CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Nov 1895, p. 2

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WILDS 0F WYOMING. t>ESVT WILL BE MADE TO BLOS- SOM AS TH4E ROSE. Uoe*thetro Paclii Attemnpt to 0mab J." afllsFrustraea-Dinappeurance et UseDfeurer Faith Heaner-Fatal Eror of Detectîvea a - 1---i To Develop Wyomilng. Colonel Biii Cody, Generai Manager idredie, of the Burliigton, and eleven .aitder capitalits, intercsted lu tho con- abmetion of the Shashono Canal lu the MSgHorn Basin, bave leit Biiiings, Igut., for the scene of the canal construe- d..The canal wil cover 200,000 acres *f exceptbonally fertile land, wlll cot #1LAOGOO0 and will carry with its con- %abuetion an early building of a Burlng- *i lipe Into tbe Bit Horn Basin, witb Id»er«'ction of tise uew town and medical «wiffl resort of Shoshone. Pour syndi- cate, two lu Chicago and tuvo lu New * lh ~e ,Witb an aggregate capital of $20,- W%,000, organized for thse purehase aud dWvedopmnt of Wyoming free gaid and isSr properties have a number af ex- »Ore now lu tise Stato ooking for ipvest- Ments IL VOL VES 80,000 ACRES. Dgoke Umitis Baya Northere Pacifie . oss -Not Run to Ashianfi. Secretai-y Smintsbas decided tisat the -qsautermiinus ai tise Nartisoru Pacifie Eirsd la at eltiser Thomson, Minu., or Sagarior, Wis., lutend cf Asisiaud, Win., m hbas ait-afe beau claimed by tise cont pacy. About eigit bundred tbousaud &««e of b lai nvolved, whieb ln lost by tuie company. The secretary doe nt xwdettake ta cay whether the gi-eut he- -ai slectionsfr iuemnity bot-cen thes points ta be ht-ic for inriher cou- sideration. Ho dae decinre ibet tise $mat of tise Nortiseru Pacifie does nat artend enst ai Superior City. Ho aio suys that be Is at-are tist the lans east et Suparlor woro the basie for the selec- ium of a large quantity of bauds fronthtie îa"engAy bot of tise campany's grant in Noartis Dakota. These selections isaviug bMa made snine une ago, maur, If not. Aiâ, bave perisaps beesosud by tise con- -usuy. Ties scretary bas dirccted tisai lb. e ompany be ailot-eci ixty dnys wt- la wiih ta spectfy a net- basis for auy i« lits lsdarnity seiecione voided by this fI» NOT ItAR TUF, SIGNAI. C.dueator and Brakemau of a Freiglit Train Kiiled. A wreek on tise Clevelandi, Lorain sud Wlseellng Ralrcad ai Warwick, fiteen miles soutis ai Akrou, Ohio, reeuted lu lime demis of two men. Tise engineer af * freigis -train topped aud whietied for a Ilagman tu b. sent ot. Tise couductor, Cadres Ernst, aud brakeman, John Ad- &ai weme asieep lu the cabooce andi did MMt iear tise signai. A second section &» Into tise firet ah tise rate af twenty milies au bou. Bathi Ernst sud Adams umSe kibed. Tise naney losa t-i li e $10,- IM0 Near Suonat, N. J., four cars, jWaeh were being drawu up a steep grade m tise Delaw-are, Lackawauna sud West- «'a Railwey, bu'ak away fion tise bc- motive and rau back at grent speed, «'ming into tise locomotive af a net-s- paper train which was moviug forn-srd at a good rate. Rouben-Tindail, engineer ai thse ewspapei- train, t-es kilieci sud ie liremai, Hiram Ruas, badly iujui-ed. - CRLATTER 18 MISSING. Wsulral Warrant lonned for tise Ar- uet of tise Deurer s"Meaasi." Francis ScilatWri, ties o-caileci ieaber a"Mu aa, dieappeared iront Denver, mgd a warrant for hiu ai-iest t-as iseued t'e thtie United States Court. Hoeisac bises aumrnued to appear befos'e tise ,Vlted States comniselaner as sauituess mab"ut personsai-i-ated on n charge of nug tise malle ta dairaud biy pretendiug te «Il saadkemciieis biessed by Seblat-, j«r. Tise accuued clained (tiey eauldý pare tisat Scisatter issd ealy llessed a as b o~i f bandkereieis for thon, aud lu Ib iat m c wah tsa hable ta inditmueut. ne Ieft a noie sitpiy sylugu *'My mis- sMmn iniDenver le ended. Good-by." f U'LO'R WAR STILL«W GIG Ifle la »ows te 03.25 Per BarraI andl May go Lower. s- Tise t-ar ou flour antong Chicago mer- thmt a in lejogging aiong merriiy. One JWhoua. aanoncad a reduetion iront 10»,par bai-iel ta $3.30 ou tise brande mattuMa by tise Pittabui-# contpauy al tise Consoildateil Millug Comiiany, vuie anotiser bas. quohec iPlibsbury'a IàtMi $825 per barrai. A represeuha- live *slem t-as asked coucering tise st- saiut... "Weil, we si-e doig an at-fui Kitthe Wrong Man. Ia tiylg te captura Carence White, a dsquerate crimineli,t-ho in t-anted for mmmay r(sbbaiien, opratives of tisa Ber'ry asttihva agancy at Cicago kiiiad is usther, Frank White, t-ho t-auseaated la a buggy wtus hm. White t-sm kiied la an excisanga 0f sisots, asuer tisa detec- s-s ties eommnded tisa oecupants ta sur- ltetuarsusta lier Old Horne. Mm UbRbert Isouis Stevenson, scam- paufledby hber 5-c, LlosydiOsborne, sud Mr& M .Isabel Strong, dopaited iran Sanu Veancleco on tise steamer Mniiisi. Mrs. Stevenson t-lbh raside pemiauently ah ber cdiborne la Valima, Santon. t Vas,' R.saau Die of Choiera. i edweenOch.13 and 20 ibere i-e-e 1,500 caflo choiera sud 616 desiha rêeenideci uepvneo of Vohynia, itussie, sud .eis cases sud twelve dethInl ssý-@ rovince oi Kieff. The reliait tiset fer*Ai bai broken out lu St. Petersburg W»k" Off the* Ww'r. pmnted u'hite, t-se seen ue wy Beach, N. Y., o.".. Four mom "atUs Ieak.t a naWho Nl@ sCattlo . tr ?heia lutoiL Tihecettle inea on the ranges west ef Pierre, S. D., tell a ghastiy story of a madman irbo for somn. tinte bas beaui roamlng orer the raservation, killiag cnt- tia wlith is naked banda te stick their blood, and la some casas aven attackiusi men. No ono coem ta know wba the a me lat for exactiy bnw long lho bas been wsuli- derlng about tise ranges, Ho tvwas filet seen tome four or ivo weeks lige, ani repeated attempta have been made io capture hlm, but thun fer tithout sue- regs. Ho la Raid to labor under tho hal- lucination that hle a vampire, ansd is actions certainiy bear out this hypotsesial. Haw lho manages, witbout a wveapon of any kind, to kili the cattie on tvlih leo lives is a mystery. When fouud atter hoe bas left tbem the animais appear to bave been seized by the heada, born ta the ground by main trengtb aiid toi-n to places by the teeth and nals af the lounstic. RIJBSXAN TRISTLE IN NEW YORK-] Notortoun Peut Carriafi £est lu Cattie Cars. Tise Russian tiistle, wbich first mae Its appenrauce lu th's country about 1873, lu Bonhomme Cousîty, South Dakota, lias at lest found its way East. Its presence s-as discovered by William 'M. Vaen Siek, supemvisiug principal ai the scisools ai Western New Yai-k, -ha bias deotesi mucb of hie tume ta thse study of botany. Re first eaw the weed lest Augut in the West Share Itailroad yards lu Wteeisaw- ken, where, lu ceai-eh ai botaiicai speci- men, lhe bas discovered ther iveedo iran tise Noitbwect. Wbea Mki-. Van Sickle feit sure that it reaiiy t-usetise lisssian thistie bee uotified Prof. Dbevey, ni the Dopai-ment of Agriculture, ut Washigton. Ho is of te opinioni thut the seods have been carriled Eat in s cat- lie car. Dead Corne Io Life. Sauit Ste. Marie, Mici., dispatcb: Tbe long averdue steamer Missoula ionndered on Lake Superior Saturdainiglit mter driting about lu a diseid condition for tw- a dyo. The ciet- took ta the ie boastssud saveel theinseives, hnlly lanud- iug ounlise uort chai-e ci tise lake. Tisa steamer's shait broke Fridny marsîing t-hon many unies abovo Wbitefisli Poinit, and as tlies'e ias considerabie wind ansi sea se feu iuto the trosîgli ofthe weues and roihed about heiplcsiy. Tise t-lu t-a sautsw-est and increnced ho e gaie, driviug lber liefore it. The ceunis ivere Dpeued and tbe steamer begati Jeekisig. Althuuugh the steain upnmpsivere workeîi ta tisefull capecity tise leeks gined, an-i i 9 o'cioek Satardey nigbt ail banîds tank ta tise honte. The steamer t-as ilion it- teen miles nartheast ai Caribou Island. Tise Missouaa*was e representative woodeu lake steamer, and t-lin she carne Dut ires ane ai the fitteat ou fresb inter. She t-as built by Quayle & Sons et Clore- land lu 1887 and meascred 1,M55 net tons. lu Inieund Loyd's ressel register sho ivas ciessed as AI with n star ratiusg, and î-aued ah $9%000. Thet se was lu ex- cllent condition ls certain, and vessel- meunw-ader muceb t her bass, as sho i-as deemed fit ta ride ouitny ordinary lake Chai-m. Niet of Cactus Plant. Distressiug starlea of depri-iation and sasuvatiau ni-e hrougbt by theo mail steusis- r front Jamnaien. Thdisilticst iiiSt. Elizabeth, comprislng 6,000 périsotue. la la a ntost deporable conditionu, bnoîîgit about by tise failura ai eariy croise ly drougih and the devastation of tise@sec- ond crope liy a rigitatiosiofc -utcrilhîrs. Tise Governutent cf the colony baasgi-asst- cPA £1,000. the parocwhisi bots-siofiSt. Elizabeth £500 psicfds asnd private dona- tions reecis £5000. But titis ijil ossu bo exhacated. Tw-o deathe have aircasby been reportec-an aid wonan ands a girl. Many ai the pooser peoplse are isuîoutPiy nudeansd wbuie famille avaie heen iiiw> for weeks ou a lithoe flotîr and dYsgar. Others are subsising cn cactus anud oliser plants, ansi unieca extensive relief cornes coon many peope, aid aund Youg, mîlss de front stari-ation sud ivat ai ev-su tise bei-est uecestiea. lu mauy lnstenees motisers are offeuiug ho give thoîr 11111e chidren nu-ny to stangers tu avnt-aieir lives.1 1 Dire Plot ai Turks. Londau diepaîcis: Tise siartbing but truatworthy tidinge cames fion Constan- tinople that the influcutilenucuîses ni Kiamîl lîseha lu Tildîz Kiosk fomesîf d tise roceut massacres lu Ai-meule te pro- note -he doirniali aiflise granud rizier. It le not certain tist ibis was doue nis tise sultan'@ kuonledge, but tise ds'eadiuii buteheries tolk place; Kiumii is in exile, sud tise palace pnrty le îloased. Peculiar Fatal Accident. Dr. W. A. Wall, a nei-knou-n physi- cien, lahe ai Morivct-wn5 Tos., while n-alkiug donu one ai tise streele ai Ciah Orchard Spiings, Ky., t-esiun into by James Joues, a citizenus atisptlalce. A Iistol feu fion Jone' poeket anîd tasg discisarged by contacet witb the siden'aik. Tise bail estrcîlthe ou-ci-part ni Di. Wall*@ body, penetrahing tiec bot nitsd cauiug Instant dents. Bullet Lod6gos ln Hia Mentis. WVil Sei, s Portsmouth, Ohio, youug inu.t-s tisa vlctim ai a siagular acci- dent. Hoen'as struek lu tise face liy n omail bllet sahtfront n ling by s boy. Tise missile tare a hle tisrocgis bis check and Iimbcdded Itselfinlutisa i-oifof hie moutis. Tise physicien ba not yeth been able ta axtractit .Scott sufera Intense agony. ____ Dente@ Vioiatinz thse Statute. W. . Nicholson t-ns ai-iested at Kansae City, Kan., for violation ofitise alien couiraci at-. Nlcislson'e defense isa that tise man ha brougist ta tise countr'y la eerving lu tise cspaeity ai domestic ser- vant sud uat ns s laboi'er, asun-as ehi-geil by Labor Commiseloner Bird, whîo brougist tise action. lIndian Grazlng Leuzs. Accordlag ta tise statenents oifss-oeral captalis t-ha are ienvily interested lu Western cttle-raising enterprises the net cession ai Cougrecatib llprobably hin- stîhuite an Invesigation inha tise methoslis ai leasing tise greziug lande ai tise Wis. ii- ta, Kiowvn, Conanche and Apuacise roser- rations. Fernale Desperalo lu Prison. Jennie Mehaif, onIY 15 years aid, t-ho la nated tisiougisaut tise ettire West as n bld and dariug fernile desperado aîsd n nember ai-tise fasuueciDaltoni gang, was icomnitheci ta tic itefoirnsuîusiy for Wo- tmou eh Sherburuie, Mass., fur two yenrse çfor bai-se steaiing. Toacco Crep Hurt b,' Front. Tise montisiy relpait ai Commnesioner s of Agriculture MeDot-eli af Kantucky, -based on reprti irons erery caunty lu -thh. State, miseirs tisat about 23î cent. t te 'toiaee e!oý. ilu tisa 4êWO MARRIAGE 0F MISSj PAULINÈ PAYNE WHITNEY. Scarcity of Bituminous Coal-Secrat Coufereacces of thse K uligista of Labor ut Wsshinutou-Free but Uucer&moý nions Iransportatlon for Mormnns. A Notable £vent. One of the prisncipal society evcnts Oi the year, second lu lteret snd mag- itificanceOonly tu the recent Marlboroughi- Vanuder-bilt alliance, tves the marisige of Mise Pauline Payne Whitney to Mi-. Almeric Paget, wblch wa celebrated Tuesday lu St. Tisoma' Cburcb lu tise presence of a distluguisbed company oi guesta, wbich inluded President Cleve- land anîd Secrtery of Wer Lamont. Tise bride is the daughter of the Hon. Will- iam 0. Whitney, wbo was Secretary of tbe Navy lu thselirat: Cleveland adminis- tration, and le Oneofa the wealtblest meu lu New York. The bride le an hou-reau to several millions fi-rn ber father and more fi-rn ber grandfatber, Henry B. Paynie, oi Ois!o, tise ail ma gnate. The groom ie a young Englishman wisa came ta this cen- try severni yenrs ago and bas ncquired a large business luni-cal estate lu St. Paul, where ho iili roside with bis bride. KNIGHTS OF LABOR. Annual Convention of tise Generai Asaauably Held et Washingtonl. The ninetecnth annuel conventian sof thé generel nssembiy, Knigbtc of Lahor, ives held lu Washingtoni. AIl business transached at the meetinigs was guardesi wlth the utmost secrecY, not even Knights of Lahor, other ibun delegates or alter- nates, belng aliowed admission. Genersl Master Workmau Suvereigu exîsiessts imseli as beiug very ranch encouragcd iy th pi-sent catîdition of the order. Ilie tîsînks the psiogress of the Kniglits ai La- bor la more mauikod et pi-sent than evor before, ansi tiat the icrease of tuembeir- ship lu the face oi bard times la excecding- iy gratifyisîg. Ost ocf tue inmporant suis- jecte discussed et tise convention ives the attitude of tise senîbers of the order ta- ivard islitical parties dîîring tue uext na- tissni cumpnigsî. %Wile the Populisis have eniodied nîany of the principies of the ksigts lu tueur plaîforsa tise latter tiîink titat in viev oni heir voting strength the recogntition ulnd go further. MUT [NY AND DESEItTION. Trouble on Board tise Bohemria Wi Lead te Arreue. The American sbip Buiemina airived itn San Fi-atncisco frinu Phlîtîdeiplîle itti tonies of mutiny ands disascer. Tise ci-cii. beadeci iy Second Mate Egnu, îuutini"d afier the cip hbecu tbi'ouglua e cinn off Rilo Janeiro, anîd sgainst bis w-i lte calîtîin bad to utake fui- port. Witb the excepltionanf tute chief officer tiere 'e-ui nît a inuit on tue vi-asel vi-ho ided wmihi thei skippîer. The seondss officer, îvhcs led tise mutincera, deaîrted ah Rieaei-ro, hut the remainder oi tic crew wili pi-nia- lly ho ai-iestcd onu comnint oftthte caup- tain. The mns say tbs-y wiiibave tise cap-5 talis takeus into custouiy fur eruolly on tise Iligîs sens. EOFT COAL COMBINE. Pcnneyvaula Operators Lookîng for Better l'rices. Coal mon coul-ut tis ei-pu-t fi-cm Phil- adelphin ai the approaehitg e-omîiioilon ai a combination, ou tise tonnuage bas, oi îsraeticaihy aillci the soit coal opuer-c tai-s oficenutral atsd western Ponucyhranitt. lA l ibtoîtgbt tiet pissibly tise cotmbiua- tien n111li e foihouecd by an inter Stete agi-cousent uhici w-ilicclude Inîdina, Ohio, Illinois, Peunsylvania andl M'e-st Virginia. A scarciiy aifiuitutminous (cou] le reporicd iromn ieerly ai districts, w iti n et-oug adraîsciug mai-ket. Tise Pensyl - ranis district'bas hittierto licou rcgarded by tise operetore as tise sain disturbing elemnt lu tice cal situation. RIDDEN ON RAILS., Mormon Elders Net la Favor wlth Kentucky Farinera. A report fron White Post, ike Cosus- ly, Ky:, stnlc's tisai lta Mormon eider,- w-ci- takoua fi-on a churcis tiere Suncîti nig.hi andi ridden out oi the Sînte, aîsd ina ho West Virgiuin, ou rails. Ticeieders tiho bave been ai îork in West 'irginil fi- sorme titue, craasiug tise river in de- fitincc of tise 'erninga o!flise fui-mers i-cie exioi-iing a large congrcgation hi as.cs-pt the Mormsons miii, then lhiey tiers aeailod by a biand o fmnu, e-ho rosI iiaoîît of tic Stuile, but subjeched thit tu no otiter indiguities. Patent iCnocked Oct. Tise i'titedl States Sauiieunc Couttds eided tiscinuportasat case ai the Conasoli deted 1-Ehetrie Ligit Comupaniaitîs tic M.%eKeesliori Liglit (t'liiius0uià- ;u feî-s ai the deicîsîaute. Thte coutt lnss ths Saivyci-Manspatenst iuîvsîid. Tice-le cicion w-as hauded down by Justies B i-utn. Qucer Witt aife Suicide. Josepis Campbell couîuitted suicidelu; takiug mot-puine nt Moline, lU. le lef a null eqLeeting, amaug aiber thittgd that ho ho baied lu5 n rougis box, ibet s baud shossic play at bis@unerai, and tIsa hie fu'lenaessoulci stamp tisesirt crer it grave. Hoet-as 51 yenrs aId. Fîve Lost ln a CollIsIon et tFes. New~s of the siuklug at eea and tise las cf ire ai tise ci-et- ailie American bl- William Haies isy a collision Nov. S, dut iug a dense fat', u'utiîthe Wai-d lin steamnsbip Niagara, n'as received st Pisiliu deiphie iran Naseau, t-bore clght sui vivris have Jmai landed. Murder Due ho s Relîgrlous Mania. Crazoci by religion Mr@. Bilas Gildes ai Alicutawu, Ps., ssei-ificed tise lufe lier babe te appease tise urath ci a eaui tposed angry deity. Tise hld w-as suf1ý cateci. Ite ithIe body hacb becu mdi heston aund the tiuy aukies were lineke ivitis e butcer kuife. Wsr 0Onilu Flour. Grctrlug eut oi an ettomîsi on tise peu ai s majarity oi the wholesale graeus i Chicago ta foi-m n 'onbiisatiou wthstIi big Norttwestei-uimilLeo, a gouri- nai- liii braken oct. Prices an tise lendlng bi-aus ai-e eut sbarîuiy ly tise local grocers. Setibors te Danger. à Indien Agent David Day teiegrapi front Iguacie, Cola., ibat two indiens an s suawrhave been' killbesy unkuat- parties near tise head ai Last Canais. TI liteu are greatly enrsged and lhe foursfi tise safeiy of tisa settiera. Nubar Pasualesît«gus. MuLspisP flJ - -the BU.s.. ..issiâe Lo st le 0t e )y le -s li' îm- MMýL LINI o JÂANl. New Consul et eau Wjjsclmc3ta, Lok Up thO Most V021ible Tersnus. Miki Salto, the new Japanese consul, ânas srrived ln Tacoma, and soya th«Jý elof cf Nduties will bie to make a reporr on theo caslblxty of eutablishing a Jap- anes mail. lino tg this country. Âfter, gettlng settled lie wvlll lnform, bimacif upon the commercial lnteresta of hii jai- ladict Ion, make Inquiries ns te prospecte of business and ascertain what ,idvan- toges various eities con offer for the ter- minus, Ifie thinks the lino wlll lie estab- limhed te Puget Sound or seine isouthern p)ort by the Nippon Yuzen Kaisha, or Jaîs- anese Mail Steasuship Company, whicb is Bitbsidized, by the Governmncnt and lias ex- tra steamers whiclj were purchased aul used ne transports during the Cblns.e war. The coanpany liait receîîtly sitartcd a lune ta Australia, and another je pro- jected to Formosa. DONOT WANI'AUTONOMY. Cubant Wili Not Accept Any Terms, but Inudepcndence. "No, sir; we wili flot accept autonoamy under any circumstancee," said Senor l'alma, the Cuban Minister Pleuipoten-* tiary, whcn spoken to iii New York r.- gai-ding the report that Spain mlgbt lie willing to granit Cuba autouomy, but fenred the Cubons would flot acccpt it. "If Spain wauts to moake terios witb as," hoe cojitinued, 'threy will have to offer bot- ter conditions than thoso they profess ta ninke. In the iirst place, we do not lie- lieve Spain wvnuts te givo Cuba autonorny. Site oiily wvants to deceivo us, ns lu iSIIS3. WeVa nît absolute ludepeudence and Io inake an absolutely fi-ee reisublie of Cubl% We woîîld flot even accept sucb coudi- tioens as those governing the Dominion af Canada." Approves Arusenian Brutalities. The Conîstantinople Ofliciul Gazette an- nonces that Bahri Posha, who %vas dii. missed froni bis officiai position pursu- ant to the representations of the liriti8h amubassador, Sir Pbilip Carile. owing te lus iii ti-entmcnt of tbe Armeniamîs, lias been decorgted with the gansd cordon.of the Osnianli oî-der "as a i-ouard for bis good services." Th'lis step upon the part of the sultan ls conqidcred inost sigulif- cant. It la not only au open nnd dis- tinct niai-of approval of the ill ti-cainent of Au-nieniîiua, but it is a deliberate sibi te Gri-at Bit ai n, l>paitiefilaiily as lu adli- 1t i n toeithee îecori-stoiibestou cd a pou Bah- i-i t'îîsa, the (ifficitîl Ga~îzette pIsalishes a ilong lisi of the names if Tnrkislî otfilials iii Arutnia iivlus ihave beeu decoratsal by the sultan for lhiser "good servives.*' lu fart, it ainîost seoinq as if the sultan la opciily defyiug he poivers. OId Romnan May Die. Judge Allen G. Tlîurnis!i iecently lied a faîl ait Columibus, Ohio, wbicli iesulte'l lu a s-rjuis lii-y te lus luis. No boi s beisig bi-oken anid bis constitution beîis4 90 wonidei-fully stri-ug led to the belief tlîat lie îvould soon regain bis accustunied beîilth. Tbursduy, however, a severe i-e- lapîse orcnired aînd there was littie hope Ihat lie coiild recove-. Mi-. Tlîîîiniij %%-:aalune lu bis parrwheu licfiîl. lHe tliougbt lie ivas stu-ong enougli te walk to thc library and baek to bis chair. la rfi- turning to bis chair lho fel. BuelIo Dîscredita thse Story. Nicolatis Auguste Bucîlo, Veuezucla's new consul gêeral, lbas ai-rived lunoi York. lic talkedl vei-y dlplornatically tliruugli an interp-otci. lie declined in diseusa the i,.uudary dispute, bat sait! be did tiot believe the îsalilisbed s.ory abuit tlîe Veusezuelan gunisoat Gai-cia firing tip- on a British schboonier. Jefferson Hanged by a Mob. Lewis .Jeffersoni, a negro îviio attempt- cd a crimusnil assanît, ivas islaced lu jeil uit Ilouaorville, Ga. fie nuade a full con- efession. Whie lie ivas beisîg taken lie- foi-c tie magisti-ate at As-gyle for a coitt- nilttal trial tbc sherif was overpowpeisd, Lthe pi-sonci- taken away and hauged. Formosans Still Reslt dTîte Jalianese on the Iluidanio For- gmosa have establishbcd tbeir headqiarte-s lu Tai-Wan asnd bavc called for fi-e4u re-esiforcements ii view of tisefaet of the uiatles coutinuisîg Ibeir resialance lu tbe occuîpaion of tiiot isîtind liy thbe troopi hof Japuin. 0«T for Atlanta. Fifty cariuioade af excureloulats Icit Chicago Thursday night for tise Atlanta fair. 'ris-ne creMayor Swrit aud bis cabinet; Gor. Alîgeid sud staff; Fi-at liegiment 1. N. G., aad ai-or 200 busines nOn. Elizabeth Cady Stanhon. Te osîauu f fuînly State's guiihers.', in theur resîsesiic Suitesauila ls e t-siiy tu tlo tîssîtîs' ssthae liii' aui i ss-k sf Elizau- beltl ('uisy Stutaîsu. itl ising tbe sigl iilu auîniveraary niflier butu. MASIKET QUOTATIONS. Chisicgo-Calîle, cammon ta pi-ins'-, $375 ho $525; bege, sbipsîing grades, $3.(x) tsi$400; sicep, fnlr ta chioce, $., ta $375; wbeat, Na. 2 led, 57e tu 58c; corn, Nu. 2, 28C. ho 30c;oaChe, No. 2, 1se ta 19e; ryo, No. 2, 36e ta 38c; butter,' cisoico crcamiery, 21c ta 23c; eggs, fresh,I 19e ho 21e; lotatoos, lier busbel, 20e ha 30c; broum corn, comuon growtis te choice gi-cou har, 2%c ta 4c lper bounu. IssdianapoliieCettie, sippiug, $3.00 ho $5.00; busg, cisoice ligit, $3.00 ta i00; suecp, comman tu pitse, $2,00 hoe$3,50; w'isat, No. 2, (Me ta 614c; coi-n, No. 1 t-lite, 29e ta 30e; ote, No. 2 whiite, 2le ta 22c. St. Loie-Catîle,-$3.00 ho $5,00; isogs, $3.50 ta $4,00; n-bcat, No. 2 reci, 60e ta 61c; cor'n, No. 2 yelbow, 24e te 25c; oate5; Na. 2 u'hite, 17e tu 18c; rye, No. 2, 34c ta 35e. Ciucinnti-Cattle, $3.50 ta $5,00; hagif, $3.00 ta $4,00; sbeep, $2,50 te $3.75; trisat, No. 2, 66e ta 67ec; corns, No. 2 mixed, 31c ta 33c; oes, Wo. 2 mixed, 20e to 22e; iye, Na. 2, 39 e ta4lc. Dehioi-Catie, $2150 ho $5,00; bisg, $3.00 ho $3.75; siseep, $200 ta $350; n'ieah, No. 2 red, (3 ta 64e; corn, No. 2 yehian', 28e ta 30c;oants, No. 2 whbite, 21e ho 22(:; rye, 40c ta 4le. Toiedo-Wieat, No. 2 red, 03Ze ho 603e; corn, No. 2 yeiba's, 28e ta 29ec; cats, Ne. 2 w-ite, 20c ho 22e; ryo, Na. 2, 39e tu -41c; cloi'er s"dc, $4.30 te $4.85. Buffslo-Cattic, $2.50 ta $525; isogq, $3,00* ta $400; seueli, $2.50 ta $3.75; w-iet, No. 1 Iard, 65e ta 06te; coi-f, No. 2 yeilow, 36e ta 37c; oans. No. 2 whiite, 23e ho 24e. Milwaukee-Wbeat, Na. 2 epring, 56e te 58c; coi-e, No. 3, 27e ta 28c; ente, Nso. 2 whbite, 20e ta 21c; bariey, No. 2, 35e ta 37e; rye, No. 1, 37e ta 8&; park, mess, $8,00 ta $8,.W. Net- York-Cattle, $3,00 ta $5.25; hoge, $3.00 ta $4.50-,seap, $2.00 ho $3M6; wbeat, No. 2 i-ad, (M1e ho 67c; corn, Nu,. 2, 80o 37c; ont@, No, 2 wiltt, 22e ho 24e;, c»0«7,tilac0.te ?*. emas.Went- 'AJ.N4JJ NICARAGUA COMMISSION AOVO- CATEs iTs coNSTRUCTION. gugatirteoute bMinor Changes la thse Pro posefi Route sud Aiea Statea that 01104L0,00 Wili Hardly Caver thse Cost. Route for the Biz Ditels. Trustworthy information lias been i-e- ceived as ta the contenîts of tise report ai the commission whicb exemiLued loto the feesibiiity and-aig nt anîd rccommended a route foi-tise Nicaragua n Canai. Tise report is lu tise bauds ai tise President, t-ha is usifiz it lu connection witis hie woi-k oit bis auaîs message to Cougi-cas. The report indicates that e cannl acroas the Isthmuîs via tihe Nicaraguan route le outirciy feasible f rom an engineering point of vlew. 'Tbe cost of the îîralcct as estlmated la $110,00(),000, but it le tated this somis too smali by soute millions. The commission was - neariy thi-ce mouthns eugsgcd in its survey work. The route ns propsosed by the commission iia 173 miles long, or titi-c or foui- miles longer ihan thsît whicb the canual com- pauy pi-aîosed. The commission usade survcys to tise rigist anîd lit cf tise ci-i pau)y's route anîd bas scggested sme changes t-hiei it blillves wil lie ad- vautageoise. The commussioi' a tCer- t-ny t-lulLie suîsîîiid with ioeks. The Son .JuaniRiver sud Lake Nicaragua vill iehe upioyed. isut tise formuer n lii i-- (luire cossidi'rable dredging. The lake la 5l55,ýj miles acroms, frssm the $ant Juan la tise nouatb îof tise lijas;. Ssue di-edging tvililiec rt-qtisrs-si on tiset-est cost of t ho lake t-hichislasliotl fora distancee o! anme- tlsisg like i1,Jfeet. Biito tîll lic tise wecsterni tviîinsus ut the cansai anud thec d listanse Çi-ositiw ostiss - a uliittle 1sucre- tiiisventeesi tmilesi. Tise esrtinsate bas leico nsasîs-tîtat, is order lu comîsiele tise cainall 'e l-htie cositiismlon pro-poses, six rears t-i ise resîsiii-c, ans inl order ta finish it witbin that limie, a isorce of 20,- 11(10 uset will lhiive' to hccoiislautiy (-ai- psisyed. 'lie s-sumnuissisn also we est tsi ra'nîaaiind isis- a aîtrvey isf thli route thetie ns,îîd alsu re fes-slu iis pi-ject ilit il i-i5srt. AMERICAN TRADE WVITII ORIENT. Great Britain Oniy Uns Trnde Bal-1 once ilulier Fains.9 Iu a rs-pirt ssîon îluths,,-ands tiages lu China, Vlstued States IConasul eni-rai Jeruiaistst et i-ssusinrgesstihs, îerc-lant s of Aunerica to Lie rîasuy un saize lspusu tIse suieudid sîîsîsnl uiit it liefsr trule tint ni-c Bui-e ta ýisslss te aîsis-siuclsinîg ait skeii- ing o n i lis. lis' ldis - uat ahtisiesentt lt(e ti-it s lal t 13 aiainsttifs lu thliecase ai bohliti îan utd China. li tefoi-ter te le elas-s iiss ar it isi lll,(0and iti tii'lats-r $hfi,5X5,15J1), wnilie Greiat rit ai, si-t si-nit uisustil utiles fartdi-r aîvay, bail balancsinu ler fasnr aboiuti equal un ouri hisses. Thse cotsul general hoids tint the Eui-isisc:u ers-mut- le mach moi-e fîti-sres itasuitsls Amerleasi cîsspetitor tsy the- gsvsrument aid affor's- es. to tie gi-cnt sle.ssîssblîfinss'. Mi-. Jer- nuigan argues tbat tie Nicaragua Canai aili greatly bhs'tti-ihAtuîricsu i-ommerce wilh thc Easst, andssi. îtb an Anserican liauk lu Cîsîtuandts an Atusricen jouals puslisihed tuere. the csssnusîiîiu iiosiwîr- ity of tise Uîiits.d ,utatîtes vsnilLe giest. MINISTER HATCH ARtRIV'ES Queca .iiiuokalanl Ha@ Been 111. A. T. Iliutih. Iste muîister of isîrcigu affai-s oniHaiCia nds tlreî-u-suly appssiuttcd hit tilîtu uiusii-i- otsiile Uiteds.ilState's, litns arn-s'il iii Sais Francitsclîo. lie says disit al of ilseî-xiles, .t-it a few vexcecp- tissus, havîe bs-i'it tsuniisucha nd tianîy o! thbs.'uut rc'rtsurisi isg ttsieu ic5nt iy. i-x- Quse'n llisssikulaîilîsîibs-i-nIII, it ua n-uni-tetd, buthlicri-kits-se i-use nst i-' gardeil as biîltg srisons. Tic choisi-a haLd susappî'are-s, itîtiseisson r'iiei'i. Tise d raintageu'fiHinIlniuluua s-cii nmadie alsuost îîcrfî-ît. rei-isavisu ievli-s- nllu's ni, ta stoplun c-ou ani sîd sîratips have lic-sn c-issu i . usBuasinssew-us sadiy sde- lui-ssa-ili thlis-choIera, isut, Niith ttie ri- muovisi cf sj as i-isi itîsîemasrgoss, Itit ît - iisîssoî iig. Thti sitsutions ns tss the gsi- rniitus esasd ts Lie ubsniutî-ly unu- changs-d. Baptisto Conrene. The tIirtili--ih anusut a a sîtist congi-esa, ùntisusiiug linsd cIi-ris-aidolsgales fti liat5tittsi s-liiss I hi-uugiout lisecoulnt- try3, asenitliuisu in-oiisl-it, Il. I. 'lii i-t-si-t ssf Ss-i-t-tii-y 'Tomats J. Muorgaui ssicttatiat ttei- u iss icosni-ok bam acsumcd great isiauurtatuc' during the lasI yen-, tIse Baiuîhst vclaîrî in tise Nest ans] Nortiti-ct hasvlu a de îscgi-c-t ahiides. Famous IMotel Man Gene. John 1. Drake, stucecoflte liesi knou-n oi ('bicngs's suiîiresislc-uulan(tl publicelms-t, sileulTueaulay sigl t ahbis homne. .r Drake laad bei-n seioutly ill but tu-o days, and idi'i )encftiiiy, surrounded liy meiii- hors ai hie fsîmlly. 'Tic cause of deathu la attrihuieteehoIL-'art fiuie. IL- was anc of the fusmous hotel men on the conutinent. Blig Lemon Siipsuents. 0w-mg te oxceiiionaihy bîgis priees ni lemnus-$10 per box-paid Iu the Uuited States, tue siiposenha of this frici frein Palermo ta tise t1-ited States laci Set- honulir, an epcisrted ta tise Dopsrtmont ci Stahe by United States Consul Seymout ah P'alerme, t-ci-o40,000 boxes, agaitîsu 9,000 for theu corresuseuding mnth Insu year. Eartbq cake te Greece. A soi-cie eerthqcake auoek isas bu-on experienced ut iKatunan, Greece. '[ho lu- habitants were pauie-stieikcss. Oyster Boat Founders. Tise steaus oystcr boat James W. Boyle Io bleroîlt have becît sank off Coney Isiaudhatu-ecu tise Bell lisoy ah Nerton's Peifiti iucithe outrauce le btockaway lu- let. Sise cisirieci a crcîv aif isc, and Walu- ter B. WVoods, ofInlut-cd, Ii. I., aud al are rcported drowncd. Black Deusp Killa Tisree Men. Net-s cornes aotf ethe t tsi-emen by scfocation îy ftuai gas iin a t-cii ah Bristol, lut]. Tbcy sire Juddu Lindeus, Thsomîas Ellus anîd Frank Or-. Tht-y 'eie fouud by Mri-. Or-, t Wss Cised b,' Swordfiesi. A minugiving bis nome aseHenman Hillyer and his home as lu Missauri t-as taken in charge hy tise police ah the White Rou"inaWaesington. lUo aaid ha t-as bd *9gc»s4bçu -tsrd8i ndeld Chlldren's Laurente. ta jourîîalilm and lu liteiatu elf, York Tribune. Mr i-.eld wae a mari of talent a" uniqu;e chai-teti-.andsiehowili bW mi#"e lu the cii-cie uviere ho made biniou s80 distiliet a pince-lsdiausîsolis Journal.j As'it lis, ho was ansuait loved, and br, wbonuthe gi-et itiule t-neled tafse. eiigbt. More clin lic saisi of '10 cO nd cf îîîaet others lessi. Piliadeipisia Pra.a. Ilis satirical articles ou tise pretenslôna of literai-yands social lite ili bis edoptail city mtadeie 'lleigo alts.rnattciy mugis a"' w mce anid ileliglited lthe iest of tisa coua- try.-New York Ileralîl. Tbc (kathof Iii tgeýne Field remOvea fi-ouithese llieri' of eiitlîlY aetlvlty one ai thse begiltit 'î-as lsi en le tise cuîîsti-y aiidsl uî iset aîîmi liunsoriat of mucis, isssnss.NIjitcaiolsTribunie. 1 Ilis life îvsq anbi-t onetsut he bail livee vtiiy aof1It aîid crswdesi into, it iminclisf lasss'sfor i- ilsseif snd olbers. lie iiie iseîîisscsl longer tisa moat nin.-Rosciester Deniaci-at andl Ils lias1 a wsssuisrfstiilpower lu touchlng the issltainss of bilss ;andi leurs, andl bis bssookss, ili hicli liceîsublisbed naisy .xqiiesitc ivi-ais oau lucidtits lu child. hoosi. wcrî. fîtîl ni it and îselho.-B0às. ton li.raidt. lie jlaits ii siissi-tnoliss <alsaily for work, ansi %% bile ii -t of! bis ivritinga uvas ai an efliensisri -aslilie bas bift hobli bliiai iy iiisl uin pewi' and verse t-bis-lti i- i iislsslziiiisanta.Amer- jean ieriiir---'ii:dl 4hsuLger. ýN'oide1rflil iluid iv uas thes vernahlity of tii geliile I'enter. liiid thuse Who are ltsss-fliliy ilistsi-est es i luithe growlh of a mV-sensAiis'tlsaîî hteriitîui-e iili sin- cei-s-i itisîn ii t-l i ' c-atu cf one wbO lins d si) s ita us-ht(ssvi foui-lint tlitera- titis'c t l ui il [ui-s inepa Notice la Great liritele. Tise iis id ti us 5i-si ii sicici- onsent tbtst u:sglsustsi. l slss 'si o setie, tus-r right-ls fi iltii- lrritusry in se- isissui îitls is r I i si 'iiIbrolled "g-ts t iiitsli~uslc~ Ns-w York Erank- litg W'srld. 'l'iilit S.l lutts is i. t iereiome, ma kingîz i iîjy sis-it ut s-s' u-. us -ssususssn lotusalis- îrss-t is s tlis-sit is ,svri5tse te o- rus s'l. - rts-. eisiii, i-oii-ssieaiu powe~r (-ast siOss-ni us, issks - sgrssuut4i ihât ire liis' tis sisisii s- i ii sitli., us.f c. BuiffalouLxîsr-sas. If f t eiitIlit-siq iissuitý,-ici tsi buuildoze ausd t s-nis-io i is-t itls 'i e lich are Un- du-r sthei- t ut tsitss ssi ti-ry ansd rici tii t- iin ut utsii555-'lastiiii tsi isotect. or at ii'îs th si tlss-y tiaivi justice iinliseur dca iiiga s It s t-st-r linsr-. Ibis si'suntry -s t-l issu- s gi--ut su-at -i -4 le-Pal ds'tîu-uTeIsriii s.A Tîs s taussi tli.sgiil issisrothe womid nsssîiî tain h slss-tiie i-tisu sster aBrt ish tssry misiisl ti-i u skick ih about as a fi sssî i t u î il sss tus' lueil-rision ai tise techtoie i Nrli Vei' usat oithbsr openiy renoisutîis"le h suss se l-isSufoi- aU tiists-tsisus iii-s-titnis-se it listishe Veau. rus-la iiisu'e-s Milts's Net-e. Whes-ithiser.îtî-st if lts. Untited State, q agaisi E's i -ssii essiouiagainat tishe~ tvu-ss-stsus)Illis ssiintthis cissit inît ilunai- he-usis-sv, t i t- the vs'i-it jiiir4ti-o Iaf we do iii sIt lswil t is y sh'ss commensur- ate tiit h thelueil sity isiflthe icadiag i-e- psub l s ste- its-ih. COthit-nti le-îe shai leis-situ v s<ssl'itiii 1a lsy sord sud un- wtvss-t i3 f5thlis- -'w.u-it ofunylpeîule la thse si rii . ei-sssiStale Jsui-ual Tihie-i, of- s!gsailty lin the Dlia-tnt cne-wttas ai,,ir-g.,sit-' s -ui-ion. Any ot hcr ii>ti ii- wousiihsave lie-i a isiversai- 13- ru-gisrsls-lua us iiis-xisable uniacar- riag- sofusisi. aiisi-t,('ity Journal. lîsîrnt iissstss-igutilty ustue first blo st.- I t isss iiueit usrussia rktîhsie trial1 usnss a ru-isutu i-liis , iss bt thso wio, htavtseisi leain-h e snts ssf titi'triai wili nts iit,it t hisjissisu' sof tbe' icrdict- Rtocheîîste-r l2 cra--t andsi('bronicle. A siIss--ia i-ot idii ss- 'sil sit have ntîi-sre i-i siýr -lit lus,1 dthlit the guilt ai tise - iurd-esni- l ii-urit s sisstiilttnd bhlm out. li uliti i osutthelies-riiluipauiishmeut îî-l li ti'ail titic s -isetlu ocni oftise mont s-uis-ssssir ris-sIiii thileoai-ny, ot hPr cui try.-Dieti-uit Fi-e.- Pi-s. TI i-e i htsiigitît. lu Culiforuju. It la co.uhliceIluof nisu isi-slu ltthe' li-st degree aisi ssjs-lsiti tthei lhty pirovided by iuss. tic-i-c ill hino u n ssge-r of Dur- i-rs, ut' liitg tsitus-il s uai' i53"itite c-hsussis-"tssIrs-y sis su tiecsoinutusiuty.- Milwvautke-eW'sstt: Thse'Dusiratît Cnes- t iiigo lito biatary ns n vusise -l-lrs. Tite vsiinso ne- muruulcle flot ssuîly itlits atraeihy, but la thie deitnss isi the l e crîeti-atar arn- phoyed lu hlIde huis lsîeaitit3-, nsd tise Con. a victioti iiflssirnnt nisîit stan a agreat tiumpjli. b)uint ioffercu elswat cau euly, lii tersesi e strsîng siefeuse under tise cii-euumatnusic-s. The mnut demeanor dur-. ing isis losng orsieni stanîrîccinl a noat - extrusîidiuai-y mui'derer.-Dctroit Trib- une. Gospel oi Wenltis. John D. itoekeeller gires a million ivitis the case and lgraco tint aemnu i-uinamily istous n quartei.-.M inneapolis Timea. Mi- .Rocekefeler lm eortainly ntaklng a record as saîsiantbraîîlst, n fai-as lise Chiceago University ie coucemured.-Oiuj. cinuati Tribuane. - i Mi-. John D. tockefeller continues to, befriedthe uic'nstituthiaonwiich he bas ml reuîdy osdotîesionausamunificent seau..-- Ne'wvYosrk Tribunte.1 '.Ir. Johnsî D. ltoeks-telier's i-cia of action» aplîcars to Ise, ieincs uabt gir. a min.'5 loti or lu-o te tie Chicago Cîaa.. Kanasas City Journal.t NI?. Johun D. ilsîketeihr's lrmnrn» giftis icithe ('Iicaga Ui'vereity otet~ blusu ta tiaegratitudeuof elu fionda et e-M catiou.-New Yu-k lRecdrc. Rtockefellser lias gîven tise CisicagoUjil vt'reity $4,tiOOU00, and ilul givelit 00i0,M0) mai-e' Tis doos gi-es liecani' a menace ta aur iree insu Hon' lang w'acul thie uiivèrlaty e -- otîser uilvem'eties lie, iu acquii-ing> munificent gits, and tisa educ facililtias they make passible, If Ple fortunes wt-a i- ivided â i uag. wells. to ha fritteri ASV 1 w» st T-ho son or kiuperlor, hut airept. 1 - LL 1 .

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