CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Nov 1895, p. 8

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- pedil attention given ec the correct Fltting Of Gmasses. -HOURS- éitvr lo a. m. 1to 2p. m. and alter 6. Rockefeller. Kr. andi Mms Dooittle P, , tertatned frienda qt their home. *iiiî Lotu Goodman recolved a fine ner laethis-week. EW. Watt Kamgr fbns been very busy ait awnmcr and this tati. MissAona Cronkhlte was presenti'd wth a fine piano a short tinte sac. Rer. and tira. Harrils isted atp:vstor -Cookman«s I" aAnduy and Mondav. Xrmera. or this place. turntshed the asute fer the Zurich dance last Saturday o oodmun, former]ly of Diuinond Lake. isoved, Ncnday lnto the bouse vacat.'d by John NoBride. A... Bries, oui mereh¶nt. la now selling out bis-ntIre stock, at oust. Corne and re- eiagrant bargains. Aithur Brigg and wrU. o ' Chicugo. who rare reoently burned out, vsWt.d relatives, br a short tin, ugo. tant Nonday inorninr. a few more schotars buean mchool hu3re. We are «fitlto sce sueh mpestn the poul le begin te show. * Chus. Lneudorl! and wlfe christ 'n-d their ~< b6ly boy fat Sunday. A large gathering of friends wre pes-ut to witness the ai- ai r. Atutost evcry member of the C. E. Societ.y rua present at the coÙventîon field ai Hait Day. The programn was enhoyed by ail, and smde eh wlt look longlngty for ltc.awxt M.làtoblleid.i s ereeting a fine new bai n O*hialot. Inthe pat .tw months,Rocuke- tllger bas hut many Improvements. We -19011 forrard tournany more. I you ure a eatalogue of any Chieago re- 4a1lfurniture stori aud tblnk that you a * bue epierin the eity than ai home, plems- présent rour catalogue t Witi Kigg*,;aen li f l licIet rou any plase of furniture thut iron haro Ia Youi catalogue, and sure you the freiglit. tesand breshage and deUiver to rour boue,,if raqulrd. Barn Blowa haa purchused an acre of land nortiteaât of Diumond Lake, Where hie vill t once ereci two fine 1101aaes, wbiclt viii muke grest in- poeatnt on South Lake St ... iuler Ice Cà ha fliiaed ereet- Ing anotther large rooni on the east ; ud of thuir tceebouse...Jose-ph ~etorkort continues to muke iinprove. Meuts t his Place; You will soon sec lkew tances on totb aides of the street, * paint9id white. ..Hiraum Bartelet liuma oienced work on a fine large boardinghbouse on the beautiftil weiit batiks of Dlamond Lake. Woodmen Dance. Vernon Camp. No 1335, nIll givea Grand Bal ut Townt Hall, il aBlf, on Thanksgirlng Eve. Wednesluy aiglit, Nov 27, '9. Mugle by Pledier'a orchestra, of Chicugo. Tickets 75 cents, Spectutora 23 cents. GI LMÈ~R. Mr Asantus, of Chicugo, Ji viti:ing ut Jehu Kublanks... Jacob Bauge vent tu Chicago via Platine Batardà,y. * uenry Klipp anm Witt Knigge teck a load o! potaFl;tos0Chicago fast week. .....4, number of clilîdren und ml-ises' bats,' already trininet l;u the store. ..... ra F Thonias and Miss Avril vwe ta liée City Sunday and Monduy. ....We nov have c G SmalU's usîur- aice of!bis abaudoning sturting a teer ýp%1oon t Ivanhoe ..aenry and Briieat Meyer Oach took a wagon loud et hoga to Chicago mnarkets, Monday lgbÊ ...We are glad to note tltt "-Mr& 0 0 Bmall, ýrbo has been qulte ii te pa fer veeks, is slowly re- covering,..We have It front good ""tkorttythat E c nnbburd hasaleý 91ý; i destiartion. connuie, 4^y moraing for Oak Park. te ittteiti 'thé qissrterly coaference of the North. *ga Ilinola District... Mlj8Lilu ee i"wrlan, of Chicago, s3peut Suilday eP h Ilier parents; oalso did site ahom ~urariste k , n lte u ew Not V2 WbQMer Wilson sewlng machine WlUWblàcaibe seeat the store ut aný ' ew Na... Hnry Fisher and farnil> lit to Chicago Snnday, 10 partiel la the wedding celebration o: e A iiiFisher, son of Henry Fisher, loi . toeyofIi place.... 4, G Schwex mbkloo have jusit recelvei an lau ,"immo stock o!flt boots overtihoei 8uhbr; qnallty te rery huai s loer than the lowest. cal et~mvince y»Urselves of thiee as 1S4,*a..... The recent lawsuit c S'lp outes snd Mr Gondy was a e anid nUl agatnt>e trled Dcxi Now, good citizens tcou - be present and testl!y your s. luteai of alloriag sncbun obaracters, that ut loet justlcE 'be dou-. ~e Our esteemed Mr Jones Àa peelal election for collector o! Eli tove~uaWp to Blu the raouncy causeil b, ~ 1.deatb of Jullus Baade lsa n oucdfor ffarday, We are glai tgomn te b. cuddiy of Jolie ]49io tlgr. !Iis place, a wortîiy edli ffl auel deservtng this office. Thai 'êtectiOtt la ojrtain, 114 geiarali ~oU.ded b 1t6l1- .s.ail -- __nvo t* 1Ut. *-baibtut ei 1808 *0 s b«M ail rMct bailcapturuil Vicho- bull nitlitliagarriaosa of 80»00 maen. lTe one Confederate force wIh ai la escaped defe&tnus the PArm o!f te Tenaes.. under Bragg, confrontodl by the êrrny cf ft.e Cumbelad undar Roscansa. The two duyn' batile ut Oblekuniauga ras a desperate effort o! Bragg te etnika a declive blow, and Lee lent hie nId by sendlng iteavy relu- forcements freinthlie Army o! Virginla. unkuown iboth teMeande and 10 Hal- teck. The latter ras diracting the Un- ion armies front Washington. The story eft Ilat desperate atruggla oS Sept. 19 and 2o between 05,000 union and 73.- 000 Couaffderalesa l uow a matter o! hIatoa'y sud i1 main detals only neail lobe retold. lTe rut day'. habIle was a Bght for podition& thteConfederates ryis te baid onf the Union forces f roma ranch- tng Chttanooga, und lte desperule ef- fort of that contest vas 1to m uRoue- crans' lt dndCt off communications wllh Chattanooga. When the day's fightlng etideillte Confederatea itad mail. nemea dvunce on the rigitt and, center, but Rosecranu hadl hald hie po- sition. Notwtthslnndlng the terrific ou- siauglils made upon bihUes hiememn repulaed 1he attack. Thal nigit the Union line ras recon- structel, ad ltaI ame nigîl Long- street ariveil front Virginie, nithi 10,- 000 freait vetera toope front Lee's army and reported 10 Bragg. The second day's baIlle vas flot for position. It nuslte last desperata effort tu crash the Union army o!ftae falied by resuon of Ttiioma s tbborn, vouderful reslst- anc. villi 40,000 men agaînst 70,000 rebels. Earty lu the mornlng Breckinrldga ad Clebuaie hnrled thinselvea agniut the "Rock" ad thelr divisions nere s. nhallered ltaI liey naere fot la serions figing tnt ttalday. The tremndous pressure upon Thomas. ritowever, necessltated ralnforcemenla. In o$n-dlag titose rein! orcements, throngb confusion o! orders, a gap vus teftln lte Union Une,ad ItbltaI gap Loligtreet plunged 20,000 Coufeder- aIes under Hood. Il vas a sinbborn fight, but It ended lna shsttering and forcing bock part o!fte ceter and rigit o!fte Union army under Me- Cook. Thtomtavas Ignoranto!ft.e great dsater on ltae rigitt whan Long- street lnmned ad bagahle marcit againal hlm, but James A. Garfield fore- san the. danger, made his e morable ride tbrougit Cofederate bulletu to Thomtas ad warned hlm. Thomas feul hock t10 Snodgrasa HillIauthUtabase of Mlssonary Rîige and ol up a strong position. Ha vas relntorced by Gor- don Granger before Longtreet came up for hlm final charge, und lIen Le- gan one oftae bloodlest conteste o! the vitola year. "The Rock ef Chick. amauga" beal bnck assanlaflar as- #suit au he ailuddon. la lte morulng. AMter the baIlle closed for tae night ha wititdren ibis gallaul remuante of iteroes te Chattanooga, wviict raheîd wite t.e Union urmy vas relnforced ad rehabillltad for tae remainder o! lte campalgn. Titut army bild beau saveil front destruction by taeImmense tigbtling o!flte le! t ring. Tha Confed- craIes rare 100 badly used up and aitat- lared 10 !tollow up any advantage viîc they had gained. Thue terrifiec ciaracter o!fltae Ire r daye' Bghtiug nu shaowa by taeofficiai 1 reports, selting forthtat taenumber o! killed, nounded, and ntlssing on bath aidas amounlad 10 one-tiird o! ait tae roops augaged. Abrahamt Lincoln, e t a tinta rIen Clckaxnauga ras ra- LI gandad as a dafeat, pronounncd il a *drawn baIllea star studylng tha Con- faderata reports. Confaderata Gan. D. H. H. ih wrota: "Thea lan o!fteSoutht- -r ar oldiar vas novertae anme afler u Ciiclamaugu. Titat brilliant dasit y iticit ad dliflnguisiad te Soutern w~ Confadarate vas gone foraver. 'rit ~>barren vlctory sealed tae fate o! thte *Southrna Contederaey." Tite rebeta y led found lIeir blood match la lte i-Western volunteers. )f Et la titis great hattla viicitas cela- r-brated racently by Union and Coaîed. -- rate veterans alike, sud moat appro- prlataly so, as bot dlplayesh upon t' taIbloody field taemoat herole quait- t ies oftae American soldier. Northt andSouth mneau we ufford 10 meel on f tat spot and loin banda In reconcil- - lbion. Il ban bean set aparl au a na- t tionnI park, and Nortbarn and Sout- a_ ra Slatem alIke ara privilegad 10 cont- - memomate ltae courage o!fteir troopa e t enuring mentorials a da dsig- nt. every delail o!ftoe two daym' ta niovamets lu sncb a mannertal lita vy park yl hae a grand object lasson lu 1- te art of wr-lIe onty couaplate oh- ,d ject lemon e! ils lind lante world. in Every movement o! Iroops, evaîjy it chae and couniar charge, avery as- a* tok rn om okst Me, .l p ad withonl Mûre adoleonSm"det lte moeeyad hafl il leme, filaS: 'Oh, yee; youre te 1.110v ritemuir- derei te mau.! "---Piladelphlm 8"14 ord. A LONGSMOREMANWB N!RVE. n. Joie. nil Uthe Plyuietnn. Whibe Tb.y Amputatia iagr.51 A strapping young mn dremau lu a jumper and ovarals uapproached ltae deek o! Mr. Gieasou, a clark laultae ad- mission office o! Bellavue Hoapital, yee- lerday foranoon witit a smile on bism face and sald: "IWhere la lte butcher sitopr I Mr. Gleuson, vth a niaIse many queer applîcata for medical treatment hI taehospîtli Iat lna novai gela oxcibail over te most accentric <pies- ' tiona, raplied: "'Thora le a ntaat markal np lb. etreel; tis lu a itospibal." *II kuer lIaI,"sauid lte ma lua ricit brogue, "but I've got a paît of a foralag haie titat 1 think wilhave le ha carreda i 11e," ait thesanme tinte holding up a bundugad hand. Thte mawas directal 10 te butchen aitop" of tae establishment, baller knora as ltae urgicai roont. Ha Mid bis fintmevas Johul Flaiterty and ltaI ho vus working us n 'longmiorentan on Pler 18, Northt river, and tuhal livel ut No. 186 Morris street, Jersey City. Wiie moriug barraIs ou tite planrtse rim of one crushed the forafinger of bis right itand aga.nst a post. The flagen wui badly mangled and after an axnt ination lil vas decbded lu u mputate il at the secoudainlt. Thea piysicians wcre gn,-atly amusaI ut the rolliekimlg spirit of thte patient, who muât hava beau anffering Intense pain. Ha relused te laIeealter, and saId: "Go aliead witi thle job." He vas pîncel llte chair and as a rwhite clot ras placad over hlm ha muid, nitit n Inugit, "Give me a close sitava." Wuie ltae physiclans ware applilg lte Inivea ho luughed and joked conllnualy. Witen tite dlsmenaberad finger was ban- dagad ha thunked te piyscaus und walked eut o!fteInstitution whistling. Dr. Gardner booked aller hlm lu amazatoant and raid: 'II nover sun a battar dispbay of ner.ra la my lita. Ha must hava sufferaI ternibly troua lte operatlon"-Nev Yoik Tribune. lYlare the Lamons Osro. Fan Amaicans. says tae New York Tribune, areawaare o!flte tact tInt if il rare not for thte ittIe Island of! Slly now titere nould be no lamons, nor ara ntany avare of tite grant impor- tance PI titis commerce and o! lits ne. cessity to tae UnitedStateas. The pro- duction o! lamons lu Amertca la so tint. lted uit thte present tinte, bot as ru- gards quuntlty and samons, taI ail o! Cuîifornia'naunI Florlda's producls do nol snpply 10 pen cent o!fltae country's needa. Af 1er tae monlts o! Anguet andlSaptamber. niten oui domesîle ieoin cropa mature, but fer Slcily ne aitoald ha rîthoul aaty lamons wniaIse- ever, axcept for a few lIaI Spain sends i us durlng te rest oSflte year. Accu- rata figures show ltaI front Sept. 10 te April 30 dunlng tle lait fiva years t.e Imnportations front Bily itave been about 1,200,000 boxes evary year, encit containing 300 lamons. Thi la equal 10 360,000,000 lamons. Cioaed Altlar Twenty-Pive Yeas. Afler tnenty-live years o! minlatar- Ing 10 the suffering poor o!f1ail creeds and nationalIties, Caraey hospital, la Bouton, la non so itadly crippled for lad o! !unds tat ils rork may ho abaudoaed. Neyer lantahelstory o! taeInstitution have ltera beau so many demanda upon lb as duriag lte promeut yaar. Ibmsunual expanlitures atre more titan W4,000, and as teavuerage Incomne fron thetapatients rito cun nford 10 pay sontathing ovard Ibeir treamant la only a quarter o!fltaI umount lte deficit muet ha made up by contributions or bequests. Thte bou- pilai staff la composad of!hltaedlng pitysîcians and surgeons oftte city, vito !uhly appraciate tae orko!ftae skilled nurses-ail Sîsters o! Charity, vîto receive notbiag for titeir services. Titera vas a deficîl o! $6,851.8 ton cur- -retniexpensa ut tae end o! hast yrar. * A Blunt Mari. 1 An Intansaly reserved man, Ibsen la iflot ut ai fond o! talkug oft itinil! or o! bis norIa. At anunar smne tinte ago te vite o! a nall-kitown arila, baing seaaed beside hlm, insistaI on conducîlng thte conversation 1toi taI end Yand finally malutulued aut lengltltaI hie "Hadda Gabier" was un impossible womau. "But, madant," he answerad; 'II drew ber fronthlie llfe." "*Yeu, Hr Doklor, but I am a wontan. I1shbeld knen. I1 ay agnai that itlaleImpossi- hie Ihat ancit n roman aolntiexiet." Titis ras 100 mucit for Herr Deltor-t 111e a flait ha lnmned on her. "Idiot!"' Lat W*.Ïjo4 ronds continue. Oveta eaie in grent demn The lake in vary Ilon ut preselit. E A Ficke bas a new olerk ut bis store. DO Yottr trading ut honle and Sure îaoney Everybody ta complutnlng of a se- vere cold. lira. B. Suyder la visitlng relatives lin the City. H Blundlng vinI aoon niovc mblt bis nav bouse. Chas Kobhlhbas gone loto lthe over- cout business. Fred Thies, of Long Grove, wus here, Satttiday Charley Steffens vas a Watikegan ciller this veek, AI R. Floke trnuscted business la the City, Monduy. H. Sebwerman vas ont front the clty Snnday, for a viait. George Graber viasut Wuukegan on business lat Thnrsday. Benhard Clioge and vire wnllmuke Wauconda their future home. Cotinty Superintendent M. W. Mar- vin vlsltel oui achoola Friduy. #ý Chas. Steffens vent to the city Mu. (loy un business, retunuing Tnesiday. H. Lenaker and H. Kreugeî, o! Long Grove. nere la tow lat Wednesday. The old Gratter lutin is offered for sale, andl the old 8. Clark tanna for relit. H. Hillinan and C. L. Hokeynîeyer made a buisiniesstntrp lu lthe ity lat Frltlay. Chas. Nikoley will leave Nov. 15th for Nebîraska, where ha yul engage ini fannîiîîg. J 'diluier andi lrieunds, Of Gilnter. Mere l'itors autJohn itlainus bM aNt Titursday. Hilîntan & Halls thipped a carloud of live cattle Monduy to Union Stock Yards8, Chicago Pedlestriana are flnding Rome fouît, om"ing te bte nîny, brokan place.s in the sidewalks. Butter nepair youn Word bas reuched bere of thze mur- niage ut a former Zurich girl ut Ir% ing Park, 'Miss Mould Fox, bu 1) M1onroe. We wisli thent mnch joy. A part!v ill be given ut tluhe oule of IMr Stalfan, Saturday evenling. ini heOnon Of Prof G Walz, lt being the occasion o! the professors l,irthi1.v A plIeasânt tinte is antiCil)uted. The tnllowing are it hefeeld for the noluination out b-su collector. bu 1mil the vacency cauuei by bte death oi Juliu-uBouce:- iWin. linichinan, Jouib Eggers, F. Kucknck, Frank Ulrich, Chas. Selp. The Harvest Party, given ly thte Rlialto Club, ut Fike's Hall. Saturday evel iuig, was largely attended. Kra- mnersa Chicago orelleeabra fuînihbed ex. cellent ioie for those tripping the light fatai3tic. Regular social dances wili bu held herealter every two ,%w ea. Williom Tank la ntaktug prepara- tions to build a feed sud grist mli and elevalor near the crossing o! the long 8wibch Of the ruilroad traek, euat ot the scitool bouse. This la witas hee naeeded bere for some tinte. Mir. Tank nIll prosper ita bi ndertakiags. as he i-4 a manof strict lutegrity and long experience, havtug been former- IY lu the eniploY et Battermun & osi, of Palatine. The fanerai ut Alisel L. Clifferd oc- curred Oct. 30, '95, ut 2 O'clock 1). ru., from lthe family reaidenca to Falîfild cemeteny, Itev. Beain, of Burrington, ouliiting. A large number of rela- 1tives and friands !olloved. the reniaitîs Lto teir muwt nesting-place. He ras 34 .. ears of age, huving livedl here sinice >cildiood, bore. a good ruputativin by all ito kuew hm. His neur et kiit have our beart-faît sympatit! in thuir bereavement. A Burrington combilation tuam o! four characters rendered soe Of their ebOice -setecllouns bure hbat week, Wednusday. just ondC(ay befunu rHalloween ...Chas Phllips, of Wau. tkugani, fnd l'ils motber-in-lawwvenu at rAlbtent Wolf's lace, bis oId home- steail, recently ...People are coitî- plaining etfbte scurcity Of trater .. Titat juil bird vito s.aped fron the .Joliel PenitenitarV hast ack, %vas a Zurich cahier ut oue of ltae tavernis, s0 w eveleaeinlormed, shortly aller bis de- Partur ...Mm Biarmun is Itavîng lite ilerior oet bis bouse rîunovated. Brundiîtg & Dorfen une doing the work. ....Lotuis Boleubacit nus ia bowit lirsI of lte veek ...Loti anui Henry Stroker, e! Palatine, were guesîs o! A Bergman titis week...Ji Has and H Hiliman veru lu the City on busi- ness, Monday ...E Branding aud J C Meyer have compîated anoltaer 1jobi of steel roofing on thte lurge bari 1o! E IR Clark. QUENTIN CORNERS. F C Kucuel made a business cal atîbeo Corners. Our sehool Bfag non aintias on the scitolars sud ail good tolks. Mrà B ltnschimtdl la p aguin aller a long stage nîit a sore ieg. Our bal l teamplayed lbe Fairtiild teunt; score 24 te- 25, ln laver o! Fair- tield. p J Bot-lmanu and landily, of Libertyvilii madIe a pleasant riait bers lal Sunday. Our veddings, birth, chrîstengs, ge iterul amusements, atc, seen to1 get a 11111e stals maet nov. Phllhip Young, our paintan, bad ltae mlfortune, 10 have a hersa mun-away but no damageat10theliarg. Dled-Mrs. Jacob Schneider Oct. 24, '95, agel 80 yeanm, 10 menthe, 22 days, interment t a çg Grove. Chas Lytle - sud rile have sttile down for hed, liaving laken posses- sion of Frits Ftsher'é tarai Ovalina cerra .amaatsurvaid 89 Tht~the.Fqeason Wy ' n S'etIingOt At CO8T, For CAU My Entire Stock of Dry .Goods, Cr'ockr Ladies and ChiIdren's 'qE Gloves, Mittens, Hats, Caps, A. M. BRIGGS, Rookefel 'T h e Mo Temperance Tonu - ThOSIGNAL SUCCESS Of ur Anniversary ___SALE! 1 Stitnblale-s iuste uer and gromter efforts 1<> place ltae monat Dependulble Gooda Ithin reacitof lte Peuple, ai lte Lou est Possible Prîces. e say Ib omit boldjy anI t-anlProve il bu.: i hat Every Time you Buy anythingin our LjneOut.4 1 sidelof "THE Model," you Lose Money. - We do0n't îsk yoîî to tale thi4 for gnnnted, but are aux. 1(liIs te bave yoli test il. There ls no secret about the WHY. Ouri expenses are about Bal! thut ot uny et ber colnPettag usbabishmaut liane, sud va citai affod t'î dI thte sanie qualir etf Goods FuIly 25 Per Cent LESS ON THAT ACCOUST ALUNE. Just Listen to our Song on GOOD UNDERWEAIR Every gaîment rarranteul to give Stisaoà. or momie! paid boick, il othervlse. Men's Merino Shirts and Drawers, Hcavy and 'of a soIt lucide tluisi t litI iil bcratelaynur emticle Cannot bu Duplicated at lus han 50e an> where Fleace Healti t7undeiveur, Extra Heur! amud tiiîibed vitb long fleeecing soIt us dowu 75e in an y other store Hca'iest Double breuslud Meniue,lte Shirt are double it front antd ne bo4 The ragular $1.00 quîality. Natural wool Garments, Pure al nuool. selacled stock, Früncît -ollan. ette oacI, Pearl Buttons Draveras trnîîug ly reinforced 6 $ 1.00 ail over tovmî Titi grcatest bargain i8 our Extrat Hî-avy Al Wo, Scotch EUndervuar, ut $ Sue these Garments, they are clîcap at $1.50 liva Uidenciîirts ond Brawera, ut 50, 35R and 25 cents. Extra goed vainc for the noney. A FEW STA1NZ.%g ON Boys Clothing BOYS' ULSTER$ lbig ctlar, elotht iiiieîl. sui size8 3 y $4.00 Quality BOYS' ULSTERS witit big storm eollara of thea extra grade ut Shtetlanmd 'liii,- cîtilla, ini gnuy, draba nd bine, the- great- est ceatiun lte country ut $ Compare it with any $6.00 Ulster aîiywheîre BOYS' CHINCHILLA5 REEFEIIS, big Siler collan, ieuvy clot liniug IraidedMa wili vide bruld, a beauty, ut No Man Lake County, who needs an Overçot Ulsters can afford to pass us by. A HEAVY NERBEY OVERCOAT, iu blacl or dark blîte, ut Will Cost you $14.00 anyviiere else A Strictly ail wool Kersey Overcoat, In black or durk bIne, cleannly matIe ad trimmed, ut You have te Puy $3.00 more for same quality in ohrpa A Great Bargain in 4EAVT CLOTH LINED ULSTER$. den't fail le sec tii ~garnaWnt at JMBT RECEIVED OURi THIRD LOT 0F Tamn O'Shanter For big and itîba girls and boys-wue have tem lnimnied avit featiters and plain. The Milinery stores charge $1.50 ",THE MODEL' 0an ,àam

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