M. C. PADDOCK, Publilher. OUR AtM: To FEAR (aiD, TELL THE TRUTH A4ND MAKE MONVEy. PRICE, 5 CENTS PER COPT.5 Vol. IV. No. 5. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, November 15, 1895. 1.50, in AdvancI MieINDAMNE. MILLBURN. Correspondence Too Late. GRAYS LAKE. T e ND EN E T Lake Co. Fair, 1WVl1d trawberries,Mary P.itz-thter iMr. Starkwcatber Io ouitaat n Last week we delnyed Our papr one Mrs. Austin and Cor&a1111 ADVERTISINO RATES. s. I _____meaemot eai n'lor lweeI hiaotti el la'nlSmlgmllTr ~~~~~Piums, Mary Bizenthaler Ist. Will Rose la away on Jury dut,. atocomeaeoelglsud MrllwreiChcgthee i___ Ir* $ Crab apple Mrm Ueo Gridley lit. Will Tukey waà ont Tuesday froîn the items from several places were o17 rrirsA ad d Mrs. Wrght and lier grandÊou WIl14l< Mrm um wadd. P %.) 1 15 st r ~tect. h if W dleft ont, by anreved too late.Wdghaeuoe tohe b*y -lIm.I 40s2 0 l a l 1 26PesrvBusrht. Tmao, . B Wti rsiî~ Vlari Tomd., tretmesuday.forpIase. E. B. Sherman, the Jeweler, ]Ite »18 _blItuHBOOtu1 2 4esev___Fuit.________ABuslt,__s nicesl alpeaw ,ladpplymoneo!ud. ocksew and 01waics nd lwLbe 1 io .1 !0, ,,M Itl 2 i Supt<.Misa Lillie Morse.: d ut alr aeotTedy to Better Than Ever. Gad~hm là 1 I î181 40 6> si I1O MAIÇED Pear, E A Bush lut, Mrs J Bush 2id. bc present ut the gale Wedniesdlay. TerisnqutintathID- 210 eeTaditlDa1folFrntPag oruechetiosn BOOD I ranerh.ersINDE- st CN E ger .St, 1rs CrMuserys Mr skBomalst. Rcad1ataliPnhbetro 'E1DENT l15Cotuat to the be8t paper Geo. Thuyerhau returnedfre i ' hPb.tter .fRame Im l'la guralu tea eana prUefr ls n ear, rsJB2(Gegt.s a 2d. Thorn apples, Mr& Gluas st. bis ilinesn aud ig about a lutile ow. sipulshdii akaouts u thntet of burnhnera oadee.. poeo-ltad1will be greatly improved and sursabsa asheaso!urunrstrer. sertoaadven a andlin fre Pllum, s s nsMrasteterls, EArheryMreEtWlcerlt.CareBteEwÀ bck u te ahoi al cusetiorswNevilgtlorenv veritNivnleva luWakegn aaah.loca1 Lia oeaarryîtstanding Bs 2.Flowers-May Hoyt. Supt. Sunday night alter being long m.seyld. rs oaedi u e fie itomal IflBSrtIOElA BushperiteAstraight. eylirder presa locAtedsta ou new office.tibis week tteudingtthe Supervlmor Lsegab luj riOnch for firattitme and flft y ihhr, ABs sPtpe 4 yrnes uut rs s. E. P. Dodge and Pasîtor iHarris spe-nîIl itew type and a nmodern equipnsentmetn. is ieacopnidb eit. per Imeh for eaeb ubmenoft Insertion. Cherries, Mary Rtitzenthaler lst MNrm Best doubîle fusilla. l Epker IF4 ian afternoon together in Chicago on a of the best matenial wiii essable us to audetig. isited fe acs.id Th ov ae ildadrtln.li&lPto2. Best single fushia, R Epker li. chancue meeting. turm Ont the fitest Job Printlng ut' ~ ao aira chare fot anss CratMsCWBa obeNI esnbopie.Sikt b NE Mrs. Parker, of Chicago, ts keeplng. L1-.eliertfaements runnlgy tioo-y-ar. Cra , mCWTaylor lst, Mary Bs obe gerniuum,, oara0al rvs tc oteI*F Â, JM for adwwtiinganfSd Job Printng are Ritzenthaler 2d. Churchilil lu, Mrs C Huifel 2d. i Mr. aud Mrs. Lnseomb have. nioved PENDENT and yon it il bc glad. bouge for ber sisier Mrs. Waàhburii. of latuteab mnt. ooeherisM H us li. Bet single geraninm, Mrs D 8Ptutiiiii nîo the lVelch place, their l home The INDEPENDENT bas iîre tines' Hainebvllle. during the absence of th"ê due and paya"l.Uto-W ot.GoeeriK IHLskl. 1 JoPnnts'tC > addvertIsemnefts Black raspherries. Mrs lni Bra-la.aud aIe 110w setled. a aysbciea nCnrl oi.lady who ls wltb ber daughter ilà CahlaAdvaaoe.toall fot having an oIWfl tetter lat, Mary Ritzenthaler 24. Climblng geranvsum, 1ýary Bavii.îIlt., Pastmn Harris vus cslled to Lake western anld Western Lake Couinty as Gul;nee. Musnt with us. Bid rssphersiei, C H Harr 1 st. E AI Rose geraîsinin, 3lisE Hefldee 15.1. ilaSanuday to bnry Mmr. I3otw cli ilconpetitors combhined go there la Mr. and lrs. Leonard went to Waui- Siaie opts 5cens eeh.25 or l* ush24 Bc toagegersiiirn lis EHeî.i:,tr. lutermesi vasai Avon C2entreý. no nom for argument as to whlch ls co)nda, Sunday sud brought home witl Sub=00lptlon Price. $1 .50 per Vear. Stravberries. C H Hum lait. Mary la4t. tise best advertiiing medinni. Bugi- thein a littho girl of about six montha, N. C. PADDOCK, Pubilsher. liznher'i 1 asinJsnîl oe REkr Umrisile xettoao sen should isot be deceived by whom they have legally adopted and Grapes, E A Bushla ot, lirs C J Keirl lut.first-chsa oniertalnuient Tbaxiks,,iving taIise sitatoînts. We are prepared to taken into their bearts and home. 2rod. Begonia sex, Augusta Dresson 1~ ih.Fiiaunuein otstk prove our dlaim and will show our liai M.Tosubs eevdago W1ants, Lost For Sale, Etc. SToratra lr CW a2od.tA luEa lo a2(l u, Nl ho-i W. J. White bas bnilt an addiitio!i to tto interested parties. suppîy of drugsansd vili ho ready for Staples 2<1.I istEWlcx2.h(lîuse in order to facilit.te the business ihe asat of ibis week, vitb 1000Il oi Oats walited ai Blaekberrie.s, Mrs A H Stewart lI. Diadeni, Mary Davii lut, Nda E. haiÙiýiug of bis new stock of î,uriaî Eastern Industries In the West uarket prie y W. Miller and C. A. lir J B McGregor 2(t. Churcbill 2d. ca-kets. Mr. , as gadted phoaRrclat theu Âppley. Il -s ('rab apples, Mrs A H Stewart toit. lletalic, Nola E Chruchill loîi.Foa uneofyÜsteCighadasrdne prmct W n lirs Wm Branstetter 241., Cati, A P< Staples lx,, R Fpker 21. Thti Y. P. S. C. E. will give an Oyster Milwaukee & St. Pui Railway Cons- you are sick, give hlm a oeal. Cen ln.Ig a holemale Apples. Mrs R tP Wilcox lut, lira Hl Maîuies, Augusta Dresson lis. Sillîler i the Foresten's Hall. Fr1- paisy bas been quietly ai wonk, getiing Codretaîl las ~ b hs Lusk 2t. Lantannas, Mrs.J.s LDavis lut, lins W 4<13 tveniug Nov. 22nd. PIeass. lbeur eastern manntacturers to locate aîong lMr. sud lirs. Dazey cou.id net reiW CraeLogGoep o, l. Pnery lns H isa Bit îst. it.Dymond 2d. it luii iind und plait to bc prescut. iils lhile. Not a single factory ihua nmBtvai rn o h-Sua StmplLng(m (o. II Pîî l)rIi1C Ltoklt la, lirayJDavisregr lat.il0eated bai ever gosse baîkrupt, vbich services OUneacout of the ifisema Of DewberisE Buh(utalle as. M aur ai . DveI-laIt, 1111ityu roticed, voit might have shows that the ailroad compaîsy gets litile Freddle, but the paipit vas fifle JERSlY BUL-Fullad PDI rnouie.aVhappBrausttter2leavisg te10( flrst-class people sud Ila n y g dee griesa, SePIht. jabristai.for e at«hr 1< Fitn appiiles, lira C J Kvirl I1.4. lira Lillian Colby 2d. * iiE ar.eiarge 1iir.sday as man and vife tirsi clasm business territory tola oulgadeein evcs Usieaialarsain15-6) letuuias, Clara 8 Mller laE . Trieger and Bessie Dartsy werc thens ia. Tise range 0 of nutriess- Toevsapnya h iene .T. Ayais. Hal Da tournty. Ill ufîs si <. :nadt- is. cured is w idely divergent. For in- resideue uof Fred Wlbur Mon C~(raI, apples, liraWus Branst<tter lst. Primuruae, Augusta Dresson lis.de WaNTfo r elyusiness atea s < ABs 21 Dresson 2d. nvu,5asd cosy cottage and Alfred Bain llovate ani)cte cream faciory? Au ice but hait the mon of our tovwn te 3o Cents per boum sud boar accord- 1 Pluills, lira J CiBock lut, E A Bush 21 Dahlias, Laura Duesenberry 1li, hiailoiniiled bintseif aud ister in virolantlirai vas neveribeless secured bere aud judsng front the time p s ý6Augusta Dneson 2<. tise îîc<s home ecentiy purcisaaed. trom Newv York Siate, hblis cbanged got borne they muei have enlYoye ing to )services nendemed: s K ssaa IQuinces. Mrs J C Bepk lis. Heliatii, E A Bush Ist. lira (cTise village of -North Milibura"' s au outs and corn district imb a duiny theseivs immeuaoiy. preterred. J. P. W iBiue bernies lira WnVmrars citer lut. Hendee 2d. boomsîîg. , Country, shis vast quantities of milk Box 141 Lit e. Cursmnts, lirs H Lusk laitaand 2l. (e( over the railway ansd supplies a large Mr. Dhlinu, tather of Christ Diflon, Clerioo rxG lSiih it rsC leander. lira J C 'lIctiregor lai. utanmbrothfiedadofVlidinCcglntwlk _______________W__TayCris in2d IlSnti.a, iaC Verlenas C lara 8SMiler lst, lin, 1C Qelaivesa uMbe nn tho nioud-anpart ut Chicago vith frozen cov vine, o!d Volodu hiagolu1mai week Partner Wanted vIth UO00 cash WTalo 2. eltieso MssViu Jînso a- A flax libre coucemu front New Yorkuidvsbogi orls T r- ta Invent wth me in anu salibd Toinatoes, lMr., J Dow usiii s t.rd Heîsd-e, s HL kI.t-lsd iser deparinre frontChicago 0on Siate causod others bto ollow in us day for buial ai Volo cemetet. an sec8fu Nw suerad Job Citron, lira J1C Bec it.a)l iW TuG<aliraHeion it lai, lker tnp )t.> Europe. aise vas to salitlittrain, and the business bas aaaumed He vas quite an aged man, had spent Printing Bus8iness, ai LityvIlle, liDnttter 2(l. li. lMrs D S Pntusini 2n,1. 1 uel<ck Tuesday. Hon ister raisi sncb proportions thatvison one sits manY Years o! bis long sud usefuit. M fi.Appy l spms t-t H.C.iC a Blet usnlWmnistinoH CEgorlatefrisiWli tn Clleeau gî-ea in uvuon n uhandeed hai. ons InVol ad bd mnynniudala bi dock, Pulialu P( of tise LAKE CO, Ur H 1.Eger t it. paatm i Mry D.ss-k laI, lira G il- « t.,< î lier voyage. soutis, ous un wesi. lie in ail probaîsili- vlciniy. INDEFENDENT. Sîrawbenni,s,'Mary llitzenîthaler lis. Vernus A P< Stal)plli. Dr. J. E. Rouy, Western Secretary of ty, sits 011 one of the sliff pro(tuct.sof ____________ ______________ isaphrnis in fH Hum laut, Mary IGrass bounquet, lIrsA Patuan s t. the AmrensMisionury tsosiation tise C. M. & St. P. Rlw ivY lx terri- ROCKEFELLER. DogeFou o t, nisenusAndrews 2d. iiter ibouqulet,'MartnsMorse li, %%iLI apî-ik iiutise Mlihuru chureb next tory. Frous Massachsusetts an< Penn-. [glae,-un Brd So b 'Taie 011 1;A1B,,kherries, lins GHSIî at uut )res84ous 2u<. Sîsuiîsy a. n. Nov. i7th. i aI le spîs-anju largo tannerises have boon se- MisLcAnevvltdbrau, sb&T4--pre Bed So stockl syie he h1 uis 2.1. Fancy pi'ce in straw fl<sers, Augu- reiiered as tise one who preacistai cired, wviibgivo the localtfuiersalira. J. F. Clark thv pai iwo veeks. ard Dogd tnom intoport tor Tý1(.tbosel>erriea, lins A H Stew:,ri, ta lressmn lit, lira D S putriant ud. tise <ieîlatîîrvsermn ofu the preseît tut' pputunoiiy to sell tiein tais hart. lins. D. Speet lu spending a few ar b atl.est, 1s us . wetiseti riwsin hiago»I auore pint lrcal 1)inC.he . AlIe.1 Aple b ira rsG Il Sîiità 1<. Hi hiseus, lira D 8SPutmaulat. EHvoliee iuJais. 18<64. A large beairiIsg aeforbis detail, but tise castenswekvistnnd iiChaoa ai the Connty Farm emr J. L. Lirîtuln Illiiut, lMary liitzeiiiiialer iB.lromwn 211d. Tsm>fiBnhayo isRbn ore and more on tise St. Paulniud isy Wabash ve., Cicit 0.Déw heries EA Bu4liIst. Te 76tliBfactoni( f rsudRobrtucisorfac nd ir-s. faonriRuberin Lois. L brotherroh sudan ammly Wabash Ave., Chicsi.st Dreo. 5lit, tranDSr. ast rrda 'wa rEaA the;W-na clski. T<uiatoes. lins, l A Siit is la, ins Florade 2 îg aaUao a,rîgti.ltISu<a -a ai isendustries, brick yards, furnitume fac- bave been boordinga upile veekta C Hnde -2. W 15<1sjfl of a fauiily resînion ut tise tories, paper uilis, lime wonksanaîd a J_ E. Hoicumb's. BOY WANTED-Toleanîs tis err Msstis . . Floal wluit. Agst rasnl i o«f one o!flise daugblera in reîresenlaiion of tise asole garani t oflesr n r n !Wi ng - hrr ir.il Cs aI 'Heisdee 2<1. B sr1adl<cneof -lNige Prites sTrade Boy shuîl<ld c 1, < JLIE.Best loi vat iloasers, (Clara S Miller lat. Thers. childrnîu ere ail present industiries bas been aecured. Nwilis $17,50Seving Machines and you viii l 19 ut u f go, stictîy temperie. e.. iaGH en- 11 - A <aslialr W urla isH, 1 l Is iaspyis<nae gatheming was the more to foiiow. Luis Jackson. tise beplaeivls h ergelle, lndustniguus. and fir edîsea- Sniiîss 2d. -Lîîsk 2d. rB.t lEt.unnkig tse ven. (iiCoupan tedstinii (ommssin aa~~ accmdiuîg u servies relu (rais lra ' H '" <' lra - R ir.. trings returu home lier 01(l lut Ciicago, saya tise ,st tbing a muati- B..TepinseulaiStra -dered. sud promotion as fast as lus Ueo (tns<losv' .2d.. î<îoîslit-r ;iltise nessîlene tioflins. PauliRailway. sng wvlliebonparents. abiliy vannants. NNil«11 crufipploa, %triaJC Mo'iregur ,Single tea-er few,. Augusta Dresson lat. j M î.Stralig. e'sincing tîseir iltt'rest Ts .0 .T og aeafn Ture s la, lns HSteart2<1 Pilos LE Hssîce stAn li.tusîîi<isthe 'granltei ye.ara ltisteir îAuction Sales. prograns Tucsday ovenieg. Four nevr Tuk .Pluns. lra (G H Stis<îîl lt. lins C J Dre.sî<î 2<. fi seil and teacier. Wanted 6001 Extr rge T urkeys ai K cml 2,1- Teis w<tks to,,'k, lira Il;M Fick ita. Saiurday. Nov 16,95. Adoipîs Bixen, menuber w-eakato in. once. ('ail un A. a e, Ivaîisoe. 01sQ<iuc<. lira J Luai la.utE _% Bush >-A. L'inanie. Augusta I)rcaa<u lsi. buving ronbed is fsuria. w iI se ut J. J. Rouses uev bouse la nearly an efoo Nv. H igisett'sh Currnts. lins A H St '-mnî art lI8, M toe plant, lira Jus Davis lsl, EVERETT. pbi îeino tesue or a- coepleted anti viiisoonbeoready for ai e vil hov.pest futme. R hA Siu 2(l. Auguata lîrosson 2d.pulcutinothsaerurW H ryRzehle fl _______________wups.liaA bcwui aiplnsJ lirgiltu artme.,lia ust <1 ie YXrv iispeilisg ss tew lava in nei cemfetery, 2 miles west of Gurce, occupancy.Heyltznharvi Grapes. rs A H tewart Iýt, MrsJ '.%Iarairitb aratiol,'-iIn.inguuit2i10C uclooitibtisei fuii10 i'sgckmoth In witb bis tamn liy bissfsous e assainnas j Gosw ilion 2t. Begonias. Mary Davis lut, Noie Eth.gu, propemuy: 5 choice cows, 1 frosb, 2 Rouge vacates bis houge. Woodmen Dansce. Peacisliram G HIl Sii h li., lins H Churchill 2(l. I«'li<niini of c'iscagu, was 5Ilsore w ith cals es by tiseir aides, 1 springor Vernon Camp. No 1335, wiii gis-e a Lusi 2l. C 1 c Mls, is H Luai ta. Sattisrday. antd 1 mîiiter; 2 brooti mures, 2 boitera,, Misa Minuie Gleason closed bier Grad BIlai ovuHal, iiHait Day, 1Black iîerries, lira J C Bock lt, E A. lxînalis H Lîîsk lai. . Jî«'S<yl bas <a teaisso<f golwork 2 yrs oist; 2 yearling boitons, yearlinsg sciool lu the Butterfleid district TueN.. on Thanitsgiviug Evo. NWdedcssy' Bush 2d. Pinlle apple planut, lira D S Putnauai s. ionses for "ale. gdte Jersey bull, 4 sing calves, 2 dy uteoeigte aea xsigbl, Nov 27, '95. Muic ba- Fiedîer'a liaslleries, lins J C BeeuIt t, lins nlilEpker luti Mra B IM Ficit 2d.'Ts lt ria aeheu a great tînoot soya with iga, 12 bouts. 4 rab- estertainment; about ivoniy frouâ. orchestra, of Chicago. Tickets 75 H Luâk 2l. Unbrellu plant, R II Dooiîtile lai. îeiieflt to tise fanusiena.biatubig60bs, edolehnbrevtsdrprtaoolm. cents, Spocttors 25 cents. Thorn apîsies. lIra R R Dolittle 2d Sputiod begoîsis. Nula Chumrchil s. Te4 tr la tudy 48neas, bay raite, lumîser wagons, churu A. M. Brlggs bealtb viii net permait jStravberries, E A Bushîs la. Fiheroîsa begouis, lins I-Lis 1sat, at. Tse aein its lusidSîtîîrwehlldav wgnasrakeamt rmi wt s uhlofl Gooaeherry, lira H LukIstaa, lira A Nls E Churchill 24.t ~ ~ > e u nibiclt. p<w-e, husrlg g on, hay inri, Hla o ain vt oiltb the muc lnger Food rnd gr. IStewart 2d. Doublîe foyer few, lira J W Miller lI, Tise section gang ou tise railrouais 1 Buckeye mnoyen, sulky cuitivahon, Of his titock andntimoove wet. RUs I viii be ai tbe s Op Mill eveny WiId grapes. Misa liatipieWhibiney lins L E Hendee 2d. be et-w.Lo u o itr'Balywligcltvtr akE resaeeepadsr ap Tuesday snd Bat y anti qiset i, lIra (tisa2d. lîiapifiia, lira R A Smith s la. henct <. . o uito hite.omdey vikgcutisoodrac, ca kig neu. r ha nisr opes tbossu owing me o Où, 'k att'o5it to Blieberry, E A Bushlait. -Salt) dragons, linsH la.i, lI. ra, Zerwer and diîîghiien Gîsiae. narter, tunuiug mili, pair oft buroiW ___________ 1> Cl ad l mmedlutely. Risubun), Mary liiLzeîlisaler lat, Little berry plant. MsGLu 2(-afCicago1)10v. hurseul e huear od ri, coinyohs esse caîl udle on ârng'IMr nrw d Pivs ete lns. G is <1' f'iscgo segusa o! lins. E. A. neurmynov; genuloîs r8ril, barrlRaig rce solicit your cnti/t avors. Dewberry. E A Bush ista, lra J Bush Home of plenby, li Gias 1..lins. S. S. Love (nec Maiie Carruil,l 'vat, milit val vush 6 cooley vues, chuit h ry LieTshes ed F. . otiil 2u. Canses, lira C Hendee lai. ft Chicago. id speuîîung e tew tîays stove, coul bcati.sg <4ove, No 9 Coot Circle vilmeset Saturdlay, Nov. ______________INser melon, lira F E Clark lai, Variety oft eut roses, Frank E ParaIs homce w itli em usotisen. stove, grind atone. 5 lues Timoilsy bay, AIl toachera inviheti. le Vour Timne Out? Mary Andrews 2d. ,.ist. rhlpoges 3 ions millet buy, 2. biu cannoIs. cald- PUOGAÂm. PIeue eamin th dat ontls~atiPICKLES, CATSI', ETC. - Variety <f cnt cannelions, Fraunk E W<rk 0o1 thse Ilew îecl" pogea.roe kelle, 5 bus yeliov Denver 01110115<Lesson V Psychology ...H. E. BarrA dress tag ot your paper, andi if youun CucisilîerN, soisn, ira. J. Gesiiler -Paraselai.iîsg iîely asonuiiit wiU il(, longer 500 shocits of corn, alacit o! curne alls. ~ . . iaWU- subcnptosba epled ue *assactb, lins C J Rein 2nîi. Jenusaions cherry tmee. J Il Jones lai. lue neeesa to go t Lakte Forest lu and maîsy oison articles too nuerous IEAU. ' scitnb ast i d b" Cucmenws. o. iraWmBsn..Artillery plant, Masry Davis 1lai. service.buenimLTJTUE need the money te0bell owaun ikilng -mbr. 8Terma: 0in1Brn- yeanttion.,o 34 Shespea.................. snev cylinder press to prînt the - itier lat, Mary Artama 2nd. TO BE CONTINUED. ..bd ihn uprhueago hkse....... .. . i paper ut home. Pescee s eet, lins W'm Barnnat-t- soi of wagon seules wilI find il lu their. for cash. Fenelon.. .........C. ~ _________________ be 181,lira il Eer 2n. Thi neot ve ublias anobon aivunbgeatoauwoseor tMdrJs J.Il, WR APPEY, Ascc. l hiatryr. euBsrranvtiha cudia Peus, vecalraJ.Gssaile inîsllaient, ofthtie liai utpire Mas. Wetluosday, Nov. 20, '95, Wmn. KRueti db M.Irrn u l.lns - Alin T Smih i a hme u bis Apîiesavee, lia ~uu Brusttte aaundeilut tb<' recent LutkeCounby Fair. Anybody viabing-tb purchuse a good r vîlI oeilI aipublic auction ou the Prec- elt tVrll u o ot' taber Nebla Sai s F lmutla, E A Bush 2ud. There are tioubt!ess some errons; bulsto ususulswl di 0th rr it fPuhufam, ait Gîsreu-e mies .A - .Dokr Pe1~s sudyu ated o it, niire i- vrpo, vel, ir CJ eil cbubytne ootur aorasib reor avatac u ai (uMo.adT.sJ.A.vet fSWumpgsovnht esrvaSlpsuSerear. ' i i pat , n i o a nSu d r Y a u e omT o a o , s e r l i s C ayor v t e p s ar e co r r e s o n s l t b i be e p o u - W o d n a n e g a r d i g t e m e . s ud m u s at h o s o l d a s t i e o v e r t g i . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - odr pins d orgyul c ai uddyossn 18t,lira J Bovmaî 2ndl. Ciebys rectrds. lany misatkes vere Tise Sbudy Lest Pieasîsne Club expeet i ng souih, ognnlug esIl0o 'ciecitlieD.H .E IO ordeom ad he winéall and(10-'llInmatie on tise iooka, vhich the sacre- a lange crovd sud a goodti me aitheir tol<>vlug îroponty:DrH.P W N : :rk7 Torate sw ee, lm a J Gt ils cm is, tany charges bo the avurdng commit- i s n a al tt eTo nH lHait 9 Choutuiiows,In and c uilng lu, Il Rockefeler, - l no~~ Orlppey Golde. Tomato caisup, liraC' J KeirIlai, 1tees. Day, Ssturduy oveîsiug, Nos-. ltb ogrde 9re yrs. ol ti, b aygay DhomeSS17F TE BYE crpe ods are opidemie sud are orapo cuîsup, Ml in sBantetter GU RN EE. Dled-lIrà. Jo3epb Doyle in tise 53rd Cisigb agote me. o bonse;150l, 4 t spedal ttiongiver oIl. ore 'brokon up" by '77,' Dr. lau,.lira H Lusit 2ud. The igbi over the poshmastensip yoar of bier lite, ut ber laie homee oidpr bei évyCydaal < r"pry .saSpecîfie for coida andti ln, rsJGoswilem sillon.Stai o itebedhuycldea, - 102 . .an ftr sale hyen mleaortwda-,oggists.Stai Mixolt, omigpickles,; 21ehlinstg uNILR0 .Sn. 1ta2 laian gdppes.For sae by al 1ruganks.Lux-d, pcklesMon Gfriandslstsu1Tbursday iunilng, Nov. 7, '95. Thei 2 stacis tsrv, 2 stacis of alter teeti, ChiliASuemins Gad R -m.ih , ' ' cjaIbisonvîcîni indeccaad(lied frnm the offecis of llooti buy, 200 bu. ut., iunsber vagon. ivo -< Weddlng Cards.lisRAStb2d lyc< ,aysdbn poisosuing. TburadIay Oct. 318t, visile piui goodtr tuckt vagons, bay loader,Y uKnw Mr@in H Lisai 2nd. May M la pis proving adbrplcing lit) a chair lira. Doyle rais anearly nov; buggy, Osbsorne bluder, Do Y uK o ' For Weddlug ststlouery of the filusi Chow chov, C H Harr lt, lira H muny trsanidu hope bu ado ber out soon. lver in hon band. At the lime it vas woring order; Champion mnoyen,ThtotetpplvI&