- ~Wb I*' in g wu, brigbtby a Mi - u~-m wajér, ad trou thé bac eudt guéaI tla .àa ra Mdrew a souvenir. Théré w-re pins, links., cgarette cases and sncb trile of a"d fItutb onWmùw1W ng <41 suc d dpreetou, glénés.Thé cent o!fG lbe, are "IboroughlY diagut- tihé dinuér w-as sald to hé véry nearly j~IAthe wbole business," 'tis twenty thouttud dolkra. Comment 0 ~hsthe m4ater uneulmous.tailla, and, If neéded. would be hopèlesa. X ý AeieRIves aya eh. and lMr. Chan- France may congratulate herseif up- ae t uufrlaudly, but, on te con- ou thé igbly sncemful conclusion or IW«y, Ibey "éseteemnéaeb othér hlghly." thé Madagascar campaigu. Thé diffi- 7e, if ltat i. rie casé, o! jourse théy cultiés wit whlch Général Duchesue eseded a divorce. had t0 conténd w-re considérable. Titéy 1 proceeded net only frontIinévitable Mdmliai Belknap la doubtiésa rigitt physical conditions, but frout defecla lu tu hie position that Englishmen do not organisation, for w-itch hé personally 1iIe Amériana. John Bull le vérY sel- was not responsible. Botb sets of oh- 0mbh, and conaéquently very jeuIons of stales--aided by thé falluré o! thé na- bis more enterprlshltg competItors. tives 10 také a decideti stand-hé bas trlumphautly surmounted, andti&Isen- A À oeînnatl policeman w-ho klssed ergy aud address bave alréady récélv- w olman againsl ber wll bas beau or- éd déserved recognition fron M. Faure. dsrèd le psy her $10 a mentht for lén Dtails of thé ternis o! peace agreed i moathu. If hé la fb.d on thé lustaîl- upon are nt présent wauîlug. But It osnt plan hé crtaînly ha éntitled te séénis clear taI France bas beau b I fu eInthé sainé way, one-téutb o! a granled alI 1ha1 shé matie war te oh- Misa a moitIt, tain. Whether the énlargeménî o! ber rights lu Madagascar vili pas. w-olly As w-e survay thé présent stalé o! vithout protest from othér pow-rs aiseo n Lord Sackville lu ait calmuensa ilhé- luterésîtd la thé Island I, o! course, nt eesc more aud more apparentthal a question. Euglaud, for Instance, w-l thé dîme musenu was thé placé for w-ilé accapting thé French construc- &id bise, and that Amerîcan manager w-ho lion o! thé tréaty of 1890 i regardte10 q«eW dhlm $2,0900 te xhibil blmself foraigu relations, bas always protested ne Si proved by thé évent t0 bavé béen o! against any outside lulerferénce w-th thl à poel dicerniug Iutellect. Few gréat- Hova Internai affaire, sud Ibère area ai or fréaks, evén In dIplothiacy, bave beau many reasous whiy a Frencht Mudagas- trq oIlow-ed to escape thé exhiitiîon chair. car should prove disîasteful te En- _____________glisit public opinion. But a fait ac-lu Cimcago New-s. A young man sitot a compl la bard te overthrow, and ti il-i Co vocmg woman becausé ahc voulti net not hé easy te luduce France te relin- ci lové hlm auy more. Il séénis Ibat some quish any o! the privilèges thal ber vel Iliemple w-i neyer léarutaI wbal may sword bas won. il abopér very romantic wheu éuacted on u the stage w-tb subtne I ligitîs, sofI mu- Il w-i élu térestlug la watch Wb a ie -ud blauit cartritiges ls noîbing attitude thé Brillith press laite toward Te Ulore tha.ithe itéslliest sort o! foollsh- LordSacitrillé, who, as Sr Liont- Suck- MF uses lu everyday Ilfe. If only young ville Sackville-West, was formarly Brit- ra '80ople would hé s 1111e more caréful lobt minister te thé Unied States. Sev- of *bout ter diel Ihay ould n0t ha so en years afler hé was sent home hé- lu - le tg) lentbal I t11e brama wiîh causé hé hati dabhled tb freely lu a!- ed lwhlclthtey w-re eudowed. fira vicitti t 0 couceru hlm hé bas an _______________ - emergéti froni obscnrlby te denounce y The gold production o! Siberia la Iis goverumaul fram end te eud.,Inur Very mueit rester titis year thtan last, seven years li bas brokén lu upon bis Di shen Ituseia produced $25,000,000. Intellect Ibat bis feelings weré hurt LI Iflrecér of te MInt Preston estimates wheu Mr. Cleveland gavé hlm bis pass- ag -Ue <014 product o! thé 'world Ibis year ports lu 1888. Thèreforé hé routés for- y ck &t.orer $M0,000,000, o! which eo~,000,- ward wilh a voluminous pamphlet fr 00 la produceti In thé Uited States. whérein hé dénotilce, wlthouî résél'va- er IMhI&a l a gain for tîs couutry o! over lion, nèuriy éverytblng sud evéryhody y, Soff,000 o! gold over lai:year. Ha lu thé Unitedi States. Iu viéw- of this en, toUntatem that il w-l h $52,000,000 next amaxlug diatribe litla1 sale te Bay that se 7«ur. lu othér vords, we cao export Lord Sackville ovérlookéd a good tbing til a raillion dollars of golti par w-éak witb- wben hé déclinèti thé genérous offér 9g oAt lessénlng our 0w-n supply o!t tis o! a dîme muséum manager, which hé a imétal. now mentions lu bis ltter w-It saoD manch reseulmént. A mInistér from ti 'The Caledonifi (N. Y.) Advertlser tella thé court of St. James w-hose primitive ba à'tru.e story o! two farmérs in thut sensé of humor tioe$ not suggést te hlm en twva. They w-re plow-lug lu adjoiulng thé éxpedléncy of keeping silence about f1elda, snd bot came up te the division thé dilué museum offer coulti hardly beéi PM neaI thé saine limé anti resté-I Iheir éxpectédteluché ny w-sér Ihan Sack- taenia One was a fineospen or horsès, ville bas béén la bis présénî iaeo taek udl gd codItion, nti lt npast history. Thé communicaftionis, jI la pécal eédo! 'es. Té oit tainwit Ii is bitter personalities ant i is h WU Msuisérahly poor, sud ils oanpr wholesale chargés, ll nbvloualy the rm- ho avow-éd that hé could net do bal! 11 !apanu apnlî 0tI 0 da's wont w-it it. He offerèd $50 Ilit uc ltthé minupoph. ForteIta rteason MoDey te thé farmer wlth thé good Sach thhe m othé hgor t peln th -tasse tu excitange. To bis surprise the tocrvileu hé retignre loto nth hole oI«er was accéplei. -A yeux. latter Ithé uw-hbretir enaietcoe o bis former w-ho accu red thé gooti tesu lt weebcadnta hecoeofhsR Voed il so thatl it was ut lit te w-ont, déplorable Amerîcan mission. But 1ý% Iheother farmer by good i feeiug hat w-bat do thé Brtsh tiplomnals thini of gs brougitt thé poor lènut lutte fine coutil- au el-dlplomatist anti présumed states- in thon. Anothér exebaugé was madie, mailWho w-ll iolaté thé diplomatie th adthé former wIt thé poorest team pi'oprlétiéa lu Iis way? Il w-ll net bhaN agin plit $50to bis nelgihor lu thé aurprislug If thé couservative anîbori- h traite. This .tory lo vonchéti for. 1 tliés In Eng lant fint It expédient te1s - dmrly shows taI soute men are w-holy corit Sackvilllaup aud prévaut hlm from t 1" untle ow-u a homse. But a teatut dpa- èscaplng any more.w Me of doing a full day's wont la any_________t .-iéworth more titan $50 more titan Sé aedlis Rt ecle viicitla nol. Thé poorer farmer A 1111e girl'. remarkabla escape !romN Aiý4cibtedly securd the better bargalii, tèath ls réported hy Thé Northérn 13 M w» unable tow1aké thé ulof l!il. Budget. Thé 1111e girl, only 7 yéars f( oit, was playlmîg wIt sèerai compan- o t'At a tlnméwheu a wave o! pessimîatice ions on thé bridge wlilcb spans thé y dellmoiou w-sa pasaalg ove thé surface ralîroati tracit St Troy, N. Y . Thé chli- 1 À.<Bstlh complacency confidence bas dren saw- thé New York train approacu- a ~t~~o ualre byan népecét isov- Iug, sud this lttîla girl crawleti ovér0 * y.,ltbas slw-ays beén undèratood, thé ralllng o! thé bridgé to sée thé *Y~at tbère w-a a direct aud lutinnate train go by. Shé hecame d.zzy, bast ~- uaisbetweua*the Britisit capacity bar balancé anti fal. t ,-,t archievemnt and thé Britishi colt- lu lier déscént abc turuèt a complété eS*Mtlooof ruent beé!. Tlhe ai-pané- somrsault anti lantiétieo thé roof et ltng recearebes of statistics hava dis- onué of thé cars. Thé chilil hait notb- -, O» aneérd dmade public thé fuel tt ing t10 ding 1, sud whbcshetItinet 'V S Ooaumptiou o!roat béé! la stead- tumblé front thé roof o! thé car la a dff-n the increase, aud lat year attuin- mystéry. Bystandérs suiv ber as site mi "iOI.me.lsm o! 119 pountis for each passeti, anti by shouts anti frautie w-uv- '~S s tomacit. Tiis Information andi Ing of bauds managedte10 tiraetth 1thb serim of nattirni Inférences le ho attention o! a fiagman a 1111e farihérq wu fronIl are miost accéptable. Il clown thé tract, anti ha stoppeti thé v uetat thé Briton *f to-day doès train.c $à= ete havée mastered thé art o! ThéeétaIt was linging 1e bar bat andi &ad cula a poor figuré Iu at- cr3-lng as tbough bar héart wouit break. Motestm. According to1 thé mnost Shé was frIglitènéti nearly to deatit. An0 ~~tdevelopments, Britisht diplomacy éaiah hw aitIshe was net neéses1 te o p te thé standard badly ljurei. ÉBité w-s able to go0 Teiléyraud or Machiavelll. Theré are home. il dies le thé olulluent o! Brillshb but tbay may 9afely be Vain Prètonse. te remaiu unnoticéd. Thé Irué One day, ln thé UMfzi Gallery In Flor.- 'tnational greatiies-int Gret e nce, a learneti Américan was study- lthé CODusmplion of ronst Ing a gréaI Etruscan vasé wheu a and lu tiIs thée h"r~ racé o! the sîranger, standing uésr, saidt i lm: seéme te lead the world. "Doés fnt Iis seam te you liké a mys-m térlous book, wriIen lu forgot tan char-0 ANY ARE AUSOI.UTELY NCW rT TIER -DuTIES. >na salvation Araay Soldierp a Tex"l Cowb>oyg A Carpentier and an Ixz- Caah Boy-A nin eFrmhand and 14ew York Peet. Ail NinS. of Blateamen. T-1HIDRE wviii hé more; new members lu lte LIVtb Colt- - grèss titan amer ha- fore in lte itory j o!fltaI body. Out - o! thé 3W0 utem- - bars 102 are'abso- Iutely net'.10Colt- gressioniti duties. Of the 162 uéw -- men otily lwéentr- savén are Dénié- crais antilte Ré- ~ I publican majanity wII hae matie up o! 1 3ryouiigstét'5 anti ~r1IM1()o vétérans.Th ~,olti-timers among tb t Démocratie meuthers are eu- joyiug lte mèinncholY thougbt ltaI >twitistanting their reduceti numbeni hey w-iibchéeé 10bave plenty o! fuît It the naw recruits ou thé OPPOsîng Jdé. Theré are somte curions amen among ltée tw mémbars ant inl thé coming session bey w-II hée sure lu attract considerable atention. For instnce, bte First Dis- 'IcI o! New Hampshire sentis a Salva- un Army soitiier 10 rétrèett il iu the >rson o! Cyrus A . Sullotvay. Suliow-ay a ahig, hrawuy amn sa n th lté atiys !oît itoit bis enutinlua sah!!tight with !armlng anse. Itlsviil not do for thé alteraus tu lamité loti mally libarbées w-iIl iim. Hé la ait aibéle at er ant intaw-cl 2p lu pariianiîtar.y rulitîgs. Ten yèara Lo hé bécame coiîverteid sud 54ined thé Salvation Arînýy. Texas seuds frout ltée renlt District Milés Crowiéy, a Youux man wita dues nt kuow luch about law- making, but ls surtr u laie as <ced cure, )f bis constlituent@ as a maît sitillèt inuthé ntricacies O! legisiatioît. He tas serv- ed onebrnt i inthé Texas itousé o! ilj- rsenbatives anti two, ternis ini the Sénale utn la a very liolulîl r iomi.lie in 39', ears olti anti was hem lt u Boston, J. Frankt Hamléy, front thé Niîîtb Indiana District, tn théeî-c'i l ilan O! the LIVbh. Hé w-as born thiriy-tîvo yèars ago amii tée foreals o! ClianipiigîtCon- y. Whéî i Oycars olti bis fathèr pur- chusét n "Ilisfory o! thé Civil flVr," and tromn Ibis thé boy learnedti 1 rezid. Pov- erty anti fitira liiifat berî'îîliéd up)On Franktfit theéfage o! 1,-,to Itiiî )thé uîobh,'r Parn ltée living. l'-ieswe'<lIN-cil. tallght school iuit4 fia iy èît,'red ii îîîîtthéeitrac' ce o! la w, wlîîin iiilnie ielded hlmn guod iticoîné. lie liss ervil in thé, Indi- na Legisiiiiîre. Harrison Iil. Atwoodl, front thé Teutit District, Mimaiiîsct.ill Ilié thé artis- ic nu-muer. [leie a ciever areltiteci, haviug atofli*l int tbuisiiess in îîrefer- ncé tii.theimore unt' in in onéof! ui lt- rig. liéet s 1oilî skuiltiil liltlicitl. lic la but 32 ica ré (di h îlil native of Ver- motit. Deîijt IiM. Ituirley. a Btrookilyni man, w-ho itll r'ieiîttheliconi',îd Ni u York Dist rict, hli iii Ii as a uvarjientu'r. lle i nrisliîuii J y Liitl, Ibut W."' brougbi totiitiise couintry -lihncil îî1allia11 boy. M*iiliaiit A lileti :iiî h. front tIte Fift litirt of! I thiigai. le ii roimd if lié fac1 ltha ilieai t î'îî'îi iin businesasfo~r himmeîf tlîiin1'2 ye'irs old i Graindl Iap- ide, sllitig tuolcort ind nt eospl)iera. lie ins a paige lu the Ni.Il'itgiliî lousé tuf Represpéittives nlu1,1 Iter qtuied law Wtîliauti Mi. Tritoair. froîîî tt-e N tt h ts souri District, tiseil to lié a îirofessor mof musie. liec tigh t music to t hie iiilé io! hé Miînt l-imn tt ollege,i ti. Frankt S. Bluiek, front the Nmiètb t Newv Yonk District, hegaît life fis a ferîn- isuti aud imow looks lite a college profès- &Or. Hé ln a Maintîîian by birîh and augbt achool after lie gavé ui) farTu wont. Latér hli asil newspapér repor- ter anti then lié atuditti Ia, Thé poet mof tie néw ('itgreass laRowlandut Itinnèr- bassaetiililifnîm the Tlîirty-séconîl Newr Yorkt District, lie ita inativeofo Buffalo atîd lias hlat at!str.tgglè w 11h fortune. Col,.(Georgé B. McCiî-hian, soit of! thé labowar générai, is about thé youugest nimber of thé îiew C(ongress. lié ta a Tainmamy lail mlan andîtsert-éd as itresidemîl o! thé Bourd o! Aldermein of New Yonk. The Navy"s Oldest Ofilcr. Thé annotînceinent tuaI (Commiodore ThomasO. Sêifrige Jr. has beeii ordercîl tu commandî thé European aquatironi, vice Kirkiamiti, remnoveti, enîd, that lu a féw tuo ntîh s Sefritigé t'ill hé prontotèdti 1 ,.the foullraîîito! réar Sadmirai is interest- mîg, lu thal for thé firsI timé lunthé bté- tory o! our navy, on -, Iint malter, two offi- cèrs o! thésame uamé--futher andtison- w-ilI hé fontienjoyiug théeanelehigb mut liRenr Atdmirai Thomîas 0. Sel- fritige Sr. te thé oldesl réar admiraI ln our navy, if not lu thé world. If hélilves unlil bis next birthday hée wili hé 03 yéurs olti. Héetvas horu im IW182, sut énteréti thé navy lu 1818. lelilves lu Washing- bon, hée ant iebisaget i wfé, and la yet hale simd hearty. Nobody that kmîow-s the olti sea-dog doubla for a moment that ho w-I hecomé a qsnîéoarian. Iu recogni- tou of bis long ant i dstinguisitét services hae was placet on ltae rétirét al witb lte rank o! réar admirai.- His son, Com- modore Seifritiga, also han s brilliant rec- ord. Witeu hé gratuatea frott thé Nav-al Acadenîy lu 18M Il w-as aIitéh hesd ou bis clas, anti bis future career w-as lu accord with bis promit beginning. Tipping thé jury. Oua o! thé curions customsa bitIhava survivét lu Washington isl tecustomt id .b"et 1ar asfou-r eaUu A U ôté 1 tried "ad In éaeh of thew thé LoremOi et thé jury la éutltiéd te thé extra $2. Thé money lua aways bandéd te thé foré- man of the jury, who turne it over te thé jury treasurer te kéep until thé dis- chargé of thé jury from further service.- Ald for tho-Poor. Thé coming of cold weathér has ni- ready shown that thé demanda on thé phllanthroplsts of thé district will hé as gréaI, if not greatér, than lait yéar. Duriug théesnonmer wbat was known aa thé Pingre, plan was tried. L.and and tois weré lent to déstîtute ablé-bodied permona, and îhéy weré given séeds, 10 se. If tbey could raine enougli of a crop te kéep thémn througb thé wiutér. Thé superintendent han recéived reportsero twelvé of such éxperlmental léttlng., and only two of thé nuinher weré fallures. It in probable that thé plan wlll hé put1 luto far more generai opération next summer, as it appears to hé a distinct succes. lu thé méauwhile a projéct In oin foot to establish a numbér of crédit stores 1 oel thé necessariés of lIté. Thtis wili only hénefit thé desîltuté résidents o! thé district, and will h. mun upon thé honor plan. Thé pérson wbo draws sup- pliés front thé stores duriug thé winter wlll h. expected te psy for them ln sum- mer, and thé crédit gîven ivili hé with thé underatauding that those who do ual pay when lbey gel work wlll receive no fnrther public aid. The Congreamional Library. By thé tîme Congréas meéts thé Sena- tors sud représentatives will hé able te se. how thé uew Congressional llhrary will look whéu Gen. Casey finally turne il over 10 thé United States lu 1897. Thé fance wbîcb for so long bas stood around thé manmoth structuré bas been ré- moved, and thé splendid front of thé ABDUL. HAMID Il. Thé Insolent Sultan of Turkey Who Ilimte Moat Biondthirsty Moussai, la AU Europe. building now shows up froru the vast front of the Capitol with notiling to0 uni is beauty. Theré lm not nuother sui library building lu thé torld. The workc of beautifying thé grounids surroundin.- the library bas already heen begun, an-] by the lst of December will bé completed.f Thé grounds ivill be laid out ini n way that wilI accord perféctly with thé reit of the Capitol park. and will permit a1 good view of thé building to hé had froni ail sides. Théetvork of transferring part of the Congressional library la now under way, but the bulk of thé work wlll flot hé attempted héfore spring. WORK FOR THE NEGRO. Mthodl.ts Repremcntlngu thé Freefi- man,* AId Society Meut. Methodlsts representing various sections of thé country met ln Chicago and talked of thé work of thé Freedman's Aid So- ciety of thé Mtbodist Episcopal Church. What thé society bas heexi doing sincé the lat meeting and vbat work it ha. on hand for thé next yeAr were thé subjeets of most interest. Thé gathering of Meth- odists was causéd by a meeting of the society lu Chicago, thé first lime in 01gb- teen yéars. Thé Ré,. Dr. M. M. Park- burst, of New York, preslded. thé addréss of welconme heing delivered by Dr. Van- ango. Dr. R. S. Rust, of Cincinnati, gave a short account of thé origlu and bastory )f thé socity, whlch, hé sald, met in Chi- BISHOF MÂALLÂ.IEU. I5itOP POSTER. cago ln 1870-and agalu ln 1877. The cal for a convention to form thé soclety was l.suedl July 30, 1800 Thé convention met lu Tri.ity Cburch, Cincinnati, Aug. 7 of that year. Blshop D. W. Clark waa chairman of thé convention. r Thé report of the Board of Managers 1for the géar paît shows that during thé Dlaut year forty-four institutions of, learn- àing hae been maintained. 0f theie twen- ty-two are among thé colored people, wlth Mt4 teachétu and 4,845 studenta. Twextr-two sehola are amont thé white puopé, ith10t eres and 880 s et doit., ûing a sg force of 478 and a lta érohpntof8.7U .Thé mhol %Ilediterra.ieif leet iiear thé Dardaneiles is éig strougiyre-tuforcesi. ltaiiiii unr shps are ide.liehéréuty lu assist thos4é o! GréaI Britelin lu an emergict-andti h(% division o!fbilé Fremnch l cmt w hich cruises- lu thé Lèvent turing théetrilitér ili aitari for Ihosé waters iuimnîèlIy, a montm énrler thonî usuai. l'very indicationi pointe lu thé fact that limé affairs o! Tur- key are appuroaching a crnet., amni it la aig- nificant Ibut onîly two sioîutioiii o! thé diliculty are tiscusécîl hy thé Eurotitau tîress-Ihe éntire uitumemhribeiil o!f'rur- kéy or thé déposition o! thé Sutanim. Tué 1.0w-rs are nuw showimig blît they w-ii mmi longer te lioodwiimkéd y thé SultansK promises, wbicb are ocrer iuténdéd 10 be itept. Thé final stage o! thé diplomatie pres- sure was réachéti nhan Germminy, Aus- bris, ant i taly, wbich batl bitherbo esbot smo!f, joiueti thé othér povers lu a men-, nding noté wticb lias juis( been lraéutét lu thé Sultan. Thé next stèp ivilI u- tioubtedly ha a conférence o!flte repre- senlatlvés of the gréaI pow-ers, w-hidi a-iil diacuss, not mèrély lthe administra- tion o! Armenia, bumt thé fate cf thé Turit- lith empiré. Thé pow-érs are lu complec unison. snd Ibis tact Ia graspéti èvéry- w-itré éxcept ut thé Tutus Kîost, for thé Sultan, lu appointlng thé Hail RIftlCab- inet, composéti o! puppats umîtiréaction- loa, la simply countlng nain. CORN OROP LARGEST RECORDED Rate o! Tield Soméwhst Les thon the. October Entmîle e Thé Novembar reburus ta thé Départ- ment o! Agriculture makre the corn crop thé lungesl lu volume of recond, wlIité h rate o! yild, howevér, soinéwhiat lems ttaon ltatindicateti by thé relurns for Octohér, being 26,2 hushels par acné. This must ha régardéti as préliminsry snd not a final éstimalé of thé yiéiti. Thé rate of yhéld o!flte principal corn Stesm la as follow-s: New Yorkn......... ............ 35.1j Pennsylvianla ...... ....... .....33Ku Ohio1........... ........ ......2.0 Micigan .... ...... ............33.8 Indiana .... ...... ...... ......32.8 Illinois ...... ......... ........ 37.1 Wisconsin ... ....... .............81.8 Minnesota ....... ..............31.2 Iowa .......... .... .......... 35.1 Missouri ....... ...............36.0 Kifies ......... .......... ....2?A.3 Neétska ......... ........... 16~1 Tjravera iald of buckvitéat la 20.1 ba eaa~nI1.-MMlest ar; théi aver- age yldd e! Potatoes fi 100.7 buaimél peu «M ~ toltacco74 Poendaaud b" La tefl% and ofth è84sdet lu Métollu uchools 8.725, or nearly one-fourt1à, are under the direction of the board.. One theological, teu colleglate anud elevén academic ehools are for the col- ored people. The largest of the lnatitu- tidue la the U. S. Grant University nt Athens, Ga., and Chattanooga, Tenu., and theré are 075 students and tweuty- DisilOF NEWMÂNq. DR. BERs. six teachers. During the yeur endiug June 30, 189, thé total receipts were $30,800 sud the expendture. weré $Mg9,- NO0, Ieaing a balance iu thé treasury anounling to $9,309. 0f the expendtures $250,500 tvas for school work. FATE 0F THE TURKISH EMPIRE. Il WiII Be Complet. Dismémberment or Depoltton of the Sultan. Lundon advlces say that the politieni outlook lu the East hocamie more critical sud complicated during the latter part of the week. The Sultan seeme to b. defy- lug thé powers in bestowing décoration. for "good service" upon the Turklsé of- ficiais who are held remponsible for ré- cent outrnge4 in Armeniai. the British *ver théel éaeo3 * ne4 On. ry of bi= anilbit hows nlot oly an extreme lave Or* ery, lttaso thé freedout 0; Irish llfej- mars ugo, in it dolmeptic re*tloam ý One autumunlgbt, afler hh b.b raadéring al day useong thé blUa, )w2 LTlived veri'ymat et bis fathr'some,- » fnd It dark aad eilent. Hoékas Lnd rang, ainl and again, and at IWm- ~ the voice vf a servant wam beard froMa withîn, démandiug: «Who'a Ibèrer" The timidlty evinced by thé toué ot . vocé aroused Armstrong*a sone n, aud hé rescivvéd 10 perpétrais a Joli. Bo hé assumed thé brogue M4, manner of a drunken country féleow,. and démanded t10 b. let lu. 11 "Let me lui" ,hé calléd, "or l111 va dowu thé bouse." - "Go away! Go awayr' camé the oic. *'Go away, ls It?,' hé cried. I wont go awayl," And hé kuocked more tumi- usly titan ever. Hia fathèr, dîsturbéfi by thé noue1, now descénded thée airs and called:i "M'ho are youT'î "'I'm a poor countbry fellow, and i waut a n1gbt's lodgIng. 1 haven't J penuy 10 buy a bit of hread wlth, and 1 havéu'l a stitcb of edothea on my balde ad Vve burléd ail belonging to mer" "Well, tbere's nothiug for yon bore,> ny man; no you'd hatter go about you* buelnées." "0 cbarlty! cbarity! Chritilan chwz Itr crled Armîstrong. "Whal's a poo« benlghted traveler to do et ail, ai ae»?? **Go away, air, et once, or M'l cail t» >olice!Oq "Thé polies. avouruéen? Ah, musha: nusha; tbéré's a nlce, klud gIntiem8al ButI look at hère, your bonorlI['ve Mo :wo fiué birds for 3rér honors larduhlpi raké tblm, anyhow. l'ilraturn 9004 for évil, so, I-wiUl! ll eur no malct go laite thé two 11111e bîrds!" . "Who are you, and what la yen, businèess?'1' "Mly businegs le pig dhrivin', and 1 want a nlglît's liodg!in'." i *'Tben, once for al], 1 teil you to je away!"t "Oh, tIbm, b1théehoworsé for yon If you dhrlvé poor Tom from your door. rbéene l daugerons limés." Then, roarx- ing through thé kéyhole, "'Phese la dan- gerous limes. I any!' The whoie houseliold tvas now roused. "(Yb, go awny, I tell 3-ou r' crIed the fathér. rcally angm-y atlas. "Thîn jist open thé door a bit anti taite thée11111e bîrds, and l111 go, anti joy hé wilh yez*'1 "'Papa, papa!" came a sol't volcé fronm aboyé. "lt's Edmund. Don't you krnow It mueI ha Edmund? Who e côuld it be?" "Let me In, or l'Il smash 40wn the door!' calléd Armstrong, In thé gréat- est dellgbt over b!'s jokie. Wlîh thal thé door was opened, an*. Ilie étumbled wiih a iracp of grenut lu one bandi and his valisé lu thé other, amld a volley of happy laugbter. An Even Thlng. l bas béen said that ali men are cown ards ln thé darit, and ibère la doubtieu some truth in thé statemént. A corre- spondent of thé St. Louis Glohe-Demo-. cral cites an Instance lu Illustration. Tu-o officérs of thé British army in India bud a dltlc'ulty whlceh resulted la aduel. Thé colonel, thé chalHénged party. vas au old campaignér who had won hi& laurels lu thé Crimes,. and was a mont gallant soldiér. Thé cholce of weap. ons héiug bis, hé namued pistole, anid élécted that thé affair should occur li a dark room. We aecuréd a room twéuty féet square, gays thé narrator of thé Inteli dent closèd évery crevicé that wouli admit light, placed our men in corner* dlagonaily opposite, and wlthdrew. Each man was provided with Ibrée chargés, aud wbeu thése weré ex- hausléd w-e rusbéd ilu 10 gatber up the mutllatéd réniains. Each man stood eréct and soldierlike lu bis corner, untouchéd; but diréctly bebînd thé oflicer w-ho had given the, challenge weré Ibree builet bolea made by thé colonél's pistol. "'How la Ibis?'l sald a grixxled ma- jor. "Hnd you béen standing hère w-heu thosé ahots w-ère fired, you would have beén klléd." 1 Thé cuiprit was forcéd 10 admit that hé had droppet 10oue kuée. "You are a coward. sir, and unîit tOe thé company of soldiérs aud gentle- men r' crled thé major. "'Hold on, majorl" saId. thé coloneL "Itlei a stand-off. Wbile hé wasA on hie kuées lu oue corner, 1 w-s on mi. stomachIn luthé othér."t Large Paanhly. At a récent puablI ceclébration In New Euglaud Iowu, at w-bIch sévrtr' Staté dignltarles w-ere présent, an 044 gentleman of rural ûspect propoundeti