CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Nov 1895, p. 7

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r0- .~i 71 ~AU My Life 1 b"thatdistflsng dIse ise, catarrh ef the .tomach. I provci most iro iblesome la the entanmer. and was accompanied by 'IlaI tfred feeling.' I took Hood's Sarsaparilla a~ bave not h"d a single attack of my lu compiint even during the extremo bt weather.,,MIy genleral health is aiso A mueh better." Miss MIx»iîEA. lERas, > Offeori, Nebraka. 81; six lor $5. Ilod l actiaronia 5 A Pemrkable Offer. The publisbelrisof the Youth's Coni- mulion bave mxlt made a remarknbie off er te the. readers of this paper. New sub- meibters who will nend nt one their -an and address and $1.7-5, wiil receive free a bandsome four-page ealeiîdnr, 7z 10 loches, lithographed in ine colors re- tai price.50 cents, the Youth's Couipan- lm tiee every week t0 Jan. 1, 181), the. Thbagtrîng, Chriatmas and New Year's double numbers frêê, and the Yuut's Conmpanlion fifty two weeks, a fu year, to Jais. 1 189)7. Adiress the Youth'a Companion, l1t9 Columbus aveuue, BOa- Coaing on the Huis at se&. A remarkable experlient of a system et coallng at ses wss recently miade by the FPrench bittIeshlp lRichelieu. By a inove! system of ransfer w-tii a collier alongslde she took lu, wlille runnlng at the speed orsix -and a bal! knoîs. about 100 tons of coni In three hours. The State of Georgaias < evelnç>e( greatly sînce Ithe war, mefliceinat( iiow rencblug thc ressetable total of ~5, TUE BLUE&. WhIy do W@men hare the Blues mrt tizan ment tO-SCIA!. vo orp. L&»Y aIi,5r» ý Ar e t women naturally as lght- huartedl, beave, and liopeful as men?* Ys but wonna organism iâ dif- taront £rm flian's. Women in per- fect or good lieahhi are iaroiy vlctirn. o! tiis ymptom. Womcn uearly tuonopolize the 'blues, hecause the!r promote tlicm. À When the fcmala organs fail to per- foi-m thclr flune- tions p-operly, when the dres.deï female compilatq appear, there Is abowninervousness, leepleaanesfalit- ne»i, backaclic, headnchc, liaring- down pains, etc., caueingthe dreaded *"let-me-alonc" andt "ali.gone', feel- ings. t Othe oma dac hot undci-taii w1bat the. natter le, and hier doctor cau q Mo or vill not tell lier, &ho growîimor-ose and uslancholy; tisat's the blueq. Mm lÇecwton Cob of Mancliester, 0., mys: "Lydda Ae Pinkham's Vegetable Compound',a-Ul eorrect ail tiis trouble. 1 canet pralse I enougli. 1 arn pîaseti to-teD cevery onc that It çured me; and If U yul cure me, why not others? I amn curnt-e wafscvrc cnough." Il will. a! i o your dnuggist at once. Ibeor(Setst Medical DiscovMr 01thtie Age. KENNEDY'S .,MEDICAL DISCOVERYII MOAULDINEDY, 0F, RMXURY, MASS., Nadlscovered ln anc o! our common Pasture wceds a remedy that cures every ldnd of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down ta a common Pîmple. .H. bas tried it in over eleven hundred caeand nevr failed except in two cases (bothtunder humai-). Hehias now in his pOssession aver two hundred -cetificates of ts *ýahàe, ail wliln twenty miles of Doiton. Send postal card for book. A benefit ls always experlenced firn *»e firit tle and aperfect cure is war- rati4d w e te rlgft quan l s taken. Wben the Iungs are affec cd t causes L~~-ttpc4and always.disAppears in a wejk diter takmi t, ead the label. ie i stoiach s foui or bilous it wlU çousequoamkh feelIngs atfi-st. N changeof diet ever nces sa.Eat yucn get, snd enough cf it. e,, OSe qp tal"ponflinwater at bcd- Urne. Sold by al Druggists. 1Warning »ftt om - siww.w ris koas ent r Fo Go.e.i, , CHCAGO ILL. EHOIME8 18 TO RANG MODERN BORGIA CONVICTED IN PI-4ILA El-PH lA. Ai-ch Fiend aud Monster lu Humas Foi-m Found Gnlit>. o! Murder lis the Pi-at Degree-Jury Noedeut No Tîmse for Debute. Gallown Awnite Ulm. Ulenry H Il liuies, othervise Hlerman W. Mludgelt, swlndli-r, bigaînist, murder- ür and ni-ch fiend, buasbc-eu airebted lu lus career o! crime hy a vri-t o! mnurderinu the first dcgrce, that is likcly te gond hlm afte- his mnany vitima lto Ithe unkuowa beyond thue grave. The nionstor Yho buit in Çlicago a labyrinîli ta $Dur- und kiil human game withloit deteciun, irbho alew Innocent chludren wLilluout ressua or compuiictiou, srho madc a pastime of lbe- ti-ayiug wuîn, wlio waded tbrougb blod for mnuney, wbi olid widows and or- phans, wlîo exhaustcd an expeit's ingonu- ity lu dovisiug uew forma o! deallu, r.ho success!uIly swindled lusurance conupa- nies o! thousands, wbo escapedl deieceion for years lante mostiemarkabîo nul varie! career in Ibo anuleaio! Amprican crime, was conricted i Pbiladclîilia Sut- urdny of te aurder o! Benjamin F lit- zel, o! Chicago. The man who wns about ta bear the warrant for hie doalli, w-ho had iaeled out déath he othors wilhout mcrcy sud wli, aIud gone îbi-ough tryiug ordenas almont witbout a quiver of the lips or a twiage of the conscience, stood ci-oct lu the dock, uumoved, appnrently unheeding. On his face Bat the pallor of deaîh, hut It had heen there for days, and did nul deepen as ho gave eue swift gîsuice t thie rowa o! unaympsthbziug eyes et bis hack, tuixaed bis gaze nt the jury lu a blauk tare, and claxpcd bis bauds liohind hlm. Once or twice he mostened.his lips wiîli bis tongue, nppsi-eully belrayiug s fe-er o! anxlely thal ho LeId luncheck wth ia Iron nre. Theriowns unu other aigu o! agitation, and iloimes hoard bis duom lu silence as tbougb it miglît harvelicou a dream. L The clei-k o! the court, lu a voie. op- *prlng Wheat CrP0 h Sad te BeNOt Very 1Go0d in Point Of Ouality. The qualit3' o! the new apring ci-op hae been a mooted question. For Ibis reason a Chicago paper han obtained fi-ou officiai sources the inspection returas nt Minne- apolis, the lai-geaI cpri-g wheat reccivIag point, and prosents it as a verY fair index to the chai-acter quality) of tI,l..- î.4ci-p. It is a good crop lu quantlty, lot the fig- ures ni-e not ospecinlly encOurilcuug fi-oui a quality stanulpoint. Here nre the ie- turus for the last thi-ce moutlu, aiuoo-iiîg the numuler o! car loads received and the way tbey ai-e grauled: Giales- Aug. Sept. Oct. Ttals. No. 1 noithern.2211 -,,148811,235 2).i34 No. 1 lird .... 72 153 18o ;,u5 Np. 2 ....1,609 3,76W 4-9î3 No 3......... 207 670 21,01 37S Rejected .1'108 3,717 2,0S7 Gi No grade. 7 -. -5 251 D 18 53 1 Wiuter .........17 a 20 _44) Total cars. .5,190 15,778S 21,529 3St'1 (A Tîuus il ivill ho seen that oniy R fram-ion o! os-or 50 per cent. received at Minnoapo,- lis lu tIi-ce moulus bas licnof o a Ourlity guîod enough ta grade as really nierchaut- alle-ss conl-set. The above ropi-estata about 2:),(00,000 bushois o! wbont. The nere coi-n crop is begiuuing to move -h unuing. lu fact-hence iacrejisiig ri- ceipts t aIl mar-kets are promised. N, malter whnt the piteeIo a certain amnount j,, Aure te lie marketed as soon as ready. Taxes have 10 o epuid sud debte coula-a cd duriug the growlug o! the ci-up mus3 lie met. It would appoart tnt bi$ rop pnices alrcady pi-esail, and for titis rensu it would not semr possible for values te sink inueh. if any. lower. lu Iowa, Kia- sas and Nebiraska Uic produeer will gt vr iutIle for hi@ ci-up, 1*2fl~~5c per bu. pei-haps. Onts ai-c nut being maurketed sO frieely lstely, perbaps on account of the vriy low priee. Provisions have shown s littho more life, but are stilI Toi-y junlintei-esting. FLAMES SWEEP PRAIRIES. Indiana Towns Have Narw KacaPe* The prairie fi-es)whlcbcave beeu huin- iug soulli o! Whiting, Ind. for the last two weeks finaliy reached the border o! IIOLMEIS HEARS IfilS iOOXf. piessed w illithe- uriavty o! is du)Y. tciplace Sunday. At noua the Wbitiug, turuced to the tueliu iti un tiie jury box, Noirthi Iamusnnd nad Stsndard 011 Cona- and, iu slow, mensured tonucs, baid the pauuys ire dopaitnetwuere called ont, fat-fuI foin; auîd fouglît the flaunes ail the afternooan. "Jui-oi-, look on the prisoner. Pi-lau- Tira tbousaud acres betwecu Whitiug ci, look ou tht- jurai-s. IHowbamy you, get-uand llannond bave bot-n buruce. Mlicb tlemon o! the jury!f Do yon tiud the pris- of ulula lerI-tory is a kine! cf peut and la onier t the b-ar, Iteruuau NV. NMudgttt, stil buruing. Atonue time il seerned thIt alias Hl. H. Hulmes, guiity of theIi'- urder the euh-re towu o!fltohsrtsdale, sitb the o! Benjamuin P-. litzel. or not guuhilt3y' "Slîrlli.ld i-sing property, would lie de- Tbe spokesinan o! thet tirs-Ie n liai t-o r-u. The fianns su-tpt upon the mlot bot-n touclic-d îritl itiy forItue prei- ft-ti.,-ansd outlîousca bsck o! the firet oner, fur lho aussi-ti-cl îromptly, clr-arl3- row of bouses lu the- edgeofe!heun, bru- and iithout a siiadou- o! feeliug: ing tht-m. and iriuug ses-ciaI cottages, bat "Gniity o! murder li tue iist tegret-" the-ctihui efforts ofthue doparîmemts The- accused stoold like a statue as tha sas-rd tht- cottages aud fouglit the flamea verdict n-as bcbng pi-ouoiunud. Tht-ie back. The soul about the loisn lis snudY, n-as uîo tremor lu bis shruuîkeu foiti; no and uloss-that the gruss bas boen hurued bwitchiuig o! a lip. Ilis mairtloua self- off the Itames haro reeeded sud the toisa mastery lad uot fo-siukt- uil. Thero la ont o! datuger at that pint. n-as a tigliter cinsît on a paper lie ht-d Pruyri trre offered Suuday ln any In bis baud, but the eyet-arcsted ou the- o! thoe hurclues lu the Kaukuikee rogion jury as th.uugh lut-Id hy a myul.ri-us fuor ain. Tht- entîre Kankakee uregion ih maguet. At lastIiloimes ieiesnd ute te-onote sast iraste o! ashes, uith bore and sion hiy clearing bis throat with ashuai-se thore the partially hurned carcas e! soute ,,hem" ns le slowly sauk imb liescatat, cuss or borme te tell o! the fury o! the and the people morcd lu tht-i- scats sud fiames. The tire is smoldortng nuong the turned te make wlisîîcred commeuts. rirer foi- miles aud Itue only danuger nowi l This remanikall criminal, bowerer, from a igli wiud dririug the sparks sud wuas ta gise yet aniolliierîvdeuce o! bis hurniug hi-suds bo teriitory n-lit b las net soif-possessBion. IHie counsel iequested bteun burned as-ai. The criis is lit-ilorved the lerk ta poil tbe jury, nud Pcdio! thet- u hare been passed, tbaugli there wili tsielve meuni-enffii-med the s-cidicttsihicluliaofi-equent boas-y lasses util bliere In theu- foreman laed already giron. As ecd long and eoutinuod tain. naine masscalIe! Hiolmea nrote ik ou the mai-gin of the newspaper. Thter as ne GIFT 0F THREE MILLION. trernbling o! the f ugers wshiclî guided the lead peut-Il, and the n-ulher glauced up at John D. Rockefellera Latent Pi-osent each jorynan lu hurn, as Ihough ifxing - te ulihseislor cf hicaigo. lie face lu bIe memoniy. The University o! Chicago bau again The Court mnade as formaI record o!thue licouthie recipient of John D. Rackefel- verdict, nnd Unîlme' counsel madIe the ler's beneficence. Ho bas gis-on $3,000e- expected motion for' a IOw trial. Habits 000 ta lhe institution follo-e! thIe pracoedingu lu silencet and u n d e r conditions wlicn an oMIcer iudicated liaI lie vâs no n-hicb n-Ilulîbuate- longet wanted ho arase alertly n-itliut ly net il $5,000,000. proteat or apparent reluctauce, and tart- Oua million dollars ed out o! lhe caugtroona. Hoe was taken o! Ibis sum in gis-en ta bis celraom, and a fan- minutes lsterh outniglit ns an eu- left fat the prison, irbore lie n-ilpi-ohm- doisnient and the i- lly rmain evrtimenthseutil liseîsp- maîuuîng $2000,000 Hobues spcke ta is counisel, Rotan and bande o! the ti-us- Sboemako-, lunte cellrorn befere h lsiaeIes prosidod $2.. taken back te Mayarnensing prison. To J. D. ltOCKEi-ELLER. 000,000 additional them lie said: "I feel thiat bihs coudemu are raîsel before the year 1900. M the me. It n-au anu uuust trial." full $2,(M, 000 le nt raised hy liat limte The specific offense for is-licli Holmes Mi. Rockefeller iili gis-e as much as the n-au lried n-as the murder a! hie confed- soliscripthoas amount to. Intelligence o! rate lu f-aud, Piîzel. They liad planiiee Ibis donation is recelveel Saturdsy that tbe latter shouid Imeure is lite, tint moring t a special meeting o! the trus- a dead body proemedIno usainesn-ay sbould tees cailed for the purpaseofo listening ta be-palmed off on the insurance coi»pauty a proposition tram F. T. Gatee, the pur- as tiat ! Pit.zel, and the mqpey bc col- sonal iepresetatis-e of Mr. Rockefeller. lected andt dis-lded. Hoirnesaimplified Mr. Roc-kefeller lias gis-en te tbbcUvser- matters br lnurdering Pitzel aud gotbiuug sity of Chicago the grand total o! $7,425,- iid o! a pitner wia would hava inasted 000, gis-en lu intallments as fallows: ou a division ai the. spolla. The only dhs- May, 188, $60,000; September, 18M, puted question n-as w lbether Plîzet com- $l,000,000; Feiruary, 1802, $1,000,000; mitteut suicide or n-as murdere!. The es- Decembetr, 189, $1,000,000, May, 1U93 denct satialed thtesJury that ho die! net $150,000; Juliy,189, 500,000; Deceni. kiU humusgelf, but n-as murdered. stu ber, 1904, $175è0004 Novomber, 1895, 8, betng the case thejr hautno dilnl in~ l 000,000. igrlvlng at the0 coel"o'ttat Relun 1 mn.s tisa munrar. -l hab" à a me> Omlt n~ tsotW~4 th' a.0 RE) gr al ai lu or si la zc g4 0~ Blgbast of anin laLevening Powe-Lstet U. S. Gov' Report What a (rbh Bag Cont.ained. A Bangor pashor at a fair lnvited ail se people o! the- paulelh o contibuhe rnecthing for a uuîuuuuîuoth"gi-nb th ud it was a inust vriled colle-ctionî of ;ods Iluat Nw-a- gaýîtturcd. Outhe sec- id evenlng of Ithe fair a respectabic lttzcu, Iiubued witli Uic spirit o! dolug eood in tte cluinr, paid the tee and i-abbed. A cî-owd cullc-cted about in, [il nuixiotus ho mse wint lic bldrd-.wu, und lits surprise uîuay lic e.sillY Imag- led wlien lue foîuîîd lie hLad a note with Le follovving Inscription: "1(,ood fer one grave, dug any Urne during the en- sung ycar. Jolin Spader.*" The vil- ugo grav-e dlgger Liadt put lu lits gift 1th the i-st, asuithUirespecetable clU- zn bah cbancd upon an unusual bar- Chicago opera lBouse -"Thrilby.' Manager Hlendereon, o! the Chicago Opera House, bas. socurod the Garrick %uiiesqueC (ompany for two wreeks, coun- aieiueiug Suuday evciîing, Nos-. 3, lu the Muont ouccessful of!asu burlesques, "Thi-il- y.' The compauy was orgauized bY Mi-. Richard Mansfield, and the bur- cesque n-es produced foi- nearly 100 nîghts ut luis Iheater lu New Yoi-k, the Gaitk, s ht-i- il tesled the eaîuacily o! Ibis beau- tfui theshor. Duriug the i-un of "Th-il- by" i u New Yoi-k and Boston the euh-re i-ess spoke o! the originual ides, seenes and unusie, sud gare Mi-. ei-bei-t (the auntho-) the gi-enînit pi-aise for bie work. "Thrillby" ill hoproducce! lu Chicago witlî tuc rame cnet, the original accuery and effcs that made il so aucceasfulinl the Eat. The eompany comprises sucb -' lI kuuowu pe-ople as Elvýia Crex Sea- brooke, Carie Perkius, Margaret Mac- DJonaid. Jeuie Reynolds, Gertrude Mur- r-ay, t;ru-oy Scott7Edyth Murray, Alice .oi-ranu, Sol Aiken, Louisa WestlcY, Jo- sephli toberts, George IHerbertIL I. '. [rohius, M1ar-k .urphy, Willis P. Sweath nin. uni a cherus nnd ballet of ifty. Tlue or tii-aira nut the Chuicago Opera lieuuse isililie auguîeulcd duriu g Ibis eu- gaige-uuieuit. Tripe Undertaken for Health's Saute Wil be rendered more boei,ti and the fatigules ua! uasol couutei-aeted. Ir the Voý- ager solul take aloîug "*ulatnlmHostetter S stoniacti iiluttera, and une îlot proteetira îr.-t ensitaig toi-ej re, -ivotiîgoraut and appetizer rt-gîtai-h. lu. puritlefi lu air and whsii -atre ilu-ratized bylIt, and Lt 1 I atch- lem, tranclullilizer anud ireguiator Ofthe stll- m-. Iii ir sud bon eus, It (uutoractliuna- unr)., rhi-aaustlsi. iauj a tendent-y tu 1.4- nuiy snd bladder alîu-ults. A Nice Le-gai Point. liuflin courts juave to decide queer qiuu-st,ïons. 'Thie Buddliists o! Japan aii-euudun image hothe great temlei o! Budilsa Giiya. Tue Ilîudooe l O- jected to the auteeptauce o! the present especiadly the abliot of a Sîraite mouas- tory near by, Nvhu claiued, under a decu-ce 400 ycni-s 06, Ithe riglit to, deter- nuline, luat shiould go lnto the temple, A moli brolie mb ic templle sud car- rir-d off the image. Some o! the ibers ivere flncd. buit appoalfce! ho the Supreme Cmiu t altcutta, whlcli las just de- ctuled lu Uuclr fas-or, bnviog ascertained tliat the Alibot's cain wats iegai. 'Me1 decislon ssill cause trouble betweeu tlie Buddîuiasuo! Iodla and those o! Bur- rua-li, Ck-ylon and Japa. 0100 Steward, 3100. The i-eider of Ihuls paper wlli ba plaed lu lcsm thiasUuero h Is asautone dr edtdisesa lIat aile ulias been able te cui-e lanail I star, anud triai la atar-l. Bail'% Calarb Ci ls 0 oaty pomtire cure Ituora 0 e he dlf tralercity. Ca-h boing a coutitutionMl dis- ease, requires !toostiuhUo»5i reàllsent. UsU'I tlo aternaily seltitdft!Ui au the blood sud unucOus surfaces o!f the mW tllarèby deslroyiug lhe foumdaliOu 09 thedlis eueansd d awatstagthna1Cil pr w0riewthhs atlyoffe 4l atIl cuatve roortlase odra âollars for "@ay c-s Ilat Iltralda te sure. Bený Id M y.j. l IEEY & CO., Toledo, 0 gwsold by Dnugglts, 75c. Itussians Are Economîcai. The Russian workmau speuds ver Little for food], Iodging and dreis, a ompeured xvl-h the forelgnaraitisan Coming f-ouithe village, ha 19 ver: modest lu bis dcunands. Hlm food 1 s-ciy simple, but it is aliund"tutuud ai swcrs ho bis ta-ste. Iu Moscow, for ex ample, th1e board o! a îvoukmal amjounts ho not more Ilian 10 shUllini per monh. Plislitemedy for Catarrh le neti lîquid or a Bnuif. It qulckly relies-es Colq Ia theo1Hoad, Headacho, etc., and riea11 cures Catar-b. 50c. There tg notblng'that Ilma-n vin Les afford ho leave at home than bis cor scIence Or bis good habits.--Ptcke- Wliahever Mnay Ise the cause o! hianch lu , *the lbai- may lie restored te tts orlg nai color tuy the use a! 1h1atentft reme Hall', Vi-getable Sicilian air Iteneiret The nation lias Du botter fi-ieud thal the mother wbo teaches ber boy t, pray. __________ D)ou't anaat ltae cuticle, but use Gilenn' But hur8 pfor eruptiva disorders. "il'sIiI and Wblsker Dye," Blac or Branwn. 50e. - MFtsIô'rtmyD sà ' Mcs" aîiseN ta a albe WorlM'a Fair 1I HIOhUS AWARD. Prccrlbcd byPhySîClans ReIIcd on h1wH ItIS on by .M r c r 1ai PA5TU.~!m lilsclciug o! a t3TIN LASOS~ miter - dlsseî aIlms5~' spplied and pot. laled vils a More, Bras., Pi-cps., CgnIon, Usas.. U.S.A. A Nîgit on the Way. We kuai o! many busi.esmen n-ho have traveîrd liotsî,euu Chicago sud St. Patul os-n iflfy timena iiulthle past fis-e years sud haro nover st-eu au In-h o! the ti-ack hctwpen Milwsauikee, La Crasse, and Wioua, yet nolsritiuatsndiag, they ivilli ssert that the Chicago, Milwaukee aud St. Paul la the beet àud most attrac- tils- raiîsvay betiveen the gi-cal lakos and the turin cittes (St. Paul aud Minneap- olis). Tbey lnow sotbing, hcyoud bosi-- say, o! the heautîful sceuei-y th-osugli the lake regien of Wisconsin or aloug the T'pper Mississippi Ris-or, irbich a day- light ride orer Ibis gieut rialway affards; but tlîey back theur jtudgment ou Iboir exPcrieuu-o itlUithe uigit train service, whiu-lieiusiles theni tu tart fi-rn one termnin t he eeliuung and arrive ah the othor termialinl the- nurniuug. The t-av-- oIt-r kiîosrs ingtiavtiroly tbat the trustk is perfec~t, liecause there is no ahiprecin- hIe joit or jai. -. Hokuows that there la net lu Europe or America a more com- plot e and satisfactary train thaui the eie< tric-fighted, team-hieated, vestibule limlted, si-ill its bei-lb readlng lampeansd ottuor magnificent apipointments. The dining car service lasaupei-h. Supper le served u the train leaving Chicago eiuch cvouing. breakfast on the train nrris-iag at Chicago eaclu moriung. ls il loy isonder that busineas monanud touriate prefoi- thî-the hest-route ha- tireen Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, sud Minneapolis? Ticket office, 95 Adams ahi-cet, Chicago, III. The best grades o! bearer bats were made wsith the fui- froin Uic under aide o! the body sud fromt the checuts, thea fur fi-ou the tin-k hclug cmployod only lu tbe manufacture o! the coarser grades. Mi-.W. C. Lewswho lacon- nected wlth the artistlc advertmIang departuient ofthe Yeuth'a Coin- panlon, and resldes at 33 DwIght street, Boston, relates tilat he ha" lus attention called to Ripans Tabules by a business acqualntunoe who expressed a higli opinion of them. Mr. Lewis was s gond deul troubled wltiî what be descrubesa M a nervous, billous condition that appeared to be brought on froin time to time by high pressure worX or speclal mental actlvity or excîtement, such as would b. common at poriods of unusual nervous tension. It bas become bim practîce at sucb limes to take a Tabule-just one-at the moment that lie observes the dlfficulty approacbtug. Il niakes no differencu when It Is. A favorable resuit la invariably apparent withlu twenty minutes. Thie only notloeable, effect 1a that he feels &Il rlght; ln tweuty minutes If lie takes the / Tabule; wbule If lie does neot the nervous, unconifortable feeling intensifies andl leads 10 a bad afternoon and lired evenlng. H.' caries one of the lutIle Viala wltb lm ail the tIme now, but doesn't have occasion to apply ho It ay thlng like as often as lie dld At firat. Nowadays there aire frequent' perlods of from a week ta ten da"m or even tivo weeks durlng whlcb ho finda that lie lias no occasion whahever to make use o! the Tabules, but stîli cariles theni u l ig pocket, jusî Ithe saue, so that they may bce ready If an occasion occuru. Ripai% Tabulm &" oo0514by dru4elataor br aMif tbe prie. (W0 cnu 1% LOI) la sent tl U lspaisUi so oraiNa 10lu " StO8I. 5NewQVLTs.~i IL N.U. <.54 At eimtoAdvartl. .lAIMsd u t. ân.w whet madimmui ~ t.bmb@O1 A Chlld Eaj»ye The ploosant fias-or, gentle tictIon and soothiug effects o! Syrup of Figs, when la need o! a laUtve, and If the father or mothçr lie costive or bllous, the most gratifylng resulta foUaow ilts e; go tisat It 1s the bout famnl!y feiedy knowa. aud ei-ery family sbaulut have a bottie on hand.-________ A musta-kolas sii-c ho att-ad attentIon wi-ere a virtue wctuld be ovcilooked. It is n-nl la get choir o! a Cold the first siet-k, but il i- i îuuuu-tbetter and saa!r te iid yuuurself o! it the fi-st forty-olgbt heurs-île proie-r reuniely for the pur- pose be iag Di-. L). ine's ExpQcloraut. The gi-est difficultdes le wiere we are nutliooklng for tbn1un. Utse. Wibalow#* 9os-i useSYelfior Chitutrefi =71= B~ octýu a lis nisereaume inSatimatinf Wlasva.c is.snd colle.tsli a batil. à"tratea ain Panom o.RHEIIMATISd 8 T. J à0 01 '&"C-Et .w n t f" e &&EAST, WEST, HOME 18 BEST," IF KEPT OLEAN WITH SAPO LIO* (1 You Needn't Look immediately for the damage that I dangerous washing compounds do. time, but you won't see lits effecMs probably, for several months. It. wouldn't do, you know, to have them too dangerous. N The best Ilylis to take no risk You needn't worry about damage to your clothes, if you keep to the original washing compound-Pearine; first made and fully proved. What cam fy ou gain by using the Iimitations of it? (f .Prize packages, cheaper prices, or whatever inay -by urged for them, wouldn't pay yov. for one ruined garment. Beware "halaa ce s r îcmta eariu." irAs y.m "00% uala . be s&«-usd ssei " M ES LLNea resu. Bclethere was no place like the. hoewhere they used Soap Th ~et soap inakes home, home indeed.Rem evçrything cleati.Keps the. housewifc mi býppy. Try it. sotd everyviieme Made ooý~ *Mr x WHEAT AND CORN.

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