CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Nov 1895, p. 3

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hi bi ho 4 e tem t 011 tlon of cutting away the words which ho i chance had placed so perllously close et Ithe bottom of the page, when by so doing l tl.ey could have mcured a daugliters w happiness au well as prosperity. But de'es W ______it matter what others wonild have doue hi CHAPTER XXI-<(ContlnuCd.) lit suecr a case? tMnffice it to say that, lre i »A ew days later something occurred liaving carefully guarded agaînst the mine- a' .1i sueh serions importance that Mlrm. pioion that anything hall been taken lu Kao noloner honht t aythng l ~frei it, I tore the letter in lhait e trivial as whetber ber dauglter wure snd laclî,sed it in ita on-n en',elope, leav l oeanp-blossoms or rose on ber nedding- ing Jane to dran- t1je natural infcreilee. t day. Ail ber faculties were emloyPe in Another letter came from him the othier t planning bow toa vert the danger that day, andi this I aige uplpressed." Ji threstened. "Yeu never thouglit lan-bat a fallesehi It bad been a great grief to Jane thnt1 position you n-ere placîng nie." lie ob- el ber projer'tea marriago had eau sda dif- uervedl, gloornily. et lengtli. "Wliat arn I fereace In ber relations with lier fater. to do? 'What mnul the regimc'nt say nlten P Plessei and preud as Liehld bc-en nt ber tlîey bar tliat I hav-e tricked niy 8cr-' uccess, it appeareti to bilnas thougli geant out of lhaie othcart»? Di. yen Ji ia galnlng bis Colonel as a >0 1-l-law le es-or imink," hlie otinueil, sternly, "nlien bad buot is dauglter; andi lieavoide-il Yu"t ittO'dSleia a 8neosel cneo, 11, being wth thm enin'lenver lie coulai thron- the titded islitey yeun mere ilaîing up t a reasonable light upon hiie absenuce. Jante fur rour datiglt-esil, bail Lever oared ft resnonstratted nith l inluvainlihe fo rgett nt tLylin nd l.n,% mretian 11] auiled. iksset ler, and pîromisel n1,i-(ver nil! saie f0e-!lbon .!lu niti rry h ira te f ange with lier nitjebes, es-en putting a pres- condonle lier nî.thers fault. 1 n-ll not sure upon lis inlnaition f,r tliat itav o.eiik of thoe r.telty to nie. titougli I miglit t but the next bu glippei!l lsenii,>b. -" ! e i i letnt%%uaîdtne ato bis nen-ly acîîuîred habit of haalybrder to part niitlier 0 titan bo-fore living at the fin'. e day the t'l,.lIet ir called lier min!e; )ut Jeully jour I notieed hon- seldoin ho tvas nt honte: and it tie c nY!" s then lire. Knox, afritid lest lie sitouli "ý<!te is the e ttIt'ment coming in*?" t take offense, determiiuedtu t speak toelier HIIV askeo, tl>I in a str:iin"d. i-4h r hnsmhand. 1 1b-y, another idea baving comie into lier 1) It happene th lat the Quarlermater 1ilid bati frgotten some paliers tlint m.rniîiîî, " hOult i t ",,t be yuor wedodînq-Il and coming hack for theni, foinid Lh in s ît n-as tu have f--ni wife alone lu tLe littlé roun lîr lie '%'IltY shililtîi i nt b,- y' tr weMl.iniz-m Usually nrote, andîtitoe uie lp list d -. a tiv tiliii Xou t.Ilil.l n .1a rranîge ti a t I obe bl dune ou tibis occasion, brouglitthîe tiarriage slld be ,%er bfore the Il ber work. i--I nanritl ."s Sbc opeurd the ntte.'k t once. -8t"pbeh(n 'rinseýP paceJ the r-nîti ipz-v '1Won't yen ent'boule t',lunchlito-dav,Ietty 10' John?"eslie nskedin lier mildet soiee Ioa woitld neYe-r e.ns.'t ' e eci uau *'The Colonel is ista3 ing, nnd 1 ani sure lateti. b b. tbînks litsrlnge you siolnîian>.. l,'l'Y Ti-et sitee v, r kni',wY lti,.e îLe I avoitinlmgo." mi iter ]lits gene te, foir, n LY Int carry it 1 on't nvilihm, Nvife: bot I fî'el out out l.o the ctt of oy elnten n-t h int, anditi t ts t Le **'you 1iii i.4t d l O i h ,),'L truth. 3Mon are as nature moultte theru: si. in a saî ittnl in;" vomen arc differ it andI makle, or, Bt nysail rewin en rate, Iruprove olinth'e 'lven. No llter- the Colonel lior I an ever f.rget the it- ('XIAPTER XXII. I ferellce bet-e.'n lns. I1eutm.or- I- - The fuî.nblie -ligday- fers to meet nie as s'lom as îpossible ladt cone. l'.Kn adlînti iteIi:,iupn '1 don't Ix lies-e i,' rcturutidbot s vvfe, lbt-e eremorny tahip, l.laceeet avt. Il bluntly. Iurly Lotir. esttensill ù)tavoidl eLe. "Womcen never du bilieve anything it loiut in retilil>ty tonu.,-i of the ('-loto-jI anti doea :lot suit thhetu te elo-, lie re- i bride leatiug the stationb-fr L Joind, iîba g..! atuetilauît. detachlînct couo! arrive. But. Paris'as "~And h niakes Jante ierable, I k.on," it waB tueL, Janie wn us îm,lr eaitthourd *ah. e it ed. aget ay o too gsOon, and itou.! before thie niiror inr "Jan wil L mu-h agret ldy eentlietrwixig-rot.r surs-eyii:g erseif nitb she ill forget tu miss ber poorr v1'1 fatb- rardonable pria, in le paaîe er. In any case 1 cannot stuy at honte Janle gazed oun wistfull>- in tihe glars.L to-uay. 1 arn up to MYt> eyras in buia She n-a glati that slite %as Bu fair, that 'eu.,. esen if elhad neo ber don-r>aille could H. sau,- b>- ler expression that eslie wnas tlatrngirhtbnitegf f 9MlI Incredriloue, anti went on to explain. ai . sh rn eryed tlan ihe Lis cya a *'An order lias jusi coule for the de- leasî îLSe migt nyer geerinuis lesa lntb tacbaient fron Illalliubad te rejoi'. us at a ni! îovely, that Le niglit never repent1 once. 1 shall ]ave a lot of trouble tel:nsing cliosen lier ahore ail others to aqueeze thenail in" hbcis ife. Ada h aei on n Thinking b>- ber silenceuhmt îLe wn-An acme tru le gopet d os ane! .gRUSY -luh bla, andi consoeehrently ivso- beslde hcr glon ing, suîiling face ini tie lute flot to bcLenous-ec.! ly anything Lie mirror n-us reilecieathte figure of Jacob mgt Sa>, lie touglitil better te let tbe Lvrîn. subject drop, anti baving fourntibis paperit t firstatlrlofisncieerrrn oa the tiesk, le gathereti them itto a bun- tîtrotîgl oflier smtiivetiercer'blue le and ieft tlie roomnever noticing tliat thrnnd be, sle.nmetnai- fr tlie bwh ie u a> yig ak9nlirchair',-,n uxpressed in taglisll ndface. But n-i %esa st, and nith as littie pow er tlite neit motmetnt a truer feeling nios-et of01self-aosertion, lier, andi îelle as ouI>- conscious of a Colline! I'riîîsep c ame imb îLe roorn ten "O opsinfrlssro- minutes later. len-sserhtn fr a t'Vi titi 500 cnou i.q Je.' i.?"st s book of Jane's, anid!asket i 3rs. Knox if lier * iceyii o outer. noniaiil cdu ahliehad shien It. Tieti. as lbelooketi for nberaoion, as llo e ttne l ssor! Li ber reply, lie noted bler deticalilpalior, anatis'ratio didlcote? lrnetuie wt asiteti ler lustatrly if Bihe acre il. She bite ilngI. 'hinent ie I tantetil!, a ansigered b>- aiot lier qutestion. bte aih atdf)sý "Colonel Prinaep-, is it truc tînt tlie with my on-n yca wleîliî,r Jane Kno:ç Hattaba deacl-met lacomng erent nas as f ( is n iltrue as tht'>-tell nie!' oanacde ea?"et scoîngler i "Fa lse, rntrie t" sio.-io, paling. "Ye,.qiip tuc;li was ratller an tit- "Even 1, n-It n inuhej.juiiy sutspieus expecteti orîler. ý,t ort(e-rnnient genera l- nature, nover of Lis" e n-nt ly makes up usinintl iiia urry.' on, ruthilessl>-. "I tolit >olmi nigLit "AtiJttob i.>nn -ill lit, corn:elliel'ie n-dlt I beiverii:t yon, slibut gaspelout. o col1 êev ht MIwom1 "Of course the Sergeant ss-ili accent- tLouglit purer tnttill ritiru prfLecîttan ait>- pan>- lis t rffp." was the initient rcply otlier inthen-ori, itiier mati or m-eulan, He no longer fea.rc1etiltîuence of lier n-ould stou! a march ii.i eti Bo, andt frst lover c'ver Jane, being go sure of lier nvuiti a diiangrc-eal.le exPlîtuation n itli love, Me)'certain ilînt nothing c ild sep- mie, n-onld gelt nittint my absence. srate ihorn itow 1ic(I seue ht Mrn. You teed netlias-e bceetiafrItilof nie, Içnoz sboniti place stîdli tndue importanre Jeiiy>-y!' lie atidetinla sostfieteltle. upon this mail s'. îi'sand goings, ai "I afraiti of yen! WI'Y sLoulti1I ho? though liccoula! cottrol or even bampiler You gave nie riP-yoit retuitl ni>-letter bis mosenenits. Yt the cffect of lier torD in haIt niitout aniword," elie re- words filledti Lu nitlian uncomfortable lurieti. surprise. SIte fell back la lier chair, "I returneti yotrr bIter. itla truie?" ho w-ringiag lier banis and moaning out aLnawtcreti, more qtîietly. "Butrt itn-as net that "Al n-as over; there couli be no torri, and ti thîe bottont of tLe page I weddilng non- " na er-nncinrote mi> anan-er tliat 1 coulai Dot gin-e The Colotnel wsvr ic annoyeti, Yeu up.I wrote aguî-'* and i dd ot try te conceal bipleasure. "'And 1 neyer hail tîte letter!" Pl ooY2u sceau te forget, 'trs. Knox, thut 1i '*A 'as your niother n-ho did it! She amn not wsooing your dnnghter la the tiarL. nas aln-ays deati agaluat me," Jacobi AIl te regimeat laun-are of rny inteti- Lynn roplieti. lions, andi 1 ar nflt afralîl of n-bat an>- .ano reraineti peecbless, litening 10 singe.imember of it ma>- do or sa>. 8cr- the ciatter of plates anti glasses irLihe op- geant Lyun of is on-n free will relseaseti posite ruenm, os-ere lier nother-ber mthl- Jane fronn ber engagement, ant isie lesno er n-ho hadl deceis-et ber s, andi brought .longer bound ta consider his caprices. 1 ber to this degradation-n-as putting the -rn-reil- - alist cnjet h- b hi. finising touches ta tlie simple n-edding *11 amn glad that 1 manage te lari* l ime. Suppose 1 haut corne juset asul*e aarriage n-as oves-, what a tireatiul >on- it vonlti bave beeni" Buill' the girl titi net anan-er. Sbc antet imntte su>- straigît onît n-lat Le .pectcd ut ber; then îlecî-,,tlti lettes- alize thc extent of ber misfortunte. "lyet I na Dot fit ta corne iii Itere, aDl it anti ti; anti you lookitg seotiaint>-, ike au angel, Jenuy"l-tinilly reriching tai ut lif er white gon-n-"n-ill 3oun-Cear telh pretty tbings for me?" "tus-e me tume toeîlîink," sut- pleadeti. "n an>- case tîtere n-ill ble tie eiing ýday, anti you cati corne agani.,. Andi nitb thispromise Le oaa satiS- ld, anti lefi lier. It seernet houri to ber; lut in realit>- tiI>- tsent>- minutes elapseti frein the me tînt esle sun- ler fatmer rtide ua>- te e ime lie came back it inIlonel Prinsep. TIen ilie Leardtheti latter tell ber lather not tu follow, anti a secondî Iner Le strotin l alone ta wberc sbe n-as 'aît&ng for lim.. SI. n-cnt ton-art! Lui titi a littho cry of relief, anti laidlier het upon bis breait. For att-hile sic rsteti there, content te le foltiedinlabis amn anti coniforteti b> bis very prux- Iti>- though tLe next mornent e lohxulti le cunstraluedtiet leave bis side fres-cm. At ]est îLe ponreti out ail bier @tory-os ber mothcr Lad deceivoti boni luth in making theun lelleve ibat a-oh Lynn aldgis-en lier up-ion-lie ati corne back an houm before anti daim- ti ber still. Wben sIe endeti ber redital. Stephen Prinsep matie ne contment; anti lookin,; up anxiously to dusces-er n-hat lie thougit. Janc a inn bis face an all-pers-ading utincass Ibat w-as indicative of neitîter eorrer Dur surprise. Coulti it le possible flat thia n-as nnews-tory te liim? A errilie susîiiln crisscd lier mmnd uta Ci Dînai îave heurt c-.tgîizant of the îplot oe î]î-cîve lier froei titi' tint. "Iou kîîcn ithfbtfi-reStuplon-bfir- o-day""sIe cniet, iii a totte of colts-t,- ion- Anti lie dit] net nttoînpt a Ilis o11Y umotde of justification n as b>- Itieltirtg hintîcîf bt-Ii titilber mouLer, anti bhat n-as a menneis te nît ie toCo0111! nt descentt. Itather Iban tliat she iruait telles-e te -ry n-orsi. "'Jean>-, la your love for rue aIl gonp?" te aàket iber earnesîly, anti the sti'l,Ža flab Ibet runiîsoned the fair youag face sus a îrillic-ieut atiit- tre ficqrest in. -For littltr, for it or-se, Bc idLa!gis cii Lire tir îîîa rt, rand ilied nnupor tu r Les hrseifffl u i illilg gufi. "'1'-' rîyon tr>-tefi).frgî te rue ?" le î it 011, ini rte sane let, imtîre-taivo toile-, tdveiicilig an uttle nearor to lier aide anul >cutdiîtg Itis bod se that lie nîiglit lit-ar Ler fainiet-ci stpcrc(I nord. Shc gat a afriglirenvot rî rtglatàe.. Ife n-as ver! nwLite. but liii expression n-ns inilperîcîrail)le.Lis niinîtuer quite con- Sht ide l.aInet tlietgbt fithatlie, coulId look iii t, and.!grew ela rndo rit th.' serionîs o.k i ch lirer ds lia.! brtuglit ini ebls ey e,ý. Slie tîtresi-ot lier biandts siitb ait irnpl..ring gecturý,, wis-îtli lie ci' ber did! r:t ci t. or n-oul tint ield. Ife bildtirit it out frrn bis svai-st- -oatIve-ket a plaini gel,I ring, anti laid .Oit titi'e table beore becr. Ile ditD ot %isgi ît iiuire lns a brida. -rý,onti vithout a brid,-, a subjeet for lit-ideti sacers n.! uit-. Ilis sole idelca no- t%is te gi-t nîaa as fan as possible frota tthe icone ut bis dtseornfiiure. Brît, la sî,iie of wsrati anti disappoint- meuit, bis expression ins-olîtatarl>- grew setter ai liceivent rotsart lier, andti tek bier urnail, colt fingers ia bis on-n. "Do net lot us part in anger, Jenu>-. Sa>- gooti-by." anue's ss-dtiing day Cadet ln ramn-and tours. (To b- continti.) Forestalled. A London jeiveler saya tit Lord C. couic Into the sbop eue atteenoon, nec- comîînItcd b>- a foimuan n-be bore a smail case ot green Laize. Lord C. an- nouncedthiLt Le nhShedtgtahave a ton- nords ush thé jeaubcn lu private, anti n-as conductetI UP stis. le carnied w-ith hlm the green case. "Tis case," sait lls lordship. wn-o th, tu- e mn w-ee tng.Žt4ier, -contaitts the .jewsels osoea by LIady C. on bîgit tinys allai Lolitinys. At present lber Iaîl>sLil s ln te OC(tuttt>, ishîre i-he la ikiel>- te remain ton sevrai montha. Non- n-atI. w-eut >-ou Lte I Lîe malle tae au lunitation set prl-se>- uinilar te tlui, originîs, onîy. et couis(-, witlt taIse st.un.s. Ladty ('. ha ne jîtîge of sncb thurugs, anti oili nover iil.sor the dt- terence. Yon cia robtaue10originale, end dispose otfttni nîîîong yonr cusle- usera, elîowing tue tlie difference la value betwcen tLe tise sets. Biut I must esk >-ou te lut nie uave the langer hart non-, a, Ibi-ve a pressing noeces- su>- for mono>-." 'rTe pee oo ek Ont -a ke, uniockedth ie box, andi proiuiced the jetsa. The Jon- cicr looked t ti hetf, afit-epleti: "Mly lord, ut laeitue s1luPlest thing la the osorît te muatch titese jeu-uts iD the w-a> yen snggosl; buît I musi Ianmt yonm lortship tlitaihe difference ID velue LeeIn the tuso sets wuo nto Le a penny. The present jesschs ara counerfehi. I purchaset the orIgInals front Lady C. more than tn-o yeuns ago anti nade ber thtise ltttuttiltis, n-bld are suci excellent anes lIai I amt net nt aIl surprised ti a ielr tiecels-lng such an excellent Patge af jen-els us yous- lord- sLIp." There n-as no more te Lé saIt, ant iei lordshlp vîtîdren-. Ovigin efthe Bleus. After tise rail of thé Roman Empire the sexes startet about faim la tic mai- ter of clothes. 0um Teutonlc uncestors atoptet a costumue n-hid n-as aimai! the saunetas- men anti n-men, anti con- siet afin-o umaina emetats, tle Rom- an îunlCj aud- loe. TIe InDice n-as virtually a-ahhnt n-tiI long aleeves, and n-s buckleti ut the n-nai. T he met n-are It reudbitg ta the linees andtihe1 n-amen te lte nukies. lu clltiit'nost- cru latitudes thelenAi-us Ailgm-at lana- s-ttion, added trolises, but these n-e-m Llooketi upo n lahil.lighi ot a distinct extra, anti nes-e 1net dmieidered oblige. tomry in boi vethet'.TIcs-eseems tm bu ne dut ha1 the leuse ofthe mati crum peasahit la a direct deBscndibt 0o the lunicS.-Llpplucett's Magagifle. Mu pIlulgu or 'villioyeslrlni B STÂTE NEWS OCCURRENCES DURING THEI PAST WEEK. Australien Ballot las-ais-et haan Eledîlon Coteet-Citizens Tryinig ta Locale Perpctrutoru of Flair Ont- ruc-taatholph Teacbcrs Orirnnlzc. .f. A New Reading Circle. The gronlng at>uauan- ofe literalînre lu making it taure andîtinlure ,tîti!cilt te select andt u rend syjili proefit. Lonîg agi> adîtîir- abI. readiuîg courses siere tieviset i shivli served a double purptse-sulijects antt books st-on seleeteti atter a truc othite- thaDal plan and tiiuies store hetlpftiily direcleti. Olien ibese courses w-eonîtg andi expenusive, pres-emtitg jpeuple ot mii lelaure anti meanaifer eeing front au- cepting lbeir goot offices. Neami>- tse >eams ugo a Comîpany- etlilemar>- );pe devise th îe Bu>- Vieiv iteadinag Circlo, t., serve whcre the otliunîhlid faileti, anti itg short anîd lot'-p)ricc-d cournebasmb-orne ver>- popular. TItis yottr thelin! ireeuakes a apecialty o! Etilant ent aslrîmnatny. TMo course rcquires ait averege of h-o tban haIt an Liîtrr tail>, amni tic butAï, sshicli*'ra>-hbe ugit nîtyts-iere, doit but $3. Il la possible for es-or>-lalceteulias-e a circle. De-scirtive icu of the course anti telirg lboss-tu orgeuize cuin alnu>-s bhI. .lr-u rtfrii Itlho etredm office, n-licb ls I.i atod ti Ftl"int, MicLi. Illlinols Norme! gehool. Gýov.-Atgelî's sion-s abotit ornaumntal architect une i. ru'ex lue,-.sscdiii inte arcit- petiting illustration ietfte Eut.teuu illi noil iNornmal nIitoIiCh(larit-cto, uwithicdi ru-îmtrsî'ah Iii. utgaifietît trîitii r.- iii tlit .i- e-i,l ul.-iga e iltutptüd f-r t o-st flue tion. Thte iaiii fiaturtts ..f tetorigintit teiuthiIlrînti stylu c>le .f tir--lit tctîtr,. le yW. N. M~t1.,I At Hîllsboro Ormaies . blIcGwt. W Pana, andhi M-asAtdi. C. Glenn werd marreti. G. F. Houston ant i lia Wayely Henr>-, >oungest daughler af Jutige B. W. Hetir>, of i'aadalia, n-ere marrieti. Col. Hluglu E. Býyle, assistant atjutant generuil of the IllinoisiNationral Gurard, s isiteti Allen to Insestigate anti report uîbu an>- prai-tienitilit>- ot estallisling t division o!f te Illimnois naval miltila at ihat Ipoinit. Ail Elgin'@ hcools bas-e been ciosei for jii unindofitîte perloti osiimg 10thepresai lente of diplitheria. Tite 3,1M0 pnpils nili ite gis-ont a vacation utrtil th ii. gueasa ia sunldut-iL Miss Jeattie Arcîtibali, a teýadl- Cr. i18 ill. Josephb Kellogg, a Iiockford mercliant, feli doisn ra liglt out stomie steps wn-l crrryiîtg a lump. Broken glass tilt 4 bur1 rIble gamb la bis tîroni anti eue put ont, otta C>y. iii ian- sas brolisu in the fali. He caunol lis-e, B>- a s-oic of 69 10. i58 the village or Southi Springfieldi soued egaimtst beeurning a part ofthîe cit>- of Springfieldi. The figlit ageinst anui'xaiion n-as matie b>- a hlen'factor>-, n-bld otjecteltath îe ln- crouse lu taxation n-bit-b noult.. b . h resuit of aun alliance wsilb tIc cil>-, Mrs. Peter Blonberg, wtif. of a pl'onl ineut Rockfort plunîbor, secareti a diJ s-usce for ber Ituabanti atter trying lhrc4 yoars, durimîg n-bich ime Olaf Aatterson, tle plmtmber's uppreulice, lias bcen walt. ing for ber. As sean as tLe divorce vai., set-uredth ie couple wttitlChicaga vitIX te inti-ution o!fhing mars-led.1 Fis-e persens of Heniry Baltinin'a tam- il>- et Chicago were bitien by a mati dag Wout4ieslty rtifternoon; liso otîcru nas-- ritul> escaped iluS venornaus java. The n-otntis inflictet b>- tle dog are net r. gaedtaàspsriolîs. 'rey vore Dot deep, andthtîe ioctorise>- tîe cautcrizing n-lU prost-nti nt'. vfarîbur trouble. Oremîtorf bas ordereti CapI. NWrluiatti . (iuttiiatjutant of the1 1ifthIiltfaîtr', Ililintois National Guerd, BIERIOUS SUBJ£tO' CONSIID th ln, en eV e ne ai a, i a] Il ri fi av' t I. ."liI ILIîI18NI4IINýIAL.StilOOIAT ClIARLYSTON. arc-~ ~ ~ ~~Te --'i'i.-uicaii-t.'Ie hast- h) ti .eieidte Chicago anti muster hîto Ii uni. il y!I.theb.. t-a'illuutcîh tatt. rt-s .1thle atilîta r> service et tue State, on Nov.w hrI-,-i.siA t tur--Is. 'Tle ii i I.!iig4,t.otur conîîîîuîius. o tii Le tsigmateti as m mM il l f :h --i t li.ig ut,.!lmirft-t .1 .-l' .cunpai-s A. B.C amui D, Nit ItBattuI- 9t ta-,, tIl,--ca -tiIse-lstu crit's Iigli, %nhionu t, Ilinoitis Natiountal I uart. The ortiersi 13!) ft4-t Wlgfotr t-r snurii tr o.!à ici-ti t!liti ou',iliatue sit t ba la-tv I th liienu..u cii rît îtei ni th centt-a arît onf1lassut b>-lte XXXI Xl bGenvral .Xssotî- s th c- 1i -oc, 'rc. VTe exteror iviln ie !.c I titiicresing te nationa l gurtilb>-tic L tirigiut nibi ifctîerttiun tltote.adi tinofru ittardion t,! oolurî'titroopi. q- i;iidtii,, nuils .front Charle-ston,. te- Mîj. Johnti C. Bi-olnr, teîîecseîilis-e ut nu ui. iInh Nuilitit- i-a titstt)i,î-t riati-thle. I-i t h Sent-to rial Disitrict, Chit-ugo, lu- nut, -. IJ- .ui iin f tlirsof uthe intvi-ier troîlutcll theL ill. The brench of prcomise suit of Mns. Itarbaritu Kastneor against Carl Seitc nvas treith le St. Clair Ceuni>-y Court. t Tho jtury agrem'd una verdic-t anîdats-arti:' edth paJtif$25 dmgs .Is cs.f lien mut for $.0.Seii h laa ls-el>- oidtumait o! soute -40 yeara, ant il appeansP matie soute îtort o! a promise taeuuarmyG tîtie tsitss. Laiton, lowvec, lie fell la .~I lb - ' oto n-ihi amothen nitou anti marri eli j' latter, hetuce tihe damuage auit. The iosth- cc-digly intutreus aud tti h n-a icesar>-0 toe -lt-ahe court rotu on ýqecouut o! lier ttE.tCTED Pli .mirti arortieti >-thic trul i o futthe ' eourtsbip et the ugoti tefudntathe ta ni libc ean atî-nhi hall, 70 by 130 feet (if case.0 fl0eo spa-o: fui-tilt>-offices, chenical, bit- Nueen-us recels-et nt Etingîam of thé logi,-ai andi i.!t>scaî leboraieries, tauselunîdtuatî et j. N. Gis-m atiîlot Sptrings, Ark.r antd titut suctsniii.'ne .i'tst le bleLeut suifurng ftoneemonîhsV if tlîîc struturîe- ill bcLeabout $175,11>0. sitb Bigts disease. IUcwnttetoHoty tintaen-t> st-hI Iet-ait etont-e, anîd '.vk Sprnmgs for bis lheaitît, andti iletiniiithe Lasti.tebu cettilleted b> Septt. 1 o! Dxt esoiiiuig o! tic day Le amis-et. Catpt.c t-are. Giivi n tusoeefethte mont plminemît Ltopublicant itmiSouthemu Illintois. He SupirceCourt îFstains Osr, st-asv-cl kiiots-tias a awyer tlinonghuautc Opintions n-ee filet eit Sprngfield b>-Illte Stîtto. Me. Gis-ut sas Lenrt i"eb. 25, the Suluret.iw Court intiittitîer of cea S ~, ricar lRobinîsonî, 111. lieoenteretl1le mine t!ftt-i,' hivil scthr e Atîstralian bli .- I.l ree Cot,u -niteu 191) 3-ars o.t, nuia lot te .mue cite-nt. îlobset1,'. Orr au'! ý.urîîitcd bicscovu-8e rt Johni Aibur>- Nîîit' S. White uveret--uanitestitforstu- iUnivernsity. lie stas gr-tditatotifrotn t tî 1perniteitleiut eofc,-iitîslit Christiaun t'.ut- Cittciltuui ILasw.-Sîbtol it 1857. lai 1(Z1 t> y i-s ai a.e simguard ast erdéde itile eiîlisteu i itelitth IndltiaaCaviilry, orfice tetu rrc, and thc dedtïici of te nt rsetelie oft tcajitain. 11 b art! nus sustuuici b>- tLe Cetnty Cutrt. ý.rThoztb bü','Irittii> tf Mrs. Eliza Stis- Nietia N.i'akr iiti îutiu.îî fe aensuit, the mîinter if Vice President Stot-. re".uîi, ii. ttu. mre ias fonîîti te Lave ua noen, s%as hîuinîiiu>-celebruîeulWteduts; iiajorit> tif oi,'. iParke-r aî.îîaletl,nart!tIi' ti, litebulue uf lion fouih son, JuhirÉ t l ou litet iii thlei-Sut Iremeu r eit iîu s I C. Stev(s. uti, it Bloomntgtei. 'Tho t'. tt, salil!i y f etinîtballlt, Parker cotipu mu>. tîuite largo, incîtiudîl. clairtinîg 'tluî-îîtoe Lettf,,-cth-t' utndi trr Vi 1'esideiut antiMes. Steve-nsona au, t-.,titei i i-- t luit tîht-y cîtîtuI.! Le ceui."il Wsrc ' W., Johin C. amni Thonmas Il. f. ii ini. l'trkt-'s-iiiuit-I isust luit S.-s--îs .r.n tlier oui> îîauîglitei, I n. lte ltu -tttieiiitig n irts.ste Leîmalinti i %l'allgj1cy. uf Notît Dakota. Man>- lice qurtir'on tl- itllot i Itsito te l utitiirelt-tuivsivert- lieuIt, utises-t-mi efthîe poriin t-t.. Ie s h-il (tr î iilît tadIuies o e-iereiulu 3-tri n-lihe liseboeri ioy on-enid tittt thlu,'tn!t s mîtt tîuts mark- ijtituate frit-tu iîf the le tuut mil icthîe>' cd1 could niot b.' î-îîîît. The'cntntilt~o luate front Kentucik>-liit 1852.'Ml ns.' (if cîsun sel for r mr wn-ttit thIr .tls-isi.0tevenis-onti, titspite lit-yr ttu s siî- ot thte latisn urction %vas director> niitr>- cryutd metitlly active antI euj.i'Y(-ed pI>-. andt îLt bllots itnakc-u i lia11Y Vti>, the cel.'bratiieiof lier almlives-csry tilthi se as te dlean>- irdicate tLe itntenîtion et keeti zi-t. LoisiGt. Stevenone, son ot tue viter, if vegîrîtir in illtier respects, te Vic Peosidt'nt, starlet i nîon a pheas- anat vildi tii net estro>- the secret'>-(if tire trip te Yokohtama, Julien. the albi. is-re vait antI btoul Le clit- ' James Waîker, an oit fariner living tou. TItis conîtetnttîinuis stîsteineul b>-thue neur Sprmnugfield, n-es sandlegget anti 3SuprmmeCo utn. s-ic belli t taithie rIear- moLet on W~aba8h aveonue, litear 2tit i>-exîrosetiiuîenten i te vtern-hu treet, Chicago, et 8:30 o'olock île otlier )duhy ticetaiued musi pros-ail. eseniug. Mn. Waîker n-as oit bis Wuty ta 1ilie Illinois Central doîsot ho teke a trai t Seboots and Clitegtîs. for home. lae meh tn-o men, w'Lo sep- The tanclîîs of Itantolpb Cunîmît>- met anatuti, forcing Mn. Vaker ta pasle- -lu conventiontiut Pont-y Saturtia>-anti on-r- en thit. As le titime, onCetftLe men ganizeti an assoîciation knownnus tic lieu- shnuok hlmt on îLe lefi site of the bout tiolph Courut>- Teachens' Association, tlie usitb a aantlug. The force of tle han- t bjects anti purîtoseof owhicl are te lpro- knocked tLe aid man don-n anti stunstut mate BociebiliiY andthte neifere of the>lins. In an Insant tLe foopats n-ere touchlera o! tue cont>- anti the promnotiotn on top o! their viethin ifliîîg lii podluets. anti mutitla îîîroeos-uînlo! the ceuni>- B>-tue lime M. Walker batl iulfideitly Iseboals. Tic otileona electeti nere: Prof. gainet conseiousmuess b teknen n-lai n-as NicklesSîatna, President; E. A. M-goiug on, bi is sailunts batl laken Lis Millen, Coalters-ilIe, l"irst Vice 1'esideni; atone>- anstisseme running. The asseult aMiss TiliicCarlyle, Cîîutvlllo, Second anti rolIer>- n- annituing catteanti Vice Presiîenti; 'Miss lIenrietta B. Ruae, wsas commiîheiniîhin tsi-nt>- tedet u n Chester, Secreten>-: K. S. Elliot, Ribtit, lecîrie lght. Baon-cIl nas the roller>- Treasur.r. 'Tbe irsI meeting of lte ase'plantieti anti no quheki>- esecutet ltaIthé iciathîmu sili bc belit in Ciuîtcrs-lllu, teilile ves i-crueLle tu neeure their boni>- true to é e lcitiet npoa 1>- the Executis-ce ut make their escapte nithout heiug ait- a Corunittee. ____prehentet. Otnte News lu Brief. J. NI. Krause. 'presitent ofthie Chicago Supi. Foeler buelli a teaicbema' lasti- Brewn'ug Cornpany, purcliaset psoperty -tute ut Itanise>-. There n-as a large lit- et Itockfomti on ss-ich n-ilIlecinediate- tendance eut a ver>- interealiag pragrani, 1> contîtmucteti an $11,000 coît-sterage n-bld n'as neli rendereti. bonnue, te be uset as the compuny'i West- .ust allIe moment n-len the carth ni-as cm tdistributiug tupot for 100 miles sur- r sumbling anti affrigîlet i dtizeus o! Colt- rounting. en wvere endeavoring teo niîn thoir At noon NWetnesdthelb.pnnos- mil peutions inulbels svayedthl.e estii- oftLe Amueiea astarcb svarks at Wou- Squake, esterpraiîng burgîara applied te kegan-as llowD up 1>- a duant explosion match te a fnae anti lien- a safe la. a gen- anti wsecked. Several n-orkmen vere là- es-ah store, tLus protitlng b>- the geacral juredt. AU ara expetetel recoves-. The -nois andi contusion. Severai perUotus ruIna teek tis-c, but tLe main butUlaWg *boeut ithé innfflcd soad ot ticexpkloi, esespeutdamaige. The ps-epesty lu14l b$ u 4!u-le4 te otIhee utlts.4- . !èshot ~O b. choas-y Exposition e1t tb '-Thougiats Wortb, of ÇC*iU thon-Hlitun Kour% BtudV"i Scrlpturce-Tilne Wef l bpe". Lessoîs ÇoirNov. 10. Golden Text-"Tb'e Lard relgnmeéI te eanth mejoice."-Ps. Oô: 1. Samuel Chosca King la tie suli«6 hiii lesson, n-hicb la fountil 1in i 4 [: 17-2î. A king for las-ae. The demis- e-. itttr. oneo, distincl>-so. NaIns-s xorîtll. la a regenerute, Gdnuoý. i moot the>- nould fnot haveàe* But minglng n-itb île nations, vi ng an-a>- front claie contact wtk do ýnamorei of the pomp antid U~e u4 reénta, n-hlt'b eeti popula- prlitde,1114 'lotd out for n king. Samunel atambii vemy nobl>- bore. Speuklng for tIse 3f Goatile tiusapproves et a bing. ' su tLe varden of the people vbo tis demant, anti as tLe aervant ef-4wt., Lord n-ho concedes lhiboy .s-aei -' and gracions>-lLe acquiesces t e i. -,' preset i-ll of the nation! As bçtorM 0*, agrent erisis ln 1Ismuel'. caruee, ho. O lie people togellier unlo lbe Lent dé Mizpeh! If a king Ibe>- muet bave, Oda- net wsill be that the change in rlgbtiy,d-. k fecti andti ia a titis asinlaail deuîiniè ad cliaices tic>- b-gin wihbGad. 1 Was Samuel ses-cre la cliarglng -1- -: areel that la ibis demant the>- vere rU'. ccting Cati? Certainl>- il nas g e-urageous la bu tlius, la tise face e icem ail, ere b.e -ichded ta their elamusi oe express bis oann tetur. But *N-se riglit? Wec ian onl>- diseuse thîs que- - ioa oD philosophlcal anti a priori grende. Tbure le ne bistor- to tell us wbat lasici4, as a pure îlieoerncy atid on an indepe.b, lent Itesis, mugit bas-o accompliabeut& t naution. There la, bon-e-e-, hlstor -nougb 10tuadi-hase the set truttietBSam-- ici'@ isordi i'egardiuîg the evils thcy3 s'ere about te entait upon thenaies ln aking>- succession. Ant Iinter export- mnenathe direction atftiemocracy suail uidisidîîal ses-ereignty raieslu de-Mu nindthe b.quer-. n-bat mîght net isla have 1-corne bluthe>-remnaincti truc aSM trained thenisles ta the simple forro et goverameuît finît gis-en tem frein il. skies? Was net national destin>- reves-s& atîd tIc historie groin-lb stunteti? ' Ces'- tan I>- raei here soi-ts ta bave tbrowxu. n-a>-thc oppontunit>- for famîdin; tUn great Repnblic. Samuel, bon-Pes-c, laying uside at the commandi of Coti(for lbe Lan been u~ uis kuteos> lis ciastened jatigment .1 vint is Lest, ant i ase n-iatever ef- pas- itînal feelinîg lic mîight rightly have su- ganiing Lis un-n displaeernent, preeeda -t get'ivutly andti tsreetly tue eecitte tbq poliulutn beitot. "Non-, tLet'efore," b - aya, "itreset-ay>oursels-ci befos-e the Lord bt> yonr tribes anti b>- yen th.u- - sentIs." lIn ibis canvs-susta hrought le ligit the maan-bhon i eenti>-ho ha# sne- - lecteil as beh uai fhiiing tLe expeccatloçm if the tribes.Il ii Saut the sou afi KI. But Seulthinot yet king. H. bs leu- cei-ed Satiuel's upproas-l andîth e fus-at eue thuslmnstic etidmrsement of the popuhar a.- semblage. HoeaiueI yet score the rwl frage of nil thie telles andti lb stroâ« fcuIt>- ibat DI>- toîlon-s upon Irieuta praven abilit>-. Titat cornes present>-14 Gilgal, anti Seul entera upon bis &I sLip ful>- accepted aud whlh everyqNm la bistas-on. Sat h ad la tact a fivqoefflm ordination te office. Finit, Sansue'a ep tuai sclectioa 19i: 20); secondt, GoutS au- ointing (10: 1); third, gaul's own bemat reapomise, n-lerely lie burai laIe PSophco$ 10- 6); forth tb. pupula-ratM ste anti fi ti anti lest of ail, the acesedlt»Ml of deet, as narratet la chapter cleve. n-hi-ne Seul, bra-cl>- overcomning lIa. au- rogant Aminanhlca. tsins tLe beatty 4uap. port of ai l loml antilh king de factoMb n-cil as de jure. It is un hnterestlagstualr as bimîting tie stops lu>- ihLail of u» corne te our lest estute. Illustrations. It n-as a grealt a>- for Sut. He vus coming ho the tîrone, anti bis on co%. tucl, in tLe prernises, n-as most CoieIX andt exempîlar>-. Teedhers mn>- veli out- lino the ator>- ut Samnl's elevation aahai- ectitive ti) the yoîtig. It is certain>- au eatu-rtaiaing and instrtuctive narrative. Ir begins wyuL the preguetît text af Ses-up- turc, "Anti the isses a! Kiali. Saur* fatîîr-n-ea, vre itiat." Then ha ni> tutidedth te beautifrul providence iy whick Sautlila lote10Samut.l'a presence andl-te the ratoittimtg oil ut kingship. This eug- geste thc div-ie sideo o! tic lmunsactloM. TIereNvcsts also a burnan site. Saut. la htret-lus self-crîllure, n-e ia>- bIler.,- i)bygil,mnal, spiritual, Lad amule binîscîf moaty for this bigb office, and "b proîa.rcd tian lintis ut lait tle prcpsted place. Anti nitacîs aiso Saul'a qIet noit'sty et the finat, andtihle vise for*-, bearance n-ith n-ielcbie "itelt bis place." I Got iniidito time enuhld iet hmelatrlkb thc blosi' b>- llihlie n-as Iraughltle bia an-n. Ila il Ha mrnuiug picture eofthbe si- e>-eimieuco nord honor are reacbedla Ibis norld. Tbore is intel a tbing as ProvideueË, Got lias a Ini in tiseaffairaetofMest. Seul net-or appeume.! te a lette- sulA- tage lthaitin t thhumble dacilt>- et bi- car>- tays svhîem Lie naited patienly - p- on Cuti. An tît hwas ther. that b. - achies-et moBt, nbcLeput bis aigki- Int the bandi a! Cat. Frances lEIIw Haeegal singe i: "Just te IcI h>-Fatbe- de WLat lbe %vit], Juat te kna nitalLe ia trme Anti le stili;t Jusltatefollo et-bus-b>- baur, As lic leaetii;- Jutite truficth.momnet powe-, As il needeili." - Whndata csil aignifi>- tatrust tLe every-tiuy affaira a! lite? us- mecîtn-LWoti ne commit, ourw Awý nte of anîroantkiat Bts-nge-or. lapable iliau ourase. mBe sure et,4àe Cati cames for is onn a efeuseou-,

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