CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Nov 1895, p. 5

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CHAPTER V.-Ceeiued. He put smida bis pipeanadal vat eut, eta'olng a gond way lute bhe country'. ]But thec Image et Mldred Murray, as sha IeheaW wIen alise urne al al biushlug te apuk te hlm stterward, vas wtb hlm MMlIand voulal net ha siaken off. Ha wus maiig a mental peunre of ber and ba' gesi deg. as h.e leaneal agaluat a utile, wbeatise animal blasait hondeal pat Slon vlth a bark et recogniion «'Major.IMajor," calleal a voice thai hae recognîzeal, 'come hera, ir," anal thaee- loi' came up te where the artîitvas etgndlug, aud salt! a few courteoua word.. "Ton are goiugle tai' le the village? Dova, Major; ha quiet, air!" '"Major keowa 1 am fond et dog," Geore Donner asia, wiIh a @rnia anda Cere« ao le ebig baad Uai vas rsbbiug upa agalut hlm. ,"I11ahalstai' anal maka 'a few sketcbes," anal hafone tbei'parteal Io clergymsan bad askealbhla te break. faut im buthe nazi mnsng, ana lha baad promiseal te go. "It la fate," haieaal te binasif, as ha vernibask te the Unicore. LThe wander- Mgs art i ilanici' tae assing heur te tIi.utineat, andaltke wbat comas ut I. Ailyai, I shaf'liea ber again, anal I ailI Ut the future takeceare et itaaîf." CIIAPTER VI. George Donner did net rue awai';lha yWdd te the fatle wblch had overtakan Ji anal made bis appearacce 51 lita comewhat carl' tour tse reeber had samedi le hlm as is breakfast-ins. He tisougitalho bad nover sean Fa fairar ,vision than setd tu hilm asbn l11111. camae f7î- bluahes anal dam- pien, fier cu' "itlehearuun'aag over vltb cunis" Ibhai coestimly ot of a alati'umle of sofl frilling. And hIiiie'a heant hast îblck anal faut- se fautthIal sha socIl cal ne breakfast; se made a meal of admiration of George Doresegneral appearance. He ave a eclouns iug-a aiamonal of odal abape aud singular rilineso pecasiar taI Mr. Cnr zoe lîgged te look aI il. "Il is a fanili' jael," Mr. Donner salal; «uique,.I1iteliove. Yen aonder 10 secaa por urtisI sith sncb s gem, I dure aay," le adea, lurnlng le ars. Curzon. "Mi' ismihyin is îî, thocgh fatle bas &cul me througls the cotunitry dravîng." lb n'as qiattilaIe ushan tai' ruse froua the table, NMr. Cuzan hagging bis guesal tg conte ugaimi; te t!ina vii hiru ani' aveu- Ing bisaIlte î'tîuld make ut convenieîît, te ride wth lina je fatt. te maka blnsoîf frea athbé nettory for te lima ie sitoulal uay i' at nfia'ld Woodleigh. 11111e aent t lier rtorn nititlber lbent] la a wbirl. Site bâtilsean hum fagatu. apffl'u te iim nuise more. adliehanut Coing n'ay. Tba're veuli! hc naîraeuuîet- Ings, more pleasaîna n-,rda; sains!' the w orlal uas grownig brigter iadbigga-r, and averyliuîtliit m,re saveel aimai ou- ebautlng, for itad tie notet is8ea liear banal when lebe iber gecal hi'? i'oor Mille! thaeavaudering prince, te enchantel1 thîal corne, analiha nas calied 1Dtm r er. unneyer quibe knew beav Il vWAS t am.ise teslift imb sncb con- pie fiiî'ary nitb George Donner. Bomehow, rifler that breakfast analthea IntrodlucbîtintaI il gave te young man toe iaracler, tlitist 11seemeal hi'con- mon consenit to e tcoins tae frin o f te fausil', andît lehavaetaeentrai totethe bouse i ail imes. Mr&. Gaisen itîal egui totelook Ispon ber guasî as a prmaneci; ha bad 101d ber hy Iis imea tieha id net kn wbesa haen'as geilag asvay, cerlainiy not wbie tise right aetier esateal, andabit baid takenil i lte ber lientcallieit aas the gataest artiat taItse orîd es-en prodncad. Il nas reahîy te engt et is punse titlwonetite good latly's respect, aud the dofarenee shoave hum iti a lier- son wvbncasîce te ses hlm oeaday avitn the fanihi' fomte ita rsterealal anai fer Use dahi' Mc. Curzon hoard o eiteslit fron tse hosea,chie couhai net kaep ani'tlieg te herseift liaIrite tougitt tould interastt bar oit! instar anad nistress. *"Tratea l iitî as if hae bal besu a lord, he did," sîte saiti, speakicg of te persen wbo had couac te sec Itîe rtist, *"spekae blmnait b his bai in bis bamua, anal aas Most rspl)elfamh.Ilie n'as oui' hera for ordera; M. fermer had soute directious te gis-a about bis studio le bave, anal se sent for bia. Grayseu nal me Ihongiti h. cama tfronti a paiutr's canvas shop. perbapa, or f om oiSse deaer, euh>'lha meeataalqaîte te gentleman hînsaîf." "Wh te sas las M. Dornsn'a huai- nes," Mn. Curzeîi sait], le mil rehuke, theugi, rutl e lI, haiaas cet -orry for anyInlformation &bout the atit; hae vas begnneiig te hava a misgivieg taI 11111e'.s sel face anal ainsesToice vwer. the attractions nt Woodlaigh, anal he was rallier trocithea; Mihle n-as se rolmng, se ceefldiîg. Anal whia e n-as dehating aitbhlm. self Milla anal George Dormer vêe wahk. lnxg bi' the aide et a brook nt haIt a'mile e*Vayforgeltiug te nonla andal al lu It ait tae ana-att etthir newl>' coufesseal love. - Hardiy leu days, Mile doar," salal 'auorge Donner. "but long eneugis for a whole liftinaet love. I conil nt lova y«-en ater if I hait keowu you incestise worlal began." And Milie ifledliber cyca andalookeal *»Iyy Into the face, anal than hat ibain diaalu for th-i' VAcefun touers my eyes," the artist said, pasalonateli'; '*look aitume and tell me 1 have found my wife." Bbce nestled up te hlm and let hlm clagp ber te bis heart regardisas of the faet that footiteps nare comleg up bahind thena. It was euh' wben a haed was laid sewhat shari-hy on ber shonîder, and George Donner tarted la surprise, that asit turneal and fareal ber oncle. "They told me 1 sbenld final Miss Mur- ray ber," hae sald, cldly, "aud il waë bicteal to me at the saine lima that wherever Mr. Dorner bas beau sean late- hi, Millia was Ct fur off. le ibis fair te us, young ir? My' niace la but a girl and yen-", "I anm a man wbe ougbt te kuow htter And ddees Mr. Curzen tbiek thal I coulal do anythieg clandestine or designedlli wlskad. Yeur naine was on our lips as yen came up, andl I n'as mait tellieg your uieca that 1 would make mi' pease witb yen fer stealing lier froin ye." "*Yen speak sonfidently, au If sncb a rohbery aers practîcuble," the recter said, soetewhat starnly. "MisMurray bas been indiscreet. 1 wiIl cal! bier conduci hi' no harshar came et presant, andl yen bave htrayed the trust 1 iebd le ye n l thtug temptieg lier te a i(ourse cf conduet the reversa of trnabful." "Do't ha angry, Mr. Curzon," the art- bit sajal. *'lbavs rical le go away; it aili net do; t in fate, If I left WVood- leigh te-merrew, and eet te the uIter- moat end of the, werld, Millia weuld hae the oe womae on eartb for me ail tise isaine." "But yen have keowu ber go short a limte; il la enli' a inatter of days," Mr. Curzoe replied, aghssat at the air of pos- session assumed b hi'te yenng man. "i*ive minutes was quite eneugh te tell1 me 1 had fenna te aoman nite wenld he ail ini ail to me for the reat cf nîy life," Mr. Donner Raid, aitis serions eartiesteess. "I aas csmicg te yen for your conset; mecb as I love Milie, 1 wouid net take ber wititont il. That you fonnd ns bers logether et tbis particular minute n'as the resuit ef accidet-ava made ne appictouect Ibis lime." Tiiere n'as something truthftal and iton- est je bis mnaccer, anal Mr. Cuîrzon faIt thatlihouas iteenal te hstan te im. "I met thik, Imuat suesider," lha scial; "there ta i' aifs to constt; sIte bas been the anti' motter Mdiie bas kcern. Leave eiy uieca to ne cow, Mr. I4ormer. and cone tote tarottory tn-iglit. Millie. your auet n il] ha n'aiing fur as.' And taking lîta niece hy tbe arcs hae stroîl awacy. tabile te artit ltaukt'd after tbs retreaîiuag figures %witit a curions smuila îon bis face. "It aili al coiaisright-li ha seu. "I'm sure lttahe rtîy recotr nil Ilic altitie wiîliî uu creîlînîiials. Nty Milli.! andl ton tdays age i had nover setia lier. Thte faisa'smra saroulger tanunr tilla aflar ('HAI5'iEliVII. ?drs. Curzoni Iad batil lîîîe to stornte lierriiart's i"jna'nî, andta NIillie t, retrolat le bier own roonaniwit a flusiietifaî'e andt taarful e os. itefire George Donner np- lîtareal ut tîte ra-i'iiry. It un s a,'tvbhaî late in tse svaîîing wlîcn te artiat arrisa; ite a iad bouc Iver' careful cf bis atr-e snteal te miake n good imptression, asîtocinly on Mrs. Cuirzona. "lHe looks likea aprinces ledisguis," tuaI lady said to berseif, as lie steî,k bauds wiîh ber. "Arealal artiste like ite. 1 wnîder! la heen-bat lha eusnt? Nili itliha a second edition cf-Bah! I muet net Ilîink il; Iloralie uili fot Iet millie go W itliotut preper icquiryi mt, averytbicg." "Doue leava us, '%ra. ('urzonî." George Donner sitl, tnd asecoutalinflt bellire- markieg the musical îeaty ef is@tVoire. "j'utyoaa te heur evarything 1 bave te ou kY~nkîotv wut I bave comae te ask Ifr %Ir. Curzon mand yen T' ,Mf have hennI, but I san scarcali' realize any yonng lady brongitt up, as 1 bave tried te bricg up mii'nece, wcîîing 'te iarry a mac suhein sha ban ecly kisowaa faw n ys." "Love takes no court of time." te 5ouitimac said. "Von bave net lft your yeulh sgo far boinid >eu that yeu cancot sympathize nith as!' "Further than youî tliîk fer, perbupq," te rsctor's lady said. hridlieg aud color- ing with pleascre. "We mtsti heur al Iabout il final. Pîsctures are ail ver' Weil, Mr. Dormer, but thai' aretîccerînin as a uvai' ef living, are they nt?" If what George Dorner sald was truc, thare wasane reasen n-hYi' e shouldn'î marri' Millie. He a a non ite avoril. His parents boni disal huie hwaas yeung, leaving bareli' aufilient le adaîcate bim. Luter ou, a relative liîd taken le painit- iug as a pursut nitli consitsriale sas- casa, is litures n'cre ouailered te bs Worth a good prise, and Ibers n'as ne dif- ficulty le selliiîg titea. "That'a tbe plain, unvarniaheal tale of my prospects anal positien," hae declcrad, wbeu ieha bd finisbed. "1 move ie fair social' 'avee 1 amin leteav. My' aife would net hae duli uer negîleale, analsite avould want for netbing in the way of confort. I wilI give yen the nanes of my men of business; tbsy knew me, and knew mi' father hefore me; tbey aili give yen auy Information yen aant about mi' properti', ail of which 1 will settle uncen. dillonali' on Millie. ithe sah halieinde- 1pendent freintae bour yen give bar le me."' 1 There avas ne basilation or banglug hack; s-cry avorutaas speken witb lier. fect epeunesa and candor, and '.%r. Curzonu felt that haeaas haarlng the trutb. ".I aboli go tu bava to-morrow," tae lrecior enid, as is nieca andl ber loyer beel kIheir heade togther over au album. "I cassuot beur dlay anal suspense. You sai' eyeur lawycrs are le lowb, Mc, Donner?" I heard trous thenr yesterday. I know ber;*alàp ,' 1 ibaee,-W. troduce ber' Ion aext week; ah. la comiag for n few dày%4" explaineal bc. Curzen. "I don't kuow everi'body," George Dec. mer saidl, nltb au odal amila. "The lady mai'keoav me, perbaps." He did net sean inclinaîl te continue ihe isubjaci, but abut thei album aud taîkeal of soealng elsliil tse lime came for thain te separate. "Lady Temple Dewar." ha said te imb- self, afler leaving. *"i domî't tbiek 1 sahai cars about mnking the at'qtaaitause of the fairi' godmether. Evîr> abiug muai ha sattled, andl Millia mi' sifa. before I coe trust ber in the pr~seo f that lady. Tha carniage might turc îai'k iitea pnmnpkie If abe bad a finger tin the pie. Who kiteav?" CHAPTL'R VIII. "Oh, i'm so frlghteaadr' George Dernier teokth lit 111e face that avas litteal le bils le bis tavo lînîs, sud kisasel Il as a mau kisses that n bicit ha- long" te him. Andl Millie did heiong te laite non, h. knew lt-be knaav rigbt well tuat cea ena word ln bis diafaver wonld ha spikn hi' the gentlemen te w-hem ha bad referred ber uncis. "Wbat are yen frlghteeed ai, litais woin?" hea aaked. "What bas tîîppanied since n'a parteal yestecday evenmig te frigisien âbu ?" Yh'ei' werc standing tegeiber among ltae ross in the rastori' gardan. unse-uiof aven' oneexcepi the birds ana l liers, and oe rather rough-leekieg mati, cf avhosa presensa Ibsi' avre totîalty aun- an-are. anal aio wns hooking ut lti-uui from the gale that lsd imb the lîigi nîtit. "1*'eli, George, blae," Millie saiti, lisiî- ieg furlouali' as as ajpoka the nai, -I ain afraid of everyth'nmg. Uecie bas geue le Lodon-" "«Ha bas lest ce tîma." ".Ne; te Raid la aveulal ha ou lis teia'. tili ho bad hee. Oh, George! saiîttîta' h sbouid take offense ut nomelbing ahto aur- yars mai' soi te hm and-" "Asal take yen froin me? At. cîy danling, I amin nt afralal; 1 keos tiiose gentlemen, if Ibsi' chose. e ould gay' titgs te yeuc uneis Ihal noulal make hiu gltîd te give me bis lîtle girl; but 1 ami going te stand on mi' merils." "I wia 1 oulal feel as certain as yeni do," Millia said, avilb a sigh. "'Auatie ia aveli. fot suspicionîs exact!', buîtalto Rays unoeeisa nel sautionsenougit. Yon keain mi'poor motier-" For ananver George Donner taok lirte bis heart anal severeal ber aneet fuases iith kisses. "Suppose I kuoav that uitIle story, ?ailtlie dea-r," ha saiti. "Yon atire *ouraelf, mîîy darileg, and>-our incuber avas ag,îI mnan*s sistar, anal I amrnot going to lucre' lthe marner' of a long paIstorron'. NVe ssill lîury il un our love anti bappiesacuI caver dig il np again wn sayen are eîy n'if e." 17he mac nt abs gala avas vatîîiîîg tem n'itb much inlereet. He ciii n rotugi leoking fellow n'itb a san-bitieîi face. A Iraveler cvidentiy, but serlatly ne bofggar, fîîr tuera cas a roeghit mua îîonîioce about bini, anîd n fearleas tuait lIn bis ku'oisgriy yes. "tjoold [ botl! hoaiîlteaiimasif, rsiar- icg aItlte pair as thcy sîtal absorlit-il in one acotiter; "it's ns gitîtt as naiii. blest if il aic't. Whob is ho? Wliat is ha?! Heuv aid lie enie bars je Ibis ot-t of-tite-nvay pince? BIah! I muai ha grotîig inati. Staeetiuarticg theci are. Ilts a fainty thîicg abat t sb,,uld bave tras ,'hol herealal thase nmiles to ses ltaI, anditi1 doiuil aven kuiow ubaI lite iplnaela üenlie! yet." "WVhat don -oila ntt. my go-od mais!" île starteal, ed Icrisedta tesec a -tl dresseti uady'stanîding hisside 'hlm. Sie lacd couac up nvithoul bis hearieg ber. "Ntlicg, uaa'auuî," ha replisal, standling asitie roauaeafatlly. -I nus aonderiic stîtare I bnd gît lt. ccian-as only iookirîg al ltae flon'ers in rthe garleut yonder, an,î lbiukimg bon lretu>' Ibsi' ere. Na offensa, I boita." "Noesu inthe leat," site repieal, lotk- ing nt hiniciitsli. "Titis la Cbatfititl NW'otltheigh. Titis rond round thte coi-men of ltse gardemi aili tala eu poaIt te chaîrcitanal nigit througi lte village." "Titanui you kindly, eîa'am," anîdlta, man rutiseal bit, iaatta'rad bat anal botacti aviit qatite a dîfferemîl air frein that cf lih, rustias niith nîten'I ra. Curzon uvas nu- qtiid. anad nveut lus usay. n'ulkiîg siess'ii'tbroaîg lthe vi lttgý . nd driukin4z a glass of lacer ut aSthItl liî- lhit ousa., Zand matin-itaig tc otil aal the isformsa- tien las naîîled allott lie gentîlemaîn nitose jtrosceiiugs in tti' reclory gardon btadil erosstd hue seateuri-i Ha laigitedin10 imsif as bh a -ked onnnrd lots-nti Cantierbuiry. "George Doruter," lia acid al 10 iîsaîf; "*that's lthe genitean's niante t 'anmd the prelli' girl is lthe p.ursrî's uie;sudna lhey are gong ta ha marrietl, 8thtie peo- pise tiuk. l)ick Suîerrllt, ycn are iin lauk; here's a milcit 505v uvaiting ta ha militoa. W'sii-knowe lu Louden. slaite! Peints pistues? Ils couldet liaint a prattier eue than ha shoavea me titis morning. Site's a preli' orcnutars, anal eue a mais avoulal de a dciii for. Mr. George Donner, an artiat, weil-kuoavn about beavu; iaven't tergat lta." CIIAPTER IX. "I lhiuk >cc bave aIl gone mad, tisai I ad. It's ttheuost etetstrona tbing I es-en itearti et in ail mi' lits!" Tte speaker asas Lady Temaple Denar, ussuîy arrîveal ai litarecton>-, anal au- Ibroneal in te neat confortable ea- chair te hous afferdeal. nith a cup et finetesa haside ber, anal Mille le attend-. sne. Thea celer vas eut. anal Millie wasa.out walkieg avit a yoeîag mata as sisa arnivoal -Lady Temple Don-an aaw tai fer her- seIt, for asecatugiti s glimupseoet a lI figurae eaiitg dewfl ever a pretti' girl as site drova rapidl>' pasl a certain abadi' nook lu a tragrn aullne, analtisa brlgisb face taIn-as uplifleal te net bis glanes, wîitssh love l intaesaveet cyes, hahougeal le ber geddaughler, Miidreal Murray'. Sise aid net sec lte face efthtie mass, thougbha turîsea sharpli' at Mille'a sautisal excamation as tae sarrlage vent b>, anal ineali aakcd wa Ito I aas. "Mi' godmoîber," bMillie rapleal, "anal I Muet rua home, George; scella aid net expeet ber to"day, analse la lu sncb a nuale. Let ne go now. Yen aili donc anal ha Intreduceal preseebiy, vo'i yen?" "Oh, et course. Wisat time shail I coma?" "As if yen needeal te askî Lady Dewar ve't usake bbc easb bit et differeuca. I mnt net siai' another minute, Weil, t 'bre then, theres aneibea' for yen, anal yen sha"t keep me a single Instant Slqbroiq troz hlm sud man ot, mite ~p adaat me maa1 h a m le VL yesa«daa tm lIm OCmiid Lady Temple Dewar." 1w .md, ultih some annoyasace. but, un It aeeied, wth more amusement. "I wlsh @a was et the antipodes, wlîh ait my heurt. 1 suppose i sha'n't san Millie ex- cept by lits and mtarte for ever so long. Ais, well, she won't stay forever. 1 ex- pected te. find soide lions in thse patb when I ssked the rector for i. ecea, but 1 certaiely dld flot thlnk Lady Temple Dewar would turu eut te hae one of tbein." It was rather awkward Lady Dewar's comlng lu this sndden fashion, anal fer a minute or lwo she was vsry il-tein- persd, but the raclr. returu and a cup of tea @et hier te rights. and she madie Millie sit dowe beside ber and tel] ber everything. "I conld net very Weil write and tell yen I was comieguti! yesterday, for it vras oeiy then that 1 keew about the Reid- haven business bing put off." "Reidbaven! ivere yen going thers?" asked 11illie; asebad heard of the place bafore, and had a great Ieeging te see it. "Yeu, the Graftons were going, and we aboutid have heen a pleasant party. Lord NVgent gald he loeked te me te hae hostess this time, but business bas kept hum le Itnly." "Io lihabaroad?' tbe recter arked; "I saw bis name je orne papar enîy a day or twe ago, I thougbt lha was ie Lon- don." "Ha la very restiens, coming and going always. The talegrans vas frein Fler- ence, and I thougbt I conld flot de hetter than make iay vieit bers iustead. Now I have told yon what hrougbt me bers, 1 bave a question te ask." "Wi'at la itT"' Mr. Curzon eaid, n hile Mil lie blusbhed. "Who ln the mae thai M.%illie bere n'nlks wjtb in the lances and kimiaes untIer the biedges like any dairy-njaitl witb ber mweetbeart? 1 saw yon, miss, se doncl attpt le deuîy i." "I amrn ot going ta." '.iillie replicil. raisiug lber banal and leoking bier god- wtother ful lin tbe face; "it la trac." 'MNillie la flot usbamed ef i," te rector maid; 'Ibere bas t-en ne epporuciîy cf ittforming yeu of wbat bas bec bappen- iig bers. se we walted til y yearne; tat gentleman e i ile.futurebutibail." 'lier wbat?" '*Her busband that ls te lie." "ln the worîd turucîl upside dowi,? aîkt" iber ladysbip. "Tel!lrne ail about Il. AiA'11[r. Curzon, not witbeut momne tretatîlation, for bier laalysbip had a sitirp tontttî, d id tll ber ai itnt il. anti nas raît triai!fer is pains by the sentence nvt ia h h ititis thaliter opens. "Tlit're's ne wav of asseuntieg for i un- lestt tu bave oùIl bt your senties"," he sîod. "I neyer beard uY sush a îling- "NI r. Dormer in a gentîlemnan," te rector salît. 'snd a man o f meaca. ibore is iîtthing againat bue." 'Nottlig agaicat bite! There lm evi'rv ttîing agailîslt ite, 1 should tbink! atî ing trîtîgîtthe country' skelcbing dtîes nat îiakt' a mnais gentleman. Anti ulît t'î'r lîtarti <f ait artist cuitedl George Ittrmî'r? Theres no sucb naine iente art wîîrld. I tell yoti." *'%Nllie dear, go ua" Mr. Curzon sait!, st'oing Miliesriglt tycti fil! n'itb teara at tht' angry iittiendlo. "If yeur lady- t.hîp %) Il l 'op 0Oit i, yeu Win tlink Istll incre talitnos ije lie ctîruiîtg, ancd alien yo ave so acu te ycung ten u e il! un- bt'san iat be is sorneliîtg 5r dif- ferent fronithIe genaral rtîe cf tonrista. I bitve not fergolten Millie's iniorest je tht'titattîr. He referra d tata tebis mntof tîieansd tlîree days cago 1I nt don e to seei hant."- "And %%ho are tht-' T' Lady Dewvar asko't. qI'sa tacîtepe and Duriîeiore. I sac titi' lient! of the firet." "And d tii! t loy ajta k %ne! cf b in) :1 -Tet criatijl>' did, cmoraea b ait ait. i f mort' ca,îd ha'. Mr. Stanhobe 'sait!lbe should ha',tîrotîl te ctI lîtutsotl." "And it'ey toucha<d fer bis beiiîg a mana of means." *iNioderate menus; be la îatt vary risb, butibhalbas eiîougls baDulie itsutiable for NMillie; aîtd te cbîld!tovtea im n'ith lier n'bele be:trt, i amn convict'î'î of that." *'Wbat liaslite î Wiihde~'tre has ha exitibiteti? Wit a egt fbt - Ient know, Ittt yen shail question hiityoiirsalf; hiesili tac here presentîy. I 'wxpeî't. bhIt' net ctruo many opîtortuni' ties of venli t g ti as." VT uro hocontlnued.) Masonle bRelles. Iunte Masoîun l olge lente ancien! cliy et Alexiadrin are kcpt lithoe rellcs, articles useit hi'Washinlgton,%n lic n-as a Mfaster NMason. Iligla o (a lasl;aa big huatiten -overed ariidair Ini %-hlch. Washintoln sct Nviien îîresidlng oe-e a meîetng, aînd In a glass cuse hsa c amali troc-el avit an Is-or>- liandle, iticit n-us useti iii ayisg lte corner tone of lte Capiiol 101 years ago, t-itt lte pair et whiite glus-es hoeavone on te sanie occaion. Inettesanme case am-e a sciai! peahisanalleal kulfe n-lit-hn-as gis-eus 10 Wasington hi' lis niotser n-heu hoe nus a boy of twselve, and aviicit aas Ie bis possession for oe-r fltty-slx yeurs; a Mlasonic apron made hi 'Mad- an Lafayette anal preselteelte W'nsb- Ingion; a plece of chothu torts freinte coverlng et bis coffin; blnck gios-es avere ut bis usies's funeral, anda butten cul frocs te centhoen'as aear- lug wlien lie toek ltae octi as firat Pres- Ideet 0f the L'elted States. liane, also, ave see -the dlock tit stood lu tite noon vitare Waushington allea. Il la a sinal one wlth a trame et dark wood, aud tbe bapidg, avicis avre ateppeal the minute hae breutheal bis ast sigit, ailîl peint le laent' minutes pai tan. The Rgbt Baald fer a Thial'. -"A niedinin-alzeal, llin man alwa>'s inakes the besi kinal et a thlef," salal Dateclîve Murrai' te a Phlladelpitia Cati reporter. "Yoit seealieecau gai tbreugit maey a smiul openlng, sud, If eecessar>r, men of titis buil are ssualhy agite eneugi tot sprng up te a wledew aIll anal tius gain an entranca leito a bouse. "If a mla b ootal ottan hitndars hlm lununovîng about le soeaplace, aud trcqssautlylha wIlhî make a noiae and attraci attention," "'Yen aay tisai herse ls't afralal et anythlng. Can mi' vite drive hlm?" III dou't knew, mis. I have nover acc jour vliW"-L1h. SOME OF THE VERY 1..ATUII'ý ILEAS IN DRESS. Designer's Ciln that Biceves Are Growlng Sasaltar, but ns Yet the Pýroofs Are Lackinu-Two Neut Prin- cerna Mode-Fancy Wast. Droop. Fsshtou's Latest Fancies. Nlew York cornspondence: ItESS designers of Ihe firsi rauk no,", caim that Kleeves are gvow- lng tamallar. ItS t " tîma they dia!, If theyre to kea'p vp to their utrckeiî record o f des- mandinga change o'f fasîtieus tbe msoment carrant stiyles becama set- Y tled ln ami' one Important point. As yet the proofs . f Ilîir dims are few and flar between. but sho whe has a lasI year*s dî'ess that site waets te remodel and wIto ieds the sleeveki a lîttie sauI, eau renteuber these as- sertions anI bechIbe to wear the goave wlth confidence. But If It be a new gown thut la under conlderatlon, de't pie your falth t0 Ibis dlaim, but go ahead and bave t1he sleeves as big as your dressmaker catit nîke tlîsia. Ilmen yon can look dowe laIon the tiier wo- usar wbo is pralendlng that site be- Ileves sîceves are hecoînlng sialler. One of tise IndicaatinsIbat show ibat loaves uili lie autîjelito a change before a grent whîila, and, at the saine tirne, prove abat uncertainty exlsts as to just wiaat the change wlIl brlng, Islte fact that th1e point ai uvblsb sleeves now shîow a diffarence, oeesort f romt the otlier, is oftenab flice wrlst, ralisar tisnait tIhe shouldar or just beloav. Wîien one ttieks of lihe s-ast vanleli' ot pufs analdncîseeîs titut have bcd titoîr fashlonahile dat since dreas sîsaves wsere of meal-tLng se, Il seenîs ai final us If every pIossi- hie sort ital bean, emiploysal, but wllli Bo mucb naterlal tas, lhearaanged thle varleti' oftenas len wic tlcilcan ha Iput la pnactcaliy eudless. Se, shifîhng the point of elahoratien frein puff lu cuf ludialîces that dressamakers hauve useu- rled oft nupuîuting tbig laumfas, u'iach meatis that Ussi' iu'n't last aanyni a- sons longer. A musit fas-ored melisea et gig te teon-en part of lte see a eew citaructer la eauployed le titis final laîcture, ishere thte cuffa lake hall torm, wbIch la kept le shape hi' stiffen- lug. Tis assenç~laa-ai e»ed Ilunug Ibrougitout te wbols sieas-c. wthit-ls eot a comforlabhe titouiglt, but te proportiont of neus-fasilon wr-nklas titat do net set poor usonian a-uvoryng la aven aimii. A dark- greeclotit nas useal for Ibis areas, whiose jacket hodice lad a rîplîpe basque, revers anal turn-deavitcellar, ail edged wiliu hlas folds. The famci' naIslt, luns-ng been before lte fuît beecit otf ashiou's auhirsan julgeas anal bee condemieteso edroop le wtomnena faser 1111 suas itojslessly "ont," neuv seeius te be mo)rs triun- pisanili' popular titan as-en,und! a us-m- an simpli' cacenot liave too mni etf thean Thte ver' îaett'est arseaide wltli lte front fullnrg basse anal fina, ana te wlde fiai affect funther empisusizeal iti the fullilug ef apair et stmaîts ot ste- ANOTHWB vYPM Or LIE S OIT. broidereal andl jeweleal malal, vIde aneugi t t add conaîdecabli te lte ex- panse acrees the ciet ansd t10tbbc vat lina, Here thc atrapa are eut off, sud Use belt, absurdlli full under tise oue anal fiat front, appeare te ha IlmpoWabli' tlny. But -depitu ibis coutinuance et the fanci' valet, priaces dr'em are appeabg la blalumbera toi ladoo taDow ex" li For itIi.firut, mauve u ed. Bide@ s", dbacet~ akîri la moderateija wtde£b front a tablIer of pale litib là arra'uged la aide pleiti » stralgbt from, e amaîl yoke , sIlk. Tisîs yoke la éovered:wl lace andi bas a stock IolWmt te q Mauve velvet ferma a deefl 4I.Ï correspondlug epaulettew. roba',4 botb aides of the pleated Iubillr. . WtTlt A PRINCESS LOOK INç FR0NT V1=W lng toward the bottoin, and la trîmuol wlth bows et le narrowest point. Sevres bIne cashmere la the farWI of the second princesu model, wbich lo made wltb a plain tablier front a"' wltb side pleated aides and back. IWc llnlng first books le the centet and the front laps over. fi la modeit0rt wlde lu the sklrt part and le llae wltfr thse saine abade of Élit, but lafnot mtW> ened. In the wlde sleeven the Cà6- ý ancre la accordion pleated and thepl&U> stock la covered by a lace collai', bO for thls a a11k mull! or iawn ficha mr- ho substltuted for the collar, or a", other sultashle ueck trlmmteg. A new weave of chiffon th"tha ~~ tegauzy transparency and Pl"'~ sofrnes&i of the eld chiffon and la quisîtc satin lustre, b-sldes, lMis«.u aseit. ferr daplng bodîces and foraeat* antd fichus. Fluied ruche@ of th.'@ tuba ter!al are seen, the finies 8O arrangm4 titut they geem t.o be the felded PebW otf l1(wers, the effeot belng that Of W crusit of exqulslte flowers atout mê,ý n"ck. 'Tle effect lo helgktened by po fuing the boas and tintlng thse cblgOU«, iyiflu the sisade deepeniiig frein the tbep of tue tites. Ruches ure usually m4 a little longer than the Dock round, ~ that wlîcathtey are allowed to ea ixi>se they miske a psetty finisha. mucst always there li a fall of lace eacb end. A new devîce tisat la pa~ ned a.s an accessory te the dre»s e4 ar ili a eollar made of gold wire, or ot jeýweled metnl. Iu ail caeff the euea atî thse collar cone togetber dit the b.~ anal lIsere appear a pair of sofleý crisp loops of rlbbon or ganse. 1Tt». ends of the collar are pro'vlded tit,ý litUde eyelet holes to allow thse fateoluuq of the rlbboe. A bouse dress Ibat lu front view 1W- suggestive of princeseut h Preun"t PANEL. AND VE5? sEEMI5fOLY Â5W in the ftnIl lustration. 0f br*10 dlot, is stlffened skîitshows a pas or tablier efthtie sainie gQods ornaMel ail avitrova e«.soutache brald. '11 tablier contines ou te tise bodle4U- lng, ltere eût long eeeugh te torsal cor'seletb ieit, aviicisbhoksas StbfIdo Tise hodîce bas a plaie bisa ba*lm- a short basque. lu front Uere las, plant whtch couceaha bise fastenWe # ha caUser vIder aitishe top bisa botton. A row of buttons dl titis pleut, anal a plain Ilnen put inside the stan ding oeee ie contrant tetise almosttboon bag front, la the avatheal bodc hi' acarfing Use figures la tbefo c dlosai' drawn drapery. Tb*, wltb a goed figaire mai' have her owu gowus made bagged tisaise knowa lihat lawviset, theo saine lime athe mai have on.0, m.3de lu ibis ether fashion, ad aili aura!' diaplai' ber fise beller advantagc. Âeothcr draper ltat vii serve tihe a pose la eniploed ou tise ha ternoon dreas of tbc final plecfaft. lesbead ot baving thse fallau" ai the vat, thse mterIa làl ote iearraholesanad pleats tbier., frein vbhce b pretti'y. Violatglace aux #la naterlal, ho whieh lu ad"e btack andl white samla uttb cellar attaieff Sai lu thse shIrt. 'Ime bell rîbison tIse! t tic ajeve £ ffl -m-rÏ4 a -P- ut-

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