thé highn-aymnen luto Pennsylvaîuia, îîhere aIl trace et thema nas lest. TLèy are Ilieught te hé part et thç olti Cooley gang et outlans. Erfîtan- 'ten Bard Omt. The CLiekasan- Legishataré, n-hie-h Las just adjoarnéti, paesed n blI barring al intermarniéti citîzèns fremu any projméniy rights lb thé Chie-kasan- nation n-hatever. Marilereel bi Rebberm. Captain Frétierlck Lang ant i s ite n-ère murdereti ai their hoe on Ppn'îJia aomus,. Baltimore. Thoir shahs n-an eww*-4tb.y kIa nbéti andthé hovas ~. : I ouîpogéeltbat ;7bs POUND GUII.TY 00 tHEm UR 0F 13LANE .AMOI4T. Badi of the Trial IpWaCS~ Verdict Fale i.n-UsCm ulag 8*0* ,M Upon prisoner and pl »is.Etrî4>d ornmry Béons la thé Court Uot »eath thé Penalty. Thoodore Damnt..ot San Fran*cle% assistant stîperinteudent ot Emanuél Bap- tht CLurèL Sunday school, n-as on FmI-. day convittéi et thé marder et Blmnehé Lainent, for wblcLhélieh*m been on trial sînce July 22 last. Thé Jury n-as out tn-énty ininutés and arniveti at th*é iiedlct- on thé tiret ballot. As thére n-as no rea-: ommnendmttion et mercy thé ptxniasinflt- n-as ixéd t ideath. Thére n-as ne déliberatioet ai . Tb* jur bm ad évldéutly decideti apon a verdict efore- thé y lett thé Lox. Ih w4s SM n-heu they flied eut ot thé courtroos 9 à d n Il il î- .- rIAT xnIS CELL. anti ai 3:53 a knock an thé dent au- noancéti that n verdict Lad beén toUnd& t tüook )eSt ive minates. et aclmùil limé te elect a forentan anti take thé eue ballot Decessary. As thé agéti foreman. pale andt remt- blng, rendi théen-ortie that ixed Damat's taté a noise like the roar et a rneb arome froni thée rtar oet thé court roons. Thé nert moment mcen-èere cheerlng n-ldly, w-hile n-emean-éepi Lystericnlly iu eiciteument. The hniliff rappe I lutly tor ortisi, bat the tmuit contimneti for a minuté belote anythias like quiet couti Lle hrought out ot thg dieorder. Judgo Murphy aamed the day for sientence, ant i utho weal then aise ix the date ot Duran's trial fer thé murder of tlinnie Williamas. Duriug the tutntlt thal followeti thé anueuncement o! t le verdict Durrant anti his mothér n-cre lest sight of except by the féw n-ho net nearesi iheui. As tisé ast n-ortie of the verdict n-ère utteredl~ Durraut made a spaernotic effort le arisé 1 ty- j1 1- Bl.AN(IIM .LAlIONT, vtfE TICTIM. fo hie eeét, liui befone Le coulti de se big mother, ivithu a hudf-sigh, haît-moan, threwvlber ai-nia arounti is ne-k anti sunk back intîli em chair. Diîrrant'e father n-as not in thé rocm n-hleu thé verdict n-as ré- turtiet. Asitie frorn thé spectatens Mmi. Noble, Blanche Lamnont's aunt, antiMoudha-iRa amontthie ienti girls sialer, n-ère appar- éntly thé Lapplest pérsone iu thé roons. Whéu the verdict n-ai announceti Moud Lanont spruung frans hem seat. ciaspeti lier Lande andti hen cricti et shéer cx- etentent. Mrs. Noble mixet ailhei n-lUi tests anti ehook bauds nith a number of trientis n-becron-deti arounti ta cengratn- laie lier. Thé case n-ill hé appealedti tethé Sa- premne Court, anti it is expecteti néarly a yéar nill lapso hetaré n decision n-lUléb ehtaineti. THE EARTHQUAKE OCT. 31, 189L iks Il n-ill hé slxty gear ks iuc, Wjqa thé olti settlérs tell'aboutitt t-- eh", A boycott, Inderseti by thé Un1tlé' Traties anti Labor Oean*I, bas beax 8.n clareti by thé Maisicrn anti Br*wétV Union of Buffalo againsi béer maiiutaé- tureti by bren-cries tsklng tbelr mgt m thé local private maltîtoýIrp, Thomstdej havé refuseti te concédé thé deUm udIýu thé union, heuicé thé boycott. Séeretan; irSsthi Laidenled the n -t catIon of the ChkI«soýàmUwauSe u -lï Peut Raliread oeman1« $15»I5 deeétogté by the fori tbe elà of *&y

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