CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Nov 1895, p. 6

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tinqtkmobll à e DIda I lrcie hV ltcof rhureaCurWt cet d o1er SExPloulou Wcke a Euildl t_______ ew9op upon fliese carousins AesuM t l ls, bul WEA uYThe ep abics ar rt (Jincagnedid -Sve te0fl Prsona Kille4. kitell Borne ofthe Aniaiekites ae bacr gloer or thé e ü U A V=TRY RY Cook Couty by pluraitles ensiderftbiy At about 9 O'cieck Wednesday moralng' TAI-MAGE MOVES PROM BROOK. ed te pi es on the spot,-aome of ti are man, It Nui broaibt *uM' 4the gogv tlecket one year the boliers in the Journal Building, cor- js b t omsgelgad~cog-ne», of neu..y l 1 tea t en. ~ UttnWERSAl- legsathau hfi ienter gin aa-ue Lrel ad itiy tre si- LYN TO WASHINGTON. ing off the field, morne of them crawl un Mnen do flot bav" ec D-lfl f tbeiw4r ritae. The Deinocrats mirde Il nn-Bro aoe n hlySre$ runt every ward of the citi, but tirir troit, exploded with tIli force. That cameis and speed off le the distance,.vces. They have mai agd nd u <' OboMryland, eomblned gains wrenet antilcient teove-portion of the building, about forty feet bntalledauCo-Psrtor of the Viret Davirdrob s emeels nd ut rttherhe cotisand I vory often illO ItheI *mq.InattPennsylvanie. Ne- coule the Itepublican exccss lit 1894. Fa~r- wide. Imuaeditely coiapscd, burying Promboyterlan Chuarch, Wt era Preo. -the back of carr elaad foto wagons, antl tion, as we shoot aroufi m uutve bg.&a. Kan*as, and New Jersey Go ilnscal euicn.dfae tcad~ ore o peop.le in the muies. A gIlat dent Cleveland Worahips - Cve. they galber together tire sheep and cat- under sorns iedge of rock», 5'Iow Rb on the Sarupner or Court bencli by 36,0% 'the building. within a short limue Bine Bea.ona'for Acceptlng the Cen. tie tht he a brnst oeadtr ty ock wagpries do yo gI ttel?"od I uebiw i lraiy Frerl fulrlth trerniYodr he crn!onpraetthen hw itsafrincevI unieutfiil odis indbeei ake frinYender tbey conte! The impieg men of respoeslbility. Do you SuppoeGo 1 leoA eo h lcin bench Judge Henry M. Shepard, Demo- the ruina, and niany more wverc' luaceessi- Sermon of Luamt unday. the garrisen cerne out and greet theni net goieg te recegnize tlat fideUtYl' il landglide le Maryland, a ItePubli- crut, was eiected witheut UopIoition te ie. Whjle the wurk of iviesue ws lpro- The installation of the Rev. T. DeWitt with wiid iîuzza. The Bible says David Thomias Scott, the premldent of the Peul:' eçu vctory ln Kentucky, aed the rotueasucced bhimmeif. Judge Sher.ard received gesIg oires cclie ho hard freli i "- Taimage as a co-paster witb the 11ev. Dr. saiuted then-thte te n sked thora how sylvania tailroad, going UP et d«th Ite 1power of Tanimaey ln e !cw York City a total vote of 134,339, whiela wvns exîlY prisoued sufferers. Byron Sunderland, of the First Presby- they alil uere. "Hlow is your broken re<-ive front God bis destinY, WUm DO bet- weore the features of the electious. about 2,000 long thoni the coaublued vote isSortly after 9) oclook the ruine broke terîce Church of Washington city, teok arin'" How la yeur fractured jaw?" ter kxîowe in that heur titan waI knOwa laMaryland teDm asmta ver- o alan irist.Te<eulc u t Ilenliantes, and the gret ciouiis uf place receetly. The exercises were beld -Han tbe stiffeued 1mb bison unlitu- lest nlght lte brakemais who, on tbe ltae Wteroe.Thewbee Seteseei-aise elected five of tire Drainage Commi'as- o liagty epuate oner oeracae ie uees.wih i- heicntn f tho tîting scioke seriously imiia'i ddthe lire- le the eveeing. The nioderator, the R1ev. bercd V' "Have -onhIl another chili "'Erie ltailread, was jammealtadatan bft repua now aeat Gra tendbricen inerw hihand. u Onro f emnnletheir Nwork ef resoue. A nuîber 1Mr. Alleu, prsldei and put the censti- "Are you gettlng btter?" Hie saluted the car couplingi. s'As hie part la f118 sdi muceeed Be rle- (411a50e. baitîmo ewbad ofCSSU SAETXKT setereotypers at work on theiliftli fleur tutienal questions. The 1irst Church is theni. goeth down le the baulte, s0 .haIlb ileu Reeublica by fro 5 B000tmoe U0,000. TTE ICET. ent down with the wreck. There were the "Presideunls Cburch," the wershil- Gerrinon Duty. part he that tcrricth bY the staff-" Iwt mepulein as overnr0byta m0 TP,01I f ~ le rontwe-ilvela thirty at ln erk in the leg .place of the President boet fithns Btewcm e!dfiuttig h nrtaIgSrie Lownds'élctonas ovrnr y m- Te ricialCadidte Becedlnbuilding. The large buildingu as eut famiiariy known. Dr. Nowmancurcb, distxibution cf the mpils of victery. A Christian wome wasaMeU tous lt,0of aaywhcre froni 10,000 10 0.00 ho ecm liceanly le two front front te rer by a during thex Grant reginie, became very Drive up these loden cannelse now. Who along the eslge of wood every eveatdas -e ocededhi the Demoratlc commtttee. theW yroîesat. Il of forty feelwiue, utthie buttera f4mons as the Generc*s pl)ace of prmier. tshal bave Ihe spoils? Weil, mone selili and tbe neiglibors la the country l-o là Xîw York lhe Republîcans elet their o tt . ONPLEto hc a uta xnotmiiiueThe Firet Church is ea uuftewy su nget httoetusvsogtnederstanai how a iother with so mafi matreStteticetani ary te tae r ..........JAlEtî A. tO1tEltTlSof timiteras bricks andi debris. place, a few bocks frein the Capitol. ail te belong te thoso vho lad belon ont Cres and cexioties aboulai wate no aau au faereamed majorlly. Conservative e- Treasurer .......... ADISON B. <OLVIN Freni reviecd liste of tenantlscnd eut- Years go the feshionablo set nioved le active service. "IVe did ail the figbt- lime as te bie ily sauntering ont evemlii< timatempace the figures nt froni 50,000 te Stte Englac-er.CAMBEIL W. AD)AMS ployes il isthouglit there Nveru eil ifty away off lewcnii the White lieuse and îng w hile thesoimen slahd et home le the hy evening. If wms founaiout afew 00,000. New York City la carried by Register.............ILLIAM SOH.MEit Pra Tasamany, but the combined Depsecratie BMÂItlÂN> people iii the coleast 4 section 1Up te miii- left the pilai 1111e brick cburch te the garrison, and wne ought te bave cil the flint she îvent there te pray fur ber bouse-l OY 10M aîS ight Wüdiiesdaiy seveiteen hodies bcd came eofearrunding boarding-l4euses SxIii reasures.' Bail Davidi looked fo the hold, cnd whlle there ene evenlng alli Vte cf that city aed Brooklyn shows a Gevemru ............ LLO, LWN eentknt h oge n wl ,rahn sos r ie gi lo f aou.12000 Te Lgisetre a Cautroier .... ttIIIl-rP. (ItAHAM entkn etellrgl xdtvel-ecoabn hp. l ieias Iangush worn faces o! these voteraois îho Lhed wnroeuthal beautîful bynin, fautonirn a lu of aboReuîa. IOO h ei t nAttorney Ounerl.. HAItîX IM. CLAI3AUGHsecvuxi iersuhîs were gtill iuinxecoiiiitti'd for. lng wben Grever Cleveland, ln 1884, dis- sî»id le the sarrisou aiid lie luokeiiround agsfrhernCritahet: 17TÂXI. Il ile aixost certaixn the exudosion wns covered lenhe1eva yrouiirini a itndsiv how ciennly evurythin alid New Jerffey n-auscarricai by the Republi- Gii rior ............HEBERNI. WELLS conseil by tflicil failli whivii tet fie beill- od frienda IL lootek a pew le bis ehurc-h. been kept. and ho sew tuaI the bliggagt oet ta w êaa caml bY fion 18.0001te 20.000. John W. Secretiary oft$rateu...JAS. T. 1IIIMONi> crs. Bolier Inspecter Nareargives il -s81mtadh oet ta wieaa Grigts la elected Govereor.- Ciien anii Ateorney General.......... A. C. -iISIlO' .w s I sf%%cd okucw liat these Frein every cumbering cars Treasurer. ...........JAMES SHIIPMAN c as 18iion the î(aîîîilty W1 consil ,uuded iandiicrippied men iwouidgIilly And spetif the heures elfttnglu Audto ......... 1111 RIHAllexiough have licu ithe fronît if lhey bal le humble, grateful proiyer. i craile majorltles were foiund te have goee IASSA('IIU>SETTS. tank. file able, andxir te little genal lookm up the. tier wcy n-heu the rtures came le Goenaor.FREDEIIICICT. CIEENlltlIÇE The uot shin~xg scexle attreîdixag the foaudrheltiitaile :"Ne, ne, Shah lucere bu eo reward for snch naUte -onsiderable 1lLeutunanf theeeroxx.î-xa PxxiiiCOlieasifille"IloggleCforrnba kea inbthe cnunhecounhrretIsr a l (I~-JI3 1ItA.72 O1.TA L~ A.N ID 'FE . yxxrhiaidi ogehaîr."cxii th lîndsareboy wo nants to go te cllege and jet ______________ aheus togelher, an lie fis flxerani vl silver. aaiiodcation. Tlxey call hlm a book- f Ana l Ouse p tu anoîlier nan vnia11)warni. fWiarever they lied hlm-le nth* - %vas sitliaag au-ay bock cxiii bcdnu udea btx rl the bouse-elrcdga qu f gl lg xy of the spoils axd ibf l a b0ok. "W~h t a p uty il in," te y nMy, 7 laYllii,igaraient ever hlm axdîii liq"fint Ed cneut gel an educclion." Bis ~~~~ ~~bis bondxuii h gold. Adlaaihe p eflier, wvcrk ait liard as ho wiii, en no ,-* tînottier mane n ixoIai]lolst ail ies pro.p- xuore filon support the taimly by tbeprol- L ls a-x-y in servixlg (,wd fil bis contyears filIof thetefUrn, Ouç aght rd 8t5ç --oran l xdrve ix soniorflcca-'ir t nhi onuaI h cisc orelà \i le axnaimornae a>!the sixeeultai the-3-bail -1.xf-rexae a uuxila. The simIers a":7 if breaxghî back front the Axual-kites i-ci lie "-tieI ilih you uldeu seni Ed te J;gives le-o or thnî-c of lte catrde naxd Ilîreeli oege. If yoc n-il, n-o will werk harder Ji. -./or tour of t.4e slieepl te thie poer maxi, mSaflan w e uver ai. and ae wlhl makl Our i~ iSliebushah eh1î%nys bc tedd cciicithe-i. îLe cia] dresses iio." Tlhe niether scys: Ys f-w Ev. DR. TAI.MAr. secs Iaune se emnel and mciiao ut 1 nl gel aioeg wilbout any bîred i elp, cxxiiand sik bo xiaeas stimuxlants anad lit gir-s aithotigli I amnont as straxignas1 nom oi 'JOHNlig t r.Eaanag l 8îax l' lina xi 111e tif lte aviie lIant lbubroxîgiat le. 1ILîîaI carx gel aloxxg n-lthoxxt cn lesInt n-as flte restIt Of xi) insirajationxofcftrixîtixe Axî,cekita-s. 'iaxxair 1 ix ltaîairn lbi. h ahrmi5 ~dl >r-Dr. Suxnderlanxdi, wlao, for a gerteratilu, i-i-linglacs ceiitilalalieforIer to naîxaa- ntuauîak ay xxskixag corn aighlmI -a e hue bei-ai heston. fioxns of fileia- ai ma - nallie gieflint abxx urare ai. ag ai-ilixax ny uiitxc. Sagar lsDr. Te lixiage lxx girlng reasoxas for xxxarslirt rit le A niax lukitislix , niit-is liisîied fron iaxeu~tle, baoller Jeban- ehangixagftle saeltecf lis laibar:; ,aidl "I anlthe 11arap-anu axindiiu isedfaiteixe.itIaxiyhpt __________________feehflnthIis is a xnational iolihortanity. caga-isciaji-e ina.> tiarmuc-d oaxigaîrisan dvn eun igui-yea. sufferiig-ecnomny le Vnibugaauanul at te xii-hee cii ,it gljuiost ix111111a- ixtleq ut b, f aai-t_ a o nc ot collete. Tîme thotit ofthelite A-auxty e-s, xlolta tCliena iay cfitle'210xmon lixîlwelit t- .u sssan. Cmnueucç2nCxiI dmy han sipeelz offlhieva-ti iling and the fIen. slis hartiâ htn ,thai-lb-axe.Tiîknlta neiina throng. Yes. I1lied liant in Newv York. iiaîn ta tue Uttle, sudhal is îpart h L ueimcase. Ciii knous il happeiea. i butthie ivcrk tb ir- uics dufaenx, cxit(]I liant xrrieîhli iîl stuîaff'dyla ofe n h -w f tocussd ltph(, aark. The îaxxsupprt l'raln Tipressniioune i.,m u-a îi a -rfà-es iaai-lk ln ou the stage ln their (1 I on ige f gai>iat eadsae o l vs.ti olsThe interent et rite occasien dence seaxiac I int ltula)Wtasinxgtamn, l<au.-;sax--iniaia. igiiua aaas liJian. anda ftî-r'anhile Il cenes J O N K & I1IiiA I I ia d P ro v id e nxce h c1 mvw a i xîy gixd e. I g re n t a nîn is. g r--itat p rea c-ix ir. gf l tu a n a a t x f i t re l a s Ith e v led il- DI, a 1ha~ h9,i bd ILn xiaixuiof ut axar anls, airrmillier lu- hui airaa-x.But nîy text Hosa-efor*th torinefl;ta bu iutrciix-ed. E.l bas sîudied - vitralionsxi. l asuder. t()iaetf lie grýant- tII,.j'aot.flixnat tîxera' is juîst ns 11111,1xix ma-aian s. harandaxia ouked se neIl thtleeha est I1lii liis xaiiiiaar n-as lau goa leL,1t- tir a xîxca lliant stcys aualolaue a-niln-labituliercadmlupnbe hr /1 ~don. Eîery uiiiicexiaexxl ias cITa-rt-a itae. Iiii, amvxbusixness cinu( lai>. criîaîi- ad xiare naunda c f appîcuts, WMemmU bol I fa-ilfliant fer 200 )yaxrs îî eliai ainnal o go fîrlix nalonien x .nt xxîî,me- bx-aakiug jute vecifenatien. Il la a giffat ~~~ ~~been Axuemia-axa,nalt 1 couhaineut live cients nuii lit the higlaiia Ofs ittue exrti, amyfur E-i. Ilula-y acckilethe galles. v ~an-ny frontlIis t-contry. Aiilien oppor-does lis îvbIe duty jaasl auleme lue is. i--i -re lis slaloms ln <hais-laine hats and Jl J 'i ~~tuxily vas i leeixi-ttaatwitlhrte la- anrx-isi,;x iuty la ns inujael aixianas e- ltha(],fc,]al ins, and the olaifab fil If Cross nerk. Twi--xty thtiîscad dollars uunrative ansesarvice nîtue front. 'Asio-iai- faîber ced mother--dear me., e n-as raiiaeii and I wcs ciked te flie il te bis part is liant gîtlbdaim> te flic hlat.,l is fliat haI a cciv bal fer six yearm, ho -' Ai ~~~~the suffeicg Iieins wisbcd very se siacîl bis part be that tarrlcth by thebaetbia cvumfomlyer-n a~.L 4. muc temcii ak lla tak. aîiiaske stffYtha-y gel up aed hook over on the platforîn î#TffV. ~ protectiorott heUicTxrkisla Coi emexuct. ltewamds areuvoit le be given accordlrag anal they laxxgh and îhey cry. ad tbey s.11 c -Unw.Il was veny courteous ho me, buxt, atter le ltxe axuout of nuise you mxaiel ibh doie. anal Uaey look paie andi thon thel r Wi.iIAiU aitbS aekiîg n-bat citieq I sho-alai visl, they warhi, nom ever arc-oraixg le Ihe aniauxt are vory uuuah tfinabeal. Eelsthé Il a .< qR cexli exhy gay:'CoeuteColisBruitiil)ii (If geod yeu aie, liat aaconiiig le wîiethhcnlaxnds, cadthe old-faslotied group la the <miith 'xxey nilu ho dîstributeal ftraxia rxuavrk le your fuxll capacuty, actoralatig glur aaeIerti hn tteti Ill il thoe for yon.' Tlaat n-as haniiiy the te ný-hIleier or nat you do yaîur fuliutly xxh.Ty have nîndful he fthetri. si ofd suprie. otunkxoav, but tho]lave sharta-i outinluthe spaixuefivhire Caîiilias îiat-ed ycu. lie. anal le the day n-heu Ced shaml mor fa rriuSecrelany o!f Ile......wNi.IL îot t-> îeîtwen CrnrBte adail witIaoxtt Cverxiuaitit proteact i idcil Eucla as 1 HlmlPart. tîîlly rewanaself-saerifices made for ob- Massachusetts Itepublicans re-eeclad T-ammurer ...... tîi> i AYSON SHAW lîarTti Ie ugla b îea her siuîp y a outnvihle woldrgad.hdiavet "opoemaeus cxii v î'yart e o gfYuri i ers, o ieun. "As is pgart nd lrtitegoeth Gov Creux balge hy ncreeeed majonitieq. Attoriey(enraI IhOEA .MKNW LN mhxe.The bflrtma-aeung traclo tIbd eetiîroi vîxh thibveet-r xkupxcbss aa e n -axgre$eiat .>tebatl, esahhepatb Ia *Pite o! is bcixig au off yoam the ticket m gii>1L cns ersi wudno ae ee- l or2ss0ot t n o yieu ru- liaitnfile iby thtuis halb"at wet timcugh with Lur tasae iln llhoulirforrwi, ndaste petaor erd it laasorlWork a 1wol bald hat yeer. Lieuteat av-mxr JH.aiNE;secexle, tht-.lmilice, le thet- xîrests ao deh.aDe.Taie butao ra-aih ls e-oii uciixig ci th Ior hyeliiba$21)xteaxur VTi etlubiernnormntl i t Elg Mujortlcm e pee sylva la. eczeiamy out S te ....... .L. POW El riie-t h lue tidrt:lkî- aoiiix'iie lie lire mo n lu laie xei pxfil ast Sîxnay. sIfet Ia.fîmIis w ow o h Peunylvaixia wont Itepîîhlicanx iillatu- Adtncaxmr .. ........I.Q111I o creased majoritiem. The voting ealy la Attorney Ueiena .....W il N.t>NASU Chrs c th o nine a iteitrsadaIOWt 'hA. 4x -tbni,mgla sia-kuese or ceilapmm cf fortue -prb ayl adinîiobailflthe otesiîof l NIantI it iOW A , SHES NOW A OUCHESS. n-as "Tic Dis.gbled," lue taxI sect-edoravne asenunwgotth Ibm big parties, luthie laie bers, oîv- Lieautenanai taîmeeur.....IATTT PAlttTT leiagoutxSamutlnn te l24,bAîis sart aa.1h-e20 o fIm ctwr Ibcesis w um ercofelectrs wo p- thy 1'niihtte that Wnien haroIIIII onuloVndril ffr hlmhspatli ha arit y h suf. û rns ,ü ha anbrsbs mr e, li a venethaDliao Mt niulh.aiishwhvte muscles were tomet * - buextthepolpaTh vleiaamidecout .t..eOSAtxxrbanI yu hveccdr eseat.amychng bhte rt ilwa ah av iceaexna i se nhe rte spar tiust bias 1 hecty.bils -r TbotHeE r o duleqic-Woucil thaebeen faim fer Iheme mon, pablieun by 00,000. This mcy seauiltefiisfot the niekts 0 hy sg-ý aeeoahane ln the spolIa of la blio Bilthie lepublican eau- Fre e, ----4hdate, n lu edGotemixor oven Camp- s* tht' stul! aîîd walt for yaîur s arcetf thle by from, 80,000 te 100,000 majorily. carmin ,es. Whio salnl hbc ailed 10 nai- j.ila edrihy<m om .Ibc Ibis es uff rumeand sltk solici, cndii the lieiug oet hie fat lanibs and 1I&ue the - .~oub be Bet,,le dditon l ele-t-arc ne chie lu go on savift VtjKà'y C]Ci - jemeis gilct lu the Bn. Il makesm mlBcd lithe ot ut tie Stale .IuIî1I- as e -ileniatut o iu-lauit tikhnyou mill bc snrprlmcd niica ae uhytre-il~IUltaua~j-~I' . ~ ipoditiaebtt omne ag otikI lie Leiehalue, I i ~ i - wonk, u' mwii r icaldb vihn -ithey thmemv a elia-Iin otgoli oez -hmi hi e-satre 1tlt.a3ggage. Tiiere is many a aoduler --.yarnc xi e1yul ol eida enaln heit l'Woi e srnmnug omrlitit it i te kixng.1iseac you backlug ont lie. ivho le ci stnogBrionaginluth:.cb thity set cause yoc anc unnvorlhy. Tic ahling Ilý"iiie« M es WIýmiles lu a dnandxi fion plungue t ton -- heDeocaî oe»heure' figil mvbola abhe nitlu ianumvusecnîl FIST PItFAL-TTEcIAN IUR nle cone up on lie eue aide, and Ibé .cWL surpried a e eme iiin e'«lifteal agalanetbis affouiller le pace uanhi)lb b ii .>shiiiig ceescene tiI>on the otheri~ l tbe'Ropeblcanz lhi glvlng Cen. Drake a J, axxd don-n as a seîtincl te keep off aitu mu to h ohrby ucaei i adIhîey puai yeu n mand they pusi yon eneiy mbuîxaghtun ut toch e txe$1? 0f coursueut. If God give mcciih up anii îicy say, "hulre le an oh maobils a âtlated plurality of 60,000. The Legis nm whiigtuttefrtete or social position or eloquence or tîventy et Jeans Christ,"' aed lie shiang on" laur w - ll bcd Roubîca n cessRle Suna :i baggage. Tient' are 200 of tb6se cippled ftnis the taculty te a exan liatIl gve nluI rush oui ton-ami Yeu cnd smy, aiYM ecaan ap ulicn cs rea.tic vena- and aged sud mioundei soldier iietailed le h lte eordinary man, is lie Il te give lnthamianmesavcî my seul," or tieywUl» tic Bltu n-a hîgî,suapossethahebauggmo.Sonie Or thtein 1 tie favorci man a mon-ri beuse lhe bas rush Ouiteîîd moy, "Oh, yem, mie wa, wiÎ tbs-0i*botenStauppome. had foraeiiage crosu hIlbe- 1a menymellions ieiug ton huai le thei ced momne o!thum bai Ibeir arma iu a more poweur aud more influence? Oh, no. me li rtue fautit-knuss." And tien lie fi" te ta ire l ime te go le lie pols.ln. mximreo e -led onu mîci- lIn ther n-orts, if yen and 1 were te do cmy ivilI go round the cia-cIe, "Come In, 'Xbo Populistaen-cii da les-go gain le es..They were not cen-anis mirking oua- n-more adnt muan avetaa-ecty lccme le, cnie up. Wnd saw yome '.tbmlr vote, xanuy faeu silver Democrats îcîy. They bail foughti en auy a tierce lmsncehln inIbvynnl wydieto' hea ikmi e e*.l etie ket uppohattore for Ihoir ceuntryiadced ur ed. gel no more divine reivard thanon- ili. la crepit and disceurageilimoensu e o ld ticke supprt. Cd ilg le reivand you beccume lie gare net ge le lie frent, but 'As bis p*rt la *ta la eebrskall T. L. Norvai, RB lîa Thoy are non- part of tic liime in hespilal yen more? Tha? would nottlhe faim; tint goeel downnte tle baIlle. no shallhbis pan candidte fo the upremebonch la pob-ced part o e ti he eagarnison iuly. ivouhlcotlie igit. Those 200 mencoethle bo tiattarriethLI t e lufnf.'" *uII (Pop.) elloal le,00tien 00,00. Maxle- Tiey amnost c"-ybecause Iieyconot go t xt -be feinleil by lie breok Bomor diai Cheer fil, men ccd womeof-unsapie- Pel(Pp.) {lleDc.Issot ab6,0ut wilwilb the otier Iroopa le lie freet. Mhilethr ioeauylcwmhdlebg-caissvcs.Yn llgmio . Mshoaey. lie stralgit Democralle candi- Lord w eches th sectincle. gage, they Iookc re o f te st ff a d lhcy wand, if net bore, herecfter. Oh, flua date wll n t rceie 1 exema 1<,430fot as ninci efthe speliu t f icory as tireo n-hob a c nghy day n e m je Yaei-tiUlnet recncîvnIte t-- 1,00.Kow Batllea lHeve Dccli Lent. mec whe n-ont Il front. "As hie patlDavid radi distrhbulo tie garlanis, Ibm Fot-. rcicsoto eveeysix Tics-o la quile a diffçeal ccc, beicg la liaI goeli down nte thm baIlle, meosail croWns, lie sceptors, lie charIots, -lh. CàOîaha gave rmftoal(l),fer I My-TEDK F IREIoOsieua CONsELO VAýnDEIT. enecleal le lic distance. TIhe Amlekites, bis part be iat lara-elih y lie Bluff." limones. Andi thon il mdho befoun Mt

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